[WARFRAME] GRIMOIRE Riven Rolling Guide/Suggestions | Whispers In The Wall

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[Music] what up dudes it's Gaz and welcome back in the warframe video So today we're doing something I want to do for a couple weeks now rolling a grimoire Riven uh basically I got super super lucky and the first pistol Riven I unveiled was for the grimoire uh but I definitely want to wait until I was at least rank five with The Syndicate to be rolling this thing so we'll be going over that today uh basically going for talk about what stats I'm looking for on this grimoire Riven what you can go for if you're if you have a grimoire Riven if you're looking to get one uh and things like that so before we into it make sure you sub to this channel we do daily warframe video uploads happy holidays everyone uh and yeah there will be lots of videos this week on the current Whispers In The Wall update there's some problems I do have with netr cells so definitely expect the netr cell rant video that is a I guess apparently a long time coming for some of you guys uh very very soon but for today let's keep it on a positive note we have the grimoire right here so in the background footage I'm showing a DPS B in the grimoire uh corrosive heat in the Similac against level 195 steel path heavy gunners and funny enough this actually is with a ribon in the footage it might not look very different than a normal grimoire performance but that's because the grimoire has 0.5 dispo ribons if you never rolled a Riven before you don't know much about rivens in this game what a05 diso Riven means is it's the lowest stats possible because it's a new weapon that's the way that de does things I don't not a really huge fan of it but that's how de does stuff they when a new weapon comes out these little dots over here tells you how strong the rivon will be the less dots that you have filled in the weaker the rivon is and since it's a brand new weapon it has .5 dispo so we got this Riven right off the bat grimoire satiata keep in mind this is technically a comb mod as far as the game is concerned uh and this is a DPS build I don't usually use this but I made this build basically just for this footage right here but normally I'm using a utility build on the scire so I'm looking more to roll my RM for a build like this so as far as the stats we have on this build uh you know the the toone mod can change these new toone mods come from Mere defense um and the thing about these is they have it's more utility Focus this gives you no actual damage on your weapon you release the alt fire and the alt fire increases your power strength for your frame for every enem you have 15 times uh so things like that are not going to be affected by damage stats really at all but some things that will affect it as we saw in the footage right there uh projectile flight speed does affect how far the orb will go and how fast it flies for that matter and also negative projectile flight speed will make the or or flies slower and shock enemies more often but there is a little trick you can do where you shoot the orb at the ground anyway to uh shoot enemies in front of you and shock the multiple times in the first place so negative projectile speed could be good but also it is not entirely necessary so if we do have a good negative of negative projectile speed will look for it but if not it's not the end of the world uh but stats I'm looking for on here I'm looking for definitely plus multi-shot multi-shot influences how fast you can charge your meter back up um I'm also going to be looking for potentially plus an elemental either Plus plus toxin would be great um plus plus toxin would be really great actually because that can become corrosive or viral or I'd be okay with crit damage as well as we are about 54% crit chance with all these mods on here and just to show that this is technically a toone mod we go over to the toone mod section over here and the ryth mod is in the TOs for some reason so yeah it can't like it can't roll jahoo Canticle Powers but it can definitely get multi-shot and damage so let's start rolling um I'm definitely going to be you know commentating on this as we go I don't have a a ton of time record the video today let's go until we get something better or just good so right now we got 62% multishot 107% damage a side grade to lethal torrent uh probably a downgrade actually lethal torrent on this thing so let's get it started happy holidays everybody okay so our first roll is minus status chance definitely not good but plus status duration and St fire rate are pretty good uh for a procer build but yeah we can't take minus status chance on this thing yeah I've actually seen somebody use a negative projectile speed Riven on this thing and it's pretty interesting you know what I have not seen though is I have not seen what punch through does on this so we got punch through stus chance and multi-shot with no negative it's only 48% multi-shot uh definitely a lot lower than what we already have and it's only 35% stus chance too so I'm going to probably pass on that cuz I don't remember what punch through does on this thing I I'm guessing the punch through it just ruins it so let's not do that but yeah moving on to the next one here we have okay we got minus stash duration this time we got minus weapon recoil plus heat plus fire rate minus stash duration I actually wouldn't mind a fire rate Riven at all because I am running V acceleration on my build to get more or whatever it's called Uh oh here we go what what is this okay we got plus heat plus toxin plus critical damage minus projectile speed okay well that would give us two Elementals on our build it would let us fit on more Elementals on the entire setup and it would give us crit damage too but we have no multi-shot um let's actually grab this one let's grab this one for now let's go ahead and take a look at how this affects the projectile speed in the Sim let's also see what the build looks like after I equi that so we got a double Elemental ribbon so on the build we had before we're still on corrosive and heat but we can technically take off one of these Elemental mods now if we wanted to I think yep if we can we can take out the toxin mod now interesting I don't know if that's actually going to end up being