Vusi Thembekwayo in Conversation with Sadhguru{Full Talk}

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oh the black dragon look at him [Laughter] uzi am i getting your second name right you got it perfectly right thank you wonderful seeing you i'm uh i'm so humbled to finally meet you and to connect with you i've been a huge fan of follower of your work reader of the book for a very very long time so this is a big moment for me thank you thank you for this you see it's wonderful to see uh that uh you are making a difference in the economic condition of africa more than your business ventures the inspiration you are giving to the youth to take to entrepreneurship i think it's most vital because the african tribes right from thousands of years they are not tribes of systemic excellence but more of their own enterprise well maybe the past enterprise cannot be compared to today's form of enterprise but tribes were very mercurially enterprising in their own way today's enterprise has shifted to a different mode of operation it's more is not tribal or inter-tribal it is more international that's a difference but fundamentally the instinct and the wisdom of enterprise remains the same scale has changed the geographical reach has changed but fundamentally it's the same so it's wonderful that you're doing this for your country and for the continent africa is very dear to me it's it's it's interesting that you that you uh i mean i i love the comment and the way that you discern kind of over time how things have changed right and um i hope what i hope really is that we as africans ourselves are able to understand that and are able to bring a different way of doing things into the environment we're operating in today without necessarily losing ourselves because i suppose the hard part about discovery of the new is which part of the old feels authentic and which part of the old do you keep and as you as you just as you discover the new what do you let go and what do you unlearn uh and i suppose there are no correct answers to that only the questions uh you should never hold on to the past you should only stand upon the wisdom of the past you should not hold on to it because activities of yesterday what was wisdom yesterday could be foolish today sure so we should we should never hold on to it i know this has become a fad wherever i go people say satguru will bring ancient wisdom i say [Laughter] this is contemporary wisdom because wisdom should work ancient wisdom means it must be chronicled it must be archived not practiced well the ancients also might have seen something relevant to their times some things of the past could be relevant to us because fundamentally we are still human we have not evolved into something else all right so we're still human situations have changed wisdom is a combination of our own realizations and the situational practical action put together realization may be idealistic absolute truth but wisdom is a kind of integration between present day realities and the ultimate truth if these two things don't integrate you can only sit in a cave be blissful and bless people if you want to be active in the world you need to integrate absolute truth with uh today's reality otherwise you cannot function in the world can the truth ever be absolute truth is always absolute reality keeps changing what's the difference the difference is uh you can paint your house whichever color you want today but the foundation remains the same okay okay okay and i mean one of the one of the questions i i um just considering this conversation is one of the questions i was really thinking about and it's interesting you mentioned this idea of uh absolute truth is i i wonder if i wonder if the world today is ready for the truth whatever that truth might be um and i'm i'm not sure that the world is and and the reason i ask that question is because i'm not sure how well each human being is versed in their own truth and how ready they are to receive that truth uh there's an old expression that says the only thing people hate more than the truth is the person who dares to speak it you're telling the wrong guy i've faced all of it that's where i was going with this that's how i was going with this i mean one of the you're uh yeah just at a personal level one of the things that i it's watching you from a distance one of the things i love about how you traverse the space is you you have this incredible ability it appears to float over um um the ephemeral you know the stuff that's trendy and poppy and next you just like you float over it but it's it's seamless and and then when you you know release a book the book lands and it captures the zeitgeist the moment it's like and it and it immediately goes to number one bestseller and one of the things i was wondering and i wanted to ask you this question as a person who battles with their own truth by the way and that's where this question is coming from it's me musing to myself because there are truths to myself about myself about which i'm not sure i'm necessarily willing to confront let me correct that question first you see the thing is uh you said the world's uh is the world ready for truth there is world will never be ready for truth because the word world is not true because only the individual experience is true only you exist the world is just a word that is because you don't have see do you uh call your children the world no you call them by name because you have the time and attention for those individual lives so you call them by name they are people all right they're individual people when we use the world we don't have the necessary span of attention nor intention to pay attention to that so they're just one world all right so world is a psychological manifestation in our minds actually there are only people people are people because of individual experiences our individual experiences truth no individual experiences is psychological realities in which they live social realities in which they live so that is not the truth an individual is capable of experiencing truth but individual individual as a person is not true the world is not capable of experiencing truth but it is the truth why did i say something so funny [Laughter] that that answer did not end the way i expected it so so so let me then ask this question quite simply what is the truth if i am myself trying to confront the truth about myself what is the truth then see when i said something is absolute that means you cannot define it obviously if you give a definition it becomes a small piece of something right you can define something which has physical boundaries you cannot define something which has no physicality to it no boundaries to it so truth is not something that you try to define and philosophize truth is something that you experience how do you experience truth the important thing is if an individual human being instead of busy making conclusions about everything in the world if they just sit here looking at what is it that is making you make the conclusions what is it that causes joy in you what is it that causes misery in you what is it that you like what is it that you dislike if you look at these things carefully you will understand in how many ways you have set up prisms of confusion in your mind you set up a prism suppose i hold a prism in my hand and look at you you will look very funny you know you will look somehow distorted so i hold the prism and i think uzi is a funny looking guy well this is my problem not yours isn't it so like this we have set up multiple prisms multiple prisms in the vision of our mind where everything is confusing and now we are thinking how to find the truth how to find the truth no you need to clean up your faculties how you see how you hear how you smell how you taste how you perceive needs to be cleaned up truth is not some something that you try to see you just clear your vision then you will seek i uh where i'm not sure how much you know about about my country south africa but you know we've had a phenomenal time since nelson mandela was released from prison 27 years ago both highs and lows um i mean really high highs we've had people coming together the spirit of what we as african people call ubuntu which is the idea that i am because you are so whereas you know in some european cultures they say i think therefore i am in the african culture we say i am because you are so my definition of self is an expression of your existence but even in this incredible time one of the things i've noticed happened over time is because we are a young uh country a young demographic a young population we're constantly trying to find our identity and and in in the quest to find our identity is the battle for whose identity is more true than whose so so so so what is what is the what is the archetypal man what is the archetypal african man what is the archetypal african zulu man what is what is the article woman and in the midst of all of this what we have done is we've created very unrealistic archetypes and people are trying to live up to an eye an idea that doesn't exist um and if you this is the question i wanted to ask you if you dare step outside the ideas that have been created and have become socially acceptable you become a pariah you you and you i don't i mean i'm talking to the choir here but you know that once society has created an idea if you step outside of it society is going to punish you for it um and of course there are kind of two responses the first is you know disappear but the second is to step into yourself and understand who you are and stand in your truth as i wanted is the point i was coming to so the question i the question i have for you is once you have defined what the truth is once you're clear on what the world is to you um where do you find the courage to stand in the silence of your own presence because you're the only one that's there really the minute you step in to step outside of society it's a very lonely place should i answer the question or should i clear up the question both so let me start with the question before i answer you talked about the european idea of i think so i am a simple question is it because you are you can think or because you can think you are which is true you know the answer what do you mean because no no because only because you can exist you exist you can think right not because you think you can exist so i'm saying if you are so lost in your own psychological realities that you fancifully start believing that your psychology psychological reality is real your psychological reality is just your drama there's nothing concerned with reality there okay it is your psychological drama and you start thinking right now human suffering is all invested in this that people think their psychological creations are bigger than the creator's creation that is the problem essentially that's all they're suffering that's the only thing human beings are suffering their psychological creations are larger and more significant than the cosmos that's all their problem is one knock on their head their psychological reality will evaporate all right i'm saying this is not truth this is just your drama your draw you gotten so engrossed and invested in your own drama you just forgotten that there is a reality called existence now about what you said about the african people you are so i am well this is a very social reality this is a way of acknowledging another human being how we we as human beings are not designed in such a way that our individual individuality is absolute we have to interact we have to be together this is a more peacemaking in the society this is a more i would say social wisdom nothing to do with truth per se it's a social wisdom you recognize acknowledge that everybody around you is important without them you really are nothing and it is also a way of engaging and involving yourself with other lives because this is not only to human beings you may say this to a lion or a giraffe or a tree saying because you are i am it's a wonderful way of recognizing the contribution of every other life to our lives but that's a social reality so having said that about african man trying to create his own uh image of himself but see africa is a word it is a geographical piece called a continent today but in reality as historical reality if you look at it africa must have been 10 000 tribes or more i don't know the number but i'm