Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Science, Falsely So Called - What's Up, Prof? 57

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of what's up prof hello walter hi how are you i'm fine that's good i see we're speaking about science today that's a you like that subject yes i like science yeah because you're a scientist so they say there's some interesting things that we're going to discuss so let's ask the lord to help us our heavenly father thank you for bringing us together again we ask again please help us with the holy spirit enlighten our minds and bless this discussion in jesus name amen amen i see we're a little bit closer i can almost yeah we've called this one science falsely so-called now is there anything wrong with science no but there's something wrong with science falsely so called right yes now i've always been interested in science i love science and i drove my poor mother nuts because my entire room was full of insects and bugs and critters and i built all kinds of things to see what the animals do i built tunnel ways and things out of plaster of paris and caught queens of ants and put them in there and watched the process and i built telescopes when i was a kid and i used to go to the library in those days you went to the library if you wanted books that's sort of history right it didn't go to google and i used to go and get all the science books down there and i still remember them they were horizon books of science and that's what i used to read when i was a kid and people would think i'm a little bit crazy and i built contraptions and got into trouble and built bombs so science was always my thing and i loved biology and physiology in particular and that was my life and let's put it quite categorically there's nothing wrong with science but there's something terribly wrong with the philosophy of science and this is what we're talking about here we're talking about a type of science so if you want to go to the bible verses and you go to first timothy chapter 6 20 o timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science so called it's sort of a a fatherly appeal right yeah don't get hung up and lost in these vain babblings and if you look it up in the concordances then the word for science there is gnosis knowing knowledge by implication knowledge science and of course it pertains largely to the science of salvation and the gnostics of course had the idea that christ was not divine in any other sense then we are also divine and if you look up in tears concordance then it gives us a little bit more information knowledge signifies in general intelligence and understanding the general knowledge of the christian religion the deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of this religion such as belongs to the more advanced especially of things lawful and unlawful for christians moral wisdom such as is seen in right living but it also means as we see here in strong's knowledge or science basically the science of salvation and how it all fits together but god is also the author of general science and the laws of thermodynamics and all of these things are laws that are built into the creation and some science violates these laws if you take the laws of thermodynamics and you take the law on entropy everything tends towards disorder then evolution is the reversal of that law of thermodynamics because then you have order out of chaos that's an occult principle yes whereas in god's word there was also chaos but through the word it became organized organized exactly so there is science and there is science and when i think back of my own life the science itself was fascinating how everything works how the physiology works how chemicals talk to each other i loved organic chemistry i took it as a major in my university career and i love biochemistry and biology and physiology and how everything functions and how how beautiful it all fits together and when i discovered god then it's it suddenly blossomed yeah i was always wondering how scientists if they believe in god then you can just like you just mentioned it elevates the science and god even more absolutely it is a it is an elevating experience that you cannot describe but you have to turn your thinking around 180 degrees because what you've been taught yes not in terms of the science but in terms of the philosophy behind the science and once the philosophy of science becomes integrated with the science itself then you also can have reversals and if you take the creation account how geology sees the phenomena in the world the stratigraphic layers and the rocks how they interpret them and how you would interpret them under a model where you use catastrophism and the flood they are diametrically opposed to each other and once you you go to the root of it then you will find that the interpretation that the world uses is not even logical yeah it cannot be logical because how can you have flat layers saying that they once represented the surface of the earth and there is no evidence of erosion between the layers that doesn't make any sense and then it's also the time periods between those layers are millions of years so when there is no basis for it other than an extraneous philosophy that is attached to something because you cannot date these these layers and then you have the circular reason in science that the dates are determined by the fossils and the fossils are determined by the layers that's circular reasoning so once your thinking has been turned round then you start seeing things in a different light and you get an understanding which is on a direct collision cause with the way the world thinks and this is the problem exactly and this is where god in his word gives us very clear directives and the world does the exact opposite it's actually um sad because if anything that is let's say scientific in the bible is totally negated through science today they say exactly if you say something because the bible says so they you they think you're an idiot now you can take any science you have more than just hard science you have many sciences science of archaeology for example there is a science in archaeology that is in total harmony with the bible but secular archaeology is in direct opposition to the bible so let's think about that you have darwinism which totally negates genesis right and you have a science that is just as much as science which other people would call a conspiracy which totally supports the bible so you have creation science and you have science now the scientists will say now excuse me creation science in itself is a misnomer because you can't have creation and science it's either one or the other and like the scientists say themselves you cannot allow a divine foot in the door but what if creation is truth then you would have to rephrase that and say you may not allow truth to interfere with your science well then it's no longer science then it's science falsely so-called yes because if truth is truth then you have to allow for truth to come into this equation yeah right 100 so let's have a look at the broad spectrum of the world and ask ourselves a few questions when it comes to creation is there a true science and a false science yep yes these have the rocks changed nope have the fossils within the rocks change no has the oil under the ground changed no no none of it right has the anatomy of the animals changed no no so you're still looking at the exact same data that's science but the way in which you interpret them