Chess Study Plan To Reach 2000 ELO Faster | 30-Minutes Training Daily

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what's up guys today I'd love to answer the question that I received at least a thousand times to my inbox it is how do you train chess effectively so that you don't just play on the same level but you keep progressing gradually and our goal for today would be to give you the training study plan that you can follow in order to reach the 2000 rating level if you have 30 minutes to allocate for chance per day I'm also gonna tell you what to do if you have less or more time available so stay tuned first off I recommend that you start off with a short tactics training and by tactics training I mean solving puzzles and let's not do that for just five minutes with tactical drills you solve two goals with single exercise first off you simply get yourself focused on chess because you have a lot of things going on in your life right you have your work or maybe your school you need to take care of yourself these your little sister play with your dog Etc so before you start actually playing chess you gotta get focused on chess a little bit so that when you start playing you don't blunder pieces or make some other obvious mistakes so that's the first goal of solving puzzles and the second goal being just accumulating those different tactical patterns the more you solve those tactical puzzles the more you get used to those different tactical patterns and the easier it will be for you to see them in your own practical games alright so maybe you're already solved uh the first puzzle while I was talking blah blah blah about different stuff so let's try it out together I'm just gonna show you real quick how you do that okay so here's an example of tactical puzzles now usually you know that you're gonna need to attack okay so first of all you focus your attention on importance half of the board primarily asking yourself how do you move forward to pull on top of the board and play a force in move a forcing move is a jack capture or an attack and move so that's how you find attacking moves while playing chess or while solving tactical puzzles okay so the most forcing move usually is a track because that forces your opponents to defend his King now can you check your opponent in this position uh the rhythm of Queen A4 which is actually quite interesting we attacked the cane it's quite unpleasant it's not winning though well I can play Queen C6 and cover but at least you can win a pawn so it's a decent option but anyway that doesn't win the game now what what what else do you have you could take over here on a f8 but that doesn't give you anything but I can recapture and that's the end of your attack okay there are no other meaningful checks anymore what else can you do as for captures um is there any capture that you can that you can execute here Rook takes the Fate we already discussed that doesn't work there is Knight takes D5 which is nice it attacks the queen although at the same time that hands your queen on B3 but computer already suggests us that it's a nice move to play after Queen takes B3 there was a catch you can follow up with the Knight to C7 Checkmate so that was the solution to the puzzle okay so that's how you do that this way you don't just guess the right move but you actually follow a proper thinking system so that you can actually find attacking moves or combinations yourself while playing chess and here's a little practice for you it is white to play and win and if you can't find the way in vibration for white please write it down in the comments below that sets home and tactical puzzles is more of an additional thing more of a warm-up to be completely honest with you so I would not recommend that you spend too much time on it that said of course there is another part if you're just not doing that if it's fun for you to do so go ahead do that solve tactical drills go bungee jump or do whatever right life is meant to be fun so I'm fine with that I'm just telling you how to train efficiently okay now once you're done with your Tactical training uh we're gonna move on to the next thing which is playing and analyzing your games and here of course I understand that it's always uh exciting to just play Blitz Games and I love that as well okay but in order to improve you cannot just be playing all the time doing the same things you gotta learn from your errors so that you can improve from one game to another here's how you do that here's a game between two amateur Players let's say you have played this game let me first show you the game real quick okay here it was the rule office opening black played Pawn D6 here where I traded on C6 played Pawn D4 and blacklight Bishop G4 who I traded on E5 and after this trade and Knight takes E5 it actually finished pretty quickly with Rook to D1 let's say you play the game like that okay what do you do next well after that you're gonna need to turn on the engine and quickly go through the game trying to figure out a couple takeaways that you can learn from it in this case I have opened leech house but of course you're welcome to use any other chess software that you like so let me turn on the engine and we go through the moves with an engine now we don't have to dig too deeply so as long as your moves are more or less fine we can go through that without analyzing them too much and here you can see that D6 was like not the most popular move and although it's not too bad you may also just have this little takeaway there perhaps you play this move because you didn't know an opening theory of the rulop is opening and maybe you need to learn it a little bit better by the way if you love to do that I've got another video where I cover that true love is opening in one really nice attack information for black but for now let's move on anyway it's also not too critical why traded here on C6 and played Pawn D4 and black white Bishop G4 and we see that the evaluation actually changes it's been almost equal up to that point after Bishop G4 it shows almost plus one for white and plus one it's kind of like white is having an extra Pawn right so computer clearly doesn't love them with Bishop G4 and your goal would be to try to figure out what's wrong with it well and the thing is after this exchange on E5 we can see that black has a number of Pawn Islands those weak poems and that's what is bad in Black explosion here so you do want to keep your pawns compact standing closer to each other and defending each other covering all the squares around this way you have your nice Pawn structure otherwise you have a long-term problem long-term