The Coming Kingdom | Walter Veith Sermon

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i've titled this the coming kingdom  but the kingdom i'm referring to here   tonight is not the kingdom of god it's the  kingdom that will be set up by other powers   we will be talking about the kingdom of god and  for that we need the bible for this kingdom you   will need your bible to see that it's not the  kingdom of god so what is this kingdom all about   vatican ii was the great assembly which finally  to the people in the world seem to have changed   roman catholic sentiment you see in the past if  you were not a roman catholic you were condemned   to eternal damnation you were damned so you could  only be saved if you became a roman catholic and   nobody else could be saved everybody else was  lost but after vatican 2 that changed when asked   to explain his prayers and hopes for the council  this is now pope john the 23rd who pope francis   together with uh john pope john paul ii has just  declared a saint you're looking at a at the saint   he simply went to a window and threw it open  letting the fresh breeze wafting into the   room expresses intention in a single gesture so  vatican ii has been called a breath of fresh air   now my personal opinion is that the  fresh air is contaminated with sulfur and i'll show you why the first vatican council  that was the council that separated protestantism   from catholicism from the 17th century  ultramontanism became closely associated   with the jesuits and the jesuits were in  control of the council of trent which was   the first vatican council they ran it and  ultramountainism used to be a swear word   it used to be a mocking word montane is the  mountain ultra mountain other side the mountain   so the protestants in europe the lutherans etc  would refer to the pope as that ultra montane that   fellow on the other side of the mountain in a  mocking sort of way but a brilliant strategy is to   take a word with a negative connotation and switch  it around and give it a positive connotation   so ultramontanism became that man behind  the mountain the one with the stature   that is the one so ultra montanism became to mean  virtually all power in one man and they defended   the superiority superiority of the popes of the  councils and kings even in temporal questions so   this is what they stood for and within the roman  catholic church ultramountainism achieved victory   over conciliatism in the first vatican council  with the pronouncement of papal infallibility so in actual fact this created a greater rift  between protestantism and catholicism the   ability of the pub of course to define dogmas free  from error and of papal supremacy supreme fully   immediate and universal ordinary jurisdiction of  the pope other christians not in full communion   with rome declared this as the triumph of what  they termed the heresy of ultramountainism   so this created even a greater rift  now vatican too suddenly decided   that the separated churches who they don't  call sisters but daughters children were   now no longer to be considered lost in their state  but to be merely considered as separated brethren   but of course there's a little catch to it they  are only brethren if they accept the supremacy of   the pope but they can remain where they are they  can remain in their confession so a methodist can   remain a methodist and lutheran the lutheran  etc etc etc the only difference is we have   to come together and we have to accept apostolic  succession which means the authority of the pope   so really there's no difference in what has  transpired so this was the second vatican council   and the question that i would like  to ask the roman catholic church   because if you ask a protestant you'll  say oh vatican 2 was a breath of fresh air   the roman catholic church changed we  were all excluded and now we're welcome question did the vatican ii council change  the roman catholic position established at   the council of trent that there's no salvation  outside of the roman catholic church did it change   it well that's austin this is the congregation for  doctrine and faith this is the organization that   ratzinger who was pope benedict headed up before  he became pope asked them the question did the   second vatican council change the catholic  doctrine on the church response the second   vatican council neither changed nor intended to  change this doctrine rather it developed deepened   and more fully explained it this was exactly  what john the 23rd said at the beginning of   the council paul vi affirmed it and commented  in the act of promulgating the constitution   lumen gentium that's one of his encyclicals  there's no better comment to make than to say   that this promulgation really changes nothing  of the traditional doctrine there's no change   then why do protestants think there was a change  because people seem to believe there was a change now the jesuits were in control of the first one  and the jesuits were in control of the second one   same organization now let's go to the web  page of jesuits   ignacius loyola was the founder of the jesuits  and the jesuit colorado was the chief theologian   of vatican ii now this is all important  history one of the most important theologians   this is according to their web page so this is  jesuit speaking about jesuits they say karana   was one of the most important theologians  of the 20th century colorado was born   in 1904 he was he followed his older dada and  then it tells us he entered the jesuit community   as a jesuit novice rana was formed in the  spiritual exercises of saint ignatius lyola   this formation had a lasting influence on  his spiritual and intellectual development   from their own mouth all right so now let's  go to colorado who was the chief architect   and the leader of the theological  aspect surrounding vatican ii karana writing himself i think that  the spirituality of ignatius himself   which one learned through the practice of prayer  and religious formation was more significant   to me than all the learned philosophy and  theology inside and outside of the order   now it's a whole lecture by itself what  spiritual formation is and we'll be   touching on some of the elements tonight but  i cannot deal with it in an entire lecture   the basis of it is that you go through certain  rituals in your life including exclusion   and even mortification and that you by your  imagination place yourself into the situations   that you want to be placed into which can be  biblical situations where you place yourself into   a story in the bible and then to commune literally  with the individuals involved in the story   so in other words your spirituality is  experiential and eventually you communicate   with these entities be they who they were  you could be with daniel in the lion's den   and start talking to daniel you could be with  jesus and mary wherever and start communicating   with them and what these spirits tell you that  becomes the standard and the norm in your life   that is ignazian spirituality and you  have to have a five sense experience   as a very very sophisticated spirituality which  has been adapted in the christian world and is   being practiced on a scale that you cannot imagine  and we have to be very careful of it because it is   the exact antithesis of what the reformation stood  for the reformation said the word is the standard   of my action my doctrine my thinking the word  is the norm and in this theology experience   is the norm now we hear very often people  tell tell us today the spirit told me   excuse me did you check what the spirit told  you whether it's in harmony with the word of god   i'm not saying that the spirit of god doesn't  lead you but the spirit of god will never lead you   in opposition to the word of god   now in his studies rana also became thoroughly  conversant with the thinking of the fathers   of the church especially on the topics of  grace sacrament spirituality and mysticism   so he had the same sort of mindset that was  instilled in him through jesuit spirituality   now in another lecture i have a whole section  on what the ignition spirituality is about   and it's the jesuits and the counter reformation  if you're interested now colorado is undoubtedly   the most important roman catholic theologian in  the 20th century his seminal position among the   contemporaries results to some extent from  his ability to put theology and philosophy   into dialogue this is a dangerous thing  when you put theology and philosophy into   dialogue it's called syncretism where you  mingle two things which are not compatible   into something which seems to be right  because of the theological aspects   but catches you from behind were the mystical  aspects now what does this eventually lead to now   all of this is documented and you'll see that some  of my quotes come directly from the vatican pages   karana originated a new religious category  which is called in anonymous christianity   saying it embraced buddhists various other  non-christians and even atheists who are   conscientious upright and caring  so am i saved because i'm conscious   conscience is upright and caring or  am i saved by the blood of the lamb doesn't the bible say outside  of christ there is no salvation   and there's no other name under heaven and  