Film Theory: How WandaVision Will End And Why It Matters (Marvel)

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marvel's one division is a big hit on disney plus and the highest rated mcu production ever which honestly can only mean one of two things either we've all been starved for marvel content or disney's been spending way too much on fight scenes apparently what people really want to watch is the avengers picking out baby furniture [Music] hello internet welcome to film theory now in technicolor you know if you're like me you've been glued to the tv every friday to check out the new episodes of marvel studios as wanda vision partly for the intrigue partly for the memes but mostly to watch the two most overpowered avengers do something other than hanging back during battle so hawkeye doesn't feel even more useless seriously let clint go home to his wife and tractor already arrow man is out of his depth but in all seriousness one division is like my perfect show one that recreates the tropes of classic television and then twists them to create a meta commentary on the medium while also weaving together a compelling mystery where no one has any idea what's going on i think something's wrong here if the number of requests i've gotten to cover this series is any indication lots of people are feeling just as confused as vision about what's really going on here and since those heartless monsters at disney are making us wait a whole week in between episodes gave us some time to work a few things out maybe correct the case of not only one division's big mystery but also the shocking twist for the near future of the marvel cinematic universe itself what if the secret villain of one division and the next phase of the mcu as a whole is wanda maximoff herself ho-ho-ho wanda stans don't smash that dislike button all at once so you can smash that subscribe button to help push this channel over 10 million subscribers let's look at the fact shall we if you read the online theories the prevailing thought is that the big bad wand division is setting up is mephisto who is quite literally the marvel equivalent of the devil he does largely what the devil tends to do in stories he makes deals with people and then tries to trick him into selling their soul so why would the internet hive mind make this huge leap that classic sitcoms automatically lead to santa himself so why would the internet hive mind make this huge leap that classic sitcoms automatically lead to satan himself well lots of small things really first there's wanda's neighbor who's always wearing a brooch and is dressed in a witch costume in the trailer her name is agnes very close to ag tha agatha harkness a character from the comics who also always wears a broach and is a witch and just so happens to be a servant of mephisto add to that the fact that she says this the devil's in the details bev that's not the only place he is which is more than a little suspicious during that episode's fake commercial break take a look at the back of the toaster if you flip the image vertically it says 666 a number commonly associated with the devil and even outside of wandavision we see the devil starting to appear in other corners of the mcu in the trailer for the disney plus series loki we see in a church of some kind with a stained glass window that clearly depicts the dark lord of all things now that one is super weird and considering how marvel's release calendar is looking the only places it really makes sense for the devil to be introduced is either in loki or you guessed it wandavision so there you have it mephisto is the main villain of wandavision and moving forward will be the big bad of phase five but hey that's just a theory if you read the online theories the prevailing thought is that the big bad wand division is setting up is mephisto except for one thing marvel knows how much we pour over this stuff to find out what's gonna happen they do all kinds of witchcraft to obscure the truth and make us buy into false realities from thor's missing eye and ragnarok to thanos's infinity stones and in this case i think the mephisto easter eggs are just that fun references to misdirect super fans because adding mephisto into the story at this point is too risky not from a narrative standpoint or not wanting to get supernatural with it nothing of the sort i think it's too risky for one reason china china as you might suspect is a huge market for movies it's the second largest in the world in fact by a large margin but in order for your movie to release in china it has to follow some pretty harsh censorship rules for instance did you know that iron man 3 had four extra minutes inserted into it in order to get released in china including an extra scene where it suddenly turns into a chinese medical drama that is not nearly as jarring as the moments when the film promotes tony stark drinking chinese milk products which were put in there to ease the population's concern over milk tainted with mercury no joke anyway china tends not to release any movies that are critical of the country's past or current political regime and along with that is a ban on ghosts or things of a supernatural nature for instance this ban resulted in the censorship of the controversial film babe pig in the city because the censor had a policy against talking animals granted marvel has certainly had its fair share of luck with the chinese sensor