Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Michael The Archangel vs Lucifer Son Of The Morning -What's Up Prof?58

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of what's up prof welcome walter welcome to you too my friend how have you been i'm fine my wife says i mustn't wear grey because i look like a grey little man in a gray little suit well you look quite decent i'll go with that one as well but i skyped before she could stop me you'll get it when you get back i think i'll be okay well today is a very important subject so we'll need the guidance of the holy spirit let's pray our heavenly father we discuss today one of the most important subjects it's about the great controversy and would you enlighten our minds and enlighten the viewers and help us to discern in jesus name amen amen so martin there are so many people that ask who is michael how does he fit into the contest with lucifer where does jesus fit in and uh yeah they seem to think that the adventist view is totally haywire yeah it's one of the most controversial points that people out there pinpoint on the adventist church saying that their view of michael is totally actually blasphemous yes so it's important because there's a lot of people that get stuck on this that's right so we we need to look at it very carefully and uh i think we should jump right in yes as we normally do all right so we've titled this one michael the archangel versus lucifer son of the morning now these are titles that you find in the king james version of the bible yes it's interesting that the title archangel associated with michael only appears twice in the bible in fact the word archangel only appears twice and both times it is associated with michael so let's start on the opposite end who is lucifer son of the morning if we go to the book of isaiah chapter 14 and we read there from 12 12 it says how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning and how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit now if we look at this verse it's actually quite interesting it tells us about lucifer who was part of the heavenly realm and then he fell he was perfect the bible says until iniquity was found in him in other words he was created perfect with the freedom of choice and when he enabled that freedom of choice to choose against righteousness and truth that's when he fell so god didn't create him to fall he exercised a choice to fall you know martin if you read this there are six eyes it is i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sights of the north i will ascend above the heights of the cloud and i will be like the most high so here is the angel that exalted himself and wanted to be in the congregation of the north he wanted to be part of the throne of god so he wanted to be elevated to the position of god yes and that cost him his place in heaven and all who sympathized with him one third of the angels just a question i don't know if this will take you on a side track that lucifer fall before or after the creation of the earth well i believe that lucifer fell before the creation of the earth or during the plan to create the earth when the plan was conceived to create the earth that's when rebellion came to a head in heaven and he was cast out now why did god create man as a solution to the sin problem now we've dealt with this in previous one so we're not going to go there again but the point is that the world that is now also in a fallen state has developed the same mindset as the great deceiver and this ideology that man can inherently rise to the level of deity is part and parcel of the thinking of a great portion of humanity yes it's even within many church ideologies it's encased in those ideologies and the whole new age movement and theosophy and all of them are actually in sympathy with the devil it's interesting there are rock musicians who sing songs sympathy with the devil and some of these individuals are knighted which is a very strange occurrence yeah so strange saying that you're got sympathy for the devil and then you get knighted along with it that's very interesting interesting and hollywood is of course famous for making movies and series on this issue and uh there was there was a series called lucifer and lucifer was very very popular i mean they got millions and millions and millions of views and in the entire movie he is portrayed as the villain but in such a brilliant way that your sympathy is with the devil and that's the same sort of idea as the open rebellion that you find in the rock world yes so let's have a look at the clip out of this series this is lucifer on youtube people like to tell me things those deep dark naughty little desires that are on their mind hey boss remember me can i have your autograph did i sell my soul to the devil so the devil made you do it did he the alcohol and the drugs the top the selfies the choices are on you my dear lucifer morning star is that uh stage name god-given i'm afraid stop caring you're the devil your return to the underworld has been requested let me just uh check my calendar here it is the seventh of never through to the 15th of ain't gonna happen how does that work for you guys try it you think father's upset now he will not be merciful for much longer we should be out there punishing those responsible come on i help you how could you possibly help me i have the ability to draw out people's forbidden desires you seem oddly immune to my charms referring to them as charms i think is a bit of a stretch did my father send you what's your name lucifer exactly so martin what is your take on that well what's interesting to me is the way that they portray the devil if you read the bible he is against god now being against god through this almost becomes cool and that for me is scary and