earth whereby i may be saved except christ jesus   now when i was an atheist i never went around  killing people robbing people bashing people   i would say humanly speaking i was conscientious  upright and caring but biblically speaking   in me there was no good thing nothing woe to  me who will save me from this body of death   all right some kind of faith in god is  basically there whether they know it or not   said runner they are part of christianity  that does not call itself christianity   pagans who have received grace but were not aware  of it now this opens the door to embrace all   pagan religions into one harmonious group  now these are the students of karana   paul neta was the doctoral student of colorado  and he studied at the gregorian university   and he served as divine word missionary  assuming a position at xavier university   where he's presently professor in theology  he wrote this book called no other name question mark and this book is prescribed in  many theological seminaries today protestant ones   and of course the conclusion that he eventually  comes to is you can be saved by any other name   so what does this do to the exclusivity of  salvation in christ gets rid of it so how far   did the student another jesuit take this teaching  of karanas eventually well paul netter is tilik   professor of theology world religions and  culture at union theological seminary in new   york he's the leading theologian of religious  pluralism interreligious dialogue and he's an   author of more than a dozen books and recently  he wrote without buddha i couldn't be a christian and here he is with buddhists together what  marching with them holding hands with them etc now   buddhism doesn't believe in a personal god there  is no personal god and buddhism cannot understand   something like the son of god if there is  no personal god how can a non-personal god   have a son it's incomprehensible to them  buddhism teaches you to empty yourself   and to achieve the state of nothingness the state  of non-existence and when you have achieved this   state of nothingness that's nirvana it's the exact  opposite of christianity because christianity   teaches that god is a personal god who  wants a personal relationship with you   and he took it so seriously that he  became one with us so that we can   identify with him one-on-one because he is  our brother even though he is our creator   and christianity teaches you to fill yourself  to the uttermost not to empty yourself to the   uttermost they're diametrically opposed  to the other is this a yin-yang religion now at the conclusion of vatican 2 pope paul vi  because pope john xxiii had died and during the   council told the bishops that their  church had decided to opt for man   to serve man to help him build to  help him build his home on this earth man with his ideas and aims man with his hopes and  fears man in his difficulties and suffering this   was the center piece of the church's interest said  the pontiff to his bishops now excuse me isn't the   task of the church to preach the gospel didn't  jesus say go and preach the gospel to the entire   world and the gospel is salvation in jesus christ  who said my kingdom is not of this world here   we have another gospel the gospel is to uplift  man in his circumstances and give him a home on   earth this is the opposite of the christian  gospel and this comes from malachi martin   who of course also wrote the jesuits was a high  official in the roman catholic church but when he   wrote his final book about discrepancies in the  jesuit teaching he suddenly died mysteriously   now this is the vatican official foundational  statement starting point is man himself rome   states it is man himself who must be saved it is  mankind that must be renewed it is man therefore   is the key to this discussion man considered  whole and entire with body and soul heart   and conscience mind and will this is the  reason why the sacred synod in proclaiming   the noble destiny of man and affirming  an elephant element of the divine in him   offers to cooperate unreservedly with mankind in  fostering a sense of brotherhood to correspond   correspond to this destiny of theirs  so now we have a man-centered religion   instead of a god-centered religion pope  calls for all religions to unite is pope   francis urged members of all religions and those  belonging to no church to unite to defend justice   peace and the environment and not allow the value  of a person to be reduced to what he produces   and what he consumes so he wants all religions  to unite into one body that was in 2013. now   how far have we progressed down the line now the  bible says can two walk together lest they agree can i religiously speaking in terms of my theology   be one with someone with a diametrically  opposite theology can i pray to a deity that   ignores jesus christ when the bible says nobody  comes to the father except through jesus christ   to me logically the answer is no can i be friends  with such an individual yes why not can i work   with such an individual yes why not but can i sit  in the same church with such an individual no no   okay let's see how far this goes 2014 september  that's just little more than a year after the pope   made the announcement world alliance of religions  for peace summit held in seoul south korea on the   18th of september 2014 there is the stadium it's  packed now what are they celebrating we are one   all the world religions we are one and the  stadium was packed and after the celebrations   they came together for a signing ceremony to sign  a declaration and this ceremony was fascinating   here is the signing ceremony with all the  dignitaries of the various religions in the   world world alliance of religions for peace  summit signing ceremony 18 september now   this is a video so let's watch it peace will  not be achieved without our every effort   peace will be reached when everybody makes it  their duty to become a messenger of peace for   their nation and their societies today we are not  only here in our professional capacities but as   those who carry the hearts of a peace advocate  within us world peace we the youth believe   can only be achieved when all aspects when  all people come together as one and in the   past three days you have seen that the youth  we have done all we can within our capacity but we are looking upon the leaders right now  the leaders of the international community   the politicians the lawmakers and the  religious leaders to help us fulfill this goal   signing this agreement it may not bring  peace immediately ladies and gentlemen   but what i'd like to say is that is a step in  the right direction and the youth need your help so now we will will proceed with the signing  ceremony of the unity of religion agreement   the unity of religion agreement is a  groundbreaking promise of religions   to unite condition unconditionally and  without discrimination to achieve true peace   i would like to call upon the following  religious leaders to come up to the   stage and join us for the signing of the  ceremony of the unity of religions agreement   first archbishop martin de jesus  barahona to please come up to the stage also a representative of holiness  shadow kiyati panditak haryavari   aswam swati shri to come to the stage   also from the islam shia faith al-sharif  muhammad hassan el al-mini to come to the stage from the hinduism faith his holiness swami  shidadanda saraswati maharaja the guru of india   from the faith of buddhism representative dr   ashin nyani sara founder of the sitaku buddha  vihara would you please make your way to the stage from the catholic church archbishop antonio ledisma from the philippines from the anglican church  archbishop patricio inlique viveros robles from the sheikh religion singh sahib   janna if you can make your way  make your way to the stage please from the jewish faith rabbi jeremy yehuda bilgram from the zoroaster  faith dr meher master moose and from the baha'i faith dr bharati gandhi at this time we would also  like to call upon the host   of the world alliance of religions peace summit  firstly mr man hee lee the chairman of hwpl   and also miss nam hee kim the president  of iwpg let's give them a great applause while the proceedings continue on  stage we will conduct the signing   ceremony of the agreement to propose  the enactment of an international law   for the cessation of war and world peace  just below stage with our delegations and   to establish peace for the heritage of  peace to be brought to all generations   we must do everything in our power to end all  wars on this earth and to establish world peace   according to the will of the creator god therefore  all religions must unite under god as one i think we've seen enough therefore all religions  must unite as one you saw the religions out there   that are not christian altogether you saw  the roman catholic representative and the   anglican representative who was missing the other  protestants the other protestants were missing   but uh have no fear by 2017 before the 500th year  of the reformation a document has been signed   that will bring that to a close  as well during those celebrations ezekiel 7 25 says destruction cometh and  they shall seek peace and there shall be   none for when they say peace and safety  then sudden destruction