Penuel The Black Pen | In Conversation With Duduzane Zuma, Jacob Zuma, Rob Hersov, Presidency, ANC

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Mr Zuma how are you panel the black pin what's your favorite line I love him Like A Tribe Called Quest episode 46. you know I was actually nervous and I I told you this before we went on because I know you're currently on a presidential campaign and we've built a relationship you feel like a brother to me I definitely feel the same way bro so I was worried about us being clowns on camera you know because I can only imagine like International stakeholders in your life are going to be watching this you know and studying it like in detail so I I obviously as a brother want you to like look your best and I don't want to say like clownish nonsense and whatever but more than anything thank you so much for coming through bro we did a lot it is just to live this here lifestyle you came here busy playing music like your own joburg this guy Straight From the Bottom you can cut this we can cut this conversation now cut it off now from the beginning good morning my brother how are you you guys can now see what I have to deal with no no no it's it's good vibes it's good vibes you know as much serious about what are we doing we we're easy I'm doing good how are you doing sir I'm good like whenever I visit Durban now I'm actually starting to feel like it's your hood like you you own it and the way you've hosted me uh a good brother of ours Winston Innis as well the hospitality has been no literally presidential thanks a lot bro I know about that but uh no no look I appreciate the relationship uh you know we're building on something and understanding a mutual respect and it's always good seeing you you know thank you you you we've had this discussion in the past and on camera off camera but you're inspiring to a lot of people um you bring a good message you break it down in some weird and wonderful ways but um you know it's it's palatable and I think that is that is what matters thank you so I I respect what you're doing and I appreciate what you and your team are doing thank you I've got a lot of questions on behalf of people that they'd like to hear your answer because when you get on platforms I think you end up doing a lot of political conversations and a lot of people have actually got personal questions for you around your family your dad your twin sister um your wife your kids um of course the guptas to buy maybe I'll start here you currently still don't have a bank account South African bank account do not have one I haven't had one since 2015. how does that make you feel no it makes me feel like I'm um I'm grown I'm able to survive without being part of a financial system um you know I'm fairly shut out of it I might add but um it is what it is uh life is full of trials and tribulations you've got to know how to survive you so I'm still here I'm still doing something right and we'll see how it goes with me on I remember it was also one of my questions when you started me and DJ spool last year how are you surviving without a bank account have you tried to apply for a bank account are they what are they saying basically because this is fundamentally important for a lot of us watching from the sidelines of the power of the systems here and how they sideline you without justifiable cause there's definitely and I've said this before um I did ask um I sent some some emails and um you know I made a few people and asked okay what is what is the situation you know what's the reason for for closure yeah and the two reasons that they give is um reputational risk um and let's see they reserve the right you know which are neither here nor there for me especially since I have done nothing wrong I've been accused of a lot of things um I've stood my ground um I've I've had my my day in court as as they say and I've come out and I'm still I'm still here you know I always I always say that I've come from being um an unbanked minor into the banking sector I mean well into into being banked yeah um and I come full circle I form part of the majority unbanked in this country which makes it more interesting and makes it more fun to have these conversations um so the reasoning for my side they're not good enough um you know I can I can you know say that there's people that have been convicted of of crazy you know besides Financial crimes what I mean some absolute crazy crimes in this country that are sitting in prison but you know they've got the little bank cards at the little accounts no reputation zero reputational risk zero rapist serial murderers you name them never bank account they did standing I'm out here hustling crickets but it's all it's all good you know um I understand it it's it's it's it's as much as it's something that's um it's unexplainable from from my side and um it doesn't make sense um and and you said you know have I made any further um overtures to the banks you know I'm I'm not going to do that you know it's it's it's you know I enjoy my I should be enjoying my my constitutional rights um to have you know my right to be economically active in the country and I'm not and I'm not the only one I think there's other people that that feel the same way and it's something that um it drives me and and where we're going to these are matters that are going to be dealt with you know um from a um a policy perspective because it's it's not on it's not on how do you survive kindly family friends this is what it is coming to pay your bills straight up and I'm glad I'm on my free tier this morning into lunchtime um but you know it's it's it's it's the people that I've surrounded myself with you know we're here for people um we've been here for people people have been here for me um there's all sorts of support structures you know people are not going to let me down um it's all love in the streets and we carry on we're not cry babies we're not here we're not here to to make a fuss about it we see what you've done it's all good we'll carry on and we'll meet up on the flip side should we as the public be campaigning against what's happening to you um I was I was permanently deleted off Twitter okay that's not a brilliant bank account but no no I campaign to Elon Musk and eventually heard my cries and he brought me back should we be campaigning from the outside to be like Wednesday and why why can't you have a bank account would you like to have your bank accounts back from my side out I'd like to enjoy the freedoms everyone else enjoys without being painted in in any sort of negative light because the longer it goes on um it's a more people thing but okay actually something might be up with this guy sure and that's not the case from that point of view you know that that definitely I will get my clarity I will get I will get my day where i'm gonna I'm gonna win this battle there's no doubt about it um but I don't want people campaigning for me in my name I want people to campaign for the rights for the freedoms for the truths because like like I say they've been people that haven't enjoyed a bank account or being active in in in the banking system like I have for whatever Reasons I'm not having a minimum deposit you know kyc is not meeting the um no your customers you know you know all of that sort of so not really not meeting the the requisite um um check boxes and and you know give people an opportunity not everyone has it like you have it you know we need to find systems to absorb people into this um into this into this um system and for everyone to live their lives that's just as simple as it is so the campaigning part we should be fighting for the rights of everybody it's not just me um the people that have it worse than me and I think you know that's that's just the truth um we need to we need to bear this in mind and we need to understand that you know that's it's a bigger fight than just yourself or myself so so you wouldn't mind if I constantly erase this on platforms yourself of course because you're known um and then other people say look just like we've got political prisoners still in prison to this day black people sure who fought for the freedom of this country that we need to also speak up for people who have been sidelined by the systems uh from my side I think like I said this this um this argument this campaign um this fight needs to be for the broader population sure not about me for me I'm I'm I'll fight like I said I will I will win this battle eventually yeah um whether they like it or not um because I've done nothing wrong um you know as much as as much as people may believe it I've stood my ground like I said I've stood the test and I've come out squeaky clean um I will get mine you know I don't need people to to fight for me on this one I've got this okay but generally for for the for the for the broader population of the unbanked um it's definitely a fight that needs to be brought up every day all day because people are going through some tough times and are not able to to to to do simple things like everyone else because they've been marginalized by certain laws that don't include them that's a bunch of cow menu in my view do they did they free some of your assets they freeze those Services the bank accounts yeah everything SIU um you know they came they came strong you name it they took it things like homes cars you name it they took it except to this day you have to go back to this day did his date till this day um I don't know if you've ever spoken about it and I'm not sure if you're allowed to speak about the value of the things that they froze uh I prefer not to but um it's it's definitely it's up there okay um I prefer not to speak about values because you know people people start saying all sorts of things I hear you you know um but it's to me it's it's it's value for sure um it's valuable um and it's it's something that I worked hard for it's something that I spent a lot of time building up to and it was just taken away um as much as there were allegations I get there we passed that they can't say there's no there's nothing active all they want to paint is pictures with um rhetoric out there but you know when it comes to the actual factuals there's nothing so all I'm saying is okay we've how many years years are we in now um it's the sixth sixth year if it's from 2015 we're like in the eighth Year how's my maths five no no but I'm just I'm just saying just from from the time the allegations came out to the actual um proceedings so let's call it about six years um like I said someone owes me an answer yeah the citizen of this country um and and you know I've been wronged by by the system in my view and you know let's let's let's talk about it you know if I get my stuff back I get it back if I don't it doesn't matter you've done the damage already sure but all I'm saying is you cannot just do things and expect to get away with it so two quick ones and I think this one will probably at some point lead to Dubai I want to know your thoughts around please go first graciously mate it was graciously made um I'll suffered coffee by the way man I know my coffee um I'm a connoisseur now and uh I refuse because the coffee I was being offered the person I might mentioned his name one anyways yeah great too short uh your thoughts around bank I hope this is not a deep question your thoughts are on Banking and the money system leading into crypto and alternative currencies because there's some people I know who are based in Dubai who are into that kind of stuff and then I wanted to ask your followers president of the country I asked myself was he not powerful enough as the number one citizen to be able to intervene in his son's mistreatment by the systems um let me put it this way he had his own battles those are facts you know and he had he had his own he had his own fights um he had a lot going on and you know people people misunderstand they always think that some of us hide in the shadows um you know in in and you know we in the you know holding on to people's coattails that's not the case you know very simple thing I was given the The Rules of Engagement early in life and I've stuck by those rules and the one thing that people need to understand about um my father is you ain't coming to save nobody you know when it comes to matters that you are grown and able to face you know you there this has been visited upon you fair and not fair uh you know do your thing I've given you the tools now is the time to to fight you've got your Shield you've got your spear let's go you know so I've never expected him he never has um you know I haven't called for for that sort of help because it's it's unfair to him um I'm capable I'm willing I'm able you know I can fight my my battles um and as a number one citizen with his own trials and tribulations I mean we can see till today he's been struggling with his own um fights yeah you know you know he's how many years out of office and he's still being still being dragged so I'm not going to put my my my my efforts and energy and my my problems in someone else's hands I'll sort them out myself okay um your thoughts are on Banking and money you mentioned that so I I do believe people do need Alternatives um you know besides this is not coming from a personal perspective with with the the challenges that I've had but people need options you know in in in in the absence of options people are are led to do all sorts of of dubious things to operate um to live to survive to feed their families and you know we've seen it um when it comes to people being personally sanctioned if I may use that that term and as well as as as countries being sanctioned you know um we all have been seeing what's been happening in Zimbabwe and and you know what sanctions has led certain people to do yeah you know once you start closing off um people from the system people will find other means um to to survive um we look at what's happening even in in something as simple as a petroleum space you know in South Africa and you know people are struggling to operate I'm just talking about um wholesalers suppliers that are not the majors because it's all boils down to Mages and then everyone else cartels uh call them what you want monopolies cocktails big boys people that are keeping other guys out of the game yeah because you know the The Rules of Engagement um the the policies uh suit them yeah you know it's not a Level Playing Field we understand it but in the absence of letting everyone else be a part of the economic play people find ways of of of of of skimming the system sure and I think we've seen this in in in in in Zimbabwe I mean this is one of of many um such scenarios where people will play in in in the gray area um some people get away with it some don't but the problem is by the time you try to legitimize stuff by the time you try and then and reform policy it may be too late because now the illicit way of of trade becomes the new Norm yeah you know we've seen with what happened during lockdown not just here but you know a lot of places in the world with how the alcohol trade and the cigarette cigarette the elicit great cigarette Tradewind um and you know still till today they find it very difficult to um to to to solidify their stance on on how that um how that unbanning went because within that few months people came up with new ways people were profiting there was new players that came to the market uh because they found loopholes in the system and the major struggle and that was one of the biggest fights of of covert in this country was uh the bending of of of of cigarettes so um so which is strange but you know it speaks to to the amount of of of cash being generated and the volumes being moved at that time but I mean that's one of many many sectors so people need the opportunity to to be part of some sort of formal um economic structure banking um system and if it's not the traditional kind then you know things like um um crypto and and all these interesting blockchains that allow people to to transact and interact um outside of the system and we're seeing it starting to gain momentum yes you have central banks that are you know watching it very closely because they understand um if if they turn a blind eye to it um it is definitely going to be something that's going to be um irreversible but at the same time people are having an opportunity to to to trade