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what's up guys and welcome back to dead by daylight the brand-new stranger things DLC was just released for the game which obviously includes the Demming organ Nancy and Steve and a bunch of other thing so I figured let's hop back on the game and let's give it another go and hopefully get the plans Demma Gorgon and attack some people you guys already know there's gonna be a ton of fun but of course because this DLC is only currently out on the public test server I figured let's do a giveaway of the full DLC whenever it's released if you guys don't know it actually comes out in September sometime this month but we don't know an exact date but I figured let's go and give away 10 copies of the DLC so it's a stranger things version of the game or you know the DLC for the game and all you have to do to enter is simply leave a like on the video leave a comment down below saying stranger and of course hit that subscribe button and little bell icon and that is it you're entered it really is that simple I'm gonna choose the winners whenever the actual DLC comes out so be sure to enter before then and like I said I'm gonna do like 10 winners so you have a pretty high probability of actually winning this one because there is gonna be a lot of winners but anyways let's go ahead and get into this alright so we got the demagogue in right here obviously he's the new killer for the game if we go ahead and go to here I think he's probably he should be down here he is the demagogue in right here he has a difficulty of intermediate which should be a doozy because I haven't played this game in a few months so I've basically forgotten everything but he looks absolutely insane never going to go back here to these survivors you guys will see we have Nancy right here if we go to survivors up here so we now have Nancy wheeler and Steve Harrington and I figure I'm gonna go and play us Steve they're both easy difficulty but Steve's the dude all right come on but you see the strangest thing Steve is steve is the guy alright so we're gonna go ahead and play as him and maybe if we have enough time also plays Nancy too because she's awesome but let's go and go back though but because the first thing won't play as is the killer of course we got to try out the demo Gorgon and see how terrifying this guy is we're gonna go in search for a match and by the way I wasn't gonna have a video up today because today is actually my birthday I didn't really tell anyone but yeah today's my birthday so I know I know I was gonna actually skip today and not do a video but I sooo that's how this was released I was like ok I gotta hop on her birthday or not we're getting on and we're doing a video on this so as a birthday gift I'd appreciate if you guess you know what especially like but I'm just saying now that's gonna you don't have to but anyways I'm gonna go and find a match here and I'll go and start the video whenever we hop into one all right so we're now in game but unfortunately I was not able to play as the killer because I was in you for like a long time and I literally couldn't find anything so now we're playing as us our boy Steve here so we're in imagine I'm assuming you probably have the demagogue in as the killer if I had to take a guess but I don't actually know wait my heart's beating I think no I we're good I'm gonna go look for some Jen's though for sure maybe some totems if I could find them I don't know where they are on the map so that's the thing like I didn't play that much where I learned all this stuff but I look around for some maybe we'll get lucky Oh hearts beating somebody nearby okay you went away now he's still in the area yeah whoever it is is in the area I don't know where they are but they're Oh somebody just got hit all right let's run let's run let's run see Jen right there I'm gonna go for it come on for me to set the crows off I think it's behind me let's go for this Jen right here come on come on come on oh wow they're already gone oh they're right there see I knew I heard it oh crap alright I'm gonna go for the save oh no don't tell me you saw me right there I'll move that giant thing off my screen so I could try to save him I don't tell me he's camping it is he camping it oh he put down a portal he's looking around so the demagogue can actually has like this portal ability and I didn't really look up how it works cuz I didn't want to be spoiled on him but apparently has like some kind of portability they can use to like get around really quickly and teleport you know it's like in the movies so Oh God you can use the upside down and obviously come here let's go this way I saved him that's good alright so yeah my previous class I was one of those guys that would literally just go for saves on teammates and I'd get a bunch of crap crap crap crap sometime he went this way okay behind me he's still behind me still behind me okay watch this watch this he's gonna come to this Jen yep brap brap brap do know it failed horribly it failed Oh psychic easy to come to this Jen but I'm gonna hide behind here and he just won't find me but as you guys can see he did find me so that's no bueno no way of an appalling camping because I've got no other option oh no oh no please don't be fast enough please don't be fast enough oh no didn't get them all right well we have one option here okay and that is to make a break for it right now run back this way please can I have teammate help help TV I want to go for the wiggle escape he's gonna he's obviously gonna get me I don't think my teammates are you're gonna help oh no alright well this is unfortunate we we've already gotten just destroyed by the devil Corrigan I'm not gonna attempt to escape no way I'm just gonna okay I think he's gonna help wherever that is come on man I saved one teammate I go to make a break I should just kept running but I thought he would go to the gen and then go left which he did but I went left just for today