comes upon them   as travail upon a woman with  child and they shall not escape   to me this is one of the great signs of the times  in which we are living i never thought i would see   it in my lifetime i've been preaching about it for  29 years and just three months ago there it was whoever denieth the son the same is not  the father but he that acknowledges the   son has the father also all of  those religions deny the son pope francis calls for social  justice against unemployment   so if you're going to unite all religions  together then the issue that you preach cannot   and will not be salvation in jesus  christ you have to find another gospel   now there's so much suffering in the world  that the obvious choice would be social justice   there is so much social injustice in the world  the gap between the rich and the poor is so great   that here is unlimited scope for activity for  people who want to make a difference and if   the churches lead out what a marvelous  thing and yes it's a wonderful thing   but is it preaching the gospel of salvation in  jesus christ or is it another gospel if you want   to do good works there must be a consequence of  your faith that must not be the be all and end all   of your faith because if we leave jesus out  of the equation it's useless it means nothing isaiah 61 66 verse 1 thus says the lord  the heaven is my throne and the earth is   my footstool where's the house that you build  unto me and where's the place of my rest for   all those things has mine hand made and all  those things have been says the lord but to   this man will look even to him that is poor and  of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word   so the gospel and the bible is replete with  this word preach the gospel to the poor   and rome takes up this word and literalizes it  but when the bible speaks about the poor if we   look it up in the concordances it means depressed  in mind and circumstance it has nothing to do   with financial riches or poverty and everybody on  this planet is depressed in mind and circumstance   in one form or another so when the gospel is to  be preached to the poor it's to be preached to   the entire humanity of course there are also the  literal poor and that's why the church has dorcas   to relieve the poverty of of the poor that's  part of the the influence and the the consequence   of having accepted jesus christ as your savior  but this is not the gospel in itself without   jesus christ thus the express aims and efforts  of the united nations will be eventually brought   to fruition that says alice a bailey who is the  prophet in the occult world will be brought to   fruition and a new church of god gathered out of  all religions and spiritual groups will unitedly   bring to an end the great heresy of separateness  so that was predicted many many years ago the great heresy of separateness the  bible says come out and be separate   and touch not the unclean thing and here you  have exactly the opposite sentiment now let's   just go into these sentiments that we discussed  earlier here is the national catholic reporter   and it says pope francis and peter farber were are  kindred jesuit spirits now who was peter farber   peter faba was co-founder of the jesuit order  together with ignacius lyola and francis xavier   those three so it's ignacious lyola peter farber  and francis xavier now ignacius lyola was a   spaniard and peter farber as the name suggests  was a german now let's see what it says in this   statement so francis spoke on solidarity with  the poor and the need for community and the   refocusing of the church's energies away from the  narrow focus on sexual issues of course he has   to get away from that topic it's a painful  one for them etc and then it says in paris   faba also encountered ignatius lyola he tuted  ignazius on aristotlean philosophy while ignazius   formed father's spirituality under ignacius's  guidance father mastered the spiritual exercises   and in 1534 he was ordained as priest and later  that year august 15 he and six other men including   ignacius and francis xavier took vows as the  first members of what became the jesuit order   so what is the philosophy of the jesuit  order spiritual exercises mingled with   greek philosophy that is their  spirituality now according to this   that is the same spirituality that  pope francis has is that correct   is that how i'm reading it now let me go back  to the history of the reformation this is   history of the reformation as i told you the  the book on the reformation these books are   disappearing from the world you will not find  them anymore this one you can still download   free from the internet get it quickly  volume one and two before it's gone forever this is what the reformers wrote inigo which  is this abbreviated form of ignacious loyola   founder of the jesuit instead of feeling that his  remorse was sent to drive him to the foot of the   cross persuaded himself that the inward reproaches  proceeded not from god but from the devil   and resolved never more to think of his sins  to erase them from his memory and bury them in   eternal oblivion luther turned towards christ  lyola fell upon himself visions came here long   to confirm inigo in the convictions at which  he had arrived inigo did not seek truth in   the holy scriptures but imagined in their place  immediate communication with the world of spirits   lutheran taking his doctor's degree had  pledged his oath to the holy scripture   loyola at his time bound himself to dreams and  visions and chamerical apparitions became the   principle of his life and faith so the one  had an experiential religion the other one   had a word-based religion that's the difference  between ignacian philosophy and protestantism   that's in a nutshell i wouldn't be able to say  it any better now in an interview with meet   the press the jesuit priest and ignatius press  founder joseph fesio said and this was in 2005   those who rebel against the church's  authentic teachings are rebelling against god okay you see i have to tell you what  jesuit thinking is all about so that   you can understand that when a jesuit speaks  what he actually means and what he is saying   and when he talks to protestants and the  words flow so beautifully and so eloquently   what is his philosophy behind these words because  he could be saying one thing and you could be   hearing something totally different so we have to  understand the mindset of the jesuits the jesuits   control catholicism from the front and from behind  the black pope he's a jesuit general and the   present pope white pope is a jesuit all right so  how does this work let's go to catholic doctrine   and some of these things might shock you tonight  but that's just the way we have to approach it   let's go back to genesis chapter 3 the serpent  said unto the woman you shall not surely die for god doth know that in the day ye eat  thereof then your eyes shall be opened and   you shall be as gods knowing good and evil  so here are three statements by the serpent   the first statement is you shall  not surely die what had god said   you shall surely die serpent you  shall not die second statement   by the devil the day you eat of it your eyes  shall be opened and you shall be as god's   second statement second lie third statement  knowing good and evil three statements   and they all come out of the mouth of  the serpent now there's only one church   in the entire world that has all three  serpent statements as official dogma i give you one guess as to which church that is   that's roman catholicism and unfortunately  protestantism came out of catholicism   and very often inherited portions of the doctrine  distancing itself over time from much of it   and initially sometimes distancing themselves  totally but with time guess what they drifted back   into that doctrine so now let's see whether  this is so or whether i'm making this up   this is the new orleans cemetery it's a roman  catholic cemetery it's interesting because all   the graves are above ground because it's below  the water line and you can't bury anyone because   the coffins will be above ground when the tide  comes in now this is what they claim over here   saint louis cemetery number one welcome to this  holy place you should be getting nervous already the catholic cemetery is the last resting place  of the bodies of the faithful departed awaiting   reunion with their souls at the resurrection on  the last day so now you have the souls going to   heaven being with with god and with jesus and then  at the resurrection coming down back into the body   that's what it says blessed by the church  and dedicated to god the catholic cemetery   testifies to a faith in the immortality of the  soul immortality of the soul and the promise   of resurrection with christ the lord  with christ the lord hear the living find   comfort and are consoled by visiting the burial  places of their loved ones and praying for them   all right that's catholic doctrine on a plaque  for you to read now let's just unpack that a   little bit office of the catechism article  1 366 official catholic doctrine the church   not the bible the church teaches that every  spiritual soul is immortal it does not perish   when it separates from the body at death what did  god say you will surely die here it says all