How to get started in Warframe 2024! Beginners guide Ep 1

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so you have decided to give Warframe a try the looter shooter free-to-play game that has been around for 10 years if you haven't heard of Warframe then I don't know where you've been now Warframe is a lot to deal with and in this Beginner's Guide Series I am making I will hold your hand and walk you through every thing you need to know to start decimating the Warframe Universe this will be a series of videos and in this series I aim to cover all the basics of Warframe so that it all makes sense to you just some disclaimers I will try my absolute best to make a spoiler free and if there will be a spoiler I will put a spoiler warning for you and warn you beforehand so you know and then you can just skip over it if you don't want to have any spoilers or anything like that come along with me and let's start at the beginning firstly what is Warframe well to put it simply you are space ninjas that kill loot craft get stronger kill more get more Loot and then get richer while obliterating everything in your past and to stop all of this you get an absolutely amazing storyline so if that interests you then Warframe is for you from the beginning you have created your account you log in and you're hit with the mother Lotus waking you up you are given two choices the Warframe pass or the davory past to be real with you it doesn't matter too much as you will have access to both pieces of content really early into the game if you have no idea what taviri is do not stress I have made a video on it and I will put in the cards on the top right where I explain everything the very has to offer you so that if you want to go to the very past that maybe will help you just to make sense of it all my suggestion is go the Warframe pass because it has a better tutorial to teach you the ropes of Warframe or just choose whatever path you want at the end of the day like I said you will have both quest lines super early into the game and they merge very quickly if you do the very path first then after you've completed the quest no spoilers you will get the prompt to start the war's prize quest which is the start of the Warframe path which is what I just mentioned watch the cutscene and then you will have the choice for your starter frame frames are what we call the warframes which is the name of the game warframes are unique characters that all have unique abilities and different play Styles in this game we have 53 warframes by the way these are these starter frames that consist of Excalibur mag and Vault now I always say you play the game how you want and you learn the game how you want but if you would like a suggestion from me I would say go Vault or Excalibur I personally chose vault as he is really strong especially for a beginner or you can go the poster boy and go Excalibur or you can go mag choose a frame that piques your interest or what you would like and then you will get started with a tutorial another one in this tutorial you will learn all the basic movements abilities skills and everything like that you will pick up your first weapons in this tutorial go through it complete it and then you will get dropped into your Orbiter now what is your Orbiter it's pretty much your main Hub in Warframe where you saw your gear out crafting start your missions etc etc everything that happens in Warframe pretty much starts yeah in your Orbiter you will be prompted to continue with the wars prize quest which is the starting Quest to Warframe you will have to do a series of missions so just follow each Mission listen to your boy orders and mother Lotus after you've done these first few missions you will kind of get a feel for Warframe once you have completed Four's prize now what you're probably very confused and probably slightly overwhelmed by the mod system the navigation tab all the frames the weapons in the Arsenal but don't stress my baby Denna we can discuss this later but for now let me just quickly lay out something for you what is the ultimate goal of Warframe and the reason I'm doing this so early is because generally people play Warframe and they progress a bit and they get a few more strengths in and they kind of just ask themselves what is the point of Warframe to put it simply without spoiling anything your entire goal of Warframe is getting stronger quite literally that's what it boils down to to elaborate on this you follow your star chart which is all the planets you see in the navigation Tab while competing quests which offer you an absolutely amazing storyline to follow while crafting new frames weapons leveling your Mastery Rank Gathering mods pets credits Farming Farming and farming Also let's not forget about making money and last but not least fashion frame now what is mastering that I just mentioned now my strength is something you will hear about a lot in Warframe because it is your profile level so as you increase your master rank you gain access to more weapons warframes and more content When You Reach Master rank 16 you've pretty much unlocked everything in Warframe and leveling up any further just gives you a lot more quality of live features and at the time of this video the highest Mr which is master rank I will use the term Mr a lot is legendary 3 which is technically master rank 33 after you have hit mr30 it goes to Legendary 1 legendary 2 and legendary 3. your entire goal is to get to MR16 as soon as possible because then you can fully experience what Warframe has to offer you without being locked behind anything as Warframe is just pretty much like a giant collector's game you like a Pokemon Master just collecting everything you just need to own everything and Max it out now the question you're probably asking is how to actually gain the small strength as you obtain more weapons and frames and level them up you will gain more strength points each frame and weapon has a max level of 30 however there are some exceptions for weapons that is not important to know right now each weapon gives you 3 000 mastering points at Max ranks so that's 100 points per level each frame gives you 6 000 mastering points at Max ranks so that's 200 points per level when you have accumulated enough points you will then be prompted to finish your master rank test just a quick side note here there are also different ways of acquiring master rank points it's not just tied to weapons and Frames but as someone who's just starting out Warframe it's not that important to know as your main source of Mr points will probably be through weapons and Frames when you do get the prompt and you have enough points press Escape pick on the master rank test however it's important to know this that if you fail this test you will have to wait 24 hours to do it again so what you can do is practice it as you can see there's a practice button see what you have to do because each master and test is different and has different requirements to finish it these are super super important to do and your goal is to level up your master rank in Warframe so don't ignore these keep obtaining new