people following this like you said millions and millions it just shows you maybe where we are at the point in time in history of this and what kind of thinking is instilled in the minds of the viewers because if your sympathy is aroused for him and there are many portions apparently where is quite a likable character and your your whole emotional world is turned upside down that it becomes very hard to have sympathy with the god of the bible correct you see previously always you had this picture of the devil with horns and a fork and now they actually come through with a little bit more of this subtle lovable character yes this is more deceiving correct this is more deceiving and probably closer to reality exactly that's what i also was thinking because he isn't that he was a beautiful created being but martin if you look at the world and you see the way in which it has gone then you can see the consequences of his type of thinking yes but make no mistake there are many organizations that knowingly are in sympathy with the devil and there are even more organizations that unknowingly are in sympathy with the devil yes and many of them are religious organizations this is very interesting we have to make a deep study as to how these two adversaries that we're going to talk about today the devil lucifer and michael how they fit into the big biblical paradigm now i'm not going to say too much about the devil anymore i think we have quite exhausted the topic definitely and if you look at secret doctrine blavatsky lucifer trust now called lucis trust lucifer publishing company it was before and the statements by blavatsky the statements by masonic figures they're pretty blatant that lucifer to them is the true god i was invited to come and talk to a grandmaster of freemasonry who had septicemia and there was a possibility that he would die and his great argument was that lucifer definitely was the true son of god sure and we had quite a discussion he actually invited me to go and give my study to his lodge but when he recovered he never came back to me so that never materialized so let us from there proceed and talk about michael yeah and we know that the adventist view is that michael and jesus are one and the same and there are many many organizations and people out there that would beg to differ correct so we have to look at it carefully so let's have an open mind yeah because i think a lot of people have the idea if you compare jesus to michael you're blaspheming because you're trying to make him belittle him make him less than what he is correct and uh you know some organizations want to make jesus a created being in any case and want to reduce his status so there are both sides of that coin so let's just read a statement in the spirit of prophecy so that people in the world can see what do adventists believe so this comes from the book the desire of ages what does it say about jesus at the savior's baptism satan was amongst the witnesses he saw the father's glory overshadowing his son he heard the voice of jehovah testifying to the divinity of jesus so that's very plain that the divinity of jesus is not negotiable definitely ever since adam's sin the human race had been cut off from direct communication with god the intercourse between heaven and earth had been through christ now there we must stop again so prior to the coming of christ according to the statement the communication between heaven and earth was through christ yes he made it possible the sin as we have seen in one of our previous what's up that transgression separated from god christ was the mediator from the beginning before the foundations of the world were laid from the beginning he was the land slain first as a promise and later as a fulfillment of that promise yeah so he was the communication so he he was the one that came to the mountain and spoke to moses correct but we will have to go and make sure about that right so the communication was between man and god via christ he did use angels occasionally but it always went through christ to the godhead so the intercourse between heaven and earth had been through christ but now that jesus had come in the likeness of sinful flesh in other words he took my humanity the father himself spoke and he spoke from heaven right this is my beloved son he had before communicated with humanity through christ now he communicated with humanity in christ that's a magnificent statement satan had hoped that god's abhorrence of evil would bring an eternal separation between heaven and earth but now it was manifest that the connection between god and man had been restored so all the communication between god and man had been through christ only in christ is it possible to have access to heaven yes and that part that you just read about he communicated with humanity in christ that just proves again that jesus was god absolutely because all humanity was in christ because he spoke humanity into existence he created them let's again have a look at hollywood now we know that the sympathy of hollywood is with the wrong side there is no doubt about that the very word hollywood is the witch's staff because the witch's staff is made the divining staff is made from hollywood and hollywood is nothing other than jesuit theater and we've discussed that before and the jesuits are also in sympathy with lucifer yes it's a very hard pill to swallow but if you look at their activities if you look at their oaths if you look at their conduct and if you look at their teaching and the subtlety thereof then you will have to come to the conclusion that they are the masters of deception so in the movie michael which depicts the archangel michael i wonder how they depict him we are going to contrast this with lucifer how did they pick depict him as this absolute