right   the soul is immortal now does rome know that  the bible does not teach that and the answer is   the new catholic encyclopedia  so it's them speaking   the soul in the old testament means not a part of  man but the whole man as a living being similarly   in the new testament it signifies human life  the life of an individual conscious object   recent exergies have maintained that  the new testament does not teach the   immortality of the soul in the hellenistic sense  of survival of an immortal principle after death   so what is rome telling you here in its  own encyclopedia the bible does not teach   the immortality of an independent spirit after  death the bible teaches that the soul is a whole   man as a living entity a living being that's why  the bible says the soul that sinneth it shall   die so they know that the bible teaches one thing  but they teach the opposite and they claim it's   what kind of philosophy it's greek hellenistic   so they say we teach this the bible  teaches that but you will rather listen to   us okay let's just make sure pablio december  1915-13 issued a bow apostolosi regimes declaring   we do condemn and reprobate all who assert  that the intelligent soul is immortal sorry and this bull was directed against  the growing heresy of those who denied the   natural immortality of the soul and avowed  the conditional immortality of the soul   that you would receive immortality as a gift at  the resurrection now who believed this and what   did martin luther say when the pope issued that  bull martin luther had a great way with words   martin luther said he cited the  pope's immortality declaration   as amongst quote those monstrous opinions to  be found on the roman dunghill of the creeples so martin luther said the  pope was speaking done rubbish now on fraud special archbishop francis blackburn  states lucer espoused the doctrine of soul   sleep upon a scriptural foundation and then  he made use of it as a confusion of purgatory   and saint worship and continued in that belief to  the last moment of his life martin luther wrote   this is martin luther writing we should learn  to view our death in the right light so that   we need not become alarmed on account of it as  unbelief does because in christ it is indeed not   death but a fine sweet and brief sleep which  brings us release from the veil of tears from   sin and from the fear and extremity of real death  and from all the misfortunes of this life and we   shall be secure and without care rest sweetly  and gently for a brief moment as on the sofa   until the time when he shall awaken us together  with all his dear children to his eternal glory   and joy that's what martin luther believed  so he believed in soul sleep when you sleep   when you die you go to sleep and you  will wake up when at the resurrection   okay it's rather comforting if that were  true because then all the departed spirits   of everybody that i know wouldn't be watching  and seeing all my mistakes at the moment   but they would be asleep according to this  doctrine now it's interesting that martin luther   had this doctrine can he translate at the bible  so he really must have mulled over the meaning   of words when he translated it right who  was the other one who translated the bible   tindal kendall is the other great bible translator  and if it weren't for tyndall we wouldn't have the   english bible but unfortunately they murdered  tyndall before he completed it now tendril used   to be a roman catholic prelate so of course they  couldn't burn him alive so they had to strangle   him on the stake before they murdered him so  they strangled him and then they burnt him and   then a man by the name of john rogers took up the  work and finished it and when he just finished it   they nabbed him to and put him on the stake and  he denied transubstantiation that the host and   catholicism becomes the literal body of christ he  said it was a symbol like all protestants believe   and they said to him recant and say that  you believe the roman catholic version or   will burn you to death he said put the fire on  it and he died so what do these people believe martin luther continues for since we call it  a sleep we know that we shall not remain in it   but be again wakened and live and that the time  during which we sleep shall seem no longer than   if we had just fallen asleep hence we shall send  you ourselves that we were surprised or alarmed   at such a sleep in the hour of death  and suddenly come alive out of the grave   and from decomposition and entirely well fresh  with a pure clear glorified life meet our lord   and savior jesus christ in the clouds scripture  everywhere affords such consolation which speaks   of the death of the saints as if they fall  fell asleep and were gathered to their fathers   that it had overcome death through this  faith and comforting christ and awaited   the resurrection together with the saints who  preceded them in death martin luther's view   do the lutheran still believe that yes or  no no they believe the catholic version william tyndall the other bible translator  british bible translator came to the fence of   the revived teaching of conditional immortality  this is what this as well as other teachings   brought him in direct conflict with the papal  champion thomas moore who strongly objected   against tyndall and luther who in the words of  moore said all souls lie and sleep till doomsday   and tindall who had quite a soft tongue too  sometimes a little bit sarcastic people say   you're not allowed to be sarcastic at all sarcasm  is not a good thing when you preach the gospel   but sometimes elijah was just a little  bit sarcastic maybe bale is asleep maybe you should shout a little  bit louder maybe he's on holiday   and then he says maybe he's relieving himself  it was a little bit sarcastic and so he put   he had an argument with thomas moore  and he said sarcastically and ye   putting them the departed souls in heaven hell  and purgatory destroy the arguments wherewith   christ and paul prove the resurrection and  again if the souls be in heaven tell me   why they be not in as good a case as the angels be  and then what cause is there of the resurrection and then he continues his argument and  he's a little bit sarcastic he says no   paul thou art unlearned go to master more  and learn a new way we be not most miserable   though we rise not again for our souls  go to heaven as soon as we be dead   and are there in as great joy as christ  that is risen again and i marvel that paul   had not comforted the thessalonians with that  doctrine if he had wasted if we'd known about it   if that the souls of the dead should rise  again if the souls be in heaven in as great   glory as the angel after your doctrine show me  what cause should there be of the resurrection and so through this argument everything falls  into place there's no purgatory that's nonsense   so indulgences must be nonsense there's no limbo  i mean even pope benedict agreed that limbo can   be taken out of catholic doctrine so there's no  limbo and there's no communication with the dead so what does the bible tell us let's just  go through a few brief verses so we'll just   substantiate what we have heard genesis 2 7  and the lord god formed man out of the dust   of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the  breath of life and man became a living soul didn't   receive a living soul he became a living soul  so in other words if you combine the physical   elements of this body with the metabolism the  respiratory aspect then i'm a living soul so   what's the living soul what you see here is a  living soul if i stop breathing then i'm dead then   i am a dead soul ecclesiastes 3 verse 19 for that  which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts   even one thing befalleth them as the one  dieth so dieth the other yea they have all   one breath so that a man has no preeminence above  the beast so as a scientist i know that the the   life principles in a in a rodent are no different  to the life principles in a human so i can study   the life principles in a rodent and apply them  to human we do it all the time in the scientific   world there's no difference the only difference  is that when you die god keeps your life and he holds it in reserve until the  resurrection it's like your data is on a desk   on a hard drive and when the time comes  and he says insert then you are there again   but you are not a living entity up there so  the doctrine of the immortality of the soul   if you read in the bible ezekiel 18 the soul  that sinneth the nephesh the soul it shall die   or one timothy 1 17 now unto the king eternal  immortal invisible the only wise god be honor   and glory forever and ever so who has immortality  god has immortality verse chapter 6 14 that thou   keep this commandment without spot unrebukable  until the appearing of our lord jesus christ which   in his time he shall show who is the blessed and  only potentate the king of kings and lord of lords   who only has immortality dwelling in the  light which no man can approach unto whom   no man has seen nor can seen to whom be honor  and power everlasting only god has immortality   jesus says in john 11 11 our friend lazarus  sleepeth but i go that i may awake him out of his   lord of his sleep he shall do well how beard  jesus