EVERY Class and Loadouts to FARM the Twins FAST! | Orthus Offensive | Warhammer40k: DARKTIDE

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hello viets I've been playing a lot of the new author's offensive mission in an attempt to find the most efficient method of completing it on damnation this is the regular damnation version not the hard mode why might I be doing this because it's a pretty good orange weapon farming Mission most of my runs take around 4 and 1/2 minutes on average which translates to Rolling a random orange Cher weapon every 7 minutes or so including loading times and cut scenes while not as valuable as PL steel being able to roll so many orange weapons in such a short time means it's a decent method of trying to roll for blessings on various weapons sometimes you might even get lucky and get a very serviceable road that just needs a little bit of tweaking in any case whether you choose to do this Farm is up to you of course a coordinated team will perform better than trying to do it with a bunch of randoms most of the time in this video I'll be going over some of the most optimal team compositions loadouts and strategies that have allowed us to get a damnation clear in under 4 minutes this also applies to Hard Mode I'll show you the run at at the end of the video so you can see what continuous testing and optimizing eventually resulted in now for some contexts my team and I have tested running various combinations of every class from running all four of the same class to various combinations and build I have come to the conclusion that there is an optimal choice to be made and that some combinations will just be worse than others what I'm going to do now is break down what I think are the optimal builds for each class which includes their role talentry and weapon choices for this Mission specifically to do this you will also need to have unlocked and completed the hard mode at least once on any difficulty this gives you access to the Bell alter which allows you to skip straight to the final Arena starting with probably the most reliable and consistent class the ogens ogens are probably the best class suited to running the mission efficiently why two words Ripper guns Ripper guns have the ability to absolutely demolish the void Shields of the twins regardless of which one you are dealing with ogin are also very tanky with buil-in damage resistance and a deep Health pool allowing them to weather more mistakes and better deal with corruption damage on screen now is the talentry from the heavy weapons Orin but using a mark five Ripper gun and frag bomb instead with this Build Your Role is to destroy the void Shields of the twins with the priority being the melee twin since her Shield takes more range damage once her Shield is broken shift your attention to the melee twin and break his shield as well if you have light them up active from point blank barrage dump as much ammo as you can into the range twin to build up burn stacks and bleed damage your team's Collective priority is to kill the range twin as soon as you can an alternative weapon to use if you don't have or don't want to use a rer gun is to use the gonum heavy stubber while not as strong as the Ripper gun at breaking void Shields the added range and heavy hits allows you to better deal with Ranger packs and M spawns before they get too close to you as for your melee weapon you can use whatever you'd like if you want to deal more single Target damage the new shovels are great at doing that on the other hand if you want a more defensive weapon with strong crowd control the mark 3B bully Club works well for this and is a personal favorite of mine in reality as long as you have the Ripper gun on you most Oren builds can work be it a shield taunting one or a bull rush one but if you want the tear Shields apart you can't go wrong with the heavy weapons Orin build and a Ripper gun next up veterans the main reason for wanting to bring a veteran is simply because of the focus target Keystone when combined with Focus fire it allows you to mark an enemy causing them to take up to 32% more damage from everyone if you combine this with the shredding power of the Ripper gun you'll literally destroy the void shield in less than 5 Seconds you'll see this in action in The 4-minute Run clip at the end the damage boost against ping targets also makes dealing with packs of Elites and waves of specials a lot easier not to mention they are easier for everyone to see as well as for the rest of the Vets build there are two paths you can take depending on how confident you are in your own ability and how confident you are in your team the first one is a demolition support bill which gives your team ammo grenades toughness and the ability to revive down allies in clutch situations this comes up more often than regular missions so it's worth taking in my opinion this build also allows you to Chuck grenades very frequently to create space and even wipe out armored packs every now and then the second one is a more offensive stealth build that is much better at dealing with the twins but doesn't provide your team with as much support as the last build both builds are viable and guidelines on what has worked for me make adjustments as you see fit weapon-wise most range weapons will work nicely in ripping apart their void Shields personally I have found the agrina slug shotgun works very well to my surprise the slug allows you to take out specials and armored units without a problem meanwhile dumping regular shots and slugs into the melee twins Shield does a surprising amount of work other notable weapons my team has tried includes the agripina brace auto gun the