charismatic charismatic intelligent bright person now how will they portray michael now the actor that actually portrayed him was john travolta let's have a look at this one [Music] i just thought halos yes inner light yes i'm not that kind of angel what kind of angel are you michael is an arc angel he battled and throw him out of heaven revelation 12 verse 7. that was a long time ago and then the bank came to take the milk bottle and i prayed for help until god sent me michael well she was persistent you came down and smote the bank ah branch first iowa bank of commerce [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was an interesting portrayal what is your take on that one well definitely not according to the bible no okay the last part where he brings the dog back to life i don't do angels bring back anything to life only with the power of god should they do that right but here he's doing it basically through his power and they depict him as a life-bringer but he's also a bank robbing smoking jiving yes partying individual and they actually say you know shouldn't you have a halo or an inner light and he's not that kind of angel and he's an author yes now it's just interesting that if you if you have jesuit theater in your mind and the very thought that you want to run someone down or ridicule him then you must understand that there's no one who knows scripture better than the devil himself right yes and his agents so he said he was the author of psalms 85. so it'd be interesting to have a look at that song isn't that right definitely so let's have a look at it psalm 85 in the king james bible has the title revive us again to the chief musician a psalm of the sons of korah so it doesn't say that michael the archangel wrote the song right no he could have inspired it but let's not go there yet lord hast thou been favourable unto thy land thou hast brought back the captivity of jacob thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people and thou hast covered all their sins what does that refer to jesus jesus that has taken away all thy wrath that has turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger turn us o god of our salvation and cause thine anger towards us to cease will thou be angry with us forever will thou draw out thy anger to all generations will thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee show us thy mercy o lord and grant us thou thy salvation who is that talking about again jesus this is a a psalm about a redeemer right i will hear what god the lord will speak for he will speak peace unto his people and to his saints but let them not turn again to folly so here is the story of repentance and staying on the narrow road surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him that glory may dwell in our land mercy and truth are met together righteousness and peace have kissed each other this must be the most profound verse in the bible because where did mercy and truth meet together where did righteousness and peace kiss each other at the cross at the cross there when jesus hung there at the cross their mercy and justice kissed each other it was forever displayed to the world that god is merciful but that god is a god of justice and when he said the wages of sin is death then justice demanded the execution of that sentence and in christ it was and god is merciful through the very act mercy could be extended to humanity this is such a beautiful psalm and in this movie what are they doing ascribing this song to a vagabond correct isn't that correct and there's there's lots of intrigue that you can get in here yes they maybe acknowledge that jesus was inspiring this absolutely but then they mock him they know who he's referring to exactly now you're sitting there in the audience and all of these little statements and all of these little things appear concerning michael and the audience is distracted by all the funny things that happen in between but that implant that goes into the mind is called neuro linguistic programming and if you substantiate it with the visual it creates an indelible impression upon the mind so that you can never think of michael in the same way again i mean in another way again yeah and what's interesting i saw on the trailer clip the advertisement for the for the okay then it was still a video cassette so say the dvd it says pg so that's only parental guidance yes so this is children could also watch this please let the children watch it yes that's what they're saying truth shall spring out of the earth and righteousness shall look down from heaven who is our righteousness jesus christ is our righteousness yea the lord shall give that which is good and our land shall yield her increase righteousness shall go before him and shall set us in the way of his steps this is one of the most beautiful psalms regarding the mission of jesus christ it is not a coincidence no that they would use that psalm correct it actually acknowledges who michael really is it actually acknowledges who he is but now the people that are not in favor of that idea please bear with us and let's have a look at the bible study but before we go there we said it was jesuit theater and you know the jesuits today have such a fair face they have all these great universities our great leaders and presidents are educated in the jesuit colleges of the world georgetown university one of the great universities in the world has produced how many presidents it's it's irrelevant and let's just read what some authors have said about the jesuits now this is a quote from the jesuits we will gain control of instruction in law medicine science education and so weed out from all books of instruction anything injurious to roman catholicism that's a very bold statement so the law the medical world is that prominent