The Open World Problems Of Warframe: A Retrospective

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foreign [Music] is a free-to-play fast-paced action looter shooter developed by digital extremes the player known as a tenno reawakens from carlostasis and begins their Journey with the Guides of Lois you are thrusting into the origin system with one goal to defeat your enemies and to bring peace into a world where corruption runs rampant greed is sprouting on every corner and a grotesque Army lurks deep within the tunnel are the last of its kind a mysterious race once serving the great orcan Empire only to slay their masters in Cold Blood In The Night They arm themselves with powerful weapons known as the warframes ancient nerd technology once created by the Oregon Empire with a gun and blade in arms these old and forgotten forces are sent into the system once again ready to face the foes they once encountered a millennia ago Warframe is most commonly known for its slick smooth gameplay stunning visuals a dynamic roster of characters and of course the game being completely free to play through and through not a single payroll he can hop into this world without spending a single dime if you choose to the game will never tell you to stop playing and the players are given freedom in how they can approach the game it's a large reason as to why this 3D player means one of the most successful games in the industry Warframe is cool it's Innovative it's Unique it's weird and bizarre with his characters and it's also very ambitious and ambitious it was Warframe was always trying new things New Concepts new systems new forms of gameplay and design it was always trying to break the next boundary oh that's cool you can utilize your melee to Traverse the level with high speeds blitzing right through your enemies let's do it again but better this time you can thrust your momentum in bullet jumps while spin dashing oh what's that you can utilize an arc Wing to fly around a big giant space sandbox level neat now let's try and designing an 8-man raid with that idea huh that's kind of interesting a character that's oriented around melee gameplay let's redesign his kit with an energy sword grafted from Pure light as his blades Swing Out In Motion slicing anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path Warframe is really cool almost everything about this game oozes with passion and creativity it's like the developers Just Want to Have Fun the warframes are unique expressive all have a story to tell just as ambitious as the game is the classes are a complete joy to play with being able to Define your own play style with their kit the robust modding system allows players to experiment in ways never seen before in any other game want to take the support class and play as a DPS no problem don't like how squishy Nova is no worries just slap on some duration health and start tanking like a complete boss Warframe doesn't want you to play a certain way Warframe wants you to play your way there is no limit to the creative freedom in play Styles while other games have set roles and styles of gameplay Warframe doesn't care it just wants you to have fun and fun it was fun it was too much fun soon hours turned to days and days into weeks and weeks into months if you gave war from a chance it had you hooked it was too late there was no going back he wanted more wanted to see more wanted to play more it was an addiction and you loved every single second of it Warframe was your dream it was all you ever needed some would say it was your second Dream from a clear progression system to an addictive reward Loop you just wanted more and more and more and the developers clearly knew with ambitious ideas and goals Warframe seemingly had no limit second dream blew everyone out of the water the story finally coming together as seeing Lotus for the very first time reawaken us since the Oregon Massacre to our operator discovering the grineer queens and freeing the tight graspberry Grenier had on the origin system there was no limit to this Behemoth of a game the game kept going forward and forward no looking back but at core it still felt as if the game was grounded and stuck to its Central route the levels Warframe is a level based looter shooter going from point A to point B and the maps being largely small with one main objective which was the mission sure you can explore the map but really what were you going to get a few hundred credits from lockers or containers some energy orbs some would argue the maps didn't need a greater purpose Beyond housing objective and giving the players a hallway to run through a pretty hallway but a hallway nonetheless you can add many new game modes and Maps But ultimately you cannot change the core game going from point A to point B this was the ultimate dilemma being stuck to this rule but Warframe is a risk it's always ever been a risk no one wanted Warframe literally the game could not find a publisher who was willing to cooperate and release the game worked on the original kind of what became our Excalibur suit and we went around pitched it and uh this was this was kind of like Kano and Halo was sort of a thing starting to emerge but every publisher said no one likes sci-fi and they won't sell instantly every time we you know space is uh space is lame spaces and then it exert you know