Warframe is WAY better than I thought

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hey so I've seen a lot of videos recently where people saying that Warframe has either killed their love for Destiny or that Warframe is better than Destiny so today we will find out if your boy thinks Destiny 2 is worse than [Music] Warframe oh [ __ ] grer oh no seeds from the ruins of the old war swallowing colony's whole the tenno hey it's me it's me it's your man scattered across frail worlds what this my okay okay okay oh this guy's beasted with it oh this is definitely my character there's no way I'm not picking him definitely my character you flying up in this [ __ ] now it's be oh my gosh it's a train all the flash pick your poison with it these Cuts scenes are so good they're really well done got to give them that oh that scene from Star Wars I don't remember what one right if I can do that in the game best game I've ever played together they fought back Jesus Christ hope I can fight all of those f as [ __ ] then they left forgotten wake up tenno probably the best cut scene I've seen in a long time in a video game see them kicking asses after the get resurrected uh no it's before they die then that's when they kick ass and then they die well I say die I don't think they die they just no they just go go sleepy as you shock speed electric Shield discharge okay mag she gravity pole magnetize polarize and crush and this is the swordy man man what was that sword slash what it slash Dash oh radial blind radial Javelin oh my God ex exalted blade I'm going to Excalibur oh [ __ ] that was loud I see the Lotus has tried to wake you pity she's too late you're my prize now Deno no we are taking this one with us what has he done to you I can't lose another tenno I'm surging your warframe's Power Systems quick use your power defend yourself oh yo Jesus hunting you arm yourself why I haven't did anything I've been a good man shatter armor with heavy blows a bow or a sucker take this what oh doggo kill the doggo is oh oh [ __ ] I don't mean to do that game is kind of beautiful grab what you can yeah pistol or some throwing knives I'm using the throwing knives you [ __ ] silly if you think not using those hey look at that oh [ __ ] hurry before finds out you've escaped how's he not found out I've escaped already my ass is pry Escape flows like fire over the battle terrain do you remember how to dash up walls Dash up walls oh my God uh oh that's out oh sh was Salvage team why have you not reported in you made it there is the extraction ship look like a BG oh [ __ ] my ship Man Captain V going on your ass going to go down boy come here Mak this too easy come come this will hurt who last going down come here my decrepit heart is pounding this one is stronger than the rest lock the area down this tenno is mine tenno why does he say it like that get to the console and release the lock down do that and I will guide you to your old ship it's your only chance [ __ ] you catch these [ __ ] hell yeah loose lock oh the Queens want to destroy you but I need to know more primary weapon a bow or an AR now you've got me a stuck do I want the bow or the AR uh uh take the AR an old ship it looks I was good as new as the other one [ __ ] you now I can leave oh no oh there we go stop touching me you what are my senses deceiving me operator is that you enemy reinforcements are here ship seon will require immediate extraction Tel are you afraid you cannot hide from these old eyes I've marked you you will return to me no I will not big man I'm free I feel free look call the hang of the [ __ ] movement pretty quickly well I want to say quickly uhuh oh bye-bye I do be gondo oh hello daily tribute an OB more that word solid thank you thank you for the metal theer are ravenous for this old technology it is superior to theirs perhaps there are systems left the Orbiter compartment oh what is that AB yeah I think we got an infestation on the ship you honor ordis now I can supply the operator with better mod than fire power navigation wait actually can I play with you I don't have you as a friend oh hey what's your name man should just be is kab I know um can I change it some cringe ain't it cosmos's editor oh why did you spell cosmosis like that I don't know and I'm called dyslexic oh this is a single player Mission well [ __ ] Migos flying the ship oh oh my gosh my eyes restore ship coms need is in a nearby Data Vault Infiltrate The Vault and retrieve the segment the shadows of your mind guy's odd an odd man's that a den how you defeat those measures is up to you I will destroy you your home doggies get back yeah you get spawn kill how you feel about that oh you're the console trigger the alarms now and start destroy the data oh oh oh is there another one oh I got him boom oh excellent work a clean extraction with no alarms hell is your head to extraction extraction as every moment passes the Asar sparrows deeper revealing you boom mission complete who's the best I'm the best holy bonus is Batman welcome back operator the operator has recovered a segment install it now or is patiently awaits it installation the Cod engaging I suppose this will Oris is grateful so what are all these get Communications I must analy what VOR ascaris is doing to your Warframe incubator boundary operat is now connected with other tenno in the system the operator may now contact Black Market scumbags contact arms deers wait does that mean I can play with people hey it's just [ __ ] hello oh I can't even see you how big is the oh oh who the who just joined our Squad we got Spartan NAA what did you just say SP how manyer slaves died to build this place I don't care but everyone in working here is about to die boy I save myself the shadows of your mind you said that last mission he's inside me oh no actually that works he can be inside me if you can avoid detection by the warden it may be EAS the byp the security so we can enter can you get on the other pan you spent money on this already no I logged in on this oh so you spent spent money when you were last on here what the you've been spotted get ready for a fight I think I got spotted IE you I will give my anos to meet us in Orit once we clear this death wait is another guy that gave in that thing when I complet the first mission your sucess on out of alive I got it guys don't worry I can't see cuz that guy's on my screen from you're all dead you're all dead hey we're at the end imagine dying trash it's cringe oh let's go that's fuing go you're all trash me wa the hostage that instantly means I'm better oh hello hello I can put my mod tank in options you have ooh I upgrade isn't a shield capacity ability rib are endless thanks for helping me out back there I recognize that device it's a parasitic restraint we Corpus use something similar to keep our robotics in line so to settle my debt I give you a very EXP