WAIT THERE'S MORE!!! Reacting to "Twitch Chat and I ranked EVERY Billy Mays Infomercial" by DougDoug

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no no no wait what what you can buy zombies on eBay generic control in the dark Goose me we're back with another dog David today we're doing a video on his second Channel which is Doug Doug it is the twitch chat and I rank every Billy Mays infomercial I have no idea what this is gonna be about I'm probably gonna see some infomercials that I have never seen before I of course know who Billy Mays is because I was born in 1997 I feel like most people that are probably can drive know who Billy Mays was I actually what year did he die actually it might be people that know how to drive that are 16 years old that uh they don't know who Billy Mays is actually I even know who Billy Mays is so that says a lot I would understand if young Generations do not know who the legend of Billy Mays is but this could be interesting video it's been requested for quite a while it is an older video you can check out last week's uh Doug video which oh God I forget what was last week's thundering video was it the oh it was the Mario Party about explaining food I'll leave it right up there I'll stream link down below description also going to place my channel Doug dug reactions going to Carl logic order even I think it's actually the second video they've done on his uh second channel so I absolutely love Doug he's one of my favorite streamers who's congratulations on him on him winning the uh award at the streamer Awards I didn't watch it but I saw his acceptance speech and interesting choice of Thai I don't actually own orange tie I have eight ties and not a single orange one but I probably should get one but this is gonna be interesting video it's gonna be a long one thank you so much for clicking the video I read episode comments at least I'm down below let me know what you agree and disagree with and if they're missing any commercials and stuff like that also shout out to the patrons because they get it directly in the last time I have a pay one channel also live stream today at 5 PM also my Attack on Titan season four part one episode five reaction went live same time this video did over on the duck goose anime if you want to check that out things are getting crazy but let's go and jump to Twitch chat and I rank every Billy Mays infomercial peacefully he was a legendary infomercial salesman he died peacefully in his sleep from a heart attack actually I think maybe it was a cocaine overdose he actually died from cocaine he died peacefully he died peacefully in his sleep due to natural causes all of his infomercials and raiding them in a tier list is the highest at the end of the day or something die doing what he loves they're dead we're gonna start with orange go this was Billy's breakout pitch he sold 6 000 units at 11 minutes oh my God okay everybody ready what year was that orange glow I love beautiful oh it's one of those don't you it's already so good I just love Billy Mays I love his attitude take care of all your wood with orange glow wood clear and polish it cuts through the grease and the grime especially on kitchens why do you get grease on your lips those annoying Nicks and scratches no it clearly didn't now let me show you the brand new polishing cloth it just hides it gets with the orange glow absolutely free two canisters of our brand new polishing cloth of course all foreign but I also don't have like lots of wood that I'm cleaning all the time Chad what do you think I think the stuff is a residue that's bad over time damn dude down in D tier three two yeah I mean there's nothing special about it I mean it's funny it's interesting interesting I think it's this breakout pitch and it's gonna get better from here right this one he's gonna open out he's gonna scream Billy Mays no he's not no it's not Billy Mays here with the oh well okay he did awesome I remember this thing and Powerful yard tool you'll ever use just attach it to any size drill pull the trigger clance drill attachments it takes all the work out of digging poles yeah I remember this what about the SunSetter retractable it could easily hide a dead body you could like you could grind up the body and dig for it in the yard we'll also include the ground off the groundhog okay by the dozens I had a friend that was horrible you literally burned bodies why wouldn't they open with we're selling you a drill that's 20 [ __ ] dollars insane no you don't get the drill and you bought food and they're like hey if you buy one orange we'll give you an apple like wow that's kind of and we'll give you bananas wow then we'll give you a salmon and we'll buy you a refrigerator just start with the refrigerator man yeah all alone is a great deal yeah I'm assuming crazy all right awesome okay next up if you see it in the slider station this is a classic one wait is this a longer thing yeah I remember this one yeah yeah to press and cook delicious okay that's a good [ __ ] line okay then you're just not good at handling me that's not it's fine it tries to convey how much value you're getting dinner rolls Kings of wine yeah oh yeah making those those Burgers from scratches the recipe hands full of meat we're getting is a bun a slice of American cheese a burger and a barbecue sauce it looks like there's bacon okay the original okay Patty cheese what looks like pickles ketchup and mustard I don't need a recipe book for that order right