Want to be 2000 in Chess?

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a how to win at chess episode I haven't recorded for this series in a minute but in this series I take on some of my subscribers and I play a full game of chess and then analyze it in today's episode we're only going to look at 2 000 and plus so what you need to do to get to the 2000 ELO in chess and be a 99.999 chess player right being the 99.999 percentile now I'm gonna play a couple of games and buy a couple I mean three maybe four if the video is too short but I think it's gonna be three against the 2000 or 2100 and a 2200 rated player I'm gonna walk you through the thought process uh and if things are going a little too quickly we will analyze the game after it's over okay sounds good I hope it does because that's what we're doing for today so if it doesn't sound good I'm really sorry uh I decided to give my opponents a couple of games with the white pieces just out of respect all right my first opponent plays Knight F3 now 2 000 rated players are better than everybody else except me uh at everything right so my opponent's playing the first move Knight F3 um I can't put this Pawn in the center so I'm going to put this Pawn in the center right okay opponent is playing a queen side fianchetto now in setups that you might not be super familiar with you can go for setups that look solid uh so generally when my opponents do something like this for example I will play like a reverse London because I can right because I can and I think my opponent's going to expand like this so I'm going to play E6 play for the center so far so good um have to play the move cease I'm gonna just develop and Castle my king I haven't put my Bishop out there because it can get hit by enemy pawns uh now I'm gonna castle and another useful move in the future will be H6 and anytime you bring out a bishop like this as you get stronger at chess You're Gonna Learn there's these obscure night jumps that the opponent can sort of use uh to uh to try to get the bishop pair so I'm gonna play H6 I'm going to preemptively kind of prepare my Escape um I could play C5 and I can also play C6 now I think to complete the London in Reverse I will play the move Pawn to C6 now we have our kind of london-esque position now I'm done with my development and now now is really where the games begin now is where uh one one of us proves that we are 2000 and one of us proves that we are 27.50 or one of us proves that we are you know lower rated than two thousand um it's a very close position nothing has been traded uh and uh okay Queen to D2 is certainly a move in any given position you need to evaluate first of all you always have to scan 4 forcing moves like checks captures and attacks I don't really have any checks captures and attacks if I'm honest um what I do have is like potential to jump into the position right Knight to E4 I I might I might I might play Bishop before as well um it's a very like it's a position that's very unclear but what we don't want to do in a real game is we don't want to burn a massive amount of time um so I will in fact take advantage of my opponent's recent move now I have a big decision do I take with the pawn or do I take with the bishop now if I take with the pawn I'm doubling my pawns I'm also giving away a little bit of equity in the center but I'm sending the Knight back there it can't go forward because if Knight E5 I'm just gonna take in fact I could just play Knight E5 Now by removing the knight from the center of the board this area loses a bit of Defense so I'm thinking slide forward and start to try to take advantage of that maybe open the door for my queen a little bit just a logical follow-up because I've started taking serious serious control of the central squares okay that's a very big move by my opponent potentially weakening some light squares now I cannot go Queen H4 but what about a move like Queen G5 just sort of arbitrarily indicating like hey I mean business all right and then maybe my knight will go there as well Knight to G2 it's it's a move for sure I can continue right I can sort of continue walking over there um I don't see anything necessarily wrong with the move Bishop H3 so I'm just gonna linger I'm just gonna linger over there now maybe my opponent unpins maybe they try to strike back with a move like F4 now if F4 I don't have to take on person and as you get stronger in chess every You're Gonna Learn like every single trade has a winner and a loser um and I think in that particular exchange uh I think white is happier all right white does move out of the way could white potentially open up in the center maybe I want to move my Rook to kind of meet my opponent there right and I'm moving this route because because the effort could be used for an attack if I move the other Rook there this Rook would have sort of been stuck but I like moving this Rook now a funny move here would be Queen A5 trying to take advantage of me moving my Rook because it would hang a queen in one move and it's like very rare that two queens can interact on such a trajectory but I did for half a second think like wait what about that right um now I mentioned earlier trades this trade not good for me that Knight is a non-factor in the game My Bishop however is a menace like my Bishop is is instigating and is very annoying so Queen slides over attacking the pawn I can advance upon or I can move my knight first personally I like the concept of moving the pawn because locking up pawns with other Pawns in the center makes them very difficult to deal with and uh