Single Men Share REASONS Why They Didn't Go on The SECOND Date (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit single men of Reddit what made you definitely not want a second date where the woman you went out with so I'm not proud of this one but I'll share years ago when I was still single I met someone online we chatted a bit he seemed cool enough and we decided to meet up for a burger at a place I knew downtown seemed like a kind of low-key thing I get to the bar a few minutes early and order a beer then finish it then 45 minutes late she rolls in one okay cool we all have jobs and have dealt with traffic and whatever it happens but no excuse just a shrug and aback well that's how it goes sometimes she sat down we began chit-chatting she asked about my work I assumed it was regular nervous Mel talked to but no it was trying to feel out how much money I made three when she asked my job Tyco and I told her she immediately suggested that we leave this casual pub place to hit up a wine bar down the block okay I guess it's a little more upscale than I had in mind but okay we walk to there get seated and then come the menus for she ordered herself dinner some kind of seafood thing that cost an insane amount of money and a bottle of wine not a glass mind you a $250 [ __ ] bottle of wine I had already ordered a drink from the bar for myself and got the impression that this was not wine to share five she kept talking about much her job sucked and how little it paid and how no one at her work was fun to hang out with like the only conversation she had was bashing work and Calchas with a female deer racist undertone six the whole time she was texting friends to meet up that evening I was invited of course to party with them all night and I assume bankroll their fun I discreetly went up to the bar paid for my drink and just left straight up noped out of there without so much as a goodbye from my messages I checked in online later I know that I back quote stuck her with an almost 500 dollar bill and that she was going to sue me for it heard from the wine bar own later it was close to work and a sometimes happy hour spot that she apparently tried to skip out on the bill but they stopped her and she paid bTW my very next date was with the woman I eventually married it went much much better here's a text conversation we had the day after the second time we went out first time we hit a couple bars so we were drinking which made it more bearable decided to give her a second shot with a beach date but it sucked pretty much she was just very negative and argumentative about almost anything I said me hey thanks for driving yesterday anyway I don't want to just ghost anyone cuz that's pretty mean but I don't think we really click good luck with your move she was moving apartments that week huh shoot I should have guessed this was coming after her off yesterday felt I appreciate your honesty I know I poked you too much with the fishing comments but were there other things I did that were really off-putting I'd like to know so I don't keep doing them me dude work has been crazy busy this week so haven't really been on my phone responded like two days later cause I was actually really [ __ ] busy mainly I think we have different values and world views and our differing personalities didn't allow us to get past those or discus kinda seemed like a lot of the things I brought up led to negative responses which makes it harder for self disclosure and leads the conversation at small talk and prevents any kind of connection don't take this as an attack cause I think of the root of it all we just have different clashing personalities and never really found common ground maybe I'm just being sensitive but I did feel like there wasn't much willingness to understand my interests values et Cie and a lack of agreeableness from you so it felt as if I was almost being disparaged for my values and worldview I like fishing and hunting and she was a high horse vegan type huh thank you for the thoughtful feedback you're right dad we have different worldviews that I was post minded in my approach to getting to know you and making you feel welcome I definitely came off judgmental and bitter on Sunday and I appreciate you explaining how that made you close off thanks again for taking the time to explain and for giving me a shot in the first place internet dated for a while once went out with a girl that kept talking about her fake ID I was 23 and she was allegedly 20 ordered wine and didn't have her ID got shitty with the waitress asked me to get her a drink by the end of the date I wasn't sure if she was even 18 nope tower that dates fast invited a girl to dinner she showed up 45 minutes late after texting me a few times to say she was on the way but she also showed up with her friend for protection okay I guess there's a lot of weird dudes out there and I can have fun with multiple people I ended up buying dinner for both of them because I'm a rube the girl left after dinner because they were going out didn't bother inviting me but texted me constantly looking for more dates cut that one off because I didn't really understand how that was supposed to work met a girl at her place she suggested cool with me decent plates but more like a dive bar with food than a dinner place no big deal I like dive bars turns out she's a regular there and knew everyone who works there okay she feels comfortable there or something we go to leave and her car is dead I jump it but not before seeing that she's either living in her car or she's a hoarder old Cherokee with nowhere to sit besides the driver seat one girl kept telling me that I'm saying all the right things but hopes I wasn't a rapist I was able to laugh it off the first time but after time four or five I was offended cut dinner off short and told her to have a good night luckily I had cash and left way more than enough with the hostess met a girl I dated for about three weeks first night at my