hey my boy Steve thank you Steve as you hate that don't if that's the same one that I say if you heal me back here okay thank you oh boy yeah we're having a good start aren't we oh no it's coming back it's coming back just put it back you've got to be kidding me I'm gonna hide back here watch he's gonna get me instead of him okay he's chasing him I'm gonna run this way I need to get out of here oh no oh no he's still looking for him he lost him oh he got him no he hit him Oh let's go let's go let's go hide hide hide oh no don't see me don't see me - oh my god oh I told him I'm gonna break it I'm breaking it come on come on go go go alright so that guy took one for the team so thank you for that oh he got him down alright that's gonna just save me so I'm gonna go for the rescue on him I think that's his second down though right so I got to be careful because I think if he gets captured one more time he's out I guess he has to be careful not really me I prefer this I'm gonna go for the house the repair until he gets him back on there okay so he just put him up I'm gonna go for him I don't think I think this guy's playing he's out camping bodies which is good a lot of people just camp the bodies okay like we're always Oh who's that what was that he just like teleported I think Oh what he's off okay alright somebody got him I'm gonna go back go go go alright I'm just gonna go back to work on this generator I feel like nobody's doing the Jen's at all like nobody okay well it says there's only two left so I guess somebody is come on come on I'm just gonna go for this all right I'm gonna hope that they can distract him and I hope I don't mess up one of these skill checks and don't only have one generator left go for it I guess I'm that white thing is this portal I don't know I've never seen that before come on I got that totem right there I'm gonna where's that noise I'm gonna go for this one and then just I'm just gonna like I said just have them trying to distract him do they seem to know what they're doing and I'll just do Jen's all right I'll stick to my job of generator man I'm Steve the gem guy all right that's that's my only job here come on hurry oh please don't miss one of these up I used to go for like the little white bar on this gotek but now I don't because I'm like if I miss that he's gonna know exactly where I am so I'm like oh not let me just just do the normal one I almost done ones getting attacked currently that's interesting all right so yeah unlikely is definitely on his last life he's got that little like spider thing around it come on go Steve go final one all right this should be it before it go for it go for it i'ma literally gonna set this off and then make a run for it I think they got the one in that field over there already so I need meds to hear it super loud so I'm gonna stick to the walls here oh come on I can't go through that little crack Steve is like super skinny he could easily fit through that okay so they got this one did that branch literally scared me I thought that was him oh this is one of his portals having to seal it yeah I knew he oh this is the last generator there kitty oh no oh my god what did I just do oh my gosh he just took the tub oh I don't think I failed a skill check I think he literally took it as I was repairing it oh my god oh no where's the escape it's all the way over there right I'm going for it No somebody save her though I can't wait can this guy Yomi come here you me you me thank you Steve thank you I'll both of them thank you guys all right I appreciate it uh Steve's got to stick together but you need meds to heal you [Music] we gotta go there's no way he's gonna get all three of us right I mean sure go get like one of us but not all three watch I'm gonna be the one that gets caught I already know it all right so the exits on this side I think I saw it on this side okay I'm gonna stick like far away in the grass so I'm gonna go for the the opening here which is probably gonna get me attacked cuz he's gotta be camping it okay I'm going for it I risked my life for you guys all right as long as you guys make it out it's all that matters I got this come on come on come on see oh they got him off so okay he's gonna go towards that which means I have an easy escape but I'm not gonna go for it I'm gonna wait for them come on I can take one hit and they two of them can oh it starts like a timer okay come on guys where are you okay I'm gonna wait here oh one of them just went down it's unlikely - oh I don't know what to do we have a little timer up there now let me see I should really just escape but oh wait that's his last one isn't it yeah I think he's a goner I'm gonna wait here see what happens oh he's trying to eat did one attempt I think they'll get them because they're not here so it's like babe yeah they're over there with him alright come on I'm gonna go over there I'm gonna go over there and even stop beetle would say to help guys I'm right here oh my god it's right there no they got him again oh come on what's happening this is such a bad idea he's on him he's on him I don't know where but the hearts beating he's right there oh he's gonna pick him up yep what was he hitting Oh somebody already escaped all right you know I thought we were being team play I'm out of here no I thought we were being team players that guy escaped what what what oh my gosh I'm out of here dude all right I was gonna help but now I don't want to all right I do want to but I don't want to I'm out here Dom it's a you know it's a test server okay I'm just gonna escape I'm sorry guys I thought about it but he escaped so you know I'm going with him oh man all right well that was fun let's go ahead and continue though oh my gosh dude I was gonna help but like you know the other Steve escaped are at Nancy I don't know which one but I think it was Nancy she escaped so I was like all right you know we're not here to help I guess but I should have risked it but I want to get at least