people in an opportunity to to make purchases to transact um I don't see anything wrong with it I think the more options for people the better in my view are you a fan for crypto and blockchain are you are you looking to you're speaking about the unbanked this is this is basically what I was asking this question because we've got an unbanked and is the solution to get them banked into systems that are corrupted and keep certain people out or is the solution let's try and promote alternative platforms for them to trade outside of that and create a new normal that maybe is more democratic yeah I've been all the black pin from my side I think it's your favorite languages and actually he didn't give me props you're looking fresh black on black you know what I'm sorry my apologies I see you black on black on black I see you you know representing for you Jesus you know thank you so much I appreciate it I appreciate you so much got you baby I got you um all I ever say is let people decide give them the opportunities give them the choices and people will decide whether it's unbanked whether it's people that are Bank people they want to try new avenues of trade just give them the opportunities eventually people will gravitate to whatever suits them or whatever makes them comfortable you know so I always advocate for doing the right thing not everything is about taking on a fight that is um in in protest always yeah all I'm saying is just give the options and let the people decide the unbanked will come will come online either way and you might find that people that have been operating in the traditional banking sector might fall in love with with um the the alternative you know just give them the give them the choice that's all I'm saying are you are you a proponent for crypto and blockchain are you saying people should go for those Alternatives I'm a proponent for options okay choices and if crypto is one of them if blockchain is one of them I mean I've I've taken a look into them a lot of stuff hasn't made sense over the years but as we go along it's like look this is a viable a viable angle when it comes to to the way though the world is set up you know the people operating there there's new value being created I mean it's crazy what's happening in different parts of the world when you come across um the the value that's been created in the in the blockchain space in the crypto space and you know the rivaling traditional bigwigs when it comes to the different sectors and and how that is created Russians uh globally and I think it's it's also exciting that there's a new crop of of of thinkers when it comes to how the world is set up there's a new crop of people that have generated crazy amount of of value and people say no it's not real value it's going to crash and all that sort of thing uh but you know we've heard a lot of things when you call is invented when the airplane was invented you know naysayers will be out there even the fiat currency we have today is also arguably nothing yeah because it's not backed by anything anymore correct and if you look at the way the world is is is is setting up I mean it's definitely restructuring there's a re-jigging and revamping of um the global order you know and as South Africa we we've we've always been historically at The Cutting Edge we've been at the cusp we've been leaders in in um in in in you know adopting New Waves um new technologies we're falling behind you know we need to be at that that that that that coal face and we are not there's some interesting things happening in the country but it's not at the level that it should be we should be pushing and we should be you know on this African continent we should be you know the leaders um we're being dominated by the East Kenya Ethiopia Rwanda correct we should be leading we know Nigeria is doing some interesting things as well in that space um you know and we need to we need to to to to re-adop the culture of of being first to Market as South Africans in whatever sector sure um and you know if we if we don't we'll always be the followers will be the copycats and that's why I'm saying and one of the things that I will be pushing for is is Alternatives um technological Alternatives that will lead to prosperity in this country that will lead to security that will lead to inclusion financially socially whatever it is um it's very important this is this is where we're at in our time you know this is uh our population is is is is right for for adopting on these new waves and we should grab it with both hands a lot of people care about you well besides the Honeys I had uh you know this gentleman Rob herself come here yeah and uh I asked him about you and he was like I don't like to do zani and I was like but I'm sure he'll get the the female vote a lot of women love you but outside of that a lot of people care about you and they they'd like to know how your relationship is with your dad they'd like to know your relationship with your twin sister uh and I don't know I know you don't generally speak about this but maybe you can just touch on a married life being a dad yourself we speak about you and your dad but we don't speak much about you as a father yourself so let me let me actually start off with with um Mr herself I know you guys are a good relationship okay all right um when did you meet myself I just uh I met him laughs excuse me it may have been early last year if not 2021 okay I think there was a speech he did at a business conference seminar where he was speaking about the ANC and Thugs and all these things you went hard for you and now he was he was going he was going I actually really enjoyed that speech uh so I decided to make a video at the time um and he's not on social media and a lot of his associates sent him the video and he reached out and we made up a couple of months thereafter we met up in joburg when he was up here visiting his parents um and and we hit it off you know lots of debates and arguments he represents I believe a certain perspective which I think needs to be challenged in this country uh him and a lot of the people that he's introduced me to I think they care about essay but I think there's a unintentional lack of empathy of some of the struggles and I think people like myself are meant to try and help with that sure and we've been on platforms that he's introduced me to people I've been accused of being captured by him because when you've seen what an old white guy with money you're captured when you're sitting with a young guy with money it's it's fine sure um but yeah man he's he's he comes from a boy School culture is what people don't understand as much as is a Bali now I think he's over 60. Michael house boy and if you know the chalk life in this country the swear words like a pirate the chirps at other schools so he's still like that but to people who aren't aware of that you come from a legacy family that has built his wealth during colonization apartheid and you're speaking like this it sounds arrogant racist detached so part of my hope is to try and get him to see a different perspective try and get other people to see a different perspective of people like him so that we can find middle ground and some of the resources can then shift kind of situation but yes he's got the same mindset of gupta's nine Wasted Years to designing the guptas are Thugs and the criminals and they looted our country so yes that's my relationship problem no nice um look from my side um since you raised him and ask the question and the reason I'm doing that is I know he's had some interesting things to say about a lot of people yeah including myself because you know people you know reached out to me like yo there's this dude saying this and that I'm like all right cool so um other nothing against Mr herself um I actually met Mr herself maybe mistaken I'm not sure I didn't say so but I mean I'll say so 2008 maybe 2009 yeah um in Cape Town it was on the social scene first time I made him was that it was it was it a place I don't know if it still exists called the Grand Beach Cafe okay um we had mutual people the mutual friends um some of the old buddies you know cool cats and at the time you know we're rolling deep we're doing our thing you know youngstana this is before they froze it's not a council will stop our shining that's the thing people always mistake the mistake people make is they think that we're tied to to material um stuff to wealth to money that's what makes us no my brother you're not people you're not going to put our flame out real real value is in people 100 not one relationship so it's about people 100 and the reason I'm raising this is I'd met him and uh at the time I do believe I mean you might say whatever you want to say we took a liking to each other yeah nice gentleman um were we friendly were we texting no you know we bumped into each other like I said we're common people in um in the circles and then fast forward to um 2020 then he started his granting yeah is freestyling off the top of the Dome talking also no speech boys no presentation wrong easy you know doing this thing and um you know it is what it is everyone is entitled to the opinion and like I say people you know people are insults people will always say things um you know we're in this space um and I didn't want to be in this in this public life but it's just it's happened we're here um these people that like us people don't like us people that say things and you know we're not going to react to to people in insulting us live right and Center you know but the people that we believe um could have been handled differently will will say so you know because in this case what happened was and I say 2020 this is now bear in mind after standing next to the posters there of of the current president as you see this and that was a a clip that he made it looked like um looked like I'll be I don't know that area um bumped into a mutual friend I was in Dubai uh we met up because we kept in touch in a very I mean he knows who I'm talking about um and if he says otherwise it's full cap so we're in the mall we're in Dubai more meet up with this Jen I want to mention his name Sean bring his his name into the into the mix um it was just after the hard lockdown um he traveled in um we met up like we always do discuss um you know see how we can collaborate and just catch up socially and he said hey when is the last time you spoke to to Rob um I said no I've never had contact with him the last time and but still till today with all the the mumbo jumbo is spoken um I still hold him in high regards yeah I think he's a nice guy um you know do I dislike him no do I love him no you know it's I'm indifferent about it yeah um but he's he someone that he's done he's done his thing um he's had his time but um I mean he knows it whether he likes it or not so all the other the ranting and and all that sort of thing um you know people need to understand I spoke to him I said bro are you still in touch with him to to the gentleman he said yes I said put him on the line bear in mind this is after um the the this was before he said stuff about me but it was it was after he was just started his his ANC tirades and everything so how are you doing long time how are you doing um to design your cuckoo where are you now she was traveling at that time and expands between time between here in the UK I said I'm in Dubai I'm a common brother here um I'll be coming back to South Africa um there's some interesting things happening um in the political space and I see that you've got some some views yeah I think it's an opportune time it's the right time for us to sit down and see how we can we can take this thing forward and they said no would love it let me know when uh when you're here bye haven't called them since came back I've had a lot to deal with sure um until I heard he was talking all this greasy stuff and I'm like okay that's the way he feels it's all good now what I would have expected from a respectable Elder gentleman that shares a similar similar Circle once again in in his life I know I'm nothing but in the in the in the broader Circle he could have picked up the phone and said let me speak to this young man that's how it really feels um you know I've never disrespected any of them in any way I never will um there's certain views that he has that I agree with there's certain views that he has that I disagree with yeah but now when it comes to a um 60 plus or mid 50s gentlemen there's one thing that he needs to understand and a lot of people from his generation need to understand is when I have conversations with people and that's let's start off with um with um my kind lovely black people there's a lot of people I speak to in conversation when I'm invited to speak in some places young people there's a lot of people I I I whatever message I'm putting across I put across and you'll see in a lot of my interviews if I have the opportunity I will place and I'll say ladies and gentlemen this is South Africa we are black people we are majority have we gotten a road deal most of us feel that way but we can't say that if we're not stepping up you know we need to play our part but the one thing that we need to understand and I'll say it here again if we think we're going to develop this country without white people it's not going to happen yeah without Indian people it's not going to happen without colored people it's not going to happen this has to be a joint effort now I'm not sure about you but have you ever been um racially insulted since I was a kid you know what I'm saying careful to this day picky um to this day negro I experience racism you know that's that's it's not cool you know I actually get called a cover in DMS thank you very much it actually makes you almost on I hate white people but then I have to remember look maybe it's isolated no but what I'm saying is we get these you know and a lot of it is is secondhand you know it's it's very really direct and we know what racism look like looks like we know what racism feels like yeah you know when you walk it's not always about things being said it's about the way you treat it and and the way the energy moves around you no we get it we understand it we we well travel people and we experience people so what I say is we're trying to build a project South Africa right there's a demographic that I represent whether people like it or not there's a demographic that someone like Mr herzl represents whether people like it or not yeah now I can't go and have this conversation and say and when people remember a lot of people are talking about the WMC they must go and go back colonizes into the whole thing now when we're trying to build and we are trying to bring people together I cannot accept someone like Mr herself saying what he's saying insulting people you sell a lot of fancy things about other people besides myself I can't accept that because as much as I've been racially abused direct indirect over time till today you know I'm a child of putting people together bringing people together a lot of the people that know me know my circle is very mixed I do it and I do it deliberately because that's my upbringing I was I was brought up in in a fashion where everyone needs to come together different backgrounds race cultural religious we can all sit around the same table different upbringings different histories different stories different experiences but different Financial classes 100 yeah you know different spending habits but at the end of the day we all want the same thing peace prosperity Safety and Security yeah and we can achieve it but now if I'm trying to do this bearing in mind I'm getting insulted day in Day Out and then the next thing you go and say this what are people going to say they're saying okay you are busy trying to build this thing and look how they're treating you yeah and how the mistake people like Mr Mr herself make is you're not insulting me as an individual yes there's a whole lot of people like me there's a whole lot of people that like him yeah and they feel insulted saying if you can insult someone that that we hold in high recalls as much as I hold them in in high regards that means you're insulting us yeah so when it comes time to sit around their table and have the discussions it becomes increasingly difficult because that attitude is not welcome have your viewpoints what you're saying