board in the past endgame got a pass despite back to the future being censored for its use of time travel but disney has recently run into issues with china after the release of mulan and disney plus is still struggling to release in the country so storylines that heavily feature the lord of the he double hockey sticks dimension would probably be a risk that they're not willing to take right now besides the more interesting narrative here and the one that all the clues are pointing to is that the real villain of wand division and the thing that'll kick off the entirety of phase five is wanda herself as she rips holes into the multiverse either out of anger or grief don't believe me it's easy to forget at this point but she started as a villain in avengers age of ultron where she and her twin brother pietro were super powered henchmen for hydra and since then she has been through a lot as a child she was present when her parents were killed by a stark industry mortar shell if that wasn't bad enough she was then trapped for days next to a second undetonated stark bomb we were trapped for two days every effort to save us every shift in the bricks i think this will set it off we wait for two days for tony stark to kill us by the end of the movie she loses her brother and her entire country of sokovia and it doesn't get any better for her when she becomes a good guy she's blamed for the accident that leads to the passing of the sokovia accords and causes avengers civil war which then forces her to live as an outlaw she had to see her beloved vision die twice once by her very own hand in infinity war and then she gets dusted only to come back and have everyone she was friends with in the team like black widow and captain america either gone or dead in the final scene of endgame she's aligned with falcon it makes no sense she is alone at this point in the series i mean all of that is enough to knock the fake russian accent out of anybody you said we would destroy the avengers well there are people who are expecting me too you know we both made promises see i forgot to tell you my wife is from europe what is it the joker always says all it takes is one bad day well wanda has had bad decades so wanda is definitely in a fragile state when we last see her in endgame but wanda's inner struggle between good and evil isn't just evident in the mcu it's inspired directly from her origins in the marvel comics there she and her brother quicksilver were founding members of the og x-men villains the brotherhood of evil mutants and you know they're the bad guys because they put it in their name the brotherhood was a family business their leader magneto yeah that magneto was wanda and pietro's dad the maximoff twins didn't turn to the side of good until they joined the avengers in avengers number 16 and while they've mostly been heroes ever since there has been some back and forth in comics like avengers 53 and x-men 45. now obviously the mcu doesn't follow the comics to the letter so why does any of this matter well because they very often go back to the comics for inspiration and while bond vision is indeed an original story it seems to be taking its cues from three specific marvel storylines the vision and the scarlet witch limited series avengers disassembled that you can figure out how that one goes and house of m all of which tell very different but connected stories with one big thing in common they all had dark plot twists involving reality not being what it seems and wanda being the cause of it at first glance vision in the scarlet witch seems to be the most similar to monovision in that it's a fun sort of marvel story mostly about the characters trying to live normal lives in the suburbs including wanda using her scarlet witch powers to conceive her twin sons tommy and billy sound familiar time yes tommy there's another baby coming even though this quirky 80s miniseries is a mostly happy story it gets an unexpectedly dark conclusion in the pages of west coast avengers a few years later when it's revealed that billy and tommy didn't actually exist no really in a twist worthy of a mid-tier m night shyamalan movie it turns out billy and tommy are illusions that wanda willed into existence from her own subconscious without ever realizing it i know right how would that work you know how in the movies they never really explain what wanda's powers are and they don't really make a whole lot of sense well in the comics they do explain them and they still don't make sense why was she up there all this time the simple version is that she can alter probability in the nature of reality itself so basically she's not so much throwing cars at your face as she is creating a new reality wherein cars are now on top of your face anyway the whole make-believe baby thing was arranged by mephisto and a guy named master pandemonium whose name sounds a lot like the opening band for a mega death concert and who it's worth noting literally had babies for hands yeah i know anyway as you can imagine finding out your entire reality and your children was a lie created in your own subconscious it's gonna be kinda traumatic so every memory that was related to tommy and billy gets erased from wanda's memory never to be mentioned again but then 20 years later in the massive end of an era reboot event avengers disassembled marvel decides hey remember that time you thought you had twins but you didn't because