no it's not that awesome right like realistically you are not gonna have that product and just be like [ __ ] yeah every day in your kitchen you're just not a lot of people wanted the big city slider up and asked here oh by the way I forgot to mention for 50 000 Channel points you get a one in ten chance playing a Billy Mays commercial and just taking over the stream fortunately nobody has actually gotten it nine people have bought it okay like 15 people have done it oh no that one billion I'm Anthony Sullivan Anthony Sullivan comes a product so great great that it really does redefine the way we get things done you got a real message okay sustainable okay just watch this dry car even your dog is wiping people's dogs cats Billy Mays was on cocaine when he made this commercial okay let's watch this please stop breaking blades and breaking your back cut it right the first time with the duel song bro if you gotta I've cut down trees with a smaller saw than that I love the big shitty slider incorrect pronunciation try to separate all the times we've watched the zorbies commercial from the Dual saw commercial oh dude the editors first after of the day ESPN 360. how much [ __ ] are they going to condense to convince us that we want ESPN or whatever I don't know what whatever happened to you you want to watch your live sports but if you got a real mess and want to clean it I don't want to absorb anymore that's so many channels but you can't find a TV or maybe the sport you want there's a sound is that a Marquette espn360.com oh my God this came out in 2005. this is like fairly early internet days we're not ranking the ad I'm ranking the product and how life-changing wait are we through Billy Mays College Billy Mays here for ESPN oh60.com great for dorm rooms wow uh there is way too much Soul I'm not that strong a reader I went there for five days said screwed and left to get my money back and now available anywhere on campus okay so they're like going forward I make people's days better you're on a you had to leave town suddenly you encouraged some debt bit off more than you could chew hey we all make mistakes these are really fun okay commercials are pretty [ __ ] great you guys that's s that's it yeah because of the dog okay S rank for ESPN3 yeah clearly next up flies away I feel like this is gonna be a good one it's gonna be hilarious I know but they can't get it I don't want to get into the flyback eyes after one week dude it's nothing but flies for your phone yeah okay but call right now oh my God he did it that's it pretty good I don't know I'm lies away damn you're going for f on bridge it's not reusable yeah I guess the value I think B tier is very fair that is what I would vote yeah I love it stoked about the fly bag I don't want the fly bag in my life but I think it would probably be pretty useful bingo that doesn't look like a gopher at all you buy these yeah four dollars yes you can't or sorry hold on I can't wait for Billy man I need to spend 19.99 on this and also separate shipping handling production action combined with the easy locking handle that gives you I've never bought a picker upper that had suction action at the end under the bed or under good catchphrase whether you're small or tall small on my children yeah you don't want no you don't want that yeah no people don't want that they want from the piano it's a horrible idea yeah that's how you get Tide Pods get strong enough to hold this five pound bag of sugar why would you be 35. are we sure there was sugar in there no if it's stuck behind your couch okay similar products sell for as much as 35 no no they don't maybe back then do not call now and you'll get not one but two guys two Gophers can you like dual wield them this is like the [ __ ] drill one they sell me on a drill bit and then the other mic and we'll throw in an entire drill getting magnetic stuff like getting your keys out of the the car seat that would actually be pretty sick all right get your voting please you guys probably do that use case for this is not laziness although maybe it was for some people really yes you're getting a shitload of value and it's a great product that's going to change it looks like A's slipping ahead I think okay you know everything's on the line here slips down to eight here no no later here we go Billy Mays here for the greater plater great cheese this is a fantastic name there's not a big cheese guy pass it around I go to Olive Garden and they like tell me I'll get like chicken fettuccine or something they're like would you like cheese I'm like they're already ready I'm just now they're like that is a piece of paper all right all right you can get the Gathering brush to mix all the flavors together and top your favorite foods so I brought garlic bread and then you pass around that plate I have one of these they're so good dude oh okay players are going up into EST here um next up the Handy Switch I only saw the picture of it which as far as I can tell it looks like a light switch here for the Handy Switch the new one on this light switch that lets you control anything bro he's literally just anywhere what if you want to control and plug it in okay it's one of those okay simply peel and press the handy oh that's right first off second off like when did these come out it's at least from 2008 because that's when this commercial went on YouTube probably earlier it'll give you cancer probably next to your bed so you don't have to get up to turn off that's kind