place she wanted to have sex I wasn't really ready for that with her because I really liked her dumb move maybe just didn't feel right yet told her that she started getting rough with my junk and asking if I was a real man and how a real man would [ __ ] her brains out it turned angry for another 15 minutes played it off and we talked for a while and went to bed she texted me the next day saying she was disappointed but wanted to give me another chance feel like I dodged a bullet with her she was really a cool person to talk with besides the whole peer pressuring me into sex and acting like I was a disappointment because I have feelings dated a girl who was a preschool teacher for about six months until she reveals that she wanted me to act like one of her preschool students while having sex could never look at her the same way which sucked because I couldn't dream up a more beautiful woman and the whole part where she maybe wanted to [ __ ] one of her students met a girl for dinner she showed up several drinks ahead of me drank a bottle of wine at dinner tonight so beers tried to drive her home and she accused me jokingly of trying to take advantage of her tried to get her a cab and she refused drove home plastered I'm not trying to babysit an alcoholic had the rest of the stereotypes date for free dinner not over our sole ex-boyfriend I'm almost definitely a sidepiece just looking for friends projecting her fears onto me or whoever she was going to try and date too desperate to date an engineer because of a perceived paycheck wants to change me before knowing me too cool to online date even though we met on an online dating website alcoholics I drink a lot so that's saying a lot sex addicts that's all they ever talked about you name it I went on so many dates to the same place that the hostesses started keeping track Sara the one I spoke with most often saw them all she knew when things weren't going well she finally stepped out of her role and asked me out with her and her friends to introduce me to someone I met one of her friends who is now my wife on that outing the restaurant owner is a big name in our city and we used them to plan hosts and cater our whole wedding funny how things work out I was meeting this girl on tinder at a burger place when she arrived she looked a little bit different from her photo but nothing canceled worthy just skinnier than what I expected the greeting was very awkward because she was super loud but I figured she was just nervous so I tried to make her feel more comfortable as we were standing in line she kept shouting not talking literally almost shouting at me when she spoke and it make a alot of people turn to look at us and whisper amongst themselves I started talked very quietly hoping she would get the hint but the entire five minutes of the standing in line she would not shut up people around us were getting visibly annoyed when we finally ordered I decided to take us outside so she wouldn't annoy any other customers we are talking and I'd find out that she's at uni and her dad has a well-paying job that has paid her entire way through not a problem at all everyone has different circumstances that she would go on and on about it like she was bragging about how rich her family was she then started complaining about the amount of ations there were at her university I whispered there is a Chinese family behind you and she laughed and said I just think they should all go back to Asia I laughter disbelief that she took it as though I was in agreeance and kept on going I eventually asks should they be sent back anywhere in particular in Asia and she said no Asia is fine I'm pretty sure she thought it was a country I then decided to ask her about her tinder profile because I don't have many opportunities to look at it from a girl's perspective she gets excited and shows me 240 matches all of whom she has been messaging it was absolutely insane and she kept going on about how she loves to string guys along for a ride anyway throughout all of this I found out she is a most certainly anorexic because even though she bought food she would constantly take pretend bytes out of her burger they weren't even convincing she just literally bit the air and shooed a left super quick after that and it honestly shocked me to meet someone as socially oblivious as that and also taught me to be way more careful with who I spend my time with I posted this somewhere else before but it's relevant here so I'll repeat it so I take this girl out to a bar slash restaurant meeting her for the first time after talking on an online dating site after she orders her food she drops the bomb she tells me for the past seven years she has been a professional dominatrix so I'm an open-minded guy I'm cool with this she probably has some funny stories right well she starts telling me these stories and for the first half hour or so they are pretty entertaining eventually though I want to talk about other things however any time I try to change the subject she immediately brings it back to dudes she pooped on it got weird I could barely get a word in she basically didn't take a breath for three hours again I'm a really open-minded guy but there's only so many consecutive stories of bowl gags and double-sided dildo but [ __ ] a person can take before even the most open-minded amongst us start to feel uncomfortable at one point I excused myself to go to the bathroom as I stand up and turn around she seizes this chance to smack my butt and says your ass looks like a baby pumpkin I could bounce a quarter off it and get back to dimes and a nickel keep in mind this lady is a professional it was crisp and painful to put this in perspective I was wearing thick jeans she hit me in my back pocket and when I checked myself for damage in the bathroom there was a clear fat red handprint on my butt cheek like I could see the lines in her hand I could have moved a psychic and they would have been able to predict her