BLAZING SURGE NEZHA CANNOT DIE | Breach Surge | Steel Path | Build

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Kai and welcome back to Warframe today we will be taking a look at as you can see loving the view artists Neja primed specifically now Neja is widely regarded as the frame that made Rhino obsolete so is that true is Neja literally just Rhino but better let's grab into the Sim and we can figure that out here we are in the simulacrum now before we go over Nash's build let's actually take a look at his abilities that's just first ability is surprisingly not breach surge unsurprisingly actually now breach surge is wisp's helmet ability the last video I actually put out was sarin with a breach Surge and I found a combination that works really well with Neza with the two NASA with it too so that's what we're using here now research is great because Neja is practically invulnerable to rewarding Halo but we'll touch on that later so if you are invulnerable then obviously the next step is all right how can I kill things quicker combining brood surge with blazing chakram and divine Spears it breach Surge and chakram multiply your damage so when you take two multipliers and then multiply them by each other it just it gives you a ridiculous amount of damage that is literally not necessary in anywhere in the game but it's possible and it's funny so why not now breach surge actually does a couple of different things the probably most obvious effect is that on cast you will see that there is a bright spark in front of every enemy's eye this signifies that they are blinded and cannot see now this is a very very effective CC because this spark if you damage enemies you can see it shoots other ones out that then spread to other enemies obviously for the remaining amount of duration that your ability has so you will be casting this a lot but on damage it will then take the damage that you do to a Target and the spark will send out to another Target and it will multiply that damage based on whatever the multiplier is which scales with strength so on top of it being a blinding CC one that spreads radiation procs and radiation procs make enemies attack each other which is even more CC and a damage multiplier means that this is just a really really good ability on top of all that right now I hit these enemies for about 235 if I research you'll see that I'm hitting them for a little bit more that is because when enemies are under the effects of breach surge they are vulnerable to the stealth damage multiplier of your weapons specifically to melee is not actual weapon um guns this is really great though because it make means that any like kind of melee build on Neja or it's possibly this natural build reach surge actually does a lot of things for just one ability so the most obvious is probably that on cast you will see that a bright orange spark covers the enemy's eyes this color is determined by your energy color on your frame now this spark signifies that an enemy is blinded so breach surge is an on-demand room-wide blind the next function of research is that on damage of any Target you have a 10 chance as you saw there you send those little Sparks out now those Sparks will then seek out another enemy in the head and they do have like a crit chance of multiplier stuff like that those Sparks send them out to other enemies which means that if you damage a bunch of enemies in a crowd you can then further blind more enemies now this spark adapts the current damage that you deal to the Target when you sent the spark out and multiplies it by whatever the multiplier is on the ability which scales off of strength this means that any damage you do if you were to hit for a hundred and you have a 4.5 times multiplier you the spark would then do 450 damage now the spark only does radiation damage but that's actually good because it spreads radiation procs to other targets which radiation if you didn't know its effect is that it makes enemies confused and they shoot at each other which is even more CC so again the ability crowd controls increases damage because the Sparks go out and multiply your damage by whatever it is and also it makes enemies vulnerable to the stealth damage melee weapon multiplier which means that whenever you damage enemies with a melee weapon while they are unaware of you you do a lot more damage so melee builds with research are kind of ridiculous Nash's third ability is blazing chakra now when we come over to these Gunners if you see the big ring on the back of measure that is his chakram when you do this you will throw it like a frisbee it then bounces between enemies now there are two ways you could throw this the first way that you throw it it just ricochets off of things like that and the second way you can throw it is when you hold down it'll just throw it perfectly straight much much faster but it doesn't bounce off of things there is pretty much no reason to use that it does gain punch through when you do that but the bouncing version is a lot lot better than the charge version so the few things that this ability does it gives a multiplier of damage it's a debuff to enemies that scales up for strength I'm pretty sure it's one percent of strength equals one percent more so right now at 199 strength I'm pretty much getting a 200 damage increase which is a lot it also makes it so