Warframe | Weird and Obscure Stuff (Season 1)

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hey everyone cool kid here if you don't care about any of this Exposition jump to the time stamp on screen but I would like to explain real quick what this video is and why it exists in short this is a collection of the first 10 episodes of weird and obscure stuff but with as many inaccurate entries as I could find removed and anything I didn't explain while the first time around moved to its own new section at the end I also want to apologize for how jacked up the audio quality is throughout this series I thought about re-recording everything but realized it would be a Monumental amount of work for very little gain just I don't know use bad headphones so it's harder to notice anyways with all that out of the way let's rock [Music] when playing nidus if you hold your first ability you get a rectangle showing the hitbox of virulence it doesn't do great with slopes though it also shows your maggots through walls and also gives them a little UI element which is kind of cool if you build up enough damage while holding garuda's one the UI will display the damage in scientific notation in excavation you can pick up a power cell as your Warframe and then pick up another as your operator civicoth's Shadow can do parazon finishers but only on thralls hounds liches and sisters I know I have a whole video on this off wisp is the only Warframe in the game to have a unique hard Landing animation certain tiles only appear in Invasion missions speaking of invasions if the attacking Force wins in a corpus vs grineer Invasion the winner will then occupy the node this means that you can temporarily fight grineer in Corpus missions and vice versa bone widow's 1 doesn't cost any energy when it misses but still grants Affinity this means that you can use it to generate Affinity infinitely although it isn't really that efficient bone widow's iron bride also has some weird Tech associated with it basically if you hold right click while swinging you will travel less distance but negate the recovery of the first and second strikes in your three-hit combo you can also just tap right click during the recovery frames to cancel the recovery and still get the full range freudbeck's ship in the ambulous boss fight is the old look for the Corpus Obelisk this is also the case for the ship in Europe a Skybox using revenant's Reeve ability on allies will give them a single charge of Mesmer skin using Loki's switch teleport on a dargan will cause you to instantly hijack it by the way did you know that dargans use the Clone flash Health type yeah don't think about that one too much you shoot this drone above a corpus nullifier to instantly and permanently destroy their nullification bubble Lavos makes your rail Jack abilities function on a cooldown which in turn makes them extremely spammable any emote done by Wukong will be mirrored by his Celestial twin meaning you can give your twin a handshake they'll even take into account any Syndicate specific handshakes you have access to the penta's physical magazine increases in size as you put on magazine increasing mods this works on all of the pentavariants but Carmen Penta has the highest bass magazine so the effect is most pronounced on it whenever you bullet jump you deal a small amount of blast damage and a radius around you when sliding in air enemies you connect with will be knocked down this also deals a small amount of damage companions can actually use zip lines if you equip a Max rank redirection on nekros his shield value will display 666 this works on sevagoth too Loki is a radiating disarm augment doesn't actually place a radiation for rock on enemies if you hold out a melee weapon while kidnapping a capture Target you can still block with the center of the block being where you point your Crosshair when playing as Octavia you have the option to also play her mallet foreign 's forward roll on marolina has a different animation depending on whether or not you actually hold forward this seems to be purely Visual and doesn't affect the actual distance traveled at all ireli also can't be knocked off of marolina like on a normal K drive when you have a melee weapon equipped in manual mode rolling while holding down block will cause you to roll a shorter distance Titania's bullet jump goes 25 percent farther than other warframes her role does too in a dojo duel Spectators can summon AOE Arch guns and kill the people fighting inside the arena I find that this is the easiest with the kuva grattler if you fully scan the tomb Guardians in the Sands of anaros quest you can summon them in the simulacrum you can also use their splitting ability to break the normal enemy cap on the Corpus Gas City tile set you can hack some specific terminals in this room to activate this giant shock trap also on the Jupiter tile set you can find two domestic drones named daphnis and Chloe under this elevator certain hives and the hive sabotage Mission type only appear during either the patient zero Quest or when played as a Syndicate Mission the hives in question are the stabilization Hive the Lansing Hive and the security Hive the Saturn V6 capture a scene is the only place in the game where this Skybox appears strangely enough ship killer platforms and grineer rail Jack missions will Target Allied ships if Loki uses his tactical menu ability while piloting the rail Jack the resulting decoy shows up as the Pilot's chair instead of being Loki himself you can use the Tactical menu in rail Jack to hack nearby turrets both interior and exterior you can detonate kuva Brahma arrows mid-air by pressing the alt-fire button whenever vauban's best still expires it spawns a Vortex that lasts for two seconds however if you hold four and manually turn the Bastille into a Vortex it will always last the full duration no matter how close the Bastille was to expiring when enemies melee strike you while you're blocking you have a chance to Parry them this causes them to be stunned and briefly opened up to finishers there's even a mod called Perry that increases the odds of this happening when playing the crashed Corpus ship tile set on Neptune no tiles will spawn that allow you to see the sky that's because if you could you would see Jupiter this also goes for the grineer Sea Lab tile set on the Node Mariana as while the mission is on Earth the sky would show Uranus in Iron wake Klem and the test MOA popcorn can be found in this little tent you can ride around on in Mission domestic drones as well as their cousins like the construction drone and the fuser drone kuva nugor makes enemy body parts grow kinda like the peculiar growth mod oh yeah peculiar mods are a thing operators can destroy the magnetic bubbles that spawn in sabotage missions on the infested ship tile set you can find these terminals that spit out Allied moas when hacked claw type melee weapons have a unique finisher animation on ancients but no finish or animation at all for Chargers despite losing his hand in the taking parvos granum is shown with both of his hands in the later tenet the gemstone direct hits from the daikyu guarantee an impact Brock you can backflip to cancel the effects of Vault speed wait isn't this what a tool tip you can roll to cancel a melee attack pretty much anywhere in the animation this is namely helpful for the rip and ride combo available on the ghoul saw as you can cancel the slam attack at the end Harrow's thurible still works when killing ships with a rail Jack turret when you begin throwing a glaive in air you don't lose any height like with a normal aim Glide wisps breach surge has no range limit on the teleport to her reservoirs revenant's Reeve has no startup when used during dance Macabre allowing you to just straight up fly you can actually find little duck on the map during the profit taker boss fight she'll periodically snipe at enemies but to be honest I've never really noticed it petmoas will play an emote after every 5 kills or so as long as they have an emotive module this means that having no module actually boosts their DPS a little bit when wielding an arc gun outside of Arc Wing the amount of time you can aim Glide for is massively reduced Allied specters and on-call crewmates will kneel if you don't do anything for a while I presume to prevent AFK farming Umbra actually does this too you can interact with these showers on Uranus if only you do this in real life if you subsume Loki's decoy and place it on another Warframe the decoy's appearance will match the Warframe that you placed it on wisp's agile animation set causes warframes that have two forms like Equinox and zaku to split into both forms during its idle animation when you get this spawn tile on Uranus waiting long enough lets you see this giant length swim by when you disarm a Shockwave MOA they'll periodically start launching explosive barrels when using avara's prowl on a Magoo it drops a kuaka spinal claw for some reason you can wall jump off of enemies dealing a small amount of damage and refreshing your jump the flat Cannon skin for the Dragoon has a unique look for a shrapnel blast interacting with an object during file Rush allows you to continue moving while interacting with it despite not having access to its normal claw weapon sevagoth Shadow can still block during sebagoth's passive Rhino's Roar counts as a universal faction damage buff meaning that dot status effects double dip with it you can use it's all's first ability on the Deimos jugulus which completely breaks them shout out to silverlighter for discovering this hitting a gas proc with the sickening pulse helmet ability more than once will set the status as damage to zero the pause menu can be affected by slows namely the time slow in captura you can still slide during a roll allowing for some really visually confusing Dodges if you look in a direction and then quickly look down and press melee you'll perform a ground Slam in the direction you were previously looking you can find rare bypass Keys during disruption missions that allow you to dispel one Tower's negative effect per round Umbra is immune to the magnetic Blast from eidolons so long as you're in operator mode Titania Zentangle is the only slow in the game that doesn't slow down enemy animations Titania I it I don't care you can cancel the catabolists reload with a roll allowing you to spam the grenade on the quads and cortec you can start firing from the hip and then ads to zoom in and still be in full auto if you've replaced your rail Jack tactical ability at the helmen then the Tactical menu will simply display no ability found you can see a giant void snake through this shard in the Deimos isolation Vault you can also occasionally see them when loading into a rail Jack mission the vent kids have special dialogue if you enter their clubhouse as your rally I know she got me maina but if you ever want to try out with a regular board like one of mine stores always open Revenant is immune to the magnetic water present on the plains of eidolon when mining on the orb ballast hesperon spawns more frequently around the Temple of prophet placing the Dominion heavy blade skin on the xenostar makes it absolutely massive when using the regular chroma skin on chroma Prime effigy's Wings will still be their Prime counterpart there's a weird floating container of thermosludge out north of reflector control despite being conservation targets velocopods aren't highlighted by the tranq rifle and don't cause it to beep either Nova's molecular Prime affects conservation targets Arcane Seeker on Kick guns will Target enemy heads meaning you can use it to rack up galvanized scope Stacks super quickly Center turrets and the kuva Fortress can be used to build a combo with melees while they are invincible this is especially useful for certain ribbon challenges on the orb vallas pets will periodically shiver banshee's silence stops enemies from using loads of special abilities there are too many interactions to talk about in a video this fast paced so I'll leave a list on screen now if you want to pause and take a look toxic lash on sarin will have its proc damage boosted by any toxin mods present on your weapon even if they're combined into other damage types like viral or gas tenant on voice tracking rocket sound changes based on whether or not you've got your Crosshair over an enemy you can use an art gun while carrying volt Shield if you press saku's 4 right before you hit the ground during a slam you'll bounce off the ground and get launched a considerable distance if you down a lit your sister three times without using the parazon on them they'll simply leave the mission without leveling up the arcline ability on its all uses the energy color of your equipped Warframe as opposed to the energy color of the arc Wing itself the icon that appears when an iotan star drops actually signals what kind of star it