future so I'm about done with this we finished the meal and I Drive her home while she still blabs tales of donkey tail but plug him toys I've never heard of going in places I wish I hadn't heard so I pull in her driveway the second the car goes into park she immediately grabs my nuts like specifically targeted them and it wasn't sexy it was a hostage situation where she had all the power then she straight licks the side of my face she into hairline the tongue as big as a Shetland pony I do not want then she looks me in the eyes and says menacingly I'm gonna strap you into my sex dungeon the [ __ ] you are I choose life I think to myself how do I get out of this she literally has me by the balls here so here's what I come up with I tell her that hell yeah let's do it I have a special toy I keep in my trunk is that okay she says sure bring any toys you want so I tell her to meet me at her doorstep while I bust it out because I wanted to be a surprise as she steps out the car she gives me a look that she thinks is sexy but is actually terrifying the second her feet touch the ground I slammed the car in reverse and fly out of her driveway as fast as my car can go you know how most people pull out of a driveway switch to drive then drive off ahead I did not do that I didn't want that one second of switching gears to give her the chance to catch me I pulled out the driveway and just kept going down the street in Reverse for like five blocks the passenger door was flapping around still open because I took off before she shut it when I'm satisfied she won't catch me I closed the door put it in Drive and guilhom gotta get back on that horse right wrong I got home I stole and deleted my online dating profile not today Satan edit well this blew up again shout-out to lava hooray for the bling and to those ridded Silver's nothing makes me feel better about having my nuts squeezed like a goddamn dollar store stress ball by a psychopath than knowing that thousands of strangers will laugh at the telling of the story chose edit - I did post a TIF ooh so we will see how that goes if you enjoyed this may be go swing over there and push it up so more people get to see it edit three might if the post got deleted by some nefarious person I have gotten no notifications as of why but I suspect the story was too sexy sexy posts are for weekends only or it could be because I mentioned poop it's a weird rule set so I guess I'll post it this weekend if anyone knows what the [ __ ] is going on feel free to tell me because I actually somehow still suck at navigating the internet and figuring out how things work edit for last edit probably might if the post was indeed too sexy and involved too much poop and butt stuff for the weekdays the rules say 6:00 and poop are weekends only so this weekend I'll post the tifu and dedicate some more time to responding to your questions and warnet good times bit late to the party here buit I'm a college student who sometimes does photography for dances as a way to meet new people most everyone loves having their picture semi professionally taken while they are dressed up nicely so it's real easy to be charismatic and such saw this one girl who was just having the time of her life dancing alone with her roommate wow she was a hella fine redhead and as the dance died down a bit I started talking with them both and hit it off she casually mentions that nobody had asked her to the dance and I said that I had a dance coming up so why not go together it wasn't a date at that point but when the dance turned into the three of us grabbing something to eat beforehand then into her and I going alone to a nice Italian restaurant off-campus then walking alone together all the way back not caring about showing up late to the dance it was a date and what a fun date it was this girl used to dance the tango competitively and could dance in a way that would make shakira damn proud she was an amateur at both kickboxing and normal boxing and pride in the fact that she could defend herself from any attacker even in her 5-inch heels yeah I should have seen the potential red flag before the second date we had met up to study for an upcoming exam she said a light insult don't even remember what it was and I nudged her on the shoulder oh boy this is where the fun begins we were sitting on a bench her writing a paper and me studying class notes after the nudge she instantly retaliates with her own hard a nudge back what I just matched her own head jokingly but she responds by taking a swing I stopped her arm but not the anger this [ __ ] gets up shaking her head and setting aside her laptop and starts squaring up in front of me I'm just sitting there dumbfounded as she explains to me that she doesn't like it when guys think it's okay to hit her so we are gone or actually fight and I don't mean a verbal shouting sessions I mean a let's sell tickets to the headliner pay-per-view brawl between these two students I get up resolving that I'm not about to hit this girl I had up until this point really liked that she holds no such mercy she starts a swinging and let me tell ya those fists were rated E for every body there was not a single pulled punch or kick that's right kick I could block punches well enough from light fighting with some of my friends but she's a trained kickboxer who ended up bruising my ribcage pretty badly because I didn't block properly we don't talk anymore aside from the nuts to her shoulder and literally catching her fists I never did anything physical to her the crazy thing is that in her mind I'm the bad guy 0.0 I still have a longboard though it's a pretty damn nice board and she's never asked for it back so blind date so family friends and being nation all that jazz for for a little background info pretends and let's call her Lisa I go pick her up and she asks where we are going to eat I tell her it's a nice high-end japanese restaurant and she talks about the Japanese killing whales and dolphins great