I Bought a BADASS New ATV for My ABANDONED High-Fence RANCH!!!

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shoo what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode before we jump into today's video gotta say huge shout out to manscape for sponsoring today's video if you follow my channel for a while you know i'm a huge fan of manscaped and their perfect package kit which is an all-in-one grooming collection for the modern day man but we gotta get a little bit serious here folks okay april is national testicular cancer awareness month i don't know if you guys knew that or not but it is which is why i want to take a quick second here and talk about men's health issues did you know one man every hour of every day is diagnosed with testicular cancer it is the most common form of cancer in men age 15 to 35. manscaped has partnered up with testicular cancer society to spread awareness for men's health and early cancer detection you guys at home can perform simple routine self checks while enjoying manscape products like their crop preserver ball deodorant their crop mop ball wipes and the skin safe lawnmower 3.0 body trimmer like this one i've got right here you guys can click the link down below and go to manscape.com tcs and learn how to check yourself okay folks check yourself for early detection for testicular cancer it's not weird okay it's normal stay safe out there and check yourself and as always you can use promo code flair to get 20 off and free shipping on anything on manscape.com the best part is every single purchase at manscape.com goes towards contributions to testicular cancer society join the manscape movement folks and don't forget to take care of your pair visit manscape.com to learn more about how you can support testicular cancer awareness or make a donation to testicular cancer society today and save lives and your balls with that being said enjoy the rest of today's video what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode starting on the day off we are up here at the shop it is time we are getting a new toy i feel like it's been a while maybe it hasn't been that long it's is that ice yeah it's why is it so cold there's ice in there buddy why is it so cold but this guy here this is the infamous mini atv that i spent like three thousand two hundred dollars on we can barely barely get it started okay uh it's not gonna start now it's got flat tires we need to get this thing fixed up this thing was our pride and joy is the first four-wheeler we ever got we used to do wheelies up and down that it was a good time now now i'm all right no that's not that's not you got it not you got it you got it now you got it so we are gonna be taking the mini it is freaking so windy out here we're gonna be taking the mini atv into the shop to get fixed not not this shop like an actual workshop to get fixed um but the reason why we're taking it there is because we are hoping to come home with a new toy for the ranch as you guys have seen unless you're new here bought a ranch and we need to fill it with toys just like we have here now i've already got like three mules and a bunch of other stuff so we've got enough mules i don't think we're gonna buy any more side-by-sides but atvs we're gonna be using atvs out there a lot um it's a lot easier to explore especially like the tight areas and stuff and now i already have a four-wheeler here but i want to leave the four-wheeler here because sometimes we use a four-wheeler here i need to plow snow even though it's not winter anyways we're getting another four-wheeler we're not sure which one we're gonna go look at them but the four-wheelers are what we're going to be using for the food plot so that's going to be used to have like put a big sprayer on the back of it and spray the crops or the grass to kill it and maybe using one of those like little tillers i've seen a bunch of uh they're like big giant attachments for side by sides and four wheelers where it'll like disk and it'll plant the seed and then it'll like cover it and cultipack it all in one it's like an all-in-one food plot deal we're thinking about getting one of those we're not sure how good they are like if it's actually gonna be or something or if it's all like marketing and stuff like that but we need to get a four-wheeler for these purposes basically for land management we need a workhorse of a four-wheeler for land management where i can have a sprayer on there and run around it again like this i do the food plots because instead of buying a tractor for you know 50 60 000 and all the attachments you can do it a lot cheaper using a four-wheeler and you can get into places like the little tight crevices a lot easier with the four-wheeler plus four-wheelers are a good time aren't they banjo sir you like falling off of them i've never fallen off one i've thrown you off on you have thrown me off yeah yeah i threw you offline all right so we are going to take this in hopefully they can get it fixed up ideally we get this thing up and running so we can rip it around um but right now we got the mule on there we got to take the mule off of there and pick this up because this thing doesn't run put it on the trailer head up to the northwest and drop it off hopefully they can fix it and then shop around and see what they have that's available for us to purchase today and then we're gonna take that four-wheeler down to the ranch and we're gonna buy the attachments for at least some of them i do have a tiller already it's a small little atv one that's in the shop that i'm gonna get and then like one of those big tank sprayers that have like the boom arm in the back we're gonna try to buy one of those and get that stuff basically get this sucker ready to start getting the food plots going because we're gonna try doing a couple different methods for food plots some of them are like the no-till method where you like spray the grass and kill it and they're we're gonna get into the deer hunting really hot and heavy this year so we want to make sure we that we've got all the supplies for us so with that being said let's get the meal off atv on and head