just saying because i discovered in america there were oh there still are 500 nations within united states of america native american nations so in africa it must be at least 10 000 i'm just imagining i'm i do not know the exact number it could be anywhere 5000 10 000 tribes so they all lived in their own realities their own practices probably their own languages their own rituals their own identity essentially so today this uh because uh certain forces from outside came and whatever the boundaries of tribal identities were just wiped out it did not happen with war between two tribes somebody else came and wiped out and it all got mixed up maybe even uh zulu doesn't look like a zulu anymore or you know in the masayamara the tall people lot of them are short and fat these days all this happening now that is because i'm saying genetic mixture has happened which was not happening earlier social mixture has happened and all kinds of mixtures and porosity has come what was guarded as a very sacred identity has gotten mixed up over a period of time in the last 200 years so much has happened some of it is uh absolutely painful and disastrous but this is the way unfortunately we have shaped the world okay let's come to that reality this is the way it's happened we cannot change yesterday all right it is just that today what we do will determine our future that we must understand yesterday we cannot change it might have been beautiful it might have been ugly it doesn't matter but we cannot change that we can only experience today and see and strive how to create a tomorrow in this effort if you're a zulu it's wonderful as a culture you you keep that as sacred you keep that going because it's important otherwise all of us will become one kind of people uh we will die of boredom okay it's it's so it's so wonderful that cultures evolve like this if you come to india there are 1300 languages even today people speaking these kind of languages so all this cultural color this kaleidoscope of humanity is wonderful at the same time we have moved towards a world today where we are there is technology there is uh kind of interconnectivity that you could have never imagined possible even 50 years ago which you cannot deny which you cannot grow without using and becoming a part of it so this need not become a struggle uh if you are you know i was invited to speak with the zulu king and to address the zulu population but unfortunately things turned out the way they did with this pandemic so see it's wonderful to keep that memory because a human being's life is rich only because of a vivid sense of memory if we did not have that memory our lives would not be rich so i'm saying keep the culture keep i don't think you can keep let's say if you're are you a zulu okay so let us say whatever the proud moments of your culture is in your memory it remains an inspiration but don't try to practice all of it today because those things were practiced at a certain time in a certain atmosphere where it was relevant they were doing what was relevant if you do the same things now you will be doing something that's irrelevant so all those practices of life we must make it into practices of uh what to say ceremony ceremonially you must keep them alive you should not try to keep them alive in your life in your daily practice i'm not saying every bit of it many parts of it many large parts of it may not be relevant today such things we must make them into ceremonial practices let's say what they were doing every day once a year we come together and do that just to remind us ourselves what roots we come from this is important to keep the pride and integrity of people to move forward otherwise if if somebody looks back and sees there is nothing behind them there is a vacancy in our memory then very few people that is actually a great liberation if there is absolutely past is wiped out but that is not the way most human beings are made they will suffer they will not know how to use it as a springboard so if you convert what was day-to-day practices of your tribe into a ceremonial practice in your life it will be like a springboard for you to walk strong into tomorrow got you so so if i'm hearing you then what you're saying is that even the idea of identity itself is not fixed that identity is a contemporary construct no it is not always identities have been there but what was the tribal identity today you're trying to make it into a national identity or now africa means a continental identity or we are pushing towards a global identity global identity does not mean all of us should paint ourselves white or black we are different colors we are different this thing is fine it's essentially that we make these things the color of our life not the core of our life this is the important thing the core of our life is we are human the core of our life is real life on this planet which is the most important thing the color of our life may be black white i am brown okay technically we're both broad but okay that's good i wanted to ask you something i watched one of your i thought it was a fascinating uh episode you were cycling are you you're you were on a motorbike through the united states and you stopped at what appeared to be this outback beautiful native american town and um there's a you were looking at it must have been like a hill and just talking about about wisdom um and it touched me because where i'm from we have a very strong connection to our past uh we believe that those who passed before us leave with us a body of wisdom that never ages um and in in each community some of us are selected to access that wisdom right we we we we call it you know ancestors and and it's it's it's it's a form of spiritual wisdom really um and what i wanted to understand from you because i found that episode absolutely fascinating was what is what is that bridge between what the old people knew and what the and what the young people are trying to learn it appears to me as if there is a set of lessons we are yet to go through that those who've been before us have been through um and and i mean you spoke about it you spoke about it so well in in that in that uh in that recording i thought it was just such a powerful idea