mood set anyways after her short 10 to 15 minute rant we hit downtown and she starts complaining about the traffic and how stupid it is for our parents to randomly set us up on a date and that she cold drove herself but her parents didn't trust her an its misogynistic for guys to pick girls up for dates and being old-fashioned is based around misogyny should have been red flags waving in my head we get into the restaurant and she starts bragging about her knowledge in Japanese cuisine and culture I try to smile and not as she horribly explains that wahdahu beef is coab and didn't know the difference coab is high-quality wahdahu all coab is hwa-jung but not a large i who is coab and I refrained from correcting lessor about how the treatment and raising of coab is much more specialized over watch I fast forward to ordering this girl orders the three most expensive starters off the bat and then we somehow start talking about equal rights and politics she has a very strong stance about feminism and wants a bunch of stuff too many for me to care about so I just smile and nod she says we should split the bill at the end so we finish eating and funny enough after all that she forgot her purse and I coughed up almost 350 dollars and end up driving her home after I drop Lisa off she says this is fun we should totally do this again I Drive off and block her on everything that I could think of six months later she finds me on insta with my new gf now ex and messages her with your not good for him and other sorts of messages like that I call her parents and tell them what happened and no contact since worst date ever I have to I'm late to the party so this might get buried I went to a movie with a girl who worked at a furniture store and she stole my number off my paperwork for a bedroom set problem was I hadn't left the store yet and she thought I had so after she texts me I had to walk by her to get out of the store I still went on a date because I always wished girls would be that forward and now it came to so I can't complain unless I give her a chance during the movie she picked up my hand and put it in between her legs it wasn't like in her vagina but in the general area near there she was wearing regular hose and I don't have a lot of experience with girls wearing hose so the texture reminded me of my mom growing up so I couldn't do it I took my handbag and she once again put my hand between her thighs I had to leave it there for the rest of the movie cringing as I felt that my hand was between my mom's legs after the movie she was on the bottom floor of the parking garage so she offered to drive me to my car on the 4th her passenger floorboard was covered in cigarette butts and her explanation was she didn't like to litter when we got back to my car she parked and unbuckled her seatbelt I told her thanks for a good time and she went for a kiss that I avoided and she licked the side of my face she exclaimed that that was the worst first kiss ever and I said I'm sorry and got out of the car and never talked to her again I was 25 at the time and she was 23 I went on a date with a girl I hadn't seen since high school and she asked where we were going I said I was gonna take her to dinner and a movie and she said she had just left the movies on another date and didn't want to watch a second movie I tried to be nice and let it go but she then started heckling me about everything as if I had offended her I told her we should hit the restaurant button and she agreed five minutes later she was heckling again and just laying into me I told her that demeaning me wasn't a good idea because we were about 20 minutes from her car and I was almost at the point of leaving her to get a taxi somewhere Yubel wasn't invented yet she said she had a friend that lived in Indian lakes nearby so at world would be a bad walk and for me to go [ __ ] myself I knew where Indian Lakes neighborhood was so I dropped her off there when I stopped and told her to get out she looked at me shocked and said you know I'm just kidding I said get out again and went and saw a better movie than the rom-com I was going to I have so many more stories at 31 and single that I hope those were entertaining she was a Christian girl which was fine I'm not religious in any way and I did tell her as to which she was okay with we went out to dinner for the evening and everything went well fast forward a few nights and we are talking on the phone I hear a voice in the background of man asking who she was speaking with it's her father she explains who it is and I hear the most ecstatic a great and shuffling of the phone suddenly I'm speaking with her dad whom I've never met or spoken to before and only heard small detail about he immediately goes on to say how he had heard I was non-religious and how excited he was to convert me he also expressed a great deal of excitement after he asked how well the date between me and his daughter had gone which I said I thought it was nice he rambled on for about 20 minutes about how our wedding was going to be planned and asked of me if I would father for children with his daughter and give them a traditional Christian upbringing into this humble Christian family he then hung up the phone without passing the phone back saying it's been great talking with you we will see you on Sunday for family dinner which had never been outlined in the phone call at all after the phone call she never came into contact again until the Sunday when she asked what time I would be joining her family for dinner I had messaged her asking how she was throughout the week and gotten no response at this point I did not even know where she lived given we had only been on one date at a restaurant for a few hours with no previous friendship or relationship before I declined the dinner that was almost forced upon me and also her offering of a second date based on this and from the conversation with her dad I then later find out that her parents are both