is like I said there's a lot of there's a lot of interesting things and and correct things that he's saying but the the point when he starts insulting and starts becoming unhinged that's unacceptable one of the things I I worry about so I think myself Gayton McKenzie we're in some of these circles and Gayton tries I know I try as well to be aggressive in trying to explain to some of these while off Legacy white people how the real world works and how it sees things with the hope that will come together and I've used this example before I'm going to raise it again because it was important to me given Makari invited Johan Rupert to sit down at a power if it might think conversation and part of that was meant to be let us see if we can work together seems the propaganda because at least in my opinion from traveling I think it's propaganda it gets so loud that even people you highly respect people you expect to be educated informed well-traveled they also seem to they struggle to run away from narratives and again like I said part of what I'd like to do because you're right it's it's our time now I said at um to the sports gathering in sandton and one of the media houses many years ago and there was a white gentleman who presented and he was giving a report on the birth rates of white people versus black people in South Africa and he was explaining that springboks maybe not bafana Proteus some of the more traditionally white sports he says if the coaches and the managers are not developing Black Talent but they claim to love South Africa the real talent is turning black and you need to you can't just keep them out they won't be enough so if you claim to be Legacy rich white person in particular and you want South African particular to thrive you have to invest in Black Talent there aren't enough white kids talented capable hungry Dynamic white kids in this country to take I mean you look at America as a classic example America's been built off the back of immigrants to this day Elon Musk is an immigrant wealthiest man in the world he's not a fifth generation American he's not and if you're not going to be welcoming of like changing tides and not invest in them this is Johan Rupert who claimed he was trying Rob and I have these conversations and we've said on this platform that we'd like to create platforms we're gonna need to fight against the propaganda we're gonna need to fight against the propaganda otherwise I've started using this term of building like a springbok economy where you're from swedishi you're from a small town Peter Steph tutorial you're from a wealthy Stellenbosch family Pretoria family like if we're not gonna come together and put the biases aside on your but my granddad was killed by a black person Sia I won't tackle yeah but we were oppressed by white people so there's no way I'm playing with this guy in the team we're never going to be able to win so I really do hope and and maybe this is a conversation we'll have offline because I love the idea to what you're saying of bringing people together I love the idea of fixing some of the propaganda ironing out some of the things getting certain apologies and then seeing how we can collaborate because yes peace prosperity Safety and Security we all want the same things 100 you touched on your upbringing I know I wanted you to speak about your family I don't know how deep you want to go I was happy with the one-liner how are things with your dad your twin sisters always on Twitter getting people upset in her own way um and I catch the Strays you catch a lot of Strays boy because you're twins so in some of our heads we're like and then thinking the same thing your twin sister you as a dad and I hope that leads into your upbringing which I know people have heard your interviews but we have to re-emphasize because they don't know anyways the family sure uh family how's things with the old man one of my jokes or one of the things that made me laugh is the day DJs who asked is your dad gonna run again and I was like he's old and you're like he's always acknowledging my love me my Jay-Z love yes you're finishing my line um when politicians start saying well look the thing about ah it's lying um I haven't seen him in some time he's been busy doing his thing I've been doing busy doing my thing um the one thing that I've always said and I always hoped is um you know you get some rest he's he's he's played his part you're from childhood he's been he's been he's been fighting ever since you know since he was a child yeah and um you know he's been he's been hounded he's been chased you know there's a uh the one uh I always quote him because it's one thing that he always says like hey and he's told us all as his children you know I've I've done my thing I've played my part um I've I've been part of The Liberation struggle it's had people chasing me like they've chased a lot of people and I fought my whole life I mean his fourth pre-apartheid Post in the province here um at National level post his presidency and he says you know what guys do me a favor you're not in touch with me I'm not trying to bring any ill on anyone do me a favor the day that I'm Gone the last thing that you do when you're burying meat so make sure you have my shield and my spear in the coffin with me because wherever I'm going I know to I'm still gonna be fighting I'll find these guys there and I know I'm still gonna have to fight so from inside that's that's how he's been he's wide that way your dad is a spotting now he's he's an OG straight up um you know he's all that smiley jokey stuff and I think people take it the wrong way but he's a fighter yeah you know and from my side as well you know we're always smiling and people think we you know we just people that they're going to push over and yeah it's not that kind of party you know we're not out here Rara you know looking upset and acting angry um but you know we don't interfere with people but you know if we have to stand our ground we'll do so and we'll do so convincingly um as we have um I always wish him the best I wish him well because he has a lot of people around him um who are still trying to push him to be mainstream trying to push him to be front line and I think that's the wrong thing that that is being done um I think there's still a bit of fire in him that's also driving so it's not just influence um it's just who he is high level until um until that day and he needs to chill you're not as simple as that um he's he's 81 soon and I think in the next two weeks um happy birthday in advance yeah some of us really love him and we catch trays for it but we love him no it's he's he's you know he's done his thing he's doing his thing he needs to focus on on things that he hasn't been able to do because he's been taken you know by by the job of of you know serving the people and when it comes to to just the broader family my family you know family man I'm down here with my family um you know we don't get much time to move around you know because you know we're out there hustling you know bills to be paid does that frustrate you that you can't live a free life with your family um I always say this it's the good and the bad you know the sum total of the positivity and the negativity I live in that zone you know there are times when things are good they're really good and there's times when things are bad yeah that's really rough you know um so we'll always find that that balancing Point um and one day they will understand um but whatever time we we have we spend um you know there's the first road trip I've taken my my little girls on so that was it was fun that's beautiful and I think it's the last one because they're like nah this is this is not it it's because you're playing crappy music that's why um they probably don't like the music no no we're listening to this stuff but otherwise family family life is is good it's um uh it's it's it's a very welcomed you know not in a any other way but it's a very welcome distraction from from life because you know life is hard um you know running in these streets is not an easy thing to do so um it's you know I dropped them off at school I picked them up um you know and I try I try to to play my role because I know at some point it won't be as easy um so the more I can do it now the more I can get my my daddy duties in um the better just for their development and for mine as well as as as a father um yeah so family family is cool we've got our ups and downs um you know but that's that's life yeah that is life I've seen it I've said with some of your half-sisters uh tutus in politics in media as an example and of our I remember a conversation I had with the Coco in particular asking about the parents and their wishes uh politically for them and they spoke a lot about being sheltered from politics and those things and that the parents were just doing their thing and they were allowing their children to do their thing do you have wishes of your of your kids carrying on with your legacy are you letting them have their own life what is what is your wish as a as a father what type of Father do you think you are do you think you're like you're dead you want to be different from your father uh I've taken a lot in the the beauty about it I've learned a lot from what he's done and how he's done it um good and bad as usual and he gave me simple guidelines in life um I always speak about it the three things he told me and I was you know just one I don't know for what reason but he said never um I never want you to own a motorcycle because I always I like cycling as a kid and I always wanted you know a motorcycle and he was like nah it's coffin on Wheels and we understand you know people but it's what I like you know it's what you have a motorcycle I I I get around geez what a bad son I I get it on you know I ride in the in the bush in the sugar cane in the forest it was out of concerns I understand he's got one tooth oh this guy very much anyways cruising around like he's like his DMX you know rough ride but anyway um the second thing is never step into um the professional fighting space because he was a big fan of of the fight game boxing more specifically his late younger brother was a boxer professional boxer and he's got hands too you know so Snappers we've seen the videos of you guys my my my self-defense skills up as well so my God my hands are they decent okay decent and nice you know you're not just gonna walk up on me Chief nah okay um and then the final part is he said whatever it is that you do in life make sure you do it within the confines of the law those are the three things that he said to me as I must have been what seven eight-year-old that's a heavy line that yeah yeah and um it still stands today so basically they were law Breakers uh during the struggle I don't think so or do you think maybe he wasn't speaking about the law law no no I think no no you're speaking about the law meaning um you know the the constitutionality and how people exist within not the law of nature uh maybe you're speaking about that too I didn't look at it that way but for me it is basically like yo you you you mess up you're going in basically you know um and he's been locked up before he means we spent 10 years on on Roman Island so a great advice dog buddy but I mean don't go this way it's Flames dude you want to spend time on an island there's Maldives there's a malicious that's not the island um so I think basically what he was saying and this is um what I'm leading to as my response is the world is your wasting me yeah you do what you need to do but understand that their limits you know and that's the way I look at it with with my family my kids um I'm not going to push them in any direction what they want to do is exactly what they want to do you know I've come across some some interesting uh super wealthy characters in the world business people um at the highest level globally and you'll find some of the kids grown-ups in their 30s and some of them are DJs um some of them are artists and they were never pushed into you know the business World um or the the world of of professional sports or whatever it is it was basically like yo find your lane and enjoy it from my side I'll do my best to protect you to cushion you from from whatever pitfalls you might find in life otherwise follow your dreams if you want to be whatever it is that you want to be you do it if that doesn't work I'm here I've got you and I think that's that's my uh my Approach that I'm that I'm taking like is it going to do whatever it is that they want to do and I know I know a Russian Billionaire's child who was a DJ anyways you grew up in Mozambique uh one of one of a few places yes because it's actually born in Mozambique a lot of people don't know your upbringing there was a lady uh that you and I met together and she was like oh but Suzanne is from my hometown Inca and I'm like yeah but his father I'm like yeah mustn't claim the guy um I guess for completeness um where you grew up where you went to school um it's a wish from me you don't have to entertain it I'd love you to maybe speak about your mom as well all right now from from my side born in maputo the Mozambique uh yeah oh snap you know no that's all I know that's all I know ah let me drink some water please carry on uh okay Zambia [Music] [Music] um so this would have been the early part of my up until maybe my early teens okay uh yeah just before yeah sorry before I spoke Portuguese actually Portuguese was my first language okay uh before English is that what you were speaking on a daily basis on a daily basis man jeez and then you moved to Zim and what languages so um at that time learning Shawna Shawna was the language in that part of Zimbabwe hectic your dad's not around these times he's in and out so you know it was it was it was actually interesting when when you look back when I look back and you know I get it you know it's like okay I understand you know he he was doing his thing he was in and out but it felt like he was always around okay you know it's actually joking on us I was driving up with my my kids and then my wife and I was saying about this dude used to take us on road trips just randomly we're not going somewhere to go and spend time it's like go halfway grab a lunch and come back that's dope I liked it um so one of them was his favorite thing was driving from Johannesburg to um uh fundraelan's pass so there's a place called windy corner you know so it's next you stop and it's always windy I guess with some Hills and Valleys yeah um and okay we get there okay it's a bit windy and what okay no this is a place I wanted to show you now we're going back home oh my God it's a Sunday I could have been playing my Nintendo okay what the hell is this but anyways um but I understood what he was trying to do you know spending time trying to um make up for for for the last time but he was for the better part he was around he played his part um there was never a point where I'm like oh man this where's this too yeah um and I'm thankful for him you know uh for for doing that and not just for for us but I mean for all the children there that he has uh I mean then yeah some teens no no no not Teen so that was still young they were still no no sorry I was trying to go back to you were saying that you lived in Zimbabwe until your teens no no no that was so Mozambique okay Zimbabwe Zambia that was probably up until Zambia as well yeah yeah slow in and out it was just a weird period you know okay uh sometimes it felt like holidays was like um very long you're traveling with your mom um in some cases yes in some cases not so my My Mother originally was from was actually born in um sure I remember raising this I was like but your mom's Muslim Beacon you're like no no no no um and that's where the love for the greatest South African soccer club came from Kaizer Chiefs represent whatever you say I will not comment on this respect you know it's all love I will not comment on them I see this but um I'm just saying I'm just ready no comments moving along swiftly yeah um so yes South African um lady she was she was an interesting lady she was very very hard has helped disciplinarian like you can't believe and and her mother so your Grant yeah yeah so that you know my household was UFC before the UFC the boxing started really early man rear naked jokes on pause oh my God but um very hard lady