what do you what do you think see uh in this effort one important thing is that we don't simply flatly glorify everything that is past and simply put down everything that is present keeping that in mind say for example if you say anywhere as you said in africa especially in india if you speak we a whole lot of people always believe a few thousand years ago five thousand ten thousand years ago the whole society was so wise and so fantastic and whatever no the problem is all the idiots who died and all the wise men and the wise men also who died at that time the idiots are forgotten the wise men are remembered so you start thinking 10 000 years ago everybody was wise everybody was not wise even then a handful were maybe percentages might vary from then to now write doubt that anyway even then a handful of people were wise in a generation they are remembered so looks like that generation was a wise generation today also in the same reality a handful of people may be seeing things the way it is rest of the people or their wisdom comes from google it's not bad it's informative i'm saying they might have forgotten their grandfather because the grandfather might not have exhibited too much wisdom you might have loved him that's different he might have been nice to you that's different but may not have ex you know exhibited too much wisdom so not that every grandfather every forefather was wise and fantastic no even as today is even then it was so let's not simply glorify the past and try to simply put down the present because this is the trend that i am seeing where is this generation going these bloody idiots what are they doing no no the bloody idiots are empowered with technology and means even then there were bloody idiots if there was a bloody idiot in your zulu tribe all he could do was throw his spear at somebody thousand years ago but today if he's there oh my god he will internationally blabber all over the place on the social media okay that's right that's right there are few of those quite a few believe me so i'm saying the impact seems to be more simply because the means is high you know everybody's empowered so what i want everybody to remember i'm right now in the process of nurturing this movement called conscious planet uh we'll say you must become a part of this because what i'm seeing is see many great beings have come up on this planet no question but when they spoke hardly 10 people could hear just look back and see krishna it's such a glorious spectacular being when he speaks after much waiting he speaks word to one man and that man has hundreds of questions shiva you cannot think of another being like that wisdom beyond all human capabilities when he speaks to his beloved wife she freaks him with thousands of questions and like let's say jesus he tries to speak all he gets is 12 people and one of them freaks on him anyway all right so i'm saying this has been the way of humanity in the past great beings have come but hardly any impact in their times because means were not there this is the first time in the history of humanity we can sit here see i am sitting in el paso you are in johannesburg we are talking to each other when was this possible so today we can sit here and talk to the entire world every human being on the planet you can address them once we have this power if we do not transform humanity this simply means that we don't care so i don't want to go as a generation who does not care we want to make sure the necessary transformation happens how do we do that i did i did your inner engineering program i i have to tell you that there were parts where i really battled um there were several moments like i i i couldn't i couldn't complete uh the process just it and i'll be honest with you uh satakuru first it's interesting how the universe works because your team started having a conversation with me at around the time i was making very very big personal changes very big personal changes anything uh we see i want to tell you anything personal is never too big [Laughter] but i mean it was things that were a part of me um and i don't know if i'm to be honest sadkura i don't know how i got there i don't know how i got to the point just reminding you just reminding you that you're a wonderful man but you are a speck in this universe yeah i mean it's it's it's it's hard when when when albeit your respect in the universe you know for you that's that's all you see but you know i'm not sure i'm not sure when i got to the point where what i had accumulated became who i thought i was anyway so i was making very very big changes you know moving moving countries um getting in and out of certain business relationships certain businesses that i've had forever that i decided i just wasn't passionate about it anymore i didn't want to do it anyway i didn't see the point anymore um and and going back to myself and it was so so i go through your process and i go oh man they don't call it in their engineering for nothing like it's it's really really you've got to go inside right um now you just said something about how when the wise speak it they generally spoke to the few there's a beautiful jay-z verse and jay-z says my homie said ho there aren't many of us i told them less is more there's plenty of us and what i found in that process where i was going through this change this metamorphosis was even the people i was able to surround myself with the conversations i was able to have those the number of people grew thinner but the conversations grew deeper and i suppose the question i'm asking is is that just the natural course of who we are as human beings does it follow that for you and i to have a real connection and for you and i to do work of real meaning there must be fewer of us fewer disciples but depth of message can we truly transform the world by touching millions of lives and turning ordinary people into disciples of something great uh i would say both have a certain element of reality in it without a few very committed people you cannot do anything significant at the same time the few committed people the purpose of few committed people coming together is to impact the larger humanity i must tell you the journey of how i built this organization