[WARFRAME] ZOMBIE ASH! Easy Steel Path Endurance Setup Build/Guide | Whispers In The Wall

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[Music] what up dudes it's Gaz and welcome back to the warframe video so today we have the zombie Ash build put this together on stream last night and it's really good and easy just like how every zombie build has been so far and we'll be going forward before we go over this build guide meant for highle Missions and steel path and all that make sure sub this channel we do daily warframe video uploads build videos News videos and the like also hit that like button as well let's more people see this video I really appreciate all support recently guys I'll also be live on stream right after this video goes up uh change of plans I actually will be streaming tonight was not planning on it tonight but yeah I'll be live driving stuff out if you want to come hang out maybe put some new builds together with me on stream all right let's get right into it so what is the zombie Ash well Ash is an invisibility character in Warframe and he's got some good damage and and he looks cool so what we're going to be doing right now we're using a special ability from another character so if you look in the bottom right corner our energy bar is completely full 150 energy out of 150 energy we cast our abilities our ability our energy is down to zero and now the energy bar is going all the way up that's the idea of the bill through this sustaining of uh energy mul energy like regen we can just stay Perma and viz because the energy regen we get are provided is high enough that we can regen all the energy we need by the time our invisibility runs out so when the invisibility Runs Out instantly recast it you're invisible again you will never basically as long as you don't like run into another fire bubble like three times in a row you will never not be able to go in viz and with this we can actually get some damage Buffs while we're in invisibility as Ash so with our setup right now it's going to be uh guaranteed head shot with the scourge so we throw the scourge out fire our dual talks guaranteed head shot go back and visz instantly and we get a crit uh chance buff through smoke Shadow which can be very good for highle uh demolis and thra and just whatever basically so we're not really using his other abilities this is not really a slash build because the thing about this build is that you know SL Ash has a pass that makes slash proc stronger but slash procs takes some time to actually do the enemy this is a build that will instakill enemies uh does not rely on do additionally it does not rely on the seeking shuriken augment because I find the seing shuriken augment to be very unreliable able in uh you know crucial situations like that demolis about to jump on that thing right now I need this demolis dead sometimes seeking shuriken just doesn't work so I decided to not go seeking shuriken CU When I make these builds I want to eliminate the problems I've found with these characters over the years now there is one problem you can't really fix uh at least through the the build I have today and that's going to be the duration of the invisibility of smoke Shadow is just kind of low I mean it just is 8 second base duration scaling up with mods we're at 20 second duration on the invis that's like one of the that is probably actually the lowest base inis in the entire game I think even veruna has longer invis than that uh but that's okay because uh you know we have enough energy anyway so as long as we just recast every 20 seconds we're good to go uh and we have the crit chance augment 150% increased crit chance from smoke Shadow the big uh the big item here is going to be nourished from grindle giving increased energy multiplier and built-in viral damage with the zombie setup we've gone through uh in this build we are going to be doing full armor strip and full viral debuff as well as just insta killing very high level enemies uh being extremely safe while doing it our last ability Bladestorm is mainly just used here to St stun acolytes in place as this stabbing ability will stab the Acolyte and the acolyte will just be like hey what who stabbed me and they'll just stand there for a little bit let you easily take care of them with no magot lock down stunning required so going over the build and the shards we've got three power strength shards now these can definitely be replaced or something else if you prefer like casting speed parkour velocity and the like because we are overkill on strength for the most part we've got 288 per strength giving our nourish multiplier a 3.88 uh before maltt augmented the typical zombie setup does bring the two green emerald archon shards increased in corrosive procs on enemies up to 14 with these two put together we can fully remove enemy armor uh as long as it's not acolyte acolytes will be going up to eight corrosive procs which will very soften them up a lot but yeah for for acolytes you cannot get full armor St with just two normal green shards but yeah these are all these are all uh besides the green charge these are definitely out the personal preference you can go duration here casting speed here whatever uh for the build it will look very similar to the Revenant build if you remember that from a couple weeks ago uh where we are using energy Nexus and blind rage one of the big cruxes of this build these two together are very nice we've also got another Power strength mod with umbral intensify and the rest of the stuff is just going to be quality of life we got smoke Shadow for increased crit on our dual talks gets us to orange crits and red crits rolling guard because sometimes a fire AOE