that any enemies that are affected by this ring of fire as you can see here if I kill this chick actually kill her she drops a health orb and the enemy under the effect of chakram's effects drops a health orb this paired with equilibrium and the sense set Mod on your companion which I will show in a little while gives Neja Infinite Energy because you can walk over Health with equilibrium in the synth set and just get 50 energy especially because they just buffed how much health orbs are worth which is an indirect but massive buff to equilibrium chakram does also have the ability to teleport to it while it is in the air so if you throw it you can TP to it I don't really see the usage in this build I guess you can get a lot of distance with it by throwing it like that but unfortunately the distance you throw it and how many times it bounces does not scale off of range so it's like set it will never go farther than that but I guess some people can create some like meme flying builds with like doing this because it does allow you to infinitely bullet jump out of it but again I don't really see the usage in this but it is there if you like it that's just third ability and probably his best one is wording Halo This is why everyone calls Neja the better rhino this ability functions very very similarly to iron skin where it basically gives you health on top of your you know already existing health so if I were to unpause these enemies turn off my invincibility as well on cast for the first three seconds of having this ability active any damage that you take gets added to that counter in the bottom right then after that you just like you have 90 damage reduction and lose that counter when that counter runs out you have a three second period of invulnerability to just cast it again you can die here but obviously in an actual Mission you're not just going to be standing here so yeah practical and vulnerability wording Halo also makes Neja completely status and vulnerable and this affects him in more ways than just not being able to be affected by statuses by enemies it removes being affected by self-stagger so if I pull out a cool runner right now and just shoot myself with it you'll see that I am not being affected by the Stagger on this and I do not have Prime sure-footed on as you will see in a moment this makes measure really really good for taking weapons like the Brahma or weapons like the envoy and just shooting yourself oh ran out of it there but if I pop this just shooting yourself at defeat and not even having to worry about it neja's fourth ability is divine Spears So Divine spheres is sometimes measures subsumability because it requires range to be good and everything else in neja's base kit does not require range and if you do just put something like zantas whisper or Roar over it those don't need it either but in this build because we are using breed surge we do need range so when you cast you will impale all enemies around you with the Divine sphere now the main function of this ability besides the fact that it CC's enemies is that when you hit an enemy with a chakram it will add another one and subsequent chakrams can then spawn more of them so this is really great for Neja because this spreads the debuff that chakram gives enemies which is a in this case like a 228 debuff this scales with breach searches five times multiplier so bit combined with the debuff from blazing chakram basically means that you get way more damage than will absolutely ever be necessary Divine spheres just makes that a lot easier because without this hitting a large group of enemies with chakram is actually not very easy because it only bounces a couple of times so using this and then just makes it really really easy to kill a lot of things the one final thing that Divine spheres does is actually you can recast the ability while it is active to slam enemies back into the ground I don't see a reason to do this it does extra damage but the damage is like in the thousands so it's really negligible against anything on the steel path so yeah kind of a waste of energy to cast it and then pretty much uncast it the final part of measures kit is his passive now his passive is you slide 60 faster and go 35 farther a lot of people actually don't like this passive because as you can see here if I slide real quick that is a lot farther and faster than normal but it means that if you play any other frames besides ninja you hop on at Neja and then you're not used to this and then you know you try to slide and then stop and you just don't it like it's a little clunky personally I'm not a huge fan of it there is a way to get rid of it though just like zephyr's passive if you come into your mod section and slot in the controlled slide mod you will lose that and gain 50 15 ability strength so keep that in mind but now that that is all said and done let's look at the actual ninja build so first thing you can see here is that we are building for just moderates in most of these stats are arcanes very quickly our multi-efficiency and Arcane strike Arcane strike I would always recommend for Neja especially with research because that plus 60 attack Speed Stacks real nice with our guandal and then multi-efficiency this is your Flex slot pretty much your arcanes I like it because the additional duration is nice it also brings us up to 164 duration