religious nuts and she was a bit too I had been told that this sort of thing had happened with previous men she had been and dated in the past and was no surprise that it had happened to me too not single but I'd really like to tell the story I met with a girl from a cupid who I had talk to a bit on the app beforehand other and that she was actually a single mother of two very young kids and she had cerebral palsy severely limiting her mobility neither of those things really mattered to me as she seemed like a truly nice person in chat so I decided to meet her in person and hang out and even play with her kids turns out she lives in the open basement open to the backyard or her grandparents house she started to tell me about her family and how severely Christian they were and how they despised her for having kids so they kicked her out on her own when she was 16 her grandparents were not much kinder but had enough humaneness in them to let her stay with them she then mentioned her ex and her friends and how they treat her she said they often would come to see her and call her a lesbian or [ __ ] and often tell her how much better they were as people of God I was basically crying for this woman as she laid her miserable story out for me while I play with her five-year-old a newborn girl she was surprised how well I was with the kids I always have loved kids and get along great with them and I told that to her I could tell everything she'd been through had made her cocoon herself and her feelings in order to protect herself from further torture I didn't know what to say I was almost in tears and it didn't seem natural to just chat about normal stuff that's when she mentions that she told her friend about us meeting and what a friend had done in response to learning we were going to hang out she says her friend brought over a pair of lenss are--for her to put on later in the date after that silence how do you respond to that I had just heard the life story of someone whose life events had been more sad than I thought possible all I could think about was how much I wanted to call my dad and talk to him because for some reason my brain went straight to you must be this humans protector and guard her from actually dying in this world after the kindest decline I could muster I told her I really enjoyed the time with her and thanked her for letting me play with her kids and I saw myself out not much to say after that she messaged me a few more times and mentioned she had shortly after gotten in a small car accident where she was the driver I didn't ask why I know people with hard lives dislike having others care about them and worried for them but that's all I could see myself be if I were to be with her that was a really hard thing to come to terms with I'm not the one dating in my situation but I think I can speak on behalf of my friend who was I used to stay in a badge already my high school afternoons with my best friend with whom I sailed through our school assignments so that we could go home and play games online together in tenth grade that friend began dating I don't know how one of the popular girls in school and one day he asked me if he could bring her to the badge Alresford I had heard that she was popular but had never met her formally and I thought it was odd for him to ask me that question so I agreed to meet her the afternoon came when he brought her with him I was sitting at a table where customers usually didn't sit a corner table where lighting was dark furthest from the main counter and the table was the only one that seated less than three people as soon as they walked in my friend pointed to where I was sitting I waved at them and immediately I noticed stare of disgust on the girl's face she rejected sitting in that corner she didn't want to sit next to me because she didn't like me when my friend asked why it turned out that I was in the same class with her a year back digital design she sat at the middle of the class with a bunch of her Barbies while I sat at the very front alone for that reason for me sitting in that class by myself to do my work without distractions she concluded I did not have any friends and was thus a loser she then questioned my best friend's decision to befriend me and said that I was a [ __ ] nerd because I hung around with people situated at the bottom of high school group hierarchy which I assume goes from cool kids at the top and everyone else underneath it the bottom when she called me a [ __ ] nerd followed up with the remarkably looked like a creep my friend became very uncomfortable he didn't know what to do I even offered to go home so that she wouldn't be creeped out but I guess that wasn't what she wanted because she then began to ignore both of us she grew frustrated and started texting as if she was writing an essay during a Sat exam to her friends about what transpired with me I assumed and then moved to an empty table as far away as possible when my friend asks if he could at least buy her a meal she threatened to tell her dad and so he walked back to me all read and silent the next hour or two between that last exchange from my friend in the restaurant closing were severely painful I started to feel very self consciousness and couldn't stop thinking about reasons as to why I was so unapproachable to her I hadn't even exchanged eye contacts with her before that day that she hated me from the moment we did as we walked out of the restaurant I apologized to my friend for ruining his date and parted ways with him for the night we didn't speak for a few days but once we decided to meet up again we played games together until both of us accepted that neither of us wanted to pursue popularity or popular girls in high school thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 5,677
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: hj7lbWuNL5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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