HOW TO TRAVEL NAIROBI, KENYA- Things to do in Nairobi

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so how do you spend a few days in the green city under the Sun well [Music] hey guys and welcome back to a brand new video today I'm going to be showing you guys how to spend a few days in the beautiful and rather chaotic city of Nairobi so I actually live here but for the next few days I'm going to pretend I'm with tourists and I'm going to show you guys what a Nairobi has to offer so starting off with where you'll be landing you'll be landing at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and as usual I recommend getting a SIM card from the airport itself so that you can get some data and book an uber instead of overpaying a taxi to take you to your accommodation I was looking for unique places to stay in while in Nairobi and also at the same time be at like the center of most of the things that you can do while you're in Nairobi and I found this spot called the Brandi bus in Karon and you guys have to see this so that is where I'm gonna be staying for the next two nights and oh wow so right here you've basically got like a living area and then you have a kitchen and the right upstairs are the rooms head to the bedrooms that are upstairs this is so nice and cozy and if you come around here that's another whoa okay now this is super unique so I booked this place on Airbnb and it costed 10,000 shillings and night that's $100 a night and you can accommodate like four people here so I think it's super worth it if you're dividing by four oh man I've been wanting to live the van life for quite some time now so I guess this will give me like a small glimpse of what that's like oh this could be such a fun experience [Music] transport now there's a few ways you can get around I Roby you can easily get around with the uber and often times but if you want to avoid the crazy rush-hour traffic that Nairobi is known for these two options you could use a border Buddha ie crazy motorbike or you could use a Mata to buy e crazy bus nowadays it's much easier to get a border border you could either book one super or an safe Buddha Omata to is a fan or a bus that's used for public transportation now you have the simple metal tools and let's have the more tattoos that look like they've been taken out of Mad Max they keep called spoilers Grimm's graffiti all over the photos and then when you go inside just love music playing and speakers everywhere and sometimes we are even like TVs everywhere super super crazy so they have specific routes that they use at the start of the route they'll fill up and they will literally stop at any point you want along that route to drop you off and also during rush hour they drive around the traffic like mad forcing their way through traffic it's kind of annoying and hazardous to other drivers on the road but really convenient for passengers alright guys so just about a 15 minute drive away from the brandy bus I've come to the Nairobi National Park now if you come into Kenya and you want your first taste of Safari this is the place to come to it's got a diverse amount of animals they have four of the big five unfortunately there's no elephants here but have a solution for that which I'll show you tomorrow entry into the park for citizens is four hundred and thirty shillings and for non-residents it's forty three dollars if you want to visit the National Park and you don't have a car there's many car hire firms of there we can hire cause I'd recommend hiring either a six seater van or a four-wheel drive now the most unique thing about the Nairobi National Park is that is the only National Park nestled within a capital cities so while you're out there looking at these beautiful animals in the wild far in the distance you can see the skyline of Nairobi city which is pretty cool on the way back home I found this place to eat some nail macho MA that was along the same road as my accommodation prices over here were really decent for the area that we were in and the food was actually really really good good morning guys and welcome back to a brand new day here in Nairobi so today I'm with someone that you'd probably recognize in one of my past videos this is Shivani and we're here at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust basically here they save and shelter orphaned elephants and you get to visit them every day from like 11:00 to 12:00 they have never been here before right are you excited to see the elephants and you love elephants as I mentioned the place opens up to the public from 11:00 to 12:00 so there's a barrier basically where people will start lining up and it can get pretty busy so it would be a good idea to get there pretty early so that you can be at the front of the line and get a good spot for viewing the elephant alright guys so ten minutes left and look at this crowd it's so huge dude I'm so sorry that was a very very poor skip that I tried to make but anyway this is diode tayo is a Nigerian blogger hello so he's gonna be joining us today we'll be going around elephants unfortunately are facing a lot of poaching because of their tusks and ivory trade and this is led to a huge drop in the population unfortunately this is also leading to a lot of younger elephants being orphaned now the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust actually saves these orphaned elephants and brings them over so that they can take care of them until they grow to an age where they can be reintroduced back into the wild the whole point behind this one our daily visitation is so that they can show the work that they've been doing and so that they can educate people on why these elephants have been orphaned in the first place and how you can prevent them from being orphaned in the future so entrance into this place is five dollars per person that's 500 shillings and if you want you can actually adopt one of these elephants to support the cost for a minimum of fifty dollars a year and once you do that you can actually put an evening appointment with your elephant and have a more exclusive experience the major major because who will actually sleep in the same place with the youngest elephant so that they can feed them in intervals throughout the night did you enjoy yourself for the day is a place called your off center right next to the David Sheldrick and we're here to feed some giraffes dude you have to pay such a steep so we walk in and we go to pay for entry now entry is four hundred for citizens and for non-residents it's 1500 shillings so tyre just looks at me