it just means you don't need to cast things like Divine Spears a lot because it is a little Annoying although if you're playing more mobile I guess you could drop this and then you could run a bunch of other things like multi augmented energize is not needed because we have equilibrium now blazing chakra makes it so that any enemy you killed that is affected by the chakram drops the health orb how do you pick up Health orbs if you are at Max Health through your companion which in this case is a Panzer mobile phylum with the synth fiber mod this allows you to pick up Health orbs at Max health because they in quotes affect your companion and it grants you with equilibrium how much energy that Health orb is worth and in this case my equilibrium is not maxed out so it just grants me 50 energy every time I pick up a health orb which means Infinite Energy because it's you know 25 energy to cast chakram and it's going to affect more than one enemy and you get 50 energy for every kill especially with Divine spheres if it's multiplying that chakram and you kill 10 enemies you have 500 energy at your disposal it's really really great now adaptation is on this build this does not need to be maxed out I actually don't have a spare adaptation because I just gave a couple to my friends and I honestly would recommend if you want to not have to form a measure um Prime and even once just run this at base because you'll still get the full effects if it's stacking up to 90 it just might take longer but this is here just to give us even more survivability on top of wording Halo this is not necessary but all this does is just make this last longer because it the 90 Dr that this gives Stacks with the 90 Dr that this gives and kind of just makes you invincible now we have Prime continuity on here because our duration did go a little negative and then most efficiency obviously I said for more stretch for a little more range on Divine spheres brings it to 27.5 and we also do want more range on breach Surge and again range doesn't scale off chakram and warning Halo although warning Halo yes but very very negligible it's not going to be doing anything and then for strength I just have umbrella intent to find transient here because it brings our releasing chakram to 199 and resurged to 3.98 X this is great because these multiplied together to give us more damage and the impale and slam damage on Divine Spears is not necessary now our last slot here the three mods I would recommend for this spot are the augermots secrets message or reach they cost seven which is why I said if you have a down ranked adaptation you will be able to throw these in personally I would go with either message or reach the extra damage multipliers that you'll get from chakram and breach surge are unnecessary in my opinion they already go together and do so much damage so not having to cast these as much or have being able to affect more enemies with each cast is what I would preferably go for and then I have corrosive projection in my or slot what I would actually recommend is not this because it's not really needed it just happens that measure comes with a default narrow modularity in his Aura Growing Power is great briefer Sprite if you want a shield gate but I don't recommend that on Ezra again because wording Halo makes you invincible and the only times that it won't be are when you get into really really high level still past things which I don't make builds around you could also use something like steel charge here that works great for melee builds and combat discipline if you want to throw Arcane Avenger here for more crit chance is nice but that's the nature build now before we go hop into the steel path I'll go over what the rotation is again actually I did miss something what melee are we using and what Focus goal are we using right here I'll go over to focus school first I'm using matter I this is just purely because you don't really need to focus score for this build you could use narimon but as long as you have a good primer like the Epitaph and I'm specifically reminded for corrosive and heat with a dexterity Arcane on it you get a lot of combo duration so you don't really need to worry about that but our guandau this is what we are using mainly to kill enemies and as you can see here this is a blood rush weeping wounds build my blood rush is obviously not maxed at Max we get better results than me but this already works fine so condition overload we're affecting targets with a lot of statuses from our Epitaph which again is modded for and the radio shot blast T and corrosive you could drop something like auger pact specifically for this build for something like full elimination I don't have it or prime fulmination just so you can affect more enemies that would work but I don't really see an issue with that especially because the Epitaph fires so fast and has a large radius by default but on our guandal we are modding for crit chance crit damage and reach gives us extra range Prime to reach gives you more than this use that if you haven't and then obviously shimmering uh shimmering blight is the best status for pull arms so always use this bleeding Willow is not that great and it also happens to be that this comes with a default what is this generic in the aura for it obviously you need to build up your Stacks with blood rush of