is totally different correct and the one is true science and the other one is science falsely so-called all right let's not talk about just the creation issue we spoke about archaeology is there an interpretation that confirms the bible yes and is there an interpretation that negates the bible yes yes okay let's take health health is supposed to be thoroughly grounded in science i mean we have a vast medical field out there that seems to be in the business of science right and this is what you have to listen to exactly now i taught at the university i know what that science is because i was involved in teaching it and even in those that i didn't teach i was involved there because you have to know enough so that if someone gets sick that you take over those classes right yes so you are a jack of all trades and a specialist of one or maybe two if you're lucky so i know what is taught at the university level now let's take the issue of nutrition the medical world out there in the secular universities is the so-called expert when it comes to nutrition how much nutrition do they get in their course probably virtually none maybe a week or two and then once you've studied it through it's basically all wrong yeah okay that's why it is so volatile and once they say this and then they say that now there are scientists that do research on these issues and there are thousands and thousands of publications of true science that is done but does that true science necessarily filter through to the classroom no no it's like when you've got it will also not filter through to the public definitely not so when i started discovering the issues on health for example that the world is totally led up the garden path that the original diet according to the bible was a plant-based diet and the world has a different diet it's interesting to me that the world is now talking about a plant-based diet so it seems like you know everything is going full circle but even then it will be distorted exactly because the reasons as to why you have to change from one to the other are not valid right so when i started lecturing on the health issue i got great opposition and eventually it took a few years and i no longer had to defend myself because they caught up they caught up yes and the world was saying more than what i was saying in the beginning so it's interesting that a lot of that opposition came from people who were supposed to be grounded in this particular subject and in the word of god right yeah so if you take the health issue you can be so manipulated by the world that you begin to see things in the same light as the world sees them and then even those that are supposedly grounded in the word of god will run with the mainstream and we can see it in the world today no matter what the science is we're talking about so we won't go into too many details there because we still want to be able to talk about these things right so there's a true science and there is a false science there is a science of a philosophy of science which is true and there is a philosophy of science which is false so let us talk about the echo yes science that that is so prevalent in the world today and we have our doomsday prophets in the eco world that are telling us now is the time to have a total reset or else right so here is an article from 2019 comes from the competitive enterprise institute and it says wrong again 50 years of failed eco-apocalyptic predictions it's a very interesting word that is combining the apocalypse which is a biblical term with the ecology that seems to be a very prevalent thing in the world right and it's leading somewhere yes and and this is our job right that's it to link it to where we're heading exactly this is this is what our job is because you have to be watchmen on the walls of zion and you have to give this trumpet a certain sound so that people will know what is coming because it never comes through the front door no it always sneaks in via the back door everything that's in front of you just know that there's something behind the scenes also going now what's very strange to me martin is that so many people even within the church have their eyes fixed on the front door yes well the guy with a knife has come in by the back door right so we have to be very careful we have to have eyes all around i heard a comparison a popular one a magician he keeps you busy with the one hand while the other one is doing something else something else and that's where the the deception the perception you actually shouldn't look at the hand that is prominent you should look at the other one right now when you look at the the cherubs that are described that are associated with god's throne they have eyes all around around yeah so that's a symbolic picture of what we should be doing we should be looking at every angle right and not jump onto a bandwagon just because it is called science beware of science falsely so-called could that also mean science mis-applied and misused for a personal agenda yes definitely that's does that necessarily negate the science or does that negate their agenda their agenda okay so modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disasters since the 1960s and they continue to do so today one of the experts on these predictions is of course the papacy none of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true now not one now we spoke about false prophets last time can we talk about science falsely so-called yes isn't that the same thing same thing okay especially if they're going to link the science to the apocalyptic right so what follows this collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science more than merely spotlighting the failed predictions this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science so a scientist said it yes you better believe it better no matter at what level we are speaking which brings me to another one the science is settled they usually say it's settled is that can that happen is the science of evolution settled they can settle it as much as it likes it still looks like mud so there are all of these failed predictions while such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines the failures are typically not revisited this is an axiom this is truth that typically not revisited is what you were mentioning earlier exactly that's wrong there is some of it that's truth but that never falters through to the student or the public the same if the if it's been shown that that wasn't true you never see that in the headlines okay so may i be so naughty as to ask whether these scientists with all of their predictions are any better than q and on no you're making them conspiracy exactly well let's just go to the bible i like to go to the bible this is worse in genesis 1 verse 1 which says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth i mean everybody knows that verse right it's the first verse in the bible and it just is so interesting that god would put it so succinctly so simply so straightforward this is the way it is take it or leave it and humanity says let's leave it but god says you can leave it but you're gonna end up where you're ending up now believing a lot of nonsense and having to work out hours and hours and hours of study and millions and millions of dollars to try and negate just that first sentence okay let me just ask a question how much money is spent on furthering the theory on ev of evolution every single university yeah what about cern yes that's whole hydron