up and go get a new four wheeler for the abandoned high fence ranch you guys stay tuned that sounded good that's how you'd be that's how you don't break things that's how you keep things we only keep things in the nicest of conditions need a break my hands are cold oh the metal is really cold there you go banjo now you got it we got it which way you want to pull on this side oh there's a handlebar right here hang on all right you can just get it over that lip ready yep one two three this is the world's largest trailer for the world's smallest four-wheeler [Music] we're good to go we made it folks time to buy a four-wheeler according to the parking lot there's like four options uh normally this place has a whole lot maybe they sold a bunch maybe they got them hiding in the back somewhere i'm not really sure but um yeah we got all beauty here she's uh the funny thing is the amount it's gonna probably cost to get this thing to run it's probably about what it's worth but whatever i think that thing's a beauty we to get her back up and running so anyways let's go i'm just gonna start kind of walking around here i guess see if there's anything that can't live without but i mean according like i said according to their inventory over here there's like there's like four four of them you want to trade oh oh what excuse me what's going on here okay all right oh snap oh god banjo banjo you think you need this it can't be worse than the ones we have mine i feel like i break every meal i have this is like this is the top of the line isn't it yeah this is like smackdown heat ac power windows oh it's got power windows yeah but not in the back with the front the back just has pop out ones but they're power windows they should oh there's a horn oh we have to get it then no there's a button says horn on the side there's a horn yeah oh my gosh this thing there's is there a radio in this thing man we got i feel like we got to get one of these suckers we might need to trade one of our other ones in this thing's freaking nice dude it's similar and it's camo which you just can't beat that this thing's freaking sweet man i didn't know they had one of these things otherwise i probably would have came in i mean you think we can throw a atv and a side by side on the trailer i think we could double her up take her both home there's nothing wrong with dropping 50 000 in one day why not uh anyways yeah no we're not buying that today i think it is cool though i wouldn't mind maybe potentially getting one of those maybe before like next winter we can we can live without like the bougie heat and stuff like that we have one s heat in ac but i don't think we really need another one right now over here so they've got they've got like five dude every time we've been here it's loaded so this is a king quad this is a 500 that's a 570. this thing looks kind of cool i kind of like the look of that that's the old polaris and then the oyami grizzly so this is i i already have a yamaha and mine's a 700 which i think that's what this is this doesn't have a winch though which i don't see the tires aren't that aggressive on it compared our other one looks way nicer than this to be honest with you but these are the three and then these ones are oh that's a 750 that's the old kawasaki and then there's a can-am which is is this the thousand this is the oh it comes with a plow too this thing's probably 27 000 oh no it's only 570. that's not that crazy then that that probably wouldn't be these are super bougie though super big really you think that thing would make a nice food plot yeah i feel like it would probably make a nice food plot you could you could definitely hook up a little plow behind or something like that so wow our options are very very limited not what's pulled dead doing yeah we got the all razor going we've never had a razor that'd be kind of fun we really we could just jam we could jam out and just start cruising you like that well there's really not much well i guess i i there might be some inside i didn't think about that we'll go ahead and we'll go inside and see what else they got but we're we're thinking we need something at least as powerful as one we already have which is a 700 just because if you're going to be plowing and towing like the farm equipment with them you gotta have some power with it and i feel like the 570. like this to me i think it looks the coolest yeah but being a 570 i'm a little worried it's going to be slightly underpowered for if we end up getting that like all-in-one food plot deal and you could be like well you could just put pull it behind one of our side by sides or we could actually use the other atv that we have and i thought about doing that we could always switch we could swap right we could get a new four-wheeler today and keep this current for before we were about to buy today at the house and take the four-wheeler that we already have at the house and take that one to the ranch because that one is a 700 and we could go with something smaller like this but then i'm like would you rather would you actually be mad to get more horsepower i feel like there's never a time where i'm like man this 700 i wish it was a 550. like no one's ever said that before so i feel like more than merrier but within reason start getting above that 700 you're getting those 850s and thousands you're talking like 15 000 so anyways we'll see what they got inside do you think it'll make it uh i don't think it'll have enough to go up you can try but you got four wheel drive yeah it's got clearance but oh yeah oh i feel like this thing's gonna flip you got it you're good you got it come on come on i almost had it all right i should put the push on the ramp do it one more time i try to break it in the comments that makes more sense yeah we're good as you guys can see we ended up getting the old 700 yamaha we almost we were this close to buying that polaris 570 that was tan and looked cool but i needed the extra horsepower i didn't want to regret getting something weak and and just kind of puny it i like after having we literally have this exact one by the way like the one at my house it's