that we call as isha today in the first 20 years of my activity as a rule i there was no publicity of any kind we did not print a brochure we never put up a banner we never took an advertisement at 20 years almost ran like a secret school this is the time i really built the organization that i made sure this is a very strange thing for people probably especially those of you who are in business i made sure that we don't have money even if money came immediately we you know spend it on some project or donate it to something so that we don't have money because i was very clear that if there is uh in the beginning if there is a lot of money then the kind of people who come to you is not the kind of people that i want to be with so it was we kept the foundation very bare minimum bare minimum means extremely bare minimum where even daily food was a real struggle we i intentionally kept it this way so that the people who come are coming for the right reason it is not for comfort it is not for convenience it is not because their life is uh you know their survival will be taken care of i did not want such people i wanted people who are fiery who are willing to burn themselves up if necessary for what they see as the right thing to do so i got a whole hundreds of people of that kind they are the people in many ways who are today the pillars of the foundation at various levels yeah i don't even have to look at anything if i just disappear for three years and come back everything will be running fine because they're like that and they have no money in their head if you show them a mountain of gold they will think what projects to do they will not think how much to grab okay yes that's the kind of people i have which is fantastic which is a which is the best thing around me all right these people so now we have that now we need people we need to reach we need money to reach people all kinds of things which we are making efforts to do on our levels so i'm saying taking stands like this see do not do not try to structure your life on a slogan of any kind this is it that is it there is no such thing the way it works is it all right this is not it that is not it you must be on the ball every moment one day it may work if you if you're playing football what are you you're what a cricket fan or a football fan i'm a big football fan football fan so one day when you score against a certain team against a certain type of players against a certain kind of goalkeeper and maybe kicking it powerfully the ball went in if there's another set of very energetic defenders and goalkeeper powerful kick may not go a gentle lob may go into the goal this is something you decide on the ball you don't say powerful kick will go in oh no you may hit a wall all the time so i'm saying action is not to be determined beforehand if you use slogans to structure your life you will determine your action beforehand which means it's a prejudiced action action should never be prejudiced you are open to the given situation according to the situation you act because people have such prejudice set of actions in their head they are unnecessarily suffering during this pandemic all right if those who have lost lives but you know it's very unfortunate and i must say many many people have lost lives because many of us who are alive have not been responsible all right so because we were doing things one way we want to do it the same way this is my life this is my life your life is not in your actions you must understand your life is in the way you experience it action is according to the situation action is not even about you it is about the world we live in today how the world is that's how you must act tomorrow if the world is a different place you act differently but how you are is determined by how you experience life not by how you act you see right now i'm a mistake yogi guru from india i must be sitting like this somewhere and blessing people doing things no i'm driving a truck people are looking at me and they're wondering wow this is satguru driving i'm driving a truck across america right now i'm in el paso living in a truck all right last it's already been what 12 days since i left and still there many more days nearly a month that i'm living in a truck surviving by myself and driving across america so is this the way a guru should live no this is the way he lives because there is pandemic he doesn't want to enter hotels he doesn't want to stay in anybody's homes so he is staying in a small cab camper cooking his own food and surviving of course you have to manage the truck and drive every day i'm doing like 700 800 miles per day and still doing all the webinars all the interviews and the works [Laughter] i mean i saw i mean i watched that you know the previous season where you were going across a bike and i thought that was crazy but uh i must show you my truck you will come away with me absolutely absolutely i'll i'll i would i would gladly take time to do it i wanted to ask you a question something that's really good burning uh this idea of happiness um this idea of really reaching lasting fulfillment that's the word i'm looking for first what is happiness in your mind is happiness a construct of the self or construct of the world and to the people who i know will see this certainly my audience is people who are constantly fighting or constantly fighting and fighting for the next job the next relationship the next business the next meal just the next and we never stop to be happy is there such a thing as happiness can human beings ever reach lasting fulfillment you know this happened one day shankaran pillai met an old college friend it's been 25 years and this friend of his uh has done well for himself he's been successful in the world sangrian pillai has done okay of course old friends met and slowly after after having a couple of beers uh you know bragging match starts bragging match started and the friend said i started a tech company and i just sold it and i got six million dollars and i'm really successful and wonderful well shankaran pillai had nothing to say to match this brag then he said ah six million dollars what good is it but i'm really a happy man i'm fulfilled because i have i just