The Obsessions of Ballas | Warframe Lore Explained

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i loved you once you were so like her you never understood me my vision what barren disgusting thing have i let into my house and my heart now kill your child for me ballas is dead his plans are foiled and his allies are crushed and so ends a centuries-old obsession with ownership and revenge at times ballast has appeared calm collected and cold but beneath that veneer of haughty superiority was a man consumed by his own obsessions these obsessions would drive him to commit terrible abuses and ultimately lead to his death the new war came with a warning prior to launching the mission warning us that it has depictions of emotional abuse this is completely valid because the vitriolic nature of ballast's true motivations behind claiming natal are extremely disturbing when he says them out loud at the end of the new war what are you tell me that what barren disgusting thing have i let into my house and my heart tell me neil neil and i will spare these worlds beg and i will make you complete again these clips are about the climax of one man's vile manipulation of a sentient being who he forces ideals and desires upon if we look back upon dallas's actions we see a man who once made a great mistake and instead of acknowledging his own guilt he embraced the notion that he was infallible and that it was in fact the fault of others that led to his great loss so let us first go back to the source of ballast's motivations than the event that shaped his life and his future actions i'm of course referring to the death of margulis marglis was and always will be ballas's one love and later a toxic obsession yet despite this he didn't have the courage to step in and save her when he had the chance we first really get wind of this event during a voiceover flashback during the second dream quest which is a conversation between ballas and margulis at this point we are all familiar with margulis's choices so for the sake of brevity i will not go into too much detail but suffice it to say archmedian margulis was a good person who took the 10-0 children under her care after the zariman incident the children had returned with godly and alien void powers while all adults on this airmen had in fact perished the vast majority of the orokin were utterly terrified of these bizarre new powers and evidently objected to the arcmedian working with them but worked with them she did and much to her own detriment both in society and physically one of the operator responses in the final dialogue of the second dream suggests that the children couldn't control their power and margulis often suffered as a result we couldn't help it the outbursts we hurt her blinded her but even then she never abandoned us so i think we can all agree that margulis was a model person steadfast and courageous someone who gave comfort to the children who'd found themselves with terrifying new powers not only that but they had lost their parents in the most horrendous of circumstances ever the new war cinematic trailer is excellent because it gives us a visual insight into how important margulis was to the children at this horrifying transition in their lives how she was the only comfort that they had at this stage yet the same could not be said for her lover executor ballas one of the seven of the orican from his quotes in the second dream and the apostasy prologue we get the impression that ballas was one of the orcan who feared and despised the tenno and was utterly flabbergasted at margulis's devotion to them what they need margalise is to be destroyed they're devils from that hell not human anymore how can you defend these devils margolis after what they've done to you now looking closely at the relationship triangle between margulis ballas and the tenno i believe we can glean some of ballast's true feelings on this from a portion of the new war quest i'm referring to the vale sequence in ort valles where we don avale and the veil tries to manipulate us using ballast's lies the veil initially projects an image of the lotus but i think we should invert this story and the story teller so it is instead a story of ballas telling the story of margulis and the tenno looking at it now in that vein let us listen to again to the veil's manipulations i get the impression that the veil is putting ballista's own hang-ups into these lies he resented our relationship with margulis because she became more of a mother to us and had less time to devote to narcissists like ballas he didn't want her to work with the tenno yet she did this despite his objections and please this is the first step in why ballas would obsess about having a margalis he could control and it is also the first building block in his hatred for the tunnel in his mind we stole her affections from him not to mention that we caused her physical harm and eventually would lead to her death at the hands of the orokin this is the birthplace of his two main obsessions that would later go on to destroy him the obsessions being the destruction of the tenno and the control over margulis both being interlinked to the other yet despite his purported love for her he did not use his considerable political power to intervene and save her from her ultimate fate and in fact stood by and even went as far as pronouncing her sentence as part of his role as an executor seven hands raised for your apostasy the judgment is death margaret why it is remarkable if we consider his level of delusion that he played no role in her death when he speaks in this exasperated fashion it's almost as if he believes there is nothing that he could do to save her obviously ballast's position in oregon society was too important for him to risk to save the life of his true love instead of standing up for her and risking his own position he instead begins to turn his hatred outwards instead of accepting his own role in her death we know that he eventually settles on the tenno as the main architects of margulis's death yet he also evidently harboured some resentment for his own kind the orokin for having put her to death this is why at the height of the old war ballas portrays both the tenno and the orokin by revealing to hanhau the secret of the tenno and their location within the reservoir in lua we know he did this to spite the orokin and to destroy the tenno as it gives margulis death as the reason for slipping on how this information when talking to umbra in the sacrifice quest yet this had another consequence aside from placing the tenno in danger it also moved a new player into the game and as always playing every side at once ballast took advantage of this new opportunity an opportunity that presented itself in the form of nata natar was the daughter of the mighty hunhau and is an extremely powerful sentient mimic in her own right and was sent to infiltrate the orokin empire and destroy the tenno this is no doubt the direct result of ballast slipping hun how the information and ballast no doubt on the lookout for hunter's response to the intelligence he passed him probably found an attack quite easily captured her and then reprogrammed her into the lotus this project when one looks at it from isolation on the outside is completely horrific and that is before we take into consideration ballast's own personal motivations for committing such a crime nata is a sentient being who had her own identity and own and she was taken by the orkin and had her own personality warped and her memories altered in the opening of the ropeless boss fight nathal reveals the transformation from her