just a different trim level there's just different tires and wheels and different colors but i did it's the same body and we've honestly we've loved it like it's got i like the rack system i think the rack system superior to like all the rest of them the power is always there we've never struggled with power whether we're plowing snow or towing something unfortunately i paid more for this one than i paid for the last one and the last one came with cooler wheels cooler tires better paint and a winch but it was one of those like if we wanted exactly one of that i already had or had a cooler one we'd be waiting three four months and nobody has time for that the time to start getting ready for deer season is now so we're going to tractor supply we're going to get some food we got to get some more deer corn we're out of that and then we're also going to try to get a sprayer for the back it's one of those big tank they should hopefully have on here big tank sprayer with like the boom and again we've got different tactics for the food plots and one of them includes like spraying chemicals and killing stuff off and just having a sprayer in general is not about it you can spray fertilizers and a bunch of stuff so we're gonna go in try to get some food for the animals get a sprayer get the stuff ready for today and we're headed out to the ranch you guys stay tuned oh yeah that's those you're not allowed to touch them you'll hurt your back yeah i blew my back out and that's just never a good thing but let's go ahead and yeah give it the old six six is always a good number the other thing we need to do is let's get uh let's find a big water hey how's that going big water for the for the birds yeah our birds are running the water every two seconds i feel like we need to buy something that's larger for them like one of the bigger bigger the bigger jug bigger chuggers yes like what about the easy filled yes yes yes we want two of them one for the pigeons and one for well let's let's try it sometimes those kind those like low-key stuff yeah like they leak handles up to 75 birds yeah five gallons that would that would let's just try one if it works we'll come back because i i have like i've tried those those leak the only ones that don't leak are honestly these ones because it's like the the gravity of it so actually let's just get though all right uh oh we need food for the chickens and the in the and the pigeons i guess so because we might as well give let's give them their own give them their own feed there's that's scratch grains which is for pretty much everything yeah we should have plenty of uh oh i see him he's right here [Music] did you see where he went from okay block that side i can't see him from here [Music] soccer got away whew that's what we're after boomless what we think boomlets goes to 36 feet which i feel like yeah look at that he's getting it right there 36 feet that's what we want our atv looking like you got that thing sitting on it you got the they call it boomless but to me it looks like a boom shoots 36 feet that way we could kill anything we can fertilize anything and manage it this is gonna be our basically workhorse of a four-wheeler and so then you've got like this one's a spot sprayer but this is doesn't this come with that too both right yeah oh and i don't really like the drag behind ones because then if you're going over logs and bumps and you can't turn the sharpie yeah that one you're gonna be able to whip around it is the most expensive one out here but that's nothing new here so 440 dollars for that sucker we're gonna buy this we need a battery for it i think and then we should be good we got some deer crack corn here we'll end up grabbing a few bags of those and we should be good to go we made it to the ranch ladies and gentlemen it is time we've got to get this guy situated this whole the back of the truck we got loaded down with grain which isn't for here this is this by the way the sweet feet it's not for the deer they're for our animals but we're already attracted but we do have four bags of whole corn um that we're going to throw probably in those the feeders that we have one gravity over there we got a bunch more we're assuming that they've went through most of our mineral and supplement we don't have any more of it went through like an entire palette but we have to order some more um they munch they monster but we got some corn at least to get them to keep coming back to the feeders over the next week that's the idea keep them comfortable with those feeders but big daddy you have the key it's the great ghost right there you like that i don't know but casper you think you think i'm gonna send it just send it right off i think it'll be all right all right well let's give her hell first things first banjo you know the rules check the tires we're not trying to get any flighties they look good no they definitely are way too loose wait loose loose they're not ears they're not air enough they're not air they might be loose you never know air up the tires check the mule tires we're gonna put the sprayer on first and we're going to kind of do some adventuring around now that we've got the forward we're going to be able to go in places we haven't gone before so we're going to hopefully take you guys along with us and uh well you guys enjoy shoo new boom sprayer ready to get this thing put together we got this guy in oh yeah we'll make sure we fill up to fill up the tires on this but gonna put the sprayer together set it on top of here and get the battery going and then we also have a small little tiller um that i got last year whenever i'm using it but oh god this thing's about to be this is this is a beast we're about to we're about to get some work done so first things first air for tires get the sprayer hooked up get the battery hooked up and then we'll go out kind of we don't have anything to test it with i guess we could throw some water in there maybe but the idea is just kind of get it up and running today with that being said you guys stay tuned [Music] [Music] meetings but these guys they've got it figured out they got the straps down