um very loving yeah um very giving and yeah unfortunately at the right page of 44 [Music] was out you know um you know it's things that we think about we grapple with but it is what it is you know people live their lives people make decisions along the way um for whatever it is you know and you know people live with those decisions her life her decisions whether some of us think it was unfortunate but set a very firm basis for what mental fortitude is what toughness is what understanding is um and what discipline is it's a disciplinarian of of not you know and you know that's that's why I carry myself in a very at least I believe in a very respectful manner I respect people so when people disrespect me or find it very odd because I'm not a disrespectful person um I afford respect to the youngest from the youngest to the oldest because it's just what it is and if it gets to a point where the respect goes out of the window then we'll deal with it that way sure you know so was very very um very instrumental in in my my Base building my base to to where I'm at now but there's one there's one thing sorry I don't want to miss this point I'm gonna go back um we've spoken about and this is important because this brings a few subjects together when you look at where South Africa is now um and when I said it's our time you know it's not from a point of anger and y'all you had just you had yours it's it's it's it's not from from from their perspective you have people like the gentleman we spoke about early on who had some very fleshy things to say about me unfortunately but I still love him I still respect him he's got his views um you know let's have a conversation but let's not be disrespectful about it we can we can disagree but we can be respectful that's all it is so you find these Generations that exist so there's a generation of and you I'm happy that you mentioned um the the interview with Kevin Curry and Johan Rupert I think a lot of us tuned into um there's a generation of business people industrialists capitalists um globally but let's speak about Africa and South Africa specifically who've existed um there's been a baton handed down from Grandfather to Father not the son so we've seen this happen when it comes to the the generational wealth that's been created um you know people that's why people talk about this white Monopoly capital and I think it's a very loose term to describe something that has been built over a period of time is it a fair description it's a description it's like you said there's narratives that are that are painted forward but as much as people want to fight it it's you look at the way the economy is set up there's no running away from if you look at the jse the people that control a lot of the wealth there [Music] um elderly white males some local some foreign so when we speak about capital in the doctrine of capital having a color it's a fact you know you know we're not trying to to to listen the argument or or weaken out uh state of debate but I think that's just what it is but people unfortunately use it politically and it's not just become a slogany structures which is which is a problem you know instead of getting away from from there are certain people who are working with some of those people so you have people like um the the Oppenheimer families these are names I'm mentioning because these are names of people that are uncomfortable and they know yeah um the Rupert family and you know there's other families that are mentioned that have done some amazing things let's just be real on a Global Perspective they're South Africans that are represented on the main stage and I respect it I I salute it I uploaded um you know wherever you go these are people that that have carried the South African flag um in terms of of business and patriotism and you know we have to give them that those flowers for sure um the one thing that hasn't happened is opening up the space for the broader South African uh population yeah and I'm saying people that would have the interest of getting involved in the business space because the truth is we know there's people that on the black side of things um they're not business people you put them out there they won't be able to survive not everyone can be a business person and that's how you'll find people who leave their jobs or try to start something up and it doesn't go well because investment running a business managing people um scheduling it's it's it's not an easy thing yeah and then sometimes it's also just the relationships that you have the networks that serve um your your your ideas a lot of us still need to to grow those sure um and that's why I you know it's just just taking a dig early on with the language thing it's just that's a very simple thing but the world is is it's shrunk though sure that you know we all need to to to understand this so you have let's call it WMC as it's described yeah then on the other end you have black leaders that have existed on the continent and in South Africa and the similarities that I draw between the two come from an age perspective right you have most of these respectable gentlemen on both sides so on the leadership side whether you go to Equatorial Guinea um Ghana Nigeria Uganda you come down to South Africa Mozambique most of the leaders that exist are 6570 plus we hold them in high regards um we know a lot of these gentlemen they've grown us up um they've taught us what we know [Music] but similarly as much as they are still trying to be mainstream saying the exact same thing you had your time it's our time now and it's not from a point of fighting it out we need to understand as black people we need to stand up we need to to to be counted we can't just sit and wait for opportunities to come our way we need to go for those opportunities we can't always just be protesting and and and then being destructive they spend together and say okay guys there's more of us we're majority where are we getting this thing wrong is it our approach is it our ideas is it our energy is it our relationships we need to change the language completely we've been to the universities we've met student leaders we've met students we've made young business people young politicians the language is still the same yeah what's being spoken now in 2023 was spoken in 1923 in 1933 all the way to 1993 yeah so at some point you're like but hold on what is this what is this political language how is this ideology still relevant in today's time we've had that time we've been liberated by by our by our leaders we can't expect them to take us through political Liberation and get us to economic it's too much it's too much too Liberation struggles in one lifetime let's not be unfair to these people at the same time let's take ourselves seriously because we are busy signal but hey these old people okay fine then what no one has answers so when we speak about politics and getting involved we're saying we understand that there's a gap we understand that there's a gap between the old way of doing business as per capitalism and how that works and the old way of politics and how those two have never ex um well I'm speaking from the different racial groupings because during apartheid obviously they got along it was one government it was one racial group running the country and they did what they needed to do yeah and they built a solid country let's be honest let's be systems infrastructure and that sort of thing but for people they're saying I'd rather live in apartheid at some cow manure as well let's you know let's let's just be serious about um and then from 1994 up till now we've gotten some things right and there's a lot of stuff that we still need to get right but now the point I was trying to make from the different age groupings is you have the pro so the the plus 65 70 year olds who've done some amazing things in their different fields and they are at the end of of their of line whether it be ideas whether it be energies whether it be life just age just age one people passing away yeah now coming down the age range who's up next yeah now what capital does what business people do and we see it both in in in in in in in the Caucasian um in our Caucasian counterparts and in our Indian counterparts with its Hindu or Muslim they have a succession plan yes even in family business yes from outside is black people we don't and we just look at politics we've just come from a from a Nazareth conference ANC speaking it's a mess it's clear and it's not starting now it's being historic every time there's been succession um discussions it's been a battle it should not be a battle it should be simple okay guys this is us we're up let's go these are the next guys coming up they're up let's pave the way for them they're not doing that they want to be up and up and up and up until they did you see the graphic when Queen Elizabeth passed on the yeah the of the hierarchy in succession everyone knows everyone knows no surprise from the time before the kid is born they know everyone knows their place and they start working towards prepping and we're not doing them we're not doing them and we need to be honest about it and we are not doing ourselves a favor because all we do is point fingers and we blame ah these guys they've got everything they've got the economy what is it that we're doing yeah so when we get involved in business and we push people on the labels State capture very loose term I think it's a very unfortunate term yeah um is there corruption in this country 100 yeah um our people pillaging the system 100 um but a state captures something that wants to be described as in in its existence as in the past five years six years nine years whatever nine no don't do that if we go back and if we have to open up this kind of worms there's going to be a problem yeah why because people have been milking the South African system the African system for a very long time yeah the very same people are the ones that are insulting us calling us names and it's like hold on one second bro I'm 14 now sure I was not here when all these deals were being done when all these um unpackaging and unbundling and all that you guys were there Evergreen contracts you guys were there bro you guys are still reaping those rewards yes go anywhere in this country the status quo remains yeah so what we're saying is we don't have a problem with establishment establishment has a problem I won't say with us I'll speak for myself do you have a problem with me why they think they understand me they don't know me they think I stand for something ah Legacy project this and then I'm saying novice I'm DZ I'm My Own guy oh snap I do my own thing I chart on my own part there's no one pulling me by any strings or whatever race age this is me when I come here I can say whatever it is I want to say and I can say it confidently because I don't have anyone that's going to grab me in a headlock and say what were you doing but once again I understand the task at hand and I'm being brave enough and I expect more people to be brave and stand up and say you know what if this dude is doing after catching all these beatings if he's standing up and he's he's sticking his neck out to say look we're going into the main Arena more people need to do it why you can't speak about a democracy you can't speak about um people getting a fair deal and you're not don't speak about the issues between the minorities and the majority but once again you will never find me saying WMC you'll never find me saying you know this person's bad this person it's not my internet I'm not here to point fingers yeah they did what they did the law catches up with them it catches up with them if it doesn't good on you I'm here to do what I need to do to understand the task understand what is happening deeply locally and internationally well networked we will receive wherever we go we've got people um people think that we're not going to walk into rooms we've been we've we've been on the other side of the curtain we know how what's going on we know how people are operating yeah but for this system to be stable we all need to work together and we need to build something new because all we're doing is we're fighting battles of the past [Music] business battles and political battles I'm not here to fight battles of pre-94. there's a history there it exists 100 people respect the people that brought us to where we are today but we've got our own battles to fight and we've got our own strategies we're not going to use or deploy the strategies of through the eye of the needle no one is interested in this yeah you know when you look at at politics and why politics is shaping up interest interestingly is you have an ANC and unfortunately the ANC has lost credibility yeah that's a fact not saying I'm not trying to say something controversial you know the party grew me it fed me it clothed me um you know it's not just a political party it's it's a movement it's an organization um it's an institution it's it's a university but it's a different time now we need to build something new we can't be speaking about issues of we see every year registration at universities and um you know people are fighting to get registered every year every year we know okay there's a lot of cost rates every year schools that don't have toilets bro we've been to these places every year bro and you don't have to go far people now go to some rural Village no any City any major city you live in 15 20 minutes max from the the the central business district or from whichever suburb you will find an informal settlement a shanty town or a Township you don't have to drive all the way to nkanja to find these issues you will find them right here they exist it's it's it's a horrible state so we need to focus on on how we're going to get to the next level not everything is about criticizing and you know if you look at that the counter balancing from from and to touch on the point that you made which is very important is um you spoke about sports and you know spoke about us the Springbok economy and that sort of thing you know on the other side I say okay cool we lift my fan out we spoke about rugby and cricket and traditionally traditionally white sports in schools and also just the way it's consumed um at the highest level what excuses do we have for the lack of development in soccer in this country when majority of the soccer clubs are owned by black people the PSL is governed by black people the ministry of sports generally has been a black male or female the government of the day has been the black government how do we explain that and how do we how do we start to have the conversation with people that um uh historically white sport like rugby or Cricket is far more advanced technically the support the fundraising then Sports such as soccer and boxing to to to like boxing South Africa yeah has been managed by black people it's been funded by government terrible state so what I'm trying to say is guys we need to step our game up let's stop pointing fingers let's say we understand what's happening let's not have discussions about quota systems as much as it's been you look at universities because it's it's a double-edged sword we're losing good people as well we're not able to fit into the system because you know it's it's it benefits um a certain majority in this case so now we asked we're doing it the other way around thinking we're gonna we're gonna write the problem and it's it's clearly not working you know how do we start dealing with these issues so let's step our game up let's be more serious as black people let's not is we always blaming someone yes let's blame ourselves accountability let's hold ourselves accountable because if we have to sit and start pointing fingers at administrators but there's going to be a lot a lot of people that will be unemployed yeah who are currently employed in the system who've had an opportunity to make a difference in heaven and that's why we're saying guys we're not interested in this whole story coming into politics to change this whole narrative we come into politics to level the playing field Guys these are the rules of engagements uh the terms and conditions we're breaking that down everyone's going to get a fair Shake whatever color whatever it doesn't matter let's open it up the more capable people the more people that that qualify to be in these positions