spoke of his death but they thought   he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep then  said jesus unto them plainly lazarus is dead   now lazarus was already smelling he was stinky  and jesus said to him lazarus come forth   lazarus didn't say why you take me out of heaven he just came forth and carried on with his life  psalms 115 verse 17 the dead prays not the lord   neither any that go down into silence for death  there is no remembrance of thee in the grave   who shall give thee thanks psalm 6 5. nobody  talks to god when they're in the grave there's   silence till the heavens be no more and the bible  says the last day the heavens will recede like a   scroll so till the heavens be no more they shall  not awake nor be raised out of their sleep job 14   verse 12 the bible is pretty clear now there are  some tough verses and there are some plain verses   you can never use a tough verse  to set your doctrine straight   you start with all the simple verses that make  it plain and then you interpret the allegories   in the other verses we'll come to that later  so i think they've got it right rest in peace this comes from pelgram's wrist   all right so i'm not going to talk more  about this doctrine i'll deal with it later   because i'm going to talk about god's kingdom  and then we'll deal with the resurrection and   all of those issues in that lecture but just for  the basis roman catholicism teaches that the soul   is immortal and they acknowledge that the bible  does not teach it is that correct for the purpose   of this lecture that's sufficient that's the  first lie the second lie is you shall be as gods exodus 3 14 and god said unto moses i am that  i am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the   children of israel i am has sent me unto you and  isaiah 46 says i am god and there is none like me   there is only one who is immortal as we have seen  and there's only one who is god so i cannot be god   i'm a created being according to the scriptures  but the serpent says you shall be as gods   now this is rene descartes and rena  descartes was i'll give you one guess a   jesuit a jesuit and he was a philosopher and he  was educated at the jesuit college of la flesh   whatever and he entered the college at the age  of eight years and there he studied and he was   schooled in logic and traditional what aristotle  in philosophy so what we have in catholicism   is aristotle philosophy sold as christian  dogma to humanity and humanity buys it   descartes was a major figure in the 17th century  and his speciality was rationalism and he's famous   for his statement where he said i think therefore  i am okay i think therefore i am now that is a   jesuit statement as a protestant i would like to  change it to my version which would be i think   therefore he is you see the difference between  the two i am only here because he is there   here you are totally on your own now  let's see how far this goes he being a   convinced rationalist clearly states the  reason reason suffices us in the search   for goods if we should seek for him virtue  consists in the correct reasoning that   should guide our action so descartes shifted the  authoritative guarantor of truth from god to man so the guarantor of truth is not god anymore but  man you see rationalism says i can only do and   deal with those things that i can see now martin  heidegger sums it up as followers for descartes   a particular subject lies at the foundation of  its own fixed qualities and changing circumstances   the superiority of a subjective arises out of  the claim of man to a self-supported unshakable   foundation of truth in the sense of certainty  you see i'm here this is a fact i can feel myself   can i feel god no the only thing that's sure  is i'm here here i am why and how does this   claim acquire its decisive authority the claim  originates in that emancipation of man in which   he frees himself from the obligation to christian  revelational truth and church doctrine to a   legislating for himself that takes its stand upon  itself so the word is not the norm i am the norm   i am a reality the word is cannot be the norm so  here's a definition of rationalism the principle   or habit of accepting reason as the supreme  authority on matters of opinion belief or conduct so now you understand this quote by pope  nicolas the pope's will stands for reason   and he can dispense above the law and of wrong  make right by correcting and changing laws i   don't have to listen to revelational truth i don't  have to believe in something that god somewhere   might have said all that i know is here i am i  have a rational mind i don't know whether that   is reality or non-reality but this is reality i'll  make the decisions good where do we go from there   john 15 5 i'm the vine you are the branches  either the bodies and me and i am him bring   us forth much fruit for without me you can do  nothing but the pope says without him i can do   everything so that's why luther believed that  human reason is blind death senseless godless   sacrilegious in its dealings with all god's works  and words so i must i must listen to what god said   catholicism says no step four final genesis  spiritual formation where does it lead thailand   one of the great speakers this is  fordham university press praising him   and saying you know this is one of the great  teachers of the world now what was thailand jesuit yes and he was the father of the  phyllis philosophy of the united nations   he was the embodiment of united nations philosophy  what did he write the outcome of the world the   gates of the future the entry into the superhuman  will open only to an advance of all together   in a direction in which all together can join and  find completion in a spiritual renovation of the   earth once complete unity has been achieved did  we just see the signing of the unity of religions   christ who will be the amiga point will appear man  will then be more than man what twilight called   ultra human the cosmos will be transformed  and the glory of it all will be established   he wrote a general convergence of religions  upon a universal christ who satisfies them all   that seems to me the only possible conversion of  the world and the only form in which a religion   of the future can be conceived so we don't have  to come up to the standard of christ christ has   come has to come down to a standard that satisfies  all religions must be a universal christ cannot be   a christ of exclusivity cannot be the  one who says there's no other name and he dreamed of humanity merging into god  and each one realizing his own godhood at the   mega point so this is the basis of the entire  new age movement now let's go to the catechism   of the catholic church and if you think  my source is obscure what's it say there   vatican dot va their official webpage article 460  the word became flesh to make us partakers of the   divine nature for this is why the word became man  and the son of god became the son of man so that   man by entering into communion with the word  and thus receiving divine friendship might   become a son of god for the son of god  became man so that we might become god the only begotten son of god wanting  to make us share us in his divinity   assumed our nature so that he  made man might make men gods serpent language or biblical language second  doctrine official doctrine of the roman catholic   church second lie in the garden of eden now  knowing good and evil that was the third lie   he will be able to know good and evil you will  be like god you will be able to distinguish   between right and wrong martin luther said man is  a fallen being he can only come back into harmony   with god by the spirit of god that works through  the word catholicism says no i i think therefore i   am by my reason i will decide between  good and evil now where does that lead   this is richard m gula richard m gular there's a  picture of him he's a professor jesuit professor   and he writes the followers i'm trying to show  you how jesus think and what protestantism i   do is doing when it puts its pen to  paper and acknowledges the supremacy   of the roman catholic pontiff that  they understand what they are doing   the magisterium all right what's the magisterium  the magisterium is the hierarchy of the roman   catholic church which consists of the pope his  cardinals and his bishops that's the magisterium   the magisterium has appealed to natural law as  the basis for its teachings pertaining to a just   society sexual behavior medical practice human  life religious freedom and the relationship   between morality and civil law excuse me how much  is therefore decided upon the basis of natural law   everything everything what you do in your  bedroom to what you do in the toilet is   natural law in any case the development  of natural law tradition among christian   thinkers is not is due not so much to  the scripture as to the influence of what   greek philosophy can you now see  why the body of this beast is what   leopard leopard it's greek philosophy it's not  biblical it's not biblical out of their mouth   now let's see what else he has to say he's quoting  lumen gentium which is the papal encyclical and he   writes in matters of faith and morals the bishops  speak in the name of christ and the faithful   accept their teaching