HUGE! Walmart HIDDEN Clearance Inventory (CHEAPEST DEALS!!)

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[Music] hey what's up YouTube I'm super excited to have you here today because it's the first day of school for my kids rod of applause now I love my children but the thing is me and my wife can make more videos and find more deals to help you save money when we have this window of time after my kids go to school now I have my other things that have to do with my business but this is really cool because we're gonna be able to make more videos for you and right now we're at Walmart and we're gonna look for some some hidden clearance deals we're gonna see what's in there I honestly don't know but I've been getting a lot of dm's from people telling me to scan the women's workout pants because they seem to be deeply discounted so we're gonna do that as well let's just go and do it [Music] what's up everyone we're here in Walmart and what I'd like to do is I like to come right to the clearance section first because that's where you're gonna find most of you hidden clearance it's going to be stuff that's already marked clearance that's already lowered in price and it just wasn't updated on the price tag so what I do is I come to the clearance section I go to my phone and I open up the Walmart app while I'm in the store and the reason why I do that is now it's in store assistant for that store and I'm gonna click on the barcode thing right here that little barcode icon I'm gonna click on it I was going to scan some stuff so this is markdown $5 clearance if we were to scan it that's actually two dollars and fifty cents let's gain something else there's some games down here so this is regularly twenty dollars its marked down to seven when I give it a good scan it's actually going to be four dollars Wow we're on a roll this one right here the pop rocket twenty dollars marked down to nine we're gonna scan it with the app let's see what we got and they're not always gonna be a lower price see this isn't showing anything let's try this one right here some dog game twenty dollars marked down to nine when we scan this with the app let's see what happens so it's actually gonna be five dollars the hidden clearance price is five dollars and I call it hidden clearance because the actual the true price is hidden you can't see it with your eyes the only way to expose it is to go and find it yourself it's not being advertised in store so that's what we call hidden clearance I know a lot of people get upset and they're like no hidden clearance is hidden in the back of the rack or in the back room and I get that that makes sense but just for the sake of understanding why I call it hidden clearance it's because you can't see the price so the true price is hidden let's see what else we can find any ideas Kath what you want to scan Harry Potter alright Harry Potter thing $20 it's $9 and like I said they're not always gonna scan at a lower price um that one did $5 good guess we're all right so we'll go right next to it $7 now the the hidden clearance price is only 250 on this item you're on a roll you guys listen another one how about these the fingerlings so when I see something that there's a lot of what I do is I look at the date check out the date can you get that guy so eight five nineteen is when this tag was generated and what's today the 14th yeah so today's the 14th so it's been over a week that's a good sign that the price could be lower so we're gonna give it a scan so these fingerlings are two dollars and fifty cents now notice how it says out of stock it says out of stock on my phone so if you were to search on the wall my app or or even on brick seek for this exact item it's gonna say there's none in stock there's not in store but as you can see there's more than enough in store let's just get a few more things it's gonna be anything random doesn't matter okay cool so this again and it looks like kinda like crossfire but if you get the ball in it shoots water in your face so it says it's nine dollars all right so I can't scan this tag so I'm gonna scan the actual barcode on the box and when I do that it's only $4.50 all right Kathleen you are my wife's very good at this today let me scan something random and watch I'm not gonna be right so this is gonna be a bike helmet it was 2494 it was marked on clearance for 13 dollars back on the fifth it's been over a week so I'm gonna scan it with the app and the true price of these bike helmets is only $5 so these bike helmets are actually on hidden clearance this is like a ridiculous hidden clearance aisle I'm what else do they have let's check this fishing game right so this is nine dollars it says it was regularly twenty dollars marked on the sixth they can't all be on hidden clearance that's only five dollars all right it's crazy um you pick one Kathy how about this right so this is ten dollars it's a it's a toy for kids it's regularly 25 and by the way I cannot say regularly don't make fun of me love me for who I am all right so I can't scan that tag I'm gonna go right to the barcode let's see what do we have Oh so that is correct Clarence there's hidden clearance in this correct clearance that's a correct price good I was trying to think I was going a little crazy any other ones so this has no clearance tag on it whatsoever so you gotta go right to the barcode because it's in the Clarence aisle and the price of this is only $2 which is a really really good price pretty exciting anything else you want skank-ass yes all right so there's a lot of these water guns he's a pretty cool actually I might get these are the kids and when we scan it it's nine dollars I don't know if that's a good price or not but I'm super cheap so for me that's too much money so these have no price tag on them I know the kids love