[WARFRAME] MUST HAVE WEAPONS 2024! | Start your 2024 STRONG!

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it's the new year and you want to start off with a bang in this video I'm going to give you a list of powerful and useful weapons that you want to have in your Arsenal and believe me these are going to do it for you what's good folks it's nightmare frame here with a new warframe video coming at you with a list of must have weapons to start off your 2024 and of course with the recent update there's been a lot of new players and returning players and trust me they're so confused not only with the modding system and all that but all the new stuff that we have to use especially weapons and some of those interesting weapons are incarnates because that's the thing that confuses them the most incarnate weapons are evolving weapons that you can buy from cavalero Once you built up your standing in the zeren as you can see here you have your blueprints These Blueprints are for your vanilla incar weapons because in 2023 we got introduced to Incarnate adapters what are these adapters think of them as an upgrade that you can attach to existing weapons and turn them into evolving weapons AKA incarnates not all weapons have access to this but only a select few I do have a tier list which showcases what incarnate weapons that you should prioritize every time you see them because these incarnate adapters come in a rotation every week now of course how to get access to these adapters simple you must have access to Steel path that's it regular path steel path you get it and you've completed your dveri quest you can now do the circuit in steel path because in steel path you get access to these incarnate adapters every week and you can only pick two every week so definitely use that list to see what is worthwhile and if you're watching this video during this week definitely get yourself the lron and the stron okay here we are in the simulacrum to demonstrate all of the weapons that will be showcased in this video of course I'm going to be using my weapon test dummy here because what else is he good for no Sentinel and no arcanes and of course no helmet abilities what whatsoever to start off with a bigger bang I'm going to give you the best one that you want to have right away whenever you see it in the circuit rotation the torid incarn ask anybody even people who haven't even played the game they like yeah definitely get the torid the weapon is innate toxin so that means it gives you some flexibility and modding the evolutions are simple get this get this and then get this so let's show you how this weapon works you don't even need to hit head shots dink dink fully incarn and charged activate incarnate mode and yeah it's a beam weapon that chains to enemies and mind you these are5 corrupted heavy gunner and the steel path modifier that was your basic viral Hunter Munitions Loadout one elemental mod base damage faction damage and then the rest of the juicy stuff that you need to have to deal Giga damage of course there is the corrosive version where I just put an electric mod and now it's corrosive charging Caron activating car mode big damage now this is even way more damage than the hunter Munitions build because these enemies are weak to corrosive however the hunter Munitions build is better off for damage over time so you can kill off stragglers so you don't necessarily have to focus your main damage on each enemy moving on to the latron Incarnate this weapon is disgustingly good like really good Evolutions this one this one and the last one you can use two different versions of course from more versatility you can go with this Evolution however if you want some additional utility and armor stripping you go with this one there's so many different ways you can build this weapon so I highly recommend you to check out my latron build video you have your corrosive build and you have your Hunter Munitions build the goto the only difference is you need to hit head shots to charge the Incarnate mode and once you get the Incarnate mode shots explode and Ricochet and now with the Incarnate mode active and my arcanes active yeah destruction you can even shoot on the ground and will Ricochet into enemies and also remember this is an open map usually for playing in Warframe you have corridors and very narrow hallways so this is going to Ricochet off of all of those surfaces and now we're on the burin this little thing is an lmg evolution this one that one and this one corrosive Hunter ammunitions let's do the corrosive build to charge in Caron you need head shots and this is a burst fire weapon so that's easily charged and when you activate it it has 600 rounds in the magazine 600 just think about that and once you build up your Stacks just wipe everything in sight and the viral Hunter Munitions build pretty straightforward bleeding enemies and reding heat procs as well because when it's in incarnate mode it deals heat damage with a small small explosion so if enemies are clumped up they'll also get affected do you remember torid where you don't need to get head