insert Politically Incorrect term so uh as that Runway was running out and I was getting desperate and we were getting chain yank by Publishers you know one publisher said well we don't like the hero he's too feminine can he have an eye patch like literally crazy things like that okay so our I would go to to free to play games were not popular they were deemed a second class low quality and relegated to the bottom of many digital stores only to be played to pass time if you were bored fast forward 10 years later and Frida plays are making the most money with substantial player bases in the industry needless to say Warframe took the risk digital extremes took the risk to self-publish the game to self-publish a free game this was a recipe for disaster will the game end up getting players will they get funding from micro transactions is the project sustainable and will players even stick around it also didn't help that Borderlands 2 was a new hot thing that year and it hit success off day one from gearbox digital extremes knowing all the obstacles and hurdles took this risk the big gamble if Warframe failed that was it development and the close beta were rough to say the least and it was also hard to justify the purchase of a 100 supporter pack when the game was lacking any form of content with constant bugs and Network glitches and in general a very sloppy experience but this Gamble from the developers and players paid off Warframe got its money it got its updates it got better it got really good and a few years later it's become a known figure while still under the shadows of Destiny knee or frame made its way with risk Warframe became Warframe and digital extremes was ready to take another risk another risk to reinvent its gameplay to reinvent its levels to innovate into an open world experience [Applause] thank you [Applause] all right well thank you for that I just unclenched this is the plains of eidolon this is while we were walking from the relay we streamed in three kilometer square space of gameplay for you guys to experience uh caves and hidden camps things to explore a sense of Freedom that we've never seen in Warframe before [Applause] The Plains of eidolon update was first revealed at tanocon 2017 and it was absolutely insane an open world in Warframe this was unheard of for the longest time Warframe players were always used to the very structured gameplay going from level to level point A to point B there was talks amongst the community about an open area but nothing ever came to fruition until now this was big this was incredible it was breathtaking you could fish you could mine doing these seemingly minuscule tasks was exciting players are drooling with awe as a prospect of being able to life skill in Warframe is now a thing it also helped out the entire planes looked gorgeous utilizing new textures new lighting and assets The Grenier got a redesign with a special Tusk division implemented into the planes a new faction of settlers known as the austrons taking Refuge under the giant Tower of sadis being able to Iraq with more NPCs and getting a good look at the lifestyle they LED and being immersed into it it was all fantastic the visuals the art the sound design it truly was breathtaking and the team put their heart and soul into this update and it clearly shows Warframe was redefined forever the release date is announced and players are on the edge of their seats bursting with excitement and anticipation the update drops October 12th of 2017 and the tunnel can finally explore the plains of eidolon at first is met with very positive reception the new bounty system was an interesting addition giving players a set number of objectives they must complete in succession the missions can vary between defending an armored Vault to capturing and escorting a drone while enemies trying to desert with bombardments or finding caches in caves and mountains there was a lot of unique missions and game modes that the planes offered being much different than the traditional captures and defense missions that we were used to there was a lot of new materials with this update it was a first time Warframe has done something like this so players were finding out a bunch of new materials and resources to obtain Farm fish and mine lots of new gems and rare items to craft and obtain with the introduction of the new Focus school system this redefined the operator gameplay which was once relegated as a satin for death system is now a fully fledged gameplay style for The Operators with their new amps arcanes as well as a whole host of customizations available the planes also introduced a new faction the austrians which had a whole host of new items to obtain and most importantly it was the very first time players can craft and build their own custom melee weapons truly revolutionary being able to literally make your own weapon was something never seen before players had so much freedom and a new Sandbox to play with things were looking great and with the introduction of the eidlon boss fight players were given their very first world boss to tackle with new rewards to boot if you want to see me discuss more about the world bosses you can check out this video here at the top corner with all the hype glamor and Jazz eventually the cracks started to show while we were promised and delivered an entire new experience