and adhere to it with  religious ascent of soul this religion's religious   submission of will and of mind must be shown in a  special way to the authentic teaching authority of   the roman pontiff even when he is not speaking  ex-cathedra jesuit speaking what's he saying   you will obey and you will give a scent  of soul ignatius went so far as to say   even if god should give you a dog as a general  you will obey him and if he says it is black and   you know that it is white then you will say that  it is black in other words you will be brain dead   okay let's see how far they go with this this  is again the same jesuit professor speaking   in my treatment of formation of conscience i  pointed out that character is formed in community   by committing our freedom to a particular object  of loyalty i wonder who that particular object of   loyalty should be he's just told us up there  and then by internalizing the images rituals   traditions which the community has fashioned in  order to carry the meaning attached to that object   of loyalty good grief is this biblical yes or no  no it now opens the door for all kinds of idolatry   and accepting the authority of one man is the  ultimate of idolatry now what does religious   ascent or submission of will and mind mean  in moral matters is explaining it further   religious ascent or submission means that such  effort and appropriation are motivated by the   conviction that jesus has commissioned the church  to teach and that the spirit guides the church in   truth francis a sullivan an ecclesiologist from  the gregorian university in rome has analyzed this   expression in his masterful work magisterium so  here you have one jesuit commanding another jesuit   so now let's see what the other jesuit has  to say about the teaching authority in the   catholic church he says quote as i understand  it then to give the required obsiquium religion   you know what that means do you  know what it means to be obsequious means to be totally dutiful submissive  you're obsequious excuse me sir that   i should dare to come into your presence  that's being obsequious executive religiosium   submission of mind to the teaching of  the ordinary magisterium means to make an   honest and sustained effort to overcome  any contrary opinion i might have   and to achieve a sincere ascent of mind to this  teaching so even if i believe the exact opposite   i must come into harmony with his teaching now i  have a serious question here and let's unpack that the official text of the national category  directory sharing the light it is the task   of the catechesis to elicit ascent to all that the  church teaches for the church is the indispensable   guide to the complete richness of what jesus  teaches when faced with questions which pertain to   dissent from non-infallible teaching of the church  it is important for catechists to keep in mind   that the presumption is always in favor  of magisterium you will always believe   what they said only a system of tight  syllogism which leaves no room for the personal   effective element you must leave  no room for your own thinking   would come near guaranteeing certitude about  knowing and doing what god requires and enables who dietrich bonhoeffer you know he was he was  the lutheran theologian who dared to raise his   voice against the injustice of the nazis he  was imprisoned tortured mutilated murdered   by the regime this is what he wrote through the  call of jesus men become individuals willy-nilly   they are compelled to decide and that decision  can only be made by themselves it is no choice   of their own that makes them individuals it is  christ who makes them individuals by calling them   every man is called separately and must follow  alone but men are frightened of solitude and they   try to protect themselves by merging themselves in  the society of their fellow men and their material   environment just because the whole majority runs  in one direction doesn't mean that you have to   thank you now here's something more important in  my mind why did jesus die for me and for you why   could he not have solved the problem another way  said you are all obedient i'll make you obedient   no he chose to die rather than take away my  freedom of choice am i correct in my thinking   he chose to die rather than take away my freedom  of choice who are they to tell me i must give up   my freedom of choice who are they is this the  work of god or is this the work of the devil cardinal rafassi at assisi this is the prayer  get-together of all religious communities   that is held in rome now this is in german  unfortunately but i can translate it for you   it says there is in the great religious  communities since years a general exchange of   ideas and dialogue but the great danger consists  in those dangerous fundamentalist organizations of   movements that is what a inter-religious dialogue  is about it is light and dark and the light colors   stand for dialogue whereas the dark colors are  those who want to exclude themselves from dialogue assisi is a great opportunity for the light  side of the inter-religious dialogue and to   strengthen it so that the so-called dark side  of the community and religion can be opposed   or perhaps removed entirely this is the  whole aim and purpose of a successful   inter-religious dialogue all right so  what's the dark side fundamentalists now   here they are all of them together the buddhists  and the you know the religious leaders of the   world and who's welcome there well national  reporter says according to cardinal rafassi   the decision to invite atheists to assisi is  welcomed and it was a decision by the pope himself   part of the right side in a [ __ ] one of the four  bulgarian philosophers a feminist and an atheist   will be a speaker and the pope shocked many  listeners when he declared that agnostics   who struggle with the questions of god are  closer to the kingdom than routine catholics   whose hearts are untouched by faith the theme of  the day is programs of truth programs of peace   and common responsibility to build a society based  on truth where do they want to build the society   yeah based on truth but excuse me i have a little  problem here because the bible defines truth   and there's just a few definitions of truth in  the bible the first definition that comes to mind   is jesus is the way the truth and the life jesus  is the truth the second definition that comes to   mind is thy word is truth the third definition you  find in psalms 119 i think it's worth 151 or 152   all thy commandments are truth   now excuse me how do you want to find truth in an  interreligious dialogue if you exclude those three   you're in big trouble and what is the  fundamentalist so let's go to the dictionary fundamentalism this is the reader's digest  word power dictionary form of protestant   christianity which beholds belief in the  strict literal interpretation of the bible   let's get another dictionary in case we get scared   this is a very modern dictionary we'll  come to it's a it's a   web dictionary and it says fundamentalism a  movement in american protestantism that arose in   the early part of the 20th century in reaction  to modernism that stresses the infallibility   of the bible not only in matters of faith and  morals but also as a literal historical record   holding as essential to christian faith beliefs  such as the doctrine of the creation of the world   the virgin birth the physical resurrection  atonement for the sacrificial death of   christ and the second coming if you believe  in any one of those you're a fundamentalist   you are dark you have to be removed from society now let's see how they want to set up the kingdom  now it gets interesting because their kingdom   is based on creating a home for man on this  earth where everybody is in total subjection   to the will of whom of the papacy the new kingdom  now a millennialism there's no specific period of   a thousand year reign the period applies to the  whole of church history this is the view held by   roman catholicism and some conservative protestant  groups catholics don't believe in a millennium   where christ reigns they believe in the  millennium where the church reigns okay   we're going to leave out the others till later   there's an initiative in the world which  is called seven mountains initiative   and people like bill bright founder of campus  crusade lauren cunningham francis schaefer   these are all people that are involved we would  have to affect the seven spheres or mountains of   society that are the pillars of any societies the  seven mountains are business government media arts   and entertainment education family religion so  how much of society must be under their control   all of it okay and those involved are change  agents so they put up a pyramid and they say   this is what we have to conquer just as ancient  israel had to conquer so we have to conquer   these the national reviewer line  says on building a tower of babel   according to the vatican in today's world  we can only sell our save ourselves together   in fact the holy see even suggests the creation  of a global political authority able to govern   problems and challenges which have now gained  global dimensions through the consensus and   subsidiarity so let's all work together all the  religions come together everyone comes together   and ready vatican had a fascinating discussion  vatican calls for vine financial regulatory body   so we want to organize the world's  finances and then they said the spirit   of the building of the tower of babel was  yesterday but now we have the spirit of pentecost   where the spirit says we are one human family  well let's just unpack that a little bit   before the tower of babel there was how many human  families one and what happened at the tower of   babel god separated them now they are saying what  god has separated we will put it together again so   we are building a new tower of babel and this time  we will succeed and humanity will come together   so when europe was proclaimed they put this  poster out and the first president of europe   put this poster all over europe and you can see  that it's the tower of babel under construction   and there are 11 stars but they're all in the  shape of the goat of mendes they're upside down   and fascinatingly the 11th one or the  12th one is hidden so you only see 11.   