six months ago i just had my sixth child so i am fulfilled the friend said come on six children is a lot of trouble and everything you know what i have a ferrari i have i'm living in a large home i have everything that i need and you saying you having six children is better than that so shankar and bill i took the repose of hawaii sage and said see you may have six million dollars and of course you're hankering to have more and more i have sick children i have no desire to have any more wow wow so different people arrive at their fulfillment in different ways [Laughter] so what is full what is fulfillment what is happiness is it the construct of your mind or is it in the world outside see let us not give names the thing is just this what is it that a human being wants let me ask you simple questions answer just directly as you just as you are okay your body do you want it pleasant or unpleasant pleasant pleasant your mind do you want it pleasant or unpleasant your emotion do you want it pleasant or unpleasant pleasant pleasant your life itself do you want it pleasant or unpleasant pleasant your surroundings do you want it pleasant or unpleasant pleasant pleasant so you made your choices you ask any human being in the world when he is saying he or she is saying will all of them choose the same thing this is all we want we want pleasantness of body mind emotion energy and world around us situations if you become pleasant in your body we call this health if you become very pleasant in your body we call this pleasure if your mind becomes pleasant we call this peace if it becomes very pleasant we call it joy if your emotion becomes pleasant we call this love if it becomes very pleasant we call it compassion if your very life energies become pleasant we call this bliss if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy if your surroundings become pleasant we call it success don't get things mixed up to make your surroundings pleasant right now you're at home to make your surroundings pleasant you need the cooperation of your wife your children people who work for you otherwise life can become unpleasant so creating pleasantness in the surroundings is a question of competence is a question of being able to garner the cooperation of all the life and forces around us there are various things skills involved but to call to bring pleasantness to your body to your mind to your emotions and energy is 100 your business there is nobody else involved in this isn't it yeah yes so you call it fulfillment you call it happiness you call it joy you call it bliss you already essentially this is all nothing essentially you want a pleasant experience in the body pleasant in the mind pleasant in the emotion pleasant in the energy this you can do 100 this is what inner engineering is about now if you're feeling very pleasant right now you're feeling wonderful you stepped out of this webinar when there let's say children are doing something that you don't like let's say they're hanging from the ceiling risking their life or doing something you know kids can do many things all right but now you will deal with it differently you are feeling unpleasant they are doing something you will go and create more unpleasantness out there all right this is what i see children are squealing and running all over throwing things around parents will come and say shut up this is even more unpleasant than what the children are doing so i am saying about creating pleasantness in the world around us it is a continuous job we have to do it continuously there will always be people who will be throwing unpleasant things around you but you need to constantly work because you want pleasantness around you not for any other reason you want to live in a pleasant world so you keep doing that but pleasantness of body mind emotion and energy is 100 your business if you do the necessary inner engineering which you gave up halfway that can be achieved pleasantness of mind body i mean that's alignment right um is that possible can human beings ever really get aligned mind body spirit everything uh you think i'm a computer model or you think i'm real i think you're real i mean i know you're real then it's possible then it's possible but i tell you why i'm asking this i mean it appears it seems to me that we have the world is built so that you have different conquests that strain different parts of being a human being right so right now i'm busy in an academic endeavor which means my mind is being expanded but i start every morning by going to the gym for an hour 15 minutes just to make sure that my body is at the very least keeping up with this expansion this growth um but but then it's so where do i go to feed my spirit and my soul and once i achieve it how do i make sure that my life partner achieves it how do i make sure that my partner's in business achievement that this this constant alignment it seems to me satguru and i i would love to get your wisdom on this that most conflicts especially in close relationships or just the function of misalignment actually um that you you start off together for whatever reason and then parts of you shift and grow apart and then you lose each other um it happens very often in business um and sometimes one of the things i've noticed is that the shift was always there you just chose not to pay attention they didn't share your values you just chose not to see it right so so i suppose what i'm asking is is this idea of alignment achievable and if it is is it achievable for more than one person in a relationship um no see this is what i'm trying to separate in your perception what is happening within us and what is happening around us are two realities one is a social and global reality another is purely physiological and psychological and energetic reality within us so how my thoughts happen how my emotions happen we are misunderstanding that as to how the world is happening see right now i can look at you and you know create pleasant emotions within myself what do i have to do i just have to think oh what a wonderful man or i can look at you and say oh look at him what a rogue and create unpleasant emotions within myself so you do not listen my my pleasant emotions my