collider that's built the millions of euros that goes into that thing exactly but that's still science trying to find out you know what's going on what does everything consist of but on furthering a philosophy of science how many salaries are paid how many university institutions have been created how many sub-institutions furthering basically the lie of evolution billions and billions of dollars right so they're not only throwing around with billions of years they're throwing around with billions of dollars wasted money in the beginning god created in the story and i must say if they if they took that sentence as true i think we would have seen so much more breakthroughs in science they think religion is restrictive you know what martin when i was a scientist i was restricted yeah i had an interest which was focused on science and now that that bubble has been burst my interest includes so many more things and i can be involved in discussions of so many more things than before that it becomes irritating to some people so religion is expanding not just restricting and then they're always talking about change and what's going to happen and fear-mongering and there will be no food there will be no this there will be no that and everything will become a desert genesis 8 verse 22 while the earth remaineth sea time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease that's a promise if you take god at its at his word is there a reason for panic in that verse no no it's going to continue until the end right yes so the only thing that's going to change is the hype yes he created and he's in control don't deal it's very liberating isn't it matthew 24 37 and 38 but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving into marriage until the day that noah entered the ark so will things continue until the end yes or no yes so what is all the screaming about it might be in a little bit different way than you used to little bit more restricted maybe a mask on your face or so but it will continue it will continue until the gray day yes so let's have a look at some of these interesting things that uh have been predicted and we don't have to go into great detail and read every verse over here but here's an article from 1970 where they said ice age by the year 2000 so there's going to be global freezing it's amazing that it now became global warming right yeah so we went from global freezing to global warming that's why i think they changed it to climate change yeah so thursday april 16 1970 scientists predict a new ice age by the 21st century air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century the demands for cooling water will boil dry the entire flow of rivers and streams of continental united states everything is going to be bone dry and a frozen desert did it come true no but this is scientists this is science and we have to listen to the science don't we yeah and here's another one from 1980 acid rain kills life in legs now there's no doubt that acid rain was a problem and that the ph went down i myself gave lectures on ecology when i was at the university and yes this is a fact but is it a universal phenomenon or is it a local phenomenon and if we just go a few years later 10 years later the us government program formed to study acid rain concluded acid rain no environmental crisis study concludes so here's a long article we're not going to go through it it's just they say something no they were religious prophets what would we say what would the bible criteria say unfortunately you don't qualify they're false prophets right so can science be used as a false prophet yes and let's let's ask a little more naughty question can the real false prophet use false science in order to further his agenda yes that is that's the main point that's what it's going to where it's heading and when we look at all these things that happen so here comes the science bandwagon past you're going to going to jump on every bandwagon that passes you by no you're not supposed to what if they tell you that they're going to modify your immune system to such an extent that your own immune system becomes obsolete you don't need it anymore they could get a surprise right correct just a commercial let's not let's not go any further than that in 1978 they said no end in sight to the 30-year cooling trend we're going to freeze to death now isn't it interesting that in the midst of global warming they've had one of the coldest winters on record in the north right so which one was right the global warming or the global cooling uh well take your pick right you can't be killed that's a coin now what if next year is going to be a little bit warmer what are the scientists going to say then it's reversed now we're going oh and now we're back to global warming right you have to follow the science my friend yes so international team of specialists finds no end in sight to the 30-year cooling trend in the northern hemisphere that was in 1978. what came of it let's have a look here is uh and data from nasa according to nasa satellite data there is a slight warming trend since 1979. so here is their graph and they're showing the best trend statistically there's the baseline and as you can see it dips above and above and below the baseline and it's been increasing now this one only goes to 2019 so you know one year later 2020 could be very different ryan all right so instead of a cooling trend we had a warming trend now some scientists will say this warming trend is fascinating especially if you take a spike and then the very next year there is a drop right but if you concentrate all your effort on the spike then you could become an alarmist right yes so don't look at the spikes look at the trend yes be careful because sometimes you can get a 10-year trend and looking over 50 years it's a different story yes and you have you have many trends which run in cycles dropped for example wet seasons dry seasons you have to look at the whole picture and then we must also probably just make it clear we're not saying there's no manipulation going on because the spirit of prophecy also says that satan is studying the laboratories yes of nature and man is quite capable of changing things and seeding clouds etc etc so we've shown that also in previously so there can be very specific interventions which can be interpreted by some in one way and by others in another here's another 1988 prediction james hansen forecasts increased regional drought in the 1990s the miami news more drought likely expert tells senators we're going to get drought so what really happened but the last really dry year in the midwest west was in 1988 and recent years have been record wet so we're in a wet trend so the scientist says we're going to be in a dry trend now we're in a wet trend now he was probably using what was available and he was looking at the peaks and he was making a prediction and his prediction happened to be dead wrong right yeah do we have as we discussed last time religious prophets that make predictions that turn out to be dead wrong yes okay so is there a science that can be falsely so-called yes so here's hansen's forecast date you see what happened there he was relying on a peak into the dry below the norm but then subsequently things turned round our climatologists that have been speaking about global warming have stopped speaking about global warming yes they're now speaking about climate change well let me be very predictive i predict today as a scientist that the winter is going to be colder