is if the star in the icon is small it's a cyan well if it's large it's an amber if you press up against an object while using volt speed you'll still gain momentum allowing you to eat yourself pretty far the tenant spirax has a unique reload animation when used with a glaibe you can still emote while in an arc Wing or Titania's razor wing if you subsume a radio blind onto a prime Warframe you'll use a Scana Prime when casting the ability because they boost Affinity sharing range phosphorus can be used to massively increase the range of both Trinity's Bluffs and Hero's Covenant vaserin's mending Unity passive can also do this and the two actually stack Barrow has unique dialogue based on whether or not you are a regular Warframe a prime Warframe inaros or anaros prime until next time my Lord you find me as always in my hour of need I barely tears stand ready to accompany you on another adventure of mutual benefit but what's even more interesting is that as an RS Prime you have access to a secret mission purchasable from Barrow called void Raider in this Mission you have to play anaros Prime and defend a barrow from 10 waves of Night Watch grineer in the void you get a different reward each time you complete the mission up to a point as well as one desert skate specter by interacting with this Solaris in Fortuna you can replay the opening cutscene sarin Cora and Oberon will all have their HP set to 1337 if you place on all Umbro mods and have a maxed umbrella vitality when hacking a corpus terminal you can left-click to go clockwise like normal but you can also right-click to go counterclockwise I don't know what the controller binds are but it should be the same idea on Console you can also press the gear button while hacking to instantly use a cipher zephyr's jet stream augment is the only way to boost the projectile speed of both the strofa and the tenet agendas if you enter the index from the dojo navigation room you'll always get the Corpus snow base map AI rail Jack Pilots will actually try to Target radiators and reactor weak points for you I say try because they don't seem to have proper line of sight detection and often just try to shoot the important thing from the opposite side if you extract from a rescue mission while the hostage is bleeding out you'll still win you can roll through pretty much every knockdown in the game Gunner slams laser barricades death orbs and so on you can change the ending of a reactor sabotage Mission based on what you do with the coolant and fuel cells you can place either the fuel cell in the reactor the coolant cell in the reactor or the fuel cell in the coolant system for different objectives and Mission hazards this is pretty cool so I won't spoil exactly what happens just know that the results are different between Corpus and grineer sabotage missions in the enrichment Labs on the orb of Alice hacking this terminal has a chance to free the sentient battle list trapped in the glass this seems to be exceptionally rare though the amalgam ripka's mods 100 increased Gore chance actually applies to all of your weapons not just the ripkas the alt-fire dart on Buzz lock has infinite punch through meaning that when combined with avara's Navigator you can use it to see outside the map if you press melee while wall latching you'll do a wall attack despite being conservation targets velocipods hit by Sleep abilities won't be capturable while asleep you can still ride them but you won't be able to move at all because they're asleep sebagoth's Gloom actually Stacks with other sources of slow like Nova's molecular prime or xenerik's temporal blast with enough slows in play enemies can become functionally Frozen in a relay if you stand in one of these spots as Octavia and use a narta emote You'll Play Your currently equipped song foreign despite being immune to almost all forms of crowd control capture targets can still be grappled by kubrow finishers in Jupiter's sabotage during the reactor meltdown sequence the enemies that come to stop the Meltdown are just regular nullifiers as opposed to the vapist ones grineer regulator drones are immune to status effects for some reason in this grineer spivolt being spotted by a scanner will actually release the links in the middle of the room starting an impromptu mini boss fight you can interact with your docked ship in a relay to go back to your Orbiter there's a console and iron awake that lets you do this too Corpus machinists use the Ambassador as a flamethrower as opposed to the assault rifle form usable by players if you only have one weapon equipped on Wukong then both you and your twin will be able to use that weapon at the same time when playing Zephyr tornadoes will follow your Crosshair if you aim down sight and point near them if you have any form of holster reload on the Hema not only will it still drain your health when stowed but it will also deal way more damage than normal ballistica Prime's passive which turns killed enemies into Allied ghosts still works on conservation targets you know I should probably stop abusing verminx for this series the scavenge mod for kubrows still shows the classic Corpus Locker design the Simon Says puzzle room on Lua spawns a special rare container when completed which has a small chance to drop a fully built Forma if you touch an auric in death orb as a prime Warframe you get a free 250 energy this one's not too obscure but it's still good to know baruch's animation sets practice Trigger Discipline which is a nice thematic touch if you're writing a k Drive during an eidolon's energy Spike you'll be completely immune to the magnetic proc from its blast you can replay the Hun how boss fight from The octavia's Anthem Quest by interacting with this panel encephalon suda's relay room you can silence the firing sound of a gun blade by using either banshee's passive or Loki's hushed invisibility augment if you press alt-fire while using Artemis bow you'll instantly fire whatever Arrow you have currently selected with quiver you can do heavy attacks while sliding and you can also slide while in the air if you combine the two techniques you can actually perform heavy attacks in the air which can lead to some really weird stuff Emma shows ultimate vengeful Rush grants you energy even when you crash into a service if you approach your pet in your Orbiter and press interact you'll pet them you can do this with moas too but strangely enough not hounds if an enemy is ragdolled and stuck in a position where they can't get up they'll normally just die but occasionally they can just transcend the laws of physics instead if you enter the helm in the room is nidus he will apply his full mutation look you can control a lot of strange things with Navigator but I think the weirdest stuff Falls to fishing equipment you can control fishing Spears which snap back to you after a brief period as well as dyes and bait which can be flown around at abysmal speeds so uh as I was working on this video original Wicked fun uploaded a video on this God damn it if you shoot an enemy's grenade it will instantly explode and deal damage to enemies instead of allies Grendel can also eat these grenades which has the same effects as shooting them sahasakuros can use dig during entry cut scenes which can be kind of nice as they often dig up energy orbs all companions are actually active during these cut scenes but the sahasa provides the most obvious benefit resources from demos are worth double secretions when fed to the helmuth being 60 instead of 30 if they're at Max desirability when used in arcwing corvus behaves like a giant catch Moon while on land it behaves more like a typical shotgun on the bright side a corvus prime doesn't have this disparity behaving like catch Moon regardless of where it's used unlike most sources of energy the energy while in this room on Lua still grants energy while channeled abilities are active the Spore culture resource container has no Collision for some reason in missions that possess weapon type restrictions wukong's Celestial twin will still be equipped with all three weapons so long as they were all in your Loadout garuda's talents aren't considered a proper melee weapon by missions that require them meaning that melee only sorties as well as Mastery Rank tests can't be played with them they also don't work in missions that restrict you to a weapon type that isn't melee wherein they disappear entirely if you use your switch weapon button while on the forward artillery and rail Jack you'll swap to a regular turret also as a fun fact the official name of the forward artillery gun is the tunguska cannon enemies that are knocked down or lifted count towards the bonus damage of condition overload and similar mods the nucor's microwave effect mentioned earlier in the series counts towards CO as well if Equinox uses a negative power strength her pacifiability will actually increase the damage of nearby enemies gun blades don't break ivara's prowl despite their noise level being considered alarming the power donation Aura actually applies to necromax boosting their ability strength by 30 for each one in the lobby enemies on the plains of eidolon gradually go up in level the further away you are from the cetus gate some Elite crewmates have an ability that allows them to heal nearby allies for 500 HP over 10 seconds upon getting a kill what makes this interesting is that this ability can heal things you wouldn't expect it to such as defense objectives hijack objectives and even necromax on the topic of healing necromax the vizier predacite's iatric mycelium ability can also heal them which is kind of nice the mods Target cracker and Split Chamber actually depict the same scene from two different angles if you enable friendly fire in the simulacrum and then enter your operator form Umbra will actually attack you lots of Allied AI behave like this including nidus's maggots wukong's twin caliban's homies and most companions among others damage Buffs like Roar and volts passive can boost the damage of fishing Spears which lets you not have to swap between spear types when fishing on the planes the captura free cam can pick up wisps Reservoir Buffs though they don't do anything Blind Justice is the only stance in the game to change almost all weapon animations in particular it changes the nakana's animations for blocking front and back finishers wall attacks and even the idle animation infested leapers take it significantly more damage while leaping as well as during the leap's wind-up you can use ballistica Prime's passive to scan feral kavats twice scan the kavat kill it with a fully charged shot and then scan the ghost again before it disappears even as a ghost the kavat can still drop genetic code which can be helpful if you're trying to get a domesticated one if Kuba Jesters jump on you their attacks make squeaking noises foreign [Music] if placed on limbo Aqua blades can damage enemies outside the rift while limbo was in the rift this works in Reverse as well where if limbo's in the normal World enemies in the rift will still take damage unlocking a Riven shows a message saying plus XP despite the fact that Warframe almost always refers to experience points as Affinity you can Crouch while in wukong's cloudwalker which can help you get around certain obstacles the spherix is apparently used as a multi-tool by the Corpus as they can be seen using it to repair various machines During certain idle animations if you aim at a beast companion it will Crouch out of the way of your Crosshair if your Crouch walking a said companion will also crawl around with you casting garuda's seeking Talons while holding aim Glide grants you a considerable boost in height if you continue holding aim Glide after the ability ends you'll be considerably less glidy if you add an item to your wish list you can purchase said item while you're in missions or social spaces strangely enough there's also one specific Solaris step that you can wish list but I expect that to get patched typically a Warframe specter's power strength is simply 100 or base power strength however because Knight is strength increases as he levels up his specter's power strength is accordingly increased to 115 percent the ability preview videos for mesa's shooting gallery and Peacemaker take place in the old Corpus ship tile set which was replaced in the deadlock protocol update Allied moa's equipped with emotive modules can mirror certain emotes those being agree disagree bow slash Deepa bow and wave they'll also dance if the player performs certain nardas and these MOA emotes are unique to each emotive module is that the default dance if you lose to the groost rank 3 any Clan emblems you have equipped on your Warframe will automatically turn into the grineer emblem this goes away when you craft and claim the bolt release from The Foundry if you ever get stuck in a weird spot or end up outside the map typing