Warframe for Beginners - How to use Riven Slivers

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hey guys I just thought I'd do a quick video in regards to ribbon slithers and what you do with them so well more so more so about what you do with them so what we're going to do I'm going to show you very quickly how to use those sers that you get from missions so you come over to navigation you want to go to Earth come over to iron wake head in there so Riven sers um you can spend to buy particular items so we're going to head into iron wake and get them other than that R lers really aren't that useful um you do pick them up a fair bit in Mission so let's jump over here so we're just going to run straight forward here and then we're going to head over to this right hand side see there's this door way here got these two dudes here through these doors you come over to the back here got a little friend to talk to okay so here uh you can get cver credits and rivens so you can see what's cost now this here that cost duckets these cost slivers here also cost delers now these will reset every week so you can only do this once a week but it's just about of just coming in and uh keeping an eye on that so we're just going to spend that one we still got another one that we can do here two we can also get these get some couver there we go so we purchased all of those I don't want to purchase this cuz I don't want to use up tuckets for no reason I've already got as you can see I got the chick in the corner there I've already got one of those but that's something that you can do with your ruin slivers all righty so as I said it was just a quick video on it what you do with them um and that's pretty much it all right guys have a great day and uh if you like the video please like And subscribe and we'll see you for the next one and don't forget to check out a few of my other videos for little tips and trips or beginning that in the game have a great day and catch you later cheers
Channel: WainbowZ
Views: 1,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe for beginners, warframe for noobs, warframe guides, riven slivers, free rivens, warframe gameplay, warframe
Id: 7TVaWCiZkLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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