of dope that's pretty good okay here's the thing you take that that's pretty sweet pause the video I hate pausing videos here's the thing you get like eight of them okay you get like eight of them you stick it on like a piece of cardboard or a piece of wood or something and then you just carry it around so you just have a remote of all these different switches it's basically a like a TV remote for your house and your electronics and everything okay due to fire hazards probably not going into it too many people are scared of the Witchcraft this one is B tier next up the Hercules hook now as far as I can tell from the picture this is a hook it's another one of those things where I'm like Billy Mays I don't need a [ __ ] hook in my house and I can't wait to really want a hook at the end of this commercial hi Billy Mays here for the Hercules hook one of the fastest and easiest about anything this is the worst resolution yeah no is he holding anything yeah no well it's also YouTube's compression or damage to your walls push set and hang oh it's like a nose piercing for a wall okay and secures them all how does it work is it reinforced steel design any drywall to hold up to 150 pounds literally weigh 150 pounds order right now I literally weigh 100 but it gets it better we'll send you a set of 10 Hercules hooks whenever you need them free order right now and we'll send you 20 Hercules hooks the laser marker plus you've been handling plus 12 Hercules hooks free for Life expectations and make sure it's a Hercules hook okay I'm gonna be honestly support hook man it's a hook Doug WGC they're 150 pounds it won't work with any European wall oh damn why won't it the people and they're more willing for it to be in seat here than S tier okay to be fair though I think way easier to find replacements for the hook like it just feels unique and I don't know what the [ __ ] laser is the you can't just throw it away yeah you want to buy something to hang up paintings and be like yeah sure be like and there's a link I love how the little pepper gets his own cook to hang up my collection of corpses on the wall very small Corps incredibly successful serial killer with all of these products you kill them with the Dual saw for sure you can dig a hole in the backyard with an Awesome Auger easily if you're this kind of person you would take their meat and make some Billy burger sliders all the blood's cleaned with orange glow yeah the hooks you can hang the body until you're done collecting the meat for your Billy burger you don't even have to touch the box right by the front of your house you can use the switch anyway to come off so I think nobody's home and then you use the fly thing to get rid of all the flies that are attracted to the dead box outside from the auger drill and the whole time you can be watching ESPN don't even need a TV or satellite dish all of these work for serial killers dude health insurance you can probably do that for everything health insurance [Music] health for everyone starting I'm gonna need that 60 a month what is our family a month Americans pay like 300 a month for health insurance it's very very expensive health insurance in America is a goddamn disaster so call oh God I'm about to have to start paying that oh Jesus I think unfortunately this is going to go into FTR because not enough information to differentiate it from American Health Insurance please okay it's going to left here I'm in trouble I can't wait to find out why I actually want it I'm forced to pay something I'm punished if I use it and I get no benefit for beings here for the world's greatest insole Impact Gel wow to show you the amazing protection you get from Impact Gel and this Hammer is real that is a sick bit like you were just like what the [ __ ] Billy this is like Flex sale before these M M's don't break okay mean anything for me I'm gonna run over my hand with this six thousand pound all for only 29.99 I came away from that commercial way too many shoes for that ready to buy Impact Gel even though I do not want or need Impact Gel all right dude apparently people wanted a nest here the eye tie hi I'm Billy Mays and I'm Anthony Sullivan we're here to tell you we give the eye tie two thumbs up throw your business cards your credit cards even no no no no no I'm not using my tie as a wallet necktie no other tie in the wall can do what the eye tie does Billy is so much louder than this dude he looks like he's being here make this commercial and then Billy Mays comes on here stoked up on coke Doug will buy the highest rated item yeah I don't know dude that's not a great commercial it's not a commercial it doesn't look like a particularly noteworthy product at the end he didn't even say you can get this for 19.99 it's literally it feels like a pretty good tie but you can get two you're gonna have pockets the laser pointer in your house while you're sleeping if you're wearing a suit you even have pocket inside are you one of the millions that are guilty of driving while talking on your cell phone hi Billy Mason for the Jupiter Jacks oh my God I remember this I'm on it on the dash Jupiter Jack transmits quality sound three is it quality is it quality check this out 20 minutes see ya okay call now and get the hands-free portable Jupiter Jack system for just ten dollars but I'm still not done oh let me just plug that into my oh wait where's the headphone jack thanks Apple car friend or a family man and you know Samsung and Google and one plus and