Warframe Lore | The Complete GRINEER Story EXPLAINED

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[Music] [Music] [Music] relentless brutal unending cruel the grineer empire is sweeping the origin system flooding planets with rotting clone armies and after all have been ground down only grenier will remain for it was not the sentient threat that caused the tenno to be awoken from their generations long slumber nor was the advanced forces of the bickering corpus boards there was one force imposing and dangerous enough that it made the lotus afraid and forced her to bring back the tenno after all this time this was of course the grenier empire a mighty empire of genetically flowed clones which spread across the origin systems like a fire hi there guys it's smotown here and today we are looking at the complete history of the grenier from their orc and beginnings to the current empire that we face in game now it may be easy to forget as we cut through thousands of lancers permission but the grenier are actually a galactic threat billions strong with some surprisingly intelligent leadership and some incredible uses of technology whilst individually the grineer may not seem like much their unity of purpose an endless military might mean that they remain one of if not the main threat to the peace of the origin system what is amazing and compelling about the grineer to me is that they have risen from a suppressed and dominated people to becoming as oppressive and as brutal as their former masters from victims to perpetrators so let's start at the beginning of their story at their orokin origins grineer meaning genetically engineered have their roots in the corrupt orecan empire where they were genetically engineered for a single purpose and that was of course to act as manual labor for the golden lords as hot and godlike as the orkin believed themselves to be they of course saw themselves above menial tasks and would of course needed some of these tasks handled by a new cast and so they created an entire race of beings known as the grineer the grineer that we see in the current era are generally rotten and degrading due to the cloning itself taking place from clones and it results in the overall decline of their genetic stock in tandem with lacking the orokin mastery over genetic science and the original technology used to birth the grenier yet at this point in the oregon empire they were of course well maintained if purposely stunted cloned slaves that served the oregon empire and had much more perfect and human features they were far purer than those of our period no doubt is a result of more sophisticated orokin techniques and technologies we can see this cleanliness in the opening cinematic when the orc and ergunier are shown to be far more complete and more human without any decay at all and this is quickly contrasted between the modern era grenier and the same cinematic who we see as much more rotten the grenier started out as mere manual laborers yet in our era the grenade are far more warlike and violent where did this change happen well we can get an insight into this if we look at the lancer synthesis which suggests of course there are more no more than manual labor as it describes the day-to-day life of a grineer miner as he gets attacked and drawn in to the old war as the sentient's attack is mine so let's read the following passage from the synthesis more rumble more shining this is a good day all of us shoveling to the beat of the machines only a fraction of a cycle left on this rock days really i keep thinking what will the next rock be like so this first part is of course very mundane and describing probably the mindset of a day-to-day grineer labourer as well as their general work however things go up a notch when the sentients attack this mine and it goes as follows i am angry why is this happening is that an orcan no we serve the orokin the oregon are golden this is something else i pick up my shovel then the shovel pulses like it does when i strike a shiny chunk of oar without thinking i flick on the shovel's inducer the voice screams everything shakes i like hearing this scream i do not know why i use everything i have left to force the shoveling deeper the thing reels back i can feel it running it is running away so this synthesis describes the basic granule laborer that is not bred for warthole that is just a menial labor manages to fight off a sentient using his instincts the orchid at this point in the old war are obviously quite desperate looking for new ways to defeat the sentients who are hijacking their technology with ease and so they begin looking into grineer as a possible new force of course there are many of them and if they militarize them they would have a potent fighting force at their disposal and so in the synthesis we see two oregon scientists locating this grenier as a potential clone template for a new range of grineer warriors given that he managed to defeat a sentient with nothing more than his instinct and so would make a great base template for those they will transform into warriors for me grineer like this serve as the original templates that are then used as archetypes for new greneer clones in the future we have different grineer we have the heavy gunner we have the lancer we have the eviscerator so all these have different archetypes and different originals different templates that are then used to clone further grineer in this case back in the oricon era this grenier and probably others like him will have served as the original templates that marked the transformation from gruner manuel labourer to gruner warrior the synthesis also shows us a couple of other things the first is that their life was bleak and two that they served the orkin as a slave cast without question it is unknown at what point in oregon history that the grenier were first introduced and developed but it seems that they were slaves first and only repurposed his warriors when the old war would carry on and the oricon would look for new weapons yet this desperation