What Are Riven Mods & How To Farm | Warframe 2023 Guide

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hey guys welcome back as always my name is Lazar and today we're tackling one of the hottest topics in Warframe River mods what are they how do I get them and do I actually need them [Music] [Music] River mods are special mods for primary secondary melee weapons art guns and robotic weapons driven mods are completely unique now there is a possibility a mathematical possibility that two Riven mods can roll 100 the same but you have a better chance of finding a needle in a haystack the power of Riven mods are controlled by the weapon disposition and you can see what is the disposition of a weapon either on the wiki or even better yet directly on the modding screen in game however this section right here is dependent on you having at least one ribbon for that weapon type so in my case I'm looking at the synapse which is a rifle and I need to have at least one rifle ribbon keep in mind that it can still be veiled it doesn't need to be unveiled but before we get into veiling and unveiling what's this five little balls out of five little balls for example if I take another rifle let's say the tiberon absolutely lovely weapon fantastic back in the city this one has three little balls out of five little balls what gives which is the most powerful as you might think more balls means more powers for your Riven mods essentially the balls control how much that you're gonna be getting on your Ribbon not what's that but how much of one so for example if the Tiburon Prime had a full 5 out of 5 within this position Mighty Baron accuracan Riven would not be at just 83.3 multi-shot it would be over a hundred fantastic right so how do I get more balls I want the maximum water balls you see the balls or the ribbon disposition is manually controlled by the developer digital extremes and normally they update the Riven this position once every Prime axis they used to say once upon a time that the ribbon disposition is controlled actually by weapon popularity the more popular weapon is the lower the ribbon disposition and vice versa the less popular weapon is the higher the Riven this position this system was theoretically put in place to give unpopular weapon a Fighting Chance in terms of performance if it actually works that way or not well that's another story entirely but there's still a couple of more things that you need to know about Riven mods the Mastery ranked barrier 234 Riven mod is Mastery Rank 8. they range from Mastery Rank 8 all the way to Mastery Rank 16. that means if you have Mastery Rank 16 you can use any Riven mod in the game and no having a higher mastery rank on the ribbon does not mean that that Riven will be any more powerful in any way shape or form it's simply a random role when you get said Riven you get one Reven mod by completing the war within a veil ribbon will only show you the challenge and the slot it corresponds to if it's a primary a shotgun a melee Etc Raven mods can carry from two to three positive bonuses and from zero to one negative bonuses that means that all the combinations are possible two with nothing 3 with nothing 2 with 1 and 3 with one keep in mind that the negative aspect of the ribbon can also be a positive aspect depending on the build for example for a very long amount of time minus impact was a high desires that unriven even though that according to the game it is a negative you should also bear in mind that once you get a negative unreal even your positive stats will be more beefier so there is a bit of a give and take making the most powerful roles in the game highly highly contested and for some players highly valuable sounds fantastic right so let's fill all our weapons with driven mods surely they will make for the most powerful builds and that's only half correct it is true that some of the most powerful builds for weapons do contain a theoretical Riven mod or how close you can get to it you can have only one active Riven mod at a time while you can collect multiple because player starts off with 15 inventory slots for Riven mods which can be increased by purchasing three slots for 6D Platinum at the market up to a maximum of 150 slots total cost would be 2.7 000 black achieving Mastery Rank 30 however grants you an additional 30 slots for a grand total of 180. is that enough surely that's enough well you would be surprised some players still need more keep in mind that since Vermont offer power a lot of players collect them and they can put a pretty high flat value on them so how do I get Riven mods I won a couple for myself as I stated you get one by completing the war within Quest then you can get some more from doing the daily sorti you can also visit Paladino at the iron wake to transmute for 10 ribbon slivers you can do that twice a week and there is also various other activities that can award a Riven mod for example they appear sporadically in nightwave steel path offerings as well but those do not include a pistol and melee Riven mod you can also buy from arctress for 15 Paris clamp arctis is the duvity Paradox vendor I've been playing Warframe for close to 6 years now and in this time I've seen players absolutely love ribbon mods and equally absolutely hate driven mods and what gonna be getting into the hate part just a bit later because believe it or not it is quite Justified but there was one key piece of information that I had no idea did you know that from the sort the different ribbon types have different chances to drop melee has the highest chance at 8.14 pistols 7.6 rifle 6.8 kit Gun 2 percent along with saws and shotguns only 1.36 I wonder why that is probably because of the number of weapons from each specific