weakness here black took who I took on d8 black recaptured and you see that although in the real game why it's blundered here the Checkmate in one with a move 9 to E5 but in reality if white played a more appropriate move such as Bishop to E3 actually white is clearly better and blocks in trouble why they start start attacking these weak pawns and it is really unpleasant so you will at least know that if you're applying this variation for black it is tricky it's not that black played a pro the game and won easily it was actually a tricky version and it worked out thanks to White's blunder but moving forward to your next games you will know that there is a risk here or if you play the inspiration as white you'll know how to refute black trying this line against you so within this quick analysis you already learned a couple useful takeaways that you can carry on to your next games now you don't have to analyze every single game that you play understand it can be boring sometimes but at least in life some of them at least one of them that is already enough to learn something new so that you keep progressing in chess okay and now time for the final step of your training which is to study chess and I've added here in Brackets openings because I'd recommend that you keep first things first right if you don't get out of an opening it doesn't matter how brilliant your endgame skills are now to share with you one quick example white player is 2700 rate it's an online Blitz rating and black players rated 2400 so white player is clearly stronger but let's see the game like played Pawn C path an unusual opening what I thought to himself okay why not to grab the pawn black continued with Pawn to E6 opening up for his Bishop to regain Pawn on the X move and what I thought hey let me solidify the poll there so that I fixate my material advantage like played 0.85 trying to split up split up and grab those pawns so I thought to himself okay if I play Pawn A3 that's pretty bad because after release exchange I can now recapture we're back so I'm gonna lose my Rook thanks to this pin and so he played Pawn to C3 which makes perfect sense but the problem was after this exchange on B4 that was actually an opening trap and with the move Queen to F6 black one because there is no easy way for white to get out of this in fact there is no way to get out of this at all because one is losing material here now how come that a strong player 2700 radio player lost the game basically within five moves well he fell into an opening trap and should have he calculated these lines well again I'm pretty sure that he solves tactical drills he knows how to calculate but we're in the airplane and Blitz game it's certainly difficult to analyze all those different variations right so some of the opening Theory you just gotta know it otherwise it's really difficult some people argue that you know learning openings doesn't make you a strong player I perfectly agree with that but you gotta pass an opening stage anyway otherwise you know it makes no sense to talk about anything else but once you have a couple openings for white and for black that work well for you then of course you're afraid to study other subjects positional tasks calculation and Games Etc that is clearly a good thing to do just as well moreover without studying sometimes it's even difficult for you to analyze games with computer because even if computer tells you what move was right or that your move was wrong sometimes it's hard to understand you know the rules behind those things right so these two items actually complement each other pretty well learning chess allows you to also analyze your games better and to draw more meaningful conclusion result of that analyzes so these two are the main parts of your training that actually make you a stronger player now in toll that training is going to take approximately 30 minutes that's what I promised to you at the beginning so the whole training is going to take roughly half an hour now I'm given here some variations like 10 to 15 minutes because you know one day we're gonna play a little bit shorter and now that's another time your Blaze game may take a little longer so I'm giving a slide right here same thing for starting chance 10 to 15 minutes is usually enough to watch let's say one YouTube video or read one chapter of a book so you do have some time to study something okay now what do you do if you have less time available or if you have more time available so let's start with having less time available well in that case you just pick a couple out of these three elements right you can do just one or you can do two not all three so for example you have less time today so you just do your tactics training and then you play and analyze games so in that case you're gonna be spending some 15 to 20 minutes and you're still doing something meaningful the other day you can do tactics and study something so you can just alternate that and still have something meaningful that you accomplish today if you have more time available what do you do then well in that case you need to prioritize those two key elements which are playing and analyzing and studying chess you can just allocate more time for them so for example if you spend half an hour on each your toll training is going to be approximately one hour a day so that's how you spend more time in the most meaningful way possible so that you progress in chess and finally if you want me to help you with your way to the 2000 rating level I've got a dedicated course called Freeze tabs to 2000 ELO and within this course I break it down all the subjects that you need to know on your way to that chess level so that it's easier for you just to follow proven curriculum and get the results that other people already got before you now finally if you have any questions let me know in the comments below and either way I hope that your chess progress is going to be smooth and fast best of luck
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 550,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess study plan, chess study plan for beginners, chess study plan for intermediate players, chess training plan, chess study guide, chess training plan for rapid improvement, chess daily study plan, chess training for beginners, chess training for intermediate players, how to study chess, how to train chess, how to train chess for beginners, daily chess study plan, chess tips to improve your game, how to increase rating in chess, reach 2000 elo chess
Id: gxfBW41YD14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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