for new weaponry did not render the orkin completely reckless there is no doubt the arming of this huge slave population that led the orc into stunting the gruner genetics rendering them sterile and cursing them with a short life span no doubt to reduce any chance of rebellion or at least lessen the impact of a potential one no doubt the genetic stunting implemented by the orokin at this stage in the grenier's history has no doubt helped shape the grineer masses into simpletons with short life spans with sterile bodies this of course makes it harder for the grineer in general to deal with their cloning decay however they're of course grenier that break the mold so to say but in general this stunting is something that the grineer try to overcome by just aggressively cloning more and more clones as our life spans are very short also at this stage in the oricon era as we can see from the synthesis it is likely that the grenier were engineered in their minds to be completely loyal to the orc this is heavily implied in the idea of the lancer synthesis and we'll just revisit that short passage is that an orcan no we serve the oricon the orokin are golden this is something else the way in which this granular worker processes his thoughts is very childlike almost innocent very simple he does not question why he serves the orkin he just does they are conditioned to be loyal for the leaders at this stage it is the orkin and later in grenier history it would be the queens this makes their independent thinkers all the more rare and all the more impressive but again we will touch on that later in this video the grenadier therefore were repurposed as a military by the orkin during a wartime forming the more violent template that we see in the modern era however they were obviously better equipped at this point as we see them wearing sophisticated golden gilded armor in the opening cinematic they also fought alongside dak's warriors supplementing their limited numbers and no doubt they later will have fought alongside the tenno against the sentence when the warframes were introduced to the oregon forces this mass of slave workers and infantry fodder will have made up the base of the gruner population around the time of the collapse they are now poised to take advantage of the chaos shake off their shackles and claim the ruins of the oregon empire now that they have guns in their hands after the tenno victory over the sentience the ancient warrior cast then suddenly turned upon their golden lords and the event known as the collapse began this was the fall of the oregon empire which was already weakened from the war with the sentience the orken would see the fall of all they had wrought at the hand of the warframes who turned on them without warning and apparently without reason initially however it appears the grineer did continue to fight for the orkin alongside the dax against the tenno insurrection a lot of the opening cinematic of the game is dedicated to warframe's battling against orokin era grenier with the final battle showing grenier making up the bulk of oregon forces alongside some dax who both engaged the tenno yet it would seem after the main of the oregon empire had been defeated the grenier began to move in a different direction their own direction the curia poem is the story of the twin queens but it's also the story of the birth of the modern grenier empire so let's have a little look at that and read some of the following the uprising came and spread like a weed an army of copy men ferocious and free and much like the sea they came just like waves for years they fought on for years we remained like chiseled to stone war moulded the twins who ravished the hordes became legend to them they had a deep strength that came from each other unlike all these copies identical but not brothers the copies could see it the yearn for it too if the twins could do it perhaps they could too the twins had attained something more than a whole a true understanding of each other's soul the copies became believers one by one they bowed to the twins and led forth by their new masters they ravaged the colonies so first of all an amazing poem second of all as the oricon empire collapsed the remnants of the gruner army and population began their own uprising taking advantage of the chaos and began to take over oregon territory this seems to have begun just after the war with the tenor had ended as the guardman synthesis which is set during the opening stages of the grenier takeover has a conversation between two orkin which implies that the tenno have already gone to slumber as the moon is now gone from the sky and we know that is when the lotus has put the tenno to sleep and moved the moon to the void the poem suggests that the grineer began to shake off their shackles and rebel before they had fallen under the sway of the queens and given the way in which the lore and the arid eviscerator and guardsman synthesis play out i would agree with that causality they would start a violent rebellion themselves under their own leaders but it would be the queens who would shape them into the empire that we currently recognize the two synthesis logs guardsmen and arab eviscerator illustrate this early phase of the rebellion where there were still remnant orkin trying to revive the empire and the grenier had not yet widely organized first let's look at the arad eviscerator synthesis lore as it does seem to chronologically come first of course the entire entry is far too large for me to read verbatim so i'll be leaving the link below and paraphrasing the contents of the lore entry as i show it on the screen it tells the story of two orkin avantus and executor and blyza a sectorius class who are fleeing an infested oricon tower when they come across a group of grineer workers on their way to escape to a ship to the surprise of the orc in the grenier don't initially follow protocol of bowing to an executor and they only reluctantly do so when commanded to already this is unusual for the grineer but it is soon forgotten as the