these they're kind of like the surprise eggs these are called Mighty Beanz which I have no idea what they are but let me scan them this would be good for like a stocking stuffer only 75 cents and I guarantee you these aren't originally 75 cents so this is a really good price let me see what else they got he's gotta get the cool stuff we got to go look for those our women's workout pants too there's just so much stuff how about this I don't know what that is it's like a munchkin game regularly 25 it's $13 when we scanned it it's only $5 so that's a cool hidden clearance price Super Mario Brothers powerup card game there's no clearance tag but we're in the clearance section so I always go right to the barcode I give it a little scanner room the true price is $4 I'm not sure if that's good or bad I'm no idea well you could always google it if you were interested just to kind of check it out and there's a lot of parents behind you as well so much sure if going to scan something oh how about this right here 1288 for this baseball stuff so it's actually on a hidden clearance price of seven dollars which is super cool and I don't know if this has got you excited but look at all this stuff here literally I could pick and choose what I want what I want to scan I wish were alive I could ask you guys what you want me to scan let's just picks on the random so this is it's like a football game it looks like it's pretty cool when I scan it with the app it's 20 it's marked to 9 it's only $5 pretty exciting I love that Sharada is strategy Oh classic I'm not sure what this is but it's $20 a month down to nine we're gonna give it a scan with the app five dollars is the true hidden clearance price hidden clearance right because the true price is hidden it's not that I'm saying something bad about anyone I love Walmart or the dude I love Walmart it's just an opportunity for people if you're a little more I don't know a little more in tune with what you're doing when you're shopping at Walmart and you use the app you can find even better prices because I might not wanna buy this for nine dollars but for five dollars and I saved that four dollars I could actually buy two of these for basically the price of one pretty exciting and it's regularly $20 so you could actually buy four of them for the retail price of one if you look at it like that so let's scan something else so this is a 300 piece puzzle let's just see we've been getting pretty lucky here today two dollars pretty cool right what else don't have anything else how are you you know if you scan it with the app it could be a bowl of rice with your phone yeah so like nine dollars so if you scan it with the Walmart you do around your phone it's totally free it's only five bucks this is 250 let's see if she has a real price or hidden clearance price it's the real price see that's worried about we want to help everyone save money because you know if you're using the app think about the different things you can buy save money on this video is crazy by the way we never make videos like this what else you want to scan cat hold this so this is a five nights of Freddie thing it was nine dollars it was for fifty we're gonna give it a scan so it's only on 252 good price that's something I would consider buying because I know my son likes five nights at freddy but maybe Santa Claus will get it alright Kathleen I need you to talk a little more Kathleen the people I love the people on YouTube by the way I love you guys I read all your comments and you say some really nice things every now then we get someone who's a little bit fresh but all those nice comments makes up for that thank you so much let's actually check something on this on the wall so these are good prices as they are like all these prices are actually pretty cool they're cheap like $5.00 studio I was like check this over there this is a five dollar item it's regularly I can't say regularly it's regular teen dollars five dollars markdown we're gonna give it a little scanner oh nothing so look people always ask me about this what you can do is you can actually either try to rescan it again or you can try to go right to the barcode on the item so that's a correct clearance price but the point I'm trying to make here is sometimes scanning this there might be a defect with the barcode so it's not showing up so obviously it's always better to go right to the box but for someone like me that scans in volume I find it a lot quicker and a lot easier just to scan the tag because if I wasn't making this video to show you guys the prices I would literally be like scan scan scan scan scan scan scan scan and that's how you scan to volume that's how you can scan a lot also another thing is I get a lot of comments and people being like you have to scan all day for hours I didn't find any hidden clearance the truth is the more you do it and the more you recognize patterns and themes the easier it gets for me I don't spend a lot of time in Walmart I just don't but I can tell about looking at certain items if they stand out and I'll hopefully I'll show you in this video later if an item doesn't fit in somewhere you can figure out if it's hidden clearance or not so take a look at the aisle Kathleen wonder do you want to scan anything else here I don't think so so Security's gonna scan and record an area maybe it's out here maybe it's not so this is on hidden clearance five dollars its marked down to 350 now when you're doing stuff like this I don't know if it just in my head but there will be a lot of security following you around at times because they see you scanning I don't know they might think you're up to something but that's just how it is you're you're perfectly perfectly allowed to use the app and scan that's all I want you to do they want you to be as resourceful as possible