I I thought I can still go here with my knight now I did expect this move I I did verbally mention that this move was possible and now especially with less time on the clock things get very you know very critical um if I play E5 my opponent takes maybe I take and then I close the center so maybe I'm gonna take one time it's always nice take one time take just once and then lock the center and now a close center benefits the attacking side not end now but I'm saying that's just a concept in chess the center is now deadlocked and with it being deadlocked I can now really really go and start hammering down into the white position um this trade would probably be beneficial for me because by removing white slide Squad Bishop from the board a lot of the light squares will lose their value furthermore we don't have to give Checkmate we have to understand we don't want to give Checkmate we're all about controlling the position does this move have an idea I don't really know I mean I don't I don't see the idea I want to go F4 but then there's Queen takes I could also play H5 like I can continue to attack it I think I'm just gonna play logically and I obviously need to speed up I have two seconds bonus time and I I deliberately made that the time control so that you know I didn't lose on time but I don't want to just kind of sit here and take advantage of that um but yes we're just playing natural moves we're trying to make progress um we don't always have to give Checkmate like in the end game for example that night is going to be very bad because it's going to struggle to get out um positions transform at this level you know at the 2000 level it's it's all about minimizing the chaos and uh controlling the game you'll notice my opponent is really really thinking because they are just totally unable uh to break through my Center my Center is just bulletproof F4 okay now I mentioned a long time ago taking on passant is not something that see a long time ago I said that in this case however if I don't I either have to do this right or get forked so I think I will take now and maybe we just keep going like maybe we just keep hammering away Pawn to E4 setting the bishop backwards and maybe at some point I do take because the night the night is a critical Defender now look at this I can can I sacrifice my Bishop that actually does look very good in chess you need two more attacking pieces than there are Defenders that's made and then my knight comes in and that's also made oh my goodness look at this queen H2 is a Checkmate and I'm just overwhelming the white king here with my queen and Bishop and I don't think my opponent has a way out now the only way out I think is Bishop E5 opponent just resigns and uh oh my gosh I was winning but I wasn't as winning as I thought I was oh I missed a crazy defensive resource here wow okay I'm still winning but there's a crazy crazy move here to protect against Queen H2 made oh my gosh I did not see that um it's not just Bishop E5 how does Wyatt stop Queen H2 checkmate can you find it because I didn't find it um Queen C7 look at that move hitting the queen defended by the rook and x-ray defending that now it's still losing because I would go here and then take and then take and I would get my Bishop back so I would get a return on my investment and two pawns and my attack would still continue but my God Queen C7 is scary and if I play Rook D6 trying to prevent that I actually get mated so you can't have tunnel vision at this level you cannot have tunnel vision um now let's analyze everything like at the 2000 level you can analyze everything so my opponent played a very non-confrontational opening this is like a ready uh nimso Larson it's like an opening that Hikaru likes to play where where white very slowly takes the center notice I kept my Center Rock Solid I avoided getting my my Bishop hit with one of these kind of night jumps and just losing the bishop pair it's not fatal but as you get stronger you learn about these obscure night jumps so I played the move H6 and then I played C6 and Knight D7 position was equal the problem is that my opponent almost immediately went wrong with the move Queen D2 uh and what that move allowed is for this move to come in with a Tempo it allowed that move to come in with a Tempo and as at the 2000 rating every single trade has a winner and a loser and by capturing you know originally I thought to take like this but I I damaged my Pawn structure I doubled my pawns and I gave my opponent some Central space but that sent the Knight backwards and here the mechanics of the position do not allow that trade with which wouldn't have been the case if my opponent had kept the queen on the home square right so probably my opponent should have gone for this trade because my Bishop is extremely strong and this bishop is very passive so probably would have been better to do something like this where the queen still comes out but I lose one of my powerful pieces um but that trade led to kind of just the out an overwhelming of the position over there I mean Bishop H3 rook d8 and then here a very instructive moment take once and then lock the center with E5 take once and then lock the center if you want to attack somebody because if you don't if you just do this I open the center and you're actually losing because you don't you're not able to coordinate your pieces so take once lock the center and you'll notice the evaluation of this position is -2 because the attack is coming my opponent plays f4 on passant and uh yeah I was gonna go here and then here or maybe here and then like