weapons and frames and progress I will go over a strategy to obtain your weapons and Frames later on in future episodes but now I have laid out the ultimate goal of Warframe and have explained a very important part of Warframe being more strength now let's walk you through the navigation tab which is the tab that you've seen by now after you complete the divorce prize you would have to go in it and you know you would probably see all these planets and be like whoa that's a lot of planets I know it's a lot but the progression is actually pretty linear and simple as you play along and once you figure it out now as you can see you started Earth that's your starting point and you have a whole bunch of different nodes which they have their different names and so on now your goal is to get to the Junctions of each planet these Junctions allow you to progress to the next planet so that you can progress further into the star chart which is what we call this oh screen this is called the star chart you will unlock more content when you complete more Junctions each Junction has a set of requirements that you need to do before you can complete the junction which ties into you doing certain boss fights certain nodes on planets main storyline quests and a whole bunch of other things and what is amazing about these Junctions as well is you gain a whole bunch of rewards for completing these Junctions I will say depending on how you want to play Warframe you can complete every node on each planet before you progress to the next planet or you can kind of Speed Run unlocking just the specific requirements that are needed to get to the next plan and then finish up the nose later on when you've unlocked all the planets I personally would suggest completing every node on each planet before you progress so that you don't have to come back and you can kind of enjoy the game a bit more knowing that you're up to scratch and you've done everything up until where you are in the game now as you can see here there are a whole bunch of nodes with different Mission types I'm going to be brief and vague here because as you play you will figure out each Mission type for yourself and I don't want to drag this video out any longer than it needs to be so stay with me here exterminate is you killing a certain number of enemies and then you can head to extraction capture is capturing a Target head for extraction defense is defending a target for five ways of enemies Mobile Defense is defending a console with a time limit for multiple times spy is a stealth Mission type where you need to sneak into three volts hacker to the consoles and you get rewards for hacking into them rescues what you would think rescue a fella Target then get into extraction safely before he dies interception is you capturing four points and holding them until you get to 100 and you need to stop the enemies from capturing it again sabotage is literally you just sabotaging machines and then extracting excavation is you deploying excavators at Maya resource called cryotic which you need to keep them powered by using power saws that you get from enemies and then you have to keep these drills alive until it is completed assassination which is a boss fight Mission basically if all of this doesn't make sense and it sounds like an absolute overload of information do not stress you can head over to the Codex and look at the mission types and there you will see the official description of each game mode so if this doesn't make any sense of my summarized version then yeah but like I said just play the game and you will get a feel for it and then you will kind of learn each Mission type it's not that hard to understand in Warframe there are basically four primary factions that you fight against and those are Grenier faction the Corpus faction the infested and then the corrupted which is basically the Corpus and grineer factions but corrupted by void energy drafted isn't super important to worry about yet the main ones are Grenier Corpus and invested as you play your missions you will start Gathering some materials and credits credits are one of the main source of currencies in this game it's used to craft things by blueprints upgrade your mods etc etc most things in Warframe cost credits to make the resources that you start Gathering will be used to craft new weapons and frames in The Foundry which is a part of your Orbiter that I'll talk about later on in in this video now I have dumped all this info on you and you're probably a bit confused don't worry it will all make sense when you start playing your first few missions your goal now as a beginner is to get to Mars and to do that you need to get to the Venus Junction and then go to Mercury and then you can get to Mars however on Earth you also need to head to cetus now cetus is one of warframe's open world types this is a very important part of Warframe later on in the game but just get there for now and do the first Quest I don't want to spoil anything I want you to experience it but yes status is very important get to there now to get to the Venus Junction you will see that you will need to collect mods equipped mods and upgrade your mods as a requirement to progress to Venus now this leads me on to mods in Warframe to put it frankly modding is Warframe right literally it's one of the biggest aspects of Warframe that pretty much makes Warframe for most people as you have a lot of freedom in making Bulls later on in the game and you can make your weapons go from this all the way to this this is what it would look like later on late game with all the damage that you can do and this is what the power of modding can do in Warframe I am going to make a full video on modding in Warframe but for now let me explain briefly what it is for you I don't want to go full in depth because it's going to overwhelm you you are just starting out in Warframe there is no need to go all in on modding as you play the game you will start collecting mods you put these mods on your warframes and weapons to make you stronger and do more damage and be tankier and so on there is a modding section in your Orbiter which shows you all the mods that you have collected be careful of this just I need you to understand this this is a noob killer this screen right here the mod section is a noob killer because it's extremely overwhelming but I will tell you now and I will reassure you that I will explain all this to you so it will make sense to you in the screen that you're currently looking at here is where you can select your mods upgrade them fuse them together or sell them for Endo or credits Endo is is a very important resource in Warframe that is used to upgrade mods that you can Farm in game you get certain mods for different categories like warframes weapons companions etc etc and then for the weapons you get mods for each weapon type like primary rifles pistols shotguns and so on and so on I will go in depth on this menu in the modding video so if none of this makes sense it will make sense later on in future episodes just all you need to know is that modding is very important and you don't need to