than the summer i i think i believe you do you think you believe but we'll have to tell everybody but what if i predicted that the winter is going to be warmer this year than the summer was then you've got a problem so i could take a peek like that and make a prediction if you'd used this one i don't know where we'd be then right we'd be in big trouble then james hansen's forecast increased regional drought in 1990 prepare for long hot summers if you like last summer's record temperatures you're going to love the 1990s says james hansen's the nasa scientist what scientist nasa isn't that the flagship up there absolutely right now yeah models just for interest sake when you are taught evolution many many many lectures on the subject at university does that make it true no no when you are taught certain health principles and that you have to have animal protein in your diet and protein was the driving force and animal protein was the better protein because it was a complete protein was that necessarily correct or did it eventually prove to be incorrect well it proved to be incorrect okay so many many lectures and many man hours could have gone into trying to substantiate something which was at the root false yes right how do we know that everything we hear about cosmology is right we will know one day right correct do we know where comets come from they come out of the earth cloud has anybody ever seen the word cloud no no nobody's ever seen it no there's just some some things that we'll have to wait and see it's thumb knowledging comets are there therefore there must be an origin of comets and the man who decided that there was an origin happened to have the name wurt and so it became what's cloud but nobody's ever seen it which means it might exist or it might not exist right it sounds similar to the cloud that you store everything on it's like that little kid after the the scientist had explained you know all the issues of evolution and everything and said everybody must believe it because according to him you can see it the little kid asked him do you have a brain i haven't seen it i almost i know you have one right it didn't materialize because the very next thing was that things turned round so but the number of hot days in the dc area peaked in 1911 and have been declining ever since so again there seems to be a cooling and not a warming all right and there was hansen's forecast date and again you can see based on a hot day and we see this over and over and over here's another one 1988 maldives completely underwater in 30 years threat to the islands because the ocean is going to rise because all this ice is going to flow from greenland and from antarctica etc right and then in 1989 rising seas to obliterate nations by the year 2000 now this comes from the united nations rising seas could obliterate nations un officials so again we have the same kind of prediction this is science this is based on science and it is a senior un environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000 where are we now 1989 new york city west side highway underwater by 2019 is it underwater maybe if it rains a little bit now this is a very interesting one this is uh the global mid tropospheric temperature variations model versus observations so this red line is the model we've discussed this in a previous what's up so we're not going to go back there people can go and watch the one on climate and what happened over there but just for the sake of completeness this is the model that the world uses and all of these trends that you see over here are based on models in other words they are gnosis they are philosophy of science but they're not based on reality yes here are the actual observations okay and there seems to be a trend in the upward direction but if you take this one over here which was from 2015 yeah if you go back in history to about 1988 around about there you'll see that that peak was higher so we have these oscillations these are the actual measurements and this is a predictive trend but it doesn't even come close to the models and you remember al gore with his contraption there with the lift on it that he had to go up into the air to show where the graph was going to go right through the roof yeah well nothing came of it right so they've been doing this for a long time and they're no better than the prophets that we spoke about in our last series correct so let's go to al gore i actually had a lecture about him and prince charles and the environmental issues which was called the beamable sustainable princess because in actual fact al gore as is prince charles are actually from royal bloodlines okay so they're princes and because they had themselves beamed in a hologram to their lecture site apparently i called them the beamable princess and that lecture dealt with religious aspects as well as scientific aspects perhaps you can put a link definitely he's still very active today with the climate changes now if we had to discuss him in the same level as we discussed the [Music] prophetic bodies and people in the religious sphere i think we could put him into the same category right yep so ten years ago al gore predicted the north polar ice cap would be gone inconveniently it's still there that's of course a play on on words because he had this this lecture the inconvenient truth yeah you've been at a movie yes yeah yes correct all right so that was in 2008 when he predicted these things and here's another one arctic sea ice extent area of ocean with at least 15 percent sea ice and you can see that it has increased now martin they love showing the breakdown of the glacier and the ice falling into the sea they love that and it is their exhibit number one when it comes to global warming and the effect of climate change on arctic ice right yeah now i remember a movie i don't know how long it was it was with uh what was it flint iron man flint i think it was around 67 or 16. in the 60s it was it was a american style of james bond yes it was a james bond type movie of the 60s and our man flint and in that movie there one scene there with this ice coming crashing down this has been going on for millennia let alone here in these last few years and people are overawed my this is really happening everything is collapsing and of course every generation will think this is the case right but do they ever look back in history do they ever see this graph exactly so while it crashes down on the one side when the melt time comes in the freeze time it grows again on the other side so here you have the same type of thing and then prince charles prince charles now he's about the same age as i am and he's made so many predictions on climate and he's of course the defender of faith he used to be the defender of the faith but that's gone by the wayside so in 2009 prince charles says there are only eight years to save the planet so i think we're not here anymore i think it's it's all over right but we're still here right so just 96 months to save the world says prince charles now how many of those predictions have we had yeah one after the other right continues and it varies the one gives so much the other and these are all highly placed people right and it's based on science it's based on science you have to listen to the science and this one's interesting in 2014 the french foreign minister said 500 days to avoid climate chaos now i think i actually used this one in one of my lectures a few years ago i think so and this was the secretary of state john kerry