will hit you and you want to get that fire AOE off of you uh brief respit for when our Shield breaks we can casting ability like nourish to get some Shields back which will give us some brief Shield getting time to just basically not die from a heat proc hopefully Prime sh footed because if you have it you should run it if you don't have this you got other options like power drift or something like that uh for narrow-minded this we don't really need range on this build the range is basically just to make it where our radius of our smoke screen is is larger for hitting our teammates because this invisibility crit buff can work on your teammates too also gives you more radius on nourished but really it's fine it does not really matter uh we're mainly focusing on oursel right now to be honest they're kind of selfish build but yeah with this big buff we can just take care of uh high level enemies very easily Prime continuity for a longer duration on invis same with narrow-minded it's only an 8C invis but we do want to make it longer because it's just annoy recasting it every 8 seconds would be very annoying also increases the duration of nourish too we're about a minute of duration on nourish natural talent because we have to recast our invisibility every 20 seconds this will make the invisibility animation faster so you can just go in viz quicker that's the main reason I have this on here energy Nexus gives three second or three energy per second uh just built in from doing nothing that's why it scals really well with nourish multiplying that to like 12 or more mol augmented on kill get increased power strength one of the best arcanes in the game make sure you got this um and Arcane Precision this is one definitely a more of a flex Arcane slot um it will give you increased uh pistol damage on head shot and since we're doing dual toxic in carut in this video uh you'll be doing tons and tons of headshots and tons and tons of damage 300% increased damage can be going a pretty long way when uh we're hitting so hard these crits so let's get some steel path gameplay here I'm going to show you the builds for the weapons uh but spoiler the the builds of the weapons are pretty straightforward we're trying to get our corrosive procs to 14 corrosive procs as quickly as possible and additionally too just looking at looking in the background footage if you were using seeking shuriken your ad clear would be a lot worse because you I think seeking shurik's only like what one or two enemies at a time with the Dual toxic assist and corrosive procs you can take out like 10 enemies at a time and remove their armor at the like while you're dpsing them so just really nice uh and yeah I mean it's going to be in more builds going forward for a reason now as far as the reason I'm using the secondary here is because this is a disruption build and in disruption when you pick up those keys to do like the towers and all that you are you basically pick up a key and carry it around you are stuck with your secondary you cannot DPS with your primary in that situation that's why I brought a primary doesn't actually matter and there's a demol like instantly dying the primary doesn't actually matter the primary is just a little bit extra extra utility here cuz our skirt gives us guaranteed head shots uh making it where we're getting our guaranteed incar ammo for the weapon we're dpsing with the Dual to assist incar so uh yeah in disruption he's really good in uh Cascade he's really good too um you know you might be like okay well the build Works sure the build works but why are you even playing Ash you're not doing slash procs and to that I answer well I want to play Ash and also smokes like I said earlier seeking shuriken doesn't seem to work for me sometimes so I'm solving the issue of Ash armor strip being unreliable we're going with the zombie setup which I know you you're going to see more zombie setups for me in the future uh if they do end up nerfing in this setup I'll be sure to let you know but yeah as of right now these builds are so good that I'm going to keep making videos on them because I'm using them a lot and they're really really effective so um yeah so that's enough of the footage let's go over the rest of the builds and uh explain if I think this is worth it to you and also yeah you can do this on Loki technically too I just think it would be worse on Loki because smoke Shadow is helping quite a bit here okay so we are going to be using Scourge this is the normal Scourge you could use the scourge Prime if you preferred uh but yeah the reason I'm using the scourge uh normal not the scourge Prime is because the scourge normal has uh higher Riven stats The Scourge Prime has better reload speed which would be better for most players but to me my higher Riven stats is more important to me so I've got a Scourge rien on here Scourge Prime has more or faster reload speed and that is important to this build but yeah for right now just using the scourge normal same exact status chance same exact you know things that matter for what we're doing and we're using the full corrosive buil on the scourge it has builting corrosives we're moding for high voltage and Malignant Force to make it more corrosive 100% Standish chance on the primary shot and the throw is pretty what we're using this for though we have all the fire rate mods we can fit on here and every reload mod as well so uh you just want to basically throw this thing out and then reload it and then you'll have you'll to throw it again we also amation to make the movement speed of the character faster so I just going to go ahead and show you how this works so you have two options of how you can use this Scourge