in the time that we are living in now yes science education everything has to be so adapted so that it will favor roman catholicism we will mold the thoughts and ideas of the youth we will enroll ourselves as protestant preachers and college professors in the different protestant faiths is that a warning yes no it's actually a promise almost yeah we will enroll ourselves there sooner or later we will undermine the authority of the greek new testament of erasmus do they have a particular pet hate when it comes to the bible yes just explain to us what is the greek new testament of erasmus well erasmus is the one who compiled the textus receptors on which the protestants based their translation of the bible whereas the jesuits favored the alexandrian text which had a gnostic origin gnosticism is a very interesting science we won't go into that but just quickly narcissism is exactly what we've seen in this movie absolutely turning everything around jesus or lucifer is this is actually the good guy yes it's a reversal the master of reversal remember he was a liar from the beginning right and the truth is not in him so they hate the greek new testament of erasmus and also those old testament productions which have dared to raise their head against the old testament of the vulgate and against tradition you know if you look at the vulgate and the silliness in it jacob worshipped the top of his staff whereas the king james would say jacob worshipped leaning on top of his staff there's a big difference right so their tradition of relic worship had to be supported so they hate anything that confirms the authenticity of the protestant bible and thus we will undermine the protestant reformation that's their enemy so that's their aim and they've been very unfortunately very successful yes they early realized there's another source from albert henry newman manual of church history they early realized the vast importance of directing higher education in all their higher education theater jesuit theater plays an exceptionally prominent part yes it's also interesting to me that so many of the the charismatic figures not only in the papacy but also in government were actually actors yes ronald reagan comes to my presidency yes pope john paul the second comes to mind they were trained actors in jesuit schools well trump is not an actor but he's not shy of the of oh he's appeared on many television shows he is an actor he had his own show the apprentice absolutely so educate directing higher education as a means of gaining control of the lives of the ablest and best connected young men and making trained intellect subservient to their purposes that's done through mind manipulations in when they started with um jesuit theater society wasn't ready for some of the things that they wanted to introduce so they did it in comedy in the theater yes and a few months later it would have been macbeth for example instilled ideas into the minds of people so the marked ability of the jesuit teachers their unsurpassed knowledge of human nature their affability of manners and their remarkable adaptability to the idiosyncrasies and circumstances of each individual made them practically irresistible when once they came into close relations with susceptible youth who gave them this capacity to swing minds they were to be perinde et cadava like a corpse no mind of their own not rattled by anything absolutely programmed to cut like a hot knife through butter they were affable they had unsurpassed knowledge of human nature they had the greatest teacher of the fallen world that ever existed lucifer here's a quote from john adams as what he wrote to thomas jefferson and he said i'm not happy about the rebirth of the jesuits it's interesting that the jesuits like the papacy had a mortal wound a death and a resurrection yes and now they're prominent wow yes and the whole world wondered after the beast developed its mindset and they used hollywood with great success to do that i mean if you just take the pope is a jesuit he's put all the his high officials in in the catholic church now are jesuits why why are you not wearing five mosques one on top of each other didn't a jesuit trained medic tell you to do that he actually acknowledge it we and we showed all of this yes we don't have to go there swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the bohemians as printers writers publishers school teachers etc if ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation on this earth or in hell it is the society of loyola this is history this is a fact but people tend to forget history especially when history is rewritten or erased so let's talk about michael because this is what we want to discuss today right yes so we've seen the contrast the elevation of lucifer in the world in the philosophies let me just go to the philosophy of the united nations the united nations prayer room the organizations associated with the united nations it is mind-boggling it is so blatantly luciferian yes and so wonderfully acceptable and michael this slob smoking bank robbing individual so let's look at the bible dictionary this is the eastern's bible dictionary what it says about michael the definition is who is like god actually the definition is who is what god is that's pretty direct right so the title given to one of the chief angels actually this is a bit of a misnomer as we will see he had special charge of israel as a nation he disputed with satan about the body of moses he is also represented as warning against that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceives the whole world revelation 12 7-9 so he's the great adversary of satan there's a great conflict between michael and satan yes and that's called the great controversy correct now this word archangel it is used