THAT IS NOT OKAY!! Reacting to "Rimworld, but a random War Crime happens every 5 minutes"

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bear bears bears rabid Bears dudes asking for a rabid bear attack generic controlling that gives me her balcony Doug David today we're doing rim world but a random War crime happens every five minutes I have no idea what Rim world is in last week's video which was Skyrim but the cheese will or five cheese will spawn like every second you took a reaction out I'll leave it right up there also a link down below description also in a place on my Channel with all my other dog dead reactions going to chronological order now I said that this video would come out this week unless you upload a new video it was an absolute Banger and he actually did that which was the this video the pedal video which a lot of people are saying it might be his best video ever uh I unfortunately do not have an hour of time right now to record um I don't know if you can tell but I got a new green screen so that is where a lot of my time has been going right now and I've gotten like one good night of sleep combined for the last week so I really don't have the energy for an hour long video right now I'm in pain but this video is apparently supposed to be really really good I'm really excited for it I look forward to reading your comments I'll read every single comment on every single video even old videos are I should be live streaming today playing some team Fortress 2. maybe uh I don't know scare uh screen Fortress has started because October is here but patrons got this video a day early uh for three dollars a month to get you all my reaction videos a day early and allow me to make all these videos and the Peggle video will happen also got this Rosa video is that's a vlog that's eight hours and it's part one what um but thank you so much Peter I look forward to your comments uh next video should hopefully be the pickle video hopefully I'll have time to do that but let's go ahead and jump into Rim world but a random War crime happens every five minutes all right who doesn't love the good the game War crime like a bunch of colonists Among Us you try to keep them also new green screen disasters before hard enough so it sounds interesting or swapping all of your Farms to marijuana or community and I'll be every NPC piece to a random twitch chat viewer oh no with all of this oh my God it's gonna be like the D D video those amazing videos entire hour if they oh that's whose new name is just talking whose new name is most might the dog is random man 72. this is our team to kick this off Ready set go first five minutes I just get we highlight everything we allow it we say all right pick up all this [ __ ] put it somewhere we get some zones bam okay then they build oh they're built you're supposed to be building our home nammer can you please work more I don't like to work without so are they act silver looks like I'll pay you in some silver so I am setting up some basic rooms for people and we're getting a zone no that has to be the NPCs right oh time okay honestly looking pretty good I was worried I may be getting parasocial Obsession where I Look to public figures for Life what should I do about that look the wheel will answer that question that's like the I need gambling addiction and we have I'm feeling lucky in the Google search all right go you're drafted can I make him build things all he can do is fight can I even have him like eat he'll mental break because he can't do anything okay wait what yeah dude you're a rabbit wait I just realized something literally the only thing I can do right now is fight maybe you'll win you are actually fighting back wait dude you actually heard him he's in need of medical treatment I don't have medical beds or anything what if he does lose to a [ __ ] rabbit okay okay no he's good we did it we're gonna grab it I can't even pick up the body what am I supposed to do eat it or not miss is hiding in his room this happened because of poor mood so I can't draft him right now because he's so upset because he can't do anything next wheel spin what are they one cause we see others unconscious spawn 10 rabbit swirls rabies is bad because we're calling this is really good at fighting although he is upset rabies of real bad wait hold on okay let me make sure I can do this that I can spawn babies he's probably in the game a pack of man hunting monkeys has entered the uh oh so it's not necessarily going to be squirrels it's just gonna be ten animals I don't know that I should have done 10. all right these guys are cowards we can fight them before we move on let's change the names all right welcome to the team everybody Prestige gamer and puckheads ready go a thousand bits wow these guys were going into the house for safety okay puckhead is getting hurt Buckhead you're gonna be fine angry pengu uh fight why is the monkey in the house I thought they don't come in Puckett uh I definitely there's the other guy he's dead in his room dude there's actual action is dying guns okay yeah good call go get the gun we do need the dog oh no two and a half more minutes and then bat stops having a temper tantrum he can go in here and he's locked into those guys and we're actually gonna be able to heal up they have rabies Henry Pango had a mental break okay our dog is having a mental breakdown oh the dog that actually makes sense oh yeah he has officially F's in the chat killed Puck head mods you know what to do the dog is killing one of our uh it's our only remaining Survivor wait guys rabies a little while to stop this okay you're