WARFRAME | Dante Unbound Lore - The Story of Drusus, the Leverian, and his Deal

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you're a friend to the leverian you just wasn't enough so when parvos made me an offer I thought why not just let it go let it all go I took the deal to know I shouldn't have but I did oh if only danty was still around please you must come see me you're damn right it wasn't me I was donating millions of credits to this place every time I went in so I have to admit when this is all taken care of we may have to form some kind of committee as far as what's going on with the budget I imagine you have all given a fair amount as well and if you want to let me know in the comments comments roughly how much maybe we can get a good idea of exactly what he's been given Multiverse wide having that knowledge would uh allow us to establish a budget don't you think oh hey all Siege here and today well today it's time to talk about dreu a slan what exactly happened to his namesake exhibit in the newest update and the rather troublesome ending that was added with Dante Unbound we actually received a fair bit of lore context and not just with this character but I think most will agree with me when I say that the reveal of drusus was a bit of a shock and that's not just counting who or maybe what he turns out to be however as unexpected as it was this reveal is not nearly close to the most intriguing aspect of the overall narrative quite literally found within the story we're presented with first drusus is at least at this point in his life a sephon or sephon type entity however he was once a man of Flesh and Blood uh hello friend you find me now amidst the bones of all I am of the thing that mattered most to me in my too long life you know I wasn't sure it was possible to be less than than a man for I was a man once this room was to be a shrine to one of my dearest friends but now that shall never come to pass as Lloyd describes him the drusus I knew was a genius a quick bright-eyed little man with a taste for fancy waste coats I wonder if he even remembers those days now or k to another of the many significant reveals of Dante Unbound lorewise at least is that the leverian doesn't really exist at least not in the way it's presented if nothing else I've made such a terrible mistake you see in a universe at its own throat where every living thing works daily to keep Body and Soul together there's not much appetite for history for stories the leverian may not be a real place a place you can reach out and touch but to reality it was anchored and reality Demands a tithe it takes coin to keep this place resed this Shrine to memory and a Savvy businessman I was not to be less than a man is to be a fool and fool I was these Liberian rooms I would ache into something on the line of what sephon suda or even samaris utilizes data Scapes or a type of visualization of data if our captura is lore accurate I'd say these areas as well as the numerous simulacrum all function in a similar or the same manner they are snapshots in time digital projections representing a memory or designed environment generated from from Pure data data that can be displayed and essentially visited at any time the operator feels they need to perhaps to hone their skills or abilities or try out new weapons in order to have a feel for them in their intricacies before actual live fire also it would provide the ability to revisit certain places they've been to In order to be able to look for Clues and better analyze previous locations in order to glean as much information from them as possible thereby strongly increasing the chances of learning something new something previously unnoticed not unlike what we experienced during glass maker where we learn the true history of sethlon first they were originally created by an organ named Nill and perhaps more importantly they were once human beings transformed into Data as a punishment for extreme violations of or and law they called us Mercenaries but for us profit was a consequence not a goal we were warriors above all else it was the bond the sisters and brothers the rituals we valued most why believe me this was the plan from the beginning the murder and brutality was all a ploy all a soul sacrifice to earn their trust a genocide path leading to a singular opport opportunity an honored mortal called to a forbidden Hall to face the golden Lords in flesh I was their loyal murderous dog until the day that ugly child was brought to me he was caught spying on us amplifying our losses his face burned he was starved sick like a stray ugly as I it's struck me we were all pit dogs ruining ourselves for the pleasure of the Glorious and beautiful and just like that my mind Twisted a new knot I would have One Last Stand something unforgivable Unforgettable I Glide on Red Wings robes shed making me an ambiguous Target to Dax steel I let fly my Ivory blades they find new homes in dax's eyes I land with my red nakedness delicate orican throats twisting in my callous hands in an instant naked and bare knuckled I have killed Immortals I stare drained of blood of life and those that remain but I find no horror on their faces why I let out a cruel howl and they laugh is this a dying hallucination the sound of Applause grows among them I have killed the unkillable and they are delighted the Applause Peaks and Fades I feel a sense of Shame but the end is upon me balas is above me executor of