one escape you know I was one of the new survivors so next time I'll risk it all all right how about that all right so I really want to play as the demagogue in but I don't know if I'll be able to find a match years I was in Bobby for like 30 minutes just waiting trying to find one and couldn't get anything to show up so I'm gonna try again and see what happens hopefully I'll be able find a match if not then I'm just going to end the video and you know we got to play a Steve at least which is cool but I'll see what happens okay so I somehow managed to actually find a match it only took like 30 minutes of waiting but here we are so we got to Nancy's ass Steve and a Claudette so this should be interesting I'm probably gonna get destroyed because here's the thing I looked at some of their hours of this game and they've got like 800 hours I've got 20 like 23 18 25 yeah take it guess who's gonna win it's not gonna be me I know that whatever is literally like hey my hex will ruin your life so yeah this is oh boy this is gonna be interesting yeah I just want you guys to know um I'm gonna get just annihilated most likely can I get an R IP in the chat because this is not gonna go well for me not at all I'm just gonna go for like if I can get like one of them I'll be happy all right just just one yeah you know - all right - I'll be happy and I mean like get them and have the spider take them up into the sky all right now get them and then they get rescued which and I don't want to camp anyone either that's the thing like I don't want a camp I want to constantly be running around so I don't want to be one of those guys but oh we're the underground complet oh no way we got the new map oh my gosh are one of my abilities channel abyss let's see what the heck is that I really should have looked at what these abilities do but I wanted to keep it all completely fresh so I can channel abyss whatever that is I can put a portal here if I wanted to or it said I could yeah I can open a portal right here let's go ahead and do that put one right here sure whatever and I can hit obviously and channel abyss what does that do I don't know alright well let's look around for some survivors this is why you look up what to do first oh come here come here oh yeah one singular hit I'll take it come here girl come here no escaping not today where you going come here Nancy I will not let you go this is my only chance of getting one kill in this cave okay but I can't let you believe please come back just let me get down oh she's stuck it out okay yep hello oh we got her yes I got one I'm happy right now I am happy but she's gonna break off before I can even oh this is a person with the hex ruin your life do you know what do that hey girl okay there we go yeah I got one I could put a portal here right I don't I think it depends like where you are yeah I can put a portal here let's go and put one here make sure no one's getting her okay let's go look for some more people okay so I'm sure she's gonna get off of that any time now but I don't want to camp it so I'm gonna go back to looking for people but see if we can find Oh somebody just got this gen right here somebody's over here where'd you go oh there you are hello okay Wow there I told you they're good they already got to Jen's dude oh my gosh why me why does it have to put me against the freaking pros at this game huh like come on come at me come at me what are you doing now alright I'm about to destroy this I'm just gonna go she's gonna run away though holocene I don't know okay Steve hello I lose one I find another and he didn't use the pallet on me what a good guy come here Steve I just want to say what's up I want to give you a little brofist you know high five what's up bro okay really really you were gonna hit me with that how could you you're always thinking we were bros and you're running this way now okay are you gonna try to run for this come here Steve come here boy No oh how that not hit how did explained to me how that didn't hit all right Nancy you already hit so I'm going for you forget Steve alright Steve's too good Steve too good at this game okay I need somebody who's just you know I'm not saying you're bad okay Nance I'm not saying that I'm just saying you know I just need somebody who I can actually hit alright so come here pick you up back on the pole you go told you not to escape but you decide to do it what am i stuck on what the oh you're blah I hate when they that's so cheap that they do that that is so cheap oh my god alright I'm going for it come on stop being cheap people all really this is how we're gonna do this this is this is how we're gonna do this guy's really oh man we're playing with toxic people but I'm okay with it I like it come on guy why do you got to be toxic to me I'm new at like come on there's no reason okay really sleep you deserve that all right where's the chick with the medkit huh just probably camping around here somewhere right no I don't want to open a portal all right no thanks oh man they're already being toxic to me it's whatever all right I'm just gonna put Steve on here please don't be sitting here okay good we're fine all right Steve you wanted to play hero huh that's cute that's what happens all right you stay on the pole now all right there I have three more Jen's oh hello see if I want to be toxic back I would just camp Steve but I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go after Nancy all right Nancy where'd you go let's see probably one of these rooms so I imagine yep she wants to get Steve I know that so what the heck was your plan okay maybe that was your plan for me to hit you and then you run I don't know what the heck oh there you are come here Nancy already broke this pallet so you can't do it not today Oh Steve is up here is Steve still on here oh yeah okay good c'mere I can't let I can't lose sight of her because she has that med kit what what is up with them in this palace why are they like in love with this