Warframe How to Farm Dante and New Incarnon weapons in Dante Unbound

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hello my lovely little weasel and the people of the internet in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys how to farm Dante and the new inornate weapons added in to Warframe with Dante's Unbound update so the update came out today we're all very happy very excited and we want to know how to farm the new weapons and the new Warframe Dante so first of all the new armatis new disruption game mode uh the ways you can access it is going on to De most and then going to orus which is going to be the game mode and you can go into the sanctum and access through the bounties keeping in mind you need to have the deadlock protocol Quest and also the Whispers In The Wall Quest completed to actually access this game mode now what are the differences between this disruption and other ones well first of all you have guzzling that will steal your keys and take them away from you and also within keys are dropped on the ground by enemies they do disappear after a time so you have to keep that in mind as well everything else pretty much the same the disruption Target is going to be a necrom instead of the I guess certain faction that you're fighting so that's another thing the build I guess that I'm using you can check up in little eye up there and this is steel path you can do it solo I Didn't Do It Solo in the game playay here but you definitely can and just steel path or non steel path if you're going to go the bounties route now the good thing is you're going to get more rewards in the bounties so keep that in mind that's going to be very good and you're also going to gain standing but if you go through the normal way I guess you can stay there infinitely as much as you want now by completing the round you gain ports uh for the weapons and the Warframe itself but killing the disruption Target will reward you with vessel capillaries if you're playing normal star chart it will reward you two to three and if you're playing steel path it's going to be five to six by killing thetion Target so that's very very cool you can gain so that's basically let's say 6 * 4 that's going to be 24 that's what pretty good now with vessel capillaries you can actually go to Lloyd and then go into research Dante and here you can purchase everything that your heart may desire and that is basically it hope you guys enjoyed if I missed anything do leave it in the comment section down below quite interested in that I don't think I did but you know it's there uh hope you guys like the video I hopefully it was helpful and do like and subscribe if you want to it's always free I don't charge anything for it for now and uh yeah it's been me hope you guys enjoy enjoy the update and I'll see you in the next One gaming whle over and out
Channel: GamingWeasel
Views: 4,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe gameplay, warframe beginners guide, warframe guide, warframe dante, warframe dante unbound, warframe dante unbound release date, warframe dante gameplay, warframe how to farm dante, how to farm dante warframe, how to farm dante, how to farm ruvox warframe, warframe dante release date, warframe dante how to farm, warframe ruvox, warframe onos, warframe new warframe, warframe new update, warframe dante unbound release, warframe dante abilities, warframe aoi
Id: 9-rpriUVw4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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