Warframe | Excellent Engineering | Exergis

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the exergis is one of my favorite weapons design-wise now if unlike me you are not mildly autistic so you don't study weapons in captura in depth you probably don't know this but the way the exergis works is there's a crystal suspended at the front and when you pull the trigger a piston flies out which shatters it and sends out a bunch of shrapnel and then as you cook the gun a new Crystal grows in its place it's just a very cool gun however it's kind of difficult to make work because of the stats it actually has fairly low multi-shot for a shotgun and while the damage is primarily slashed there's also radiation which kind of gets in the way when working status and you definitely want to go the status route here because the crit chance and multiplier are absolutely atrocious now if you want to get your hands on this the blueprint is available from the market but it does require two argon crystals and two repeller systems on top of a bit of oxium and some Salvage so let's finally make this thing fun because I'm sick of having a halfast build on it oh boy here we go again I think we're going to stick with merciless on this one because you get the damage right and then you get the reload speed which is important because you only have one shot in the mag let's get getting ganized hell for the Moody shot as well as Savvy for some status and extra damage yes seeking Fury give it some more punch through and more reload speed I'm feeling it I'm feeling it yes let's put it on I feel like we're going to need sweeping serration just to really overpower the radiation then we're going to put in wi chilling reload H super duper fast reload speed I like it h this this is stupid but we could just go with prime Point Blank 25k per sure that's ridiculous but it does stack three of the same multiplier from point blank Savvy and merciless yeah let's try steel path right of the bat okay that's pretty good we're definitely on the right track here I'm not sure it's worth running vital on this though I feel like it would be much better to leave that to Harold because since the MTI shot is relatively low it is actually taking up quite a lot of the proc space let's slap a d right here get cleanse grineer for some Saucy Double dippage H maybe maybe bit of projectile speed actually a lot of projectile speed or we could try narrow Barrel there the accuracy on the exer isn't great uh 30% doesn't sound like a lot let's try it um I don't think it did anything at all I don't see any difference it still seems to spread out a lot fatal acceleration it is you know what this feels pretty good I would much rather have just like big upfront damage set up but unfortunately since there's no crit the scaling just isn't there eximus units do take a few shots especially these bloody rollers but overall it's pretty good actually bloody hell that was one of the worst tuites I've done in a while that was pretty bad I think we're going to drop the vital no no no no no no don't need the reload speed let's put in armaments for the extra Moody shot this actually feels very similar to how it was before because even though we lost some status from the Dual stat the viral isn't getting in the way so we're getting a comparable if not a slightly higher amount of slash now which is great this might be the way to go holy hell insane Jesus indeed 12 1 12,000 energy restored you know sometimes the best thing you can do is just stop for a little bit because I'm not coming up with anything so I'm going to put this down for a little bit do some other stuff and then I'm going to come back to it did you miss me so what we're going to do I think is try primed ammo stock for two shots in the mag and see how that feels let's put a slash right a slash a dash a slash Dash if you will right there let's take that out for now and put in primed ammo stock and just see how that feels H oh damn you know I wasn't sure this was going to like do anything but this feels considerably better like you wouldn't think it would do much but H I like this way more this wasn't necessarily my idea by the way I looked up a bunch of exergis builds and they were all very like different but one thing they a lot of them had in common was Prime Amo stock so they get two shots instead of one huh yeah this I really didn't think it would make that big of a difference this is why no matter how weird or dumb something sounds it's always worth trying out hm the acolyte feels pretty good it's still not great because it's a state to sit up don't don't don't touch me um what was that uh I I lost my train of thought I am a goldfish good stuff one thing we do need to do though is getting some amount of mutation because I've noticed my ammo dipping very low I don't think we're going to need a high rank of mutation I think a low rank mutation is going to be fine just so it actually mutates all the ammo into shotgun ammo oh boys are going for 15 waves sheesh that's unusual on hydron so let's swop the exilus to a dash I guess and just slap it in there we go our viilante AR moment is really worth it it's only 60% Moody shot and gavana it actually Stacks up to four so well actually now that I look at it 8.1 so yeah that rounds it out quite nicely actually yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah two okay so that's actually mutating quite a lot I wasn't sure how much ammo we're going to get from it because the exergis doesn't have a ton of ammo but it seems so yeah four yeah so it mutates more than enough yeah this is definitely like the best setup that I've used on this by like a quite a considerable margin this feels great who would have thought that just one extra shot in the mag would make it this much better just not just like damage wise but feels wise as well I think this is it I think we're done this is probably as good as it's going to get without like some major overhaul or rivens and stuff it's never going to be great against acolytes because it's a stateus setup but it does have more than enough base damage to make it feel okay you know this isn't bad I don't mind this this is more than enough damage for an acolyte so ho ho Here's the final build it looks bit weird but it works really well we have ganize hell for MTI shot seeking Fury for extra punch through and reload speed PR Point Blank for base damage then sweeping stion just to overpower the other damage types so that we mainly proc slash we follow that up with a cleanse mod for faction damage then Vigilant armaments to round out our multishot primed ammo stock to get two shots in the magazine rather than just one and we top it off with gavan iavi for status chance and a bit of extra damage scaling we're also running an unranked shotgun ammo mutation just to mutate other ammo into shotgun ammo and we're running primary mercil for damage and reload speed this is definitely the best setup that I've tried on the exergis and I've tried quite a few over the years but it unfortunately doesn't provide its own vital so you're going to have to get that in some other way whether that be through Nish a primer or just a pet something like a hound that's going to BR it for you overall I'm very happy with the result it actually does a decent amount of upfront damage which feels great on the normal star chart where you're going to on-shot the vast majority of enemies you run into but it's also really nice for acolytes which are status resistant this usually a bit of a problem for status based setups but if you have a decent amount of up front damage it's actually not too bad so yeah if you want to try out the exergis I would highly recommend you give this setup a shot though if you don't have pred ammo stock it's not going to feel anywhere near as good having two shots in the mag instead of one makes a big difference and as always guys I thank you very much for watching and I hope you have enjoyed the video I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support it means a lot to me and if you want to become a channel member as well by the way you can check out the memberships and stuff down below and I will see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 15,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, exergis, shotgun, primary, gameplay, build, setup, fun, slash, endgame, steel patht, showcase, how to get, DE, Digital Extremes, arcane, awesome
Id: h2hz315yTTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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