Waiters Share Most CRAZY First DATES They Have Ever WITNESSED (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit waiter slash waitresses what is the worst first date you've witnessed I work at a pretty high-end Steakhouse I got sat with a table of two and when I greeted them I assumed they were a couple it took them quite a while to order their food I had to go back quite a few times and ask if they were ready after an hour of them talking ordering cocktails and looking at the menu they finally ordered the woman ordered a filet miglin and the guy ordered our most expensive steak right before their food came out I saw the guy get up and walk towards the bathroom my cow Walker's ran their food to their table and the woman sat there with all the food in front of her I thought he was coming back soon but around 20 minutes went by and there was no sign of him my manager walked over to me and asked me what was up with them I said the guy was in the bathroom my manager went and asked her if she wanted us to keep the food under the warmer she said yes and the food was under the warmer for maybe an hour while she sat at the table alone I walked over to her and asked if everything was all right she immediately broke down said it was their first date and that they met on tinder apparently she told him that a steak house was a little much for a first date and suggested coffee instead but he said no as they were sitting there talking he looked at his phone and said my daughter has an emergency and he quickly got up and left she was texting him after and he never replied this girl booked a me for 20 minutes repeatedly saying what's wrong with me and I had to reassure her he doesn't know what he's missing blahblah I went over to my manager and asked what we should do about the check he said he was stuck because it was a $250 tab and that's too much to just not have her pay after a few minutes of convincing him I got him to take everything off the bill I boxed up all the food including his steak insides brought it over to her and told her to enjoy her night she stopped crying thanked me and left after writing this I'm now wondering if they swindled me bartender here so I used to work at a place that was well known for our wings not be WW I had what was obviously a tinder date belly wrap I greeted everyone and got the bull rolling after W few drinks I could tell they were very obviously into each other I was happy that they were happy but as we all know [ __ ] happens and it was about to happen literally I make a pass back their way and ask if they want to do another round they both eagerly agree and while I'm making their drinks I hear the guy say what do I have to do for a kiss aaww cute the girl thinks for a second and then says eat a spoonful of their spiciest sauce when I come back with their drinks he asks me for a side of our hottest sauce I tried so hard to talk him out of it when that didn't work I did the only other thing I could do and grabbed my cook to witness this idiotic move cook brings out the source and gives it to the guy we want him one more time that this is an awful idea gosh rugs us off and tips back the little Ramkin things were fine at first tears were streaming down his face I got him some milk I think we are over the worst of it after five minutes pass I was wrong dude kicks off issues stands up and runs to the back of the bar as he is running who starts escaping his pant leg and leaves a trail all the way to the bathroom i couldent believe it he refused to come out until his date left he never got the kiss I just cannot believe this guy had the forethought to take off his shoes before he publicly [ __ ] his pants to be fair they were really nice kicks this is off topic as I was never a waitress but I was the personal a terrible first date it was unusual because he picked a very fancy location that was way out of town like an hour drive I normally prefer casual dates like walking in the park or coffee but he insisted we go I arrived first and when I sat down I ordered a drink strawberry lemonade I don't drink alcohol and was talking to the waitress saying I was waiting on a date she was super nice to me and said oh I hope it's fun good luck once he arrived suddenly her mood shifted she gave him an attitude when he ordered he was trying to bully me into getting some alcohol that I was firm and said I would stick to my strawberry lemonade throughout the date he kept trying to order me vodka waitress was being really weird and kept complimenting me and giving me free lemonade's refills every two minutes and basically giving him dirty looks and stayed close by always watching the guy was being a prick about the situation and started acting rude I hope she's not gonna charge for those he looked incredibly angry and uncomfortable I was starting to wonder why this waitress was being so mean so I went to the bathroom and waited to flagged her down she told me he goes there every other weekend with a new girl and that the girls would walk out of there acting very drunk he suspected he roofied them and wanted to make sure I was okay and kept changing my drinks to make sure I wouldn't get screwed up I did confront him and amanti empty his pockets he didn't have anything but admitted he gets girls drunk to sleep with him with pressure tactics I took off right when he said that and the waitress took me to my car I made sure to give all the cash I had as a tip I seriously love that waitress and I'll never forget her I work at a cafe where we make cakes sundaes etc it was a Friday evening not to mention Valentine's Day was around the corner and we get the usual busy crowd of couples and dates coming in for the some desserts after dinner I was bringing some food to the tables when I noticed a couple come in a woman dressed in a black dress her hair done up all