we got a nap on the couch inside i didn't take no nap they got the battery hooked up right here this this is a land management machine this thing is going to be an absolute be it's got the tires aired up we got the sprayer with this little boom nozzle thing that you can shoot out in all these different directions and fill up with chemicals we're going to pretty soon pretty soon we have to start killing off where we want the food plots this is all in brome grass you gotta kill that off a bunch of other stuff we still have room up here so here's kind of my thought let me know what you guys think you food plot guys so i'm thinking about doing the no-till method which basically you're gonna do is you're gonna kill all this off you're gonna plant butt or something similar like a cover crop it grows up and then you have to walk and hand spread and it lays the seeds inside of the tall grass and then you go back and spray and kill and cold to pack it and it basically makes a blanket and then that blanket dies but then the seeds grow okay that's if you guys aren't familiar with that your this question doesn't apply to you but my thought is what if we get a spreader and somehow mount it to the front because then i don't have to walk around on foot because you don't want to take a four wheeler in there because then you'll mash down the cover crop and you want to throw the seeds down before you mash it down so you want to broadcast the seeds by walking and then go back in with the four wheeler but if you put the spreader on the front it would shoot the seeds in front of you and then you could just drive the four-wheeler and you could spray and you could call to pass all at the same time that's a thought or we could get one of those i think they're plot masters maybes company that makes them there's a company that makes a attachment that does everything it disks it has a seed box it lays the seed down and then it's got a drag that covers the seed and it's got a cultipacker that packs it down and it's like an all-in-one they're like four grand five six seven grand they're super expensive but i did just spend ten thousand dollars on a four-wheeler for no reason so maybe we could get one of those if any of you guys have legit experience with those like all-in-one big atv machinery pieces let me know i don't know if they're good or not i've watched some youtube videos they're kind of cringe most of them that i found um and they're also made by the manufacturer so that's a little bit biased but it seems like that would be the easiest thing because you could pull it behind this you'd have your sprayer and you and you could put the bags of seed up there and you would get it done quick because we've got probably i would say a minimum of two food plots i would like to do three um just to kind of do some experimental stuff but i would like to do three food plots on this property i want to do at least one if not two food plots at my house and then we've got the farm which we could put probably three food plots on three different sections out there so i need to have like a very efficient way to plant food plots where i can have a four-wheeler banjo can have four-wheel pool jet have a four-wheeler and we'll just run around and like you know within that means we gotta buy another one i guess don't no you got a meal you can take a meal take take them oh the mini no oh you imagine if we're playing food plots and you're in the mini with like a little hand sprayer like a backpack sprayer and you're just like so we want to find a super efficient way to do food plots without without going and buying a 50 60 70 000 on a tractor and giant attachments and implements and stuff like that because that just seems like too much money even though this is expensive don't get me wrong this combo right here is like 11 grand no like 10 500 but it's we're trying to find like a little cheaper way of doing it without going full tractor mode plus i feel like this is kind of cool having it because you can use a foil for other things tractors what are tractors good for nothing this guy this guy i can do whatever so anyways this is how this sucker works you got it charged up there danger flips this switch starts vibrating we don't have any water i always realize we don't have a hose to fill it up with so we can't really try it but you got a little hand sprayer so that way you can spot treats banjos can shoot people and then this thing so this yeah see this turn so if you want to shoot straight out and then this shoots straight down and then this one shoots straight out and you flip on and off and whatever so that's this we're going to take this guy around we got to break it in supposedly you're supposed to spend the first 10 hours at half throttle definitely not gonna happen the best way to break something is go full throttle as much as you possibly can well that's how we break things and i wouldn't recommend that but that's what we're gonna take this thing around you guys are gonna follow me with the corn we got some corn and we're gonna go run around and fill the feeders we're also gonna check trail cameras that are on the feeders and hopefully take the new atv somewhere we've never been before on this property and do some exploring and maybe find some sheds you guys stay tuned oh yeah i love it because it's the same one i already have so like i already know how to use it and like i said it's reliable i trust it oh god she got some get up and go baby all right well we're gonna go actually i don't know where i'm going so i need to go to the first the first feeder we're gonna go exploring here oh look at that trail hang on see this is so oh my gosh i should have taken my other four-wheeler here sooner this is so much faster to find sheds look at this trail right here oh this is a heck of a there's another one right there on the left oh there's another one right there in there look how many trails there are all right well i'm gonna go you gotta go we're meeting at the feeder i'm just exploring i'm looking for sheds right now oh yeah this is look at this oh i love four wheelers i'm about them they're just so much more