slash unstuck in chat will teleport you to a regular position this one's more for new players as I imagine most vets have used this command dozens if not hundreds of times the Vias Prime diadem and mask are in opposite equipment slots as in the diadem is in the face accessory slot and the mask is in the eye accessory slot these Corpus texts in the ambulous boss fight appear to have a set level of 20. they also play a unique animation that is completely misaligned if you have the Deimos Wildlife fully scanned in your codecs you can spawn and capture them in this simulacrum you don't get any rewards for doing this but I still find it kind of weird various K Drive races on the cambian Drift actually drop unique infested cage drive parts I'll show on screen now which races drop what parts implying I don't get lazy or forget you can cancel melee combos into other melee combos which can be helpful for avoiding lengthy finishing moves at the end of combo strings you can also use this to turn Blind Justice into blender Justice in addition to their tiny heads MOA battery packs also count as a weak spot shooting the backpack won't proc headshot based Buffs though strangely enough Frontier Regulators can't go above level 5. what the you can put remote observers onto your companions to create a shitty pet GoPro if you enter operator form while wisp is in air your frame and companion will both remain invisible when she touches the ground again you can easily cheese the endurance stripped puzzle by jumping above the ring and dropping your Warframe into the middle there's also a brief window of time before the challenge activates where this can be done while standing in the ring itself if you kill no enemies for 15 minutes a timer will start which Auto Fails the mission if no enemies are killed within one minute of the timer's activation if you try to capture a Target while riding marolina then merolina will capture the target instead of your rally sarin's toxic lash can have its toxin procs triggered by the explosion from Acid shells thermomagnetic shells and Vulcan Blitz these toxin procs can then re-proc the explosion from the original Mod creating some fun chain reactions garuda's dread mirror normally has some travel time if you look around but will snap instantly if you're aiming down sight if you clip out of the pregasa throne room scene you can find an Excalibur just chilling out under the main structure you purchase the enter nyhills how do you pronounce this uh if you buy the enter nigh Hills jar item but you've already fought him in the past then you'll get a random Riven mod upon beating him as opposed to getting another vitrica blueprint the whammy effect on the shazin applies to the Clem rating section at the end of songs as well foreign if you climb up the Elevator Shaft at the start of some Jupiter missions you'll find a secret room at the top nothing special inside but I don't know I just thought it was weird and or obscure Warden enemies and rescue missions take 16 times more damage from stealth attacks on the topic of rescue missions the quality of Specter blueprint you receive at the end is based on three criteria being rescuing the hostage not setting off any alarms while rescuing the hostage and killing all wardens present in the prison area the more of these you complete the higher the quality of the Specter mission level will also contribute to the base quality of the Specter blueprint for any given mission enemies stuck in garuda's blood altar can be used to farm combo count which is especially nice now that Prime Talons have baller crit stats because so many people have mentioned it before I also want to point out that kuva scythens and down Bursa and ambulance units can be used for the farming of the combo count 2. I don't doubt that there are more ways but I really don't want to talk about this anymore certain rooms and isolation vaults on demos contain secret puzzles which when solved will reveal a door containing a bunch of entrati containers even more interesting however are these purple containers which drop a capture a scene when destroyed these scenes are pulled from a unique pool separate from those that grandmother sells ivara's Artemis bow has pinpoint accuracy meaning that the accuracy debuff from heavy caliber has no effect on it this is not the case if you use the concentrated Aero augment however because ocucore's tendrils only reset when the weapon is Reloaded The Mod eject magazine as well as the synth mod set bonus can be used to refill the mag without resetting the tendrils if Grendel eats a volatile Runner with Feast the runner will still explode in his stomach which often triggers a stagger why though Relic Buffs to Warframe abilities being plus 100 to range and strength can actually be prolonged past to the normal buff duration abilities with durations that haven't ended when the buff expires will obviously retain the effect but channeled abilities will also maintain the buff so long as they are not dispelled and recast wisps moats will also maintain the buff and zaku can massively prolong the buff past its expiry by using the vast on time helium barrels and the Corpus Gas City will clip right through warframes but can be pushed around by most weapons some weapons however like beams throwables and crossbows appear to have no effect at all there is grineer text on the barrel of the kuvazar that when translated simply says boom there are a ton of Easter eggs like this across many factions and languages but I don't have time to cover them all in this video you can find the Soma chord versions of three new war music tracks being a foreign armor Sun Killer and hybrid Abominations in set locations on the post-quest open worlds thank you can actually skip the entire first phase of vahek's boss fight by simply running to the next room and ignoring him eventually you'll reach the pipe you're supposed to slide down and the second phase of the fight will begin as normal enemies and tier 4 void missions deal 200 more damage than they normally would at their current level this also extends to enemies that spawn conditionally like acolytes and assassins by the way when I say tier 4 avoid I mean anything branching off of sedna when playing the quests the second dream and the war within the landing craft segment of the Orbiter uses its old look while the rest of the Orbiter uses the modern look the damage reduction from mesa's shatter Shield doesn't protect her from AOE attacks or melee damage if you double tap Crouch while riding a k Drive you'll perform a ground slam that damages enemies and knocks them down I know this is pointed out in the Wave Rider but nobody does that Quest cephalon Sark who serves as the announcer for the index was actually first featured in the conclave game mode encephalon capture he's still there along with two other unique cephalons named Evol and apnar when killing an enemy under the effects of energy vampire they'll actually give you a slightly random amount of energy ranging from roughly 98 to 102 percent of the regular amount the aqua blades interaction on limbo I mentioned in the last video actually extends to all abilities so basically any ability on limbo or Allies will damage enemies regardless if they're rifted or not a lot of people also told me to mention that the rift doesn't affect the operator which sure is weird but is that obscure is it not normal to press 5 when you're playing limbo I'm getting distracted moving on Vitus Essence and steel Essence drops d-spawn if not picked up after five minutes so if you're waiting for a Smita buff or something make sure to keep your eye on the clock on-call crewmates appear to bypass lots of enemy damage reduction some examples include the Dr present on liches and sisters as well as bosses like noodle salad V you can shoot through Nova's portals causing projectiles to be instantly teleported to the end of said portal allegedly enemy grenades that go through portals also become Allied grenades but I have no idea how I would test that equinox's fused idle isn't equippable on other warframes and also can't be seen in normal missions it's basically exclusive to Equinox and only usable in Social spaces because Buzz Lock's alt-fire has infinite punch through it can shoot into Frost's bubble fluctus can do this too but strangely enough Zenith semi-auto mode can't if you're playing on Earth and you encounter the toxin mixer tile you can find a dead grineer with a backpack and some other supplies in this broken pipe he's all also missing his face and has a manic mask laying next to him despite seemingly being a butcher Zephyr primes arm feathers expand outward while she's airborne and shrink back down to normal when she touches the ground again when reaching a melee combo count of two times or more the acanthus prime shoulders will shoot out beams of light and the Spritz sale Prime shoulders will cause localized rain splashing effects there's an account named shop who has most major items wish listed meaning that you can more easily buy them when away from your Orbiter as mentioned in the last video to view this account type slash profile shop in chat and then navigate to the wishlist tab from spawn in Iron wake if you go to the left and enter this obscured event you'll encounter the one and only cocktroll ghoul he doesn't really do anything but I don't know I just think he's a cool guy if you interact with the syndicates console in your Orbiter you'll be given an option to visit them which can be used to fast travel to various syndicates as well as characters like teshin and Samaras the projectiles fired by velocities will Ricochet off surfaces and Arc Wing but possess no such trait when used on the ground in addition to void damage elect trick and magnetic damage can also pop the bubbles that appear in sabotage missions there is an extremely small chance upon completing a capture mission to receive a gear item called the Omni ammo box when used the ammo box restores ammo to all of your weapons and is then consumed if you complete a quest that rewards a Warframe blueprint but you already own said Warframe then in addition to the blueprint you'll also be given a random Riven mod if you load into the orb ballast on the steel path and then start the fight for the exploiter Orb she'll still be at level 50. the 150 increase to health armor and shields from being on steel path still applies to her though you can input a slight attack during a melee attack to get a decent boost in range this is admittedly kind of tricky with high attack speed though manually detonating wolf Sledge wallets and air launches enemies really far for some reason during the patient zero Quest you play a reactor sabotage mission on aerys despite the fact that there normally are no reactor sabotage missions on aerys there isn't even a tile for such thing in its tile set meaning that a title from the old Corpus ship tile set is used instead dead scanning an unalerted enemy counts as a stealth scan granting double scan progress and also granting more Affinity which in turn leads to more samaris rep branching off of this a baruch's LOL resets the alert level of enemies meaning that it can be used to stealth scan enemies that have previously spotted you this effect also allows you to get stealth kill Affinity bonuses off of enemies that have previously seen you or to prevent you from losing it if you're using the Safeguard augment on Neja you can Sprint and then look behind you to cast warding Halo on your Sentinel pressing melee while a glaive is in Flight will immediately summon it back to you this works with sedo's alt-fire as well albeit inconsistently you can actually find a wide array of leaderboards for various missions and events by going to the pause menu in the Orbiter then going to profile then leaderboards you can find weekly ones for various endless missions and minigames daily ones for k-drive races although strangely only for the Valles and archived event leaderboards there's also this one labeled dedicated servers but I honestly have no idea what any of this means also who the got 316 points in Happy's effort this week are you okay my gamer the slam effect from Exodia hunt opens affected enemies up to finishers making it a good pick for dagger and hammers Oz Prime warframes can't use exalted weapon scans that are built on the base non-primed model although they can still use Deluxe skin models this is even worse for Excalibur though who can only use the exalted blade from the Sato Deluxe if he is using the skin itself de please change this I want to use Teno gen claws on Garuda Prime multi-shot mods mess with accuracy accolades allowing you to hit absurd accuracy percentages when using voracious metastasis on hildren it converts the amount of shields consumed from casting into energy for teammates allowing for absurd energy regen for nearby allies if golden instinct is placed on Lavos its cooldown