welcomed french foreign minister laurent fabius to the state department in washington on tuesday to discuss a range of issues from iran to syria to climate change now john kerry as we have shown says that his number one priority is climate change now 500 days since 2014 and we still haven't had the climate chaos you know what this year where we are living right now it's been one of the best years in terms of climate right yeah we had beautiful temperatures it wasn't nearly as hot as in the previous years i could predict the global cooling depending on this year and we had a wonderful rainy season yes so i predict a global wetting [Laughter] this is how this is how it's going at this stage all right so planet's still standing 500 days after french foreign minister warned of climate chaos they're a little bit tongue-in-cheek here but this is true this is the truth this is the way it is but the sad point is they're still going to use it in order to further an agenda exactly all right so to our listeners we're not here just pulling apart the climate issue the question is not what is happening to the climate the question is what is it useful why is it useful to these people to keep on pushing this button there must be an agenda exactly and you if you think we've showed now from the 60s the prediction still 2015. yes how many generations is that it's about three generations of young people that have gone through this old time so you've the scientists have cho there's no person alive today that has not um been indoctrinated with climate change exactly just like they've been indoctrinated with evolution they never stop they sing the same tune no matter what science you throw at them and all of those all of those i think also in your lectures um genesis conflict you show one after the other the discovery that they've said proves evolution a few years or months later it was shown to not be true but that never gets through to the public the same as this correct so there must be a philosophy behind all of this so what are some of these four costs in 1967 they said they would be dire famine by 1975. did it happen regionally perhaps yes like it has been happening since the time of abraham joseph's the time of joseph right 1969 everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1999. these are actual ones here are the sources 1974 they said a new ice age is coming 2004 britain to have a siberian climate by 2020. you know what they're still just walking around with umbrellas 2008 arctic will be ice free by 2018. did it happen no no 2009 uk prime minister says 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe that's a really good one 50 days that's incredible 2009 arctic ice free by 2014 2013 arctic ice free by 2015. you know what they bought the fiddle and they're going to play it yeah you must it's not going to change this tune is going to stay are these true prophets or are they false prophets all qualify for false prophets they're false prophets but they don't change their tune no so they must be an agenda there must be an agenda now true prophets they also don't change their tune now but then it happens right yeah so what do they say today that's the next question let's listen to the scientists well this one is a very young scientist but prominent enough to be able to speak to congress to congress and to the united nations and to royalty the dalai lama and to the pope himself yes amazing i am submitting this report as my testimony because i don't want you to listen to me i want you to listen to the scientists and i want you to unite behind the science and then i want you to take real action thank you i have a question which one of the scientists do you want to listen to do you think she saw what we just showed i don't think she ever saw that she only had a very one-sided view of what was happening but martin this is the state of the world exactly so again what is the agenda why is it that no matter what you throw at an evolutionary scientist they do not change the game plan no matter what evidence you bring in terms of health they do not change the game plan no matter what evidence you bring in terms of climate they do not change the game plan who's behind it who's behind the theory of evolution well if you go to the top to the very source the devil the devil let's not ask that same question for the others so if this task was urgent before this is time magazine in 2021 if this task was urgent before it's crucial now the u.n says the world has 10 months to get serious on climate goals this is tedious before you read i just want to maybe remind the viewers that since 1965 or whatever when we showed now has there been laws implemented because of climate change absolutely based on what based on and we see all this false narratives and where are we going they're still saying it are we going to see law still implemented all right so they said 500 days the prime minister said 50 days some said 10 months and now we're in 2021 and they're saying 10 months and people believe it they believe it the world believes us yes one thing that's that's really um escalated through this time is how everybody has started to believe this if you repeat something over and over again eventually people come to believe it now john kerry and joe biden have made it quite clear that this is point number one on their agenda and you mentioned somebody else who is it also his top priority the pope the pope okay so the pope has the agenda and the powerful governments of the world have the agenda and the predictions are exactly the same as they were decades ago nothing has changed so the world has precisely 10 months to get our act together if there is to be any hope of staving off a climate catastrophe by the end of the century so now we have to get moving they've sung the tune and everybody knows the melody now this is a bit tongue-in-cheek it says that nature still sets the example never trust a greenie you have a green frog in this little mouse and eventually it'll swallow you up well basically this is joking but there is an element of truth in it right now martin is it only the scientists or is the religious world involved in this oh it is crazy what's happening now what did what did that first verse talk about timothy timothy i would like to say martin martin be careful be very careful of science falsely so-called and he was talking in a religious connotation right yes now when you combine this science with religion then you are striking not just at the physical level but at the moral level yes so here you have the parliament of world religions and it speaks about green faith what's the story with that frog yeah became careful if it's green right day of action march 11 2021 that's come and gone sacred people sacred earth is organized by green faith and the parliament of the world's religions is proud to join communities and organizations around the world in serving as a co-sponsor so now you've joined science and religion and the parliament of world religion represents all the religions of the world and it speaks about sacred people sacred earth this is earth worship number one this is gaia worship and sacred people this sounds like korra everybody is holy everybody is holy what happened to korra by the way okay now what does green faith have to say that is associated with the parliament of world religions mission because the earth and all people are sacred and at risk green faith is building a worldwide multi-faith climate and environmental movement our vision we envision