agile so much more fun i feel like i can just i go on more adventures i can explore you know i'm saying so we can go through here i don't see any sheds yet we're going to circle back to the feeder uh it's the one that's right by the cabin this one's got the most here so we're going to check the cams and review some footage for you guys so you can see what we've been getting on cam but i would say like 95 percent of the bucks have shed their antlers i've seen a couple little guys still but most of them are probably uh pretty much shed so we're gonna pull up here here's our feeder there's our camera oh we still got some in there see i like four wheelers i can climb up top here let's see what we got going oh there's still quite a bit about half so we're doing better than i thought but we'll go ahead and dump top it off i would say throw one bag and then we'll do a half a bag on the ground just to get them all fired up and excited and excited about life yeah we'll go ahead and get her all filled up oh god yeah there you go now normally you're supposed to just keep this filled with protein but we don't have any more we used all of it so we want to make sure if we're not back here before it ends they've got something and banjo's going to do the old mixy oh yeah you give it a good mix oh yeah yeah i feel like that would make your protein go further now they might they might eat less or they might eat more what do you what do you think what if they did a study on that because they only eat a little bit it's not their food source and they know it it's just protein but corn is so what if punch on both what if you gave them both do you think they would consume more protein that way or less i would assume less there wasn't a thing in there i don't know if it fell out somewhere big doozy yeah the little little screw pin but yeah i'd say open up half a bag we'll dump it on the ground that way they get all excited and whatnot and then oh yeah we need to go we're going to go through the pictures here so let's go ahead and check the footage oh look at us there's us chilling see us right there that's us oh we got deer that was this morning do you think it's a shed buck ah it's kind of it's kind of green insulated for me it's a little grainy on the computer it shows up a little better this is just the old mobile aisle but either way we're not really concerned if it's a shed buck because it's brown it's all that matter that's what i'm saying yeah cause you don't know if it's just gonna be a little guy or big guy but that was this morning we got a little action there oh we still got a carrier that's the unicorn look at buddy he just got one he's got the one just curl he's a big unicorn guy he ain't dropping yet all right so he gave it the old good munch that's a big body guy there i bet that's a buck yeah that looks like that's a unicorn no i think that's a shed though shed bucks see the little dimples on above its eye it's kind of hard to tell with the grass but all right so we're gonna keep going yep we got more deer that's nice those are some oh okay we're that it went to night time i guess oh that was earlier in the morning okay yeah yeah lots of deer okay yeah see they like they like the feeder though they got to figure out it took them a little while to get it figured out but once they got it figured out all right we're gonna zoom out here a little bit more pictures oh there we go now we can see i mean just i'm i'm showing you guys this one so we can obviously look out i look at all the time but get an idea of how many deer are using this and get kind of just get kind of get an idea it's kind of hard to see them now they're kind of far away there we go okay yeah you got it i'll put it in here oh oh oh to eat it i mean pretty much i would say every morning and every evening these they're styled they they they're dialed up they they like the old uh it's it's not as fun watching this in the spring when they don't have antlers because then it's not like oh look at that oh look at that that might be a buck might be a toe you don't really know that rhyme call me dr seuss oh wow look at that one there are five deer banjos that is a herd and a house herd and a half there pool jack you like that so i mean i would say they like this area i would say in the fact that there's five of them together to me says more likely they're either young bucks or a lot of does most mature bucks don't hang out in a group like that doesn't mean they won't doesn't mean they won't they might maybe potentially but i'm just showing you guys the last couple of days there's deer here lots of deer and uh it's it's quite obvious there's a lot of deer so you know oh oh we got turkeys oh hey really how's it going look at this guy it's loading oh hey gobblers bearded he's got a nice beard on that guy so might be going turkey hunting might be might be going turkey hunt soon we'll see obviously it's spring and we can turkey hunt we can't do your hunt as of right now with the fence up but we killed turkey on so if you guys want to see turkey on invest less no anyways first feeder filled or ish we're gonna head over to the next one you guys stay tuned yeah we're on the road boys we're gonna go check the next feeder and add some corn to it since we don't have any more protein but like so i'm gonna start taking some paths we haven't taken before to hopefully find some sheds or some schools or antlers or some of some kind we're not really sure what we're gonna find but since we got the old four-wheeler you might as well take the path that we haven't been on since we pretty much stayed on the real you know like these guys the old open path so let's see we're gonna go ahead and go up some of these other cuts here and uh you know if we find anything cool all right so behind me is the the shop over there kind of see this is where the pond's straight over there but look at this there's a cut up this way i'm gonna start seeing oh yeah there's an opening up here we're going to start kind of exploring a little bit i told banjo what i said i might just have to come out here by myself one day because they'll probably be a little bored