Knight G4 uh but uh I realized that I can actually sacrifice and this looked to be completely fatal and it was the best move but I got a little lucky because I completely missed Queen C7 uh but you can sacrifice material like that in front of a king if you will get a Checkmate if you don't get a Checkmate you get a return on investment so slightly obscure opening we traded correctly and one Exchange in the center of the board forced my opponent's Knight out of the middle and we very quickly turned our Focus to how to attack over there we opened the door for the Queen the bishop came forward and I really like how this was played closing the door Knight came forward and we just kept pushing over here perfect same side attacking chess that is how you have to take down two thousands all right uh in the next game I'm gonna have white all right so I don't know what I want to play um I guess I'll play E4 I wonder what my opponent will play Sicilian Karo Khan okay Sicilian obviously there's a lot of things you can play against the Sicilian uh there's the open Sicilian there's the various lines of the closed I will go Knight C3 I'm gonna play uh one of my repertoires okay E6 um uh I mean personally I like to play D4 here but there's many many lines and yes I will get hit but this is a line I'm going to drop my queen back here develop my bishop and Castle so again you have to know some openings at the 2000 level uh here comes my Bishop out to F4 and now the entire setup is designed for me to Castle quickly Queen side black oftentimes will try to play for D5 or we'll try to play for you know bringing the bishop out to B4 you have to know some openings of 2000 I mean ideally if you want to like keep getting better um but you don't have to all right Pawn to D6 that's not a great move it's not a great move because the bishop is very passive both Bishops are very passive all right and if my opponent plays E5 right now by the way I am straight up threatening to take that pawn Okay so I have three attackers on that pawn so so black should have been more active it's the Sicilian Defense ideally you play it in a slightly more active way right now two black Pawns in the center I guess two pawns on two black pawns on dark squares in the center light squares are weak so now I play Bishop G5 and the idea of this move is that I apply pressure to the Knight and destabilize the light scores even more now I can continue to try to fire away with moves like F4 in fact I kind of want to but also a very useful move uh anytime you are Castle queenside is to play the move King B1 in this case however I think there's nothing wrong with the move F4 and uh if tags then of course I come back I think a good move here by my opponent would be to force a decision out of my Bishop to force me to yep good move very well timed see now I don't get what I want like they're they're forcing me to go here and that could be a problem maybe I should have taken even faster maybe F4 was not necessary oh now I think we shut the door and now the bishop is gonna struggle to come here by locking the cage the bishop will struggle to get out and castling this way is basically out of the question because I will just brutalize now the last thing that I need here is to trade that Knight if if Knight D4 I'm gonna play Knight F3 without even thinking why because it's a closed position it's a close position because look at this blob right black at some point might just have to give up the d-pawn to open up the bishop now I think I'm just gonna play Knight F3 I could also play Knight D5 right away I don't really see a difference there might be a difference I also can Target a pawn near the enemy King by playing Bishop E2 Bishop H5 which is very interesting uh but I am not a hundred percent certain about what I want to do yet so let's play the simple move we can analyze later there is nothing wrong with developing my knight and subsequently cutting off the blockading move Knight D4 uh yeah I think now it's important to understand where the shift of play is going to happen I think black's position is basically dead in this area I think black is gonna try to come forward over here which makes a lot of sense that's really actually how the Sicilian Defense goes there's a lot of Queen side play okay Knight B4 attacks the queen um that counter attacks the Knight and gets the queen out of the way so I think that's probably a very reasonable move and this is something you have to understand as a 2100 like you it's it's important to understand where the play has ended and now where it will move to I don't like the move Knight before I think it was a little short-sighted there's a bit of a short-sighted move because it was just a one mover and one movers at the 2100 level aren't exactly the same okay Queen B6 defends this and important to scan checks and important to scan checks that check is not very scary I just go King B1 so now I'd really like to play this however I don't want to trade my knight I just want my knight to be there no questions asked so I'm gonna play A3 chest is simple I don't evaluate that trade as good for me I would rather have a knight on that square permanently it's an outpost Square in the opponent's position a square on which you live forever in the opponent's territory you cannot be easily removed and uh Here Comes Knight D5 unless I'm missing something and that looks like a fantastic Square for my knight I mean my goodness um Queen will probably try to hang out and then right it's never too late to play King B1 I still kind of want to play this move um and I need to