WALKING NAIROBI STREETS 🇰🇪(Kenya is different)

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you have been via home in days I got here yesterday yesterday here also this young let's first say Musti yeah a bhoot guardian nah okay you can kill me right now [Laughter] [Music] [Music] good morning guys welcome to Nairobi that's another day after yesterday's absolute mayhem if you didn't see the last video please go check it out and you'll understand why I'm happy to be alive at least it's a good way to say it anyway guys today I'm gonna get it uber out of this neighborhood because like I mentioned in the last video Haley it's not even safe to walk around here during the day especially with a camera maybe without a camera but with once I arrived here very late last night was told by the uber driver very dangerous neighborhood advised me not to spend a lot of time in it I'm gonna take his advice in my head taste anything gonna go into the city and explore Nairobi and see what we can come across and then I'll come back and show you this dear B&B and I'll share with you how much it costed and things like that anyway guys let's go and hit him to the city and explore Nairobi first full day in Kenya so let's do that check out the view from my room [Music] looks busy at there Thanks thank you bye-bye hello [Music] alright guys so I've arrived at something called the convention center the Kenyatta Convention Center so hopefully gonna go to the top of this and get an epic view of Nairobi you could see the streets they're super packed an armed guard like walked me to the road and he would not leave me until I got into the uber so that area of town I think is really not good but now I'm in the center I think it's a bit more safe it's only like 600 meters away but apparently there's a wall that separates that kind of dodgy area where I'm staying somehow from the CBD I said the worst thing here is pickpockets but they shouldn't do anything more than that so hopefully they're right and everything goes well but we'll go out this Tower all right so just pay the entrance fee it cost about $5 and nak I have I took my possible though the entrance one thing that I've noticed an ATF here in Kenya is security is super time you have to go through like I have to go through two security tapes here to x-ray scanners just to get into a hotel super harsh security so just that if you're coming pretty compared to be prepared to be searched a lot and have to give up your passport from time to time 1800 guys in the elevator going up to the 27th floor all the way to the top 27 you'll know this to the top okay yeah I got it that's their pool at the time that I've been checked my identities in check security is sometime here I mean I'm sure it has its reasons that it's inaudible really they barely talk now we have a panoramic view of Nairobi I've read online that they say that Nairobi is like the capital of the whole of Africa yeah it's full-on it it seems a lot more a felon than Addis Ababa Ethiopia are gonna be honest like so many more people more traffic more things going on [Music] that's pretty insane that he is there there's a lot of smoke here you can see just the traffic in the distance and everything it's pretty amazing I found a market nearby that I'm gonna go and check out socially it's only two K's all right guys just had that coffee there Ethiopian and Kenyan coffee is like so good coffee originated in Ethiopia apparently sir this area is coffee central I'm gonna do another video when I come back to Nairobi cuz I'm going away tomorrow but I'm gonna do another video in Nairobi I'm gonna go to a coffee farm I think her a coffee plantation that make a whole video about it it'll be super interesting that coffee is so good I said good I'm Nick right what's your name fan Li yes how long have you been doing uber for one year now go a bit panting okay what do you do otherwise I'm an accountant oh really yeah you have to work in / - yes man okay it said right now right [Music] right are you married no okay okay so I've just arrived at this market seems like a vegetable and food market lately which is cool good how are you okay I'm just gonna walk around and I'll come back maybe some beans yeah I like beans okay thank you bye the lovely people anyway so I put in the uber this address of this market that my South African friend Milan told me to go to the who the driver picks Matt he's like why are you going there and I was like oh does the market he's like I don't think that's a good idea for you to go there I was like why not it's like they see your camera he's like he looks like an expensive camera they're gonna take it they will plan they'll get a group of them together and they'll steal it they're like he's pretty much guaranteed that that would happen and he said that nobody would help me if it did happen so I was like oh wow you have any other recommendations and he was like there's a city market which is a lot safer and it's like mainly vegetables and that's where I am now so if we're gonna walk around here see some locals and buy some vegetables but Stanley the uber driver they're such a cool guy like it's the second uber driver out of three that have just been so helpful and kind and I don't know if you've heard but he's an accountant and an uber driver on the side because there's not a demand for an accountant in Kenya so let's have a look around that's the market it looks super cool how are you nice three a picture what stick me man that's video say anything welcome to Nairobi or can I get some tomatoes yeah what's the price 100 a Katy okay and what about can I get 500 grams 450 yeah yeah yeah okay thank you right place thank you these are the base utilities I can't even cut one it is Vince to the phone for you yeah man I'll get an orange no thank you I'm not really a fruit guy yeah I'm sorry traveling New Zealand this is that yeah the end of each continent it's Nate near Australia Australia down very far you have been via home in this I got here yesterday yesterday here I'll see this young lets first thing must be yeah food guardian nah okay you can kill me right now John okay I'm Nick Nick yeah much welcome nice pnina thank you for naina thank you guys take care no I'm just traveling no we are you heading to walking in home and in tomorrow plane to Mombasa Oh Massa yeah I gave the beach now yeah that's nice hi John okay thank you penny thank you good bye see ya oh the local done so I got these two apparently of the sweetest oranges in the world and some tomatoes this whole thing cost me $1 so pretty good they see what else we can come across hi