like a bunch of I came bearing treat give me attention please here so at the giraffe Center it's basically a similar concept to the David Sheldrick basically they save Rothschild giraffes and they shouted them until they're ready to reintroduce them back into the wild Shivani said you know if you put a pellet in your mouth and put it next to the giraffe you can actually make out of it has taken the responsibility of this boomba this to wait oh there's a market here our market is basically a bunch of vendors who have gathered in one place to come and sell traditional clothes ornaments that Ruby actually has the most Messiah markets in Kenya and they set up in different places every day some places like the giraffe Center will probably have one shop with a vendor selling a limited range of items so I suggest you save your shopping for an actual Messiah market it's a whole experience in of itself next clock for the day is a place called Mambo village and here they shelter Killer Croc baby so we have this plan because they had made a lot at Jobcentre we can want to save him money over here so I've taught him how to say no matter how I see on go which means let's hope it works you got him oh my gosh look at the size of these guys and there's so many of them village are actually the crocodiles now the largest crocodiles in Africa and we were here for one mission just collecting crocodiles like it's like a normal day at work [Music] [Music] [Laughter] she's the true Conqueror [Applause] [Music] Oh guess who's here guess who's here yo for lunch we've stopped over at this place called mama Ashanti and we've been invited by actually she's from not just a foodie review and she knows really good food places here in Nairobi so basically this is a first for me we're having Ghanaian yeah I sound like an Indian saying that West African cuisine Kelly well it actually just like meat - yeah I didn't feed it at first jillee Wow it just like it slowly crept up on me and now they come back now your song yes - Wow I love it one of my main missions for this video was to try out and showcase different African cuisines that you can get in Nairobi and this one did let me do my mind [Music] viewpoints these two spots that you can go to to get amazing views of the city over here right in Upper Hill this a viewpoint we can come and see the skyline during sunrise or even sunset the view right there is just relaxed here right down there is a whole box the next pot is on a rooftop of an iconic building in the CBD called kic see now funny thing about the K ICC building is that the architecture was actually inspired by a donkey's penis I kid you not the donkey's penis looks like if you go here in the evening you can actually catch an amazing sunset over the city later that night I invited my family over to the brandy bus and we had a cookout my dad cooked an amazing mutton curry over at Chico and we lit a bonfire and enjoyed the rest of the night staring at the stars in the sky it was like we were camping in the city - so much fun good morning guys so yesterday I showed you get more of the Safari side of Nairobi but today I'm gonna be showing you guys the adventurous side of Nairobi so today we are going to be starting off at this place that offers go-karting it's called GP karting I'm with Ian - nd and Shivani all right guys so for go-karting you're looking at paying 1300 for 10 minutes of freaking adrenaline rush you guys ready to get your asses beaten yep destroy you guys [Laughter] don't try and make ya'll comfortable you mean truck Road and stop me you for the rocket lab on me going on away for the record ain't around Lake notes on away [Music] Thanks [Music] I told you guys I'd beat you hahaha alright so one and a half hours later in traffic and we've made it to this place called manners by 14 waitis of African food and basically what they do is well the owner is telling us that it's like Kenyan food with Cameroon twist selectively spiced their Kenyan food and the other thing they do is offer West African and Central African dishes so starting off with my knob in this wet fried chicken dry fried chicken and when I approach this thing by the way super huge do you like it so many spices videos together we ordered one of everything and like basically every single dish like talk to the other food is so good later we went to this mall called Village Market where there's a bowling alley and we played a game bowling [Music] because of heavy traffic that they weren't able to visit all the places we wanted to but ideally after go-karting you'd want to go to Carew forest and either hire a bicycle or walk and get to one of the few accessible waterfalls there is in Nairobi after that we'd want her to village market for bowling and in the same place there's a trampoline park this place Instagram goons when you jump on the trampoline you need [Music] a lot the same road is two rivers there's a funfair there with the largest Ferris wheel in East Africa I mean look at the size of that ferris wheel if you get here at the right time you can see the sunset when you're at the highest point what my final day we drove a few kilometers out of the city to a place called Gong Yoos now during the coldest place looks like a piece of Hawaii has been put in Kenya it's absolutely breathtaking I've worn a sweater and a jacket it's full cold water like the dew just entering my shoes and my feet are completely wet right now that is this looks so epic like we're not even in Kenya anymore so they recently introduced ziplining here we've come to check that out first time ziplining whoo I'm excited a zipline I can do this I'm adventure thing right right right [Applause] well guys that was me being a tourist in Nairobi and that basically sums up most of the things that you can do while you're here I hope you guys enjoy and if you think I missed any places let me know in the comments below now if you want to know more about places where you can eat I have a full guide linked below and if you found this video helpful hit that like button and if you new here consider subscribing until then I'll see you guys in the next one please fan of the day [Music]
Channel: Adventure Singh
Views: 280,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure singh, things to do in nairobi, nairobi, kenya, kicc, david sheldrick wildlife trust, nairobi city, what to do in nairobi, travel nairobi, nairobi kenya, kenya travel, kenya vlog, things to do in kenya, travel kenya
Id: 4sl3hko3tJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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