unpleasant emotions have nothing to do with you maybe you're not a wonderful man maybe you're not a rogue maybe you're none of the things that i'm thinking all right but this is my psychological reality when i misunderstand my psychological reality as your condition then i will be always making these blunders throughout my life so this is the fundamental thing we need to set that inner engineering means this that you align yourself see do not talk about things which are not in experience you said spirit soul uh whatever there were few more words anyway let's leave that the only things you know is you have a body this for real right this real which is going to the gym every day i would uh i would suggest something else more better than that but this you have a body you have thought you have emotion to make these things function you have energy these are the only four realities which are in your experience rest is all your imagination including the world including the world because right now you think you see me no no you see me not here or there somewhere you see me only in the firmament of your mind isn't it so how will you see me you will see me depending upon the shape of the screen that you have accordingly you will see if your screen is flat and smooth you will see one way if your screen has distortions you will see it another way whatever it is so you do not experience anything here in this world except yourself except the way things happen within yourself this is why inner engineering is fundamental and vital because you fix that you fix how things happen within you once you fix that it's not that you sit here this is not a charm school where you sit here and look at everything and say it's fantastic fantastic fantastic no not everything in the world is fantastic there are a lot of ugly things there a lot of terrible things a lot of horrendous things happening every moment in this world all right so seeing everything as it is what is horrendous is horrendous what is fantastic is fantastic what is beautiful is beautiful what is ugly is ugly seeing it as it is but you are in a state whether neither the beautiful nor the ugly changes the way you are you experience the beauty you experience the ugliness but it doesn't change who you are who you are is well established not on the basis of your identity but on the basis of your perception right right right uh sadhguru i had a question to you about karmic energy um one of the things i mean for me and and i i know to be true for several other people so i'm going to ask you this question one of the things i've noticed is the minute i'm crystal clear about something the universe will serve me the opposite of it like a temptation you know it's like the minute i go i want to have a body as amazing as such good as body all of a sudden the universe is going to serve me chocolates everywhere just to tempt me i'm made of chocolate you see can't you see the color i'm made of chocolate [Laughter] and and and the question i suppose i'm asking is is is that real or is that just my own karmic energy am i putting it out there see uh because first thing is uh i i want you to understand i'm not saying this with any disrespect to anybody the first thing is you've been brought up in a certain moral culture moralistic culture the first thing you always think of is what i should not do because people have brainwashed people to believe that if you are firm on what you should not do then what you do will become better because it all starts from thou shalt not do this thou shalt not do that all right see let me do an experiment with you just close your eyes for five seconds and don't think about monkeys no monkeys only monkeys so i am saying who whoever is telling you thou shall not they know nothing about the nature of human mind if you say something i do not want this if you say say that about something that's the end of it that something will rule your head all the time i do not want to think about monkeys like this you do you know chanting for the next 24 hours you will see day in and day out only monkeys will be there in your head so this is the nature of human mind you the in this mind there is no subtraction and division there is only addition and multiplication whatever you say it will only become one more and one more or if you try hard it will multiply you can't take away something because you say i don't want to do this it is just that when you were a child maybe lollipop was your highest ambition hello when you're probably a two-year-old child the old desire is how can i get that red color lollipop in my mouth that's all now when people grow up they change the shape and form and color of the lollipop but still all they're looking for is a lollipop so this has to change this will only change when you are no more in pursuit of happiness this is why i said being peaceful being joyful being loving being blissful when it is all yours when you are blissful by your own nature you are not in pursuit of happiness once you are not in pursuit of happiness there is a clarity beyond the crystal clear that you're talking about anyway crystal is always distorting you know that's true [Laughter] sadhguru i had a question to you about uh time um i'll tell you where this question comes from i i just turned 36 years old and my father was gunned down when he was 42 and when i was a little boy i don't know why but i always i'm not sure how it happened but i always had this trigger in my head that you know 42 was the age and so i grew up um and and became personally very driven and very motivated and in god by god's grace really you know god's grace i've been able to achieve a lot of things and my growth has been accelerated purely because i was chasing this time as i've gotten older and the closer i've gotten to that time i realized i'm not sure if that time is even real i'm not sure that his experience on earth of 42 years mirrors what my experience on earth for 36 years and then i look at you spoke earlier when we started our conversation about social media and how instant things are and how we're getting things immediately you want to buy something now you go on your phone and you can buy an item from the opposite end of the world and it lands