with Warframe things started to feel repetitive almost too repetitive so after roaming the planes for about a couple weeks now I think I can give it a fair review I know Excalibur Umbra is coming soon and will likely add more to this expansion but I'm gonna cover the planes themselves more than anything else specifically so first of all I want to list my favorite things about the planes they're beautiful they're wonderfully textured I have to send credit to de's design team because they really really went over the edge with this the trees are full of the bushes avoid looking like cardboard cutouts the sentient corpses everywhere is a really nice touch fishing was super fun at first mining is there the terrorist is one of the coolest bosses that this game's had in a long time and finally gave operators a purpose other than walking plot devices and uh yeah that's about it Bounty start to get still extremely quickly missions that used to be interesting got old super quick Warframe is a grindy game but the bounties were slow and tedious and had time gated objectives that largely made the player wait three minutes instead due to enemies getting blown into Smithereens within seconds it felt strangely boring the Drone missions were a complete chore unless you're playing as Nova or Loki there was no way to move this drone from its set path the gameplay in these missions were not as fun anymore it felt as if the big sandbox was clashing with missions that were normally played in small levels there was a huge lack of enemy density when exploring the planes most mods would sit around these camps but each Camp was spread out far and few the enemies in general though just weren't there and most of the time would spawn in their drop ships which spawned most when you were in combat but even then it was far and few unless you were in a bounty the planes also had a standing cap to just like traditional syndicates did meaning it would take players on average more than a week to rank up to the max level with austrians since the mastery cap was lower back in 2017. while fishing and Mining were a nice change of pace they were ultimately tedious as you had to mine fish so much materials in order to craft necessary items like the arc Wing launcher which at this point did not have a onecraft infinite use function every time you use the launcher you need to craft more thus the maintenance cost was high for a critical item and no one was going to Traverse the planes on foot there was no point when you could just blink to the next objective with it's all it made the planes feel really empty despite being warframes at the time largest map due to how big the map was it was also an extreme pain forming cetus wisps these tiny floating wisps was essential to progressing with the austrians and used to craft other high-value items more shots were formed but it was very tedious having to grind these at night the main method of farming these was by yes running alongside any body of water at night that was The Meta my God it's been too long and on on a topic about the knights idolans were completely but mirrorless now normally what you'd get from killing a terrorist would be an eilon Shard and another exceptional core but when you capture it here's the thing we'll get a chance to get a brilliant Shard and a Flawless score and if you don't get any of these you get nothing that's right instead of getting a guaranteed drop from your idol on you have a chance now and a very small chance at that so basically capturing the idle on right now is not worth it at all it's not worth your time and doing though it does make the fight a little bit easier you get you basically could either get really lucky or very very unlucky so right now in in this current state of capturing don't do this do not do this capturing an island did not guarantee the rewards of a brilliant Island Shard which was used to Unbound Focus skills a core item used to progress your operator was not guaranteed thus wasting a lot of time in the night which only lasted 45 minutes per cycle there was a huge struggle to even get past the first Gap with the eidolon as the base amp was completely garbage and it would take a few hunts in order to get your first proper amp chroma during the time was the best Warframe for idlon hunts as this Vex armor can easily be built up due to self-damage and giving you a multiplicative damage bonus thus enabling players to one shot the limbs which were not easy to do at the time unfortunately de decided to finally fix chroma after so many years because of this bug breaking the idol on boss fight the updates started to fall apart players having to grind an insane amount of bounties and materials in order to progress with the austrians and the entire sandbox feeling super empty in S7 actual world-like advertised the gameplay was just not exciting Warframe was really good when it came to the closed levels with simple short objectives the plane took these same missions and objectives that were once short and patted them out over 12 minutes the rewards to Mission time was not worth it and the entire experience started to feel really sluggish it also didn't help that shortly after the release of planes players had a distaste for the bounty system because of how much of a chore it was unfortunately de did not take this advice kindly and instead