Warframe: Best Incarnon So Far, Latron Prime Is Beautiful.

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[Music] this brings a little bit of a tear to the eye doesn't it there is so many steel path red crit nuke videos going to show up in your feeds now off the back of this weapon alone enjoy them the encounter electron Prime might just be one of the best weapons in Warframe right now and if the encounters run and now the encounter electron are anything to go by then I really really can't wait to see what the encounter and Soma on week 5 and the encountered dread on week 6 are going to turn out like not to mention my baby the in Karen ikor on week four there is a full list of what weapons are coming out at what time in what week on the Warframe forums so this week gave us two of possibly the best weapons we've had so far but let's take a look at the Incarnate latron Prime white picket over the latron red simply the prime has higher base damage higher burst and sustained DPS higher status shunts and even though it has a lower crit chance the encounter form is going to push it well over 100 crit chance and let you benefit from having that higher status and then a high crit chance as well so it is going to basically smash everything that gets in its way on top of that it's in Canon forms projectiles are going to Ricochet off of objects they're going to ping pong around the room its explosions have a 4 meter radius but you can mod the weapon for Firestorm to increase the size of that explosion and also can I just say that the sound effect for the projectile that whizzes around the room is really really well done as well a little bit kind of anxiety inducing at times because I keep thinking it's going to hit the ground beside me and if I don't have Prime Shore footed on I'm gonna get knocked on my ass so the encounter electron Prime's Evolutions are as follows the first evolution is simply like every other Incan and weapon headshots will evolve it into the Incarnate form this takes about three headshots on average the second Evolutions are riddled Target which increases your damage by plus 6 on punctual status effects which latron prime is heavily puncture based and it scales multi-shot four times by plus 25 each time so with a Max buff you would have 100 bonus multi-shot the second perk for this in Canon form is called Swift punishment which will increase your damage by plus 6 with a Sprint speed above 1.2 it will give you plus 30 direct damage pair status type on the enemy which is a great perk right problem is everything's already dead by the time this kicks in third evolution will give you marksman's hand which is a 60 less recoil which is a really good perk if you don't like the recoil of the weapon extended volley is the other one which is plus 15 to the weapons magazine capacity and the last one is marksman's Focus which is minus 30 Zoom this is the one I choose simply because I hate the zoom on the letron the less recoil one is probably the better option but screw that I don't like the Zoom the final three perks are cleansing spikes which removes 20 of enemy armor pair puncture status effect that's 100 removed with five stacks of puncture from your weapon sounds great but again chances are the enemies are already dead before you get those five stacks on on deadhead is 100 bonus damage to headshots which is honestly meh and the final perk is the one technically that you want to get your hands on which is called critical parallel it's plus 24 to crit chance and plus 0.2 to crit damage which doesn't sound like a whole lot but it really really is this means that with the build I'm using right now I have 128 crit chance and nearly A7 times crisp multiplier in normal mode and when I evolve it into encounten I have a 204 crit chance and nearly an eight times multiplier which is absolutely awesome as far as mods go you can switch a bane mod in for serration if you want to you can switch a heat mod in for Firestorm as well if you want to I wouldn't advise it since you're going to want that larger explosion with my Riven however I've removed The Firestorm mod simply because it allows me to have 211 crit chance in normal mode and 311 crit chance when it evolves into the in Cannon which is why I have constant red crits like I said at the start of the video I'm really hope hoping for some of the upcoming weapons to be awesome as nice as this running the weekly circuit is a bit of a grind so the rewards have to be watered for us to run it and especially when you only get two adapters per week and each weapon has two or four variants for you to put them on weapons it better be worthwhile but let me know in the comment section below what you think of the encounter electron have a great day and as always thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tactical Potato
Views: 49,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe Review, Warframe Overview, Tactical Potato, Sordats, Playwarframe, Warframe Update, Ps4, Xbox, Pc, Gameplay, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Episode, Warframe (Video Game), Ps5, Warframe News, Incarnon Adapter, incarnon genesis warframe, incarnon genesis adapters, incarnon genesis weapons, incarnon genesis rotation, Incarnon Latron Prime, Incarnon Latron Is Insane, Best Incarnon, warframe update duviri paradox, warframe gameplay 2023, Warframe Duviri
Id: Sz2U1xVWerA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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