the seven smiling he says how simple and pure you are you idiot Beast we have died countless times yet remain Eternal I close my eyes to die just once drink says balas so I Dr draw on the red vial a vague metallic taste this dream isn't mine he says you rejected our gift bathing in our death your punishment is eternal life he laughs I am weightless years pass I am a sightless limbless Phantom or is it seconds suddenly I feel a million pins an ant hord jittering across my body I want to laugh and scream when they reach my face they burrow inside my mouth hungry for the fruit in my skull oh it's hard to take anything she says completely literally nor explains heard of those cubes you know sephon right probably got one a bit cracked kissing up to you all the time see in the old days cry Crime and Punishment was all in the hands of those orican judges the seven Mercy was the quick flash of the Jade light but if they wanted to make an example they'd suck up your soul and make you a prisoner of the glass forever meaning drusus must have done something quite egregious to the oran now he's gotten in the worst kind of trouble with at least at this stage the worst guy perhaps in the origin system if Ballas is truly gone with leverian being as expensive as it is to maintain and feeling like there was dwindling interest in his life's work drusus opted into a deal of his own with the reestablished leader of the Corpus wait another deal keep that in your minds dear friends now this one would include signing the rights of the Liberian away should he not be able to make payments on time and recompense for Gram's help with maintaining what remains of his treasured Museum and now regret from this decision has forced him into a position of asking us for help I imagine you surmised why I have summoned you here to ask that in the name of whatever friendship we share to lend your Aid to my impossible predicament to help preserve not me not this shadow of a man I once was but to keep this Monument to history alive so that future Generations May learn from it and never repeat our most shameful mistakes Gram's obsession with that bygone age demands pieces of such ironic really that one man's interest in history serves only to strip an edifice whose singular purpose was to protect it but there remains One slim hope the sourcing of artifacts from places other than the leverian sourced by you at my direction help me friend help me that my one great and final mistake not be the error that turns our Collective history and the work of lifetimes to a single miserable use making a rich man richer learning he can't possibly locate with grantom Once nearly fast enough to satisfy his debt although before even that's possible Gran or more likely Associates on his behalf decided to relocate some inventory in the form of defacing and essentially robbing Dante's exhibition specifically fortunately for the timid creator granham has appeared to agree in allowing us to stake his debt and with Lloyd's blessing drusus offers him artifacts from what are assumably the deepest reaches of in's Labs unearthing them by using arterial conduits arterial conduits Albert's interlab transport and storage system for high value goods and materials if you can get them working you should be able to find what drusus needs and more almost like a combined form of storage and shipping simultaneously within the figurative ve veins of the lab the reason we are presented with capillaries during the mission in the human body these tiny blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout its expanse and here it would appear they are responsible for moving whatever is stored within this artery system in the same manner considering Its Behavior in The Whispers And The Walls how about you give me the page instead kiddo consider it part of our deal it would seem the indifference too is interested in what's kept Within These Pathways as well as really any bit of information can get its hands on something this tale's ending will reinforce in a rather distressing way interestingly the narration we are given in itself isn't presented as a campaign or even story aside from the manner in which it's initiated repeated runs of the new mission mode armius reveal more and more of but kind of back and forth between drusus And grantom in regards to their negotiations and probably more importantly what granum is actually trying to find this is not the only area he's been said to be searching for trinkets associated with the void and in Troy as not too long ago we learned that he was also turning the zeran over for items of unknown nature or value battling the remaining grineer Queen in her Dominion in order to claim it for his own how many of these relics or what specifically will satisfy Gram's price is really unclear and if you think about it makes whatever else we're finding for him just blind payment so what does grantom have planned if nothing else he's obviously rebuilding his Empire through Commerce selling some of what he finds to prospective buyers but then one would have to wonder who can afford such artifacts especially now and for what purpose but it also begs to question if grantom has altered his original tenants at as he even said perhaps it is time for a new philosophy perhaps the Ross is too deep perhaps the father should abandon his children Perhaps it is time for a new philosophy H in truth it would appear the cost is completely open-ended and also