Wanda Sykes on Liz Cheney’s Great Hair, Returning to Society After Quarantine & “The Upshaws”

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our first guest tonight is one of the funniest people on the globe she has been in seclusion she is now fully vaccinated and ready to roll with a new comedy series on netflix called the upshaw's please welcome wanda sykes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you doing wow i'm very happy to see you in in the flesh it's good to see you too jimmy i've seen you quite a few times do i have to i don't know you don't have to yell no yeah there's no reason to go i haven't done this in a while so human interaction is confusing now isn't it crazy i know i never really know what to do because i know you're vaccinated i know i'm vaccinated and then you come out and like we can't really but we could touch each other if we wanted to right i mean would it set a terrible example [Applause] why risk it that's right oh all right well okay i don't know i don't need to touch you how are you doing are you happy to be out i am oh my god very happy to be out is this your first time out yes yeah yeah yeah i haven't been in the studio since yes it's like we finished up the up shawl so that was back in november and this but this is the first time i actually doing the show oh yeah it's nice to have these giant lights over our heads isn't it wonderful it really brightens things up doesn't right yeah and an audience member that's yeah great gig he's an organizer are you an organized person no not at all not at all not at all maybe you need james while we're here no we need james here he's exactly where he should be right you're right i'm already giving him away you got i know you got on a plane to be here right tonight which is a big deal right it was huge it was and i i realized like on the way to the airport i had to ask alex i was like wait a minute i said okay i'm allowed a carry-on and one personal item right and she looked at me like you really have forgotten how to do this yeah i'm like okay does the okay i gotta i gotta take my laptop out of my shoes on she said you have tsa pre-check right oh yeah yeah yeah and then when i get get on the plane you know of course i do the even though i'm vaccinating i do the the mask and the face shield oh facial too i do fail i double up and i had my glasses on so i know i looked like a complete idiot you know i had three layers of eye protection you know and uh and so i i uh i was talking so i get on the plane whatever and i'm you know taking care of my space and the guy next to me he's like you know i'm fully vaccinated i said well yeah me too but i i continued to wipe down my area i had my my clorox wipes i was wiping down everything i wiped out a flight attendant i was like come here get your ass over i here everything down yeah well you know what it couldn't hurt to wipe everything down i mean i know people in fact one of the people is like about eight feet from us who was wiping everything down way before cove had happened way before yeah just wiping things down all the time i see i didn't i didn't i wasn't like that before coach that was i was a hand washer but i wasn't like wiping everything same here i don't wipe anything down yeah i would like you know i was at the bowling alley and just you know i licked my ball for good luck [Applause] that wasn't a good idea we did go to a bowling alley for my son's birthday we had a small family gathering at the bowling alley a couple of weeks ago and were able to bowl but none of the video games were turned on because they didn't want kids i guess touching the things and yet we're all not only are we touching the bowling balls we're wearing a stranger's shoes yeah but you can't get covert through the feet that's one of the things they that's what dr fauci says there's no way to get it through the feet oh man well probably because like our feet are in such bad shape right now you're like i i haven't had a pedicure in like a year and a half so i think when i finally get my feet done like the the technician will probably have to wear one of those uh hurt locker suits [Laughter] did you have a thing for mother's day with the kids yeah yeah mothers oh man jimmy we we have moved up the kids this year actually bought us gifts they didn't make anything oh wow that's huge how old are they they're they're 12. they just start 12. when you have twins 12 years old 12 is the age at which they started buying stuff they bought us some gifts what'd they get you um i got a mug that said love is love so i'm pretty sure that was probably held over from pride or something [Laughter] and uh then add a set of pajamas and some pajamas nice yeah that was nice very nice good yeah that's a good gift yeah do you find that when you have twins do you think you get cheated in the gift department because i wonder you know they can go in on every gift right i mean are they getting you twice the value that you would get if you had kids of spaced out ages well let's be honest it's still our money anyway it's my you know they didn't use their own stash no no no not at all yeah when i was a kid we saw a mop on tv and we asked my mom for her credit card number so we could buy her the mop and i don't know that she's ever been more upset with us than she was then it's like that's what you think of me you want to buy me a mop with my own credit card now oh i you know what last time you're on the show we're talking about your mom and who as i recall was was itching to get back to the slot machine oh yeah did that happen oh yeah she did happen they made a trip they made a trip to the casino and uh they she had she had a good time she had a good time very excited about it yeah does that mean she won when you say she had a good time we don't talk like that we don't we can't have that conversation that's that's ass that's too much information i just i just want her to have a good time i see and if she if she loses does she still have a good time she gets a little salty she does she can feel a little salty i i can tell but we just don't talk about it you ever go with her uh you know what that that's her world you know like i'll go but but i like go off and do my thing and let her do let her shine every moment you know yeah let her shine did she take you to bingo when you were a kid ever no no no this gambling thing kind of took off when she as she got older oh yeah yeah [Applause] there's an article about you in the wall street journal okay uh you probably know this and then they published this photograph how old are you in this picture wow that's that's probably 72 because that was a big snowstorm so i'm not gonna do the math i don't know i was young i was i was a big snowstorm huh yeah but no you understand this was that the this was at the end of the snowstorm there was that year we i was in maryland and we got like almost like two feet of snow and it was crazy i mean like school was closed for like a week and a half and all it was nuts that was at the end of it when we finally if i finally went outside well it's kind of like now in a way you know this is your second company this is my second one yeah and the story it said that you