grineer worn the orkin of the infestation beyond the doors to the ship the workers then want to arm themselves with cutting tools but are prevented by some kind of oregon safeguard avant is presuming the grineer mean to fight the infestation for their masters and believing they're just simpletons like all other gruner unlock the tools with her authorization avantus speaks in a derogatory fashion about the grineer before noticing blizers shock at how she shall brazenly insulted the slave cast right in front of them she says this oh child they do not have comprehension she laughed they are content to do the job they are bred to do only now they get to cut infested flesh instead of scrap metal i'd looked at the grineer they did seem unfazed the arrogance of the oricon is never ending when it comes to their own creations the sentience turned against him the tenno turned against him and yet avantus still couldn't conceive of the fact that and yet another one of their creations would kick them while they were down the aura can use the grenade to clear the way through the infested to the ship before unlocking the ship and intending to leave the grineer behind to hold them back and sacrifice them while those two escape instead it turns out that these grineer have been using the orkin needing their access codes to unlock the weapons and then open the escape vessel it is at this point the grineer slaughter avantus the executor and tape blizzack prisoner commanding them to take them on the ship and pilot it for them here the orokin are obviously not aware or expecting the grineer to rebel so this suggests that it is very early on of the grineer insurrection and that is not widely known that the grenier are rebelling against their masters the orokin avantus states in that derogatory fashion as what i'd suggested before that the grineer were engineered to serve their masters to serve a certain function and nothing more so how were they able to break free and gain a rebellious spark and take over from their masters at this point i'd like to proffer a suggestion in regards to that prior to the creation of the warrior class of grineer they were more loyal and docile such as the mindset displayed initially in the lancer synthesis which portrays an absolute unconditional submission to the orkin and there's no doubt a result of the fact they had a very narrow parameter that they had to code for the grineer that is they are workers and they didn't need to code any tactics or any self-preservation or any ability to think for themselves they just had to do one singular task then came the old war the grineer were repurposed and the orkin began seeking out new genetic templates for new warrior clones what separated these clothes well they would have needed ruthlessness strength and intelligence the ability to think tactically all things that would have allowed them to be more useful against the sentient invaders so over time the grineer casts were becoming less and less like mindless drones and had more propensity towards instinct awareness and decision-making that would assist them in battle to me in time it would make sense that their docility would be bred out and cloned out of them to a degree to the point where it became possible for them to ask a single question why why do we serve why are we slaves for me i get this sense of new awareness from the grineer and the arid eviscerator lore as the final line from their group leader is this the big grineer loomed over me now you work for us make the shuttle go this statement is an acknowledgment of irony of the fact that they used to be the mindless slaves of the orcan but now they have awoken and the shoes on the other foot now that they have weapons in their hand this very awareness and acknowledgement of irony and humor must have come to a shock to blaza and the oricon in general as it certainly shows more intelligent and self-awareness than the grineer that had been originally created by the orkin as slave drones aside from rapidly changing the grineer template it is also likely that the ore can become more sloppy or at least take for granted or near conditioning and possibly would not notice any errors or mutations but more on that idea in a minute i believe this idea is repeated in the guardsman synthesis that then carries on the story of blyza and her new grenier friends in this part of the stories blyza has an uneasy alliance with her grineer captives they lure another orokin ship piloted by another orkin called alaris and as alaris as dak soldiers come onto the ship blaza lets her grineer slaughter the deck soldiers so that they can claim the executor class ship and lab that alarus possessed during the deception blaza tries to convince eliaras that she has been held hostage by the grenier and yet again alaris seems like that he could not even consider this being a possibility a grenier his skepticism was palpable yes named vaitok he has a name won't let me call him anything else i needed him to believe me but i could tell he was struggling the other grineer are different they're still slow but they listen to him and do exactly what he says it must be a mutation impossible i could tell he didn't believe me something like that would have been caught during production and destroyed only the military grenier were given this conversation and passage kind of hits on why i believe the grineer rebelled firstly it confirms that military guinea were given more of an independence as that's what i believe alaris was going to go on and say and secondly introduce the idea of a mutation during a fairly intense war with a dangerous enemy is it not possible that the orcam began to make mistakes speed up production since they were used for warriors during a war time and in a rush to flood their armies and minds with more clones they missed rebellious little mutations that might have led to this type of behavior i believe it was a combination of these factors that led the grineer to being able to rebel and changing from the original docile stock to what they are today