and 11 in the occult is the number of chaos  but if you unpack it a little more you will see   in the background there pyramids and if  you look at the faces of these people   they are all robotic they have been trained  not to think for themselves fascinating   benedict called for a new world order and then  this man became very prominent in the religious   world we'll be dealing with what he has to  say his name is rick joyner he has literally   millions of followers and just to make sure that  you know where his allegiance lies what is he   he's a knight of malta and he says the true  soldiers of the cross are mobilizing the   church is about to be clothed with  a beauty that is beyond this world and here are some of his friends the high  military officials of the united states army   and you'll see they're also knights of malta and  he stated this war is a battle for the hearts and   minds of the people it is a spiritual war  and the weapons are spiritual not carnal   so we have to fight for the mind  the whole world what after the beast   wandered after the beast it's a battle for  your mindset to get your mind set right   then he says the kingdom of god will not  be socialism but a freedom even greater   than anyone on earth knows at this time  at first it may seem like totalitarianism as the lord will destroy the antichrist spirit  now dominating in the world with the sword of   his mouth and will shatter many nations like  pottery instead of taking away liberties and   becoming more domineering the kingdom will move  from a point of necessary control while people are   learning truth integrity on earth and how to make  decisions to increase liberty so that they can and another place he says we have to train them  like little children so that they come in line   so this kingdom is a totalitarian kingdom   set up by these humans where they control  every aspect of life and you will be retrained   if you dare to think for yourself john 18 36  jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world   if my kingdom were of this world then my  servants wouldn't fight that i should not   be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not  from hence can you see we've got two kingdoms here   this is the kingdom being set up on  earth and there's another kingdom   which is from god and certainly it won't start  with vicious control so the kingdom will start out   necessarily authoritative in many ways or in many  areas but will move towards increasing liberty and   those who are called to rule and reign with him  must start thinking much bigger and then he says   when i was praying this morning i saw a large  bowl of fire come out of heaven it came right   at me and i knew there was no way i could avoid it  so i didn't even try it hit me right in the chest   i was then shown the most beautiful bridal dress  i had ever seen it was truly out of this world   supernaturally beautiful then the voice of the  lord came to me and said help my bride put on   this dress the church is about to be clothed  with the beauty that is beyond this world   she's going to make herself ready and become  the glorious bride our lord deserves help her who is his church the roman catholic church   where every single doctrine is the  opposite of what the bible says   who's the lord and so they get all the religious  bodies together working particularly with the   bible belt and the pentecostal world and they  organized the call nashville 777 they love working   with occult numbers i believe that 777 will  be a pivotal date so that was 2007 they all   came together at nashville thousands of people  and it was a unique date and there were many   conversions and people confessed their sins it  all sounds marvelous but it was a seven mountain   initiative to get the mindset of the people  into a mind frame where they want to control   all governmental systems then they marched now  look how it went exactly 40 years after the   rebellion of 1967 hiptim movement starting the day  on of the pentecost on may 28 2007 call for a fast   of 40 days prayer walk on 777 2.7 miles crossed  140 they've got all these things in it to make it   in harmony with occult numerology god is allowing  his bride body to enter his promise of rest   and then they bring israel into it was 40  years after ago in the summer of 1967 when   israel re-took jerusalem so they're  mingling judaism with christianity that being over the next event was 11-11-11  which was the call and now they became   bluntly political and so thousands upon thousands  came together in the stadium and the republican   candidates for the presidency were the speakers  governor rick perry initiated the response in   houston and it's also part of the seven mountain  initiative so the whole world is being led into   a mindset and we are being told things without  knowing what is being said so let's look at some   of the subliminals this was the last olympics  i'm very interested in waiting for the new ones   the occult symbolism of the 2012 olympic opening  and closing ceremony so that we can learn what   this kingdom that they're setting up is about  and who the god of that kingdom really is   vigilant citizens showed us what the stadium  looked like and the lighting of course was   in harmony with the pyramid pyramid on the  dollar and used in occultism which represents   another deity and its logo was 2012 olympics but  if you unpack it you'll see there's a dot in the   middle there which doesn't fit into 2012 so if  you unpack it you could rearrange it like this   now the beijing olympics had the same hidden  logo it reads zion now to most people zion means   jewish supremacy and judaism and israel and  all of those things not to the insider zion   is an acronym for the new world government  that's what zionism is so the uh the mascots   were called wenlock and mandible and they had only  one eye the all-seeing eye is a symbol of lucifer   now why were they called winloch and mandible  they chose two towns for some reason but the   real reason is because they start with a w and  an m which are the occult symbols for the zionist   masonic state now let's see how far they went  with their symbolism in the opening ceremonies   this was the stadium and they had a representation  here of glastonbury tour which is a hill   out in england the mystical mythical spiraled hill  glastonbury tour look overlooks pastoral england   it's one of the oldest sacred sites in england  to be the intersection of powerful ley lines   the tor is related to many mystical stories for  example the legends of king arthur were the twelve   knights you must understand that occultism is a  a counterfeit of the biblical story jesus was the   central figure there were 12 apostles around them  so in rosicrucianism there's always one central   master with 12 around them so the 12 in round one  becomes a occult experience so king arthur also   had 12 nights and the round table now the real  glastonbury tour has since michael's church on the   top of it and it's a site of christian pilgrimages  but it's also a site of seasonal rituals with   ritual magicians witches pagans and various occult  and spiritual festivals which take place there   and they had the great ceremony of the industrial  revolution and then what would be the culmination   there's also a called symbolism in there which i  don't want to go into then they brought down the   great pyramid which was in white and they built  this pyramid on the center stage and then they   bowed down in front of the pyramid and then as  they were all bowed down a screen appeared and   lennon appeared on the screen and he sang the  song imagine john lennon was shown singing imagine   there's no country now listen carefully  to the words because this is an insider   song because the the beatles according  to many sources were controlled directly   by the jesuits and john lennon himself  said that he sold his soul to the devil   imagine there's no countries it isn't hard to do  nothing to kill or die for and no religion too imagine all the people living life in peace  you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the   only one i hope someday you'll join us and  the world will be as one the older ones   amongst us will remember this song imagine no  possessions we've spoken about that