were talking about your family being funny you have a very funny family and that your brother harry in particular was funny now is harry as funny as you are no no oh harry no you understand it's a different kind of fun he's he's family funny what is that what does that mean specifically he's funny to the family i mean i couldn't take him down to the improv stage he would bomb he'd just be awful i see but in the family he killed terrible he's the funniest one in the family did he the fact that he was funny is that kind of what made you is your older your older brother yeah my older brother that made you want to be a comedian um i not be a comedian i just like that he was like he made people laugh and and but i but i knew i had since then that he was family fun but i um it was actually watching uh like mom's maybely and and uh like whoopi goldberg and yeah that's what me that's what i said you know i should try to do this yeah wow you couldn't just give that to harry could you yeah i got i got a little sister complex when we come back we got a clip of wanda's very funny new show it's called the upshaw's it is on netflix wanda sykes is with us we'll be right back i beeping mine's recital damn i can't get out my own way oh what the hell oh no no no this didn't happen oh we did we better be dead this better be the uber fool of heaven and we gotta drop you all first that is one of sykes and my guests in the upshaw's which is on netflix now uh mike was here last night mike is a very funny guy and a character yes he is yeah very funny how long ago did you meet mike oh man i met mike probably back in the in the late 90s in new york we were both doing you know doing the circuit doing the comedy clubs and stuff i would bump into him uh he was funny guy really funny guy and i remember like sitting in the back of uh like boston comedy club with him and mike you know mike was like what i don't know man i don't know i was like what's wrong why he's like yeah there's too many white people in the audience he's like you know i've been in atlanta talking to a bunch of black people i don't i don't think they're gonna know what i'm talking about i'm like mike they they'll get it just go up there and you'll be fine ah that's a lot of white people he just kept saying he just was so nervous he you're right he does kind of look around like that doesn't he that's like yeah he's always gonna look funny he'll get you bad so you came up with this idea for this show and you went to netflix and they said yeah we want to do it and then you started doing it and then you had to stop doing it right right right so how many episodes did you take before you had to stop for coving uh we taped five episodes okay before we had to stop for kovitz five of how many five of ten oh five of ten oh so yeah right there halfway in the middle right he's like how i figured that out yeah that was and um and so you shut down and that's weird right to suddenly it's probably just getting really rolling yeah yeah and then how much time is in between uh shooting again uh we didn't we went back in october you went back in october yeah but the writers we started back in like april like the end of april we started back and we wrote from april to like um i guess june maybe june so that's a luxury in a way to be able to write all that stuff during that time yeah yeah you have a bunch of kid actors on the show were you worried at any point that the kids would would look different would grow up in during that covent yes because you didn't know how long it was going to be exactly exactly i was like oh my god you know and it's important that they keep this age was like you said we already had half the show shot and i was like you know i i just was sending them starbucks cards and a carton of cigarettes cigarettes they do say they stun your drone we come back now you have a funny relationship with mike on the show your characters hate each other um a sister-in-law brother-in-law relationship which reminds me in a way of um of san francisco you know right right yeah absolutely which is the best i mean that's you know that's the absolute gold standard of any of that kind of any sitcom anything really but you uh are also a sister play sister to kim fields who uh people know was 2d and the facts of life and different strokes double duty right and i don't know if you know this but kim's dad irv works here on this show did you know that that's right wow daddy tooty works here yeah he's our technical director he's been here since the very beginning oh my god did you ask her a million questions about the facts of life and different strokes well here's the thing you know this this was the first time meeting her i mean i know it's like kim feels that you feel like you don't know her forever because you've watched her grow up on tv but uh first time meeting her so you know i was like had to be on i wanted to be on my toes around her let her know you know i i know some things too you know my first rodeo miss kim fields but just get just giving her a lot of respect but um she's great she's great love her to death and today's her birthday actually happened oh how about that but but don't worry season two i'm gonna dig i'm gonna do a deep dive into what happened with them drumming kids i am i'm going there's a lot to dig through on and that one have you been i know you were really very very focused on politics for like the last almost five years yes uh have you given yourself a break are you like have you taken not watching cable news and relaxing now of course i'm still watching but i'm still watching but you know what you don't have to have to watch like you used to with with trump because before you when you had to watch with trump to make sure he wasn't going to kill us all right what the hell does this idiot do today you know but it's more relaxing watching it now but uh like but except for like this this i don't know what's going on with the republicans and this thing with liz cheney i mean it's crazy right it's crazy but you know i i was like i don't care if you're a republican or democrat one thing you got to say about uh liz cheney i think that we can all agree on is uh the lady has great hair she does have good hair she has amazing hair the color it looks silky smooth i mean you know what she's amazing i bet that's going to be a real pick-me-up for her today to find that you know don't worry about it liz you got great hair i'm telling you don't worry about it kevin mccarthy wish he had you that's true you're right on that the upshaw's is available now on netflix wanda sykes everybody thanks wanda we'll be back with max mingela hi i'm jimmy kimmel click below to subscribe to our youtube channel or if you want to be that way about it don't
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 717,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Wanda Sykes, Netflix, The Upshaws, Travel, Vaccine, Comic, Mother’s Day, Kids, Twins, Gifts, Casino, Wanda Sykes Mother, Gambling, Old Photos, Snow Storm, Harry Sykes, Family Funny, Mike Epps, Sitcom, Kim Fields, Politics
Id: WIKegLZfVio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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