these stories show the general beginning to build themselves up claiming orkin resources and ships while killing orkin remains and no doubt taking over old oregon territory then at some point during the massing of the grenier rebellion and a new gruner force they would fall under the sway and influence of the grunier twins the curia poem shows us that the twins were born during the war itself and were essentially outcast by oregon society for being twins whether this was some cultural reason religious reason or superstitious one given the orc and obsession with beauty genetic perfection and narcissism and individuality we can assume that their disdain for the twins was because of their imperfection of being copies of one another the queens would share something with the grineer a lower caste shunned for their lack of individuality the queen saw their chance to rise above their station and in a way they do become the last queens of the orkin commanding the army of grenier and binding the last dax attention to their service they reformed the rebellion and warrior lake grenier and together they wiped out the last orkin remnants that had shunned them and formed the new grenier empire that would evolve into what we see in the current era [Music] present day the empire has swollen to a several billion strong race of militarized xenophobic clones who are now conditioned for a singular purpose to obey their queens and to dominate the origin system until only the grenier remain while the corpus are no doubt an economic powerhouse with significant fleets resources and proxies the grenier really are the dominant military force in the galaxy billions of armored soldiers marching to the beat of a single drum certainly poses more of a significant threat than the corpus board divided however things are certainly changing with granum's arrival but i do digress the opening cinematic to the game show the grineer are sweeping the system cleansing and claiming colonies with only the corpus and the infestation being the reasons they are not in complete control of the entire system despite this fractious relationship between corpus and grenier there are gruner known to deal with certain elements of corpus who sell them weaponry and technology however these relations have deteriorated recently resulting in a phyllic conflict when vahek declared war on freud beck and the corpus board accusing them of squeezing grenier for profit while the grenier are based on those old oregon slaves and have the same basic makeup their technology culture and ideologies have deviated from the orkan and created a very distinct empire with its own culture the grineer rule over earth and many other origin systems planets like mars and saturn but of course the goal of the empire is to consume the origin system entirely it seems as though in the wake of the collapse a number of colonies and civilizations began to spring up and it would be these colonies that would become the targets of the grenier and their new empire one such civilization is the sky-washing civilization that once existed on mars barrow himself was once a member of this community and he relates that it was then wiped out by the grineer a massacre and atrocity that he witnessed the grineer now occupy the ruins of civilizations on mars and many other planets and we could assume that other civilizations and communities have suffered the same fate across the entire system this rampant and violent expansionism is why the lotus ultimately decides to reawaken the tenno after generations of sleep as she sees the threat that the grineer pose if they are not stopped by someone for a moment let us pause and consider the fact that it has taken a good amount of time for the grineer to reach the state that we see in the current game we know from the lotuses lines in the opening cinematic that generations have passed when we last saw the grineer and the synthesis we saw that they had began to wake up from their original conditioning and began to claim orkin technology and land obviously would have taken a bit of time for them to organize and organize the technology needed for them to start mass producing the clones to the level that we see in the current era the grenier cephalon fragment is a good place to start as it gives a high level overview of the nature and the aims of the empire as a whole the sprawling ranks of the grenier empire are formed of rotting hordes of simpleton clones bent on consuming everything that remains of the solar system they live short violent lives much of an inheritance of the genetic stunting by their former orkin masters as mentioned before the grineer are now engineered to show complete loyalty to the twin queens and as a result the gruner work as a society who generally have the same beliefs thoughts and ideals and this is what one would expect for an army of clones their main strong and uniting ideology is that the grenier are the superior race and the other races must either serve the grenier or be destroyed is this attitude that has always made the grineer fascinating to me they were once merely batch clones for the oppressive organ race seen as barely living slave fodder and now yet the gruner have evolved into a violent oppressive empire themselves who now see themselves as the superior race much as their old masters dead the grenier started as victims and yet born from their victimhood and mistreatment they have become a very great threat to all life in the system one of the biggest factors and driving forces for the grenier is the cloning decay syndrome we have discussed a bit of this in the oricon era segment but let us touch on it again briefly so we can better understand the diversity and issues facing the grineer the grineer leadership fragment reads the following regarding this issue grineer are all clones from a genetic pool of originals they are able to extend their life spans with recycled clone parts but their genetic material has degraded over time and haphazard repairs have made many of them look oddly deformed and susceptible to