Bolter and the plasma gun as for your melee weapon the new vet shovels can put in work for sure but for me I like the Old Reliable standard issue munitorum shovel Mobility is key so weapons like the combat blades and tactical axes can work to keep you moving around and away from danger a special mention for the chain swords and chain weapons in general they can really put in some work when it comes to Breaking the void Shields and deal a respectable amount of damage when the opportunity presents itself moving on we have zealots next zealots are also a very strong and flexible class to pick for this Mission they can be built in different ways and still be an asset in pushing the mission along all build paths are practically useful in one way or another but the greatest asset a zealot brings to the table is its mobility and speed I would say the Zealot is the best class for removing obstacles for the team be it Priority targets like Elites or specials even pox Walker hordes and importantly triggering the toxic gas mines the range twin keeps tossing all over the place one of the key roles to keeping a smooth encounter is making sure the team has the space to move around as a zealot you have a lot of speed to easily trigger the mines without getting caught in them especially if you're running a stealth build while I stand by my opinion that most Zealot builds will work the one I offer here provides a lot of defensive support for the team it is also very forgiving to use if you are still a little shaky in your combat skills for damnation level missions this bill gives you all the tools you will need to mitigate as much danger as possible during the mission blades of Faith gives you the ability to deal with Far Away specials easily no matter your range weapon of choice this is useful against pesky bombers and snipers thth B Swift ensures you can never be stunned while running solidifying your Mobility to move around and Trigger Minds without worry Shield of contempt gives you and everyone in your team a massive damage reduction buff if damage is taken Beacon of Purity helps shave away the corruption damage that is slowly chipping away at your health this works even better if you're running corruption resistance and have a very high Health pool for a combat ability we have chosen chorus of spiritual fortitude for this build it has the ability to not only create space for your team and increase their survivability but it can also stagger lock the twins after their void Shield is broken finally Swift certainty provides you with the all important plus 10% Sprint speed to further increase your ability to move around the arena with ease again if you have a stealth build in place or a fury of the faithful build you are using it will likely work just fine zealots in many ways are like orens in terms of usefulness and build flexibility as for weapons chain weapons are really strong and taking any of them will ensure you have a pretty easy time breaking Shields and dealing damage High Mobility weapons will always be good so combat blades and combat axes are a solid choice for both movement and damage melee weapons in general are free and easy pick what you like and feel comfortable using though some will have an easier time than others for range weapons however I think the flamer is is by far the most useful weapon you can bring on a zealot a single flamer on the team makes dealing with pox socer hordes and Elite packs that spawn during the ventilation fan event much easier during the ventilation fan event you can use your speed to run to the next safe spot ahead of your team turn around and then cover their escape by burning the pox Walkers that try to chase them it's a simple and yet very helpful thing to do for your team if you already have a flamer on the team then a Bolter is a decent choice for dealing with high pressure situations where mag dumping is going to save you or a teammate that being said weapons like the revolver and Brace auto guns will work nicely too the strength of the Zealot lies mostly with its presence rather than its weapons the class can make most weapons serviceable anyway so being able to contribute more outside of doing damage alone can make a run go very smoothly finally we have psychers Pyers probably have the roughest time in this Mission they are squishy don't have Mobility or escape tools and don't have the strongest DPS options compared to other classes in my testing a team of four cyers with all the staffs performed the worst taking almost 11 minutes and several deaths to complete the mission now that's not to say cyclers are bad it's just that having more than one is probably going to affect your team's single Target damage output if you are going for speed that being said you could probably pivot into a gun Pyle rather than a traditional four star pyer to increase your damage capabilities for the team for this build however I'm going to focus on using a Pyle in the traditional way with the use of a forse staff where a cyle shines in this manner is the ability to CR control basically the entire Arena because the map is so small and enemies are often very concentrated a Smite plus patas combo can very often shut down enemy advances before it becomes a problem this is the build I played around with while doing my runs and my focus was removing hordes and stunning Elites for my team to take out with ease in my build I take venting shriek because the ability to save a teammate from a pox sound is really useful especially if they get caught out during the ventilation fan event it also gives you the option to push your crowd control a little further to buy you and your team more time however if you would