palette and why do they keep doing that's like the fourth person I've got from that the same thing I don't know them in this palette they really like it don't know why okay well Steve is on this palette so are on this thing right here oh okay perfect thank you Steve you just got off perfect alright good back guys come back I just want to say what's up I'm gonna break this I know they're gonna try to camp it yeah they were waiting oh man dude playing as the demagogue in is so much fun it really is this is fun even though I'm obviously not using him to his full potential at all but okay I thought they would've went for her but it's still super fun just be able to play as him okay let's see oh they got another gen that's that's that person that I haven't even seen yet there's somebody on this map that I haven't even run into you so they just got this gen they have two more but honestly I'm happy with what I've gotten so far like I've gotten a lot of them I've hit him a lot of times so I'm really happy with that all right come here Steve again didn't we just go alright where's the where's the hook at let's see where's the closest one I don't know this map at all I'm gonna take you up here Steve come here come on Steve stay with me bro don't fall off please Oh Christine is down somehow oh that's him okay I thought Christina would have been like dancing for some reason there's somebody up there no okay just the shadows loading in alright so I'm gonna make my way towards this one because I'm assuming whoever this guy is that I haven't seen yet he's like there Jen guy so he's probably working on this oh the Jen was in here dang it I thought it was out here great great wait that door just opened hold on a second who's in here there's no one alright well they're probably the other Jen then at this point I'm willing to just let them escape I'm really to just let them believe I've done what I needed to do I'm happy alright that's all that matters oh hey guys what's going on let's go for Nancy first cuz she's low oh man there's a pallet here isn't there she's run into a pallet I know she is come on you're so slow but you're so fast at the same time how do you do it come here and boom nice try with a little swerve huh see I played a little bit of this game sure only a little bit but at least I was able to hit that I'm happy all right it's over here come on with me Nancy oh no that the toxic one is here bye Vee leave me alone leave me alone I just want to have fun come on where is she yeah not today come back yeah come back she gone no that wasn't their final time okay I thought it was all right I'm going for you you know what you won't be toxic huh you're going down all right I'm gonna camp your body does gabble do that but still come back just let me oh yeah okay really now really now this is how we're gonna play this gonna knock the palette down on me this is how you're gonna do it huh where'd you go and I lost her all right well that was fun while it lasted a few seconds of chasing her there's only one more Jenn left ooh so that's great it's right here though I need to go back to the hook so she's still on here so oh hello that was bad luck there's two of over here too that was just awful time I wasn't giving at that entire time I go back to check and then boom two of them so he's gonna pull her off obviously a so there that goes now you on the other hand you have no one to help you so goodbye but then again I mean she has a ton of lives it's only your first capture so I think that's what their whole plan is like they're gonna start doing Jen's now cuz it doesn't really matter I mean I can't I can't stop him at this point alright come here up on the hook you go by alright I'm not gonna campy I'll see you later second someone behind it okay alright um let's see where's that other Jen that there's one in here but it's multiple all around the place alright well now I don't know where they all are I'm assuming one of them is gonna get her obviously there's got to be one on this Jen right no they're not be oh there's somebody on it now alright sure probably chickadees I'm really proud about that I guess scratching them to death no all right let's go back over here come on I want some action I like I'm willing to just like have them escape I don't care about that I just like chasing them it's so fun all right where'd you guys go hello it's me I'm back the demagoguing how's everyone doing tonight anyone here everyone left all right well what is that oh it's like the door Oh Nancy oh come on Nancy why do you have to do these things to me come back there we go all right time to get you back on the hook Nancy get a good little break from it I'm sure I'm gonna go right back on there I lost Shredder's that's us but there you go Oh what the heck I'm stuck oh it's you why do why do you guys do this to me where'd you go I don't even know where he went I was not expecting for him to disappear that quickly well that was her final time anyway so she's gone for good alright let's see oh there he is all the way over here is just some kind of like bait are they on this now all right well we got one so I mean that was my main goal let's look around though for Steve he's gotta be around here somewhere they're probably gonna start working on Jenn's now again so any second now this one should be active all right Steve down you go so let's see here just look around all right so where's the closest others one right here all right now where's that other Nancy I was at the Toxic Nancy I don't know oh here it is all right hang him up hang him to dry what's happening oh he's gone what okay Wow it's not expecting that at all all right so we have two more people left one more Jenn though they could easily get this and then if not they can just get hatched so I mean either way Oh what's up oh here's the hatch - oh that's bad the hatch is right here oh this is a disaster I've got to get her and then guard that hatch because I know the other one probably knows