unless we bring the other four-wheeler and then it might not be as bad but i could come out here and spend an entire day by myself on this four-wheeler bring the camera with me and uh just bring you guys along for the journey if you guys would want to see that let me know that is a scrape right there you can see this we got deer poop you can see where it's all mashed down and then they've been they're looking licking branch and whatever is right up in there so i mean deer are up here this is a place that we hadn't really planned on hunting much since it's so close to the cabin but it's really not that close to the cabin we could potentially put a food plot or something up here i mean look at that trail that is one defined trail right here nice tree i'm gonna keep driving around here let's see oh yeah look at this oh we could 100 hunt this i could clear all this out look at that open there's some open spots here the trail is right down there and the ponds that ways by the way but i'm gonna go up here and see if i find anything oh what the heck is this who lost their ribbon what's this guy someone lost their bow i better keep that for i don't know later i guess i can keep it in this i never know what this compartment's for we're gonna we're gonna make it for that for right now oh this we could definitely hunt up here this but to me this spot looks pretty good oh there's a bunch of ribbon why is i'll have to go pick up this ribbon but right up in here you can make a little food plot just like a little little small section that way they're coming from their bedding area which is probably up in there and they're heading out that way might not be a bad spot the whole idea is to kind of scout this place entirely figure out where the deer are bedding and then figure out where to put food plots that kind of intersect from their bedding area to where they go out to like the cornfields and stuff and eat assuming the fence comes down the fence comes down it obviously might change their patterns a little bit but let's go up here and see what we find oh look at this trail oh i think this this might go to the edge of the property where the fence is man i'm on shed alert though i gotta i gotta find me a shed today now that i'm able to explore in so many areas i have been oh god ripped all right we're clear oh my god look at this this is wide open what the heck oh there's wait what there's cactus wait hang on what you guys why is there a cactus anyone know cactus could grow up here i didn't i've never in my life i've lived here my whole life i've never seen a cactus there's a patch of cactus right there oh i don't even know where i'm wait hang on i'm not where i thought i was boys look at that view i'm on the top i'm on the top of like the eastern section that we've never explored before i didn't know i could get up here i thought i was next to the fence i thought we were by the edge of the property we're nowhere near the edge of the property the end of the pro it goes it goes way down there oh this is wow the boys are gonna be pissed they're sitting there waiting for me to go to the next feeder but dude this is look at this i have never been over here before i am i am amazed right now i've never i've never been over i didn't know this existed there's there's cactuses everywhere i i feel like i'm on a different planet right now this is just crazy i did not i didn't know this is over here i had absolutely no idea this was over here for some reason i thought i was at the edge of the property look at all this wide open country and i feel like this is probably where the deer are bedding but it's also where i need to kind of look for sheds a good spot to look for sheds where they bed and stuff like that but look at that there's a whole ridge right there this is just wild never been over here before yeah if you guys want to see it i kind of want to do whether i film it or not let me know if you think i should film it just coming over here this is what i've never been to i had no idea where i'm at right now if you guys would watch me come out here by myself bring a hat now bring the vlog camera and just explore and look for bones and sheds and antlers and all sorts of stuff like that you would see even if that's not the entire video but a chunk of a video if you guys want to see that video you'll have to let me know because i kind of want to do it regardless of my video it and uh if you want me to bring you guys along you guys let me know well anyways i should probably get back go to the other feeder before boys get too pissed phew how's it going did i wake you from your nap let's listen buddy okay i made it unintentionally to like the top of that mountain over there and you could like see everything yeah i was like oh i think i'm by the fence on the east side no i was on top i was on i had a breaker in somehow yeah i got to the top of that mountain above half speed no i kept it below half speed breaking monitor boy how did you check the limits on this guy the limits how full is that sucker oh it's limited it out is it full out is it is it empty or is it full nice and bangers and avengers big corn file guy look at that bloody drizzled some for you not many deer come over here i will say that like that's very good is it full then i wouldn't put anything in here i mean you could throw some corn yeah i'll just leave it just leave just just just leave it just leave it i got it we'll let that we we want them eating it we don't want them to not eat any more of it so they just got some corn spread out hopefully attract them some reason the deer just don't come over here or they're or they're scared of the feeder it could be that i mean the thing is they shouldn't be scared of this feeder because the other ones aren't either but i would show you pictures but there's really not much i think we saw like one turkey on here a couple does not much the other one the last feeder which is like down and around way that corner that one we can throw the rest of this corn in because i think that they'll enjoy that but yeah for some reason they don't like this feeder what do you why do you think that is yeah give