everybody two cars for you to eat this here's how to order yeah nobody did Bluetooth in 2009 that was right when I was graduating high school we didn't have smartphones we have apps you got Bluetooth everybody use the manual headset iPods are like a thing so and phones had like a tiny like 1.5 millimeter jacket and plug into the car I forgot that you're a fossil right I'm driving in a beat here I think it's a nice vote for this it was probably yeah I remember when phones didn't have the 2.5 millimeter headphone jack I think but that was a good commercial too all right here we go this one is called the Kaboom hi Billy Mays here if you're having problems with hard water buildup ring around the toilet I do because this seems very convenient and healthy versus the music pumping me up so hard and Billy May is pumping me up so hard that I think this is the greatest thing call now and you'll receive not one but two 22 ounces he's gonna throw in something for free what is he gonna call uh 99 . Billy Mays is huge right now probably he's the same technology this looks like a great deal for 20 bucks I'm happy to announce that's a solid s tier all right he's probably gonna buy that I remember this the fastest easy way to mend him hurt again so it's glue my demanded is not a glue but okay it's not glue that crabs and interlocks the fibers of actually any Fabrics that's called glue it has the strength to withstand storm force winds amazing even after 50 washes stay strong there's so many moments in these commercials where I'm like I don't know man I'm not that sold he just does some wild [ __ ] I'm like yeah 50 washes and he's like really going like he [ __ ] gets me dude we even repaired this parachute and it still has the strength to safely bring down this skydiver there's no chance that a skydiver would jump out of a plane with a ripped glued together parachute yeah they have two yeah but he uses the one I think sometimes they have three I saw that one dude that was like when he's like 100 feet in the air he wouldn't have time to get on the back of parachute that dude would die and he'll be run over by a car because like the last second thing you do like one second before you hit the ground you pull it I think if I believe it's gonna hurt and hit the ground [ __ ] man okay it's looking we're looking at beats here I think B2 is pretty solid I feel like I feel it despite that I definitely don't need or want it or believe it but like I'm still pumped That's The Power of Billy Mays dude glues and beat here he will only get it if it can might demand my marriage back together Mighty Putty Super PAC everybody has something them to repair before buying new let money I'm a mighty buddy okay this is like a stuff Mighty glue thing the easy way to try it out yeah actually anything like super glue you get one use out everything so it's glue sealed forever but a non-streaky epoxy that molds and holds its shape sorry wait hold on what am what is it what do I what is the point he puts them onto a piece of wood and then slapped it we've wanted these two wooden doors together okay [Music] dude all the other products I'm like I get it I guess not enough at all I might want to use this this one is like wig glue to helicopter into a boat and I'm like helpful for me I don't care Doug he said it isn't clear I'm gonna tell billions I don't get it I kept being like that that's hard what do I do and he's like here's a bus I used my tea Pepsi to repay my wood my hand has been stuck there since 2007. okay Mighty Putty is asked here some people are like diamonds used to stick two things together yes I understand why do you mean something that's strong with an infomercial you should convince me why is this product the use case your day-to-day is like easier if you go around my apartment there aren't like just shattered pieces of wood and Furniture everywhere that are being dragged by other pieces of furniture I don't know probably in the Chocolate Factory moving Rube Goldberg machine with all the pieces falling apart I don't need putty to glue nothing in my life would change if I could suddenly glue together two pieces of furniture in my house I don't get what I would do with it okay next up is OxiClean which is a [ __ ] classic yeah OxiClean OxiClean the stain specialist which is a big deal yeah remember this yeah it seeks out organic stains they get down into the matting into the padding easier Solutions and the white carpeting one school it'll make your whites whiter it'll make your brights brighter as a stain remover it's the best grass stains clay stains long live I wonder if they add they add stuff to that water like it's a great product from the bottom I didn't come out of that fully arrested a lot more than it was supposed to but it didn't come out of there like doing cocaine pulling a school bus with a semi truck you know what I mean oxiclean's going in a tier I think that's a good vote okay quick chop this is interesting it's like first because this is like the same product basically and this one came first okay this is from one of the competing infomercial sales yes offer hi it's Fitz with slapping slime fries in a second and look at this mushrooms never had a mushroom before um he got like arrested I think you guys had ice cream and been like but it was world of self-defense or something now I'm like you know that actually it's crazy it's open the Clean now these other ones bacteria gets in the food can't open this up it's worthless forget about