can be reduced by using transmutation probe if you enter exalted Shadow while Gloom is active on Sega goth then sevagoth will keep Gloom active but still lose energy however if you have Arcane energized on the shadow then the energy picked up will also be given to sevagoth provided you're close enough tenno Shields are a special health class exclusive to players which have a 25 damage reduction to all damage types strangely enough this makes it void damage's only bad matchup speaking of void it also isn't affected by enemy physical or Elemental enhancement modifiers and sorties rolling actually provides a 75 damage reduction during the animation it can also be used to shake off certain effects like mutilist MOA swarms latchers and even malicious magnetized you also can't be grappled by ancients or scorpions during a roll as these are considered a knockdown in the pit monster room which has a chance to spawn in Deimos isolation vaults you can perform an Easter egg when you feed this sarlacc looking ass and damage various tumors upon completing the Easter egg you can drop down into the sorelax maw wherein you encounter a unique enemy variant the jugulus Rex this enemy spawns nowhere else on Deimos and instead of spitting out glaves it possesses rapid Health regeneration which can be slowed by destroying weak spots on its neck in addition to boosting weapon damage Roar also boosts the damage of Warframe abilities if you miss a throw when fishing on either the planes or ballast you have a small chance to catch a boot or crewman's boot respectively which is accompanied by a fun jingle vauban's overdriver mine can attach to his Tesla nervos which boosts their damage and also gives them a new look by the way if vauben is affected by overdriver it also boosts the damage of his fleshette orbs for those who don't know the damage from Ash's blade storm counts as finisher damage meaning that if an enemy is killed by a clone directly and not by a resulting slash proc then they can proc finisher-based arcanes like ultimatum and trickery this also means that blade Storm's damage can be boosted by Savage silence and radiant finish which is kinda super busted oh by the way parazon finishers can also trigger finisher arcanes if you have temporal anchor active on protea you can hold your ultimate down to cancel the rewind as well as the explosion and the energy restoration wait this is a tip on the ability page isn't it not like people read those anyways speaking of which another interesting thing about those tips is that if you have provoke active on day form Equinox and you switch to Knight form the boosted power strength will be added to the metamorphosis buff you receive a knight form if you trip all three Data Vault alarms in a spy mission then you'll have to play out an exterminate Mission at the end kind of like the dreaded change of plans from capture missions although this time avoidable in the ballroom simulacrum scene you can find this button to the right of the Arsenal labeled reset suit if pressed the button dispels all active Warframe abilities although Buffs from things like Companions arcanes and galvanized mods will still be present mirage's sleight of hand ability will actually hack nearby enemy equipment namely it hacks laser barricades shock and gas traps and the various turrets found on the Valles planes and kuva Fortress Arc traps 2 although strangely enough not sensor bars if you go to the pause menu and then go to options and then select the accessibility tab you'll see a customized HUD color under the interface section if you click on an element to customize you'll then be able to choose colors from any palette you own as well as a special palette called accessibility neat thing is if you favorite a color from the accessibility palette you can use it later for fashion purposes during Uranus sabotage if you get the manic bombard variation you can actually complete the mission without ever fighting him up above the main chamber will be a catwalk with two canisters grab these and deposit them in receptacles on each side of the main chamber hacking their corresponding consoles as you go once you've deposited both canisters and hacked both consoles the bombard will be poisoned and you'll be free to extract be careful about the sensor though if it spots you you'll be forced to fight the bombard regardless of how close you were to poisoning him while Shadows of the Dead is active nekros can press 4 to heal his currently alive Shadows back to full health while also playing a shorter version of the regular casting animation if none of them have died yet wait this is an ability menu tip too isn't it how many of these have been ability menu tips pretty much every Prime Warframe has special effects on their abilities that add some extra visual Flair with no real gameplay benefit examples include a lightning bolt coming from the sky when using bull Prime shock extra golden icicles that spawn when using Frost primes ice wave and Loki Prime's decoy using a Lex Prime instead of alato if you have the glyph prism gear item bound to a hotkey then you can press said hockey to use the item while in your Orbiter Gauss can actually run on all water not just the water and coolant present on the planes in Dallas this includes water in the grineer Sea Lab and Earth Forest tile sets among others also when it's night on the planes running on the water as Gauss avoids the magnetic Brock on the earth Forest tile set in this room with the turbines you can shoot these two boxes to disable the fans allowing you to walk through unimpeded if you pull up the map in captura you can see the captura camera as a blue Ally Dawn which follows you around as you move [Music] in Fortuna there are a handful of elevators that can be used to access various areas they're not super practical but at least it gives us a logical way for ticker to be up here the Opera multi-shot buff from octavia's Metronome boost scanner speed you can scan wukong's Celestial twin despite it having no codex entry you can also scan necros's Shadows of the Dead in the Codex conservation animals have an alignment of either predator or prey vauban's flechette orb counts towards accuracy accolades and is treated as if it never misses allowing your accuracy percentage to get ridiculously high on Lua you can find these yellow riffs that give you various Buffs if you wallash them for a second or two I'll show on screen now what each buff is and what it does the tether grenades augment for the penta can attach itself to Arctic eximus bubbles which can pull them around and even cause them to just fly straight up this only works if their overguard has been removed though speaking of the penta the Napalm grenades augment damages enemies regardless of the rift status of either the enemies or limbo himself if an NPC spoke during Proteus temporal anchor then their dialogue will be sped up and reversed when time gets rewound at the end excellent work we'll interrogate the captive back at base your car is done here as limbo you can hold down your one to evict all enemies currently in the rift if you get out of bounds and The Drifters Camp capture a scene you can find this leftover development room during the new War Quest The Drifter can play the shazen however in normal gameplay the emote is grayed out when using them nataruk has no headshot multiplier uncharged for perfect shots meaning that headshots deal no additional damage the quick shot still does have a headshot multiplier though during LED V's boss fight you can actually see seasonuka and prevent her from Reviving Alid when he's downed which will lead to Allied bleeding out and you completing the fight without ever killing zanuka when playing Mirage you can maintain a buff from Eclipse by becoming invisible meaning that you won't lose said buff if you go from a dark to a light place or vice versa this is apparently called snapshotting and applies to several mechanics like The Relic buff prolonging I mentioned in the last episode marolina can sit on top of Frost's snow globe if you hit zero percent armor Integrity in the infested Salvage Mission type the infested will actually start speaking to you please within Warframe there exists a promotional skin called the Nvidia Brayton which was never released for multiple reasons despite this the skin is actually still chat linkable on PC at least Ash can use the Fatal teleport augment on infested hives which shrinks them down and rotates them I guess because the jugula's Rex has an eight health regen it can stay alive autonomously when revived as a shadow by nekros branching off of this marolina can be used to skip the finisher animation on thrall's entirely presumably hounds too but I'm not generating a sister and a lich I don't care enough about my content for that volt speed can be used to speed up the Ethereal kids on the zaroman the drums on stage in this Airman Auditorium room make noise when you attack them all right [Music] several weapons actually have special reload animations when used with a glaive separate from the normal ones the piranha and euphona Prime share one wherein the gun is spun a few extra times during the reload ballistica and the zundy pistol skin have a Reload where the magazine is flicked out of the side of the weapon kick guns with a magazine on the bottom will drop the magazine straight down with no spinning and azima will pop the magazine up before reloading if you try to spawn a dargan in captura they often just get stuck in the ground this can normally be fixed by jumping resource nodes in the planes actually increase the amount of resources they drop if you play higher level bounties the speed at which an incarnate weapon switches forms is actually affected by reload speed modifiers when fighting the Ethereal Angel you can actually stack the golden bubbles on top of each other to further boost the damage they give you also standing in these bubbles gives you added heat damage and protects you from the Angel's attacks for those who don't know Ewa can also just use void strike to skip the orb thing entirely but that's neither here nor there as a gyre you can press one while an arc sphere is in flight to immediately detonate it okay this one is less of a gameplay thing and more of just a fun detail for a long time now mag has had an all-time called the mag Gauss helmet when Gauss was revealed people joked about the helmet's name and as such de named gauss's alt Helm the Gauss mag helmet abilities that absorb damage after being cast like iron skin and warding Halo can actually absorb the damage from profit Taker and exploiter's nuke adding it to their health these attacks can also be survived via Shield gating which I find kinda funny you can interrupt a void sling mid-flight by firing your amp allowing you to quickly correct yourself if you overshoot something you can also initiate a void sling by holding space while already in air if you're quick enough you can actually lock yourself out of your own Dorma Zone which requires a Reload to get back in Blueprint made a fun comic series based on this concept so I'll link their Twitter below if you want to check it out in the Dharma Zone if you approach the store as The Drifter then a pulsing monochromatic effect will emanate from the door along with the set of dual makanas and music from the duviri Paradox reveal trailer eximus units actually have unique voice lines now blueprint just so happened to make a video about this so I'll leave that in the description too if you're interested the turbulence augment on Zephyr also speeds up fishing Spears the vengeful impact ephemera actually changes to adopt the look of iron skin when used on Rhino if you have a combo counter of two times or more the citadella prime sayadana will possess some cool Effects by the way if you have a weapon that starts with a two times combo count either passively like fragor or using the corrupt charge mod then combo counter based effects will activate when in the Arsenal when zenerik's inner might passive is off cooldown this little orb will start orbiting your Warframe adopting the frame's energy color the portrait rid of your parents and the dorm Zone actually adopts some of your operator's suit colors the colors in question are the primary suit color secondary suit color and hair color in the main tent at the hillside ruins base on the planes you can interact with this console to cause various Pistons to pound to the ground before highlighting an area on the center map one of the explosive drones on the ceilings will then be dispatched to the highlighted area detonating and revealing some resources as well as a sentient bone this can be done multiple times revealing a total of three dig sites you can also destroy the explosive drones both in flight and while they're on the ceiling so be careful Night Watch grineer enemies have no eximus units you can skip a lot of dialogue by quickly opening