it give us some of the raccoons raccoons could use it there you go all right well anyways this feeder not a whole lot going on more than likely we'll end up moving it this is actually where we want to put the food plot though so maybe it's not a good place to put it if the deer aren't coming to this maybe they won't come to the food plot or maybe this is not obviously the same thing as a food plot oh god right oh god rip hey you settle down there buddy but we i mean we might put a food player we're not we're not quite sure we're still trying to study the deer and figure out what's all going on with all that but with that being said we're gonna keep exploring we're gonna go down to that last feeder and then i'm gonna go out on this guy and try to explore a little bit up there's like a canal on the west side that we've never been down um and it seems fairly open open enough to where i think i could take this guy um so we'll go kind of go explore that and see if we find a thing cool you guys stay tuned to the last feeder this one's pretty full too so i think the one by the cabin is just is just the place to be i guess like that's where most of the deer are so if we if where i went up there just a little bit ago we might end up putting a food plot up there uh our friend garrett that came out and helped us put these up he actually said i put one up there i'm nervous about putting a food plot by the cabin just because of how much how often we're going to be at the cabin you don't want to bump the deer if you like you don't want to trap them so then bump them that's like the worst thing you can do but amount of deer we got them i would say surpasses this one by a lot and the other one but for sure so we're going to put one bag of corn in here again i doubt this one's going to be empty by the time we can get some more feed um so we're going to put the fourth and final bag of corn in the one by the cabin just to make sure that one stays topped off and they keep i want them to keep coming back to the feeder that's the idea because they the more they come to the feeder the more that they sit there and munch on the little mineral and lick the mineral and do deer things by the mineral and whatever but that's kind of the idea so we do have some trail camera pictures to go over for this guy so stay tuned alrighty folks so ready for this banjo yeah look at that that's nice there's not nearly as many here i have no and i don't think there's been any for at least a week now any more skunks now that i look at it no there haven't been any for a week do you think what do you think they don't like it deer it's going deer oh it's been that it was empty for a week rip they all die and i think well i guess the camera could not be working that's true that's actually private more than likely probably what it is but just so you guys can see i'm scrolling through i mean they're munching on it in there it's not yeah that one was getting yeah he's he's looking at he's getting yeah i didn't think about the camera could be needing batteries or something changed but yeah cause i guess we've been here and i haven't got a picture of us the camera that's a dude probably should change the batteries in that guy but um as you can see lots of does like i said looking at trail cameras is gonna be cool for probably a few more months until they start growing their antlers back because right now everything looks like a doe you can't really tell uh what's a shed buck and what's not especially on my phone sometimes if i put on a computer i can but i mean you can see they're they're they're munching this spot and the spot by the cabin are the two best the one in the middle we have yet to get many deer there more raccoons than anything um but as you can see i mean we've got got quite a few there and the one so the one thing i will to say i've noticed they come here closer to like 9 8 9 10 a.m and the other one's like right at sunrise like 5 30 6 30 7 30 whatever like this is so they must be betting further away this is farther from the roost hey that's one way to put it for the for for you duck hunters and turkey fellers technically yeah were they bad as the same thing as roof so they roost further away from this than they do the one by the cabin they roost close it doesn't take them as long or maybe or maybe maybe maybe they they roost up there they go get their corn out in the ag field and then when they come back they get a snack so it's like a late morning because usually they go feed and then they go back to sleep i mean i mean that's that's kind of the idea the idea is it's just like a supplement they just munch on it and they kind of graze it's not supposed to be food food but mixing corn i feel like one will attract them uh more though like especially new deer that aren't used to this they're used to corn so they can eat the corn and stuff like that so these guys are taken care of i am going to grab the camera and i'm gonna head that way i'm gonna see how far i can make it that's a place we we've never been anywhere really up there and i might even actually not think about i should i might jump over there i said in a video how much fun i had on this thing already it may not be the entire video but a good chunk of the video come out here for for like a day just wear like a head mount and just like just see where we can go see what type of places we see what we can find whether it's sheds or bedding areas and stuff like that do some more exploration big polar bear guy he think he thinks that they live out they might they're still here this is if i was bigfoot i'd live here okay 100 yeah so anyways see if we find anything cool see you boys later have fun changing the batteries we're gonna go find something cool we're gonna go explore oh we're gonna go across the creek start here all right so this is where it's pretty thick i mean this is putting this four-wheeler to the test because i'm gonna have to oh hey how's it going how are you doing oh how you doing okay yeah got it oh yeah okay all right we're gonna go follow the deer trail but look at all these trails right here oh yeah i bet we can find something