released go okay he's trying oh okay so Prestige gamer is technically alive bat is technically alive now the way this works for people who don't know if all three of your colonists die then you get the man in Black there's a new guy who shows up basically one last chance to stay alive technically saved the colony oh well okay both of the colonists in here died if this guy can come in here and rescue bat the more fine time I'm very confident about this next round two people we're fine next roll the Run ends when everybody is dead it's already done or I guess it's the man in Black oh but his colonists have to be the biggest not great the largest animal on the map might be like a guinea pig though we can do this I'll go ahead and pick up a gun ready go oh he's being attacked by dogs no are there bigger animals oh God that's big is that what ignore the dog or the two Terriers that you're fighting just get out of there magnetic Turtle I think he needs to kill the dogs first get those ankles dude yeah is this a PVP game oh here comes the dog okay he came over to his dead body to sleep oh oh how nice the dog with rabies a 10-2 that's fair is Noob okay he is really good at shooting Leia is good at shooting and melee we can get just like a Powerhouse fight team everybody else kind of sucks oh right who has construction and medical I think that's pretty good yeah his construction skills and his shooting skills are all pretty valuable he's an addict wait who is smoking holy [ __ ] okay so he's dependent on smoke Leaf but whoa he's good at plants so woller can give him a lot of tobacco just remind him he also does construction for JP okay he's gonna have a mental break very quickly yeah weed in one day yeah look he has 15 joints he'll be fine let's go Jesus we have a pet snake we have a cobra as a snow okay whatever go JP you are local FBI agent Waller you are Auto Rod and Noob how does this reassign to your imagination it's just the names they're actually 44k cool like they're just giving the names right and they get the test I want weed listen Snake once we get things set up and good to go maybe we'll consider it please boss he's good but he's dependent I love sleeping on the floor you could have finished the house man it doesn't take that long you built half of the floor and then you slept on the side all right we're honestly looking okay intelligence 100 gonna start growing weed weed you better share with the rest of us look all three colonnets are gonna get really really [ __ ] high next yeah gone zooted forbid all meals for five minutes oh commit any War crime okay any War crime I mean most popular war crimes um customs of War include atrocities against persons we could murder a prisoner of war torture and human treatment including biological experiments wait if you take a bunch of their organs does that work a lot of things are war crimes and then we just plundered the nearest town oh but I wanted organs you're gonna be fine I like people in chat yelling plunder what shirt is he wearing the Army Of Orcs who have no evidence hey Doug this is the Geneva Convention agents for an annual inspection of your Colony they're gonna do anything illegal dude it's the Geneva to-do list Legend has agents that they send for inspection okay Chad is excited about plundering oh no oh no what's going on did somebody say forget the weeds attack pillaging and plundering the nearest town who we want to plunder the white tar pit or banthos the thing it's definitely not PVP they're already pretty upset at us and I feel like that's less of a war crime than going into the completely neutral tar pit people and just ripping ass who we were look I've always said I'd rather die on my feet than little do they actually have guns it's gonna take us 0.6 days oh everybody get ready to commit war crimes oh no Orcs oh my God so many Orcs over I've react to a couple of Warhammer stuff it's so I would definitely Freedom all right we gotta get straps okay they have their guns oh yeah we're bringing all the smoke Leaf the Caravan is only two days of food that's fine we'll pillage the food from banthos all right the colonists are leaving good luck on the raid boys try not to die no you you're coming with us snake time to play you definitely need a snake every day wait Panthers is [ __ ] massive look at this white Village boys they're going to die this is us okay we have the snake though all right uh let's go bro has a knife can kill somebody that's a war cry but we can bail right really somebody who's like out on their own then they're really gonna be awesome oh Jesus Christ okay there's another noddle Rod is already bleeding out what if we fire at the solar generator maybe that'll blow up attack it commit the war crimes Wonder their stroller generator swap the Skyliner fire we drew them out with our distraction you're not gonna okay so committed a war crime get out get out get out run run run okay yeah my guess is that it's definitely like NPCs yeah machine guns they're all dead it's black hat oh we have three black okay the run is still going Doug it isn't a war crime if there's no remaining military to judge you that's true great job plundering everybody next on the list I mean we did we even break their solar power generally no Okay cool so now we have one guy yeah this game looks fine floor and a door great job pepper if he doesn't Finish the build is that a fail I guess so he's playing horse shoes you've got to hurry the [ __ ] up you have 40 seconds to finish a bedroom if the run is over and Templar has a gun may as well go visit banthos always 36 joints okay he's healing up he's taking us