nice and fancy makeup looking absolutely pissed she's followed by a guy dressed casually on his phone and isn't paying attention to where he's going stopping every few minutes to text the girl makes her order and every time she orders something she looks angrily at the guy who just looks at his phone me and the cash share share a confused look at each other she must have ordered about 10 things and then when to go to her seat I prepare the slices of cakes and bowls of ice cream and look over at their table everyone once in a while the guy's slouching in his chair still on his phone and the girl is looking across the table at him with the glare of death I bring them their cakes as I set down the tray the guy finally looks up from his phone he opens his mouth to say something then just goes back to staring at his phone I walk away but when I get back to the counter the cashier put a hand on my shoulder and points over to the couple I look back to see the woman gobbling down all the pieces of cake she's ignoring her provided silverware and I don't even think she took a moment to breath I had never seen anyone devour so many pieces of cake like it before in my life the guys watching with as much shock as us my guess is the woman snapped and began to give zero [ __ ] anymore she walked to the counter with chocolate and cheesecakes me red on her face looked at the cashier with crazy eyes before slapping a fifty dollar bill onto the counter she left in a hurry and the guy sat there for what felt forever with his phone down weirdest shift yet I was on a first date and we were comparing extracurricular activities he was in a bowling league and played softball I was on a dart league and played volleyball we were talking about darts and whether it was slash wasn't an activity that demanded some sort of skill overlark I felt a bit insulted by his patronizing attitude and before our food even came we started to argue across the rather large board where we sat he said fine since you're so SKR Lydia darts see if you can get an ice cube into my mouth from there and I said fine open up he opened his mouth and I launched an ice cube straight into the back of his throat his eyes but he clamped his mouth shut grab his throat and fell over in the seat this waitress that had been standing nearby shaking her head at our stupid arguments ran over to helped when he sat up through the ice cube onto the table yelled [ __ ] you and stomped out I said that I was really sorry that I didn't mean to get it into his throat blahblah that he kept on stomping and I never saw him again sometimes it's better to be lucky than good edit listen I wasn't ever that great of a dart player but whippin I said some clown across the table is a lot closer than shooting a dart almost eight feet to water dartboard that said it was a complete accident it all happened so fast that had took me a moment to realize what was going on mostly when the waitress came rushing over we were all pretty surprised and I sincerely tried to apologize but the trauma was done after he left the waitress laughed her ass off which made me laugh a little but I didn't actually laugh about it until I told my friends later that night also I paid for dinner edit thank you for silver this is pretty late but I have a great story I used to bartend at a wine bar where they would regularly booked DJs and host events to bring in a younger nightlife crowd this one night we had a French DJ playing and as the night went on I started to notice several men sitting by themselves at the bar none of them were engaging each other and a few told me they were waiting for someone as the night went on it got to be something like eight to ten men all sitting alone at my bar drinking I started to ask some of them if they were waiting for a date one man said yes another said no and then left the bar right after kind of weird I felt like something was up with the situation after about 45 minutes goes by I see two of the men start to talk I see they are sharing something on their phones and I engage them in conversation they then tell me that they realized they were waiting for a date and had a picture of the same French middle-aged woman from the same phone number on their phones then it clicked all of these guys were being baited by a fake person to come meet them at the bar eventually all of them ended up outside talk and trying to figure out what the [ __ ] was going on most of them leave and the two guys I originally talked with ended up staying and drinking together they thought it was hilarious then it dawned on me the date at midnight that day it was April 1st someone pulled a major dating prank on all of these poor unsuspecting guys and later on when the DJ came down I told him about what happened and then I asked him if he knew what was going on he didn't say yes or no he just kind of smiled and had a strange look on his face then I realized that this DJ had to have been in on it I think he set up a fake online dating account of this woman baited a bunch of single guys to come out and pay the door price to get them into his show I am NOT a waitress but this felt too good not to share several years ago when I was still in college my roommate friends and I went to Olive Garden now I'm already not a huge Olive Garden's fan and this wasn't a particularly amazing one to begin with but the night starts weird and gets weirder as it went on first off the entire restaurant is dead quiet and it's a Friday night next to the biggest mall in the area so it's just weird and empty considering we are literally right next to movie theater and moral that should have the place bumping the waiter sits us down in a booth and naturally the breadsticks start coming and not even before we get the menus the guy sits a couple in the booth directly behind us I suppose it's to keep