implemented the Prime unvault into the bounties so now the only way of obtaining The unfaulted Relic was through bounties not only to avoid this bug also there's a post on Reddit that suggests you to play the first stage of the bounty only as it gives you better chance of getting these relics the resource suggests that the first stage of the bounty Mission yields the most percentage for you to get these unvaulted relics This was later updated with future patches but at the time it was very very annoying obviously players ended up abusing the bounty system and only running the bounties until the second or third stage which is where the Rolex would drop the most then a boring the mission and restarting thus cutting about 10 minutes of time de however saw this and decided to update the Bounty rewards so the more valuable items like relics will drop in the latter half of the stages thus forcing players to grind the full Bounty it seemed every time the players tried to find ways to make the planes tolerable de finds a way to fix and prevent the players from doing anything that made their lives easier with cetus Nerf in the Bounty rewards Nerf and chroma Nerf in the Arkham so you can't fly into caves to mine ores faster the removal of the raid activities was also an insult to injury and instead placing the arcane's in eilon fights which albeit or a well-structured fight but were not on the same level as a traditional 8-man activity it feels as if the entire Innovative and expansive experience was nothing more than to hinder the player instead of nerfing every Loop while we find how about actually fixing the problem so we don't need to jump through these intricate holes to make the experience tolerable Warframe is a fast-paced game but the introduction of the planes turn that fast-paced gameplay into his sluggish chore it just didn't work the map was big but there was no enemies the objectives were always spread out the rank UPS required too much materials and were time gated and eidolons were very buggy on release while also being the reason de removed the raid game modes because apparently slapping a tree at night is considered a more end game activity than an actual raid yeah not a very smart decision especially considering the fact that the raid Bus died that day what a way to pay homage a fancy sakaris all we got the planes later on announced warframe's best event the Play Store an infested asteroid landed on the planes and now konzu needs your help or else he won't have his early lunch anymore this event of course had a bounty tied to it I mean how the hell would it not and it had a mix of traditional gameplay while also incorporate the stupid drone at least the Final Phase was actually fun akin to normal Warframe gameplay unfortunately this event is far and few I guess it's too overpowered to farm Forma all the time through many years of hot fixes and patches as well as the remaster the planes of eidolon while having a rough start eventually got its [ __ ] together and is now a somewhat tolerable experience although many still grown at the idea of grinding bounties for Aya this update really did change Warframe for the better despite all its [ __ ] it was a stepping stone for something greater and something greater we got foreign [Music] moving [Music] the air and water flowing apart the land we call our home pushed to keep the door from coming feel the weight of what we hope it's the song of sons and daughters I'm the heart of who we are for making peace to build a future strong United working till we know the air and water flowing apart the land we call our home push to keep the dark from coming till the brain of what we know this the song of sons and daughters [Music] together together [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] wow Keith you really know how to tingle my ears huh with the announcement of fortuna we got our second open world but this time it's bigger a whole lot bigger how bigger you may ask landscape is massive we'll keep watching you stay warm planes Ride Along would fit almost in that Basin we just walked by crew fell back to his church yeah that's quite massive I must admit I was not expecting a winter oriented open world but we got it and it's goddamn beautiful Fortuna seem to get off on the right foot we were introduced to the next step of the modular system the players can now craft their own secondary weapon ranging from a wide variety of choices such as a death beam or projectile of heart scorching plasma Fortuna head style Fortuna had color and Fortuna had Flair and most importantly Fortuna had skateboards I guess someone in the studio was a huge fan of skate 3. Fortuna also teased the new idea of a heat system the more active you are in or valence the more notoriety you build up thus more enemies and Corpus robots will engage in combat with you more frequently making the world feel much more alive whereas the planes was largely empty Fortuna also had many settlements in The Valleys inside caves you could see a bunch of spiders taking Refuge from the cold enemies and workers out and about minding their own business entire bases you could capture and run bounties from due to how big the map was compared to planes there was a lot more camps and areas to explore and to farm in different areas hosted various orb spider enemies which dropped different materials and