WAKING up at 5am for a WEEK STRAIGHT **kinda failed**

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel don't mind how I look right now um as you can probably tell I just got out of the shower but anyways this week I am waking up at 5:00 a.m. every single morning I have definitely tried waking up at 5:00 a.m. other days but I always just end up snoozing my alarm but this week I'm going to push myself as hard as I can to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every single school day and honestly I don't know if I will be able to complete this challenge I'll be real with you guys like if one day I like end up sneezing my alarm or something like I will let you guys know so there's no promises that it's going to be every single 5 days of me waking up at 5:00 a.m. but I pinky promise I'm going to try my hardest okay now I'm just going to go do my hair care and then I'm going to try to go to bed at 9:00 I'll be back when I finish with my hair care okay I think this is the last time you'll see me like with a smile on my face um but yeah I'm going to go FaceTime yada do my homework and then go to bed see you guys at 5 [Music] a.m. good morning by the way I have um this thing called a hatch alarm clock so basically it wakes me up by light but like it like slowly like brightens your room so then it like is easier to wake up that's why I'm kind of awake a little bit right now and then it plays like soft like music or something okay I think right now we're going to get up and straighten my hair yeah that's not cute let's go straighten my hair okay actually I'm like freezing as I'm getting out of bed I'm really cold so we're going to go get on a sweatshirt we're going to turn on a little light in my room okay that's better okay this is what my hair looks like and I'm going to put in some day heat protectant guys honestly I'm not that tired but I do wish I could go to sleep right now like if I laid in bed like right now I would fall right asleep I don't know how I'm going to do this for 5 days like I really don't okay so I actually pretty much just finished the top section except for my front pieces so a lot of people ask like how my hair is so like flowy like how these pieces kind of like go like that I'm going to show you how it's kind of like easy and like self-explanatory but I'm still just going to show it and basically I leave like this much what I do is I take the hair I go like this and I turn it two times like that go down obviously it's not going to look like this like you know and then I'm going to try and get an equal amount of hair on this side okay here's what it looks like and then kind of Comb it but like backwards like this and then it looks like this and throughout like as I'm getting ready these will just kind of fall more and more the hair is like done now I think I'm just going to do like my skin care but I don't think I want to do my makeup yet okay it's already 5:23 so I think I might just do my makeup too I think I'm just going to do my eyelashes right now and then I'll do like blush and stuff um later okay I'm going to be back when I finish my lashes okay I finished my lashes now I'm just going to clean up with a Q-tip okay I'm going to put on a little pimple patch okay there we go right now I think I want to go make like breakfast and coffee I'm not really hungry but like I think I will be maybe so let's go by the way guys it's 5:43 right now okay let's [Music] go [Music] okay so I'm going to put the coffee in this then I can like take it to school but I can't do that yet since it's like really hot it's going to like burn through the cup so we're just going to wait for it to like cool down for a little and I'm going to make breakfast I don't really know what yet but okay I'm not exactly sure what I want I'm not even really hungry but like I don't know I think today I'm going to make a rice cake so I'm going to have this little thing with like Nutella and peanut butter on it and I'm just going to do half and half and then I have this banana but like it's so much effort to cut it up so I just have Nutella peanut butter and then in the middle like it's like peanut butter on the bottom and then Nutella on the top okay guys now we're going back to my room and we're going to do like my actual makeup I'm literally feeling like so awake right now let's do my makeup I'm not really going to do much makeup I think just blush I use like two or three different blushes every single day so today I think we're going to do milk and then lastly I'm just going to do this Dior powder one just to like lock it all in place kind of I'm going to do my eyebrows okay now I'm just going to do some highlighter okay now I'm just going to clean up my vanity cuz it's a mess this is what we're working like right now I'm going to do this Charlotte Tilbury setting spray even though I've like basically