the tip tables in the same area since there's literally our table in them and our waiter doesn't want to be running back and forth all night but it's still kinda odd he didn't at least sit us one booth apart now to anyone who's been to an Olive Garden the booths are super tall so you can't really see over them unless you're trying toward just really tall but the funny part is that we are sitting next to a glassed-in booth area that's reflecting our booth in the couple's booth so we can see them without actually having to be creepers and crane are next to look over so naturally we can hear the entire date because it's just two tables and in the flection we can see that the woman has dressed up for a much nicer restaurant than Olive Garden the three of us are super casual because it's a college town and we annex to a mall but this lady is in a full cocktail dress with nails we can immediately tell she's not happy and she starts in on him I don't remember exact words but it went something like this I thought you said we were going someplace fancy she starts and we can hear the guy shifting uncomfortably in his booth because he's sitting back to back to me and my roomie and the booths are made of that loudest leather I mean Olive Garden isn't cheap he replied nervously yet rather run happily I look over at the reflection and he's literally sweating like surely they in that episode of always sunny way he's also on a bad date this guy wearing a button-up a size too big and he's basically sweating so bad it's like he's running a marathon but it's dead of winter in Wasps state so it can't be over 40 degrees out so these two kinda start talking in a low tone and the three of us order and get more breadsticks and start talking among ourselves and we almost forget about the couple behind us when my room he elbows me and knots over to the booth again and we hear the lady going into a tirade about a guy named mark again I can't remember exact words but it went something like this I mean I keep trying to make plans with Mark but he's really busy at work and doesn't text back in time so it's hard to plan with him but he's really on my level and I think we are really good together he has a really good job he's passionate about and he's also really funny in a weird way do you know if he's free next week my table has to stop ourselves from dying because this lady is literally asking her date if their mutual friend is free and this part one do remember well because I almost spat my drink out hearing it the guy goes are you really asking me if mark is free on our first date and he sounds so sad and I felt so bad for him and the girl has zero [ __ ] to give as she goes you told me we were going out to a nice restaurant tonight and you brought me to Olive Garden and told me we were going to play Smash Brothers at your brother's after instead I don't know what happened after because they ate in silence for the rest of the time and we paid our bill before they did but we'll that was rough as we walked by the woman gave me a look that was halfway between help me and can you believe this guy and I nodded in response also the guy was so sweaty his hair was wet super weird this wasn't a first date but a last one I think it was the seventh and very public and I feel awful for the waitstaff involved I dated this guy several years back who I met when he came into my work he seemed nice if not kind of bland with some odd qualities he seemed to boast how no one could get him off sexually except himself weird flex but okay but at the time I didn't have any specific reason not to date him the first six dates went okay but the seventh Oh the seventh this one he finally let me pay for the plan was dinner and a movie I had to work until 8:00 ice then go home and get changed so we didn't get to the sushi place he wanted to go to until 8:30 they closed at 9:00 and stopped us at the entrance and said they stopped seating a date he flipped out was extremely rude to the hostess and threw the doors open on our way out back in the cup he would just not let it go this was a completely different side of him I had never seen I kept trying to calm him down and suggested we just go to another non Sochi restaurant near the movie theater and go to sushi another time he ignored me and instead drove to every single sasshi place between the original restaurants in a movie theater which were across town from each other he made me run into the last one and asked when they closed and if they could seat us the place was empty and the poor workers were cleaning they said we could come in but could only order once it was an all-you-can-eat place I went back out and told him and emphasized they were clearly closing and instead of taking the Hindi all but jumped for joy and ran in they were literally vacuum around us but he seemed completely oblivious now most all-you-can-eat sushi places charge you for whatever you don't eat to reduce waste by now we are starving but I'm no newbie to a sushi so I know to not overdo it when ordering he went nuts with the order on the iPod like enough rolls for six people nuts I tried to take it from him to stop him or even say if he ordered anything I liked and he would not hand it over I warned him if he ordered too much I was making him pay for the overage he insisted we would eat it he was wrong the table was completely filled and soon enough he started to get full he then loudly complained I wasn't eating my share I replied I hadn't done at any of it and I refused to make myself sick because he got greedy sure enough we had to pay extra he bitched the entire time we were up at the counter to pay and tried to get the server on his side made some remark about the ladies never wanting to pay and the server completely ignored him I felt awful after I sure drive to the movie theater during