and closing nightwave in the pause menu this namely works on Bounty intro dialogue and the dialogue before avoid Angel fight but applies to almost all dialogue and is actually a speed running Strat referred to as Nora skip if you deploy a restore pad on a domestic drone while on top of it then the Drone will actually drag around the pad too this works for the domestic drones cousins as well the orb from alternox's alt-fire sticks to geometry and will get moved around at the geometry it stuck two moves this is easiest to demonstrate with a door as an operator you can use void mode to negate fall damage the tonkor wielded by Elite Shield lancers and Night Watch rabers has an arming distance mechanic meaning that if you're close enough to them their grenades won't actually explode let's go weird and obscure stuff you can press the ability buttons one to four on PC to instantly build turrets and void Armageddon maggot decorations can be killed in captura if Friendly Fire is enabled if a kuva cloud touches a piece of gara's mass vitrify the glass section will shatter instantly the first mission you complete after daily reset will grant a bonus of double credits this is called The Daily first win bonus and doesn't apply to credit gains that are mission rewards like credit caches and index payouts if korus 3 is replaced via the helmet then vanari's icon in the Arsenal will instead turn into the ability it's been swapped for this also works for exalted weapons in the keybind section of the settings menu you can find two normally Unbound controls for rail Jack called Bank left and bank right if you decide to bind these you can use the bound keys to roll left and right which doesn't serve much practical purpose but does contribute to immersion in this Oregon challenge room shooting the floating platforms will cause them to shake during the gift of the lotus alerts for 2022 all missions have the void Skybox regardless of where on the star chart they took place I only have have screenshots for this one so sorry about that various mostly AOE weapons can destroy the shields of the special Duty coil drive while it's Invincible if this happens the shields will never naturally regenerate for those who don't know shieldgating provides two different amounts of invincibility depending on the shield charge status before they broke if the shield had fully recharged at some point before being broken 1.33 seconds of invincibility is granted but if the shield breaks before reaching full again after previously being broken it will only Grant .33 seconds of invincibility when you have the full 1.33 seconds of Shield gate ready your Shield bar will glow with an energized effect to let you know the freezing ground in the void in Lua tile sets doesn't affect your rally if she's on marolina if you roll through the fire blast of an arson eximus you both won't be knocked down and won't take the heat rock they normally hand you transferring to a necromac operator or k drive while holding the tranq rifle doesn't remove the mini map markers for animal call points The Parallax ships in this airmen have Warframe entrance ports on the bottom which honestly makes it zero sense the rail Jack its turrets and hijacked cruise ships can be piloted by operators and Drifters on top of this kills with rail Jack turrets while using an operator will grant amp Affinity instead of plexus affinity de please don't patch this people already blame me for The Drifter handshake thing getting fixed the jet packs on grineer hellions and Tusk bailiffs are destroyable parazon Mercy kills count towards the execution or night wave challenge the double tap augment for the latron can build damage Stacks when attacking Arctic eximus and nullifier Bubbles despite them both being a form of object Health the captura camera can push around lunaro balls in the zaremon court scene Narmer and orax arachnoids use a shrunk down rail Jack weapon on their heads the weapon specifically is either a carcinox or a photor though I don't know for sure because they look almost identical if your Warframe goes down and you extract as your operator via Last Stand you won't lose any Affinity unlike if you self-revived the teleportation on Heavies from Rift strike and the yamar set allows you to teleport to enemies through glass in captura nidis has his max mutation look by default if you're in the Orbiter or Drifter camp scene however you can enter and exit the helmet room to restore his normal look radial blind can be put on Umbra via the helmenth which means you can give him two of what is basically the same ability the water geyser at Twin horns on the plains is strong enough to launch necromax while the flowers on the vallis and drift cannot pressing the melee Button as your operator while looking at your necromech will cause you to instantly transfer to it and perform a melee attack in the necraloid area of the necrolisk the large pit behind Lloyd doesn't count as part of the operator only Zone meaning that you can use your Warframe there Rhino Prime Ember Prime mag Prime and Excalibur all have Hidden Lore entries if they're inspected in the Codex banshee's silence ability works on void Angels which makes them basically harmless cute dog what breed is she melee ground slams don't hold the momentum of zephyr's Tailwind pretty much nothing halts it actually which is really annoying sometimes normally when transferring from your operator to your Warframe there is a brief delay of like half a second or so you can press melee to instantly transfer to your frame but this will make you perform a melee attack however if you have no melee equipped you will simply transfer instantly with no downside other than not having a melee of course if you have a one-handed so englave equipped together then pressing melee while your pistol was equipped will also transfer you instantly without performing any melee attack speaking of glaves you can also cancel their ground slam with a roll at any point while Airborne if you're using combat discipline and spawn any specters The Kills from those specters will damage you as if you were killing the enemies yourself damage from combat discipline also has the ability to proc on damage Buffs like Arcane Avenger Grace and guardian kills from argazine turrets count as kills for the player who built them and they can proc stuff like growing power and combat discipline they also add to the stacks of molt augmented as well the Omni and rail Jack deals a small amount of cold damage and can actually kill things the emissive effects on the head of the exploiter orbarticula don't scale with the rest of the model the Octavia dancing at the Soma chord is seemingly using a unique skin on-call crew members don't count against the level 30 survival with no kills Riven challenge the Wukong Specter in the index uses wukong's old kit as he can be seen casting iron jab periodically the order of the preset mods placed on your companion determines their priority going from left to right and top to bottom highest priority in the top left lowest priority in the bottom right in 2018 the Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfilled a wish for a kid named Eli by taking him to tennocon that year de did a bunch of cool stuff to make the experience a special one for him namely allowing him to voice a relay NPC which can be found here in strata relay welcome tenno I'll leave a link to the Make-A-Wish video covering the topic in the description if you're interested the pose for Harrow and his ability page and Baruch and the market preview for his collection are the same life support modules in the mr30 test show up with Forma icons when picked up elytra's ultimate can push around various friendlies in free roam namely the planes drone during the escort Bounty objective odanata's energy shell ability increases critical damage by 200 and adds 50 heat damage this is seemingly mentioned nowhere in game which I find extremely confusing in sanctuary Onslaught this Gas City tile will spawn enemies off in the distance away from standable terrain causing them to fall to their deaths kinda up samaris in the Corpus ship tile set in the reactor room you can hack these four terminals to destroy the reactor which also grants access to some hidden crates the amount of energy you start with in a mission is actually determined by how much free mod capacity you have left on your frame for every free point of capacity your starting energy goes up by five unairu's passive Poise grants immunity to slows in addition to knock Downs it is possible to get more than than 10 viral procs on Vore though it's inconsistent and I don't actually think it does anything you can invigorate four warframes in one week if you have your swap ready as you can actually use it on invigorations that have already been applied to other frames Syndicate Mission completions and samara's Target turn-ins don't count towards the daily cap meaning you can still earn standing for completing them if your normal cap has been reached branching off of this Idol on shards don't count towards your daily Focus cap either the Korra Miyabi skin changes its name to the Kora oirran I don't know how you say that it changes its name to Cora or Iran when it's in your card on Steam kuva and tenant weapons have the highest Mastery requirements in the game being 15 and 16 respectively however you can claim them from your Foundry even if you don't hit the requirement making it essentially meaningless the only exceptions to this are Lieutenant melees as their purchase from a vendor and do require you to hit that 16 Mastery the projectile from embolus vial discharge augment uses the same model as the old origin derelict assassinate blueprints okay so when making this series I normally try to only talk about stuff that is in the game at the time of making but this was just way too interesting to not bring up over in the Discord sabuchi pointed out that hydroid's undertow used to have a different reflection map which was a screenshot of dark sector's second chapter exposure lastly on devstream 119 it was said by De that Moore lore would be added to Garuda at some point well first of all demare wants to know if we'll ever have more Lord for Garuda yeah yeah yes yeah yeah yes we will yes definitely we had a whole thing going for Garuda that we did we didn't uh we didn't release that we didn't have time to do with Fortuna um yeah all right very good this isn't really an in-game thing I just wanted to let everyone know that I still haven't forgotten gyre's Arc sphere is attracted to mag's magnetized this Mars tile and Sanctuary Onslaught is actually a reused tile from the Old Law of Retribution raid this void pyramid tile is also unique to Sanctuary Onslaught appearing nowhere else in the game the color of korra's whip claw doesn't change along with her minus the handle and the uh butt plugs at the end this goes for Cora Prime too if you complete the agility drift puzzle you'll notice these organs with white rings around their necks if you launch yourself out of each of these it opens some extra rooms in the upper platform area when doing the power drift puzzle you can use both your operator and your Warframe to fill up the energy orbs quicker even stranger this allows you to complete the puzzle without filling up all of the orbs you can actually do the coaction drift puzzle completely solo by using your Warframe your operator and a few specters if you have an on-call rail Jack crewmate and Loki's decoy you don't even have to use any consumables in the endurance drift room you can shoot the backs of these laser plates to turn the lasers off this uh this is how you're actually supposed to do the puzzle with one person standing in the middle and the teammates shooting the lasers to keep them off this has been suggested so many times though that I thought I may as well include it when carrying a deacon veil in an archon Showdown nearby enemies are blinded when making a saw the sepvon strike can be used to make either an Acana or a staff strangely this allows the zaw strike to benefit from amalgam daiku's lifesteal effect as either an Akana or a staff when it normally only works on nikanos the base of the wishing well and the Corpus ship tile set can be shot right through without any need for punch through there's a globe light in this classroom on the xyerman that can be toggled on and off you can also find various data pads around mazeramin that when interacted with have tuval explaining some of the lore surrounding the events of the jump if the rail Jack is being flown by a teammate or an AI crewmate you'll stay snapped to it as an arc Wing so long as you're close liches can grapple rescue targets and if they throw them off the map they'll die instantly in the Corpus crash ship tile set this ice Bridge can be destroyed by standing on it but it can't be destroyed by any projectiles or explosions if you do break the