shots to activate the Incarnate mode well there's a secondary that also doesn't need head shots to activate incarnate that's the Prisma angstrom using this one that one and this one and this is the build you need and just like the latron It ricochets off of surfaces and this is the weapon that I mostly use when I'm fighting the 60 eyes boss because it's it's so brain dead one shot instantly charge the Incarnate meter and you just hold down the trigger it's that stupidly good so one shot incarnam meter filled activate it you see how it's ricocheting off of enemies and all these heat prongs are building up my Cascadia flare you shoot it on the ground and it hits enemies it's that great I also recommend the leum just go with the crit leum it's more versatile and more Streamlight for every type of game mode so yeah for the evolutions go for that one this one that one and this one for this Evolution you can either go with the headshot damage or head shots build up incarnate faster this is your basic build you can easily change this by replacing galvaniz crosshairs with prime heated charge there you go this is what you can do and you can change this to Cascadia flare incar mode active activate it oh yeah look at that damage not all Kua teate weapons are forgotten here we have the tenenet plasmier it is bonus toxin the weapon is very easy and brain dead to use and if you're using with mag it is even more powerful Ricochet off of surfaces and has some nice body punch through remember terrain and body punch through are two different things starting off with the hunter Munitions build simple you just shoot into to the row of enemies and they bleed to death you don't even have to be good at aiming you can shoot the floor and still hit enemies which is perfect for the Warframe Community this is the viral Hunter Munitions build while the corrosive build is a lot more flexible it's just raw damage anyway this weapon is is ridiculously strong like like super strong Evolutions you want this one on ability cast get additional multi-shot you can do this by transference or using any operator ability or just just use abilities in general and you want this one and then that one this weapon has a passive right there you shoote head you get increased fire rate ammo efficiency this only works for the regular mode by the way and bonus toxin damage this is the main build so when I hit the head now I have increased fire rates and I'm not consuming any ammo activate the incar mode yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and for amazing secondaries the aaor now listen up this weapon is only here because it's made even better with its augment so if you do not have the augment the weapon is not going to perform as good as it does this gives you 240% bonus crit chance and Status chance for each tendril spawn what does that mean it has a unique trait where kills generate tendrils not only does it give you those crit and Status chance it also has you never reload because let's be honest you don't want to be running into any ammo issues and that's why here is a juicy arm Cannon you want to have in your Arsenal the buba Niko buba Niko has an alternate fire that blows its load on enemies faces this load is viral so you can prime enemies primary fire deals toxin damage but this is your main hun Munitions build no Elemental mod needed because we have viral splooge on enemies your corrosive build this one just needs an electric mod now we deal viral corrosive and electric so yeah it doesn't have trouble with ammo because it's a battery weapon you splooge on enemies with the alternate f fire and Destroy them with your primary and here we have the strewn Prime Evolution that one this one and that one and it's a simple viral Hunter Munitions build because it's it's it's viral hun Munitions pretty brain dead so you got to shoot enemies faces to get incarnate meter and mind you you can end up one shotting enemies and not getting in Caron charge boom splooging splooging all over enemies big AOE explosion that bleeds enemies moving on to the bones yeah hey why not the naruk I don't want to be micromanaging a lot of things when it comes to weapons and naruk and cinta do have some micromanaging but the Paris and Dread have something that the natural consent cannot do and it's running the mod split flights which is a very powerful multi-shot mod on bows and not all bows can use them you got this evolution that Evolution and this Evolution very straightforward split flights gives you increased multi-shot if you get head shot and it also spreads your projectiles that guy is just dying from the bleeds oh yeah and look at split flights go to town beautiful and all these projectiles if you shoot him in the right angle you can get all these head shots and of course fantasma you can use the fantasma prime or the regular fantasma either one works just fine it's alternate fire splooges on enemies and PRS impact now that Force pron impact is really good if you want to use it with primary Exhilarate and now your fantasma can be a primer and something that gives you energy over time this is the