stress too much about it as a beginner but it becomes very important later on as you kind of progress with the power level of Warframe then you have The Foundry which is where you craft your frames weapons and other special resources and many more in Warframe you have crafting times not your normal crafting times no no no no no no no long crafting times it takes three days to build a Warframe and about 12 or 24 hours to craft weapons depending on the weapon yeah it's long but that is the point of Warframe you kind of just grind get your resource has build a whole bunch of frames of weapons let them cook and they found you while you continue playing the game farming more things and keep cooking just a little early tip always have something cooking in The Foundry that is a very important thing to do especially as a beginner then you have the Arsenal which is where you equip your frames weapons companions change your gear just everything regarding your Loadout now just in front of your Orbiter next to the navigation tab you have the Codex here is where you can find your quests whether it's the main quest side quests always check on this if you're ever feeling lost in Warframe check if you've done all your quests on what the requirements are and get them done just know that quests are very important to do for the progression in Warframe and in the Codex you can also get info for everything in this game where to find mods and so on and so on and weapons and then you get levarians which is kind of like lore training for the tutorial again and then missions which explains all the mission types to you which I mentioned earlier briefly and then you have the market which is where you can buy your weapons Blueprints and skins bundles and other things for Platinum Platinum is warframe's premium currency but no no no it's not what you think it is it's premium currency that can be farmed in the game that is where Warframe is a lot better than most freezer play game models that that are currently in the industry which I absolutely love about this game I will go over platinum and how to farm platinum in future episodes but I want to talk about something very important some weapons in the market and I have to say this early as a beginning because I do not want you to make the same mistake some weapons show their platinum prices here but it does not mean the weapon has to be bought with Platinum most of the weapons can be bought with the weapons blueprints with credits and then you craft them at The Foundry with the respective resources some weapons you can't buy the blueprints with credits and only Platinum but again this does not mean that you have to buy it with Platinum it just means that you have to farm the blueprint in-game through certain Mission types or quests this goes for warframes 2 buying weapons or frame times of platinum just means that you can get it in an instant and you don't have to farm or wait for the crafting times wall frame is not paid to win in any way that's one of the big reasons I would say contributed to Warframe success and how it competes with other free-to-play games there is nothing in Warframe that is locked behind a payable you can go straight to the end of Warframe without spending a cent however Warframe is just paid for convenience or pay for being impatient or pay for being lazy like me I'm lazy but you can Farm platinum in games through trading and you can use that to speed up crafting Times by Cosmetics etc etc Warframe is a massive grind I'll I will be straight with you it's a huge grind and there's pros and cons to it if you enjoy grindy games and you have quite a bit of time in your hands then you will probably enjoy Warframe quite a lot it doesn't mean to say that if you are a busy person you can't enjoy Warframe it obviously just means that you will progress slightly slower obviously but there is one thing I will say the beauty of Warframe is there is no rush there's no pressure to get to a certain point or you have to keep playing or you'll miss out on certain content that is where Warframe kind of respects your time you can kind of just play it for a bit take a break come back and everything will still be there and there will be extra added content on it too there is a lot of content for you especially as a beginner in Warframe so you will enjoy it but if there is one point I want to reiterate is you need to get past the new barrier and the Steep learning curve of Warframe once you do you have an absolute Gem of a game there are not a lot of games like Warframe I can tell you that for sure just some advice get involved with the community Warframe has an extremely helpful community and there are a lot of people who are willing to help if you ever need an answer to something quickly just go into the Q a chat or recruiting chat or whatever ask a question join a clan even I will talk about Clans in the next episode and then one more very important thing if you ever need any info or you are lost or you don't understand something the wiki is your best friend warframe's Wiki is honestly one of the most awful things ever and I wish I used it more as a beginner and I wish someone told me to use it more as a beginner when I first started playing Warframe genuinely if you need any info the wiki pretty much has it all I know it sounds like an overload of information or sounds a bit scary but it's not any quick question where to farm something where to get this how to acquire this resource it's one Google search away genuinely the wiki is your best friend in this game and if you still don't understand then YouTube guides are also your best friend don't be afraid to ask and don't neglect the wiki your experience will be a lot better and a lot smoother this way and that's pretty much it I wanted this guy to be kind of an outline of Warframe kind of explain some important Basics and then future episodes I dive into suffix and follow along with you on your journey Warframe can be quite overwhelming at times and I want to make it better for you guys and I have made an alternate account I've literally restarted Warframe to kind of you know go along the journey and kind of restart a Warframe with my current knowledge basically to experience what it's like to be a beginning again that's it for The Beginner's Guide episode one I know it's a lot but keep playing keep following along and everything will start to make sense to you thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a like And subscribe so more beginners can see this video I will see you all in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: WarframeFlo
Views: 559,019
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Keywords: warframe, warframe 2023, warframe beginners guide, warframe beginner, warframe beginner's guide, warframe beginner's guide 2023, warframe beginner guide, beginner guide warframe, warframe beginners guide 2023, warframe beginner walkthrough, warframe beginner tips, Worst MMO ever?, warframe Worst MMO ever?, warframe beginner 2023
Id: nifu69k4110
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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