completely subjective according to his desire which really places paros granum less in the light of a noble leader as he tries to convey to both his people and the tenno and more and more like that of a tyrant a better discernment of his current state of mind and by extension intentions can be had by understanding some context behind the supposed father of nef ano day after day we toiled my father my brother cladius pulling grains for the Oregon takers in the city as our kind had done for Generations we were young but the work made us old our backs achd our hands bled the sun tortured our skin in the worst times it felt as though death would claim us before the day was through it was on one such afternoon that I was fed to First hear that glorious sound a whisper I strained to hear in a tongue not of man but of something else something Grandeur a language I understood instinctively the language of desire it said fear not poverty poverty is the bitter soil in which sweet desire blossoms the more we toiled the more impatient I grew a fire raged inside me I wanted more I deserved more but how the whisper washed over me louder now than before Fortune dis despises the Idle Man stasis is death always move forward and so with only the whisper to guide me I straightened my back wiped the dirt from my hands and left grantom was the original founder of the Corpus faction as well as the inventor of the Spectre technology named the Spectre particle one that makes it possible for near perfect mimicry of most creatures at least in form and basic function and deploy them when deemed necessary these are typically mere reflections of the original especially in regards to the warframes but are still dangerous and useful in the right circumstances and theoretically at least come without the requirements of morality or the ability to disobey making them extremely valuable especially to those without the help of the tenno or some form of extreme force multiplication it's incredibly advanced technology for someone as common as he is originally portrayed and every man that one day became disenfranchised with how the rule of order was being utilized by what he considers his overly oppressive work at Masters the city those Towers I was struck with all what glorious totems of greed these orans and built built on our backs their wealth was my wealth I was starved while our masters were fat and full and warm they flaunted their wealth left it sitting there for the taking Priceless gemstones decorating the tower Gates I I was afraid but the whisper gave me courage be envious covet then take what you desire so that is what I did an sets his mind on changing everything I was Brash and bold I struck it midday I cried I take what I am owed as I ripped jewels from their Tower Gates and ran I did not get far for my blasphemy they dragged me to the tower Square throwing me to the ground in front of the sneering crowd of Oregon servants that mingled there the guards held a loft my Satchel containing the proof of my crime I grasped at it determined to reclaim what was mine he snatched my arm held me high and with a dash of his plasma dager severed my left hand the crowd Jered yet I felt no pain only Clarity for the whisper was with me again it said deception is the sword of wisdom be wise they took my hand that day but they did not take what I I had earned and he did by allowing himself to be put through incredible pain swallowing a stolen gem from the oron elite and getting caught by them as well having his hands severed in the process the promised price for such a flagrant action against his soon to be former Masters that being said his sacrifice was rewarded with the very riches and stability he would build his new Empire upon in desire I was wealthy but in strategy I was empty-handed I listened for the whisper it said money begets money with my Jewel as collateral I secured a loan and with that sum I gave my own loans to poor men like me who desired more with each loan I dispensed truths I had learned from The Whisper those men went out into the world and they too made loans and their money too begat money words spread fast men flocked to hear me I told them of the evils of contentment and idleness I taught them the gift of Desire this inner voice pushing him past the limits of what he believed he could attain almost like ambition manifested and he built all of this upon his pillars my gift to the future is an idea an idea that wealth need not settle as a crust upon the upper echelons of the populous no any poor grain farmer can should he feed his desire and apply his wisdom take Fortune for himself the more the better and when men of Fortune come together under great leadership their potential is exponential just as my money replaced what the Oregon took from me and made my body whole again our Collective desire will create a new body a body forged of Fortune and unencumbered by idleness or sentimentality ours is the grasping Golden Hand we are desire we are corus enshrining this set of special tenants that one should always follow for the sake of profit one the vast majority of the Corpus still exist under today so now we have a better understanding of the man that has both drusus and by extension us on the hook for whatever paros decides the liian is worth which has to be a substantial amount because as mentioned earlier mere credits don't seem to satisfy this debt rather old orican artifacts what's more he appears to be