whether it be in governance in business um in sports whatever color you are let's go you know week week there's more black people than white people so the bigger the Pie Gets fundamentally Yeah the more people black people that will get Mantra but then at the same time if you look at at the economy that is white controlled it's also in the best interest to open up the doors to black business people why they've had a what in this country at least 200 year 250 year Head Start we're never going to catch up to them they own the systems people like talking about their their means of production they own the systems import export you can go start up a nice Farm you could Farm every citrus fruit you could be in Kettle farming my brother if you cannot get your product to the European market to the Asian market to the American whatever Market the broader African Market you're going to be stuck with a bunch of cousin this is why the term WMC exists by the way yeah so what you're saying about the controllers and The Gatekeepers of the system we need to understand that yeah because this is what will happen and sorry I know I'm I'm um you're pushing us into politics and it's fine no no no we'll summarize no I want us to go into politics okay we'll we'll summarize the what I was asking you but please feel free then the final point I'll make is we also so there's there's um unions and and how unions exist in our South African space right protecting people's rights and there's different unions for different sectors it's a beautiful thing yeah um workers need their rights protected but at the same time when you need we need to understand as much as South Africa doesn't only exist for its economy that's what makes this country tick so if we are going to slow down the progress of this country by politicizing a whole host of things we're going to be the biggest losers right similarly we've seen discussions around um business Forum activities you know people have grouped up which is a beautiful thing from different parts you want to be part of benefiting from economic activities in your areas your townships or whatever it is that you are it's beautiful set up go have the conversations but when it comes to a point where you are shaking people down then we know the guys these are homies our brothers uncles cousins when you rock up to a spot we've heard about construction mafias and that sort of thing when you rock up to a spot the rifle in hand and you say guys we're taking a piece of this business or else you're not operating that's a problem extortion it is extortion let's be clear it's not business that's not business this happens a lot around this country and I I'm scared that I'm getting to see and meet more people in the spaces no that's what I'm saying we know these number of gangs that run we love the guys these are these are guys but and some of them are really nice people no but I mean very nice people at the end of the day and this is the final point and just known as the final point then I need to get this this across because it it it is a problem yeah um and why why there's a problem is once again when I say black people let's take ourselves seriously we're not taking ourselves seriously if we want opportunities let's have the discussion and let's negotiate let's let's create opportunities for each other right this is a space this is what we're going to do let's build and and let's expand um when you rock up to a place of business and that person eventually decides I cannot operate because of um however much investment I've made I'm now making money for people that are not even you know putting the sweat into the business I'm shutting down we're going to have a problem in this country where investors including yourself and myself we'll see hold on one second I'm working for you by force yeah all right cool let's see what happens when I shut down yeah so what happens is in the townships all the retail stores all the liquor store whatever it is out there the roads that are being constructed that are stopped because people want a piece of the action housing projects whatever it is when people decide you know what we're not interested we're pulling our investment we're going somewhere else we're going to find ourselves in a situation where there's going to be a lot of gunmen with no one to extort and we'll get there why because people say we don't want to place ourselves at risk we're not we want to place our um employees at risk we've seen people getting gunned down it's not on yeah if we are organizing ourselves let's organize and let's build on opportunities amongst ourselves for ourselves those are discussions those are ideas that we can have and and brainstorm and we can get to a point where we get investment we can do that because remember at the end of the day we are the consumers of everything that's happening in this country without us there is no Pick and Pay there's no Checkers there's no pip there's no end and and yeah we need to realize our position as as consumers but at the same time we need to start becoming producers so one of the main things that we're going to do moving on this political Journey uh when we step up and we take control of this country it's reindustrializing this country we need to get our people to work we need to get our people to get Hands-On not everyone's going to sit in a fancy air conditioned boardroom or office and call the shots and not everyone wants to yes you know people want to to to use their skill that they've learned in trade school or from their uncle or grandfathers and we need to give these people opportunities because the majority of people that are unemployed are people that have got um um semi-skilled some of them unskilled but willing to learn let's give them an opportunity for the simple stuff they just want to put bread on the table let's give them opportunity to put bread on the table and we build from there so all manufacturing from textiles to You Name It We need to reinvest we need beneficiation one of our own resources and even our farming produce done I'll leave it there sorry no please don't apologize we're actually here for you so feel free um I just wanted to make sure before we go into politics because I want to speak about politics extension you have a presidential campaign I wanted to leave that for lost sure um you've covered enough on your mom and I wanted you to just say something about your twin sister as well then we can close that off sure um from my side I've got a twin sister we all know who she is she's on social media I am not on social media I'm not on Twitter once again I'm not on Twitter I'm not on Instagram I'm not on Facebook I'm not on MySpace you're so old I'm not on mixes no I'm not I'm not on any of those platforms um do I find my way in existence from from certain content of course I do but do I have a platform or a handle no I don't yeah so there's a lot of misinformation out there that you know has come to visit me on my doorstep on you know um certain commentary or um views being you know um attributed to myself which are false I've said this platforms you know anything that I say you'll catch me I've said it on a microphone unless it's beautifully edited where I'm saying some made to look like I'm saying deep fake deep fake but um from from my perspective I I always say this and that's this goes from for anybody yeah including my good sister is if you say something sorry if you send something out you type it out to send it out then it's a view it's not whatever it is an idea it's a criticism it's a whatever whatever you're trying to to present to to the public you need to be able to stand for it right so if you're gonna say I hate pendulism sure which I don't I need to be able to stand because you love it just on the record boom like okay okay um you need to be able to stand in the middle of the city on a soapbox and say that with your chest yeah you know what I find is a lot of people get away with doing the the the the the the the Twitter or the social media thing yeah and they're not held accountable yes for their views so my only view on that is unless someone comes and sits in this chair on this seat sorry or any other seat where they can air their views out and back their statements out they shouldn't be doing that you know there's a lot of help there's a lot happening in our country we cannot be pushing negativity out there Everyone's entitled to their views 100 but we fight with our siblings bro I've got my brother Pinson my sister Penrose we've got such differing views and values and I just know because you're twins people assume you're joined by The Hip let's let's get this clear I don't fight with my siblings you guys are your own people it's not that's not what I do I've never done that yeah people fight with me I stay in my Lane I mind my own business yeah in family and just in just general Society yeah I don't get involved with people I'm not I'm not a someone that just comes up and tries to get things going it's not what I do everyone knows that they know them but if you want to come across you're gonna come into my crosshairs it's on me sure it is on politics uh I'd like you to share the story of going to tell your dad that you want to run for president that you told me please uh so this was [Music] 2020. okay you know I'm not a politician I'm a businessman this is what I've done my whole life hey I understand there's a need to get involved in politics because these things happening in our country and in our world and we need to take advantage of this opportunity that's been created for us to play a higher level game so that's why I'm getting involved in politics that'll only be called the politician because that comes with its own stigma yeah I'm a businessman who's just trying to make a difference in life sure all right so 2020 2020 um so this was early so it was before hard lockdown okay um very early because hard lockdown was in March Yeah March so uh actually I was here for State let me see let me get this chronologically correct January 8th statement which was in Kimberly at that time um I went there the reason are the reason I went there is because there's a there's a there's a famous Jay-Z is my favorite rep and is is one of his lines where he says um people say that I couldn't come back home you know when I heard that when I was back home oh snap so people said I couldn't come back home so that's the reason I came back um because as the narrative at that time I'm a fugitive yes you're running away but never ran away from anybody I'm not going to do it now and so I came back and I decided you know what there's a lot being said there's a lot of politicking around this so let's go into the lion's den and into the lions then we went um fundraising dinner so they have the so January 8th is basically the celebration of uh the anc's birthday yeah um and the shield statements and they just give a rundown on what's happened in the past year as a presentation and then the plans for the coming year as a party sure um so we went there I was out there with the homie Winston um and yeah we enter the space and we shook that place up though and the reason for that is people like saying things people like placing a narrative out there and they don't expect to see yes and we know these people they think you're scared they think we scared stole the spotlight now we got out in the symbols back home yeah the idea was not to you know we're not out there to do it for for anything else but to say guys you're not just going to say things and expect there to not be repercussions yeah when you know what you're saying is not true yeah everyone that's saying what they're saying all the way to the lawmakers and these people want to say stuff they've got the information in front of them they've got six years in bank accounts transactions allegations um statements true or false they're there I got arrested falsely arrested my thing is why is no one talking about that yeah like my life I was completely embarrassed on a global platform because you know they're trying to paint this picture but as you know when it comes to to a charge sheet you know there needs to be an A1 statement statement which is an affidavit by the person accusing whoever of that was not there yeah I'm in a court the judge knows it's not there the prosecutors know it's not there what the hell am I doing in this courtroom someone still needs to answer them I can tell you we're gonna get them it's not from a point of me being upset or trying to get retribution but there's certain things that need to be undone because you guys have missed my good name up are there to fight to be here I've had to fight a hostile media I've had to fight or hostile um judicial process I believe in in the rule of law in this country but I can see there are certain things that were done that were out of out of turn yeah and it's there it's a fact um so I was like No we're going to move into these spaces and we're going to have these discussions with the people that want to have the discussions um so managed to to so the way it works is there's a different tables and I'm just giving the long story so the table we get so each so there's a different sponsors so from the Platinum sponsor you sit with the president Deputy president and you get gold and silver and when you sit with Minister Deputy minister so the table that um we sit on it's the two of us um because we got this table and there was only two of us that attended and guess who the Minnesota table was coincidentally okay the Minister of Justice and I took my seat and I rolled up sat next to him you know like Minister how are you doing good to see you I heard you looking for me and we had whatever conversation we had respectfully of course he said what he needed to say I said what I needed to say and we kept it moving um you know nothing malicious but it was just one of those things like guys I am here every time people say things we correspond through my legal Team guys I'm in the country or I'm traveling if there's any allegation if there's any let me know I will come to your offices NPA South African police Hawks SIU whatever it is I've only ever Incorporated um and then and um you know Avail yourself Avail myself to to whatever process yeah so all these stories that they say in the media will place the stuff out and it was like okay it's played out but whatever so we're sitting here today in 2023 with all that negativity all that beating legal um media you're still here right and what I'm trying to say is they're not going to stop our rise and it's not me I'm not speaking here like I'm some superhero it's not what I'm saying but when I'm saying our Rises there is a generation that is hungry to get involved I just happen to be at the Forefront and I'm blessed I'm honored to be at that Forefront we need more people to to to to jump on board it's going to happen and all I'm saying is when it does I'll be proud to say that yeah I was at the beginning of of of this concept called change with young people arising what happens after that out of played my pod my my my purpose and my journey as per my generation is is to to to get young people on their feet once they're on their feet thinking straight being respectful being disciplined understanding that there's a common Vision there's a common purpose my job is done I'll go back to jet skiing and go back to cruising and having a good time spending time with my family that's just what it is I'm not trying to be here until I'm 60 70 years old I'm 40 now my the best years of my life I mean I will enjoy you know I don't want to be that old that old guy trying to be relevant to to young people so initially so the funny thing is when so after January 8th I came back for state of the nation so into Parliament and once again same thing um certain stands and people like yeah [Music] the police commission is there the policeman are they doing nothing why are they not covering him and I'm like okay done went to state of the province in pietermaritzburg um and then state of the province I remember at that time he was flying out to Cuba for medical treatment okay and he actually called me right so it all started off with a um an idea and a need he called me and he said I can see this thing's happening in um sorry it was January 8th provincial before straight state of the province which was in the south coast in um