My FAVORITE VIRTUAL REALITY Zombie Apocalypse Game (Arizona Sunshine Funny Moments)

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is this you why are you so short oh my god why do you have a mask no are you robbing me why are you robbing me i have a gun too do i have a mask i'm about to shoot you i'm about to shoot you welcome to arizona it looks beautiful but what are those oh those are people they're the citizens of arizona oh really just tourists yeah just tourists are they drunk or something i have two shots left you're really short dude you're seriously up to like like lower than my chest am i taller for you i only have one bullet now oh look a bridge hopefully we don't get ambushed here well then let's get in the car oh [ __ ] oh my god you can actually get in the car fine coach that's mine ooh you're a tall little fella aren't ya now you're a dead little fella how about you dad huh when's this game gonna start getting difficult done bro check it out it's a trilby hat can you can you actually put that on your head oh my god [Music] what are you doing oh look dude oh behind you jesus oh my god oh i got her oh my god oh my god i got her oh there's more nothing in that one hey stop that i'm looking through cars got him no now he's dead careful they got there's two more on the left here there's two in the middle don't you just love it when you run out emma good good work wow dude there's a lot of cars out here yeah well what exactly are we searching for we're just kind of you know rummaging through people's stuff i mean you know when the zombie apocalypse happens free stuff you know yeah that's a good point however um we should be looking for like a place to stay and have well guns you can find that through extra flooring and stuff you know whoa oh my god oh i got him i got him don't worry more to the right i got this little fella i'm gonna give him this helmet oh maybe not a very good idea what does it say refinery's safe zone follow the road safe zone let's go check it out all right red barrel red barrel oh my god i mean you know it that was incredible yeah another red barrel i want to shoot it wait for it yeah that's what i'm talking about here i can shoot this one oh don't do that all right i'll check these three you check those three watch the guy to your side ah yes i'll get you when you start coming over here oh like that nothing you almost done coming over here yet you ready for your shot to the head i need the key for this one right here this one goes to the freaking ticket office there wait what look at this dude gotta be some good good stuff in here dutchman mine we gotta get the keys to this car okay let's get it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is asking for this is no good okay careful check your back check the upper sections i'll close the door behind us okay it's good let me check the office yeah it's good look at all these supplies dude hey boo jesus where'd you find that literally actually right there it's a little too early for halloween and by that i mean it's halloween and i guess it's fitting it is very fitting uh first aid kit what oh my god what are you doing trying to get in this room there's still more stuff to loot here there's ammo stuff there's food for days actually start start packing this stuff up we got light for later tonight what's this they don't even have water here classic cheese cheese dude that could be useful sleeping bag um what's this gasoline they're all empty dude i can't even fill up my home kerosene cans wait a minute back away back away all right dang it all empty they're empty [Music] let's go around the back [Music] huh there's a roof there's a zombie upstairs peekaboo all right he's done tyler come up here one i found a no-no okay hold on there's some serious tomfoolery downstairs oh so well let me tell you oh there's a staircase here yeah check it okay so i was wanting to get some freaking fish sticks to cook up well if i was a dead dude okay so here's what we do we just shut that and we open this and we just don't tell anybody what we found because now we are a potential suspect and we don't want to be a potential suspect so just come out here decide don't touch anything it is an active crime scene josiah josiah i will shoot you if you josiah you can't be taking stuff this is a crime scene the police will be here in seconds oh the keys okay we can take the keys nothing more josiah stop it josiah you can't you just i got the keys okay let's just put the key oh yes does it run hold on give me the keys give me the keys i don't know how to drop it actually honest okay okay okay just put it in the ignition and and turn it is it not the ignition is literally blocked by a plastic cap okay well then we can just look in the back maybe grab that oh get in the house i have the key get in the house josiah get in the house just like in the house right now i have to show off my revolver skills decide we need to get in the house right now okay me and i just missed all six shots we're doomed come on come on just tell ya okay um oh you realize there's no way to go in through that door that's our only way out oh here them go away hold on one second no that's just saying nope me okay no stop it stop okay i went upstairs oh my god okay get prepared reload josiah oh my god they're upstairs oh wait they can't they're going down the stairs oh my god the window the window you can shoot through the window they're everywhere this is our house okay you do not belong here i'm gonna i'm gonna open this geez no don't open that go don't put that i ain't a freaking wimp mama raised a soldier [Applause] [Music] all right let's go boys [Music] careful to say careful um back in the house oh my god put the winch on josiah help me i'm out of ammo oh no it's not that it's not [Applause] let's keep going this way pull out your other gun maybe you have ammo for it i do but not much just the magazine i'm probably down to only six shots now you know you're so much taller you're running a lot faster than me just slow down a bit okay good get the door i'm okay let's go josiah come on let's go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait silently take this guy out okay good all right be quiet there's two people in the tent that's a military tent we're talking grenades assault rifles snipers ammo helmets all that good stuff we need to get in there grab that stuff and take out everyone else okay quick good good good just rummage everything oh this is perfect pull the pin perfect hey look grenades oh i'm a professional are you sure about that observe oh god shoot [Music] jesus that might have been a little overkill josiah you know a little much goes a long way what exactly what is this this is a huge this is a huge wire where does this come oh oh my god you gotta watch out for the army people hey tyler huh i found a key in here come over here it might be used on this or something i don't know if i want to go over there what's in here just saying oh wow found a bit of a toy what oh no way are there is there a bipod that's what i'm looking for i wonder how this thing fires no no i pulled the lever and it didn't do anything that's because we have to go in oh i see what you're saying the power is up there and the keys okay i see yeah i don't need the keys oh perfect all right let's just try to make this a little quick okay no kind of funny business it's also shut the door behind us only seriousness okay yeah because i'm a legitimate businessman it sure does look like it hey you missed her oh see look at that oh jesus christ this is wonderful oh my god jesus magazines aren't that big [Music] man you're wasting all your ammo there buddy power cable goes this way keep opening follow to the right power cable goes this way no need for shenanigans here's the power oh i guess we just flipped this big red switch well i guess so this is making a lot of noise josiah this is making a lot of noise just like this is not good let's let's go back oh extra ammo okay i think this is for you dude now this for me but that's for you yes what made that noise i do not know can you hear that yeah raw [Applause] so where's that coming from i don't know i don't like this one [ __ ] just high let's just go over there and let's just flip the lever and just go first time to use this new gun [Music] jesus [Music] is it working oh my god [Music] uh [Music] kind of broken [Music] oh um [Music] oh it's the school bus look oh my god josiah get in the house get in the house get in the house josiah come on josiah wait i want to go to all the doors shut the door we can't shut the door i've only got i've only got 100 bullets i need a bigger better gun oh my god food it's still not open don't worry is it open look at it is it opening no oh oh let's go let's go there's still zombies up on the cliff [Music] you
Channel: MeLikeBigBoom
Views: 19,280,757
Rating: 4.8737874 out of 5
Keywords: arizona sunshine, virtual reality, vr, vr zombie game, vr horror game, virtual reality gameplay, arizona sunshine coop, arizona sunshine funny moments, virtual reality funny, vr funny game, virtual reality funny moments, oculus rift game, virtual reality scary, oculus rift zombie game, htc vive zombie game, vr scary video, virtual reality video, virtual reality zombie survival, zombie survival, melikebigboom, qaswasred, mlbb
Id: MPOj11srhLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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