like to offer your team more cover since there's none in the arena you can easily pivot the talent points to pick up doome Shield instead of venting streak with no problems at all because Pyers don't have the movement of zealots or the ability to go invisible or the tankiness of an ogin they need to rely on their dodging and blocking alone to stay alive for this reason I feel that kinetic deflection offers a lot of benefits in terms of keeping yourself safe from attacks for longer at least long enough to buy your team time to come and save you this is especially the case if the melee twin decides to make you her object of violent affection for your weapons the pagata staff is probably going to be your best option for both hard clear and range boss DPS stacking up Soul Blaze does all right damage but you can always switch to your melee weapon after to further increase your damage output against the twins the trauma staff is a strong alternative for dealing with Elites more effectively and can deal with hordes decently well even clearing space for your team to run through during the ventilation fan event your melee weapons are where most of your boss damage output is going to come from so bringing one that can put in work will help a lot the chain sword is a good choice providing a strong mix of mobility and damage dueling swords and combat axes are good choices as well offering a more safer way of getting damage without having to rev up the weapon and commit for swords are an interesting choice they function similarly to the chains swords the deos and obscures at least but they offer a lot more defensive benefits with its push and push attack allowing you to Stager multiple enemies and even knock down ragers and moros from some distance try out different weapons to see what works best for you with all four classes covered we now have what I feel are the optimal builds for efficiently running the author's offensive mission one of each class works fine but the cor is really having at least one Ripper ogin and one Focus Target veteran after that you can mix and match whatever else you'd like the run in which we completed in under 4 minutes consisted of two Focus Target veterans and two Ripper gun orins before I end the video and show you the example clip the build tier also work on hard mode as well that being said hard mode is more of a test of situational awareness your ability to react and respond to the rapid changes in the flow of combat and of course your combat skill no bill will carry hard mode alone without sufficient skill but bringing the right build in will make going further a lot easier the rest will be up to you and your team to see through some general tips before I close out number one always aim to take out the range twin first he is the single biggest threat on the battlefield and needs to be put down number two watch your back Elite packs can spawn from doors behind you and in the middle of combat you might miss out on on your sound cues and end up taking a devastating blow number three do not neglect to kill specials Trappers pox hounds bombers and flamers must die as soon as possible because their presence limits your movement in one way or another you already have toxic Minds to deal with don't let them add more problems number four while the twins are bosses they are built a lot like a merher and have carpes armor for their head and both Flack and unarmed for their body depending on where you hit this means unless you have a weapon that is designed effectively for carace spots like the agren slug is gearing up for flag and unarmored damage for body shots will probably be better on all your weapons number five please remember to use your medical stims so many pubs I play with end up dying while holding on to it because they either forgot it was there or they were saving it for dark tie too generally speaking if using it would prevent you from dying then it's a good time to use it before the situation gets worse all right that's it for me I have thoroughly enjoyed playing the Autos offensive because not only is it a great boss fight but it also forces you to think and strategize your bills to deal with the situation as it unfolds especially on hard mode it was a lovely exercise in finding out what works best and what doesn't I hope you found this video useful in some way and of course I wouldn't have covered all of the powerful builds for running the mission efficiently but these are just the ones that I have used in my own experience and have performed to a respectable standard if you have used a build that has helped contribute towards your success especially for Hard Mode go ahead and share them in the comments to help everyone else too here's the 4minute run next thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one viets don't they look desperate brother if only we could make this last you ever change sister still playing with your food there's no flavor without sport I'm going to enjoy this help no going St I'm bleeding out no more [Applause] yeah looking good I can't tox will tenderize you there she [Music] go Li froming we thr grenade let's spice it up keep coming I'm PL for everyone enemy dead special say something veterans a good soldier grandfather as Ranger Ranger's out yes we sure like that we ain't yet tidily accomplished your extraction is waiting this is not exactly been textbook but be assured I'm very impressed by your ability I am certain we will speak
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 26,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9p70tP1k4WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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