find something cool this i would think the sheds maybe would be around here just because of how many uh trails there are there's like 10 trails see there's trails here all through i mean literally trail church tons and tons of trails so and i don't know i think turkeys might hang out here kind of looks cool for turkey so i'll see if i see any signs of those guys whether it's footprints or i guess whatever whatever turkeys do but there's a creek right there that's the that's the creek actually that goes way way way up where we found like the bison bones i think is what they were so that ends up coming all the way down here so anyways i'm gonna keep exploring i'm not gonna try to bore you guys talking too much but i finally think we'll let you know and look at that what did i just say but find something cool look at this skull that didn't take long that looks like it may be a sh a small shed buck or it could be just a button buck like a small like a fawn that hadn't had his antlers yet right here rip he got he got ko'd but all right well that didn't take long that took like two seconds so let's keep looking oh we're getting skinny here boys that was a skinny one we got looks like we got a big opening right up here oh there we go see if i can get there we got to bring out the old brush cutter and trim some of these trees make some more paths for us but it looks like there's an open look at that that's a hard trail right that you know those deer are using that so you see it's all kind of blocked off kind of blocked off nice little open spot it looks like there's a clearing out here we're gonna check it out look at this a little bit of paradise out here this is wide open i'm trying to think oh i've been wait hang on i've been here before we've explored them there's like an old tank right here the creek where we found this dinosaur bones are actually right there so i actually know where i'm at i'm actually going to do something crazy something i've never done i don't know how crazy it is but instead of going back through that i'm going to cut up through here and i think i can make it to the other side of the property and i could make it back to the truck or back to the the cabin uh from this from this way but this is great look at this open spot if this don't scream freaking food plot i don't know what does i feel like it's wide open for a reason we got to put a food plot in here it's like so tucked away and so hidden even if we only hunt it a couple of times i feel like it would be a pretty cool spot to plant a food plot oh god that's a big tree okay all right i'm not sure about i'm not sure about the clearance on this one think of a freaking skid plate look at this tree i don't think there's a better way to get around either that's where i just need to go right here and i'm good all right well this i think this thing's got a skid plate single skid plate ah you'll be all right got to break it in somehow yeah i probably should see that one coming this should do it come on sheila okay i might have to go back the other way i tried i couldn't do it in case you're wondering the clearance of this sucker is not 24 inches i tried so hard to make that work i'm sure with enough time and enough logs i'd get it figured out i just needed some logs back there i would have been fine well i'm going to flip a yui the boys are probably wondering where the heck i'm at i got stuck really real bad really we're at i high centered it on a log oh that's it yeah it was a good time yeah i think it out uh i put it in reverse uh back up charge your dang one your battery's gone oh you definitely lost the battery it was there two seconds ago oh rip how did you manage that it was it was literally i just i'll go look for it it went through all that i swear i just saw it oh oh there we go i see it it's right here oh we're good it's gold ah that battery that battery is good it's new oh you're you'll buff it right out it'll be all right you got it you got it oh yeah putting the mule inside the shop that's what i'm talking about you're good hell yeah look at that i got the mule in there and the new four-wheeler and trey but we parked it in yeah there you go tap the pole banjo there you go and we got new atv all in here locked away well i should probably get out there it's a little sony hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video it's a little bit of a little bit of a d well hang on hey hey hey shoot hey should we we should take this mule home okay why this i don't want it here it sucks all right we're taking the meal home i forgot we have an empty trailer so we might as well take the meal home that mule that tire has problems i don't want to leave it here i'd rather bring a different one but hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you guys want to see more explorations video with the atv i mean you guys got a taste of what it's going to be like me going on non-trailed trails literally getting stuck i might i should bring a chainsaw next time and a chain if i had a chain and chain so i could have cut the log up and moved it would have been all right but there is so much to explore so much i just got a taste of it today well hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video we are going to be ready to rock and roll for deer season getting the food plots ready to go good to go you guys have any food plot tips let me know if any of you guys have used those all in one behind the atv thai plows and stuff like that where plants and plows whatever let me know i'm thinking about getting one but i don't know if it's actually good or if we should try something else if you have any suggestions let me know comment section down below if you guys did [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FLAIR
Views: 611,464
Rating: 4.9498363 out of 5
Keywords: epic, crazy, insane, googan squad, bass, bass fishing, fishing, andrew flair, flair, afo, fishing with flair, outdoors, vlog, vlogging, travel, googan baits, farming, homestead, backyard pond, backyard farm
Id: sDOW0tVc8eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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