it is that the other one direct jab at Billy that was a great shot by the way that was a no look the skin comes right off we're gonna make America skinny again there's also an interesting move to like call all of the people who are watching fat right bold [ __ ] move right okay I think it's pretty good great parts of that commercial not great Parts about the commercial this is Quick Shop keep an open mind let me guess it doesn't open The Gourmet quick chop just place the vegetable on the board give it a tap and use it always wore Rolexes chopping and peeling garlic used look at how they're cutting the garlic he said cleaning's easy so why spend hundreds of dollars on these appliances this is a blender why would you buy a [ __ ] blender buy a Slap Chop I mean it is cheers important question please give your honest opinion who won the slime that means charismatic Billy he went for solid salesmanships threw his [ __ ] in the trash went to heaven he said put it in the cleaner you don't have to throw it in the trash like Vince oh my God it is literally the difference watched by Billy let's go a couple notes [ __ ] go you're my man hold on you're not just because it beat Vince offer doesn't mean it's an automatic s all right think this through how pumped are you talking about first commercial three two one we haven't done any interruptions with the uh zombies quick chop drop down I could see that either way I think it's a great product okay next up samurai Shark this is I don't know what this means I'm so pumped hi Billy Mays here for the Home Smart Samurai put your Razor's Edge on Dull Knife a Razor's Edge you can test that there's a thing for that you can test it in a machine you cut through a little wire there is any of the things that these people are doing I cut sponges every day one two professional what what he's gonna double it oh okay why would he double it he's not gonna die this is one of those things like I definitely don't need two of them but through this exclusive TV two of them he's gonna double it I mean it looked like a great knife sharpener honestly I could use that I have a couple knives that are like dull and unusable I can't even cut a sponge like what is the why why are you gonna sharpen the sharpener I can't believe it Billy Mays he's unpredictable you cannot pin that man down all right it's going into seat here the Simon is fix it what uh-oh that'll leave a mark and the nether hi Billy May he's here my car went into uh a concrete wall at 70 miles an hour is it the vine boom minor surface polishing agents that penetrate the scratch restoring the paint to the original shine that doesn't explain anything doesn't help me what is it doing to the car this is the one two scratch removing I remember that I mean it looks awesome I just don't I don't get it you're a [ __ ] idiot science now let's show you a car and like I don't get it I'm confused I mean I trust him he's like a father to me but what the [ __ ] is this what is happening here you're feeling liquid that reflects the car's colors so it looks fixed why didn't they tell me that what tier for the Simon is fix it car microscopic penetrator I mean he said it's not really it does look awesome like that would be super fussy I have a bunch of scratches on my computer all right this is the tool Bandit tumbling with your tools or wasting time trying to find them hi Billy nobody's garage exactly when two hands just start enough there's no way that's an efficient way to carry Nails the tool Bandit uses powerful Neo magnet technology man sign me the [ __ ] up I don't know what a Neo magnet but it's close enough I get it right he's not penetrating my car it's just believable enough he always has the right toes where and when you need them okay you're still gonna lose that 10 millimeters what a 10 millimeter socket yeah is improved by having a metallic armband here this guy's in distress right like if I didn't stop I was like man that guy's like [ __ ] sucks he needs the Neo magnets but does he this is gonna suck either way and Gabe Newell is like he's saying he's gonna have to reach for something oh God I'm actually starting Half-Life 2 episodes harder than just picking up a nail it even has the power to hold this 25 pound weight that's amazing I don't need that right now there's no way he doubles this why would I need two I'll send you house this is why I love having a fanny pack I guess or you can just have two of them on the same arm have 50 pounds here we're throwing tool Bandit into the S tier Vidalia slice wizard Dude tell me tell me all the ways my life is gonna be better once I can chop an onion introducing just forever I guess it could be for tomatoes fingers away from the blade and right and right to the very end there's no wasted food this is great okay [Music] um they're kind of hard to chop and I was like yeah man I don't use a lot I know I'm like [ __ ] french fries I'm gonna eat french fries [Music] a knife can't even cut a sponge oh you really don't need two of these okay okay I'm gonna chop it the fastest and easier and mix salsa that was pretty good dude I was pretty sold damn that was that was a pretty bitching commercial this to me I would say this is the most like well-rounded and consistent and just yeah it's not showing you the importantly okay congratulations to the Dahlia slice wizard going up an S here all right next up is the what's odor eliminator I am curious how you convinced me to buy something that makes things smell better