Unkillable SPEEDVA Nuke Build! | Whispers in the Wall

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back today's build covers an unkillable speed van nuke setup you heard that right speeda nuke while there are a million things going on in the background for today's build the actual play style is quite simple you cast null Stars at the start of the mission and theoretically unless you fall off never have to cast it again have zus Whispers up which lasts 88 seconds on this build and cast your four whenever it stops expanding which is roughly every 15 seconds hardly different from normal hacken SL noova gameplay right so what exactly makes this build nuke so hard and what makes it so unkillable let's take a closer look yesterday topaz archon shards were adjusted to not give Shields back when your Shields are currently empty AKA they couldn't bypass Shield recharge delay by by themselves to give you infinite Shield gate I still use one blast toas Shard on today's build but it is optional rather than mandatory as it gives an extra layer of survivability today's build includes armor strip quadratic scaling DPS with cubic dipping on Banes blast proc spam for topass shards constant tile wide crowd control all the while speeding enemies up to their deaths the reason why this build works so well is it is nearly completely prevents enemies from being able to hit you all the while bringing them towards you as fast as possible so let's take a look at each kit element molecular Prime is the most important part of this Loadout for multiple reasons one it doubles your damage against enemies except overguard and is basically the equivalent of a free viral proc and it continues to expand and linger After cast meaning you do not have to spam it our damage comes entirely from weapons today and not this ability allowing us to run a negative strength build 10% strength makes enemies run towards us 60% faster since our strength is our dump stat we're able to build skyh High duration which both makes Buffs easier to manage legata but also significantly increases the hitbox of molecular Prime since it continues to expand around through walls for 15 seconds on this build reaching a maximum coverage of 80 M radius molecular Prime also serves another purpose it taxies the traits of the weapon used to land the kill if I kill a MC primed enemy with an incarn on gun the explosion inherits the trade of my incarn on weapon this was how we made Nova inherit almost a year ago making the explosion deal 440 times the intended damage with fenmore or latum but today we use it very differently if we kill with a dagger then the molecular Prime explosion is considered a dagger damage and inherits amalgam argonak metal loger to strip armor we're also using melee influence which can also inherit amalgam argonak metal ler to strip armor and a 20 M AOE therefore every single time you proc electric or another dot element with our dagger enemies get stripped within a 20 M of us every single time an enemy dies every enemy within 20 M also eats an armor strip when they explode since we naturally build for range as a 10% strength Nova requires overextended anyways why did I use that as whisper every time I swing my dagger an extra hit is created and also armor strip since it also proxs malgam argonak metal longer zus void bubble also minimizes the amount of incoming Firepower because molecular Prime also inherits the void bubble on explosion scaling with our melee status chance and basically guarantees everything is bubbled at all times and unable to shoot us due to Bullet attractors the Final Consequence enemies Rush towards us but are unable to damage us and group themselves together to be killed to maximize kills per minute beautiful isn't it survivability comes in four different ways today we have molecular fion which both grants us refreshable 75% damage reduction to health from 15 particles since we have no problems up up keeping kills through molecular Prime as well as higher range making particles seek out and stun enemies we have zus whisper making molecular Prime spread massive void bubbles to prevent enemies from shooting us we have adaptation to reduce incoming damage to our Shields and health we are also using rack a dark dagger which restores Shields based off of damage dealt to enemies with radiation procs active on them more importantly because mainly influence spreads all status effects of melee within 20 m raka is now able to inflict radiation in a 20 M radius and the Shield Leech from all enemies at once at all times this massively multiplies the amount of Shield leech available restoring all shields in a single swing this build is still doable with any dagger instead of raka but survivability may or may not be noticeably impacted which can be bandaid by our fifth optional survivability tool everything on this build today deals blast our molecular Prime explosions our Sentinel with a verg glass beam and optionally even your dagger if you're using raaa I would recommend modding viral electric or gas electric and leaving the innate radiation there if you're not using raaa I would recommend modding blast electric to take advantage of Shield regeneration from topaz shards when you inflict blast this should be easy to upkeep since any dagger can spread statuses in a 20 M radius with melee influence all the while we keep dragging enemies towards us with Nautilus cordin and speedva finally if speed B wasn't enough to speed kills alone think of this enemies Rush towards us because of molecular Prime but once they're within 20 M of us if you're using Raa which has an eight radiation you will Crow control enemies due to melee influence and make them shoot each other instead of rushing to us or just any dagger in general might be spreading electric procs which stuns them this can be fixed with Nautilus cordin since it pulls enemies within 30 m of us which is greater than the crow control radius of melees influences procs this is somewhat less important on an ordinary dagger moded with blast electric manifold Bond would be super easy to activate because ratum will spread radiation viral and electric whereas normal daggers can mod blast and electric and also equip Whispers in the walls radiation mod Focus Raiden which of course will spread within 20 M by melee influence okay let's look at those builds our Nova today has a single optional blast toath Shard this is mostly unnecessary for rack to dark dagger setups and is more so a fails safe for other daggers you may want to consider using two casting speed shards for