weeping wounds but that's really easy when enemies are impaled then you know can't move because of the Divine Spears and last I just do I have toxin on here this element if you want to use something like heat instead of toxin you very well could I'm just using toxin because sometimes it's nice against those corpus with the shields just go straight through it and the raw damage that you get from the corrosive on the Epitaph also is fine for grineer paired with the heat that measure gives base on all the visibilities but that is the nature build so let's go hop into the steel path and I can show you why everyone uses Neja when they literally don't want to have to try here we are on Moss the void in the still pass my favorite testing spot now we get this started real quick I actually do have untraceable um so we're just gonna kill some enemies real fast before because to stack up your boarding Halo you actually do need to be shot but I mean the Felix is really strong here so obviously it's not struggling all right we cast this boom we're going to start taking a lot of damage very quickly we are vulnerable Here and Now we can get the build started support our primer that's not a primer that's Felix okay and we can just kind of you know mess these enemies v l up this scales incredibly well by the way I mean as you can see we have 91.9 000 oh 90 000 now point of you know Dr and I'm not even using brief Surge and just the guandal modded like this is enough to One Tap these enemies so yeah just like be aware of that this is a really really strong build Neja himself is really really strong obviously losing my voice a little bit but we hit these enemies with chakram we kill all them that practically just refilled our entire energy and yeah you know you only like the ridiculous amount of damage that breach surge plus raising chakram give together is literally not needed for like literally anything in the entire game seriously it's like oh it's comical just how good it is like I'm literally just running straight at these enemies I'm not even worrying about it you know oh we'll hit them with that and then pop them like that you know what I actually did find a use for being able to uncast Divine screws it's so that you can move to another area and recast it which is nice I guess okay let's actually do the full rotation here and wow that guy got up you know maybe if my blood rush is maxed out I'd actually be hitting Reds right now I know that if you do mod for sacrificial Steel Plus blood rush you will just hit some guaranteed Reds which is really really nice but I took more crit damage over the Reds although I mean holy look at that when you actually do the entire combo and pair the two together you just you just be demolishing things and infinite energy again because all these enemies drop a health orb and you're not even really spending that much this is just it's a fun build dude especially with bright energy colors like this but I'm going to stop this little clip right here and wait until we get an acolyte spawn in just so you can see how much that is also not energy for him too all right and acolyte has decided to spawn I also just want to remind you guys that I have not recasted my warning Halo once now I will have to but I'm invulnerable when I do it and I'm going to take a lot of damage right here while I kill torment real quick so it'll stack up very very fast yeah you know what I actually didn't get a lot of stacks there I don't know how but if I kind of just stand still and let them shoot at me actually you know what enemies aren't shooting at me because they're affected by freaking breed surge this is such a crazy frame guys like I wasn't even priming enemies for a lot of that like I'm not even using the full damage rotation that I outlined in the beginning of this video because like you don't need it like look did you see that breed surge Brock that was like 580k I'm actually about to run out of life support oh God that might be not good okay got the cast off oh Jesus that's just such a fun frame as you can see here the slide passive is kind of messing me up a little bit actually because I'm over sliding things I don't know how that person got out of the drum we have research back on these enemies throw another chakram and get this out and yeah that was probably the easiest most nonchalant five minutes of survival I've ever had seriously okay this is so good so now y'all can listen to me talking as we go to extraction but yeah that that's that's the build so thank you so much for watching I know that Neja is a pretty popular frame so here's me hoping that this video does well all the rest of my videos have been doing super well and that makes me really happy because like you know I don't know just having that positive reception and I'm really happy to know that you guys are enjoying the content that I'm making too I plan to continue doing it and I plan to listen to your guys's feedback and anything else you say and yeah so just thank you so much guys I really appreciate every single one of you and I'm looking forward to interacting with you guys more in the future I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: kyaii
Views: 69,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ESh51R7R8pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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