skin diseases unlike the well-cultivated science of the orokin the grenier simply mass-produced themselves from cloning already cloned material diluting the original templates further with the material they are cloned from beginning to fail leading to decaying skin crumbling limbs and poor health coupled with the genetic stunting inherited from the organ the grineer have to be constantly producing other clones in order to counteract their short lived lives yet while obviously this is their greatest weakness and greatest issue it does actually provide an incredible motivation for some grineer to achieve extraordinary feats and it allows a unique individuals and mutations to arrive from the holy palloy of the grenier masses despite the base of their society being all identical clones with the same basic thoughts and behavior the grineer empire is home to some of the biggest and most individual characters in the game the reasoning for this is simple the grineer cloning process has degraded and lost much of its technology from the oregon era making it half-baked and prone to deviant models and once again mutations giving birth to either traitors or unique leader figures talking about the rule of the grenier empire the rule of the grenier empire ultimately falls to the orkin sisters known as the twin queens who each grineer is engineered to be loyal to him then underneath them there is the grenier council who are likely responsible for the day-to-day ruling of sectors and military operations as well as wider decision-making although it is worth mentioning that there might not actually be much left of a council as vahek has apparently killed many other councillors so that he has a controlling interest in the empire then below the council are scientists generals and captains grenier individuals who have greater cognitive functions and leadership abilities than the common grineer for the same reason that we do see some disunity in the empire a subject i will touch on momentarily the very nature of grenier's flawed cloning methods would seem to result in grineer developing their own individual traits and becoming their own characters let's again revisit the grenier leadership fragment as it does give some good flavor in regard to the grineer cloning issues and the grineer elite it reads through decades of service many of the grenier elite can cover the expense to flawed organic parts replaced with cybernetic augmentations so the fact there is a gruner elite does in fact make the force of clones far more interesting as they can augment themselves in different ways that alongside their unique personalities can make them stand out from their brain such as sargus rock who stands out from the normal grenier due to his massive augmentations these individual grineer have deviated from the base designs can show different levels of intelligent and in fact some can not just be moderately clever but in fact be near genius level which is fascinating if you consider the simplistic nature of a butcher for example captain vore is a great example of this he has been commanded by the queens at the beginning of the game to hunt down and destroy the tunnel before they even awake no doubt the queen's recognising the threat the tunnel would pose given themselves are orican and they will have witnessed the collapse of the hand of the tenno yet war intelligent and farsighted as he is is disobeying these orders not out of disloyalty for his queens far from it given he is one of the most loyal members of the grineer empire no because he sees opportunity an opportunity to study the warframes in hopes of finding an answer to the degradation of his people and their short lifespans four is so far sighted and intelligent that he actually is willing to earn the displeasure of his queens which technically he has been genetically engineered to be loyal to for the greater good of his people even taking a demotion in the process forest of course an agent grenier himself whose flesh is rotting away and so he is well aware of the issues at the core of grenier society his ability to post past the usual grineer desire to just slaughter everything i.e the warframe which he doesn't slaughter and think of the future of his people shows a real deviation from the clone templates and shows the level of thinking leader grineers are capable of when they deviate and develop separately from their base templates beyond this as well voir is one of the only people in the system who can actually correctly utilize orokin technology even surpassing many corpus scientists he himself possesses a void key which he calls the janus key which he is able to use as a weapon and has even created the seer pistol a hybrid weapon of grineer and orkin technology which is no mean feat however for me there is no greater example of grineer intelligence and individuality than tile rhaegor who happens to be one of my most favorite characters in the entire game again the grenier are meant to be some of the most simpleton and straightforward races in the entire system and yet tile rhaegor is a grineer who's possibly one of the most intelligent individuals of this age tell rhaegar is actually deviant enough from the basic grineer template that he is a scientist who has a significant network of underwater laboratories in the seas of uranus rather than just being a basic grineer who cares only about violence and killing he's also achieved some remarkable success in his research in trying to rework the genetic feelings of the grenier the culmination of this research is his tubemen these chipman are named for the fact that he grows and cultivates the superior grineer clones within tubes throughout his laboratory system on uranus these include the maniac strain who are far closer to original and complete grineer than they are to the rotting modern strain as they are far healthier and stronger than regular grineer had tal rhaegar being allowed to continue he would have been able to equal and reverse the work of the oricon in time the fact that a grenier who is a base from a