which he complained the entire time about how sick he felt I went to buy the tickets at the counter he leaned on me and put his arm around my shoulders I thought he was just being cuddly but then he made a super loud noise in my ear presumably to show how shitty he felt and the girl selling tickets at the counter just looked at me in horror me not having the spine I have now just looked away and ignored him the entire movie he complained about how full he was and how awful he felt where people were outright shushing him and he talked about how he wanted to undo his pants at the end of the date I just got out of the car and walked into my house no kiss no hug no bye nothing he went away on a pre-planned trip camping with his friends the next day and I didn't text in the entire time and ended things over text when he got back a different take on the question best waiter when I was on the worst date years ago I met a guy online and met up for a date and it was bad all his photos outdated by years he earlier alluded to being in an accident but was all better which I assumed meant car accident nope he had a stroke at 25 and was not all better he still had significant mobility problems and memory issues as in couldn't finish sentences frequently lost his train of thought used the wrong words etc his hand shook so bad food fell off his fork a lot beyond his medical issues we just didn't have anything in common i sat through dinner trying to keep a convo going with a guy who kept trailing off wondering how to quickly end the date without being totally horrible to a guy who had a really rough go of it he was nice enough but I could see he wanted a caregiver and that wasn't something I could offer our waiter was awesome he didn't refill the drinks once but I watched him keep the tables around us well filled he sized us up when we sat down and didn't ask about appetizers which he asked all other tables that came after us no mention of dessert either a few times he'd catch my eye of my dates shoulder he mouthed are you okay I discreetly nodded and he gave me a sympathetic look after my date basically refused to finish his last half of his meal he came over with a to-go container and said here's your box my date quietly took it and started boxing up his food without missing a beat he asked us if the bell would be separate my date said no and he immediately placed a way to wall it on the table at the pose I saw him remove two separate bills from the other wallets throw out the paper and leave the wallets on the shelf in other words he was prepped for either answer to help end the data sat for me I'll never forget that dude he was like a reverse wingman and that was cool when I was in college I was a bartender at a trendy restaurant slash bar known for a fun date night spot it was a super slow Sunday night and a cute girl came into the bar and sat down being bored I started having a small talk with her to entertain her she said she is there for a blind date and we talked for about five minutes and she gets a bit flirty before the guy came to join her the guy wanted to move to a table but the girl insisted they stay at the bar so being a courteous bartender I give them their drinks or whatever and let them be and walk to the other side of the bar and do some cleaning up / organizing after about 20 minutes the guy gets up and she follows him few moments later so I figure they probably went to smoke outside or both went to the bathroom or something since the guy's jacket was still there the guy comes back two minutes later and orders another round of drinks five minutes later the girl is still not back five minutes turn into ten fifteen and the guy realises the girl left him after about twenty minutes I told him that she probably left and that him sorry and gave him a drink on the house surprisingly he didn't seem too upset though as he decided to order dinner for himself after ordering dinner he ordered two shots of 151 and a pineapple juice takes both shots chugs the girl's drink and the juice pays up and leaves and tells me that I can have his dinner I remember thinking to myself thank God that guy left cuz he was about to get hammered in about twenty minutes and I did not want to deal with that especially on a night I was making no tips and feeling happy that at least I got a free dinner on a slow night so my night was worth it the rest of the night was pretty and eventful until the restaurant closed down and a way to yelled out my name from the downstairs patio saying that someone's there to see me it was the girl that was there earlier she said she came back because she thought I was really cute and couldn't stop thinking about me the girl was mad cute and knew and had ever approached me like that so I kind of froze and said thank you but that I had a girlfriend who is now my wife she gave me her number and told me to call her if I changed my mind and that noone else has to know anything and asked me for a hug it was one of those rare moments in my life where my morals were getting tested in what seemed to me like the most unrealistic way imaginable and I'm thankful that I was strong enough to resist my urged that night but it still boosts my self-esteem every time I think about it I wasn't serving I was the bartender at a fine-dining restaurant guy comes in all excited because he is bringing his girlfriend for dinner and to propose to her best seat in the house extra candles the whole works my post at the bar gave me a front-row view of the poor scene couple comes in girl is gorgeous he's all excited they get seated and their order taken all his attempts to get her attention is for nothing because she is preoccupied with her phone taking selfies of herself and of the flowers and appetizers and apparently posting not really paying attention as pre discussed the ring was