such things were looking great even visually it's far more stunning than planes utilizing new assets new lighting and textures and all that fancy Jazz we were ready to live together [Music] or Valles and the people of Solaris hit Warframe on November 8th of 2018 and players were stoked at the aspect of forming any more active and expansive sandbox being able to craft their own guns now gave players more reason to invest their time into the modular system as we etch closer and closer to the prospect of a fully modular Arsenal the people of Solaris also had a more deep restore than the austrians and the town would get to see it firsthand how harsh their reality and conditions are being enslaved by their Corpus overlords and forced into mechanical seeds so they can work in gruesome conditions of the Valles the people of Solaris were once corporate citizens who went into debt and were then forced into augmented bodies so they can work away and pay off this debt unfortunately not everything is sunshine and rainbows and the debt collectors come through and will literally rip the brains out of these people for a ransom nifanyo is not a good person when will we get to fight this dude with a more cohesive story rather than open ended one players now have a clear objective in Fortuna with a more structured storyline and world so Fortuna hat style Fortuna had visuals and it also had a deeper story what could go wrong well a whole lot actually fortunately I took the concepts and systems of the planes and cranked it up to an 11. bounties are ever more relevant with a new mechanic bonus rewards so if you were able to complete the Bounty and secondary objectives flawlessly the players were rewarded with more standing and more rewards the problem was the bounties themselves didn't change in nature the open environment still clashed with the missions that were structured off the core level to level gameplay so these bounties while cool at first really became repetitive and boring quickly now you had to kill enemies that didn't spawn in Rapid succession while protecting the stone then you had to wait another 2 minutes to protect this vehicle and hack it then you had to go through a complex underground structures to find caches it was more of the same while the bounty system improved the Bounty missions did not and it felt like a complete Shore to grind thankfully with the introduction of ticker you can now exchange materials and resources for bonds which are used to rank up in solar years unfortunately there's an outlier here medical debt bonds these are probably one of the most frustrating items to obtain in the game you need these bonds to reach the final ranks of Solaris United and ticker may not always have these so often times you are forced to grind the bounties for minuscule amounts the drop rates are abysmal and you will find yourself having more good sets than you can imagine Mining and fishing were even more a pain due to how much more fish gems and hot spots they added they added new fishing Spears to the previous ones you grinded for in Planes won't work here as it will damage the fish you also need more bait and this time the bait is a one-time per purchase so you need standing to constantly refill your bait whereas on the planes it was a blueprint you could make endlessly the world bosses were delayed on release so there wasn't anything Grand or Global just reach rank 5 and wait until the next update the world was so much bigger than see this but it felt even more empty this time making more use of its Ulta blink to locations but because of how big it is you're just using a faster item to move from point to point so it feels as if nothing changed from cetus to Valles K drives were literally worthless because of how strong itzel was and there was not a single shred of reason to use them over itself unless you wanted to role play as Tony Hawks because of how lifeless the world is there was also no point in capturing the bases to run the bounties from them why waste 5 minutes capturing a base when you can just load back in and out to start the next Bounty while enemy interactions were significantly improved as with the heat system you can get a lot of enemies engaging in combat with you there was Zero reason to actually do this outside of farming toroids in select few locations it was fun for a little bit I must admit but this is Warframe we're talking about rind is the name of the game and bounties will give you 90 of what you need and players during this time were getting really fatigued with this bounty system constantly having to run bounties for reputation and progression Mining and fishing were still a viable option for those who wanted it but you will always get more rep faster from the Bounty thankfully with the release of the profit Taker and exploiter orb things start to get streamlined nicely on March 14th of 2019 exploiter orb was one of the two or mother bosses and she had an entire event oriented around her thermian fractures which sucked if you could muster up the patience to actually Farm These diluted thermia the boss fight was a treat series of phases that made the boss more aggressive as he went on in the fight not only that when taking out the Explorer's ventilations your character enters as bad as cutscene I've done ripping out the canisters exposing her for damage it's really cool