through a video okay no this one wow with just one spring oh no I'm not putting my face [Music] myself down with some one odor and it gets rid of the worst smell of them all you did not get sprayed inside the moldy cheese than just owning a skunk call now and we'll send you a bottle of what odor along with a travel size for only 19.99 left dick that he's gonna double it order right now and we'll double the value no chance it wasn't doubling does he have a right dick now too we have a left hand right now how much cheese do these people have in their kitchen no I I think I get Billy's I don't think it's an S tier product but I definitely agree with it being in the top oh yeah so watch odor made everything smell yeah that was funny too because like they just were putting smell you know CG smoke over everything which I think is pretty funny yeah you're trying to convince somebody to buy something it smells good but that's naturally something that's hard to do is the commercials three and a half minutes like ten times today it's zorbee's time hi Billy Mays here with sore bees get ready for the technology I appreciate the 6.7 of you who just [ __ ] hate hates right now they're tired of it interrupting the stream probably zorbies is s hey Doug it's an expert I think we should double it we still got one last one this is the last thing we ever did before he traveled violently in his sleep peacefully you were incredible power rap tell me one more time about this glue that I don't need it's tape not blue see taping a tree what is happening here no I know exactly he knew the first thing people would be like okay so it's tape and he was like no you [ __ ] idiot self-fusing silicone tape has no sticky adhesive wrap and it fuses fast Mighty tape and even withstands this corrosive acid amazing I don't have acid in my home that's not a problem that I deal with none of these situations I deal with we even repaired this punctured air hose this I don't know if that'd be good it would still no wait whatever he's for sure gonna double that but oh yeah so it's tape [Music] tape for the for the same low price of 19.99 Mighty tape the tape killed him we don't know that for certain we just know that he died peacefully of a cocaine attack shortly after this Mighty tape you're going up into a tier congratulations okay I just watched cocaine barriers so good we now officially have the full ring but then it's actually gonna buy what is the news which means it's time for one final vote what is the ultimate Billy Mays product choose your destiny chat make my life better you know me better than I know myself and unity this music is quite dramatic but I'm gonna be honest you can call them not seeming like it's gonna matter that way ladies and gentlemen I'm buying [ __ ] zorbies are all these products still available have you all y'all known oh my God it has not been updated since they got a billy maze replacement coffee and red wine ugly messes happen all the time hey John florell here for zorbies 3D dude I do not want to give zorbies 3D my contact information website is definitely waiting for one dumb guy to watch a Billy Mays community and get nostalgic and then give him his give him their credit card number I can't do this dude this is Jesus wait wait this is it it's got Billy Mays on the box this is wait somebody's selling C7 technology it's unopened okay wait what you can buy zorbies on eBay totally free has this ever happened wait was that Gastonia in North Carolina that was some Gastonia in North Carolina that's near Charlotte he did this for a second Channel video can you like even wash those [Music] [ __ ] okay well um that was every single Billy maze commercial uh infomercial rank I feel like he did a lot more uh than that but maybe it's just because they kind of like all are kind of the same they all have the same gimmicks and they'll kind of have the same formula I guess that's maybe it seemed like there were so many more Billy Mays videos or maybe that's just because there's so many memes about Billy Mays and Billy Mays is a household name it displayed great video nonetheless I look forward to the next hungry video let me know what that should be down below in the comment section I read every single comment like I said my uh Attack on Titan season four part one episode five reaction went live same time this video did ongo's anime Abu live streaming some Team Fortress 2 with the viewers on dog Tope or not ductopia Uncle Topia drugtopia that's the the AI uh invading which you need to do another one of those this video is really good they're really long but they're really really good and you all love them and I all love them and everyone loves them but I hope I have one for us today I hope I made a tiny little better I hope your subscribe some of the future videos but until next video take care and keep the music foreign [Music]
Channel: theduckgoesmoo
Views: 11,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theduckgoesmoo dougdoug reaction, tf2 vs overwatch, tf2 vs overwatch reaction, Overwatch vs TF2 but Explained with Food, dougdoug, dougdoug reaction, doug doug reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn, billy mays reaction, dougdoug billy mays, Twitch Chat and I ranked EVERY Billy Mays Infomercial reaction, Twitch Chat and I ranked EVERY Billy Mays Infomercial, billy mays, billy mays commercials
Id: 957zcMjkApU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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