Google District okay um Port Shepstone basically um so we went there and we got well received and he called me and he said hey what's going on there but I'm about to bounce but I see there's some action there I'm like not chilled yeah I got this me it's you boy go do your thing I've got this so we started having conversations and then I went and I sat down with him I'm in Durban actually um and I was actually with uh with with Winston yeah and you know you're part of the when we met this part of the story and we said yeah we we're going for the presidency man he's like okay cool uh what do you mean by that like no we're gonna run for the presidency of South Africa sorry we're gonna run for the presidency yeah and it says okay presidency or what the boys and girls club or what are you talking about I'm like no presidency of this country it was like okay stood up and he said to some of his Asics let's get these guys something to eat but I think he sounded very confused everything and he didn't come back you know because you took it the way he took it yeah and uh it's cool because he must be thinking bro I've I've done this and I've dealt with beasts yeah I am you know a beast myself and I want these two young cats is coming and saying some ridiculous no and he said you know what it's cool but from my side and this is what I say I always say you don't need or you don't need to seek permission to do the right thing doing the right thing I want to make a difference I have made a difference and I'll continue to do so I just want to do it at the higher level because if we don't play that game from the top down as much as we're trying to do it from the bottom up and get to that happy place we're wasting our time your dad didn't ask you to run for president no he's never asked me probably thought you're going to be running he's never asked me so he actually actually funny enough um he kept playing with the idea of the youth league yeah at some point and he knew that at that point when we'd spoke in 2020 I was 30 38 years old the youth league aged the cutoff age in South Africa is 35 which is mischievous as well it should actually be closer to 25 bro 35 B Because cats is grown jeez kids super Corona 35 35 usually get out of here man 25 at most yeah by the time you're finishing off your studies or whatever it is you're venturing into the real world oh man grown men it's 35 years old he all cuts it up you know more kids okay I won't speak about you but I'll speak about myself so the long and short is people including didn't including my mind my father didn't say they didn't see it yeah um and it's cool I didn't I wasn't there to convince them I'm not in the business of convincing people this is what I'm doing I'm gonna work or not it doesn't work then you'll say haha didn't work have a nice day listen just so you know officially I'm coming to let you know that everything that I've done I've spoke even when I got involved in business yeah Chief this is what I'm I'm planning on doing nine out of ten times he said do your thing I've given you the three rules a long time ago very seldomy as you said hold on or don't do it yeah because he's not from you know he's not that guy he doesn't want to be that guy to to to stifle people's dreams or whatever so at this point and eventually we have a conversation um and you realize no we we we're coming for that number one spot anyway yeah um and he was like okay interesting keep pushing one of the interesting things you mentioned when we were having this chat was it's ironic that some of the elders maybe like your father have said this example of don't seek permission to do the right thing go and do the right thing and they sometimes get surprised when we do exactly that and we're like but we we took it from you guys that we don't ask we do because you guys haven't created a fertile succession platform a lot of people have been asking me [Music] I don't understand what your poetry to design is saying he's running for president this is in the ANC is he still ANC so I think officially for for their purpose what what does it mean dz24 2024 you're going for presidency what does what does that mean in Practical terms how did that song go so I'm like I like quoting songs I'm just feeling in a very jovial mood today or is it i n d e p e n t e n t what you know about meat okay I don't know that track that's just spelled independence of course all right then what's your next question okay all right to answer your question are you still an ANC member um am I still an ancient good standing so let me let me say this are you still a pro ANC just in general currently I am Pro change and if there's people in the ANC that are pro change I'm writing with them and the ones that are not I'm not writing with them so why not join another political party or set up a political party join which political party I don't know another one that would be happy to host you as their face nah they they're not ready for me you name them they're not ready for me why because so what what is happening why why I'm excited about 2024 is there's going to be a game-changing dynamic um whether we're there or not yeah and always saying is you want to be there because we don't want to be those passengers saying we had an opportunity to play a part and we didn't because we can see there's a lot of clowning going around in the political system yeah um the ANC is a party that has well well is now the party that has more leaders more members that are part of the organization that are eeking out value from the organization and its position in government than adding value okay to the organization I'm not for that and I've seen this in in discussions and meetings there's some very good people and a lot of good people in the system don't get me wrong but the way the system is structured it's not going to work it's not there to create value that's there for people to take value from whatever the flavor of the day is and basically what I'm saying is as the younger crop as black people in this country who want to play a a much more positive role unless we are there to create value understand what value is we're wasting our time you're gonna be on the ballot next year as an independent [Music] [Laughter] will support what you're doing how would you like people that want you to be president of the country to run the country to shake up politics and the economy how do they get involved and firstly firstly they need to see themselves at the highest levels of what's happening in this country um and not just you know people are quick to create heroes and villains and and jockeys and whatever they call yeah you've got to step up so whoever whoever um you're involved in your communities in your school University in your place of business in your home any small role that you play in making a positive impact you must do so because it's all those little wins that create the the bigger bang we're building up to that bigger bank and it's not going to be possible if it's just penual the black pin yeah you know doing it individually then like no yo we've got you we support you no this is this is what we've done over a period of time we create these individuals and this is what leads to the problem the individuals start doing all sorts of crazy things start saying all sorts of crazy things I mean it gets to a point where you can't you can't you know pull them out of out of out of the off the podium because you've created a monster we need more active credible people in the system it can't just be one man or one woman but you know the message they they know the old way of things they want the T-shirt with your face on it they want to sign up somewhere they wanna fill in a form they want to donate a bit of money they want to be part of the campaigning they want you to stand on a Podium and get them excited are are you planning to do stuff like that that that's part of the people that spot hashtag change cartel change cartel I mean it's a simple thing right it's We Stand For Change it's a grouping of people um who are coexisting amongst each other pulling different networks together to make a change we're all about change and you know people take it lightly some are you're seeking um validation you're looking you know and I'm like bro I've got better things to do with my life number one um and number two if we don't do this now South Africa is history we are at the precipice of a change in the negative format if we do not get involved I realize this of course you realize it because you know we see the information that you put out there um as as real and wonderful as it is but you know as people some people like criticizing it but all you're doing is you're spinning facts and it's facts that are hard-hitting unfortunately but facts nonetheless Rob herself in some of his circles are worried about the country crashing right to visit him but why you're here he was saying it's inevitable our country is going to crash and we must allow it and just position ourselves for the bounce back are you also saying that or it sounds like you're saying that if we don't get involved it'll crash or are you saying let's get involved now so that when it crashes if it crashes at least we're there to help rebuild reflex you know we all understand what reflex is all right country crash yeah we're sitting here none of us did anything [Music] yeah country this is all we're trying to do we understand that we do not want it to go there we are this hand that's saying bro if you don't need this country to crash as a matter of fact I always say this we're not living in a crisis in South Africa we're living in an opportunity okay we have the biggest opportunity to turn this place around are there a lot of negative things happening of course we see the crime stats we see the state of generation of power and electricity we see just crazy things happening in our country but I always say as much as all of that is happening let's focus on positivity let's focus on giving people hope because once people lose hope I'm not going to let people lose hope once we have a hopeless generation yeah it's over there will be no bringing this country back Everyone's entitled to their opinion but we've seen in parts of Western Europe we've seen it in parts of Africa parts of South America parts of Asia Asia Pacific countries have crashed and ain't coming back let's not let that happen and that's what we're saying let's be that hand that says no maybe not a fair question but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the D.A I'd like to hear your thoughts on the eff and Julius malema because a lot of eyes are going to be on on them come next year sure and maybe the day is a bit clearer but do you think the eff is what it claims to be or do you think it's actually a a pointy of the ANC to just manage certain angry people yeah from the ANC district attorney we use the political parties um this is this is the way I look at it we've gone from the politics of liberation struggles um and getting to a point where we come out of that in 94. so the politics of of liberation we moved to the politics of race so it got to a point where you know black party Black voters white party white Focus that's just what has become you know in the certain parties that we know are out there I don't want to mention the names I'm not the guy to point fingers we all know who they are all who these parties are we're at a point now where we've quickly come to the politics of in my view the politics of class Haves and the have-nots so we're at a point where the race is going out of the window people are looking and saying okay we see penual doing his thing he's got all these wonderful ideas um but what about us and these are black people right so it's quickly going to go away from the WMC finger pointing to the panels the desserts saying but actually you're supposed to be the clever guy so the guys that are with ideas and all these networks and you haven't managed to pull us out of poverty yeah we have a problem with you yeah you've left us in the rural areas in the townships and when I say that I'm probably speaking about everyone in this room behind the cameras as well because we understand as black people there's people that look to us for a lot of stuff yeah and if they feel it down they act on it you know acting may be voicing it out acting maybe um you know trying to shake you down you know um and it's quickly getting this so we're at the politics of of of um of class at the moment the danger with that is the target is no more what people have always been singing it's the white man the Target now is you and me to a point where I even say to some of my my Caucasian counterparts like what are you guys worried about if anything has happened in this country the people that are going to come for first are the people who they see as black people living lavish lives yeah those are going to be the first targets they'll be like I will get to you guys but we need to start off with these guys that we thought they were going to bring us out of this out of this hole and they didn't meanwhile we see them yeah we see them flying first class we see them doing 100 they'll be saying that so when it comes to the shaping up of these parties um you know I don't I don't speak about these parties because these parties I always always and I don't know that um Coastal College which is in the south coast in in um kzn right this was maybe three weeks three weeks ago um and they were having SRC election so there's a campaign still invited invited um some of us to come in just you know speak and just give some some viewpoints yeah and there were different political parties different political activities as people that are happy to see us there those others that were acting like they're not happy to see it because afterwards it was a different story it was all love um and my view is very simple and if we can de-politicize everything that we say or do if we can take away political jargon political colors away from what we're trying to do we just say guys it's a society we're trying to build a country as a society when you leave that Hall when I say The Sinner when you guys leave this Hall in your different political formations by the time we are out we're on the highway you guys will be smoking and drinking together and cracking jokes why you guys grew up together you probably went to the same schools you're probably neighbors wherever you're from you're just pushing a different um um political Narrative of um formed into the different political parties and political colors but at the end of the day we all want the same thing there's issues of water supply in the college's issues of registration fees we're all fighting for the same damn thing why are we acting like we on different sides we are not on different sides so the quicker we pull together and that's what I'm saying whether it's within our own races tribal groupings um different provinces this is a no-brainer this country will will flourish but as long as we have people pulling us apart people using politics and using um the politics of I always say this is a this is a term that I like I'm not sure if anyone has said it but you know um I speak about it in you know I'm not saying I've coined the phrase it might exist but I always say we need to move away from the politics of desperation to the politics of inspiration because people are looking to be inspired yeah in this world not just this country the more we push people we take them along a journey of Destruction we take them along a journey of of hate it's going to be difficult to undo this hate that you've instilled in people for years the blame game of whose fault it is for this the the conditions you're living in we need to say to people to get out of these conditions we need to band together and we need to make this thing happen we need to work because the thing is some people I saw one of your your tweets I'm not sure how old it was because I mean they circulate but it was speaking about the current government and people not people don't want to work people deserve the ANC government if not worse and Corruption blah blah blah blah and um you know obviously people have certain things to say but as South Africans if we are not willing to physically work and a lot of people are not people want to become music artists DJs they want to be in the entertainment