satan would be as good of a reason as any for the scarlet witch to lose her mind so hard she nearly destroys the avengers in disassembled the avengers are systematically destroyed by a series of disasters betrayals personal failings and reappearances by some of their worst enemies nearly all of which turn out to be illusions or psychic manipulations caused by the scarlet witch's reality changing powers the whole thing forces them to get a new clubhouse let wolverine join the crew and ultimately reboot the issue numbering so it was mostly an excuse to shake up the lineup and redecorate but it was a huge deal in terms of redefining wanda as one of the most powerful characters in the marvel comics universe after that came house of m which gave her powers yet another frightening dimension literally when it's revealed that wanda can do more than just change her own reality she can create an entirely new one in house of m she traps the entire marvel universe in an alternate version of itself where her brother is alive again and everyone who is still mad at her from the last thing so you know like a lot of people would hopefully forget reality because they suddenly had new lives based on their greatest wishes coming true spoiler alert doesn't work not a great plan leading to her iconic line no more mutants where she erases all mutant powers from existence more or less it's a bit of an oversimplification but that's the broad strokes so already i bet you could start seeing a lot of parallels here a storyline about wanda and vision living a perfect suburban life and having two kids under mysterious circumstances getting some big vision and scarlet witch vibes there her rewinding the show to rewrite how events proceed when she doesn't like the direction things are going no it shows that she has control over this world her getting mad and eating people out of sitcom land when things just become a bit too real it tells us that she has created intentionally or otherwise an alternate reality inside of this bubble a perfect world where she can exist alongside her dead robot lover and her make-believe children is that why the other characters are so afraid of her are they prisoners trapped inside of wandavision's alternate reality the same way that the entire marvel universe was trapped in the house of m reality hey future matpat jumping in here who knew episode four would reveal quite so much kind of sucks when your episodes take two weeks to produce means that you're working with three weeks worth of information when episode four is also there so you just kind of gotta cross your fingers and hope it doesn't blow too many things up anyway uh this last point actually seems to be confirmed in this latest episode we see them go through person by person showing that the cast of the show are townsfolk that are trapped in this reality all except for one notable exception who goes unnamed there was no mention of agnes suspicious i think so a key part of the three storylines we just talked about from the comics is that wanda doesn't necessarily turn evil in them it's just that when she loses control of her subconscious it sometimes goes to bad places and does bad things so it's entirely possible that while she is the one controlling things in one division she's not actually controlling them herself she's not aware that she's the one controlling them she might be unconscious or sedated or even in a coma i mean think about this in psychoanalytic dream theory of the type popularized by sigmund freud the subconscious mind rearranges seemingly unrelated images and ideas into symbolically recognizable new forms which we then recall as dreams in our subconscious like say a traumatic memory about a ticking stark time bomb becoming a creepy ticking stark toaster commercial top and bottom heating elements can handle anything [Music] the all-new toastmate 2000 by stark industries hear that suspicious ticking of the toaster listen again top and bottom heating elements can handle anything and that ominous flashing light that my friends is no toaster that is the ticking time bomb of childhood trauma we wait for two days for tony stark to kill us then there's the commercial in episode three about soap which is a reference to agent coulson's theories about hydra using soap as a mind control device would have figured it out a long time ago if it wasn't for the mind control soap yeah wait what hydra loads it up with chemicals it seeps into our bloodstream and plants false memories into our brains they want us to believe this is a magical place i make my own soap now even the black and white palette could be wanda's subconscious calling back to vision's death in infinity war yeah his whole body turned monochrome which might just cause her subconscious to associate the black and white aesthetic of old tv with the last memory of that person being dreamed back to life now that is meta hey future matpat again this is another one of those things that's nearly confirmed in episode four after wanda is reminded of the reality outside of her sitcom bubble she temporarily sees vision in his real dead form again he's in monochrome am i the only one thinking that she may just be puppeteering the dead body of her boyfriend because if so that would be awesome in short the undeniable truth here is that vision is dead and there's a high likelihood that the children aren't real or if they are they're gonna be taken from