and it's straight out of metal gear of Vengeance absolutely wonderful however the boss was long in fact this was one of the longest boss fights in the game so obviously Warframe players being Warframe players found ways to cut the time down by a lot and of course digital extremes coming to the rescue instead of addressing the issue of the fight being so prolonged decide to fix these bugs the optical Vandal was also at the time of side grade the thing and it's out and it's a side grade not an upgrade to an opticore look compared to a normal opticore more fire rate more crits more damage more fire rate this is charged right um More magazine size more reload speed um zero punch through instead of a meter punch through more status and a fraction of the damage so basically it's a fast optic core that is that shouldn't be called an opticore so a lot of players were disappointed that they had to spend an insane amount of hours farming for a mere side grade so a very grinding event with a cool boss fight that was too long with a new Warframe that was time gated before the actual puzzle codes were solved not a great combination but at least players had a fast streamline way of farming materials on phallus since Explorer dropped all kinds of rare gems and fish components so at least players could easily Farm up these mats instead of having to go fish in mine again looking back at this boss fight it really was interesting and cool to see more of the lore being used in the actual game utilizing the stories of deck 12 and giving closure to ruined suit was something I did not expect and I have to give credit where it's due despite being a One-Stop shop for Hilton and Matt's this boss did expand the stories of Solaris United profit taker was also released and it was solid but very buggy but the fight offered a lot of standing materials for Vox Solaris so players didn't need to go to Temple of profit in order to form toroids in The Valleys anymore as profit taker dropped a lot of toroids but this boss was mainly used to progress with voxelimmers and in order to access his boss fight he had to be ranked five Slayers United beforehand so it didn't help fix the tedious medical debt Bond grind that Fortuna presented unfortunately players didn't get modular primaries even though it was announced so for a long while until the next open world Fortuna was at a standstill the two bosses definitely improved the quality of the location and gave players a huge incentive to grind but it also didn't expand or fix the issues of planes of eidlon had later in 2019 the planes did end up getting a remaster utilizing assets and lighting that Fortuna head into the planes as well as reworking the bounties so they function similar to Valles with the bonus rewards ironically planes benefited the most from this change as the bounties and planes were faster to complete than they were on Valles so perfecting each Bounty run rewarded players with a lot of relics and goods but as is the two open worlds were just there not really connected with each other sure there are minor materials you need from cetus and phallus and vice versa and it does help that little duck offer new tiers of amps which made fighting idlons easier but outside of that it doesn't really feel connected despite the quills working tightly with Vox both areas feel like an island it would have been cool to see the reaction of the austrians hearing that their friends in Venus are finally Freight from the shackles of the profit taker it would have been even cooler to see kansu interacting with yudico and doing Special dual bounties where both of them guide you or finding Solaris worker on the planes just something to make these two areas feel like they are connected together so with the introduction of the planes of eidolon we got our very first step into the open worlds of Warframe with new systems and mechanics But ultimately falling short due to the nature of war from clashing with this new level design that tried to fit a square into a circle Fortuna expanded the concepts in level design But ultimately didn't innovate any further leaving both locations eerily similar on a fundamental level with the grineer out of the way and the corpse tackled there was one more faction remaining foreign just the right sword to save us from the coming cataclysm come on we agree I was handling orientation protocol sorry Lloyd it's just too exciting demos was bizarre players were already tired of the content Islands over the past few years since planes and we knew how frustrating it is to progress with each of the factions due to the Daily standing cap so what was de's idea to actually fix and improve the flaws these open levels presented to finally connect each role together into a cohesive experience to give players a clear run of progression through these worlds nope let's just make another one and call it a day demos had mixed reception on one hand the infested world of Deimos formerly known as the derelict was gorgeous the entire location was covered in a beautiful grotesque environment of infested blood and terrain it was disgusting and it was so pretty at the same time visually demos is more impressive than both cetus and or vallas due to the cambian drift being significantly smaller in size it allowed for more details to be process into the landscape the backdrop featuring way more