um you can use it as a corrosive procer which you won't really need on this build to be honest um but you could so I'll throw on nourish just to show how it is realistic situation so right there fully viral proc fully corrosive proc then we throw off the spear AOE guaranteed head shot you cannot missed the head shot to that point and yeah they also got a couple procs on them too just from the throw so with fractalized reset you you reload this thing really fast you can just throw it quite often but you only have one spear out for your head shot at a time so just keep that in mind see that this this this weapon look can work on lots of frames for the zombie setup I just chosen to go for ash because I don't believe play Ash as much as I used to got the Dual toxic incaran pistol right here with the Inc carons being fevered frenzy marksman's hand and commodore's Fortune those are the best ones in my opinion and as far as our build if you don't have a dual toxic Riven I highly recommend getting one the main stat you should be looking for is going to be punch through because the only punch through mod in the game for pistols is not a very good mod it's called Seeker it costs 15 drain it only gives you 2.1 me of punch through a Riven for punch through on the Dual toxis will massively replace that mod and give you good AOE so we've got punch through multi-shot crit chance minus Zoom much better than that so yeah prioritize punch through and other good DPS or other stats that are DPS inre because punch through is not really a DPS stat it's a quality of life stat but yeah that's what you should be going for on a Riven if you don't have a Riven that's where you put Seeker right there not going to say it's going to be good but that's what you should do and also yeah if you're on as put a silencer on your Scourge and on your pistol because even if you are invisible enemies will shoot at where they hear you if you're firing a gun while invisible so that's a big thing if you're playing invisibility characters in this game put a silencer on your gun or you might get shot with a rocket when you're not thinking about it so good stuff there now the build is going to be corrosive focused and yes I do know once you get a head shot with the Dual toxin you get built-in built-in toxin but here's the thing guys when you're go over body shots it's not getting the built-in toxin right away so you for this it's going be for you know all-arounder like I just I jump up to the adalist no head shot required he's instantly dead from my corrosive procs and my virro procs that's what we got two Elemental mods on here also you might notice there's no Bane mods we're doing so much damage we don't need Bane mods anymore with this zombie setup so yeah go ahead and use if you want to as far as the melee it didn't actually get used but here's what I got equipped it's going to be a uh corrosive anti- acolyte build and we got melee exposure for more corrosive damage and this is not used at all on my in the footage so yeah basically good stuff here and for the focus tree we got M Focus tree you could go someone El something else you prefer we have 40% more power strength why not and for the smat we've got a build for making it come back from the dead really fast aerial Bond every kill while Airborne gives you uh a faster it gives it a fast faster respawn link redirection should not be on here so let's just go ahead and take that off and then the rest of the stuff just to make come back the dead faster momentus Bond kill exus is back from the dead F pick up loot animal instinct to see the loot Tech enhance for longer cat Buffs bite in tenacious bond for increased crit very nice on our Ash build many pet kit so it doesn't die it doesn't stay dead for as long and charm because give me more loot that's basically it for the build guys um I've been enjoying this one quite a bit I think it's very very easy it's not as easy as Revenant of course or as easy as actually it might be easier than Octavia because with Octavia you have to teabag constantly and with Ash it's just like you just kind of hang out you know you don't have to cash your other abilities I I now that I cast those two abilities I'm done like that's all I need to do really to make this setup work we throw out our Scourge we get our incarn on we just kill everything if an acolyte appears we stab it with our four it's stunned while being stabbed we just shoot it while it's being stabbed by our four so you don't even need to cter one ever but you technically could uh because we have Nish giving us so much energy we can just you know Rego and Vis even from zero energy so very nice reliable build very mindless and easy the idea of the zombie build and yeah I will see you guys in the next video hope you find this one fun and helpful uh there will be a zombie Octavia build proba this later this week too even though it was in the it was in the the Cascade guide but I know people been asking me about the specifics of that build I will give you some Octavia build tips later in the week all right I'll see you next video and take it easy peace
Channel: Gaz TTV
Views: 20,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe 2024, free to play, ash prime, ash prime build, ash prime warframe, new warframe, nourish, nourish warframe, dual toxocyst warframe, incarnon warframe, best secondary warframe, best weapon warframe, strongest builds warframe, steel path warframe, seeking shuriken, molt augmented, warframe steel path, ash prime build 2024, ash prime warframe 2024, ash prime 2024, warframe new build, zombie ash
Id: lKno0hJfkXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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