haven't we   i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger  brotherhood of man imagine all the people   sharing all the world then the little children  had to bow down on the pyramid dressed in white   can you see them there they also had other  things about brain surgery and brainwashing   and all kinds of interesting stuff which  i'm not going to go into tonight and then   always the astrological aspect all these  events are always timed astrologically   for example the presidents of the united states  like reagan never made a move without consulting   astrology so the rings of the olympic games were  under the london bridge and at that night when   the ceremony took place there was a full moon  and it completed the rings now the five rings   of course are the five continents linked  together and the moon or the sun is the   male or the female aspect of the deity who  is lucifer now let's make sure about that   they then brought out the octopus who has eight  and the number eight is the number also of christ   and of antichrist accumulating the world  under his tentacles and then the phonics arose   out of the ashes now the phonics is a  symbol of lucifer you'll also find him   on the main altar of saint john's lateran the  chief roman catholic church and then dancer   darcy barcell makes an eye-catching entrance  dressed like the phoenix and she comes in   and the royal dancers dance  to the spirit of the flame and then this group take that sings to the phonics  rule the world rule who who's supposed to rule   this world is it jesus christ or is it lucifer  that was pretty blatant if you go to the united   nations then you have the great mural upon the  wall of the united nations where the phoenix   rises from a world in ashes didn't they just  previously say that even whole nations will   be brought into submission and whole nations  will disappear well this is a fascinating story   god's plan is to unite all humanity says the pope  that has never been god's plan god says go ye into   all the world and teach the gospel come out of her  my people and join god's church only in christ can   you become one only in christ there will always  be conflict but in christ we can be one whether   we are of whichever race or tribe or nation so  okay he says let's all be one now here was the   second video this is ban ki-moon visiting pope  francis after his inauguration i'm almost done is your holiness it's a great honor   for this conversation from there from the  united nations nations and the holy see uh i'm just coming back from the vatican i  was greatly honored to have an audience   so early in this tenure i told his  holiness that his choice of name   after saint francis of assisi was a  powerful message for the many goals   and principles shared by the united nations i  was especially privileged to meet pope francis   as we mark one thousand days to the deadline  for the millennium development goals one thousand days to the  development goals deadline   now what is that end poverty 2015.  excuse me what year are we in now 2050. so by the year 2015 in  september of the year 2000   leaders came together and they said that we must  by 2015 eradicate extreme poverty achieve full   reproductive a productive employment and decent  work for all including women and young people   reduced by half the proportion of people who  suffer from hunger achieve universal primary   education promote gender equality and empower  women and reduce child mortality combat hiv   aids ensure environmental sustainability  develop global partnership for development   how do you eradicate poverty within this year  still if you took all the riches of the world   and you put them all together it would not  be a drop in the ocean there's another way   in which you can do it if you can't eradicate  the poverty maybe you can eradicate the poor   is that a possibility so let's go to the georgia  guidestones these are tremendous guidestones that   were placed there by insider organizational people  in georgia the united states they're built exactly   according to ancient occult and masonic guidelines  let these be guide stones to an age of reason now   we've spoken a lot about reason and whose will  stands for reason the popes clusters babylonian   cuneiform classical greek egyptian hieroglyphics  sanskrit all these languages on the guide stones   the guidestones were erected by the  author rc christian which is a pseudonym   the person who erected them sponsors a small  group of americans who seek the age of reason   and then there's a time capsule  underneath with a date which hasn't   been placed there yet when it will be open  now let's just unpack this a little bit   heard that the pope's will stands for reason  the people who erected the guide stones   the chief man there is a pseudonym rc  christian could you unpack that for me   is it possible that it could  stand for roman catholic christian   then let's have a look these are the guidestones  they're very well protected it says number one   maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual  balance with nature as the first guidestone   maintain humanity under 500 million that's a  half a billion people now what is supposed to   happen to the other six and a half billion  that are on the planet at the moment   interesting guide reproduction wisely unite  humanity with a living language rule passion   faith tradition and all things with tempered  reason protect people and nations with fair laws   let all the nations rule internally resolving  external disputes in a world court avoid petty   laws balance personal riches with social duties  price truth beauty be not a cancer leave room for   nature there's nothing there about christianity  this is the new world order now the bible says   that if christ would not  intervene no flesh would survive   so we have two kingdoms in opposition one  to another the one is a kingdom being set   up right now in the world it's well on the way  to being established and there will be a great   call for everyone to unite with this kingdom  and if you don't then you are anti-social   you are anti-justice you are anti-everything  that will further the aims and goals of humanity   if you opt for the kingdom of god which entails  obedience to god because you cannot accept jesus   only as your savior you must also accept him  as your king and as such you fall under the   rules of his government which is the ten  commandments which is his law that is the   choice we have to make so i'm not afraid about  them wanting to kill large proportions of mankind   because god said a thousand will fall by  your side ten thousand by your right hand   revelation 19 11 and i saw heaven open and behold  a white horse and he that sat upon him was called   faithful and true and in righteousness he does  just judge and make war his eyes were as the flame   of fire on his head were many crowns and he had a  name written that no man knew but he himself and   he was closed with a vesture dipped in blood and  his name is called the word of god this is jesus   and the armies which were in heaven followed  him upon white horses those are the angels   clothed in fine lemon white and clean  and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword   that with it he shall smite the nations  and he shall rule them with a rod of   vine and he treadeth the winepress of the  fierceness of the wrath of god almighty   daniel 2 34 says while you're watching a rock  was cut out not by human hand this is a divine   rock the rock of ages it struck the statue which  stands for the political systems of the world   it struck the statue on its feet of iron  and clay and smash them who rules the feet   of iron and clay who roll rules amongst the  ten toes the little horn power it will be   struck and it will do what to them smash them  and the bible says not leaving them a trace   so the feet will be struck and then the iron the  clay the bronze the silver were broken to pieces   at the same time now excuse me  these were sequential kingdoms   that was babylon that was me to persia that was  greece that was wrong that was the divided roman   entity but it says here they were struck  at the same time does babylon still exist politically not does mr persia still exist   politically not does the world greek  empire still exist politically not   does the roman empire still exist politically  not but where do they all exist still in the beast of revelation chapter 13 because  it had the head of a lion had the body of a   leopard it had the feet of a bear and it had  ten horns and it ruled it had crowns on them   so the system that rules at the end all of these  embodied in catholicism what will happen to it   were broken to pieces at the same time and  they became like chuff on the threshing   floor in the summer the wind swept them  away without leaving a trace but the rock   that struck the statue became a huge mountain  and filled the earth the kingdom of god   as opposed to the kingdom of the  antichrist that's our choice what's yours amen
Channel: Stream Facts
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Keywords: walter veith, testimony
Id: JHJVoxesIww
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Length: 105min 43sec (6343 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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