because then you don't have to ask employees for help and it actually saves the money because they can hire less employees they can get more done productivity wise that's just something to think about never feel silly using the app that's what the apps there for that's why I love Walmart all right what else we got do you want to scan anything else here all right so this was 2797 $13 he had in clearance no the truth is I don't know like this store specifically there's a chance maybe the price is just dropped on these clearance items this morning and they just haven't been updated the tags I'm not sure you know I can't say for sure but if you scan you'll always be able to find the true price so if the true price is hidden it's the best way to find hidden clearance all right so we consider his skin all day and I don't want to get in people's way but I'm super excited I like scanning let's go and check out all the parts of the store and see if we can find some in clearance [Music] so we're here in a different section of Walmart we're not in the clearance aisle but we're in the toy sex and check this out Kathleen so I always talk about pattern recognition and people always tell me like oh you have to scan for hours to find hidden clearance see every store is gonna be different that's true but at the same time if you understand pattern recognition you're gonna see some things that are gonna stick out to you and you're gonna find some great deals let me show you this right here my wife Kathleen actually found this good job Kathleen so we saw this if you remember in the clearance section but it's not marked clearance we saw this there's a bunch of these in the clearance section it's not marked clearance so what you would think is things here also aren't marked clearance but they might be fair game right because you can make that connection that items in this section are clearance so let's check this out right here this is a game it's right next to an item that we know is on hidden clearance and when you scan the barcode it's only five dollars and I guarantee you that's a hidden clearance price you can google it if you want but I guarantee you that's a hidden clearance price you're not gonna find this five goes this says nine dollars it's regularly 1877 live all right to the box of barcode this is also a five dollar item on hidden clearance that's the true price the hidden price all right so anything else we'll check this out right here it's a Playmobil and you just never know it's there's no guarantee but you give yourself the best chances that's only five dollars I'm almost positive the hasit about hidden Clarence true mm-hmm and we consider and scan so much stuff let's get something high so this is 997 let me scan this for effect if I can look if it lets me scan it 997 see it's the same game the same game it's 250 hidden clearance price let's do this right here right next to it $20 it's a break free Challenge game I'm really not sure what it is but let's just see if the price is good when the price is good the price is good so it's truly $5 in the store hidden Clarence and you know people are always like oh it's because the stores not marking down there's so many things being marked down right now to prepare for Christmas I don't I personally don't blame the store because I see everyone's working hard employees are always working hard at these stores it's just there's just so much inventory you know eventually they're gonna catch up to the prices but if you're using your scanner app you can catch the price before everyone else and you could potentially bring yourself in the position to save a ton of money is there anything else you want to scan here Kathleen our roads have no idea we're here in a different section of wall by now and if you look these items are kind of just chilling here and I'm pretty sure they're just kind of like extra clearance items that couldn't fit in the clearance aisle before I'm not really sure if anyways these items have clearance tags on them some of them do you see like down here I see one when you see that usually clearance items fought together kind of like birds of a feather I don't know so anyways let's scan some stuff in this section this has no price tag on it I have absolutely zero idea what this is gonna scan up at it's a Barbie so that's two dollars I'm not sure good price for a Barbie Cathleen is that a good price for a Barbie alright so this item right here it's kind of like the one we scanned earlier but we see it's a game games have been really working well for us on hidden clearance so let's scan this it was $24 for 13 the true price is only $5 on this one oh this is a game as well Kathleen's right it's the Blowfish blow up $20 nine dollars but see if it's a Christmas present or not let's see if it's a Christmas present or not true price five dollars so that's a $5 hidden clearance price and these are cool right here see so this seems to be in a clearance section but it has a regular price tag on it so I can almost guarantee the price is gonna be lower it's gonna be a clearance price so when you scan that the true price is only four dollars so I have to get home and do some work but Kathleen just reminded me that we originally came here because people keep DMing me on instagram if you're not following me on instagram you crazy anyways people keep DM me and telling me that the women's workout pants are scanning up at a little lower price then it shows on the tag so we're gonna check it out at this Walmart maybe it is maybe it isn't let's go find out before we go [Music] all right so we're here near the women's workout pants Kathleen so these are the women's workout pants the people who've been DM me about saying that they're gonna show up a lower price when you scan them we're gonna check that out check over here