Warframe | Should you play nezha after the augment nerf?

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so yeah guys uh Fanboy Prime got nerfed uh Now using his hment hman mod his radius got decreased by 50% it is really really freaking crazy I was expecting it to get nerfed of course but I didn't expected to get nerfed this soon but uh me and my big mod I guess but yeah uh today I'm going to show you how to play him more consistently now since it gets nerfed as you can see I'm using notilus uh and a hellstrom to help it or you can use an AP this is the hellstrom doing it do that and as you can see they get all they all get pulled into uh me and uh yeah he's um he's more stationary than before he's still fun but he he has to play more stationary now because uh the more he moves the the less enemy comes to him I guess you can say he needs to play in a room now kind of uh he's still fun you better switch between rooms though as you can see uh man if this was the previous patch those enemies will got hit oh my God oh my Nautilus died it's fine yep okay but yeah uh either you use hellstrom or Nautilus or a AP heat primer and I'll show you the build uh uh at the end of course but man why did the E remove the fun out of ninja man I know it's strong yeah it's clearly broken I'm not going to lie but like at least make us have this fun for another two patch or so right and maybe Nerf the range by 25% instead of 50% because uh there are other AOE nukers that can also nuke really freaking strong and uh there just not one of them anymore if you're if you guys are going to keep sarin with dual iur uh please keep this like come on I mean granted B iur are an incarn weapon and they're pretty hard to get yet but like why man they're removing the fun out of everything the E it's it's still fun he still a really fun frame if you can find a good room like like that but like now not there's not a lot of enemies coming in and the builds efficiency actually got decreased cuz of that so I'm actually struggling getting energy uh so to negate that energy thing I need to freaking Prime them with something which is the appea it sucks but you know can't really do anything about it do that do that I mean as you can see see the it dropped km dropped by like 200 I think if I remembered correctly from left BD uh but yeah this is the new way to play Neja slightly more on the boring side because he's more stationary or at at least you can say room dependent but he is still really strong I just don't like how the enemies are not spawning properly ah there you go is my yeah it is up so yeah now I'm just switching between rooms to find like enemies that's what I'm doing right now like if there's no enemies there and like oh okay I'll just uh go to the other room and then uh kill the enemies here oh no more enemies okay come here are there enemies okay shoot cast cast again no enemies there okay enemies here okay shoot cast do that yeah that's how you play n now it's not as fun as before but like it's still fun I guess but not amazingly fun oh yeah act like that do this but yeah see not bad 683 kills in 5 uh minutes it's not that bad uh but yeah I'm going increase the KPM but you all that's what ah Why didn't it kill my God all right whatever it's fine uh but yeah uh I'll show you the build ah yeah 700 kills in 5 minute 30 not bad right lost a lot of KPM from uh previous patch but it's still usable it's just you need extra steps now and extra mods because the is like no no no let's not do that because uh it's not fun to kill everyone in a an area the end yeah now I'll show you the build because uh very important very important to show you the build yeah but they added this so kind of useful but yeah uh so Nautilus naus with cordon and manold Bon to combine because uh manifold Bon reduces companion ability cool down by 3 seconds per enemy I if I'm if I remember it's 3 seconds per enemy hit or I mean enemy kill so 3 - 3 - 3 so this will come out really fast hellstrom for priming look 1 2 3 4 four if you don't have hellstrom better get it or you can use ver glass or even better you can use a heat inherit primer like that mainly heat of course and next to viral uh so if you don't have Prime heated charge or prime expel grener you can just use their normal ones because you know scorches here anyway so it's going to be good either way secondary encumber to proc extra status effect just in case if you don't have it it's fine just just use this whole setup uh ver diffusion for multishot more multi-shot equals more status procs blah blah blah fire rate so it's not slow and extra multishot of course but yeah that's the build nothing really changed besides besides having a primer on Sentinel uh myself and notless for Cordon but yeah that's all
Channel: AniUniX
Views: 3,083
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Id: yAFk5Bneomo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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