on the floor oh that's fine oh my God okay banthos still looking pretty strong baby yeah fixed the solar power that didn't take long damaged they are in the future you are the captain of this final pillaging ship let's begin you know what you're not solar [ __ ] out of it okay John Enderman has a bazooka no take a quick shot get out quick quick no he's getting shot yep maybe we got the solar generator this time they're captured okay we need to be near somebody who we can War crime we go here not by the tree so he's just doing for war crimes now fashion Pawn forget everything else he's going just probably number one on the list they really seem like they have it coming but they're hostile they're probably convention 2024. it's not like a convention it's not yeah it's not like rcx or latest war crimes comic conographer is a pizza lover which I like and is decent at cooking and melee and shooting oh uh this video is gonna live in the sixth that's actually the anniversary of 46 which you think is me not eating pizza last time I pizza was October 6 2016. and then who's our third construction we go with Ben right 30 years old somebody who's 30 or 32 they're spry in their Prime of their youth okay we can all agree on that not old at all he's ancient go I own all this [ __ ] how did I say he was you Harry you are now I'm 26 and just bought this very nice green screen who's excited about war crimes let's get a goddamn bedroom set up I beg you Doug what are you begging at me too much labor and not enough wheat we'll grow weed here it's gonna be our rice rice is pretty good rice is pretty good you need to work what are you even doing are you chopping down a tree we're the slowest tree Chopper I've ever seen in my life look at what everybody else has done they've built three bedrooms all right we're done it's kind of like it's good just like a music would help me work faster teacher is set off retail okay that's fine so like for now on any free time they have they're gonna go randomly tame they get three times it's not great I guess I'll prioritize that as somebody's job why is the turkey saying LOL why don't cough on me wait the board guitarist is hunting dumb like a rock for food oh this is just like a wild dog oh yeah dude shoot the dog who wins it who wins the battle God damn it oh oh oh no of dromedaries abandoned or lost wandered into the area who the [ __ ] is that okay he got the dog at least get this person rescue them get them to bed I think they still have the microbes yeah he's picking up wood they're all the dead person you are hogging the bed [ __ ] there's only one bed another bed okay he built a bed and he's healing them so okay he's doing a great job can I get a bed Soviet you are they join the colony oh because they're self-tamed okay so they just walked in I mean self-tamed you walk in you why are you here uh okay whatever the four bedrooms almost choose that Dart oh okay raw food they don't need a lot of is it wait we got all those camel things God it's perfect you are no longer allowed to eat these sorry everybody go how do you even do that all right unavailable man here's what I'm gonna have you do where are the camels that we found go kill this guy and then get meat from him I just hire human flesh carry him back and then you guys can all have fresh meat we have this guy uh-oh okay there's a group of questions we're gonna [ __ ] you up dude you have nothing on our Colony I don't know I was thinking is still in bed there's no way no no use twitch Prime oh my God back down on the floor this is fine oh another challenge unconscious if I finish the fight first and then do this I guess so yeah that has to be Kate just kill the goddamn dog League oh that yeah bullets you have to reload taking a [ __ ] or you just take shoot her they hit her no dog leg I'm gonna die okay you need to save you're undrafted you need to save everybody okay good job prisoners you're now a prisoner we can maybe get this person to join the colony and then we're an even better okay I don't think I can beat them up until they're healed what do I do if it's been five minutes and nobody's awake they need to be awake for me to beat them to the ground yeah you could have drafted them wait can they get up oh you can okay this is sort of loud but I'm just gonna have them get up I didn't know I could force that all right okay sort of right two spins question mark oh my God rescue them and get them back to health please okay that's good um that's the thing why is that a thing for a while why is that okay she is just men and taking your pants Soviet winter became tame okay we have a guinea pig now why is the size of a tree oh there's a raid one Raider [ __ ] gold rose I need to draft you you're gonna grab this gun you can't pick it up why can't I pick it up our hands are broken God damn are they actually here wait wait okay Dynamite ghost you're dead bold Rose where the [ __ ] is best ocean you're supposed to be go kill that person okay gold rose can you please shoot this person uh oh oh that's not good okay you're gonna like it 25 minutes in let's look at the health problems uh they have malnutrition they're they're pretty bruised broken losing extreme amount of blood did they add that in all forms of some ugly at all we'll eventually run out this is what everyone's gonna want too many people okay so we're just gonna Farm a shitload they're already now we're just like cutting out all of our rice before right before it's harvested in a couple days but the weed is worth it like all we're gonna have is wheat none of it's gonna grow is it sometimes running out the house fully nude