very broadly in the world and if you study catholicism and and you look at their writings you will see they have a number of archangels listed there's raphael and gabriel and all of them they're listed as archangels if you look at some of the other organizations in the world there are many archangels but if you read the king james version the word archangel only appears twice and here are the two verses 1 thessalonians 4 16 for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first in jude 1 9 it says yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of moses does not bring against him a railing accusation but said the lord rebuked thee so two verses where we have this word archangel and in the first one it's also not an archangel v the archangel and once here it is associated with michael the bible actually never associates the word archangel with any other angel no even gabriel and interesting neither does the spirit of prophecy really now this first verse over here we can expand on that one a little bit but first let's have a look at the definition here's taylor's definition of the word archangel and his definition is archangel or chief of the angels port of speech noun and it's masculine it's interesting that angels are often depicted as feminine right particularly in roman catholic portrayals on murals etc and babies yes and uh it's masculine and it literally means chief of the angels now let's go back to this verse in thessalonians for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first so the lord will descend when they use this word lord in the new testament it's the equivalent of the word in the old testament in the new testament it's curious in the old testament it's jave or java so he will come with the voice of the archangel now let's just go to a parallel text john 5 26 as the father has life in himself so has he given to the son to have life in himself and has given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the son of man marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice whose voice shall they hear jesus the son of man son of man whose voice is that it's the voice of the archangel so in these two texts you have the reality that the voice of the archangel is the voice of the son of man now this title son of man as we have discussed before comes from daniel chapter 7. it is the one who came to the ancient of days and he is the one that took his seat in the judgment yes now all judgment was given to so here obviously we have a link between the archangel's voice and the voice of the son of god one and the same what's interesting for me as well is if you look at the sentence construction it's for me it comes through that and the dead in christ shall rise first so if you follow it from with the voice of the archangel these dating christ will rise when they hear the voice when they wear the voice but that says and the dead in christ so this links that archangel with christ also absolutely so this is a very powerful linkage that we have but we have to go deeper than that we have to go deeper remember also in the back of your mind that the word michael means the one who is what god is so let's go back in history and we look at exodus chapter 3 verse 2. in the old testament we often read the angel of the lord now that is a very specific title and the word angel there if you look it up means messenger we can look it up in a moment the angel of the lord appeared unto him this is now moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed so here was a miracle and associated with the miracle was the angel of the lord verse 5 says and he said draw not nigh hither this is not the angel of the lord speaking put of thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground moreover he said i am the god of thy fathers the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob and moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon god so very clear that the angel of the lord is god right also the fact that he declared the place where the angel of the lord was standing as holy ground so we have to go a little bit further so let's have a look at this angel and god in the bible because it says i am the lord thy god. so the first word there for angel was malok from an unused root meaning to dispatch as a deputy a messenger specifically of god that is an angel also a prophet priest or teacher ambassador angel king messenger now we read in the beginning the statement in the spirit of prophecy that jesus was the means by which the godhead communicated with humanity so here the angel of the lord says that he is god so the word used there is elohim this is interesting it says gods in the ordinary sense but specifically used in the plural thus specifically with the article of the supreme god let us make man in our image occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates and sometimes as a superlative to angels so angels can also be called messengers they are messengers exceeding god goddess great judges mighty so there are many applications but the fact that he received worship yes is beyond doubt the pinnacle of the argument because only god may receive words isaiah chapter 63 verse 7 i will mention the loving-kindness of the lord that is yahweh and the praises of the lord according to all that the lord has bestowed on us and the great goodness towards the house of israel which he has bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses for he said surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was their savior this is now the lord is also the savior in all their afflictions he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them and his love and in in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and he bear them and he carried them all the days of all so now we have