molecular Prime unless you're okay with hopping in and out of operator every 20 seconds to activate Miz power transfer plus 50% casting speed buff our Aura is of course power donation since we want to bottom out our strength as much as possible and Prime sure footed helps so you don't get knocked around but also isn't as absolutely mandatory since molecular Prime cannot stagger you and our main DPS comes from melee hacken SL spam we want super hyd duration so that molecular Prime spreads as easily as possible reaching 80 M out on the setup this also makes outus whisper low maintenance at 88 seconds duration if you want movement bonus I kept her portalon and with a 199 range build this guarantees 100 m of travel but more importantly it makes molecular Prime have a 20 M blast radius this is fantastic for ensuring other enemies are caught within the blast radius of death since molecular Prime does tax the amalgam argonak metal logger for an extra armor strip hit with enemies dropping like flies the constant explosions will result in a lots of extra armor strip all the while dragging enemies in with cordin the range also gives slight bonus crowd control does the seek radius of our stars but that isn't really that important in theory null stars are optional and only really matter if you start taking Health damage this shouldn't be an issue since enemies are rat proed void bubble proed electr stunned and being dragged around a bordon within 20 M of you molecular fion is only really here to prevent Health on shot combined with adaptation otherwise you should be sitting on 1 1570 overshields at nearly all times which Shields constantly regenerating from molecular Prime blast DPS and your Sentinels blast verglas be damage on anything close to you we even have one Aon here with two more of my pistol that I'll explain later Arcane strike is highly recommended since I'm not using any attack speed mons on my dagger energize helps unless you want to slot equilibrium on the build somewhere you have enough energy even at start to cter 1 2 and four when you load in letting you begin your first rotation immediately argonak is a standard build with its metal AER augment which can strip armor off not just direct hits but any dagger damage including dots and when damage dagger is inherited including molecular Prime explosions and melee influence AOE amalgam serration for extra Sprint speed on a hack and/ build and dexterity arcanes for combo duration our pistol can be whatever you want I just recommend bringing dexterity arcanes for combo duration again and two augur mods so that when you cter molecular Prime you can Shield gate with it to restore 120 Shields this can be very handy for when your Shields break once in a blue moon as topaz shards cannot restore Shields when they're empty so this will jump start them with with your Sentinel immediately attacking something with its blast moned verglas beam to proc topat shards and Skyrocket your Shields instantly our rack to build looks like this I've opted for viral electric today to boost electric procs by 4.25 times damage combined with molecular Prime separate two times total damage multiplier for 8.5 higher damage on the electric chains while I could go gas electric I felt it was unnecessary since the strip was already more than fast enough feel free to try gas or viral electric here and do due to high status chance and high attack speed of dagger Arch types as well as free grouping from Nautilus I would keep viral or gas unranked since they're cap to 10 stacks on enemies the only benefit of gas here is leaving lingering armor strip clouds after enemies die whereas electric disappears on death Berserker Fury is an obvious candidate due to constant full strip and easy AOE melee kills Prime Smite is extremely important because a double dipar dagger electric and gas dos for 2.4 times more damage but triple dips these procs on the spread from melee influence for three 3.7 times more damage condition overload is self-explanatory with all the status spread and Prime reach makes it easier for us to hit crowds since daggers have a much smaller base range than most melee weeping wounds bumps us up to 171% status chance at 12 times combo which is comfy this time I brought disciplines Merit specifically for acolytes so you can go up and whack them with a free heavy tenai to nuk them from orbit and that's its only purpose here of course melee influence since that's our main way of AE DPS and armor strip pointed wind is best hack it/ multipliers since we only need to hit a few targets due to melee influence AOE your focus school is free and if you don't have spare casting speed shards you can take matai for transference buff just going in out of operator will grant you a plus 50% casting speed buff from Power transfer for 20 seconds companion is obviously Nautilus this gets over the 20 M AOE crowd control issue of electric and radiation procs that I mentioned earlier that otherwise prevents enemies from getting closer to you remember refer to actually slot assault mode as that was my accident from a recent video that I didn't mention where I had reinforced on here instead our weapon today is ver glass a beam weapon modded for blast so it can Pro a toll pass Shard as often as possible if you aren't using a blast Shard you can use whatever weapon you want here cheers if this is your first time watching feel free to leave a like or better yet subscribe limor your thoughts down in the comments 79.5% of you are not subscribed I'm trying my best to get you new information out always as soon as possible like I've done with the whispers in the updates stick around you want to see interesting memes and builds on a nearly daily basis you don't miss out on any of that do you that'll be it for this video thank you all for watching and see you all next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: AznvasionsPlays
Views: 84,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Best Steel Path Build, Warframe Steel Path, Warframe 1999, Whispers in the Wall, Nukor Primer, Kuva Nukor, Kuva Nukor Build, Kuva Nukor Steel Path, Nova Prime, Warframe Nova, Nova Prime Steel Path, Best Nova Prime Build, Nova Nuke Build, Antimatter Drop Nova, Nova Inherit Warframe, Molecular Prime Nuke, Molecular Prime Nova, Xata's Whisper Nova, Nova Speedva Build, Speedva Nuke Build, Rakta Dark Dagger, Rakta Dagger Steel Path, Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger
Id: 5RCIu8U83H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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