her for the when the laugh track dies and the retro clothes go away at the end of the series which you know they're going to she's going to be left alone which means this series is going to end with one very unhappy very powerful witch running loose in the mcu who now's unlocked the ability to make reality bend the knee is there a doctor in the house perhaps a master of the mystic arts after all case you forgot elizabeth olsen is scheduled to play scarlet witch again in doctor strange in the multiverse of madness in early 2022 but they never said she was one of the good guys olson is also starting to talk up rumors that she might just pop up in the third spider-man movie you know the one that's also supposed to be dealing with alternate universes coming together the one that's also set to feature a previously confirmed guest appearance by doctor strange and the one that's set to hit theaters only three months before multiverse of madness multiverse of madness man that is such a stupid name it's it's like really cheesy like awkwardly cheesy wait a minute multiverse of madness m-o-m [Laughter] if you ask me it looks like marvel's newest mom is likely to end wandavision ripping open reality in an attempt to reclaim her happiness and maybe even her kids with the rest of phase 5 needing to sort it all out and by the end disney gets to keep who they like they get to lose who they don't and they get an excuse to introduce the x-men without breaking the established continuity of all the movies that came before no more mutants more like bring on the mutants all it takes is for mom to go a little bit mad but wait future matpat here to chime in one final time all of this would actually be a pretty bad look for disney their first female hero black widow is like the first major character to get killed off in these movies and then their second one turns evil because babies is not a good look for them and rewatching these episodes with number four now in consideration i think we're actually gonna have ourselves a scapegoat i do think everything that i said in today's theory is still gonna wind up being true but i think that there's one final layer to all of this that someone is actually going to be revealed to be using wanda throughout this whole thing kind of like mephisto in the comics and the hexagons are the things to prove it if you were paying attention to the first three episodes you saw hexagons everywhere throughout the series but episode four really just explicitly called it out outright making question number one why hexagons and well sure the mind stone was technically a hexagon the real easter egg that solves this is right here episode 4 5 minutes and 40 seconds the new director of sword has his diplomas on the wall in a strange hexagon pattern that matches wanda's reality bubble every other hexagon has been created within wanda's reality but this one is in the actual world with no other reason of being put there except to act as a clue to us the viewer i mean why spend so much time at sword headquarters why introduce this new character my guess is that wanda has been to this office and that the hexagons might be her subconscious reacting to a memory of being in that director's room another hint comes from the difference between the comic sword organization that we see hinted throughout various symbols in the series and the mcu sword you see both titles are backronyms but while the comic sword is named sentient world observation and response department the sword in the mcu is ominously named sentient weapon observation and response division this title indicates that rather than dealing with intergalactic threats the mcu sword is interested in sentient weapons and how to deal with them human weapons that have gone out of control weapons like wanda we even have this out of place line shoved in there it also says observation and response on that door not creation this line is meant to clue us in that these people have made weapons in the past and it looks like the director might be in the process of doing it again because consider this if wanda's kids are in fact real if this whole simulation is somehow orchestrated by sword for the children and they're taken from her we have ourselves truly the first characters actually born with superpowers in this universe they would be the first ever mutants but hey that's just a theory a film theory and hey there all you hep cats yes you watching this video have you considered smacking that subscribe button it's the swellest thing that'll keep you smartest on the block or if you want another theory about phase 5 of the mcu watch out how thor might be the one to turn evil in the cosmic universe until next time theorists
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 4,573,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wandavision, disney, disney+, marvel, mcu.wandavision theory, scarlet witch, vision, wanda maximoff, wanda, wandavision ending, wanda vision, mutant, wandavision episode 4, wandavision episode5, wandavision trailer, wandavision episode 3, marvel wandavision, trailer, wandavision breakdown, wandavision explained, wandavision ending explained, ending explained, film theorists, film theory, matpat, film theory marvel, film theory wandavision, avengers, mavel avengers, avengers endgame
Id: 4xMvWHd5pKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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