bridge you can land on this floating ship chunk underneath it and write it down to the teleport volume you can also float around with this guy in the dry dock though where he is specifically his client side so you can just see people floating around in multiplayer energy grabbed by the operator is given to your Warframe but it can't activate Buffs like energize or energy conversion picking up modes from emergence dissipate doesn't give energy to your frame and neither does standing in range of an energy pad killing an eximus enemy while in last gasp will revive you instantly summoned AI like railjack crewmates inspectors will Target hives in the infested Hive mode Holland his brothers normally just kind of spontaneously manifest when summoned but if on an open world they'll actually fly in on a drop ship stealth attack damage actually scales with weapon level from 100 more damage at unranked going up to 700 more damage at level 30. this damage does not go up Beyond level 30 and is additive with crit damage dual scona's blueprint preview shows two full-length scanners while the actual weapon has one short scanner and one regularly sized Ghana Bales taken by call change color to match his color palette once he grabs them Shard heck's ephemera shards aren't actually stuck to the player so if you move on something like a platform you'll leave them behind on some series tiles such as the interception defense tile and during the boss fight lightning will periodically strike damaging enemies and players you can activate transference as temporal anchor starts maintaining your position and still benefiting from the rewind iron staff visually increases in length as you add range mods slowing abilities like temporal drag slow the rate at which liches recover health when down temporal drag can also slow enemies with overguard in captura enabling Friendly Fire and magnetizing a teammate will cause them to be completely unable to move unless they jump where they'll just fly straight up you can also die in captura by getting transfer in static times 4 which is done by dying as your operator four times if this happens you'll go into the down state eventually dying with no way of being revived if this happens it's a soft block and requires you to either switch scenes or leave captura entirely set mods have a different visual effect when equipped in the Arsenal compared to normal mods the Oregon eye air support marked sentient cores which lets you obliterate your teammate's eyes in an idol on Hunt by taking scavenger you can open containers in sanctuary Onslaught this normally only yields stuff like ammo health and energy though I have heard that it can yield a region-specific resources like hexanon and I have also had it drop credits for me on one occasion take the resource drops with a grain of salt though I've never run into it myself some Jupiter tiles and Sanctuary Onslaught also can have their amalgam Labs opened Skybox is in certain Sanctuary Onslaught tiles primarily ones that take place in ships show random space Sky boxes which can lead to weird and normally impossible combinations cernos Prime and kuva chakur have a 50 bonus to headshot damage and synapse is a built-in 20 which multiply after other headshot bonuses from stuff like primary deadhead call can't heavy attack with his sleightra but he can perform a heavy slam entering an extraction area will forcibly close the overlay map if it's open and prevent opening the stat screen even if extraction isn't actually available Allied trocar units can still Force the player into operator with their staff Corpus also have Shield gating where only five percent of the damage inflicted on them makes it through to their health once their Shield breaks though this is ignored if the shot is a headshot if a headshot is a critical hit it will have another two times damage multiplier on top of the crit damage and regular headshot multiplier this goes for all enemies keeping with the headshot theme the haquette has no headshot multiplier but does take bonus damage when shot in the backpack The Machinist also has no headshot multiplier though the backpack isn't even part of the hitbox at all shooting your release 3 with surging blades into a compressor bubble cluster causes a large bubble to appear and hold on to the blade which can damage enemies touching the bubble and increases surging blades damage placing a forma on warframes weapons and companions gives them access to a second energy color Channel though things that can't be polarized like the rail Jack and operators and Drifters will have this channel by default Allied AI attack roller floofs in the Dog Days capture a scene and pets will play with them if placed in the Orbiter funnily enough vauban's Tesla nervos will hit them but can't stick making them chase the balls around pretty much forever the blades orbiting Garuda during the charge for seeking Talons actually deal damage to enemies and can push them around with the damage scaling with strength you have to get really close to enemies for it to trigger though running into enemies with electric Shield will knock them down but for some reason trox and hayekas just get launched if you turn off an enemy's AI in the simulacrum and then mind control them it will remain off even if you turn enemy AI back on just south of Austin range on the plains there's this zipline with a super up texture mods like amalgam Barrel diffusion and amalgam serration still benefit you even if a swordy modifier prevents you from using the weapon it's equipped on incarnate weapons can be charged by headshotting corpses zenith's alt-fire disc deals damage and has infinite punch through which can be kinda Goofy with mags too the penta's grenades can do this as well shout out to that b person on YouTube for posting the video that brought this to my attention the buzz lock can lock onto allies the decoration snapping Grid in the Orbiter is actually off by about a half step when in The Drifter Camp as compared to how the grid is laid out in the regular Orbiter the majority of Warframe arcanes still apply while in Arc wing weapon stats in the Arsenal are in alphabetical order so they appear in a different order depending on the language you have selected in the Hun how boss fight you can enter your Operator by activating last gasp which shows the icon for Excalibur super jump in your abilities selecting it shows transference as its name and it isn't usable looking at Hunt hell through a synthesis scanner also reveals that he is secretly a corpus osprey you can chat link a scrapped item called the Oregon monitor in-game which seems to be a cut idea from the Fortuna update involving glaciers concealed explosives can be equipped on the Egret Egret also instantly explodes on contact with water many ephemeras still work in the levarian varuna makes the eyes of the statues and the circulus glow though this doesn't work in the captura scene boy damage is unaffected by physical and Elemental sorting modifiers as it is technically neither if a defection Mission appears on a corpus node usually through a sortie it still uses grineer hacking the mining laser has multiple Zoom levels the drop chances for avara parts are significantly higher in Corpus by rail Jack nodes when compared to normal spy equipping the okuri tales ephemera changes the primary energy Channel color if no energy color is selected this is most obvious on necrosis or kala Deluxe and hildren's einhary Deluxe wisp's passive shows her equipped weapons even if they're set to not be visible while holstered ciphers can't be used in sorties nightmare missions or archon hunts though Auto breach and perspicacity still work and actually have a unique animation when activating on an armor hack planes ammo caches spawn much larger than normal ammo drops might rachnoids on the vallis also drop these huge ammo boxes [Music] warframes operators and even pets can trigger the lunaro goals on the zareman if you petrify a grineer scanner with Atlas their line of sight also gets petrified when fighting the exploiter orb throwing a thermia canister while sliding in air will cause you to hit yourself with it dealing damage the tonkor grenade launcher has an arming distance mechanic where it doesn't explode until it has traveled at least seven and a half meters strangely kuvatonkor completely lacks this mechanic shooting at a group of grounded conrocks with avara's noise Arrow causes them to float upwards with no animation because rescue on Eris has no wardens you get a free rescue Point as if you've killed them all which means that the quality of Specter you get will always act like you've got at least one rescue Point nightmare Mission drop tables are also affected by the rescue point system if the nightmare mission in question is a rescue if you don't understand what point system I'm talking about we covered it in volume 7. several rocks and trees in The Drifter Camp can be destroyed by Bullet jumping near them which is likely just left over from the Lotus boss fight in the new War Quest if you don't hack the console to start a survival mission for 5 minutes it auto starts it's all's Cosmic Crush can pull in Focus orbs Riven slivers can drop in Mastery tests though you don't get to keep them once the test is over the spare parts mod on Sentinels also works in the simulacrum though similarly you can't keep the drops in darbo's relay shop the old rifle ammo can be seen amongst the new ammo boxes player control dargans can level up with this level being separate from their normal enemy level Grendel can eat fashion statues when Friendly Fire is enabled in captura but not Atlas as his passive prevents him from being knocked down even as a statue Grendel can also eat fish baits which blow up in his stomach like when he eats a grenade zaku's Noble animation set has two different animations for wielding no weapons foreign a rifle type weapon wielding a single pistol and wielding dual pistols a faint chime is played by the Kodak scanner whenever you move your cursor over a scannable item for the regular codec scanner the sound is different based on whether or not you've completed the Codex entry for a given scannable thing well for the synthesis scanner it's unchanged I imagine this is because you can't scan things with completed codex entries with the regular scanner but you can with the synthesis scanner as it grants samaris rep I kinda mentioned this in a prior episode but if an animal is close enough to be highlighted by the track rifle it'll make a distinct beeping sound nyx's mind control can be used to boost the damage of player control dargans though they will explode Once the mind control timer ends the trade and donation posts in the dojo make weird sounds when you wall hop on them if you give an incarnate form weapon to a rescuer defense Target they'll turn it back into its normal non-incarnated version but if you then take it back from them it'll be in its incarnate form again disarming an infested Runner or leaper rips their arms off archon stretches energy regeneration effect can be activated by procing the retribution mod on the planes the Drone escort Bounty objective will spawn the Drone in the dead center of the search area with the marker before entering the area being exactly on the Drone akiria can be found in Carl's junk Run mission though there is no way to scan it if Grendel uses Feast on the final enemy in a defense wave the wave will progress but the enemy will still be alive Proteus caldrius Deluxe grants her a new idle animation gara's Mass vitrify can block Lloyd and otak in isolation vaults dread mirror's colors will change to your Arc Wing colors if you cast the ability and then enter an arc wing special Orbiter decorations called prex cards can be found hidden in the levarian with the frame on the card being the one from the levarian you found that card in they only appear if the Warframe in question has been mastered that is level to 30 and each card is hidden in a unique spot in its respective levarian there are too many for me to show in this video so I'll put together a playlist of the spots and Link them in the description warframes with bavarians aren't the only ones to have prex cards though as caliban and gyre have their own too calibans can be found hidden in The Drifter Camp atop a rock formation and gyres can be found on top of some Lockers in the chrysolith zaku also has a prex card which is interesting for several reasons it is the only Warframe prex card sold by Barrow katir along with several other prex cards from creatures from the heart of Deimos update it is also the only Warframe perks to not show the name of the Warframe or the release number and it is also the only Warframe press where the Warframe is wearing an alternate helmet if you search for the name of a combo element in the weapon modding menu it will pull up mods that contain its constituent elements similarly you can