details helped give off this infestation of a moon more successfully but that is all demos was a pretty looking Island demos faced one big problem its main form of progression was fundamentally changed doing bounties did not reward reputation instead you were rewarded with Mother tokens with the past open worlds each NPC had different purposes Hawk would serve as a weapons vendor of cetus smoke finger was the mining MP see on valance each vendor had their own purpose or all connected with the main progression upset open world daimo has completely changed this so now each vendor will have their own token mother tokens were the main tokens and were obtained from grinding bounties you can exchange your tokens for reputation now this sounds pretty normal it's just visually different right well here's the problem mother tokens serve more than just a way to get reputation you need to utilize your tokens as well as materials from the Campion drift to obtain other family tokens the family is a main cast of the necrolisk these organ citizens now turn in fasted hybrids and the main goal here is for you to help them resolve their family disputes yep that's the story here nothing to do with exploring the orc and past or finding out why the infestation is what it is the main story is to help the family rekindle their love for each other with the help of grandmother and just let bygones be bygones right I mean [ __ ] if I was turned into this Abomination I wouldn't forgive anybody we went from a story about helping an old man find his lunch while kicking Garnier ass to a story about freeing slave workers in a hyper capitalistic Society to being a therapist with fatigue at an all-time high players were not really excited about the prospect of doing the same things again this year we did get endless bounties though which made farming General materials a lot easier but the level scaling was basically non-existent that I felt more of a chore than an actual fun activity demos was also very slow in terms of gameplay Warframe is a very fast-paced game and for some reason de loves to implement ideas that make the game feel slow conservation hunts were first introduced in vallus and while a fun activity you can do on the side to collect fluffs they were ultimately an optional event that players can partake in someone at the studio thought this was a bright idea to implement this into the main progression and now players are forced to conservation hunt so they can obtain Sun tokens which are used to rank up in the entrati family and exchange them for grandmother tokens which are used to collect Sarah glass shards which are also required for rank up who actually thought of this I'm genuine genuinely serious demos did not feature any world bosses so players must partake in fishing and Mining once again for the third time it's ironic how the third open world is the most tedious and annoying one you would have thought they learned all their lessons from the past too and make this one the perfect experience Deimos also introduced a core gameplay mechanic in the form of necromix now you can pilot Max in Warframe to be fair they do a [ __ ] ton of damage and can be pretty fun to play around with in Endless missions if we were allowed to currently conjunction survival is the only node that lets players use these Max in normal missions it's only for a limited duration until a timer expires people have been using mechs for profit Shaker and idlons but outside of these activities they serve no other value orphix Venom is gone and Scarlet spear has not made a return so these guys are just left sitting in the gear wheel until the next event grinding for these mechs were equally a pain in the ass as you had to run the iso bowls to obtain them you need to craft the damaged components which are dropped by existing enemies in the iso 4 bounties thankfully now if you complete the heart of daimler's questline you get all the blueprints but during the time of release these were extremely tedious to obtain and you were better off selling items for plaid and buying it off the market instead they did end up tying the past open world materials into this one as you need mats from both Zetas and Valas to craft these but that was a small gain in the name of connection as the entire process of leveling these mechs was ridiculous railshack's survival was not a thing so the best way to level these was through the new orfix Venom event or from thermia fractures Max also cap at level 40 meaning you have to former them five times Deimos Arcana later released and introduced another Mech the bone Widow and this update was very negatively received due to how rushed it was and lacking any form of content their Primary Weapons were pretty cool sporelacer was disgusting and dominated The Meta the new weapon augments while super super nice and gimmicky at least were interesting but outside of that the cambian drift didn't offer anything substantial show okay let's talk about the elephant in the room the big game changer heart of demos came with was the new helmet system you can now mix and match war from abilities to further customize your play style on paper this sounds really really cool being able to mix and match abilities on your favorite character this was a recipe for Success Warframe once again breaking its boundaries and making new and creative strides