where that is to you this is a design are you gonna try this oh no I thought she was dang it so just kept going for her thought she was gonna try to go through that door right there she can't she don't do that what no okay here she is come on the other ones better be working on the Jen right now if I was your teammate and the other person isn't working on Jen I would be so mad all right I hate this Nancy where's she going oh okay she decided to run in a straight line for some reason I wouldn't have known where she what if she just went left or right whatever anywhere but straight alright well there we go alright so I've got to put her in here and then I've got to go watch that hatch why can I not grab it there all right so where's the closest hook behind me all right think yeah all the way over here might be one up here but whatever I'm gonna take her to this one she'll probably be able to break free from this I'm thinking it's a pretty long way to this hook come on don't break free don't break free come on let me just put you on the hook there we go all right we got you hooked and we got the entity summoned perfect all right so I could camp that and I'm gonna walk backwards and see if she goes for it but I'm gonna go back towards the hatch over here if she gets off of that keep it on that bottom part so she gets off I should have put a portal there but whatever not trying that hard but I should have put a photo but anyways if she gets off that hook can I know where that other person is now I can put a portal here but oh yeah she got off of it see alright so they're both over here right now so I'm gonna go towards this way there's a Jen right beside them too I don't know if they know where that is though come on come on oh don't do me this is so easy for me to lose this anyone in here now all right so they're all gone right now dang it oh oh I did not know I could do that that entire time I could have been launching lunging at them I mean either way I still got them all sets all that matters but oh shake it I really wish I would have done even some basic research on this character I mean it's fun to be surprised at all but not knowing a single thing about a character is just such a bad idea all right well I don't see them hey they got to be like upstairs I'm assuming let's see oh there goes all right so I'm gonna go for this this escape right here hope that they're at it and go from there really come on please be here please be here anybody know crows are going off I'm gonna put a portal here and then I'm gonna use it to get to Traverse you have time to go into it and go to my other portal on this side and then go to the other exit one of them's probably gonna do hatch though all right so that's where I have my portal right now so I can easily go between them now so that's good all right there anyone here what no camera no open another another portal here and I'm just gonna keep going back and forth I want to keep just going back and forth and see what happens hello is anybody here they see me crawling out yeah okay there's Nancy I knew what do you guys would go for one of these all right well there you go now I'm gonna do my next attack with the lunge here why does she always go in a straight line I don't get it all right well you're right beside the hook so that's really good for me so thanks come back Nancy come back I just need to get you that's all I just need to get least get you all right I'm gonna go for the lunge challenge do this now okay well that was an attempt I thought it might be like the witch's ability or whatever her name is sorry I can just go through pallets but now that would be yes Oh broken that'd be fun though like you just use your ability and just launch straight through a pallet that'd be incredible all right Nancy I'm getting you no matter what all right oh there we go got her before she got the pallet that's what I'm talking about now I'm assuming the other ones probably at this switch right here it's gonna open and she's gonna go through but we'll see oh here she is no don't blind me leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I don't even know where the hook is all right you know what you're going down oh I should just go for it go go go okay even get to are you kidding me I can't get to this hook from here oh there's a hook right here I'm dumb all right put it no dude I didn't know there was a hook there you've got to be kidding me oh and of course she's so fast come on oh no that sucks I was right there - oh I was got him I maxed out everything though ruthless killer you know what I'll take it alright I think I did all right I could have got both of them but I'm just not very good I would put DD man dude that was fun that was super fun playing as a killer right there like those people were just fun to play with like they're a little toxic but like in a good way like that was just a blast all right so guys that was stranger things DLC for the game let me know if you guys want to see me do another video on this by leaving a like on the video I mean doc Oh might end up doing a video if you guys want to see it like I said smash like if you're new to channel you haven't already hit that subscribe button cuz don't wanna miss upcoming content and I'll see you all in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 4,851,811
Rating: 4.9075398 out of 5
Keywords: dead by daylight, dbd, survival horror, stranger things, stranger things dead by daylight, demogorgon, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, netflix, steve dead by daylight, nancy dead by daylight, demogorgon dead by daylight, dead by daylight stranger things, dead by daylight stranger things gameplay, dead by daylight stranger things gameplay reveal, stranger things netflix, stranger things 2019, stranger things season 3, stranger things 3, dbd mobile, dead by daylight android
Id: MxlSdJPfcuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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