searching for something in particular the question we have to consider is what is it he's looking for if he sticks to his original tenants and by extension belief structure it would appear he's collecting these items for either their value monetarily or in their technology really anything that could be repurposed to help his contingent and essentially gaining more profit to grantom there is no enough enough rather he takes what can be taken and does not contemplate the fates of those he takes it from because he deems it the right of anyone willing to manifest their deepest desire and ambition through hard work and dedication to said desire interestingly enough we can satisfy at least one of the things drusus was interested in preserving that of Dante himself once we are able to retrieve his parts from the depths of ade's labs or presumably buy them from the store with Platinum by returning to his Liberian exhibit we come to find a single PR card buried in the sand upon his display stand with the truth of what actually happened to Dante you found him friend and Dante's tale deserves to be known so allow me to to relate it as he passes it to me Dante ventured to the deafeningly silen halls of the doomed entr lineage encountering automated defenses gone scile and violent chanting in an unright dialect that slurred thought and annihilated hope that wrong tonged language invaded Dante's mind infecting it with the one thing he was defenseless against the promise of knowledge oh it may be said that to parasite his life from without the body fighting to exist within the body despite the body even as it risks the body what then do we call Knowledge from beyond our reality demanding to be let in poor Dante if only he had recited to me sooner the wrong tonged words he had heard I could have told him you know that I had heard that language before once long ago from the lips of P mother's Grom danty found it you see Dante found the book The Dante I knew was many things but he was not weak he struggled fought refused its knowledge there was a moment a knew when that chill indifference felt it had won in those moments I was with him wrestling the foul thing he had on unlocked impossibly though it cost him dearly he was winning but miserably I knew the equation was not so simple as that I told him Dante what you have found can never be brought forth parvos must never know of this I felt the chill the awful loneliness of understanding wash through him I sensed the moment he chose and I felt Dante give up when he died I almost died with him but the book the word did not permit dantey to Die the violent diplomacy which ensued rrit the very fabric of who he was I understood things learned things on that Journey with my old friend from night to day things which could not survive in this world would have forever made a lie to me of science what became of him and what stars he may have traveled to is unknown to me what that wrong Tong Voice May murmur in his mind on long night I'm not sure I would want to know but I know it teaches it teaches because it longs to be known and in being known it exists and in existing it survives it's tough to say if this is a recollection or if this is some type of time manipulation that's happening as we are hearing it but is this what grantom desires the reason this area was so aggressively vandalized I have long postulated that parvis granham just had to be more than what he appeared to be having an incredible intellect on par with that of Ballas and Albert and trot and feeling something was just not right about this character the fact that he too had a missing hand and then in ways utilized that as a doorway seemed too eerily similar to how in utilized a finger to do a very similar thing with void travel and with grantom seeming to have his own pockets of the Void handy to himself well basic logic would surmise that he had have been receiving help from somewhere now that we know Grom has been speaking in void tongue potentially for a very long time the same language even inade wasn't certain of it really leaves only two possibilities one grantom knows this from relics he had previously either stolen or purchased from those who had or maybe granted themselves access to the underbelly of the necrolis on damos or parvos has also been visited by the indifference making his search for remnants of ade's Technology amongst both the zerman and these Labs make complete sense and adds what I feel is important context to the really odd final scene of the call of Tempest [Applause] story where Gram's voice takes on a particular effect that the man in the wall has long been known [Applause] for sister [Music] one you don't hear when he's normally talking how deep in is he is this voice he refers to in his reliefs the one driving him to his Ascension the same voice that so many accuse and trade of hearing if that's true it would mean he was under the influence of the indifference long before or even the old war although that last part still is pure speculation based on context of the information we've been given as a whole it's odd to me that a man like drusus who spent lifetimes acquiring these items for their importance would decide to let it all go in a l moment as he explains what actually caused the situation in the first place I do not know what possessed me in that moment I have no need for money or food or shelter or care perhaps I merely felt my time was done that the past had served its