placed in her glass of sparkling wine as the main course came to the table trying to draw attention to the hidden ring the guy asks what she thought of the wine again preoccupied with her constant snaps brushed off the question when the server cleared the table the ring was still in the glass not being deterred from his he came to me and asked if I could ask the chef to put it on top of her dessert which he gladly did when presented to the girl a large highly decorated slice of decadent cake again she took pictures posted and immediately shoved the heaps frosting aside which the ring was placed on without even looking at the slice if cake complaining that it would be too sweet and fattening if one ate it at this point homeboy got up from his seat went to the server paid his eight hundred dollar bill tips his server and myself a boletes and walked out the girl so engrossed in herself that she thought he went to the washroom she sat there for half an hour before she realized that he didn't come back to the table she made a phone call and began crying after we closed the hostess said the guy walked out of the restaurant to the carpark and then she saw him two minutes later driving out in a fancy sports car the server said that the girl was crying because she got a message saying that she was too much and when she called he didn't answer so basically for her it went from best date with boo to worst date ever and lost out on the opportunity because she clearly loved herself too much XD like many of the other posters I bought and in a high-end Steakhouse not the highest end because it's a corporate chain restaurant but it's white tablecloth with checks normally running up to a few hundred dollars for one or two people we have quite a few regulars especially in the bar most of them are terrible nice enough but unconscious of closing times very self-absorbed and not nearly as good at tipping as they should be forehand often they come in and the level of service they always get anyways one of our regulars Pia is probably my least favorite he has never ordered anything on the menu without needing to have us modify it and he just gives off weird vibes to me he eggs me uncomfortable anyways he comes in for dinner on to the bar one night on another date he very often brings in first dates although I don't know that all the girls realized it was a date at first I've never seen him bring the same girl in twice there's a very nice couple at the table next to them and everybody seems to be having a wonderful time eventually he leaves and the couple of the table next to him call me over do you know him they asked I responded of course he's a regular they proceeded to ask if the girl he was with was his wife or his girlfriend when I responded that I didn't think so as I had never seen her before the couple cracked up laughing apparently he had spent the whole date informing the woman he was with about the appropriate way to treat hookers that is to say with a firm hand I still see Peter this day he still comes into the restaurant I still have not seen him bringing any date more than once I'm not really surprised not my story my friends story but this couple walked into the restaurant they didn't have reservations so they got forced to wait 30 minutes because we were already booked the boyfriend started to get angry that he had to way but the girlfriend was patient and the manger thanked her for that so around 35 minutes and they got their table and sat down my friend who was unluckily serving them regretted come to work this night so this is how their night started off the boyfriend starts off with a pet Isis then on to main course as usual he orders for his girlfriend the problems begin when the food comes he ordered the mushroom soup I said no one complained about the mushroom soup tonight it was the special for tonight he complained the soup was too heavy to his tasting so he asked for it to be redone so our head chef 3 makes it another complaint this time it was too watery a chef wasn't having it he told my friend to tell the boyfriend if he wasn't liking it order something else the boyfriend hesitated - what is something else but he decided not to so as usual the waiter went back to table to check on if they needed anything while he was at the table the boyfriend was just talking about himself how much he makes what he does with his life et Cie he just bragged about himself my friend wanted to say something but he knew he couldn't he felt bad for the girlfriend so time passes and main course come and obviously any [ __ ] like him would order the steak he ordered the New York Strip it was another one of the specials for tonight he asked for medium-rare he complained his steak was well-done literally it was a perfectly cooked medium-rare he just wanted trouble we told him it was a medium-rare and it was what he wanted two perfectly cooked he just shut up and ate his steak the dessert menus came out and they didn't get anything for dessert he said with an attitude to give him the check my friend said gladly the bill came out around one hundred and fifty three dollars my friend was there waiting for them to pay and the girlfriend asks are ready to pay the guy just sits there and he gets up and leave the girlfriend yelled at him and said no you're paying but he just walked right out our manger came and decided to give her half off on the bill for the trouble she is going through we felt bad because no girl should ever go through something like that well to this day we still don't know if it was a scam thank you 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Channel: Slime King
Views: 37,616
Rating: 4.7996769 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: dNa_uLlSzo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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