nothing to set but it's okay now I'm going to get dressed into my school uniform and after that I'm going to go upstairs and make my coffee I got my uniform on and then I also brushed my teeth now I'm going to get my shoes on the only thing left for me to do now is pack my bag and make my coffee so I'm going to pack my bag real quick okay here is the final look for day one okay guys now it's time to make my coffee first we're going to do ice okay we're going to do like that much and we have our milk and then the best part is the vanilla then we're going to Stir It Up taste test that's so good so I'm going to take this to school and I'm just going to eat it like at school okay so this is the end of day one um it went pretty well I'm not that tired so back at it again day two I am more tired than yesterday I am genuinely so tired literally all I want to do right now is just go to bed hi guys good morning I am going to force myself out of bed today like genuinely I'm literally just going to like shove myself out of bed I'm not going to let myself close my eyes yeah that's really my bad about yesterday um I did not really mean to fall asleep I just like I like after I filmed like my video saying like how I wanted to go back to sleep I was like okay I'm going go to sleep for like 5 more minutes and then I just like closed my eyes and then I felt sleep for till like 6:30 I don't know if you can see the time on it but it's 5:02 also today I'm going to leave at 7: for school usually I leave at like 7:25 or 7:30 but we're going to leave at 7 because we're going to get Starbucks okay guys I'm going to start doing my skin care I honestly love this ordinary moisturizer it's so cheap it was like like $1 or something like that and it honestly is like a really good size okay guys we're going to do my lashes okay I'm going to be back when I finish with my lashes okay guys I finished the lashes currently right now it's 5:17 okay now I'm going to do my actual makeup okay I don't want to do concealer so I'm just going to do this like eye brightener thing okay now um I'm going to put a pimple patch on these spots again they hurt literally so bad okay now I'm going to just like do some eyebrow gel okay now the last thing I'm going to do is blush it kind of looks like a lot right now but it'll die down okay now I'm just going to do setting spray okay and then we're just going to leave the hair like this now we're going to go pack my school bag okay I finished packing my bag and now I'm going to brush my teeth okay guys right now it's currently 5:40 I actually got ready kind of like quick so now I'm just going to lay in bed cuz I still need to get dressed into my uniform and also put on like lip gloss and like just that type of stuff and like perfume okay I'll be back when it's like 6:30 okay guys it's 6:30 so I'm going to do like my finishing touches and stuff and you'll be out the door at 7:00 first I'm going to do this lip liner today I'm going to do this Milani lip oil now we're going to go get on my uniform okay guys so I'm in my uniform right now and then I'm just going to wear these black convers last thing I'm going to do is perfume today we're going to use 40 cuz I haven't used this one in so long okay this is the final look for day three technically day two since I didn't do it yesterday but yeah day three we have two more days left in the week and I actually promise I will wake up at 5:00 a.m. both the days okay it's 6:52 so technically I should probably head upstairs now okay guys let's go get some Starbucks okay guys so I got my Starbucks okay so I got a Grande strawberry oai refresher and then I got a chocolate croissant yeah okay that's the end of day three I'll see you guys at 5:00 a.m. [Music] tomorrow hey guys good morning today's Thursday so it's almost the last day of this okay so today for school I have free dress so I can wear like whatever I want I don't have to wear my uniform I'm going to wear this shirt and then I have two options for like pain has to wear I wash and straightened my hair last night but I didn't do that good of a job of like straightening it okay I'm going to do my skin care makeup I haven't used any of my like say things in a long time I feel like so today we're going to use it I can't decide what one I want to use so I'm just going to do like a mix of both today I'm going to put on my under eye brightener guys I'm lowkey so excited for school well actually I'm not so excited but I am like excited I love Thursday schedule guys my birthday is actually so soon my birthday is April 6th so was in less than a month I'm so excited okay I just finished my mascara and then I put on a little bit of blush and now I'm just going to like straighten my hair a tiny bit more just cuz it's not very straight anymore okay guys right now it's 6 so I'm going to lay down probably for like 20 minutes