space for the most part and in front of the camera not even the Productions just to be famous and to to to make um whatever living we've seen them come and go it's not sustainable you know we're focusing on entertainment and we should be focusing more on education not everything is a party we all want to have a good time but if we're going to progress if we're going to to play the natural order of things where there's generations and succession we all we've all got to take ourselves seriously so by the time we step off the seat or step off the podium there's people that are capable coming up after us and they're there there are a lot of smart people a lot of young smart people out there they just need the platforms they need the opportunities to Showcase their goods I need to be excused I don't know if you guys will keep rolling I've been holding on I need the bathroom normally that's me I'm happy that it's you that's why you don't need the bathroom I took I took a sip here I'm on my comrades Marathon gym please I want us to go for another 15 20 if you don't mind my brother easy please give me in the meantime y'all they'll take over the show are we still wrote it QR you want to come clap and clap you're not an editor after peeing okay I don't know where you're gonna edit I don't need to say I just came from the bathroom you know what to do cue come on you're the magician you're gonna vote for Kenzo pins anyway sorry um one of the questions I did ask which I it's unfair you know I think you've given enough explanations on the on your view on the country and politics to a point where I almost can fill in the blanks for other questions but I I did want to still ask do you think the eff is an independent party do you think they were basically asked by the ANC go and take some of the angry younger people because you're still kind of from the same family and your thoughts are on the future if not yourself of a Julius Floyd presidency in the country look I generally don't like speaking about other people yeah and other platforms because what what they do is what they do yeah you know um I'm not here to to share any negative or positive light on on them but I understand the space that I'm in um and you know I'll Venture my opinion in this case uh the project of politics in this country has always been very one-sided um determined by a few right so if you look at where we're at and and you you work back ideologies manifestos you know people can come up with all sorts of brilliant um literature yeah but actions speak louder than words words um you look at the actions of of people in the in the political space it's very unfortunate sure you go all the way from Parliament and you look at the level of discussions you look at just the way that room is run um the energy in their room we don't have time for that it's disappointing um it is it's something that we should not be we should not be seen we have serious problems that we need to deal with we have issues in this country that we need to that need urgent attention we don't have time for bickering and arguing in people trying to sound cleverer than the next person now when it comes to to Parliament and the um how the opposition parties because you asked me about the two opposition parties and more especially the future of a party such as the eff yeah we're living in a country where people are not foolish you know I always say the greater good always overcomes and will always overcome I always say that people understand what's happening more than people think they do so the politics of retribution the politics of hate the politics of Southern division the politics of anger well it's got a very short lifespan if you look at people being destructive it's people that have I don't have much to live for so if you look at a lot of the other protesting that happens it's people that will join because it's basically one of those cases and I mean it's it's been written in history you look at anything from The Communist Manifesto they speak about it to all sorts of books that are being written um and and all sorts of um teachings that people have come across in society if there are more people that are in Dire Straits of living in in environments that they have nothing they can't put food on the table they don't have access to water electricity are homeless or living in a shack they will always be the first to spring up when it comes to being distracted yeah so now if you are a leader and you are playing on people's emotions and you're taking negative aspects to draw them and take them up on a journey it's a journey that's going to lead to complete chaos it'll lead to complete destruction because it's no secret the majority of people in this country are have-nots yeah majority of people in this country would love to see themselves in a position where they are living in in better conditions and if not they will destroy why are we getting people and why are we pushing them why are we fast forwarding to destruction mode it's not it's not it's not it's not on so when it comes to the way that the The Narrative the messaging um is is put forward it's it's unacceptable in in our society I don't care what anybody says if you are a leader you're there to lead people you're there to organize people and you're there to make a difference you're not a leader of a a gang subset you're not the leader of some Mafia um grouping in the leader of a political party and as per your political party here to fight for people's rights he had to fight for the better the betterment of people and people's lives and if you're a leader you're there to offer Solutions and you're there to be part of a solution you've been given an opportunity to to offer Solutions in places where you've you've run over people and you've not done so because if there was a case we'd be seeing these differences and finally when it comes to the protesting and getting people to Rebel roles and and and create anxiety in society bro leaders should not be protesting leaders should be making a difference that's why you're there um that's just the way I see it so I think there's a there's a very short life span for for that level of politicking I think people have seen through it nothing people continue to see through it and why I'm saying this because people say I know why you're hating why you I don't believe in that in the level of politics number one and then secondly if you look at the way the numbers have gone I mean the numbers don't lie it's basic maths at the end of the day you look at the decline of the ANC vote um from 62 to what is it not 55 54. for calculation purposes let's say closer 10 let's call it let's call it a 10 drop yeah um why is it that the other opposition party is the official opposition party the DIA and the FF haven't picked up on those numbers so if you look at their numbers at National and at local government their numbers haven't shot through the roof that tells you a story yeah and that story that is told and it's part of the discussion we've had there's a certain gentleman sipping on them don't mention his name you know banana flavor one of our one of our guests actually owes us like sponsorship of of I need to follow up with him but I'll chat to him another time a meal and a drink all in one banana flavor that's the one banana is the one that's the one um they are three majorities that exist in South Africa and this I'm speaking directly to to my brother and others that are were part of this conversation or privy to this conversation because what happens is people will look and say okay because when the question is would you vote for so and so would you vote for me you know why wouldn't you or would you vote for that person or do you vote why don't you vote and people have different answers and people have different preferences um you know not everyone is going to agree with what I'm saying in the direction that I'm going in which is cool you know it's not a train smash yeah but all I'm saying and this is why I keep pointing down to the journey that we're on it's a journey of inspiration is the Journey of bringing the youth the young people on board the three majorities that I speak about are [Music] number three and I'm just speaking from an order of prevalence preference when it comes to me and where we're at number three is the black majority right which is South Africa majority of people in this country are black people yeah right so when it speaks to majority we speak about a majority rule which means um the overarching power will be the power of the people that group together and that overpower any other grouping whether it be by ideas discussion debate it doesn't have to be politics but majority rules at the end of the day yeah in this case we're talking politics so we have black people that are living in terrible conditions generally majority of them yet a lot of them are not voting is the vote to be all in in all of our country needs to change no it's not it's not what I'm saying but it's the beginning right second majority oh well number three number two would be the female right and not by race just the female grouping yeah females are one of the most underrated [Music] underappreciated unappreciated underutilized groupings in our society they are every day we hear about horrendous things that are happening to our females young old [Music] um acts of criminality we look at just lack of opportunities because of being female just representation and all those those discussions and once again I always say and I have the discussions about with a lot of females is what is it that you're doing now we've lost hope and you know everything that we try to do we don't have a voice and we understand Africa South Africa it's a very patriarchal society that's a fact whether we like it or not but you guys are the right majority generally across Society globally there are more women than men yes as in politics is still seen as a masculine thing 100 in this country and then an old masculine thing NC women's league it looks like they support the men that's not looks less exactly what they did they didn't support the female as a female candidate as an example yeah but I mean that's just you know I don't know that's just the way females are wired that's how um eventually you know it all It All Leads down to the patriarchal nature and you know the the tiffs and the fights they have amongst themselves I mean we see this it can be all love and the next thing purely because they don't want to support each other they'll go a different route and they always find themselves um on the back foot yeah females need to stand up you've got the numbers if you need to start up your own thing start up your own thing yeah no I'm not in you know we're not in love with with being at the highest but you're always saying is you understand that position comes with decision making and the tools to make a difference that's why we're aiming it if it's a female even better we will support the female yeah she's got the goods let's go but you've got to step up use that base use that power and then the number one majority is the youth majority yeah majority of this country are young people yeah once again not even racially just from an age perspective overwhelming I think demographics say only nine percent I tend to be corrected only nine percent of the population is over 60. there you go in the whole city in Parliament I'm sorry drink some tea I'd like your permission to go to you know full of jokes um so I wanted your permission finally dance on your permission before you carry on you're gonna finish on the youth point I want your permission after you you make your youth point to ask a few questions yes and to interrupt your answers so that I can get through all of that okay so as I'm looking at the wonderful lady behind the camera yeah because we had this discussion and she's she she had some some input you find yourself in a very interesting position where you Encompass all these majorities you're a young black female you've got everything going for you you've got the opportunities you've got the networks you've got the numbers you've got to stand up and this is all I'm saying the reason why I'm saying what I'm saying is because I'm standing up the other people they're not talking about playing the game at the highest Heights I'm talking about playing the game with tire size because that's all I've ever done Schism as well that's all I've ever aspired to that's what everyone aspires to be at the top level um and to I want to say to be a top G brother um is to play at the highest level and and to make a difference now people should be pulling together you should be and I'm not saying you as an as in you as a personal person but I'm saying the idea of a young black female that's the most dangerous thing for anybody in this country in the society why because if you guys pull yourselves together it's over for everybody yeah and that's what you need to be doing so when we speak about these these three majorities as much as they they can be banded together for some people everyone needs to stand up if you look at the the rates of unemployment it touches upon these three majorities the youth being the hardest hit a whole lot of qualified people unqualified whatever it is but lack of opportunities people who are well educated now or even saying what I'll take whatever menial job I just need to put something on the table anything will do why should we be in this position I find I find myself constantly asking why females and young females aren't consuming educational content I've listened to Joe Rogan in America speaking about it I've spoken about it to DJ spoo there's a friend of mine called when you look at the demographics on YouTube of people that are watching educational content overwhelmingly young men um and then there's this culture now of young females chasing for blessers wanting to be pretty on Instagram and I I don't know if it's occasionally done like that my questions I'm going to try and and I apologize again if I'm going to be interrupting um a lot of people want to know what being an independent candidate means and how that's going to translate in the ballots next year cool uh before I get to that yeah my final point in the three majorities the Common Thread with all black female young as we're all playing the victim true that's it black play victim victim every day female we don't need to do this all saying it's someone else's for some take that power that you have and turn it to a power play you can do it it's doable let's do it whatever I need to do to be a part of it let's go if we need to support something new let's do it that's that's the game I'm playing is a game of bringing everyone to the table it's not just for myself simple as that so let's stop playing the victim game and let's take these um instances of of a victim because yes they are victims don't get me wrong but let's take ourselves from being the the position of Victor from being in a position of of of being victim to being a position of being a Power Player power broker for just being in power it's doable let's do it that's the journey I'm speaking about but anyways um getting to to to the question that you asked about independence I think there's still legislation that needs to be finalized um they're rectifying it and I also think it's quite an interesting thing that they're doing because if you look at the independent play double-edged sword yeah number one introduced um because what do they say the reason why they're introducing the um the the instance of of Independence running for political office is because from 94 1994 um the elections have been Run unconstitutionally 100 because there hasn't been representation for anyone else but major political parties you have to join a political party to be able to and it was unconstitutional and shout out to the people that have done the work to challenge that I know this Monday we've had here had on this platform and she's mentioned that quite quite a bit that we need political reform so that Independence can run so you have double-edged sword and this is very important watch this you have what you just said thanks to um when everyone else getting to a point where it affords people like myself an opportunity and yourself and anyone else to say you know what I don't find um representation out there for me I don't find the