simple slave template is almost able to match the aspect of orokin genetics is an incredible achievement and to me tal rhaegar should be held up as an example of the potential of all grenier should their genetic templates be refined and improved tal rigor isn't the only significant junior scientist however where tal rhaegar is concerned with the ascension and restoration of his people dr tengus cares only about creating new instruments of death for the queens dr tengus was partially responsible for the spread of the infested as he experimented with these as a weapon he is also responsible for the creation of the ghouls simple rotting cheaply produced flawed shock troopers used by the grineer as a cheap way to seed planets for invasion there are other more intelligent and individual grenier that retain their grenier dogmatism and fanaticism examples of these would be vahek and sargus rock these are grenier elite as well but unlike vore and rhaegar they seem to follow the general ideals of their people and underlings but also in possession of above average intelligence and command abilities both vahek and sergius rock are also examples of leaders who have access to greater grineer engineering and shows the grineer are fairly act at cybernetic enhancements but also shows that there is a good difference between the grineer elite and the grineer basic tripper as we heck is of course very different from his grenier brethren once grineer mutations and deviations led to the grineer shaking off the shackles of their oregon empire and likewise in the grenier empire there are those grenier who see things differently who have mutated in a way that is not normal from the regular grineer and so we move on to those elements those who deviate from the grenier empire ideals despite the fact the vast majority of the grenier follow the same ideals and templates grenier society still has criminals and traitors and this is evidenced by the max peng grineer prison called saturn sex a presence situated leagues within the gas of saturn this is a prison where criminal grenae are kept the very fact that our criminals in grenier society really does mess the idea that there are no deviant grineer if they are criminal grineer in grenier society this means that they are grenier that behave differently from the rest of the grenier faction the most famous alumni of this prison is the wolf of saturn 6 a grenier who led a mass breakout upon learning that his brothers and sisters within the prison were being sold to the corpus for experimentation this wolf has shown a great degree of individuality breaking his loyalty conditioning to the empire and instead only caring for the members of his wolf pack a group of grineer who follow this rogue wolf and not the empire the wolf and his wolf pack show that the grenier are very much capable of feeling loyalty for their brothers and sisters rather than that of the empire and are able to go their own way choosing their own beliefs and ideals and for this reason i really like the wolf as that he isn't just a steel meridian defector he is an individual grineer with his own ideas and loyalties then of course there is the arena of that tomb where keller d'theme makes defectors fight her bloodthirsty executioners purely for the enjoyment of a grineer audience not only are there actually gruner criminals but there are those who decide to deviate so much from their brethren they actually leave gruner society to either join the pacifist cavor or the rebellious steel meridian the kevore not only reject the violent nature of their creation but also the ideologies of the empire entirely they are the most ungrenier clones you can think of they are not violent and they do not believe in the ideals of the empire showing the massive deviations that can happen within the grenier cloning process this is contrary to the steel meridian who hate their birth empire so much that they have actually taken up arms against the empire and fight beside the likes of the tenno and the red veil both sworn enemies of the grineer empire these last two sections on the leaders and the deviants should make it perfectly clear that while the grineer on mass for all the same originals and templates there's lots of scope for mutation evolution and personal development which makes the individuals all the more interesting as they stand out in sharp contrast against the base troopers of the empire with that said it is time for us to go to the source and center of the empire despite the fact they rebelled against their golden masters in a lot of ways the grineer are the successors of the orokin whilst also serving some of the last orchin in existence in an ironic twist as we saw in the curia poem the twin queens were orc and outcasts who evidently had no love for their people and happily used their new followers to eradicate any traces of the old empire that being said the two are clearly happy to have taken the place of the fallen organ as they refer to themselves as the golden lords and wield the symbol of oregon authority the cuva scepter their original bodies have long since died and much to their disdain they now have its snake-like grineer bodies and given the short life span of granular bodies it is safe to assume that they have often had to replace their bodies through the continuity as they move from one clone flesh to another which is understandable why they want the tenno's body as they would want a normal human body that doesn't have to change every couple of years through their assumed positions of the new oricon leadership and in possession of the last scepter they are able to command dax such as testing even against the dax as well one of the main current objectives of the queens is the harvesting and processing of the oregon substance called cuva kuva while mysterious does have some clear uses and ultimately to me it is a fluid that can allow change it is a medium through which change can happen the elder queen attempted to use it to transfer her consciousness into the body of the tenno changing her body from