and then I'll go like do the rest of the stuff like brush my teeth all that stuff okay guys now it's 6:30 okay so now I'm going to brush my teeth and then I'm going to get like changed yeah I tried them both on and I think these look better so we're going to wear these black caros and then this shirt and I'm going to tell you where these are from because I know people are going to ask so this is from Brandy and then these are American Eagle okay guys I have literally like so much time I have like almost an hour so what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to get my Stanley and then I'm going to put lemonade in it for school so let's go do that okay guys so here's my Stanley and then today I'm going to do raspberry lemonade first let's go get ice and then now we're just going to pour in some lemonade okay so here is my drink for school so yeah now I'm to go back downstairs okay I'm back in my room honestly I think I'm going to switch my earrings cuz I haven't switched them out for like 2 weeks I think I'm going to do these big ones from Brandy okay there are the earrings and then I already have on these two necklaces from every Jewels the Lovergirl necklace and the Aurora necklace speaking of every Jewels if you haven't already go use code Loki Sophie all caps no spaces for 20% off your order okay I think I'm just going to lay in bed again for just like 20 minutes just because I have nothing else to to do really it's 7:10 right now so I need to leave in like 20 minutes okay so today for shoes we're going to do these Jordans okay guys here is the final look for today last thing I'm going to do is put on deodorant and perfume for perfume today I'm going to do this one from Bath & Body Works okay the last thing I'm going to do before I leave is get some trru so for those of you who don't know trru sent me a bunch of their stuff so I'm just going to choose one I think today I'm going to do these dark chocolate raspberries and I also just realized that I also have raspberry lemonade So today we're a raspberry girly okay guys this is the end of day four I'll see you guys tomorrow for the last day day five good morning guys today we have a special guest we have me L but she's not going to be waking up with me welcome to officially the last day of this challenge as you can see I washed my hair again yesterday I washed it yesterday and the day before but the only reason I had to wash it yesterday is cuz I went in the hot tub and it got wet so I need to wash it okay I'll be back when I finish straightening my hair guys I finished straightening my hair it's currently 5:15 okay now I think I'm going to do my skin care I haven't like wore actual concealer all week I wore like that rare Beauty eye brightener so now we're going to do some concealer today for mascara I'm going to do this Lancome one cuz I haven't used this in a long time hopefully it's good I finished the lashes and then I also just put on blush okay it's currently 5:50 I'm going to go lay down in bed until 6:30 which is when I'm going to wake up me and then I'll like redo my makeup and just like go upstairs and do like all the other stuff okay guys it's 6:30 now and Milada is now awake so change of plans now um now we have to be ready by 700 because uh my sister's letting us go to Dutch Bros before school so we have actually no it's 6:45 actually so we have 15 minutes I wiped off all my makeup because I didn't like how it looked even though there's literally just like blush and concealer I don't know I just do not like how it so yeah we're just that's that and then I might do like some blush or something but I don't know I just don't like how it looked and then I curled my front pieces with just like a curling iron cuz it was just easier and faster now I'm going to brush my teeth okay now I'm going to put on my earrings I'm doing the same ones that I did yesterday so the ones from Brandy I really just like put on like hey guys now I'm going to get on my uniform and then I'm going to like do blush and stuff guys so now we have like 5 minutes and I'm just kind of like redoing my skin care too oh girl I'm not putting this in there oh okay girl bye Felicia okay now I'm just going to do some lip liner okay I'm going to do the summer Friday's lip balm Milana is choosing the true FR cuz she wants like we want to bring a true FR to school okay here's the final look for day wait is this day five okay here's the final look for day five okay guys so we just went to Dutch Bros me and Milada both just got small picture perfect yes we just got this tastes so good okay guys that is the end of waking up at 5:00 a.m. every day for a [Music] week
Channel: Lowkey.Sophie
Views: 167,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sW7eRqQwUGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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