a world transformed in which humanity in all its diversity has developed a shared reverence for life on earth religious and spiritual communities everywhere generate a moral awakening to the sacredness of earth and the dignity of all people immoral are we heading somewhere oh definitely theory of change around the globe we are organizing people of faith spiritually but not religious people and religious leaders to join the green faith community and to develop local circles it's a very occult principle the circles yes there's also in christianity the spiritual the spiritual formation it's auroborus the serpent with his tail in the mouth we won't stop until equitable self-sustainable policies actions and practices are embodied at every level all right let's just get back to basics have you any concept of what the primary function of religion is for example christianity the primary function is to get well jesus said make disciples and tell the whole world about the good news and what is the good news the gospel of salvation that's the primary function uh do you see that primary function anywhere over here all right the bible has a lot to say that about environment as well that god will deal with people that hurt the earth etc and that disregard life on earth and take it for granted yes there are issues at that but the primary function is to preach the gospel and this is totally out of the equation and then they have ten demands does that sound like uh ten commandments yep it's interesting that they have ten demands i'm very allergic to the word demand i always tell the story about when the the students burst into my office one day and they shouted at me we demand that was a very mundane issue something as simple as there weren't enough facilities in the washrooms toilet paper was one of the problems it seems like toilet paper is much in the news these days right on an environmental scale now but that was the issue and you know when the role is finished there's nothing else why can't there be some more over there so they burst in and they said we demand i i let them steam a little while and ask them what happened to the good old-fashioned request and we discussed it and i said you know that's very reasonable i'm sure we can arrange something like that and it was arranged but here you have 10 demands 100 renewable clean energy for all interesting so that puts an end to any form of fossil fuel usage or whatever finance global finance aligned with compassionate values yes that one sounds like the religious agenda the agenda and the previous one the political agenda correct employment jobs and health care for all now if you take our country what is the unemployment rate 40 i think yeah and if you take the youth into account it's probably in the region of 50 right so how are you going to employ them what if you reduced the hours of work and doubled up the teams could you solve that you probably could right self-determination respect indigenous rights welcome for migrants no more climate pollution end the planet's desecration eliminate immortal investment and they will have to start with themselves right climate reparations from wealthy countries that's an interesting one martin climate reparations from wealthy countries now the wealthiest countries on the world seem to me to have the greatest debt in the world are they therefore wealthy or are they bankrupt they're bankrupt so how do bankrupt nations repair everything bold faith community leadership so those are the ten demands the new ten commandments is there anything there about salvation no and just another point you might know somebody might now say but you know who's who are these guys the green faith but i hope that they've realized those 10 demands you hear it now in the political and religious sphere exactly and the spokespersons for them are of the highest level in the united nations and in the religious world so let's go to one of those spokespersons pope calls for a new world order now this is march 15 2021 he's been calling for this new world order for a long time and the politicians have been calling for this new world order and the united nations has been calling for this new world order and the parliament of world religions has been calling for this new world order so the pope calls for a new world order let's say there once again and says that wasting the covet crisis would be worse than the pandemic in other words wasting a good opportunity a good crisis a good crisis in language apparently drawn from the globalist playbook the pope called for a new world order built upon his concept of solidarity which in turn is drawn from his comments and publication on irreligious fraternity francis also copied the phraseology of globalist leaders by mentioning how the covet crisis should not be wasted let us all keep in mind that there is something worse than the crisis the drama of wasting it we cannot emerge from a crisis the same as before we either come out better or we come out worse he called the covet pandemic an alarm signal on which humanity is forced to reflect referring to the cornerstones of reconstruction which would be a key part of his new world order the time of trial can thus become a time of wise and far-sighted choices for the good of humanity of all humanity he added who defines this good he does right he does and then he calls it common yes it's actually his good but he calls it common who says that he's good is my good he says he says and because he's the pope it better be my good right yeah it's for the common but if it's not according to his then there's a problem in fact the pope even linked the theological aspect of salvation to the promotion of a new world order in line with globalist policies suggesting that salvation was dependent upon their success that is a form of universalism correct correct and you better be on that bandwagon [Music] should his words be ignored the pope warned there would be no future for anyone and thus the world must prepare for tomorrow under the banner of human fraternity since there is no alternative who defines that once again him are there riots in the world because of the changes that have taken place yes so there are many many people in the world millions yeah who are unhappy correct right but there's no alternative no who has decided that him he yes he has decided that he's linked to salvation yeah it's scary don't don't get all worked out relax no it's bad if you think about this if you think about it it's actually and it's not gonna go away if we don't roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the earth with radical personal and political choices with an economic green turn by directing technological developments in this direction sooner or later our common home will be have thrown us out the window stated francis we cannot waste any more time reminds me of that frog that greeny that greeny you might just be ready to swallow you is it not interesting how the we saw that climate scientists predicting everything and now you've got the pope and kerry and all of this religion coming into this as well now and where is heading but what are we interested in again yes where is it heading what's the agenda right so here is desert news from march 2021 another way to go green many organizations that operate daily are setting goals to be more socially responsible by going green and reducing their carbon footprint what if there was an easier and faster way to do this what if an organization that operates every day could reduce