viral heat build and this is the viral electric build I use this on gy that's why I have the prime ravage because you know crits more crit damage even juicy all right alterate fire splooges on enemies seeking projectiles right there hitting enemies and it primes enemies for you the weapon is innate radiation and now you have a viralin heat build I was talking about guns for quite a while so what about melees now if you're thinking oh have melees changed that much when it came to melee arcanes and tenai no no the builds are still the same builds haven't changed much it's just that now tenai gives you a little bit more utility but if you're doing a lot of damage with your melee tenai is pretty much not noticeable cuz you just kill enemies way too quickly for your tenno kind to be useful on new enemies tenai of course is very useful on in carded melees because then it allows you to activate it without consuming your combo and combos is very important for a lot of things heavy attacks and building up blood rush weeping wounds so all those SL melees that were very popular and very strong back in the days are still very strong and very useful to have so like your nana Reaper Cronin they're still very good and of course you can see we got the glaive glaive just hasn't fallen off it's still very strong your go-to build here and this one doesn't even need an AR but if you're going to deal with anolytes I would just put a melee exposure so you can deal raw corrosive damage on the anolytes without even needing to mod for it the explosions deal blast and force bleeds so you heavy attack and detonate charge detonate still a very strong combo till today and this is the combo heavy glaive using melee cresendo so Crescendo is usually built up by performing finishers or even ground finishers if you have vasin you can use the rag grouping and perform ground finishers on these enemies Ash with his fourth ability is able to finish your enemies fairly quickly and it builds up initial combo this is a glaive with 12 times infinite combo just remember to have reflex coil because even if you're throwing this weapon and it has infinite combo it still consumes combo so with reflex coil giving you some heavy attack efficiency won't consume your entire ammo pool so you don't have to wait for a really long time so with a 12 times heavy attack oh that was just a million bleeds right there and here we have the Dual eor incarnate and for the evolution use this one that one and this one here you have your traditional build using swirling tiger because this will force proc bleeds the weapon has innate toxin so it can combine with another element to give you whatever killing enemies will spawn toxin clouds that deal AOE damage and activate our incarnate look at that look at those toxin clouds and this weapon is insanely strong with sarin just saying just saying that's your basic traditional build and this is with a magnetic primer using melee Vortex so you prime enemies with Magnetic and we got the grouping now we have gas clouds all over and the final One is using melee influence this is a non-critical build just crazy electric and toxin PRS and even better with sarin I'm just saying sarin the zorus another type of caive but this is electric glaive and this glaive is only useful if you have the melee influence Arcane its heavy attacks will force proc electric triggering melic influence for even more AOE electric damage toss it and detonates look at that look at that and zorus has the largest explosion radius out of all the glaves now the hate has taken the Throne of the best Scythe in the game use this Evolution here that Evolution here and this ution now why did this turn into the best scci well you can use it in both in normal mode and it's incar mode it's a slash based weapon and it's incar mode allows you to throw projectiles that deal heat damage and IPS and these projectiles that proc these IPS will allow you to build up combo fairly easy thanks to Relentless combination if you don't care too much about projectiles giving you combo you can replace Relentless with glider to might even more damage okay I activated the Incarnate mode and look at this we can maintain our combo at 12 12 times with all these projectiles that we're throwing and there we have some tenai boom heat and bleeds can prime enemies if you want look at that beautiful you have melee contact and projectiles that throw out Heat and the K quanas the quanas is very simple it it's a war fan that you use for heavy attacks it's not AOE but it has some interesting gimmicks which will be beneficial for you here if you ever wanted to One-Shot archons again just use this war fan modded for radiation get yourself Z's whisper and boom this is your basic heavy attack build and if you want you can even put melee exposure just to have corrosive en Force bleeds from its projectiles second load out this is your archon hunt build of course you build up a little bit of combo by hitting some enemies activate a couple of abilities now you have radiation corrosive and projectiles that will destroy enemies why all the elemental damage