perspective she says her light was remade by the creators so we can assume that this was a project while managed by ballas was no doubt approved and known by other executors of the orkin he will have sold them on the project on its obvious benefits having one of the sentient's most powerful beings one of hong how's children no less to replace margulis and direct and control the tenno leashing them as an effective fighting unit against the sentience under orkin ultimate control however to him this was also an opportunity to rebuild his lost love and then quote unquote and prove her by placing his own safeguards in her mind to make her more obedient all just so he could finally have a margalas who listened to him and obeyed his wishes it's pretty sick when you take a moment to think about it ballas literally molded a sentient being physically and mentally into a marvelous clone his own personal replacement margulis that he could make dance to his tune but not only that he grafted this onto being that already had his own personality and memories forcing this ideal margulis onto nata right on top of one another this is why the lotus is such a conflicted persona she's essentially three personalities grafted into a single being it is completely messed up and this is all because ballast is utterly obsessed with margulis and in natas own words in the new war he just dreamed of a margalist that he would be able to control you dreamed of a margin you could control this sick desire seen in this abuse of natal in the final few scenes of the new war neal neil and i will spare these worlds beg and i will make you complete again what are you tell me that what barren disgusting thing have i let into my house and my heart tell me his original love from margulis and his grief over losing her and his refusal to accept any guilt over it has turned into a sick toxic desire to have a new margulis in the form of nita that bends to his every wishes he sadistically makes her declare her love for him against her well her own free will and he quite clearly has the desire to see her kneel in front of him as he repeats this a number of times now neil finally he uses his control over her the hooks that he has in her mind to try and have her kill us again this is two birds with one stone he once again gets to humiliate and control margulis by destroying the thing that she loves against her own will and two he destroys the tunnel for whom at this point he hates above all else his blame that he lays on us for margulis's death and his hatred towards us for everything else that's happened to him has really festered into something quite extreme in a way he gets his desire for a time at the final confrontation in the new war he admits that he did love the lotus once not margulis the lotus i loved you once you were so like her because she was like margles for a time and this is no doubt when he had first broken and remolded her during the old war yet all did not work out as he had planned because he made one fatal flaw he forgot who margulis really was to once again quote the lotus you dreamed of a marginal issue of control but she chose death over you you dreamed of a margin you could control but she chose death over you ballast folded margulis into nataa but he forgot that her very nature would lead her to once again choose the tenno over him this is because that she was who she was no matter how many hooks or controls he placed in her if he wanted a replacement marglis that is what he would get and once again margulis would make the same choice that the original one did he bemoans that after all he did for her nata he still had to watch the lotus repeat the same process as margulis she chose motherhood over him he complains that he has had to withstand her torture her lies and betrayal in reality he is just using these extreme terms for her not doing as he demanded for her having her own free will for her daring to try and break free of his control while the lotus did turn on the sentience as the orkin had wished and planned for and used the tenno to destroy them something inside of her then made her direct the tenno to destroy the orkin as well was this a remnant of natas original orders from hanhau breaking through was it a tenno inspired revenge for what the orkin did to the original margulis or was it a desperate ploy by the lotus to rid herself of the ballast and the orc in forever i feel the truth lies somewhere between or as a combination of all three and i also believe that while ballast was working against the orkin for his own ends and for petty reasons he certainly wouldn't have wanted his life of comfort and power completely upended by the lotus and i certainly believe that this along with her choice of loving the town over him is the betrayal he is referring to this is why he is obsessed with killing her children while at some point he may well have loved margulis his love has become something monstrous an obsession with bending the tattoo as well as if it will somehow satisfy him by having a broken twisted version of margulis at his feet by the new war's conclusion ballas is completely unhinged by his obsessions with nata and the terror and in a spittle flicked rage he stabs nataa curses her out and almost beheads her this is a complete culmination of the festering wound that he has inside of him and fittingly he isn't done in the grasp of his own ultimate fantasy after the operator slaps an armor veil on his face he gets what he always dreamt of a perfect beautiful undamaged margulis desperate for his attention and love and fittingly his last kiss with her leads to his deserved demise ballas turned out to be a really interesting character his motivations and issues run really really deep and we see it all kind of culminate at the end of the new war where he essentially goes into a complete unhinged rage and it essentially leads to his death his obsessions never let him go from the moment that margulis died and only got worse and worse over time thanks guys that's my analysis of alice's motivations and what drove him ultimately in the end he turned out to be a pretty complex character in a psychological sense and for me it chalks up to a man driven by his guilt that he will never accept and instead voice it on to others leading to madness rage abuse and obsession so what are your thoughts on what makes ballast palace did you like my take or do you think i'm completely off i'd love to hear your thoughts below and but if you did like this video please throw me a like and consider giving me a subscription as i do have plenty more videos on warframe um and if you have any kind of requests or anything you want me to cover please just comment below i'm working on some long form videos i know a lot of you requested but these ones just take a little bit more time but that's me for now guys i hope you have a nice evening and i will see you on the battlefields of the new war take care [Music] you
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 40,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe update, warframe gameplay, digital extremes, warframe lore, new war, the old war, the new war, the new war warframe, the new war gameplay, warframe gameplay 2021, new war reveal, new war trailer, warframe story, old war, warframe lore explained, ballas, Why did Ballas, Ballas Explained, Paracesis, Warframe 2022, chimera prologue, Warframe New War, Warframe New War explained, warframe lore recap, warframe lore 2021, natah, lotus, warframe sentient lore
Id: P-HpUOJs2vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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