WARFRAME LORE: What ARE Warframes?...

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they were called tenno Warriors of Blade and Gun Masters of the Warframe armor these are the first words encountered in the history of this mysterious Warrior cast a legendary order that shaped the curse of the origin system and so did Terror among all those who stood in its way but are the legendary warframes really just plain armor suits stainless steel robes for the most skilled Warriors of their time or do they emerge from another a darker history let's get down to the root of the legend and that route runs deep Millennia in the past to be precise at the height of the old war the existential conflict of The Once Almighty Oregon Empire against its own out of control Creations the sentient adaptive artificial life forms whose Unstoppable Advance even the most Exquisite origin war machines were at best only able to slow what to do when neither blades nor projectiles or lasers seem to have any effect in their desperation the aurican elites turned to a more rudimentary form of warfare the biological one the research of a certain Oregon executor named ballast to be precise experiments with the infection had already been carried out in the past but the newly developed helmet strain a sub-variant of the already known mutagen strain seemed to be able to perform extraordinary things [Music] the greatest warriors of the empire were summoned Dex Masters as well as elite soldiers and each of them soon found themselves exposed to the helmets involuntarily or not infected with the spores their skin blossomed in the form of Sword steel their organs filled with unprecedented resilience their bodies entirely engulfed by the infection yet their minds still clear and untouched or so it seemed and so was born the first generation of creatures that would soon be feared throughout the entire origin system under the name of Warframe among the sentient who could not oppose the power of this new super weapon as well as in their own ranks for even the armies of the Oregon Frozen fear at the site of these monsters as they called them and that's as it turned out not without reason though it seems so at first even the strongest willed mind could not resist the inexorable progression of the infection forever this led to warframes being prone to uncontrollable and violent Behavior shortly after their creation a circumstance that led to the discontinuation of the Warframe program at least for the time being it was a fateful incident involving the colony ship zeremon 10-0 that would Breathe new life into the Warframe research exposed to radiation after a failed void jump the children on board developed supernatural abilities abilities they learned to control through the signs of transference developed by a certain originar comedian named margulis this transference allowed the so-called tenno to transfer their mind into another body and control them the long sought after solution to the unstable psyche of the first generation of warframes isolated in the so-called reservoir on Lua the tenu could focus entirely on their new task Bound by Anna to serve their origin Masters as Warframe operators with their help the Empire managed to win the war against the sentience which had already been thought lost but only a few know that the aura can also used warframes within the Empire be it as skilled Colony administrators eliminators of infection outbreaks or even as political Assassins but the secret of the reservoir the source of their power was always kept like a state secret and so it came the past that the Empire took the legend of the tenno into warframes to its grave although it is believed that sporadic Warframe incursions have been conducted in the century since the tenno have only recently awoken from their slumber where will their path taken this time that's up for you to decide thanks for watching if you like this Warframe lore format let me know in the comments down below and consider leaving the channel a sub if you don't want to miss out on future content See you in the next one and until then good loot
Channel: MHBlacky
Views: 96,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe lore, what is a warframe, what are warframes, warframe story, warframe story explained, warframe lore explained, are warframes alive, are warframes human, what is warframe, warframe lore 2022, warframe story explained 2022, warframe story summary, warframe lore explained 2022
Id: qOKj7yqas7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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