Warframe: The Darkest Tale In The Warframe Universe - Kullervos Bitesized Lore

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the story of colorful in Warframe is one shrouded in treachery and of course stained in blood now not to be mistaken with the Finnish epic the kilvala which depicts colorful's life as one mired in tragedy one of raw power terrible Vengeance and of course heartbreaking Solitude if anything the addition of colorful into Warframe has allowed me to discover the kale Vala which I think I have Helen from De to thank for it would be something I'd love to make a video on on its own separately but it wouldn't be Warframe related just mythology so let me know in the comment section if that's something you'd be interested in now in the expanse of warframe's universe and of course it's lore colorful's Ambitions manifested in the brutal Act of taking an awoken life which he did in a bid to earn favor with an all-powerful Executor which we think is Bala Sports colorful made a grave miscalculation and in doing so this earned him his first criminal indictment murderer you culovo thought an executor's favor was a thing to be stolen and worn you spelled Precious aurican Blood before seeking the executor out for approval hated coolavo did you truly believe he couldn't love you you are forevermore alone murderer now the warden above his seven cells in daviri is clairvo's guilt the conceptual embodiment of ballast complete with the voice and he is of course the executor that Claire will fixated on throughout his story now amid the males from there was the old war as the European Setter cites on annihilating defective demented proto-warframes as they called them color rose brothers and sisters colorful stood by unmoving and didn't help the orochan early proto-frames we know where tormented amalgamations of infested flesh and orokin Tech eventually given purpose and Direction by the Tano but calervos in action in this moment earned him his second crime cowardice as the origin eradicate demented brothers and sisters and did nothing to Aid them choosing to tremble in your cowardly seclusion a traitor twice over kulovo bloody handed I charge you with cowardice colorful was now being hunted which was probably not the best time to go after the only motherly figure he had in his convoluted existence our comedian iniki and as a result the executors in their Infinite Wisdom dispatched an Elite Squad of Dax units to apprehend colorful but by Fate crew twist colorful resisting arrest and the violence that then ensued this led to colorful inadvertently killing eniki his mother which earned him his third charge of flight from just custody our comedian I Nikki your mother lived and you like the Vermin you are scurried after her butchering the dags who the executives charged with taking you into just custody Yoon preferably managed to kill the very woman you came to rescue the Third charge flight from just custody as time went on and the tunnel then emerged from their long forgotten Saruman ship dripping with new powers corvo sensed a shifting of the tides and decided to launch attacks on the nerve centers of the European Empire Sanctified Labs homes seats of power Anarchy on colorful's behalf as a way to weaken the arokan empire further or simply revenge for his treatment we don't know this aired colorful with his fourth charge of treason [Music] upon the arrival of The Wretched tenno you drunk out of what a desire for Redemption you thought to strike the orokin where it hurts their Laboratories their edifices of government their homes to distract Dubai time idiot you are charged with treason so with the dawn of the new generation of warframes and of course the power that they abroad with them colorful seen a chance he began to whisper Insidious and unseen twisting these tenno and these warframes against the eurokan empire and laying their foundation for an eventual Rebellion for this colorful was charged with espionage if you're kind and the tenno whose Devil Tree lent with theirs and you began to whisper corruption into their ears weave dark thoughts through the coils of their minds incepting us is your want chaos and disaster you are charged with espionage with the crescendo of the old war coming to a head all of colorful's plans finally bore fruit when The Echoes of the old war faded and the night of the Naga drums played its haunting Melody colorful's intricate web of deceased began to ensnare the heart of the very orokin Empire the Tano druder blades and the orokan empire fell to ruin while colorful wasn't singularly responsible for this he did play his part and as a result he was then charged with a second count of treason the night of the Naga drums your incepted chaos bloomed and the Beautiful gilded Empire fell were you entirely responsible of course not you are after all a fool but one need not be entirely responsible for the murder of an Empire to be punished for their rule in it and punished you shall be for a second coat of treason now with the remnants of the European Empire now scattered across the origin system and in ruin Destiny Drew colorful closer to the one that he loaded the most a figure within the irokan seven with this he seen a chance to end the reign of this executor the one colorful had initially tried to win favor with the one who charged him with his very first crime of murder Palace but his attempt was a failure and as a result he was charged with the gravest of crimes regisite and it also as a result the jail cell intervery is caved in to signify this failure on colorful's behalf as the Empire burned you found the one executor you coveted and despised most you presumed to raise your foul hand against him one of the seven but he did not die so readily as you had hoped thus I lay upon your wretched head your ultimate crime attempted regicide and with it your punishment and the executor's Eternal Vengeance now akrathis does mention colorful falling to the very encased in a blazing sphere and forging the island now known as colorful's hold seven cells each a testament to his sins and where he was imprisoned with the last cell symbolizing the attempted regicide which of course is hauntingly shattered now the warden of course is a looming Specter of color rose remorse or his guilt which wears the voice and the Visage of his most Relentless adversary suggesting a kind of manifestation of Palace the very arokan executor who penned the color of those Litany of crimes and of course border scars of his final field coup but there are a few things that I would love to know more about colorful sounds like he is a proto-frame an original dating Back to Before the time of the tunnel when they could control them when warframes like in Rhino Prime's lore segment were more beastial and could eat other humans or maybe I'm picking it up wrong maybe he isn't a proto-frame also in the end while colorful ultimately failed to kill Ballas we know from other lore entries like the juvent hero and ordenkaris that red cover allowed the orokin to cheat death and transfer their minds to a younger body so maybe he did succeed in killing Ballas's body but in doing so Palace just body swap so it is very very interesting and like I said color rose lower segment right now is one of the more interesting in the game especially since it has kind of linked me toward but let me know in the comment section below what do you think of colorful's lore what do you think of his story have a great day have a great weekend as always thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tactical Potato
Views: 33,269
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Keywords: One Of The Darkest Tales In The Warframe Universe, Warframe Review, Warframe Overview, Tactical Potato, Sordats, Playwarframe, Warframe Update, Ps4, Xbox, Pc, Gameplay, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Episode, Warframe (Video Game), Ps5, Warframe News, Darkest Tale in warframe, Warframe Kullervo, Warframe Bitesized Lore, Warframe Lore, Warframe Kullervo Lore, warframe Kullervos Hold, warframe gameplay 2023, warframe story explained, warframe storyline
Id: h0hMRQ3cSfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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