keep like my foot on the gas I'm up 20 seconds in this game it's important also when you're playing any type of Chess you got to keep clock pressure so I will play King B1 it's just sort of a general improving move when you've castled on opposite sides um it's almost always useful and uh yeah okay here comes the Rook so can I take with check can I say I can take maybe some of those things I can go Queen back to D3 anticipating the arrival of The Rook can I take this bishop and cash out I think I can I'm removing the defender of the Pawn on D6 so I'm cashing out all right I'm going to get an extra Pawn that was my idea and now I have a I still have an advantage um but of course I don't have as aesthetic of a position anymore that pawn is a little bit weak okay my opponent is trying to disallow me from moving the bishop but I can still move the bishop um but I I don't know maybe G3 is useful maybe H3 to play G4 looks pretty nice just create a big Pawn wall and also block out the Rook yeah that's a great move okay seems like we're having a dialogue now about enabling this move and I could have played Bishop D3 I think that's also probably pretty reasonable of course the the deeper we get into this end game trades are getting worse and worse for my opponent uh Rook G3 is a fantastic move wow that's a really great move and now you can build behind that that's very annoying very annoying move oh my goodness um okay I think I'm going to try to trade the Rooks I think I'm gonna play Rook D3 and just try to get rid of that Rogue that was a that was a really annoying move good move by my opponent um Knight D2 to try to trade The Rook probably my opponent should okay they trade I I don't think trading was the best but they do trade now I do in fact get my G4 move um Pawn takes Pawn takes I'm still not thrilled I mean I'm not thrilled this could have been a bit smoother okay now I'm kicking the night out and here we go all right my position is now firing in all cylinders uh I want to move my Rook but then I lose my Pawn I think I'm gonna go here okay I can also play B4 now I'm I'm controlling my opponent here I'm not allowing my opponent to move very nice position slowly encroaching maybe G5 at some moment can I trade I think now is the moment to go G5 uh uh I can trade Rooks I can also take that but if tag then take gotta be careful so let's keep it simple uh Knight takes G5 or oh I think my opponent pre-moved that that was not a good pre-move I think they got a bit nervous they thought I was gonna trade Rooks but I played Knight takes G5 and yeah now it's just losing um now to win this game we gotta hunt the weaknesses still it's you know there we go oh there's also I was gonna go Rook D6 but it doesn't work all right we get that uh Rook B6 just taking squares away and now we have a majority this is called a three on one so we can play Pawn to C4 we'll trade and uh we can come right back Bishop is dominating the Knight and we can simplify ah very easy Rook B7 there we go this is the easiest end game to simplify to because you simply have more pawns see in this end game there is no you know there is no drama and now the king will walk in we'll eat the pawns my opponent resigns that was a that was a that was a relatively clean game and I think uh the game was sort of um punctuated if you will by um by the weaknesses of the squares in the center of the board I think my opponent played a little bit too passively but listen a lot of strong players have played like this against me um yeah here actually I should have played F4 I I personally I think in hindsight I should have just taken but this yeah this is already a losing position for black which is crazy this is like a worse nightmare scenario for black In the Sicilian I think my opponent in the opening should have been a little bit more okay giving up the pawn on D6 um and actually I should have probably just taken faster I should have just taken faster because without the move F4 this is just a free Pawn uh but with G takes F6 it's a pretty big weakening of the position I can even play it for now if I really wanted to um because this is a very bad structure tripled isolated pawns isolated H Pawn isolated d-pawn you cannot defend all these pawns and I will just get my Knight on D5 and be very very pleased with the position so uh yeah the Sicilian is interesting I mean obviously there there's a million different lines you can play against the Sicilian you can play various Wing gambits you can play B3 C3 Smith Mora Gambit open Sicilian Knight C3 close Sicilian Knight C3 the way I played the Sicilian which is bringing the queen out and dropping it back it's not as dumb as it looks it's just equal for black if black plays the best line but in this game we got this positional light squared blockade and what we did is we ultimately just took the bishop and we cashed out and you'll notice my advantage dropped from 2.4 down to 0.9 because even though I actually I cashed out of the casino I did more I did actually more damage than my position than good and the counter play my opponent immediately created down this G file was really nice look at this they got my advantage down to 0.7 despite being a full Pawn up but I think it immediately backfired because I yeah here it's it's back to a very sizable and healthy one and a half my opponent just doesn't have any play um and then I did this and yeah this is this is a very difficult position to play but it's life you know um that was kind of a grinding down game cashing out getting our one pawn and uh that that was just beating the Sicilian Defense