Walmart Survival Challenge!

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oh yeah I like do you even do you like want to go anymore I do still want to go imagine you had fifty dollars to spend and you had to survive in the woods for 24 hours what would you buy I've been planning this video out for a while it's actually been like a year ever since I made that like surviving on an island where I really didn't survive an island I just kind of went to an island cuts caught some fish cooked them up at eight but today we're literally going into the woods we're gonna bring a pellet gun that's at my house but other than that we're gonna bring only what we buy here for under fifty dollars so I'm thinking like Flint at our packed night fishing hole maybe tin foil like just something to cook or like be able to start a fire and then cook with it would be amazing and then we need something that can protect us from the bugs because the bugs and Marv volunteered to stay in the woods with me which is even better so I don't have to stay alone so excited I'm very excited for this very excited very excited so we're by now real and well Eric wants to buy a rod and reel right now to catch some fish to eat I don't think that's the play I think we need to get just some line and maybe a couple cheap bobbers put them on some sticks catch some Sony's I don't know we're literally gonna eat one bluegill like we have to catch a wire and get a Sabbath all 9 bucks but then you still gotta put wine on it that's the another budget I say we get the stuff we actually need clothes so we need some sort of netting so we don't die $4 we definitely need the rope first item we got two little things a paracord all right so our budget is $50 just remember that $50 so something to filet either a squirrel or something that we end up killing our fish we're gonna need a fillet knife fishing knife 287 oh dude there can we get up can we get one of these global blow-up mattress get that off the tab so for me keeping bugs off me is pretty important we're gonna go 40% definitely yeah here's the deal we need some sort of like pant item number four is a six dollar and eighty three cent pan this would be used to boil some water I don't know if we'll be able to boil water but they'll be used to cook fish it'll be used to cook rabbits to cook squirrels to cook whatever we do end up getting to eat dude I'm thinking that this could cut down like smaller trees way easier but like if we had do we a big one okay I'm thinking we go with that it's got a song there that yeah we're gonna go that we picked this one out because it has a little Flint stuck on there so we'll be able to start a fire with it and also as I saw on the side so we'll build a saw down bigger trees as well as like hack through some gruesome things if it we don't know how it's gonna be so let's be a good tool we have eighteen dollars spent eighteen nineteen didn't think of that we just stopped it by fishing stuff we're in a depression yeah I mean we need something to like drape over to try and repel the mosquitoes think I hope you realize that this is not gonna be fun like it is June in Wisconsin and these sceetos are gonna be so bad like we are gonna die if we don't have something like that like I wonder if it's like something better to get like a couple of these and like use this I know it's gonna be hot but this is waterproof how does that work let me say we could drape this drape it over a stick and create like a little we need something I'm not seeing it I'm not saying that's gonna help us alright so right now we're gonna put a little hold on getting the protective bug gear we already have bug repellent we're gonna go look for fishing gear and we're gonna decide if we want to actually get a fishing pole if we just want to try to make a fish and pull out of a stick so that's our next debate we're really mostly targeting blue gills who goes walleyes back even if we have to eat a basket back so we're getting this just little we're getting all we're getting this pool line we're getting 2 bags hooks we're getting bobbers or getting weights each one's about around $1 so how much money do we have left according to my calculations we've got $12.68 left table covers dude how much oh wow yeah this is it let's go black you're getting two tablecloths to hopefully make it some sort of tent out of this there are 147 each we need some oil to cook with so we're going with Crisco pure vegetable oil 194 we are at I'm sorry I'll shut contender seven eight I think we should get some breading what Laurie's wall raised Lowry's because you can put flowers on honestly anything and it'll taste good like you could helps to cut off my toe but Lowery's on it will taste great yeah well like this will be this will be good with squirrel and rabbit and fish this these combo two would be great we're getting some seasoning this is knockoff Laurie's a little Morton but uh this is important to me you can make anything taste good and I'm getting some bread crumbs because rabbit squirrel and fish can all use a little panko bread crumbs with a little bit of that seasoned salt and we're gonna make magic what do we have it is we got four dollars and 64 cents left okay let's get some 94 cents we can spare it we're gonna get one gallon of water just in case we don't die like legit die all right bud lights are like legit dime all right paper towel is 50 cents so just just to be completely fair guys we are bringing an airgun and we are bringing a backpack to fold all this that is it just left it's three bucks we're gonna buy two headlamps and one flashlight so so I seem I think that's pretty good so now this is three dollars each one's a dollar and I guess that's it oh gosh I'm scared now I'm getting real 50 dollars and 40 cents was the final total we went 40 cents over but that's all right still $50 challenge and the next stop will be at my cabins backyard we're gonna sight in the air rifle make sure it's all set get our clothes on and head out into the woods this is the gun we've got it's know what this thing is 22 caliber I don't sitting in the basement it's pretty new gun got it first some rabbits aresome not a rabbit if they're squirrels ever messing with the yard I don't really know why we have this year but we've got that so this is what we're bringing along with us bug spray oil fishing line sea salt flashlight two headlamps two tablecloths some hooks and some weights some bobbers more hooks utility cord filet knives tako the pan paper towels and then these Walmart bags we're gonna bring with us because they came free so why not all right we're gonna be able to start a fire with that who knows but we'll give it a try all right so we've got our knives we've got everything all situated now it's time to head into the woods and see if we can do this boys all right I'm out of breath already 140 p.m. we are heading into the woods it's getting it dark around nine o'clock today so that gives us a plenty of time to catch food set up camp and that's all we have to do right think about that in the olden days all you had to worry about was food and shelter all we gonna do survive today all we got to do is survive so there's a little trail that runs around this lake the plan is to kind of use the trail to find some some small game and then find a place to where we can actually set up camp Oh so after like a mile walking I put too many clothes on but now seriously the lake is that way I'm the plans to set up close to the lake so that way we can fish right right at dark have a chance if we do get overheated to go swimming and so freakin coyote oh my god so I'm probably on the trail for close to a mile now we're doing our first adventure off of the trail Erica says you think she knows well like is this way so hoping uh he actually does and we can find some fish in some cool water Creek is right here we are gonna follow it that way till we kind of see the lake and where it set up probably that hundred feet from the lake and just kind of set up a small tent set up a small camp and I figure out what we want to do this is just about to get exciting now I get on the water lasts the whole day whole night already tapping into it what's up come up there alright I think you've walked about three miles now we're trying to look for a spot to set up our beds in camp for the night the Parekh really wants to set up by the water I'm all skeptical because I think that the bugs are gonna be really bad there tonight I can top this Hill here and I found some flat flat ground I feel like I would make a good place for a bed we're gonna keep this area in mind and guess explore new new land so haircut the poop ready you haven't even set up camp Ian he's already got to take a poop he's got a dig a hole it's just unsanitary I don't he's running off by himself taking poops I'm not comfortable with it it's gonna stay out of that whole area for the rest of the day that's the night rest of my life I think we should both focus on making the house at first all the way down Oh 1022 Mavs and I are just sitting by the fire - what the hell was that oh my god [Music]
Channel: apbassing
Views: 2,506,896
Rating: 4.5215778 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, surviving, happy days, primative, marv, marv the intern, camping, surviving in the woods, man vs wild, bear grills, Jon B, Alex Peric, fish, huge fish, how to survive, how to, lost in woods, lost, teasure, dog, LFG, googan squad, googan, two guys, hut, how to build a hut, tent, tent camping, 24 hour, challenge
Id: VC3d57ExWCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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