quickly find items with Focus lenses when equipping items by searching the name of a focus school grineer and napalms still use the old model for the okris you can find one of these in darvo shop too vapis researchers can be found in Jupiter archon missions if a lab is opened they strangely aren't veiled and will actually attack normal units if they enter the lab the lone guardian's void Zone boosts the cast speed for operator abilities as well if an enemy is capturing an interception point and is corrupted by a voidfisher their hacking will be interrupted and they'll stop capturing dargan eximus units and grineer Arc Wing have regular eximus units piloting them if broken War has no stance equipped it will use the vengeful Revenant stance instead of the normal stanceless moveset when in the helmet chair you can select this little plus icon to show what abilities and stats you have on each of your configs with any helmet abilities being yellow and the rest being white casting zata's whisper briefly shows some of the tendrils from the lok's Embrace ephemera if it's equipped the wind effects of The Drifter Camp still apply when inside the Orbiter and the landing craft temporal drag can slow down kuva clouds when looking at the orc and cell on the market you can find a purchasable blueprint that costs 100 Platinum this is the only blueprint so far as I'm aware that costs Platinum outright and the resources needed to make one cell using the blueprint are pretty outrageous who is this even for if Garuda uses bloodletting before a rail Jack Mission fully loads her health will be restored when it finishes loading the grineer asteroid base possesses a unique Mobile Defense tile where two regular Mobile Defense objectives are done and then a cryopod is done at the end what's interesting about this is that the person sleeping in the cryopod is completely absent until the tram with the Pod stops moving these lasers in the grineer Sea Lab can damage you and cause bleeding similarly the electrified rail on the series defense tile will damage and Electrify you if you touch it the instant last gas for re-live on eczemus kill mentioned in the last episode also works on prosecutors the muzzle flash when firing the deck sebaris is the Lotus logo in Endless game modes on the zaramin you can hold the button in the elevator to skip the weight for an individual extract oh yeah for those who don't know you can leave by yourself in Endless Mission types by just extracting without anybody else hitting a cruise ship in one of its engines with the forward artillery results in an instant kill the Lotus gives patient zero dialogue when fighting the Mesa Specter at the heiress Junction as its code is likely reused from the Mesa boss fight in patient zero Narmer deacons use the infested Health type many of the stalker's acolytes wear armor pieces and spots that aren't normally possible such as misery wearing the Daedalus chest piece as a Cod piece and torment using parts of equinox's Tassels despite being based on Mesa violence also uses a distressa and a single venka claw though the claw is purely visual Juno Elite crewmen do this too wearing the she chest piece as a backpack cyanax has a unique sound when walking that sounds like armor clanking similarly if using the default shoulder armor for Lavos you can hear the liquid moving around in the vials when you walk the stalker is able to spawn inside the granum void I'm not sure about zanuka though but I imagine that probably works the Intruder mod which normally grants more hacking duration slows down the movement of the hacking head during a grineer hack as duration isn't a mechanic for those the cell value of a requiemod goes down as you use up their charges from 50 000 credits or 1000 Endo at three charges to 25 000 credits or 500 Endo when defiled vectus vectus Prime and Buzz lock can all reload while scoped in when on the zaroman the ambient noise actually changes based on where you are in certain rooms for example in the lunaro room crowd noises can be heard when out on the court with the sound of children being heard when in the locker room [Applause] oh when misery uses Shadows of the Dead it can resurrect other acolytes as Shadows on this Europa extraction tile there's a large fan that periodically turns on standing on this fan launches you towards the extraction Zone if you mash jump after being knocked down you'll stand up much faster than normal this has to be done pretty early into the knockdown though or else you'll get a different animation that is much slower when using axios Javelin the spears dionx throws matches his color palette when in his hand then changes to its default coloration once it leaves it even stranger once the spear has skewered an enemy and collided with the service it goes back to matching styinax's colors if you're grabbed by a tether from a scorpion or an ancient you have several ways to break out you can either roll like mentioned in earlier episodes but you can also melee attack to cut the rope or bullet jump which ragdolls the enemy that grab you you can also block a grab attempt outright with a melee weapon if Loki's decoy dies in a nightmare Mission with the timed modifier it will increase the amount of time on the clock baruch's Desert Wind increases in damage as you gain melee combo I've tested this with every other exalted melee and as far as I can tell this mechanic is unique to Baruch which is really weird because the waves from his fists don't even contribute to his combo earlier in this series I mentioned the y key being a hard-coded non-rebindable button to use ciphers instantly well as shovel found over on the Discord there are several other hard-coded keybinds that do interesting stuff white can be used not just for ciphers but also to cancel the cued mission in the navigation console or to instantly access the upgrade menu for a selected item in the Arsenal it also opens the Sorting tab in most menus and can be used to open the drop down in the market the n and M keys are treated as tab left and right and can be used to do so in most menus such as The Foundry the inventory and the mods menu strangely though this doesn't work in the codecs when in the Arsenal the N key tabs left like you'd expect but the m key opens the loadout menu the final attack in swirling tigers dancing Hunter combo contains an additional Phantom hit which deals 200 of the weapons modded Elemental damage but zero percent of the weapons base damage this hit doesn't contribute to the melee combo counter and can't proc status effects on the heiress tile set you can shoot the sparrow and then hack this console to deploy a container with an explosive Barrel sticking out shooting the barrel explodes the container which grants drops like a normal crate weirder still the console is single use so if you fail you can't try it again and if you don't shoot the barrel the container just falls into the pit in the center of the room why all this work for a crate in the lower level of low render relay you can find this pair and sequence operative sleeping in a tree call can't perform a slam attack unless he has a jetpack equipped he doesn't actually need to fly to do the slam he just for some reason needs to have the jetpack on okay I'm only including this because salus said I would get a billion views if I did but enabling Friendly Fire allows you to use the nucor's microwave passive to enlarge the body parts of teammates most notably wisps yeah what the hell do I even cover in this series anymore when zoomed in with the mining laser which can be done using all firewall scope the speed at which the mining bar fills is slowed on this Earth spy Vault you can shoot these two orange lights to build two halves of a bridge allowing you to complete the Spy Vault without jumping if you were you know stupid enough to try that the vent used to bypass Norma and Fortuna is still present post Quest and even still has its little tool tip the vent kids are gone though when logging in gyre and citrine have a slightly faster get up animation than other frames Tusk reavers can be disarmed despite being a melee enemy which removes their hammer and locks them out of their jet pack when doing spy on Mars you can look out this window and see Mars from orbit despite being on the surface if ortis starts a transmission right as a sortie transmission ends he jump scares you around duviri you can find these special statues of thracks praising the Sun or something if you look at the base of the statue you can see an origin word which translates to Bow if you have either the bow or deep Bao emote equipped doing it in front of the statue will cause the word to glow and a crate will spawn it doesn't drop much but it's still pretty cool throughout duviri you can actually find Mission Control characters so long as they aren't the current spiral objective and they have unique dialogue when approached methilla can be found on the porch of this house at mathila's Farm Coral the kid who helps with animal rescues can also be found brushing a cave nearby wait what the is she brushing Loden can be found in the north corner of upper Haven bombastein can be found on his stage at the Agora lucinia can be found practicing her Opera at the Chamber of the muses and sithal can be found in this boarded up house at Titan's rest I can fix her strangely enough unlike the other characters sithal is always present even if fear is the current spiral I imagine this is a bug though dotted around duviri there are 12 locations where the shahzen can be played each Johnson has a unique song which can be played on two difficulties normal and virtuoso if you complete all 12 songs on virtuoso you actually unlock the courtly Shaw's end to be played outside nuviri which makes it the only entirely free Shazam so far as I'm aware I'll leave a link to buffoon's video in the description if you want more details on how to get it and how it sounds speaking of Shahs and songs several of the song names are actually references to the duviri lore fragments examples include Lauren Shores Galeria Delights and The Day the Earth bled among others if you go behind your horse in teshin's cave you can find a hidden area behind these leaves that leads to the update credits when loading into the undercroft you can shoot these lamps to turn them on if you roll before hitting the ground as The Drifter you'll avoid all fall damage this works outside of duviri as well though you still take a small amount of damage there the training dummy and tessions Cave occasionally talks when you hit them speaking of the cave whenever you're present there the Lotus hand is grayed out and using dying hand graze out the room this is in contrast to its use in normal duviri where guiding hand removes the desaturation effect despite saying that Joy's spiral is void damage mathila actually deals Tau and blast damage when doing an objective involving the operator mirror using a melee attack while looking through one can cause the operator to use the old void blast animation blocking causes them to assume the stance too Dax enemies with overguard can be knocked down by shooting them during a special attack duviri capture scenes use the mostly unique comb spiral state which only otherwise appears during the duviri Paradox Quest though de Hess said they may add it in the future so if that happens ignore the Sentry I guess because krubies use the same rig as kubrows and kubrows have stubby Tails only The Joint connecting their tails to their body actually Wags as opposed to the whole tail bushes and duviri and the undercroft slow you when you walk through them with this even affecting the cave if you keybind mounting the case and then enter your operator after pressing the keybind you'll spawn the Horse With No Rider even stranger this allows other players to Mount Your cave and you can then summon them again causing you to both ride the same horse headshots from unconventional sources like Melee attacks and even abilities can still trigger bombastin's malice that did you guys see that is that did anyone just interpret what just happened there my Razor fly prox bombastin's malice by getting a headshot which killed half of the enemies I was going to use for my oh my God for my dissipate what the dude on controller holding the right bumper temporarily turns off interact prompts in the Orbiter backflips go farther than a normal roll on the Corpus ship tile set you can sometimes find the side room which contains some sort of reception counter manned by two domestic drones there's also a corpus hologram who disappears out of fear if you approach them going behind the counter panels in the walls pop out if you approach them yielding crates and you can even find this one with explosive barrels that detonates when shot though unfortunately there isn't anything behind it despite being mostly submerged into the ground the einolon bones on the planes are