right so in the last game today I'm playing a 2200 all right this is a a very very decent player well to be determined I'm gonna play a Karo Khan looks like my okay my opponent is playing uh two nights there's a lot of lines against the two knights uh one of the lines that I like to play is actually playing Bishop G4 but before I play it I like to play A6 and make white commit a second Pawn to the center this is not the most accurate move but there's a slight difference with playing A6 Bishop G4 and just Bishop G4 so when they attack I just take and then I play the move E6 and the pawn being here is a very interesting situation because any pawn moved by my opponent like E5 or Ed is not that good because the Knight on C3 will need to leave since it has no role in the game My Center is so solid that the Knight doesn't actually participate right actually my opponent is doing a nice job staying patient see I'm also staying patient I'm I'm baiting the move Pawn to E5 out of my opponent because then I will draw back and I will start firing away with the move C5 and there it is I'm not saying this is winning but I got what I wanted okay I got what I wanted now I immediately will play C5 yes of course this is slightly inconvenient I hope my opponent plays you know F4 and hangs the queen that would be very nice and if my opponent plays H4 I will just play H5 this is excellent stuff this is very instructive how my opponent is not just like oh I need to Castle you know they're trying to take advantage of my poor development and they're immediately trying to you know cause me problems and and I I mean I really should be acknowledging this like this is uh this is a serious a potentially very serious situation now I was thinking to go H5 um and this does work now Bishop G6 here is a bit of a trap the ship G6 looks really good uh but it actually fails it it works if you calculate Pawn takes Queen takes and then Queen takes that's when it works and you do have to be wary of sacrifices near your king early in the game I mean it's it's early but it's it's perfectly possible to lose uh we will analyze that a little bit later do I take or do I play C5 so I I'm confused do I play C5 right away I think I should I I don't see any need to take this this is called keeping the tension um so I will play the move C5 okay opponent takes now of course taking with the king is lunacy so I will take with the queen very tough to say if that exchange benefited me or my opponent trading off the dark scored Bishops personally I actually think it benefited a little bit why I have Hefty pawns on light squares I'm you know a moment ago I had eight pawns on light squares which means the light squared Bishop of my opponent is really not doing a great job um and now I'm pressuring this and and okay they take I could take with the queen or I could take with the with the well sorry I could take with the queen or the Knight I mean Knight looks a little bit more reserved so I'm gonna do it um I don't necessarily want to go here by the way I don't I'm not scared of that Bishop I would like to play Knight C6 notice how both of us haven't committed our Kings see if my opponent okay my opponent has committed the king I'm gonna play Knight C6 I actually don't know which way I want a castle traditionally you would think I think I'm gonna castle queenside and then I'm gonna start an attack in fact I wonder if I can already start an attack without castling this is very interesting stuff you would think you could just but the thing is if I commit my king they might start an attack first if I just play here now of course I can still always Castle I can always Castle but if I castled then my opponent would have very quickly done this okay I mean that's what I think this way I want to go G5 and and I am indicating I'm going to attack you and at any moment I can still Castle but for now you've already committed your king but by the way you still notice they're trying they're they're anticipating that I uh that I this is a bit of a bluff by me wow very interesting so my opponent is clever enough to not buy what I'm selling fascinating okay G5 we'll see who's right we'll see who's wrong very interesting stuff now I cannot take by the way I cannot take because my Rook is hanging but the second I Castle I can take yes wow very interesting do I go back or do I take the bishop time is of the essence if I go back thinking I don't need to take the bishop maybe B5 is coming so maybe I do need to catch up on time so I think I will grab the bishop in the interest of time now now I I man if I Castle now then B5 is coming but then GH maybe I can put my king in the center I think it's time I think I think it might be do I have to oh let's do it all right it's time my opponent did a nice job here calling my bluff but I think my attack is striking first because if Pawn to B5 I'm actually taking which is called the zuichenzog a queen is worth more than a knight so GH opens up that position I think my attack is faster here it is my opponent might have missed that move or maybe they're a genius I don't know TBD okay Queen H3 there's some pins my knight is hanging now I can take it the Knight comes in and then it comes in on D6 which looks quite unpleasant I have to say wow this is very scary stuff let's go Knight D4 that's a fork by the way but I think when this takes I should take very very scary position wow so I've kind of prevented the knight from coming but yes Rook B1 is a nice move cutting off my King's Escape maybe I have to fight back with my Rook a little bit like Rook D7 Queen can