Warframe | Galvanized Status Mods Are Very Confusing | BUT WHY ?

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galvanized status mods are extremely confusing but why aren't they really straightforward I mean they just add a bit of status chance and they don't kill you get extra damage against enemies affected by status well the confusing part isn't necessarily what the mods do but rather how they do it firstly we have the mod description which can be interpreted in two different ways you can either see it as getting up to 80% bonus damage on enemies that have two or more status effects on them which is how I thought it worked for quite a while or and this is how it actually works you get up to 80% bonus damage for every status effect affecting the enemy as long as you stack It Up by getting kills with a weapon equipped with the mod so that can be pretty confusing but there is more because sometimes the bonus damage you get from these mods is additive and sometimes it's multiplicative sometimes it's even both because why not I guess on most weapons it's additive and it's considered generic damage so so it will be added on top of the damage multiplier you get from mods like serration Hornet strike points blank or even the acolyte arcanes if it's additive and we take a weapon that does 100 damage and moded with serration and ganize aptitude and shoot it against an enemy that has one status Brock on them the calculation is going to look like this and the weapon will end up doing 345 damage but if we do the exact same thing on a weapon where it happens to be multiplicative the calculation will instead look like this and the weapon will end up doing 400 77 damage that even with a single status spr on the enemy is a noticeable difference this is why people will often stress that ganize optitude or ganized shot is multiplicative in a build video because they're doing a build video for a weapon where it happens to be multiplicative and you get much more from it now how do you know whether it's going to be multiplicative or additive without testing every single weapon yourself well you rely on other people to test them for you so you go to the condition overload mechanics page on Wikipedia and you scroll down to the list of weapons that people made however this only lists weapons where it's multiplicative or there is some sort of a clash like on the mut cernus for example where for some reason on uncharged shots it will be multiplicative but if you charge it all the way it will become additive so if the weapon is not on the list it's additive and it's not going to be quite as good but it's still not going to be useless and that's something I want to stress here because while it might not be as good on some weapons than it is on others it's not useless because it's actually very nice for builds that don't run base Dam Dage mods like serration or hornet strike and instead get all of their base damage from an acolyte Arcane because if you've used one of these builds you know they have a pretty serious flaw you need to get heals to get base damage but it's difficult to get heals without base damage that's why these mods really shine regardless of whether they're going to be multiplicative or additive and we're still not done with the confusion because these mods also only work on some things they don't work on everything it's bit funky in the way it works but in general AOE damage does not get the the benefit of galvaniz status mods but the way it decides what's AOE and what's not is bit weird like for example the projectiles from ARA plasm more are considered projectiles not AOE damage so they do get the benefit of gavan status mods it also works on chaining weapons so something like the um will get the benefit on every single Target it Changs to whereas something like the galaxian vand which does area of effect damage around its primary target only gets the benefit on the primary target and not on the targets hit by the AOE it also works on electricity and gas Brocks even though they do area of effect damage but they originate from a single Target and then there are a few things where it just doesn't work and nobody is really sure why those are the balefire charger the stug the fedu series embedded old fire the asima turret the Sonic ore and the Artemis bow so if you want to use one of these mods and you're not quite sure whether or not they will actually work on your weapon make sure you check out the wiki all right this is why these are the most confusing mods in the game because not only can you you interpret the description in two different ways which are wildly different and sometimes the damage is additive and sometimes multiplicative so it will do way more damage on some weapons for no obvious reason but they also just straight up don't work on a lot of weapons that you can happily equip them on too but they are very strong if use correctly like if you go overboard and you get every single status effect on the enemy you're going to get 1,2 180% damage at two stacks and that my dudes and D deaths is a lot of damage even though you're realistically not going to get it because good luck getting every single status effect on the same enemy because we have three physical status effects 10 element ones then there is void then we also have lifted and knock down which are mutually exclusive you can't knock down a lifted enemy but they both count as a status effect for condition overload like effects and finally there is microwave which is a hidden status effect that's only present on the new course it's what causes the enemy's body parts to inflate when you hit them microwave has infinite duration and it does count as a status effect effect so yeah good luck getting all of those on the same dude so in conclusion while the gavan status mods are fairly confusing they're also very good and a lot of weapons will benefit from having them the reason I made this video is because I want you to understand why these mods are good because if you understand why something is good you can utilize it properly and as always guys I thank you very much for watching I hope you've enjoyed the video and found it helpful and if you have anything else you would like to add to this feel free to leave a comment down below then I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appre appreciate your support and if you would like to become a channel member as well by the way you can check out the memberships and stuff down below and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] bye-bye
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 20,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, but why, explained, guide, tutorial, how to, gameplay, galvanized, aptitude, shot, savy, mod, primary, secondary, shotgun, rifle, DE, Digital Extremes, calculation, additive, multiplicative, setup, steel path, confusing, damage, status, strong, good
Id: lLbiH5XbnVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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