another link yes we have jehovah the name jave coupled to savior coupled to angel of his presence coupled to a savior coupled to a redeemer coupled to a sustainer that carried them all the days of old who's it referring to jesus jesus so is jesus here called angel of his presence yes yes certainly jesus is called angel of his presence so we had the burning bush and now we have another example let's let's go further now that also linked him to yahweh that also linked him to yahweh a title by the way which is applied to jesus in the new testament as kurios and in the old testament both the father and the son are referred to as jehovah genesis 48 verse 16 this was jacob's blessing that he pronounced on the sons of joseph and again it says the angel which redeemed me from all evil bless the lads and let my name be named on them and the name of my fathers abraham and isaac and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth who is the one that was to bless them the angel which redeemed me so here again you have a reference to the word angel yes and redemption yes now the only one who can redeem us because there is no other name under heaven and earth whereby we can be saved other than the name christ jesus so again you have a link between the angel of his presence the angel that redeemed in the old testament the angel of the lord that appeared in the burning bush now revelation 12 7 and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found in any more in heaven so the great conflict was between michael and his angels and the devil that old serpent was cast out and his angel and he was cast out so there was war the leader and the captain of the host of the heavenly host was michael yes and the one of the devil's side was lord so that was the conflict now let's just be very careful here let's go to the old testament and we look at a verse in joshua 5. and it came to pass when joshua was by jericho so this is when the children of israel were entering into canaan after their 40 years sergeant now finally they were entering and jericho was the first point of conflict that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with a sword drawn in his hand and joshua went unto him and said unto him art thou for us or for our adversaries and he said nay as captain of the host of the lord am i now come and joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him what says my lord unto his servant and the captain of the lord's host said unto joshua loose thy shoes from off thy foot for the place whereon thou standest is holy where did you read that before moses moses and joshua worshipped yes whom did he worship it must be god you must have worshipped god because you may not worship anyone else and he was the captain of the lord's host now who in revelation was the captain of the heavenly host michael the archangel michael the archangel are we getting a picture here definitely okay so this is this is a very important parallel because he is the conqueror he is the mighty angel with his sword drawn and it's fascinating that joshua actually went up to him to confront him but when he realized who it was he fell and worshipped and he had to take off his shoes and this falling down and worshipping this angel is in contrast with john that fell falls down and worships the angel in revelation that was a normal angel because then they said no no no stan i'm i'm a fellow servant with you correct so worship god yes so the fact that the captain of the lord's host the fact that the angel of his presence the fact that the angel that redeemed all receive worship and give blessings yes is proof that we are dealing with god correct and he's the one that's communicating with humanity so it must be jesus correct so the one who is what god is michael is his angelic name and is a portrayal of what he is but he has other names as well for example if you go to isaiah there are many titles that he has and some of the titles as you know are to us a child is born and he will be called emmanuel immanuel which means god with us so it's a description of what he is doing yes and there is also called almighty god so that's very interesting it's just something interesting that i thought of now it also says when we get to heaven we'll get a new name so you'll also get your angelic name yes that will be different to what you've got yes because it will portray the character that you are supposed to develop now let's just have a look at a few other examples in the old testament if you look at the parents of samson for example the angel of the lord appeared first to the mother of samson and then later to the father of samson in judges 13 21 it says but the angel of the lord did no more appear to manoa and to his wife then manoa knew that he was an angel of the lord and manoah said unto his wife we shall surely die because we have seen god so when the bible speaks about the angel of the lord he's the one that went ahead of them in the fiery pillar and in the pillar of cloud that is the angel of the lord it was jesus all along and if we go to the vision of zechariah it says in zechariah 3 verse 1 and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing at his right hand to resist him and the lord said unto satan the lord rebuked thee o satan even the lord that has chosen thee jerusalem rebuked thee is this not a brand plucked out of the fire where did we read the words the lord rebuke thee satan in jude contending with the body of moses so the words that we read here the lord rebuke thee o satan are the exact words that we find in the book of jude yes and they are spoken by jesus jesus because it says michael and here it is michael now who is the god of the resurrection jesus jesus he's the one who will call the dead to life yes on the last day so here's another link the exact