there's clearance so there's actually clearance everywhere so let's just scan something random right so these are actually workout pants and they're on the clearance rack it shows 1988 when I give them a scan with the app alright so that's that's true it shows the price of eleven dollars that's cool let's scan something else all right this right here maybe that shows eleven dollars on clearance and the tag when I scan the barcode that is $11 so that's the game we're playing here people that's the game we're playing here people don't get discouraged though here's another clearance tag $5.00 1288 when we give it a scan this one's only two dollars for this tank top so that's cool that's a win let's move on to the next let's let's hit the pants cuz that's why we're here let's hit the pants so these purple ones 1696 the brand is a via on these these are eleven dollars so that's true that is on hidden clearance as you can see there's no clearance tags or signs anywhere so that person was correct about this one 1696 let's check it out so the true hidden clearance price is eleven dollars that's cool people were saying that they were finding pants for like three dollars and stuff like that so this one right here it's fourteen ninety six it's also a via so it looks like the Avia brand is a good brand if I'd hidden clearance these are nine dollars so things are getting kind of exciting I'm usually pretty good let's try these white he's in 1988 give him a scan real fast eleven dollars all right real quick 1696 we're gonna give him a quick scan all right so it looks like almost all of these are on hidden clearance which is pretty cool and exciting but here's what I like to do right to save myself time I'd like to immediately look for something that's in the section where all the hidden clearances that kind of stands out like it's the only one of its kind and scan that because usually that's like that was the item that was super marked down that everyone else grabbed but maybe they left one behind and that's true this really works so let's look and Kathleen is doing the camera but if you see anything happen tell me so these are all the same this one I think it's just a plane oh this one down here the legs so I think that's the only one of its kind here it's in the back all right this is not a be a brand though which I don't know if that makes a difference that could be good or that could be bad these are 996 Capri fitted their athletic works let's give them a scan it's one of a kind and he's a $1 he's a $1 that's cool so people DM me and telling me like these were $3 and stuff this is $1 so this is pretty good I don't know if this is the right size but if you want Cathleen you got let's just really quick I always like to look for something that sticks out right I'm telling you that's the game these are all the same well scan it anyways but this is just a via all right I don't want to so these are actually nine dollars these are on currents but one thing to keep in mind right so what basically just showing you if you go to warm aright now and you scan the women's workout pants there's a good chance you're gonna find some good prices but what I would do right now if I was going crazy and I want to find more of these one dollar ones I would look for this brand athletic works and I would spend a lot of time looking through and there's probably a good chance and if I find aesthetic works it has a higher probability of being on clearance it's never a guarantee so don't get mad at me some people get mad at me because they go to their Walmart and they scan everything a pack of gum it's the right price I box of doughnuts it's the right price the app doesn't make the price lower the price already is lower the app just reveals the true price so if the true price isn't being revealed in store the app just does that magic you can't you can't expect the app it's not like special like Pixy dust or special stuff you sprinkle on top of the product and it becomes a lower price just keep that in mind because a lot of people get mad at me and they're like you know you're a scam artist I scan the things I was going to buy and the price didn't go Lori it's not gonna push the price lower the price is with the prices it just exposes the true price this was pretty cool this is pretty exciting Kathleen's my wife on the camera Kathleen subscribe please subscribe because because we want to help 1 million people save $1 and Kathleen doesn't like being on camera so I just popped that in there and I don't know if you're gonna get to see this but if you just saw this that means we got it on there but anyways guys we really do want to help 1 million people save at least one dollar me and Kathleen are gonna try to make more videos now since the kids are in school we really hope you subscribe to our channel even if you don't please take into consideration using this wall my dad's gonna help you save money and we're going to show you other ways to save money in the future as well we have so much appreciation for you guys seriously we really do appreciate it we read every comment we love you guys have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Super Unsexy
Views: 143,486
Rating: 4.9000664 out of 5
Keywords: walmart clearance, walmart clearance haul, walmart inventory, walmart specials, walmart cheap, walmart cheapest, super unsexy, walmart secret clearance, hidden clearance, walmart hidden clearance, walmart deals, walmart shopping, shop with me walmart, cheap, save money, saving money, smart shopping, shopping tips, save money shopping, walmart hidden clearance inventory, walmart savings, walmart couponing, walmart coupons, walmart scanner app, walmart scanner, walmart upc
Id: Y7YXfzQPxeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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