of you a video what have you got there do thee what to do the African vegetable how much for the eggplant so one kilo can I get like three of these yeah you keep that bag I don't need no you don't you know thank you sir oh you have okra wow you got everything do you see many foreigners here yes yeah just like Asians Haitians yeah you may assume booze yes some here what's Mazinger is that white person white people Germans Germans yeah what about New Zealand yeah even New Zealand where they even be I remember I sold I sold to a woman a lady in a guy I came from New Zealand and they had kids like for them really that's amazing this is my shop I sell vegetables you have to be to come thank you sir GG right nice to meet you good bye take care [Music] have a girl Cody no thank you hey guys I just bought some avocados I got to 450 Kenyan shillings the exchange rate is super easy to figure out here it's basically 100 Kenyan shilling equals 1 USD so it's basically the best exchange rate that you can imagine in terms of being able to figure it out easily that was 2 epic otters 2 big fresh avocados for 50 cents which is unbelievable I told them in my country how much they cost I said in New Zealand sometimes they charge four dollars for one avocado depending on the season are you mad so that's 400 shillings I told them because here you can get four for one dollar and he was just his mouth drops and he was like are you crazy he's like can we sit off a business and I'll send you the avocados you sell them and we'll make a distributing business forever Coty's why don't you take one cuz I'm leaving tomorrow so I don't need many yeah thank you next time I come back hi guys got some beans some okra some avocados and some eggplant and some oranges and some tomatoes I think I'm set a pretty cool experience with some of the locals super kind people of this market for sure the brains coming and the uber driver said we want to get home before the rain because when it rains the traffic goes absolutely crazy so I'm gonna try and get it over and back to the apartment and maybe find a supermarket see if we can never get our way through the mayhem of this traffic and then we'll talk more in a minute hey sir how are you [Music] you can adorability you come on alright guys so I have arrived back at the house that traffic was nuts it took like maybe an hour or so to drive three and a half kilometres stopped up at the supermarket and got a few things I'll show you what I got today on our little adventure so we got the okras here from that guy this whole bag this is apparently 500 grams it seems like more but this was 50 US cents for all that all these eggplants ten cents two massive nicely ripe avocados fifty cents for two so 25 cents each these cost $1 for I think was like 400 grams so pretty big bag there tomatoes were 50 cents these two fresh oranges 50 cents and then I went to the supermarket I got some water these are 65 cents each some soda water I think they were similar prices to the water here we have iron bro guys if you don't know what I am Brewers it's a Scottish carbonated soda drink I spent a few years in Scotland growing up as a family we would always get this drink and to see an Africa is amazing because I've never seen it outside of the UK unless it's in specialty shops super cool to see that I had to get three you know right now I'll show you around this air B&B and tell you how much it costs so this is the front door obviously we've got two locks here you come in you've got a kitchen on the left-hand side here I think it's quite newly renovated I mean it's not outdated or anything super cool fridge a nice big bed over here we've got a little kind of sitting area with some outdoor furniture out here like I showed you this morning that's the view down onto the traffic below it's pretty funny actually the uber driver was like when I saw you were a foreigner and I saw the address I was wondering what you were doing there and I was like why is it a dangerous area because I just wanted to get his perspective and he said the name of the neighborhood and just laughed and I was like right and so when I came in when he opens the door it's like a dash to try and get into the building I really don't know though you know I the only things I'm going off here is what people have told me but when so many people telling me it's dangerous it's dangerous from so many different people then I kind of start to believe it it's getting out of the uber uber parked right next to the door of this building - in and the security guards meet you and they're like well you made it back day and then we've got a bathroom through here and a shower apart from the stain sheets everything's good what the hell did you say so the price of this place is I think it's around 26 to 30 USD a night pretty interesting there guys made some really really lovely nice locals and we're not on top of that tower that was really nice for some fresh Kenyan produce anyway guys I'm gonna finish the video there nice to be in Kenya completely different to Ethiopia actually I thought they might be quite similar but a lot different actually but I'll go into more detail and as we explore more I can't judge the whole country on my review obviously and I know by this video and what I've been saying and things that you might get the impression that Nairobi might be a super dangerous place but I haven't had no issues whatsoever so that must say something I've been told and warned about certain things but as far as saying anything I had no issues I've met the kindest people the uber drivers that I've met have all been so super cool and nice and good English because English is actually an official language of Kenya you can get by with English absolutely fine like everybody speaks it so that's super handy makes things that anyway guys enough talking in case I don't see you get afternoon good evening and good night thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Indigo Traveller
Views: 833,420
Rating: 4.8056808 out of 5
Keywords: Geography, Geography facts, geography lessons, geo facts, Show facts, Travel, learning, teaching, lesson guy, geography now, education, world, earth, world facts, earth facts, information, geography class, countries, country, cities, history, demographics, culture, tradition, languages, continents, Ethiopia, Africa, travel, vlog, travel vlog, indigo traveller, south africa, bangladesh, kenya, malaysia, swaziland, rwanda, africa travel, nairobi, mombasa, safari
Id: f94JcgE-l_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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