same words michael the angel of the lord but the angel of the lord is not normal angel because he receives worship correct we have seen god exactly the links are undisputable i hope so let's go to the visions of daniel because now we're getting to the crux of the matter daniel 10 13 but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one and twenty days but lo michael one of the chief princes came to help me and i remained there with the kings of persia this is a fascinating verse now if we go to this one of the chief princes and we look it up it says first in place time or rank ancestor before beginning eldest first foremost former of old time what's it referring to jesus because that's all the tribute attributes of god correct so when it says one of the chief princes then it must be referring to the godhead because they are often called princes now the prince of the kingdom of persia was not the earthly prince because an angel like gabriel would go and that prince would be gone right yes so what happened when the king of babylon was confronted with the finger of god his knees smoked together so exactly the same thing happens here so the the prince of the kingdom of persia is the super prince standing behind the earthly one that's lucifer yes and it's interesting that lucifer held up gabriel because we know that this was the angel gabriel yes and april then summoned the aid of michael one of the chief princes of the godhead of the godhead and he came and got rid of the problem yeah there's only one who can withstand the power of the devil now this is an amazing verse to me because it just shows the character of god we've spoken of this before but let's mention it again when god threw satan out of heaven he robbed him of his position but he never took any of his power away yes so he was still mightier than gabriel gabriel could not get through it took michael to do this yeah that's his loving character correct he wanted to show the whole universe that even if he didn't take away anything from lucifer he didn't need to because his true character will come out will come out and and lucifer would have said hey you've clipped my wings we don't have a fair contest but god allowed him to manifest his full capacity and we can see where the world has gone as a consequence where the sympathy is lying but now the other thing is how careful must we be of the sin of presumption that's the most dangerous sin because that's the sin that let adam and eve fall correct and how many preachers in the world treat satan like a beaten dog and gabriel couldn't get past him but an earthly fallen being commands all of this power if it weren't for michael we would have no power nothing if it weren't for the one who is what god is we would have no power the only way to conquer the devil and his angels is through the power of christ correct so daniel chapter 10 verse 21 but i will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that holdeth with me in these things but michael your prince who is our prince jesus christ is there another no no other name daniel 12 1 and at that time shall michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book now this is an amazing verse this verse refers to michael shall stand up what does that mean we need to think about that michael will stand up he is sitting at the moment on the judgment throne yes all judgment has been given unto him and we did a series or we did a what's up on uh the judgment yes and when he stands up from the judgment throne then probation is closed and when probation is closed then there will be a time of trouble such as never was and we are this close to that time when the investigative judgment comes to an end that's when michael will stand up from the throne of judgment and the phase of executive judgment will commence the plagues will fall and at that time the promise is that we will believe it the delivered the fact that he stands up tells us who he is correct he is jesus because all judgment has been given yes unto him all authority and judge everything so when he stands up he says now it's finished now it's finished and the great decree will go out just as it was at the cross it is finished the price for redemption was paid but sin still continued to this very day just switch on your television and you will see that it is the case so the close of probation led him who is just remain just let him who is unjust let him remain unjust that decree will go up when jesus stands up from the judgment seat and like you said we are on the verge we are now in a time of this earth that we have to decide are we standing on michael's side on lucifer's side that is the choice that we have to make and we must never forget not only has all judgment been given unto him but there is no other name under heaven and earth whereby we may be saved other than the name christ jesus he is the captain of the lord's host he is the captain of our salvation he is our redeemer he is the son of god shall we pray yes please heavenly father what an amazing story of a great conflict between good and evil and here on earth the great story of the bible has been twisted out of all proportions and portrayed in such a way that people have sympathy with the archdeceiver open our eyes lord that we may see that we may make right choices is my prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you for watching this video to subscribe to our channel click here to get notifications click on the bell to watch the next video click here thank you and we'll see you again
Channel: Amazing Discoveries Africa
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Id: yZFEMyc1vtk
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Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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