a good thing in the end or not but we did get a little bit of wait we have we have fire rate for something it's a fire for the other build okay I'm all right with that um so we can put on lethal Tor in that slot by enough capacity I'm somewhat interested let's go take a look at the uh the projectile speed in the captura actually let's go to a new captura scene um here we go new captura scene so let's just see if we can notice that orb being a lot slower uh with that 35% negative projectile and I'll summon in some enemies too so we can resummon or re stack the the I keep call want to call incaran meter the uh the meter for the orb whatever that is called what it's supposed to be called all right so oh it's definitely a lot slower I actually kind of like that it still has the same amount of travel time let's recharge that up oh the the the primary shots do go a lot slower now though I'm not sure I think I actually kind of like this okay that should be recharged so now I I can actually bullet jump a lot further than the orb goes H well I'd like to know in the comments Down Below guys would you prefer plus projectile or minus projectile on this weapon I think I'm pretty happy with this Riven already somehow uh we got crit damage we got double Elemental and we got a negative I actually like so I might actually just stop right there let's go test out the DPS in the Sim but I think this actually might be a keeper uh you know what I take it back let's roll at least one or two more times just because uh you know it's way too early to stop this is a ribbon rolling video here not a give up video we could do better than that right let's get like at least two or three more rolls in here although I am quite happy with how that turned out double Elementals you can't really mod for that normally on a single mod so pretty nice okay we got plus projectile speed and plus Corpus I think I'm going to it has to be a really good role for me to bypass this the reason this one I like this one so much is because it replaces a mod slot kind of uh okay we do lose stus chance technically if we take off that 6060 uh mod but I mean we can put so many different mods in that slot oh what do we have here plus corrosive plus stus duration and plus weapon recoil so plus weapon recoil would be a totally free negative for when I think and plus uh double Elemental again and then Plus St duration for a procer build this might be one of the god rolls right here I mean it would be forcing you to have like corrosive but I I think I'm going to stick with this one because we can do we can do uh more different variations with that I don't want to be stuck with corrosive although viral electric on that one could also be pretty good let's see what we got this time we got critical damage Electric and damage the grener pretty decent for a different weapon but not really for this let's get like one or two more in here then we'll go to the Sim and take a quick look I got to head out damage and critical damage if it was not .5 dispo maybe all right we'll do we'll do one more then we'll go take a look at that DPS minus fire rate okay well that's enough for now uh if you guys have rolled a punch through rivet on the grimoire and want to give me uh you know give me your results on it let me know down in the comments down below uh but for right now I'm pretty happy with that one I'm not expecting super big things out of this but I got the negative I wanted I got uh two Elementals on there I got critical damage for a DPS build I guess this is not really a DPS weapon to me but um yeah I'm pretty happy with the mil projectile so let's just go ahead and see how it how it shocks them I we'll do with the ribbon and without the ribbon just to show the difference there all right so let's start with the let's start without the ribbon actually so we'll just do the exact same DPS build I just want to see how much the orb travels okay so grimoire only three heavy gunners oh yeah cu the capturer overr that we'll just do butchers then okay so yeah um I have seen a lot of people trying to sell grimma rivons and I just don't really think they're super worth it right now just to be honest all right so orb going out okay it bounces off the wall and keeps shocking those guys in the back talk about mway through so let's do projectile negative projectile speed ribbon now and see how far it travels all right so we're going to probably need to rebuild this meter here too all right it definitely hangs out and shocks some okay so it it's only 35% negative so it bounced to here and then with the without the negative it bouns to about here so I mean it is a difference if the ribons of this thing ever get buffed will make a bigger difference but I'm actually quite happy with this it will be like a kind of like a pseudo melee weapon a little bit now there might be situations where it's worse like for example if I want to hit all these enemies with the with the orb it probably is not going to hit all those guys at the end there but it will let me I mean 100,000 shock proc is pretty decent so I'm I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit so yeah maybe look out for some more uh videos on the grimoire very soon on my channel I do usually just use it as a utility uh utility weapon so let's see if it could actually fit on the utility build to over here uh where would I put that on here I don't even know if I would run that that Riven on utility build honestly is it better than lethal torren I don't think so it's got minus rectile speed and double Elementals so on the DPS build sure on the utility build probably not so I'll see you guys next one happy holidays and take it easy peace
Channel: Gaz TTV
Views: 7,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe 2023, grimoire, grimoire riven, grimoire god roll riven, gaz_ttv, gaz warframe, warframe grimoire, god roll riven, riven god roll warframe, kuva warframe, riven mod warframe, riven warframe, garuda prime, grimoire riven mod warframe, endgame loot, riven mod, grimoire guide, grimoire riven guide, grimoire dps, grimoire utility build, warframe event, whispers in the wall, warframe gameplay, whispers in the wall gameplay, whispers in the wall reveal
Id: 1wgirDAK5c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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