increase because with Zant's whisper you're going to increase its damage and the projectiles that it throws come to is multi-shot so it's like the Kua HEC and faar back in the days before they changed archons and this is the loadout that you use with tenai simple heavy Attack Force Pro bleed and that was a one shot yeah so if you want to do Aron hunts make sure you have Zant's whisper ARA because shooting enemies will build up some combo for you it's simple just a bunch of multi-shot fire rate and don't forget dexterity Arcane on both of your guns so if you want easy combo you can use something like vasin group them up and and here you got six times combo right there and use Vin's first ability and you also built up melee exposure and if you have Zant's whisper that counts as an additional hit on your routa so you can build up combo fairly quickly activate an ability quick head shot and you don't have to use any type of exploits or bugs just to onot the archons and here we have the tenant Livia mine is bonus magnetic I would say go for bonus magnetic or electric because electric is actually pretty decent with aoe's unfortunately as of yet we don't have any good stances for two-handed Nas this is the best two-handed Nana in the game cuz it's very versatile and it pauses your combo as long as the melee is holstered this is a very simple basic build using melee Vortex you prime enemies and swing when tenai activates it's insanely broken twoand Incas and SCS are the two weapons that have the biggest slash multiplier when you heavy attack and having a lot of attack speed really benefits tenai it's kind of funny remembering back then generally speaking we think that attack speed as it is is one of the bigger problems with melee and the type of gameplay it encourages it doesn't let animations shine it has little or no strategic use yeah that was said and all those weapons I showcase were the damage weapons that you want to have but what about utility you always want to have utility weapons I did mention the routa earlier this helps you build up combo Without You attacking with your melee very useful in archon Hunts and other situations just make sure you have a bunch of fire rate multishot and punch through and you can put some fora so you can have better magazine and reload speed don't forget your new cor with bonus magnetic modded for viral heat and now you have a bunch of status effects to Prime enemies very good with melee Vortex you have your epap this is insanely good you get IPS blast cold without modding for it and then you have your modded elements and the grimoire this is insanely good it's one of the best utility type of weapons out there if you want bonus strength you got you want bonus efficiency you got it you want an armor strip yeah you got it also I said this weapon is for utility but I have a build video for you coming soon that uses this weapon as an AOE DPS and armor stripping tool stay tuned and the pratos yes as a utility weapon is one of the best utility weapons just because of its Sprint speed slide and its Parker velocity and I would highly recommend this as a utility weapon over the inadem inadem is more of a damaging weapon than a utility weapon if you want a Toma for DPS I would highly say use the Cronin or the Prisma they're way better for DPS than the pratos I just found Parker velocity and Sprint speed to be way more useful than void sling void Dash was just far superior I feel sorry for anyone who didn't get to experience one of the best movement Techs in the game and if you want armor strip on a weapon without using green shards you can have it on the vas lock this thing shoots out nine pellets that can armor strip targets using shattering impact this is the build I would use for eidolons and even disruption if you want an armor strip without wasting a inst install for armor stripping or archon shards to get the bonus corrosive stacks and finally the ceramic dagger this is very useful as a ST stick and some other funny shenanigans that you can use so yeah these are the must-have weapons in Your Arsenal that can have you do all the content without ever worrying about running out of ammo not doing enough damage and not forcing you into a specific play style as they're all very versatile and useful for any day-to-day case and game mode that you want to do anyway folks that has been it for me I do hope enjoyed this video and learned something from it and if you did please feel free to leave a like share and subscribe for more Warframe content streams and so much more do refer to the description thanks for watching and as always peace bye-bye now
Channel: KnightmareFrame
Views: 326,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe best gun, best weapon warframe, best incarnon warframe, warframe best melee, waframe top guns, warframe top melee, warframe 2024, warframe 2024 tier list, best warframe, warframe gameplay, warframe guide, best weapons for returning players, free to play, best free to play games
Id: YQKzsQoe1jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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