spy blueprint for free because I like you and well a lot of my customers don't live long with these going here do chewing up the system what's this hidden blade from Assassin's Creed I've upgraded all my stuff oh my God that's just intimidating as [ __ ] seeing all those ships just floa in there all the ones at the back and then these little ones just all staring at my ship there let's go let's go let's go let mango shut the f that's his name you're not rhyming it no let's go let mango I don't rhyme D trash Hello Dragon I was afraid of this the grineer are here and I cannot find any signs of living colonists you still have a job to do find The Foundry segment the queen you but I will show them their love will return When I deliver you to them you mean delivering nothing boy go out this and then kill you I can dodge like deflect the bullets sword yeah it's probably an ability of guarding no I didn't even guard I was just running towards him B sment hey ship is one St closer to comption now there is one do eliminate all grineer and provide Justice for the colonist Justice for Gotham soon the wor will be thank you for that Batman Batman can you put Cory back on the mic please I will Purge your [ __ ] you Joker why am I Joker Batman I pokem okay okay you want to know what Pokemon I got mhm I'm asking you Batman I want to know Batman you want to know why you're asking me why you've got a Pokemon I want to know I want to know Joker you're a bit [ __ ] I am meant the insane Batman get out of this Co right now go back to Gotham please [ __ ] you Batman I'll do whatever I want no Batman's dead no I'm talking to Batman right now oh no Batman was just on the mic he went no you're just a cringe old Batman just a cringe Lord you didn't like my Tik toks Batman oh my god let's go wherec let's go mango I would do a Batman voice but I don't want to seem like I'm having a stroke so ah P the but the unexpected surprise many people join this call right now who's going to be next don't know where other voice I can do I can't do any so I would say I only thing I could do of Mario is like maybe the Yahoo and letal I can safely dis I can s not enough things storage has been looted as well of course it has the Corpus resource cashes we're going to raid it oh my God we're doing our first raid in this game holy holy we're the best we're the best I need Batman again I need him to punch me in the face you know Batman you don't want to take a punch from Batman you know how hard they hit I know he touched me out when I was a giant Abomination you just don't want to do the Batman voice to you cuz you'll sound like you're having a stroke [ __ ] I'm the Joker don't you know no I don't is the word AR exactly of more fortitude either they sell anything to anyone don't get me wrong I like profit a lot but I don't sell my way to the damn that's unforgivable hats off to you H it's funny going to knock all their hats off okay don't worry yeah yeah yeah let's go another cash I'm coming Batman for the boys time for extraction the ascus has riched your mind and rendered your lus mute you will return to me over your own free will no I won't it's a new age V I will no longer be a slave to you you are no I'm not want to know I got these negator what are these called they called mods this part of your want to know how I got these mods sh play cyber Punk now you want to know how I got this chrome Jer and Cy I know how I got this chrome Adam Smasher as David Martinez said he was built different Batman I'm taking it off our love will will be reborn as we feed our Your Divine oh my gosh I'm free oh no Batman I'm stuck B you managed to disarm Bor ascaris I thought I thought I lost you oh no the escar had a tampering fail how do I find who the [ __ ] is itates let me Chrome the without Batman yeah what I think of that yes oh my God that's a booger ass gun think it's a gun nothing's come out the side of it out the other my man was already there waiting for us oh my God yo brother you want to hang outrace me for my oh I can't say that it's offensive Now isn't it but soon the ascaris will compl it task offensive to kill yourself that's against my religion God is Otis from barard God is good no like I said God is Otis from Barnard that's my God I got the thing I think yeah give me good work we have what we wait tenno coordinates in this nav segment put the gall on a direct to a convoy of colonists you have a choice you can extract now or you can disable this gallion and save the colonists hell yeah the colonists could jeopardize this Mission I recommend you head straight to extraction but the choice is yours wow uh y I am You' reached the ship's Power Systems destroy attack how do I oh my God oh my God oh so I don't jump previously I do that do the thing do the thing mango I got you Fu all right boom boom colonist ship has escaped I admire your Noble intentions tenno but you must survive for the future of the system when a br C that sounds pretty sexual to me let mango is still with us what a beast Echo mango might answer your question what mango wait he's here wait yo what skip k ska SK ska I'm doing these I'm thinking about that time we play GTA and I did that in when I thought this fix I me fix from a sandwich the assin I can never do it again come here boy you will join us oh you you're so you're dead what wow wow sough this game took one from Destiny's book okay this one has your name on it this has your name on it you about to die boy your Ser look thecar stator has just disintegrated it's as if it was directly connect you're here imagine die oh he's in two halfes damn sorry you've done it tenno vor's scarus is gone you are free now I'm a free Soul the origin system is in chaos and it needs you tenno was just a part of the grineer machine and we have seen that the Corpus have begun amassing weapons of Their Own It is a dangerous time oh so there we go guys that was my first video of Warframe to be honest it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be I thought I was going to have an awful time which I think it's bad for me to think but I had a lot of fun to be fair uh we still have a lot more to go through this game this game is huge as we saw the map earlier and there's a lot more to do on this map you've got like setus which I'm pretty sure is the open world to this game and we have this Venus Junction here which I think lets you access the other planets so definitely expect another video of this while we going to Cs and the Venus Junction and explore more of Warframe so that's me guys if you enjoyed this video like And subscribe feel free to dislike if you didn't feedback is appreciated a lot but until next time it's been me guys
Channel: Lloydy
Views: 174,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: USHKZS7xeb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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