use and me along with it whatever the reason I allowed myself an instant to feel my misery to be greater than my life's purpose a momentary Indulgence that may be paid by every future generation until the sun goes go dark now I'm not saying this is an impossible thing and jusus wouldn't be the first to act in this manner especially if Financial burdens were piling up but consider that when visited by the man in the wall it typically occurs at a period of high stress and by extension High emotionality something appearing to be inextricably tied to the void entity and even warned against when in contact with the void although at this point the exact reason why is not known if I can speculate for a second by altering one of my preconceived notions regarding the indifference where I initially believed he or she only appeared to individuals as their glowing eyed twin the tenno and inade being the most glaring examples of that I've come to realize that it most likely can visit anyone in any form it's already assimilated as well as the target itself such as when in's doppelganger made itself visible so a version of the indifference utilizing parvos form would explain his appearances to both drusus as well as Valaria offering help at their lowest points drusus explaining to us the final moments of Dante touches on something very important firstly that at least one Warframe already fought the indifference whereas I felt we had an actual answer to a previous video I did regarding warframes and what free will they may or may not have during a bit of dialogue that could be heard while visiting Lloyd drusus never seems to distinguish between the Deeds of the warframes and of the tenno who presumably operated them he credits them all with autonomy and dignity it turns out he somewhat contradicts this by adding further information later Dante's works on Ancient Earth archaeology were some of the finest in their field many back then refused to accept a mere Warframe could have written them so unfortunately based on what he says the question Still Remains are there warframes that function without tenno he implies that drusus couldn't differentiate between Warframe and tenno but also says that Dante's demeanor was much different from other warframes and that there was some kind of of event that potentially triggered the warframe's madness in Mass I remember when we learned of the Warframe insurrections their Madness Savage and sudden justifying all the oran fear all the heroic Deeds were forgotten in an instant those like Dante who had yet to succumb became fugitives to shelter them meant death or glassing so did this madness occur within a certain period of time after having helmet strain injected in them or was there some actual event that turned them all ravenous potentially even around the same time clearly drusus believed Dante was an intelligent and well-mannered Warframe warframes cannot speak as a rule their creator decided they should only scream or roar or how Dante spoke through his writing and his voice was beautiful with Lloyd supporting this information but was that Dante or his tenant who was Dante's operator and is he too lost to the void or just unrecovered from his pod on Lua the scam you're given during the Prelude to the new war specifically the ARA portion suggests that there were a great many tenno reclaimed from the original zeran's return so are there tenno out there that still need re awakened and if so how many given what we already know as well as the context of what Lloyd says taken in its entirety I feel still doesn't verify a singular truth one way or another as there's just too many ways to interpret what's being said so that question Still Remains for essentially all the frames aside from maybe umbrella perhaps Warframe 1999 will provide the definitive proof needed to finally put this conspiracy to bed one way or another as far as the leverian and drusus is concerned as as long as we keep helping him make payments in theory things should go back to normal although we should probably really contemplate if giving grantom all kinds of stuff the indifference was already searching for is the best idea and if maybe we aren't all better off in the long run even drusus with just letting it go after finding the Devil Within the details of this story I'm not really sure that's a good thing either with that being said I hope you enjoyed today's video and I got you thinking about what's to come specifically with another major character showing evidence of an encounter with the indifference well gram join the multitude at some point I suppose we'll just have to wait and see at any rate I hope you all have a wonderful day today wonderful rest of your week and I'll talk at you all in the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: TheDsIEGE
Views: 25,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe lore, warframe theory, the man in the wall, Lotus, Margulis, Sacrifice quest, The New War, Zarimen Ten Zero, TheDsIEGE, Duviri, Duviri paradox, Wally, Ballas, Angels of the Zariman, Paradox, Second Dream, Rell, Erra, Natah, Hunhow, The void, Tau, Warframe, Warframe 1999, Leverian, Transference, Whispers in the Wall, Dante Unbound, Parvos Granum, Deadlock Protocol, Call of the Tempestarii, The Indifference, Albrecht Entrati, Granum Void, Granum Relief, Deep Archimedea
Id: JK8lM6o4uAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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