and I followed have footsteps into a forest and found a weed from you know about this no that sounds crazy okay he's actually successfully replaced it pretty much all with weed but then he went back to school 30 minutes that's gonna say this has been extremely mellow so far well they haven't had anything quality that's growing involves fighting we're just trying to tame squirrels and rabbits unless we get some hard ass wheel then I think we are fine next roll War crime Another War crime that he added war crimes Harvest as many organs as possible we can go to compassion Pond oh wait we could just murder the prisoners hold on yeah there you go yeah do that yeah yeah no no do that we can build up instead of just you know like we can get [ __ ] up with this workout getting destroyed deeply split between torturing prisoners or going in and raiding and plundering abilities oh dude I want a war crime or prisoner I guess we're gonna have probably no people left we don't more crime than prisoner all right we're gonna torture congratulations they did ask for this didn't they for the victim of this hole victim The Dragon King congratulations the dog is hyped for these the dog is hyped to witness attach fire this doesn't seem to be I guess we could be oh uh is the fire gonna spread okay the fire is spreading to the whole building now that ladies and gentlemen is a war crime good War crime they're gonna be talking about this one oh no it's gonna spread oh no it's going to spread please fix the Jake oh [ __ ] I put him on fire the dev mode I mean if we can save these two bills oh [ __ ] no hold on oh this prioritize this it's raining it should stop I don't even think we have roofs okay we need to finish buildings we can make beds again okay at least there's no burn to the ground okay we're gonna everybody there's gonna be our new room for beds the war crime was a success yes it was they committed one war crime next one no no more war crimes no Three Fires in the Maze this is so raining it is raining it's good yeah there's a fire onto the building oh we do lightning strike zap the weed how dare you that's a good idea wow wow okay there you go okay it was only okay I started a couple extra just because it is on fire I'm gonna set one thing of weed on fire okay what is that gonna accomplish I mean maybe we'll get high off of it probably wait [ __ ] we had smoke Leaf the whole time we had a bunch of joints that just like deteriorated in the open we need to move the rice we're making a Zone to stockpile food in here he's obviously played this game he's actually gonna survive next round survive what you go raid one person you're done chat votes on two columns to fight to the dead okay oh wow Gentlemen let's play Rim World melee attack Ocho Ocho melee attack Vespa let's go go stun that's so fast I Die With Honor probably they hit back and forth how's the health I can't see because they keep clicking on the weed instead Ultra down to 52 Health but he keeps stunning Vespa leader oh okay God that was quick and with Vespo winning numbers he takes the ultimate Victory oh oh my God are you happy Orcs plundering and committing crimes all day how did you miss sitting there he's shooting the smoke Leaf there you go and now there are dog the dog had a mental breakdown because of watching Ocho get executed I was just doing what I was told that's sure I'm good buddy go do whatever you want also this will be fertilizer for the smoke you're right yeah food well we have less mouths to feed so that's good 45 minutes honestly we're doing okay we have 15 more minutes what would you do in 45 minutes let me know I read every comment I'm actually curious how fast this game is that is maybe okay things are like kind of stable we've got lots of smoke Leaf we technically have some rice that's just it's just spoiling in our shitty unfinished bedroom don't worry about it taming is our number one priority if they go do that we're in good shape taming uses food uh-oh so they need to they need to tame um with the remaining rice that we have that's not spoiling any food it's because we don't have food all right go finally do what I want Ramen gotta get out there do some hard labor McChicken mail is is getting the squirrels with rice what is ronus even doing ronus you gotta oh you're eating the rice we don't have enough rice for you to eat food raw rice is delicious um it seems super crunchy I'm glad you're enjoying it where the hell is McChicken it's trying to get the rabbit tame failed we are running out of rice rapidly she's wasted so much rice on these rabbits we have 56 left we have 15. okay it's actually gonna cut it close because we're almost out of food there's still two more rabbits and one more squirrel away entertain we might have to raid another Village for food to tame the squirrels who ten more minutes so what he has what two more I guess one more I had two rabid bear bears bears are on the verge of a mental breakdown we technically still have the man in Black who shows up at the end what's the thing that makes them attack scaria and while we're in there they're also gonna have a hangover they're gonna be like really upset and also they're addicted to weeds so that way they're gonna be like really incentivized to come to our town Bear's gonna be stoned on smoke Leaf oh you can do that this guy is stoned on weed has a massive hangover is going to come attack the village give them Alzheimer's okay the other one can you do that wait you can get the bionic legs we're going peg leg no I haven't even seen that movie it was great all on alcohol probably okay we're giving him a bionic eye in his