type now let's talk about kuva and rolling great might be your excitement when unveiling a brand new Riven and great might be your disappointment when you see the actual stats it rolled what is that projectile flight speed heat ammo maximog minus multi-shot oh Hall terrible it killed my ribbon maybe these ribbon mods aren't really all it's cracked up to be this might actually make my weapon worse thankfully or unthankfully kuva comes in to save the day you see any Riven mod can be cycled or as we call them rolled you're going to be needing for the first roll 900 kuva what you say Kuka that the what now you see kuva is a resource in Warframe a highly sought after resource because what it does is basically roll ribbons you get how that one works and it can be obtained in a number of different ways you can use your steal lessons from steel path you can get it from night wave you can do survival however all of these methods have one thing in common grinding there's a lot of grinding and a lot of fantastic guides out there for farming Cuba the problem with kuva is that you might say hey 900 that's not bad let's roll that ugly Riven maybe we get rid of the minus multi-shot let's see if we get lucky oh oh boy magazine capacity damage The Grenier cold and minus damage to Corpus ah I don't know that's a little bit on the funky side maybe not the most fantastic role you will be correct but did you notice what happened to the ribbon now I have the number of roles in the lower right corner as in one fine let's just roll it again you got what happened to the roll why is it 1000 now ah you gotta go die you see the more you roll your ribbons the higher to keep on rolling them now granted after seven Rolls they do cap out at 3500 but that's 3500 kuva for a single roll basically there's a group of players that do nothing but farm kuva for weeks even months and then give like 100 200 whatever 100 rolls on a single ribbon because they love ribbons they love the game or maybe they love the weapon that dead ribbon is attached to so you can see basically this is what this my friends is a slot machine now granted kuva can't be bought directly with money but what you can do with money is buy boosters which basically adds to more faster you get how that one works there's one more thing that I want you to notice in the lower right portion of the screen you will see fits in axomati but you also got a little arrow here boom axomati Prime did you notice what happens when I change the weapon while the Axel Mighty Riven can fit in the prime or the normal variant the stats will differ because each weapon has individual Riven disposition and as the axomati prime is more used than the regular Axel Mighty it's getting a lower ribbon dyspo you get how that one works so this is where the whole hate part from the ribbons come from reload speed heat for minus punch oh damn that's really not great wait a second does that mean there's no upside to Rolling rivens that's not true however I need you to keep in mind that you can put an infinite number of resources in a Riven keep on rolling it forever and you always have that theoretical chance that you're not gonna be getting their exact role you want on it you understand now why rivens or some Ravens which are correctly rolled are so damn expensive that said there is one oh do I even call it an advantage I'm not gonna call it an advantage I'm gonna call it a consolation price if you put a lot of time and effort in one of your ribbons first would be the fact that you get yourself a nice little big number ah look Sunny my haircut platform has been rolled a gazillion times essentially it's a conversation piece on a personal level I never rolled a weapon Riven past 100 but I have seen some pretty steady screenshots and some pretty scary links with players that have invested literally years into a single ribbon so what is the big deal just a big number right well not just a big number you will notice the following if I want to dissolve my hard work I'm gonna be getting 16 533 Endo that's a small upside it's a consolation price if I can put it to a ribbon that's only been rolled three times it's only seven thousand ah I see what you're saying laser so basically that's the best way to ferment though right no please God no don't do that there are plenty of better ways to form Endo go do arbitrations or something of the sort treat this as strictly a consolation price for all your hard work and that's the long and short of it do you need Riven mods no do they add a whole lot of power yes they can are they hard to get not necessarily they're down to RNG over the years player have suggested a number of changes to the Riven mod system but it mainly remained unchanged at least at its core one big change the developer did Implement brand weapons are coming with the minimum Raven disposition which kind of took away some of the power that Riven mods had but let me know in the comment section down below how do you feel about Raven moss do you love them do you hate him or do you simply not care as always one of my husband laser and I'll catch you guys in the next one bye oh don't forget to subscribe [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Views: 40,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Riven, Guide, Tutorial, Rivens, Riven Mods, How to, Riven Mod Guide, Best Rivens, New Player, 2023, New Player Guide, Farm, Riven Farm, How To Farm, New Player Tutorial, Best, Waframe Guide, Warframe Tutorial, Warframe 2023 Tutorial, Build, Where, Riven Mods 2023, Disposition, Riven Disposition, Warframe Riven Disposition, LeyzarGamingViews, LeyzarGaming, Leyzar
Id: yxYAoD5-lD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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