one to another it can also be used to change ribbon mods and and most recently it is used to reforge basic grineer and to fear some kuva liches who are basically super soldier hybrids of the grineer cover lectures are probably the best example of how powerful kuva is it transform a basic and simple grineer who could basically get struck down by the blink of an eye by a tenno into an immortal lich who's bigger in stature far more intelligent capable of speaking in perfect and sometimes eloquent english depending on which one you spawn in this case it seems that kuva seems to inject the liches with some orkin aspects making them a hybrid between the grenier and the orkin a monster who has the killer instinct and brutality of the grineer but the mind and intelligence and immortality of an orchid the center of this kuva gathering effort and of course of the empire as a whole is the kuva fortress which is the throne of the twin queens it is a mobile fortress a collection of asteroids connected and powered by a framorian engine this once again is a great example of grineer ingenuity as the base is notoriously hard to track due to the incredible speeds that it reaches by being powered by framorian engines it also appears that the queens use their regal library as the red of kuva as all the guards and trippers stationed at the kuva base use the red livery which is emblematic of the kuva chief among the queen's guard are the kuva guardians heavily armored female warriors that are styled in the manner of the elder queen with their signature keshig taking after the queen's scepter beyond being mere guards the guardians also seem to oversee a number of cover-related operations including kuva retrieval missions they also oversee the birthing of kevin litches and selecting and extracting cover larvallings that have been taken down by the tenno as it stands the system at large refers to them as the twin queens as the plural and yet the elder queen has perished at the hands of the tenno at the current stage leaving the worm in soul control of the grineer empire but it is likely that the death of the elder queen has not been revealed widely to the grineer and the system at large leaving the impression that she is still alive as to not cause any lack of confidence in the empire nor giving impression to their enemies that they are weakened this would be my speculation of course despite losing one of their queens the empire is actually now stronger than ever they have the mighty balor from orions to help them dominate space combat their forces have been bolstered by the god-like kuva liches and they have no fear engaging sentience antenna alike generals like vahek and sargus rock lead their forces with zealous fury and under their command they will continue to sell those who are not grenier despite their basic and simple armaments the grenier have often proven that they are capable of surprising technological leaps this includes the ballot for maureen the massive dreadnought that can dominate any corpus vessel despite the usual technological advantages that go to the corpus the grenier fleet is vast and supported by these awesome dreadnoughts grineer galleons hover ominously over many planets within the system placing fearsome blockades that would not be easy to break then of course again there is the kuva liches essentially super soldiers for the empire the queens have used the old orc and lifeblood to empower these former slaves raising them to power levels only seen with warframes the grineer military utilize attrition tactics swarming their enemies on mass and drowning them in a hail of bullets that is capable of taking down even a warframe yet beyond the simple soldiers of the grenier they are also capable of employing special forces such as the night watch and kuva guardians even before the grenier invade a planet on mass they are capable of bombarding and seeing a planet with their fearsome shock trooper ghouls who even in death can fail an enemy with their toxic bloods when the sentients arrive in force we have no doubt that the grineer will play a part in repelling him the grineer will not let the sentients take over the system they've worked so hard to take over the sentient seem to be focusing their efforts on the tunnel but even with us defeated they would need to contend with a billion strong army headed by crafty and ingenious leaders and an orcan themselves i believe the sentient danger will eventually pass they are deadly no doubt but they are limited long after they are gone the grenier will still stand will still remain and they are only getting more powerful more ingenious and more numerous thanks for guys that is my take on the history of the grineer the greatest empire in the origin system and in my eyes they are still my favorite enemy i just love them love the theme of them and i love the way that despite the fact they are pretty basic at their lowest levels they have some incredible characters at the top and despite their fact their technology is really crude they also have some incredible uses of technology that surprise their enemies and they are forced to be reckoned with if you like this video please give a like as i do do warframe content i do other warframe lore videos which you should check out i'll leave some links below and give it like if you agreed and if you had any other thoughts on the gruner please let me know in the group on the in the comments below as i do love a good chat about your grenier brethren but until next time guys i will see you in the cuva fortress take care so
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 189,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe lore, warframe story, warframe lore 2021, warframe lore explained, warframe lore grineer, warframe lore 2020, digital extremes, warframe story cinematics, warframe story guide, warframe story 2020, warframe lore sentients, warframe story 2021, warframe story gameplay, grineer, explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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