left ear why would they let me specify what body part has it wait does that mean what a little heart like in his other ears in his brain a heart in his brain okay all right we're giving them some Yayo okay Yayo is cocaine in their left wait so they're black bears but they just have so much Yayo okay okay okay we've got two hangovers Bears can only see by motion as long as we're just perfectly still I don't think shoot him now actually hit all right okay we're actually yeah I hope I hope that has a decent caliber okay and now tactical Retreat tactical Retreat don't uh gloat quite yet one hit one hit okay McChicken mail stay perfectly still I don't think the bear knows that you're in here no that oh it does it can you turn on the wall the Bear's probably going for the squirrel we can rescue you the bear will learn the house right you must be a sacrifice is hidden okay the other bear also is still coming oh no I guess they just come to their quadrant and not like the other ones oh the Bear's bleeding out maybe it's because of the prosthetic heart I put in its brain so one of the Bears is gonna die of natural causes yo bear get over here my chicken males she's literally calling the bear over dude they're asking for a rabbit bear attack it's at 100 health maybe you can run you're fine you're fine you're 88 health and with the cocaine bear knocking out the third colonist that means it's all up natural cocaine Berry didn't like our last name is Martin attack anybody growing up in our house that's disrespectful oh [ __ ] Martin he has a gun for six and a half minutes and we're good there are wild raccoons showing up working okay it's all that Martin can live get back to base get back to base uh-oh he's trapped by rocks we could arrive for five minutes if he can run from the bear The Colony would have technically survived the last spin there's no way there's no way there's no way this happens yet so far we could live spontane rabbit squirrels if it take a look for the colonists to bleed out maybe that's a good point maybe Manhunter pack a lot of rabid animals chasing us if this guy can escape cocaine barrel of our bedroom then we're good I don't know how safe price for him oh wow that's such a nice reward 30 raw rice might have all died no no no one more one more keep going keep going he's slowly the Bear's slowing down wait maybe I take a shot okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take a shot of the bear it's still gonna hit [ __ ] instantly Martin is bleeding out over the next six hours how long six hours I don't know 30 seconds we have a minute three oh he's not gonna make it two hours until they bleed it's not gonna make it still has oh down to three hours yeah no we could survive wow we might make it by like two seconds there's no way to consolidate the blood into one person to prolong the bleeding oh my God is our most alive guy you need an ice pack no no hold out for one minute a minute Thirty just give me there's no way ronus don't owe seven yet this is seven three hours he's done and thus a minute and two seconds left on the clock all of the colonists bled out and died wait somebody's fully healed oh the guinea pig the guinea pig wait he wait what yes absolutely right humans no what are your first orders the new leader of our Colony more weed for me okay that's my mayor Jesus the time the guinea pig why did they make those sounds oh my God and there's the Peggle video that Peggle video I know is super super good I can't wait to react to it and record it I just can't mentally physically or have the time to spend an hour on that video and edit and upload and render that tonight so unfortunately can't do that tonight hopefully it should be out next week hopefully patrons gonna dare early I know I'm gonna get a ton of comments in the comment section asking for the Peggle video but that's because they didn't skip the or they skipped the intro or the outro but room world seems like a really fun game seems kind of complicated and I don't know it's really fun honestly that seems like the type of game I would enjoy I don't know is that what stardew valley is kind of like I don't know I've never played stardew Valley but I've seen like people's thumbnails of it so it kind of reminds me of that a little bit um it's a very interesting game and this is an amazing video by Doug like they always are but I hope you enjoyed this video we just hit 80 000 subscribers so if you want to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss future videos I have a lot of videos you can also come on patreon get the videos day early for three dollars a month like 16 videos a week also I got this new green screen so that's uh that's always really really exciting so I'll be streaming today at 5 p.m I'll also be playing Resident Evil 4 tomorrow it's our first play through that on Twitch from 517 as well but I hope you have one of us today I hope you made the time a little better but until next week take care and keep the music thank you soldiers [Music]
Channel: theduckgoesmoo
Views: 5,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theduckgoesmoo dougdoug reaction, dougdoug, dougdoug reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn, Skyrim Speedrun but Twitch Chat can spawn ANYTHING, Rimworld but a random War Crime happens every 5 minutes reaction, Skyrim but 10 cheese wheels spawn every second, Rimworld but a random War Crime happens every 5 minutes, rimworld, rimworld beginner's guide, rimworld playthrough, rimworld gameplay
Id: J2Qmw7SG9Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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