on your doorstep 24 hours later and so there's been a distortion of this thing called time but you know that the only true way to achieve mastery is to dedicate real time to something you spoke about 20 years of your life that you committed to building the foundation which makes sense because that's why the insurance foundation is is what it is it's because you spent 20 years building the foundation for those of us like myself who are still chasing time how do we step outside of that how do we live outside of that how do we recognize the wisdom that you must have known when you started inshallah foundation about things existing beyond simply our physical understanding of time well uh that touches many things but uh let me not go into all those aspects now to put it simply uh uh we'll see the important thing is this say the unfortunate incident of you losing your father when he was 42 well those were times when a lot of men below 42 also shot or killed or whatever else all right so do not take that as a way of the future all right but at the same time if you strongly create an image of that uh in your mind you may manifest it don't do that it's very important you dislodge that image in your mind that you take that away yeah you must make the necessary effort if it's a very strong image in your mind and it keeps coming back your actions this is what karma means your actions will be controlled by that image and unknowingly you will be doing actions which are driving you towards the image that you have created so it's very very important you break that image there are many ways to do that i will be always uh most willing to assist you in that you must break that image otherwise you'll drive yourself towards that image please don't do that okay having said that about acceleration of time as we know it today in terms of our experience not just about shopping about everything so [Music] the impatience is not because of time the impatience is because of our mental condition you know i was flying a direct this is many i mean a year two years ago i was flying from india to united states in air india flight which is direct flight i know all the pilots and the crew and everybody they they want to talk to me so they come and sit with me so that the pilot uh they have two sets of pilots because it's 16 hour flight so he says it's a very long flight satguru it's really hard and all that i said it looks looks like you have very short term memory just 100 years ago if we had to go to united states it was a 90-day trip on a steamship okay and they served lousy food i'm sure and everything else today in 15 hours or 16 hours you're landing in united states i'm not going to complain maybe tomorrow there will be another plane which will take you there in four hours or five hours they're claiming it's going to happen sometime soon but i'm not going to complain because i have a long memory i know how it was 100 years ago i know how it was before that that you wouldn't even ever think of going now we are getting there in 15 hours in a plane which is so stable you do not know whether it's flying or sitting in a place all right and though i don't eat all the airline food they keep coming and knocking satguru eat something please sadhguru that this is very nice that is very nice well this is like being in a restaurant so i'm not going to complain i said don't complain because you do not know the value of being born now in the time that we have every time every every uh what we say a historical time has its own significance ours has a certain significance where i don't know recently somebody brought one motorcycle to me and said sadhguru you must autograph my motorcycle i've been autographing motorcycles and the guys are selling it on the facebook for a premium price so i said see uh i i wrote on this motorcycle which is a very fast one i said speed crushes time and space let it not be a bones that's all you know so speed crushes time and space and it's important because for what potential a human being carries the time that we are all at if it's 100 years of time it is too little it is too little for a human being who explores the depth and dimension of what a human being is for one who does not explore this one who makes themselves miserable and insufficient life this hundred years of life looks too long how many thousands of people or hundreds and thousands of people a year are committing suicide because they find it's too long it's too long for the misery that they are in so we need to understand this time is a relative experience your impatience is not about time your impatience is a certain psychological condition of insufficiency if you feel you know absolutely uh equanimous and stable within yourself if you fly a jet which flies across the world in three hours we are finished with fine with it if we have to walk taking 12 15 years to walk across the same distance we are fine with it because it's not about time it is not about distance it is about our mental condition it's been an incredible privilege i uh i've been i've been an avid follower of your work um and and i can't tell you this has been truly for me a dream come true i'm i'm even more humbled that you took the time given you're giving me a great track across the united states and what must be a very arduous program and i i really really appreciate it um thank you see make there make make this happen for yourself you are not driving towards 42 112 is the number that you drive towards okay done deal done my san and blessings to your wife and your wonderful children uh we'll catch up with you sometime absolutely i'm going to be in the states uh in the second half of the year so so i'm sure we'll catch up and i i'm really i'm really appreciative of your time and i'm looking forward to spending some time in the institute thank you namaskaram
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 605,041
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Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, Sadhguru Exclusive, vusi thembekwayo, sadhguru 2019, vusi thembekwayo motivation, jaggi vasudev
Id: yqnBq3UB9LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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