we were advertised this system to where we can take any ability and mix and match onto our beloved cast of warframes unfortunately that turned into just one ability but still it sounds pretty wicked imagine Excalibur with ember's fireblast or Rhino using Volt's discharge or mag sweeping the battlefield with landmines from vavan the concept was fantastic even if it was just limited to one ability as the possibilities are endless or so we thought they soon backstrucked on their promise and only allowed set abilities to be infused this drastically reduced the amount of creative freedom players were given with this system in the name of balance soon helmuth became a system where you would just take the best ability and Infuse it onto everything why bother with being creative and unique when you can just slap on Gloom or Eclipse onto everything older warframes who didn't get a lot of love and Buffs were left to the Wayside while very popular and strong meta frames got huge benefits from this system helmet also became a big excuse for make some bad abilities why spend time in effort in creating a fully cohesive kit in warframes when you can just make a half-assed kit and let players take out the bad abilities powerful frames got even better weaker frames got shafted and nothing was done to fix the power imbalance between the two helmet's original goal was supposed to do that but it ended up creating the opposite effect and thus we saw a huge power creep between the roster of warframes all of a sudden Mesa became even better because she doesn't need to have ballistic battery on why use Soul gate on wisp when you can put on eclipse and Wukong didn't need his staff anymore so just slap above her ability on him even with diminishing returns on certain abilities it didn't matter because the effect was already good enough to begin with so just put it on an already powerful character it also didn't help that attaining the helmet system required a lot of investment into sun which required a lot of conservation hunting but after that you were not done you had to sacrifice the original warframes in order to get access to its subsume each sacrifice was on a 24 hour cooldown so you had to wait a while before you got a majority of the sub Zooms in the helmet itself also had its own level system to it feed it resources infusibilities or sacrifice the base frames to rank it up with each rank up you're given more subseam slots and access to Unique helmet abilities marked for that was the most popular one and of course it was nerve to how strong it was at burst DPS balance am I right all right eventually the system got an extra five levels to it but sadly anyone who is already ranked 10 with every subsum unlocked at the time did not get grandfathered into the next five levels so players at Rank 10 had to rank up to 15 again manually the whole system was mixed in terms of feedback from the player base on one hand anyone who liked and enjoyed their popular frames were happy they got to play their favorite characters with even more power creep but on the other hand people who wanted their old roster to shine again got shafted due to the substantial creep and power the system became notorious for a bad ability design excuses as de didn't need to put an effort in creating unique and strong characters if it works don't fix it and here we are a few years later with a ton of bug fixes updates and patches the three worlds while there the full potential is not realized and unfortunately with the Advent of duviri we may not see these systems fully tied together like originally intended the open world served a great checkpoint into the history of Warframe as digital extremes prove to us that they can break their boundaries time and time again the execution just falls short every time the open world teaches us a valuable lesson a big sandbox isn't always the best idea sometimes you need a little more structure and push well I'm not hopeful for the planes of duviri I want de to learn from these past shortcomings of cetus valus and the cambian drift and to finally realize their true goals and ideas that will benefit the players diviri has to be good is the obvious expectation but the real question is will it break warframe's boundaries like the planes did or will we retread the same cycle again and again in a formula that will get stale over the next five years if you enjoyed this video and want to see more content like this in the future be sure to like And subscribe leave your comments down below do you think the open rules were revolutionary and do you think do Fury will succeed let me know thoughts down below and I will see you guys next time peace foreign [Music]
Channel: NovaUmbral
Views: 243,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, open world warframe, new duviri warframe, new duviri updates, new warfrmae updates, baruuk prime warframe, pupsker warframe, new warframe updates, new warframe game, new warframe mobile, mobile warframe, warframe mobile CBT, closed beta warframe, new warframe beta mobile, warframe cross save, warframe cross trade wh en, when warframe crosplay, crosplay warframe, new warfrmae prime, prime frmae, youtuber warframe, broszime, warframe game, warframe prime, destiny 2
Id: 6n-Q1Epv4fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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