its emissions by 14.2 percent of the bat the answer close operations for one day a week can encourage employees to take the day off now let's just talk about carbon dioxide the carbon dioxide cycle is a natural cycle in the world and any excess carbon dioxide will be absorbed in the carbon dioxide sink which is basically the ocean to a great extent and most of the world consists of ocean so we have a vast carbon dioxide sink and carbon dioxide that i breathe out is the very food of the plant world that is in turn going to give me the oxygen that i need so these are cycles that have been built in by a very wise architect right so god himself built these cycles into nature so who is the recipient of the carbon dioxide that i produce the plants of the plant what would be the most logical way to solve an excess of carbon dioxide plant more trees more plants plant trees correct of course it isn't anything new in addition to the sabbath days the jews have another observance called shemitah where they let the land rest for a year which will start this coming september while there are different reasons why this practice was introduced long ago the principles can be applied for our benefit today companies will be concerned about losing all the business that comes by staying open on sundays but what is the price they are willing to pay to help protect the environment so is there an agenda yes is there a solution and have they again mix the sabbath day up with the sunday yes they always do that right it's like an evolutionist he keeps on singing the same tune even though it's basically flawed right so let's look at again i know we've done this in the last one as well but we've got to get the point across that there is an agenda sunday should be made rest with family so the issue of rest for the earth rest for humanity becomes very important but the fact that it was set aside for holy use for communion with god has been switched to communion with nature and communion with the family alone and with the sporting world so kuala lumpur women family and community development deputy minister proposed that sunday be made a rest with family day so just another example in serbia trade unions urge ban on working on sundays now when you go into the history of trade unions martin where did they originate isn't it also the papacy in the vatican it seems as if all roads lead to rome you know what when i became an adventist my i couldn't believe my eyes when i started seeing this trend everything for the past six years that i've studied goes back to rome everything goes back to rome so trade unions are going to be involved because they are going to be the driving force to make sure that sunday is implemented can they become very radical have we experience in our own country of how radical they can become yeah the representatives of the ministry of economy have told us that if the surveys conducted indicate that retailers are strongly opposed to our idea then other options will have to be considered for example a ban on working on sundays in the first or last week of the month which would be the first step to accept the ban on working every sunday afterwards so safik said right the union won't give up on this idea we wouldn't be happy if the ban is only applicable to one or two sundays a month but also there's still no reason to reject it savik said well he is the representative of this trade union all right so the trade unions are going to enforce it now some countries like croatia already introduced the once a month issue yes then it was to become twice a month and eventually it should be every single sunday so the countries have been incrementally introducing it slowly and it's worldwide worldwide we've gone from the philippines or to kuala lumpur to serbia croatia which if you go and watch the previous episodes you'll find a trend that goes all the way there's almost not a country that's not showing this yet now what does the spirit of prophecy have to say and the trade unions will be one of the agencies that will bring upon this earth a time of trouble such as not been seen since the world began the trade unions are going to be part and parcel of end time events one of the means not the only one but one of it god has revealed what is to take place in the last days that his people may be prepared to stand against the tempest of opposition and wrath those who have been warned of the events before them are not to sit in calm expectation of the coming storm comforting themselves that the lord will shelter his faithful ones in the day of trouble you know modern there are so many people even within our own ranks that say why are you always talking about these things why are you warning just relax god will take care of it no here's a solemn warning correct don't sit on your leaves and think that you can get by without saying anything or considering the matter in terms of your own actions we are to be as men waiting for their lord not in idle expectancy but in earnest work with unwavering faith now what is that work warning people yeah yeah sounding their lawn sounding the alarm it is no time now to allow our minds to be engrossed with things of minor importance while men are sleeping this is the back door experience right satan is actively arranging matters so that the lord's people may not have mercy or justice are god's people being maligned at the moment are they called cults yes conspiracy theorists and are there people in our own ranks that give these labels extremist fundamentalists that are actually preaching these things correct i i would say that these people should read what it says here right so while men are sleeping satan is actively arranging matter so that the lord's people may not have mercy or justice the sunday movement is now making its way in darkness the leaders are concealing the true issue and many unite in the movement do not themselves see whether the undercurrent is tending they're looking at the science looking at the signs joining in ecumenism and joining trade unions thinking that they're doing a good thing its professions are mild and apparently christian when it comes from the religious side but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon that's the agenda that last sentence that you read makes me think of the article that you read of the pope exactly sneaking it in there and pretending that this is to save humanity for your salvation when it will lead to perdition here's an article regarding the philippines and again here they're saying that the covet 19 just like the pope was now a a perfect situation to bring about some changes and what are they talking about closing on sunday yes didn't we and i'm sure you can go and watch of our earliest episodes we said they will use the lockdown strategies and all of this to eventually come to sunday lockdowns correct they're going to show back to it and say but it worked for covet so so we made that prediction we haven't changed our tune and here we can see that people are starting to call for this perhaps the government should rethink and reimpose the blue sunday laws so it talks about his youth and what it was like and we should go back the only difference is that this is now on a universal scale yes all different countries and this one is new this is turkey so now you have an islamic country and this is very interesting because people say well what is the islamic world going to do they're going to climb on the bandwagon because remember we said it had to be synchronized free time