Warframe | An Acceptable Level Of DAKKA | Velox Prime

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oh I'm going to have to disable gifting aren't I is it in Social I guess so right that would make sense yep receive gifts from nobody perfect Velux Prime then it's a massive rank 13 secondary that does primarily slash damage but it still has a decent amount of puncture and impact it comes with a 14% crit chance a two times CRP multi and a 32% status chance it also has a unique trade that gives it 20% ammo efficiency or 40 if used with proteas so you have a chance to not consume ammo when firing it's actually quite a decent upgrade of the standard vels as well it has faster fire rate bigger magazine better crib multiplier much higher status chance and it even does a tiny bit more damage and before we get to it let's go through the gifts one last time so thank you they won't let me use my name for the Kua Global thank you kill switch for the secondary and primary adapters thank you Nan Knight for the ball in morphix decoration thank you guacal for the 30-day Affinity booster thank you DOI for the 3 egg thank you blaze Wan for the 3-day Affinity booster thank you bz delis for the 30-day Affinity booster another Thanks goes to Yamin for the two Forma bundles and the final Thanks goes to coronov for 30 Forma bundles this is why I disabled gifting I could have waited a few more days for the price to drop or just Farm it myself but 90 plat isn't too bad H I guess I'm going to have to wait anyway because I already paid 90 plat for this I'm not paying another 50 to rush it what's going on with The Foundry I can't click on this well you go home Foundry you're drunk H that looks quite cool this might be my inner orc showing but I kind of want to go maximum daaka because of this unique tradeit let's get an adapter and a Pato there we go lovely we are absolutely running ganite shot on this this is going to be humongous and let's start off with cucumber we get ganized diffusion and lethal torant for some extra fire rate ooh 27.2 we could run creeping Bullseye 42% that's not great and also so that's Las Daka so I think we're going to go with stunning speed instead you know what that's not right I'm feeling the mech special on this one yeah let's get Scorch in there and exited isotope for radiation and even more daaka yes excellent quick reminder here to do the mech special you need either two Emerald AR shorts or one twiy for more corrosive BRS okay let's not go too crazy right off the bat all right impress me oh that is some girthy DPS my dudes holy I think I like this let's try Ste puff that is just tremendous very ammo hungry though what a surprise I definitely want to try and power it as well though I honestly can't tell a difference it they just die very fast like it's basically the same but I think I actually stick with empowered because it doesn't have a ramp up so it helps you get your first few kills to trigger galvanized shot before we move on I want to try hybrid setup as well so let's get some mods in there diffusion shot the ni Ross hairs let's use Bullseye I want to try a lower fire rate setup get some crit damage in there corrosive Scorch I think cucumber makes more sense on this because empowered can't crit I mean we could go with accelera isotope but I really want to try a lower fire rate setup see how that feels the biggest difference is the armor strip actually it takes much longer to strip the armor because we have like half the fire rate but outside of that it's really good as well so you know you can go hybrid as well if you want to I just like the status one more so let's stick with this for now leveling is so chill when you have an Infinity booster rolling you just don't have to worry about it just do 5 10 waves and you're done all right so let's put on an exhaust adapter because we absolutely need amutation should we go for primed maybe I guess we'll see let's reformat this into a dash let's put this on and see if it's enough I don't think it will be but who knows maybe it will I love empowered setups just no ramp up you just bang There It Is big damage what the CL I have never melted sentients this fast before ammo actually seems fine it's like exus units that sometimes goes a bit bit of trouble especially if they're like grineer with big shoulder pads you can't reliably head shot them I actually wonder how well this will perform it's actually better than expected because I can't strip the acolyte completely it still has some armor left and you generally want to go for a crit build if you want to like do big damage to acolytes you don't want to run stages build so far so good though still have a decent amount of ammo even after the acolyte yeah like if you can connect with your shots like there look at that yeah that melts pretty fast so since we did run out of ammo one because there were like a lot of exus units and stuff I think we're going to go with prime pist Amo mutation just to be sure just to kind of get ahead of any potential ammo issues let's put uh I guess a d right there and that should be it let us slap it on and that should fix any ammo issues that you might potentially have with this maybe just maybe it could use a bit of punch through like you could take off like if you don't mind having a slightly longer reload and a little bit less status chance you can take outstanding speed and put in Seeker instead yeah I'm pretty happy with this so here's the final setup it's not the only setup that you can do on this you can absolutely run hybrid and you can run different Elemental combinations we run accelerated isotope for radiation damage and fire rate ganize shot for a bunch of status CHS but also the stacking effect that gives us a ton of Base damage it's our main way of scaling damage on this actually then we have gavanized diffusion and lethal torrent for MTI shot and even more fire rate stunning speed for reload speed and Status chance though this can be replaced with Seeker to get punch through instead and we top it off with Scorch pistol pestilence and J for corrosive and heat now if you're not going to run carrier with this you will need some sort of ammo mutation ideally primed pistol ammo mutation to sustain your ammo because of the high fire rate and while the Arcane doesn't really matter because the setup is strong enough on its own Cascadia empowered is really nice because it gives you a lot of Base damage with no ramp up which helps you get your first few kills to stack up galvanized shot and just like with any other Mech special setup which by the way is just corrosive radiation and heat you want to run either two Emerald archon charts or one to forged one for more maximum corrosive procs overall I'm very happy with the setup it does great damage it feels good and there's almost no ramp up to it thanks to Cascadia empowered I think the Velux Prime is great it's a decent upgrade over the standard velu especially if you use it on prota for that 20% extra ammo efficiency that's got to be tremendous and I would highly recommend you give it a shot now if you made it all the way here I have a bit of a surprise for you we're going to do a giveaway I was allowed to give away one complete prota Prime access which is the €130 one that has 4,000 platinum and everything that you can get with this Prime access if you want to enter the giveaway simply leave your in-game name and the platform you're playing on in the comment section down below you don't have to be subscribed you don't have to like the video none of that bollock you just leave a comment with your in game name and the platform you're playing on all right and that's pretty much it so I thank you very much for watching as always guys and I hope you enjoyed the video then I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support it means a lot to me and I'll see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 15,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, velox, prime, secondary, dakka, fun, fast, fire rate, setup, build, prime access, dante unbound, gameplay, Endgame, steel path, arcane, mod, DE, Digital Extremes, mcspecial, better, upgrade
Id: DxodE90YGLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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