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waits 3 months. doesn't show us what it is.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RawwRs 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome to the vlog welcome back hope you are having a wonderful day hope you're feeling good and I hope you're ready to set aside any problems you might be having for the next 10 15 maybe 20 minutes I don't know forgive me today started with our RC table track that is really falling apart Kane's gonna reconstruct it remove the dirt put in the bucket basically the clay has just dried up and turned into I mean it looks hurt look at it look at that I told Kane earlier I said what if we tarp it fill it with water and have a boat trap like a little RC boat ride you like that idea better yeah did it get it I officially think he's had more fun tearing apart the track than actually playing on the tracks this may be the highlight of the whole thing right here hey flash welcome back you know donkeys gonna yell at you for coming in look he's already looking for you flash look Empire no he wants you he wants to play what up dude you looking for flash flash why you get so jealous everybody loves you I'm just gonna come with me let's see if donkey yells at him gain there's a donkey in our driveway dude are you having fun with this dude this is funded everybody likes dirt I like like planning the reason I didn't make a carpet truck which probably would have lasted long there it's just fun I'm like I want to play in dirt I want to build with dirt I want to take apart dirt and destroy dirt it didn't take long before flash came back out with Empire guys crack me up dude get him get him it's a butter knife the best thing we got whoa it's really in there huh we need a jackhammer [Music] if only this was chocolate fudge just the peanut butter fudge mmm good one bucket full dude how many buckets did I bring in here can you remember I wonder if it's gonna be more or less oh geez look come on a bar let's go dude it is absolutely beautiful out guys can't talk crap about Ohio right now Phil they're back up oh my gosh it's exactly exactly - like literally against each piece look okay keep going Oh okay guys for real something very exciting I've been waiting for absolutely months for this is finally arriving right now it's pulling up a lot of you guys might like this a lot of you could care less it's just something I'm really excited about so it's it's pulling up I'm going to show you what it is here it comes dude must be strapped there is no strap it looks like there used to be I am friggin excited about this guys I got to present this though I can't just show you I gotta like present this is a big deal for me so I'm gonna like do it just right and have a phone call I'm like fine I've already been on the phone call so much today without being it on the floor without putting it in the book it's so tricky to vlog and do business it's crazy crazy where'd you come from I just appear I just are you oh yes how many I've got over 500 500 my god we told you guys her birthday was coming up she opened a p.o box wreaths and birthday cards thank you so much so you're gonna be reading forever I've been I'm sit down and read everyone I've got so far are you gonna reply to any I might pressures on is on I can give you a stack of smile more stuff you can put in the mem blows yeah maybe my box came my shipment has arrived what is that honey my stuff came you don't even the big box like I said I'm really excited about this that's right yeah what's in the big box it's six thousand hair combs for you with Roman and Brittany down Oh and Kane they ought to be glad you're there grandma of course we're glad are you kidding me just as long as it's for comedy you'd get away with anything right it's like I can I can say anything and just say to each other is the prank Robbie in their blogs more you're not in as much as you used to be I said that's true what do you mean point the camera time now this used to just be fun grandma no now we're fighting for cameras ah yeah how about I just give you a camera you vlog for a whole day could you do it see see you don't want to put in the work but you want the camera time biking changing the club right now now off to some meetings and I'm gonna do my phone calls while I Drive to kind of cut some time out I am running down trying to do a couple things that have to be done and off-camera stuff things I'm working on I'm always working on something Brittany and her mom are going out we're having dinner tonight with Carl in the team that's gonna help us with a whole bunch of other stuff so they're gonna go out take a camera hopefully alleviate alleviate alleviate so you guys what they're doing off so I'm gonna pass it on to Britt and then I'll be back what's going on in here oh we kind of opened the thing and it went poof okay so my mom and I are going to get a grill today it's grill I got ramen I think one of his birthdays probably three years ago it just doesn't work it's like on fire every time you use it so literally everything you cook is like charred or like really gross so yeah we are going to get a new grill today and for tapas mom all you need a new grill Mikey a grill okay help hey are you guys here to tell me bye oh he's going up the ramp Empire we found this vibe I think this is the one minute see if they let us have it it seems very simple it's like push start on/off medium high low that's it simple is easier score we got the floor model and we got the one I wanted they're literally just gonna load it up now and we're gonna take it home it's not easy Empire literally just came to my door hey buddy I'm back come here we'll go for a ride high flashy high ha ha and just like that we're back guys it's weird cuz I don't get to see Brittany's footage until I face weird the whole thing is just weird hope she did good give her some love for filling and when I just have weird crap to do she's always there to be like no I can help out so thumbs up for her I'm heading home we're gonna have dinner with Carl Tam the baby it should be just a nice fun hangout the laid-back and just some real light I'm trying my best to just film real for you guys I know a lot of you really really enjoy that it just feels more authentic but I'm not trying to entertain you as much there's a lot of me that loves yes I love to entertain you like a big part of me is like oh I'm what am I gonna do today to just make them happy you know so try it harder to do both and the last few days that I've been just our life exactly what we're doing so thank you for being a part of that so let's go home and dude I want to open this box I got today I'm so excited about the police not gonna happen till tomorrow super super heavy I need like a crew of people to bring it in this is the funniest thing are you kidding me yeah you better walk away he was standing in the middle of the job a dude he wouldn't move he's turned like a dog like where he comes to he waits for you like oh sweet that looks wait it was pre-built oh that's perfect we're paying 10 more per second out with the old in with the new just wrap it up is it heavy uh it's only like six seven hundred pounds so I got this all right it's the first grill of the season the grill works which is awesome there we go I got the chicken I'm gonna put some fresh dates on boom I never belong with my left hand it feels so weird to be holding my hair cane you want to vlog for me there you go take that for me you do your the vlog oh you didn't make it your guys's a smaller bag she's mine dents in them it's from Kane man fun in the smile more story ready see ya okay so on my way home tonight I I've vlog to you guys about I'm at a popsicle for ever by the way this thing is amazing I talked to you guys about trying to vlog my real life like I I'm trying better to blog what actually is happening and I just skipped almost everything Colin Tam is already gone we uh we really just talked thing talk so about so so hot and then we talked what yeah they got jokes on them what did oh I gotta eat the whole popsicle to see it why did the inches obey the yardstick I feel like not telling you you read it he was their ruler Oh eat that eat that eat it it's gonna fall dude what did the hamburgers name their daughter patty get it hamburger patty no okay so here's what I'm saying to you guys be careful with mommy she's got a little human in her belly buddy we love you guys uh thanks for hanging out today so sorry about the dude I even get to open the box today I gotta find a crew to bring in we love you guys so so much thank you for everything thanks for hanging out on the boring days thank you for everything we will see you tomorrow try to get back on track we're uploading pretty steady and that's it I'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,532,761
Rating: 4.916512 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, kane, Natural Born Pranksters, youtube pranks, crazy, Roman Atwood, pranks, roman atwood vlogs, Vlogs2017, family fun, roman soldiers, family friendly, roman vlogs, best pranks, family-friendly, atwood vlogs, ohio, box, kid-friendly, animals, donkey, Roman, everyday, noah, noah atwood, surprise, brittney, kane atwood, Atwood, day, daily, smile more, merch, family vlogs
Id: Gz3oYRCy9oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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