that means everybody must keep the same day the sunday debate in turkish retail industry has reignited as trades people reiterated calls for shopping malls and grocery store chains to remain closed on the last day of the week again they're confused but babylon stands for confusion correct it's not the last day of the week it's the first day of the week so turkish tradesmen and craftsman tes k chair person so and so recently said that they want arrangements to be made to protect tradespeople in the new draft law so islamic countries are on board yep they're on board someone this one here from salon march 2021 is a very very interesting article because now they're going to take everything that has maligned as malicious in the world will be linked to a particular religious stream so you can pull the plug on them and that's what we just read in that statement in the spirit of prophecy that matters will be put in a certain light so that god's people will be maligned and persecuted right let's have a look they start off with q anon it's their favorite little buzz word at the moment is also much more than a mere conspiracy theory it is a cult that has destroyed families and relationships it is a con that lures in the weak-minded and the vulnerable now martin what could we link that to could we link this dastardly organization or thinking pattern to a religious pattern yes and it's also interesting that just as we had scientists up until now now we've got religion expert writing this so here we have a religious experts we have so many experts in the world right so now let's see who he links it to cue anon also has elements of religion adriana la france writes at the atlantic the seventh day adventists and the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints are thriving religious movements indigenous to america do not be surprised if q anon becomes another it already has more adherence by far than either of these two denominations had in the first decades of their existence now why mention those two why is it just grabbing them out of a hat or is there an agenda that's an agenda there's definitely a plan because like we saw in the previous ones it's we also actually referred to this specific article that that le france wrote yeah we referred to that last but this guy now this expert is showing that and bringing all sorts of things back to the conspiracy side of kiernan but pulling the religion of the seventh adventist in there correct but one thing that's very interesting here to me if you take these two religious bodies that they have highlighted here the seventh-day adventists and then the mormons the mormons are universal to an extent but they are basically concentrated in one state in the united states of america right utah that's where they have their base so they are very local with some universal ramifications what about the seventh-day adventists universal they're universal they're in every nation so when legislation sunday legislation is introduced will it affect the mormons no no because they keep sunday in any case will it affect the seventh day adventists yes only regionally or universally universally this is the issue that's why the remnant has to be in every tribe and nation and people because it has to be a universal body right and the message of the seventh day adventists is a universal message saying with a loud voice to every nation tribe and people fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and then follows the three angels messages so who's the real enemy in the eyes of the powers that be they that keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus correct because if they have the testimony of jesus then they believe the bible correct and if they believe the bible then they are at loggerheads with science falsely so-called not with science but with science falsely so-called here's an article in newsweek global march 20 anti-vaccine protests promoted by q a non-linked groups so now they're bringing in uh the vaccination issue everything if anybody is now having a demonstration around the world anti-something or against something they are going to be linked to q anon and then q1 will be compared to the seventh adventist the seventh there they're dragging all so the links are now out there so we have an octopus out there yes and it has all these tentacles and he's taking all of the issues and eventually everything that's bad and evil in the world will be linked to the seventh-day adventists okay so the worldwide rally for freedom and democracy events on march 20 are being widely promoted online with rallies against coronavirus restrictions and the tyranny of the vaccine implementation taking place in countries such as the us australia canada japan germany a channel on encrypted messaging service app telegram promoting the anti-vaccine events across the world currently has more than 35 000 subscribers and this is going to be linked to q and r they even mentioned that well it's not specifically q anon that's organizing this there's enough of their supporters that support this so now it's a q anon thing so if there is one voice then that's good enough for them they can just as well now say because they are organizing these rallies the seventh adventists also support us so if there were a seventh day adventist among them amongst the 35 000 then it would be a seventh day advent australia right that's how the news is going to portray everything that's how they're going to do it it's very clever so let's sum this up daniel 12 1 and at that time referring to the last events on this earth shall michael stand up now we need to still talk a lot about michael right the name actually means he who is what god is the great prince which stands for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time now this time of trouble martin will be when the plagues fall upon this earth there will come a time of trouble such as never was and mankind will have brought it upon itself by making void god's law and implementing human inventions and the religious world led by the papacy is the driving force behind this but the promise is and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book which book will that be the book of life that'll be the book of life so if we can sum this up sea time and harvest will continue until the end people will be living as they did in the days of noah marrying and giving into marriage life will continue it will be hard and it will get harder it's called the little time of trouble which i believe we are in and then it will culminate in a time of trouble such as never was and i believe that that is at the door even at the door when you see standing in the holy place the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet daniel then i believe i can see the abomination of desolation standing all around the holy place preparing for a final attack and may god be with us when that day arrives let's pray heavenly father we are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy before our eyes working in darkness the enemy is planning his strategy but he's planning it lord in such a way that even the elect want to climb onto the bandwagon and even go further assist him in his activities preserve us from his delusions and help us to walk in the light is my prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you for watching this video to 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Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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