fully modeled in this grineer sabotage room you can shoot this orange light above the door to open it when doing Mobile Defense on aerys you can enter this unique airlock room pressing this button in the middle of the room will vent two airlock Doors Down Below which deals a small amount of damage and pulls you towards the open door you can charge in karnan meter by shooting a bomb ballist in the face even if it's a ghost mending shot and Thunderbolts can't be equipped on the same bow as it turns the bow AOE though an inconsistent one concealed explosives and energizing shot can't be equipped at the same time either in addition to regular grenades Grendel can also eat non-lethal ones such as tethers speaking of grenades they can also be destroyed by ground slams in addition to direct shots healing marolina through marilena Guardian triggers archon intensify the statue of Baruch in the simulacrum can have its cloth Parts moved around by AOE attacks gendro can be spawned in captura when playing his call he can then copy call and even uses the veil breaker periodically you can move around a bit during azathane's slam wind-up which doesn't do much other than just letting you spin around in the Corpus ship weapon room you can stand on these plates on each side of the window to show off two different Corpus rail Jack Fighters Grendel can eat dargans and the kuva Fortress which have a unique portrait for the stomach UI the slow from cold procs and coal missions also slows your cooldowns why though body part enlargement from Nucor is permanent if the enemy is petrified when the enlargement occurs the fog colors in a player's profile preview are determined by the primary and secondary Warframe colors of the equipped Warframe with the top layer being the primary and the bottom layer being the secondary if an Allied Lich spawns and you also have them on call you can have two of the same Lich active at once items can be picked up while rolling which plays no animation allowing you to pick up items much faster some old tennogen items on PC actually cost platinum as their existence predates the modern Teno gen program in the series sabotage Mission you can upload the data mass and destroy the reactor in any order but on Mars the door to the reactor is locked unless you upload the data Mass was unlocking the door not the whole point of uploading the Tatum mess what the this starting room in the grineer asteroid base has several floating crates and a door on the ceiling if you look behind you weapons with special heavy attacks like chlorophel intended agendas can use regular Heavies if they're done during a slight attack Drifter can also access regular Heavies while sliding on azathane and how do you the hammer I don't know how to say it this is the hammer you can't shoot through the water to the surface on this ear in a spawn tile you can't use your operator at all if helping another player in the second dream there's also a unique Orbiter Skybox of Lua in the void present only in the quest as well as this elevator tile which appears nowhere else in the game in addition to its unique Heavies CM also has a unique block mechanic which deflects shots back at attackers this is Virgil's Perry mechanic the this thing is just Yamato the bees from zymos headshots ignore the rift and can attack enemies regardless of their rip status Volt's capacitance augment works on excavators the heal from sanctity magistar's Heavies can heal necros's Shadows the Dax equine phase chain can be done as the Warframe which causes the health bar to disappear speaking of the kth rider enemy is labeled as a Gladius and while she does have the same special attacks most of her normals are actually different on account of her using an azathane instead of the normalcium notes that don't exist in a Shazam song don't count against your score so you can perfect the song despite mashing notes that don't exist this doesn't work in duviri though unfortunately lens arrows don't explode when shot into water if you have a radiation process vauban enemies can eat your overdrivers if you load into the Dorma Zone after a daily reset you can claim your reset reward there which causes you to face the wrong way while kneeling the letter present in a relic's name is determined by the first initial of its rare item so if it's an avara part and if it's anitis part see if it's a tonora part so on as a follow-up to a much earlier entry about Clem and iron wake Klem's Creator data reaper now has his own memorial nearby for those who don't know data Reaper tragically passed away on August 28 2022 this Memorial features his most used Warframe Excalibur Prime as well as the primed version of the Cronin a weapon data Reaper actually contributed to the game during a community weapon contest rest in peace man your work brought more joy to Warframe in its Community than you could ever imagine to avoid ending on such a sad note I want to talk about something that I didn't even realize was that unknown John prodman in the index if you play for one hour on any difficulty you'll encounter a secret boss known as John broadman defeating him drops an autographed poster of the man himself and for those confused as to why this even matters prodman is actually a community character from way back in the early days of Warframe in short somebody posted The Saga of a lone prod crewman beating full red to death and the resulting meme was eventually immortalized in game with the secret boss on to some lore surrounding Rodman he was apparently the First Corpus crewmate to ever surpass zanuka as the Corpus employee of the month he also once turned down a detron in favor of his iconic Prova and apparently all prod crewmen are actually named after him also going back to the poster he drops there are actually a few other posters you can get from ludaplex games you can get one for wormius upon defeating the Helios boss at the end for the first time one for happy Zephyr if you hit 30 points and one for frame fighter if you collect every character by scanning all frame Fighter character day does foreign Ty on use but doesn't cost any energy if no enemies are hit by it allowing it to generate Affinity infinitely like bone widows 1. in the same vein though it's rather inefficient thevenka Prime possesses a unique 13 times melee combo this doesn't scale with combo mods like blood rush weeping wounds or the Gladiator set but stat stick abilities do benefit from the extra combo amount on aerys you can occasionally encounter moas with the name Corpus Walker these moas have no Shields and can perform Shockwave mower slams despite seemingly just being standard moas if you capture a Target or interact with a life support module while in void mode you can void sling during the animation lock the special slam attack properties on tenet exec and the hammer work with slams from stance combos I'll show on screen now what combos work in each stance Magus lockdown on kuva clouds doesn't actually stop them at least not anymore but the Lancer head is still there enemies can't contest interception nodes if hit by something that ragdolls and suspends them or if they turn Allied examples include Vortex larva Divine Spears strangle Dome coil Horizon the lifted status tornadoes Sandstorm enthrall and accuse enemies launched out a frost bubble when it's cast take true damage when colliding with terrain which ignores their armor Ranger enemies and Corpus Arc Wing have four opticores taped together as their jetpack the player is also scaled down in Arc Wing presumably for technical reasons but it makes everything else disproportionately massive Knight inspectors don't need mutation Stacks to cast parasitic link or ravenous sliding while wearing any Edo chest armor causes an energy effect to envelop the Warframe companions can attack the fashion statues in the Orbiter and the dormozone if Friendly Fire is enabled in captura the resource splash screen from mining can be skipped by switching weapons entering the operator or most conveniently performing a melee attack this allows you to mine quite a bit faster but do know that this does cause resources to not count for the night wave challenge Tusk secret drones actually spit out different colored flares depending on the type of reinforcements they're calling in red flare summon a furbog [Music] pink a bulk or purple for drop pods blue for a tusk dargan and most interestingly green flares summon a Tusk augma which fires missiles at players and performs bombing runs if you pick up Azaria mcelade and azerum admission you can bring it all the way back to your Dorma Zone if you're holding it during extraction it'll disappear but if you drop it on the ground it'll persist into the chrysolith if you pick it up again you won't be able to drop it but as a workaround for this you can pick it up as your operator as transferring back to your Warframe will cause you to drop it again all right you can do this with lunaro balls too and when in the dorm Zone they can even be thrown around with all fire like they can be in missions oberon's renewal provides players with a constant status cleanse when at full health which means that any status effects they are hit with are immediately dispelled this has some interesting effects different from proper status immunity single Target dots being heat Toxin and slash deal damage after a one second delay so they're pretty much ignored multi-target dots being Gas and Electric deal damage instantly so you'll take the first tick but none more magnetic procs will cause the HUD scramble like normal but they'll only take 20 energy instead of the normal 100 as they drain energy over the course of their duration which gets cut short knockdowns also function as normal so if you want to avoid those make sure to stand on the weed carpet aiming down sight draws the Warframe on top of anything else in the environment which causes some weird looking stuff mesa's 4 accounts for this too abilities that Ally enemies such as enthrall and mind control Force most of their deployables to stay Allied after the ability expires the ghosts from ballistica Prime and synoid helicore also keep deployables Allied after the ghost disappears when piloting a rail Jack a cinematic cam can be accessed by holding either right control on PC or by pressing up on the d-pad for console inaros has a hidden passive or any melee finishers he performs have a life steal this seemingly isn't mentioned anywhere in game but it is brought up in his Warframe profile while Naros has no Shields performing finishing kills will restore his health all rail Jack skins have unique wear and tear effects [Music] most notable of these is the tempestari skin where the wear and tear appears as void contamination throughout the open world social spaces you can find hidden areas containing credits for the update I already showed the one for duviri in volume 10 so to end off this video I'm gonna show the other four in cedis Fortuna the necrolisk and the chrysalith [Music] thank you foreign [Music] and with that we've come to the end of the video over a year of content over 500 entries all trimmed and repackaged into one more cohesive hole it really puts into perspective how much stuff we've covered up to this point doesn't it if you've made it this far I want to give you a huge thank you I'm really interested to see my analytics for this one so if you're still watching include the phrase I don't know chalky chair somewhere in the comments and if any of you somehow get that unbelievably Niche reference you are the realest of real ones of course a massive thank you as well to everybody who helped out with this series from suggesting entries to those who helped with filming this series and buying large my channel wouldn't have been possible without you this video is in no way heralding the end of weird and obscure by the way I just realized that over time lots of stuff has changed and I thought that it might be best to go through everything and try to make it as accurate and concise as possible there's still more to come don't worry normally I'd ask you to like and sub and join the Discord and all that but to be honest I'd wager maybe five percent of you are still watching so there's not really a point do whatever you want I'm not your dad at least not as far as you know
Channel: CoolKid369
Views: 80,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe trivia, warframe weird, warframe obscure, warframe weird and obscure, warframe facts, warframe help, coolkid369, warframe interesting, warframe funny, warframe angels of the zariman, angels of the zariman, veilbreaker, warframe veilbreaker, I hate tags, warframe luas prey, warframe duviri, warframe duviri paradox, duviri paradox, seven crimes of kullervo
Id: TRX0D59acgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 27sec (5727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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