always come to E3 which I really don't like but maybe I have some checkmating ideas all right rookies my goodness that is Knight D5 there let's see this my opponent c95 oh they missed it thankfully wow incredible game I'm gonna block my opponent's Queen this is a this is a nut this is a crazy game F5 Rook G3 and the queen has to go back wow very complicated a lot of tactics Knight takes D5 was was missed there by my opponent I kind of I kind of let him let him get it a little bit sometimes I like to just see if my my subscribers are are staying sharp okay Rook G3 looks really convincing there is this now wow wow really now they spot it that's amazing okay that's that's really impressive oh but that let me get that now my Rook can sneak away oh my goodness this is unbelievable what a game oh crazy crazy game yeah I want to give this check the rook and the Knight are both hanging check E3 check we're gonna trade the knights and I'm gonna try to take this pawn and try to win the end game but I I I I I'm I think I'm just losing here maybe this is craziness okay my Pawn goes down ah what a game crazy nicely done or who knows maybe not nicely done yeah that that was a weird move um let's give it Shack maybe my opponent panics okay we're gonna win the pawn I think how could I win the pawn gosh this person doesn't want to lose why don't they want to lose I hung my Pawn oh my gosh oh that's crazy I think that might not work though yeah I think my opponent's running out of moves here this is so tricky oh now they get mated oh oh that was a crazy game 2200s are so strong oh my gosh I was I was relaxed but okay okay first of all this is a a very very instructive Rook end game um first of all let's go to The Rook end game a lot to learn here um my opponent should have pushed the pawn the greatest assets that you have in the end games are your pawns right now this Rook is being anchored to defend the promotion and this Pawn is uh kind of threatening to Queen so you really should go here and then you should go like King F6 F5 and try to push as fast as possible um even though my opponent played it was was fine of course we were both long time doing kind of stupid things uh here it's still a draw but you never sack The Rook you never sag The Rook of course it's it's hard you're playing me maybe you're nervous I understand uh but you can never sack The Rook because I'm not actually threatening to dislodge The Rook if this Pawn wasn't here yeah I would be but you don't want to do this um King and pawn versus Rook is drawable a bull but if you it's because of stalemate tricks it's because when you get all the way down there sometimes there's a stalemate possibility but not with the second pun now if we go back my opponent caught me with a crazy tactic so I mentioned this Knight takes D5 move which turns out is just winning in hindsight and then I accidentally allowed it again I just didn't think it was that winning I thought after Rook G3 my opponent would have to go here and I thought okay well that's a good position but danger levels well spotted and uh I was just I was losing for a move there wow um I should have played Queen G5 should play Queen G5 for two reasons number one teaming up with my Rook number two pressure on C1 and Knight D5 is now not possible because of Rook takes Rook yeah preventing Knight takes D5 um amazing now what did I do wrong okay was Rook G8 What was my best move here Rook G8 is fine uh G5 computer doesn't like it but it thinks that I I I did okay it's yeah but it thinks castling is a little bit bold in fact the computer here thinks King f8 is even better just leaving the king in the center um okay Knight D4 was a very bad decision and it's an instructive moment I thought that allowing the knight in was bad it's not it looks bad but I can defend everything and I'm fine what I didn't I didn't want to allow the knight in but by not allowing the Knight into the into the position I opened up both files and if my opponent had gone here I would have had time to run away to A7 or not to A8 yes 2a8 but still this is very scary and I'm I'm doing too much I should not have made that trade because the way I did it my b-pawn became an a pawn and this opened up but this gives my king shelter she's very instructive and in trying to commentate the game that is not something that I fully appreciated and actually white was doing very well opposite side castling uh is a is a very very very nice way to create some serious complications and attacking chances um I was doing well I mean I had a nice position from the opening but I mean I I just played I just played two in in way too bold of a fashion here and allowed both these Rooks to come down and and I'm I'm actually losing which is uh yeah 2200s are are top players so great game by my opponent finding this nice Knight takes D5 move that I saw but I didn't like I said Knight takes D5 but I didn't think it was that winning and turns out it wasn't uh they uh they what my opponent could have done differently was in this position they needed to take that Rook because by taking this Rook they allowed me to give a check and I managed to weasel out always look for checks so they should have taken that Rook on H3 well that was a fun episode I hope you enjoyed it clearly to get to 2200 you got to be pretty darn good at chess this person was winning against me so get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 762,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: js3ZGP4taWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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