landing pad for what it is that I'm trying to say or do I want to do my own thing there's people that believe in what I do so I'll place myself in that position which is a beautiful thing and I appreciate and respect it on the other hand I think it was put in place to deal with the issue of majority parties so you're watering down um certain um groupings of political parties we've enjoyed um Power yeah and not just at National level but you know in small small parties in rural areas and and very powerful very very powerful controlling and running things so I think that's been done for that but anyways once again averaging out positive negative we find ourselves here there will be a coalition and I remember having this there will be a coalition yeah 100 next year yes sir this is your prediction ANC is going under 50. in some cases people are predicting under 40. hectic yeah okay at the rate at which we're going [Music] okay there will be a coalition there will be a coalition and that's what everyone was pushing for okay right now here's the Beautiful the beautiful thing about the Coalition it's going to bring in new representation new ideas new avenues for people to support them to push my view on coalitions in this country we're not ready for coalitions in South Africa um why are we not ready this we have too many differences amongst each other yes internally you look at the ANC factionalism and differences just from the ruling party itself then we spoke about politics of race people from different um upbringings racial denominations um people think differently people approach problems differently and people have different solutions according to the problems at hand that may not be the same I mean you know problem solving in in in in Halton will not be the same as as problem solving in Howick because of the different Dynamics yes you know and then you also have the diff you have um tradition and cultural issues you know some people do not see people from other um cultural denominations you know [Music] this country to this day racism number three tribalism number two number one is xenophobia biggest threats we have in this country in that order in my view um so you look at you look at at these issues and I remember having this conversation and the question I was also is by um he launched the book that had to do with coalition government and invited us to a cocktails interesting people around the table and the professor I'm not going to mention his name because I want to put him in the poo poo um so he asked me and he said look I see what it is that you're trying to do and political questions are you know interesting and plus supported we need you know it was a very outward thinking yeah and it was an elderly gentleman um probably in his late 50s early 60s and it wasn't Rob herself [Music] so he says to me coalitions ruling party you're a bit too young to be in politics I said what do you mean I'm 40. grown ass men family kids anything there's more life um at that point where there's about to be more life be behind me than ahead of me so you know I've I've crossed that he said yeah but I mean if you look at someone like the mayor you know he's still a young politician I said what do you mean young politician the man's 50 51 right this is what we need to understand in this country it suits people to say they're young when it comes to politicking the very same Elders that that you spoke about earlier on are mischievous when they say you're still too young way too ageism straight up 1994. if you look at majority of these guys they were about my age I mean they started running the country let's talk about my own old man he's 18 now almost 30 years ago you'd have been in his late 40s [Music] you look at the former Secretary General Ace maharashula one of the most powerful political political figures who have emerged in recent history he's been a long-standing Secretary General in history in the country of all in the ANC so if he is 16 now how old is he cheers in 94. so that whole thing of people say no but you're too young no cats you do some of you were younger than I was when you guys assumed power I've spoken to Mandisa I've spoken to an amazing gentleman Dr Cesar Walsh the son of uh senior Advocate both of them state that if you want to become presidents in this country you need a billion rent to campaign are you in agreement that you need a lot of money to have that type of influence politically and how does that make you feel for ordinary hard-working leaders that want to serve but don't have the money or the financial backing uh look I think the politics in this country has been pushed towards um Iran's and sins and I think it was a moment in history um is there financing needs that is needed for campaigning of course someone needs to fund the activities Logistics consumption of food entertainment around it because you know you call you to keep people's attention you need to break it up with entertainment in between and t-shirts and whatever other merchandise that will will be part of it so that is a no-brainer but I think what happened was in the confines of the ANC at that time so it wasn't a government election it was a party election and by becoming president of the ANC at that time as a majority party um you become president of the country so that happened within the party and um the president assumed if we're talking about the money that was spent because the billion will be what we all believe are in the sealed documents on how that money moved around moving forward I think it's going to boil down to people just wanting credible people that have like-mindedness and people that are willing to do the work I think we're going to get to that point very very soon where people will realize you know all this Fanfare on on politics and politicking we over it we're going into Coalition I mentioned why I believe we're going into into into Coalition um when it comes to the percentages that's exactly what's going to happen once you're up below 50 you don't have to start talking to some homies to say oh let's work together sure um and the people that have the parties that have close to 10 percent they'll be they'll be power Brokers in the next election fifth I wanted to also ask about the importance of social media one of a few of course yeah I wanted to ask about the power of social media in an area where we're no longer looking at t-shirts and stadiums and buses and you're speaking about human beings looking for credible leadership and servants leadership I mention yourself normally in my videos I mentioned Chris Papas of the D.A in um I appreciate that thank you I I mentioned plant Alex and so it's a parliament I mentioned Caton McKenzie in the karoo he's not a politician but I mentioned Ian Cameron of action Society teacher and these people I mentioned I mentioned because they are visible Cameron boy that's all social media which you've used in my opinion I don't think you've used as aggressively as maybe like Alexa negaton the power of social media outside of fancy campaigning because I know Barack Obama's team didn't have as much money as the Republicans but they invested the little bit they had into social media and your thoughts around the future of I'm not going to feed you I'm not going to pass you I'm gonna take my 10 000 rent I don't have a billion and I'm gonna pump it into making quality social media videos of cleanups in Newlands of us electrifying the roads of us cleaning pushes fixing schools what do you think of that as a as a counter to having a big pocket having young leaders use social media shout outs to the late great Ricky Rick we went to Hilton Durban CBD and he's a Hilton College oh boy um there was some awards happening that should have been 2021 Maybe [Music] uh yeah probably 2021. and this whole host some easy there's also people there in the lobby area and I met a lot of people that I met before yeah happen to be in that space um actually made Lucy for the first time yes sure and we had some some interesting some good discussions so amongst the Fanfare I mean it does this people were Fanning out things all over the show and you know you need to understand that some of us are not we're not celebrities um but you know I've had the strange requests for photographs from some people so that keeps laughing so he almost muffled under under his breath he said okay the next elections will be won on social media now I looked at him and he was talking to himself I don't know what what what what he saw yeah you know and it always plays in my mind because I do believe that that's the case that the power of social media the Power of how to rally on social media is unbelievable how to influence how to to to get messaging out it's powerful super super powerful especially today within the political space but what people need to understand because I'm not on social media like I said as early early on I'm 10 toes down that's the way I've lived my life you know there's an element on social media that is very fictional it's Hollywood it's not real as much as it may be real people there's a lot of manufacturing yeah a lot of correct um which is cool when we understand it and I've always said to myself if I ever build anything which I've done before in the business space I want it to be built organic because I don't want the thing when are you doing something you're pushing it you're advertising you get the numbers up and followings and likes and when people interrogate and they'll say actually it's not this is bought I don't want to be that guy yeah I'd rather not have it sure which is the the position I'm in now But as time goes on [Music] watch the space I told you people are not ready for what we're about to do simple as that even on the social media space you said you're not a celebrity and I I I'm assuming you meant from an entertainment perspective but you're a celebrated person for business your links to the guptas you're dead and shout out to Ricky Rickman because I'm thinking he was on the track with the indabase Dubai and big Zulu sure which trended for a while where uh sure there was a video you did uh as well in that space and I I think what Ricky said carries a lot of power and weight and I I do hope as much as you put old school with feet on the ground that the team that you work with will understand the value of let him do his work let us capture the work and then we'll punch it out there so that kids on Tick Tock uh kids on Facebook Instagram YouTube at least can see the work and I'm fascinated that you mentioned you know South Africans when they giving you a compliment on social media and they like what you have to say and normally like ah for President Clinton and and I wanted to hear your thoughts on getting or working with some of the guys I mentioned sure bringing people that are not necessarily into politics of vusi Someone Like A Trevor Noah an ambassador like a black coffee bringing those guys into yes I know you're not into politics but you guys are putting in work it's transformative it brings foreign currency in you've got the ears of international people I mean look at the work Acorn has done on the Continental would you consider collaborating and working with the guys I mentioned and some of these non-political guys that have influence and they are doing in their Industries work like yourself pinwall the black pen straight I work with anyone that's willing to work with me um all the names that you mentioned have done some amazing things I mean they're carrying that flag and they're flying it high for for brand South Africa young black female Brothers there's people doing great things you know not taking away from anyone in the entertainment space as much as I said what I said early on but not everyone can be at that level you know they're chosen for you yeah um what happens in that space and I found is the let me just say this what happens in the political space or anything that's related to politics it's very hands-off when it comes to people that are in the entertainment space we've seen people making statements and one Society via social media have come down hard on them and political um sorry just analysts in general and then secondly when people pick a side or people choose to work with someone they're seen in a different light and then what happens is all the good things you had going the next thing sponsorship is pulled away saying okay you should be supporting [Music] DZ instead of supporting penual we don't like your approach we don't believe in what it is that they're trying to do or he's trying to do or whoever so the next thing you call into the room and you wrapped over the knuckles stop saying what you're saying as a matter of fact denounce it or else there goes your show cancel culture so I feel like even though there are people in the entertainment space that have great views because a lot of them do have great views a lot of them are are active but not in a public space the afraid of the pockets being affected that's just a fact yeah because it's they get affected some have tried and they've been affected so bearing that in mind also don't want to be engaging or speaking with people who I know are gonna because I'm a hot potato bro I'm a proper Hot Potato yes I mean you don't have a bank account you might not even have money you need you need to think twice and so I'm saying anyone that's ridden with me and is writing with me I respect them yeah they understand the task at end they understand the mission they understand the pain it comes with and they've stood a lot of people have disappeared they're not ready but when we get to that Promised Land we're going to have that conversation for sure I want to shut down this conversation but I'd like you to commit to a sit down soon where they're here on another platform I want us to unpack your business history if you don't mind I'd like you to unpack working with the guptas I've got theories around what they were doing were trying to do as a certain narrative not necessarily to counter but outside of mainstream media I'd like us to chat about that I'd like us to chat about your relationships outside the country in particular in the Middle East I think that's very valuable especially for South Africans and internationally to understand you in India as an example I don't think we're gonna have time to speak about it today or at least it's going to make this much longer than um but I think in closing um so yeah it's those things the guptas Dubai you're not tired about no you see so you you live you live this and I understand I've seen specifically about this this Gupta topic so so I know you're tired because this is your life and it's been your life but especially going into a space where no I'm not tired but I'm just saying just from a consumption perspective no because that's a question I'm asked all the time I'm like oh no it's show people at Target okay you know you know the crazy thing when you spend time with young people with people on the ground things that you assume assume everyone knows they don't know got you so anyone who's on my platforms I literally have people that have so much content online I sit with someone and they're like oh my gosh I didn't know our conversation interview with DJ smooth so many people like but I thought this guy was he's not what I and you're like no ways the amount of media out there doesn't make sense so I want us to tell the story of the guptas and business from an from your perspective in a in a way because people have normally asked are they corrupt did you I don't think they've ever just just listened to a story of a young ambitious guy um the work in the Middle East India I'd like you to speak about some of the work you're doing now because again social media introducing people to the king of the Zulus and what the vision of the Zulu kingdom is some of the dignitaries you've brought into this country some of the business visions that you've had if we speak about it now it's going to be another two hours so I'm asking you to please commit to another sit down but in closing I'd like you to close by fully whenever whenever even if it's in Durban hopefully different setting maybe by the beach pretty people we can do that uh I'd like you to this is your chance now to campaign why must why must people vote for you I I hear you saying people must rise up people must have accountability you like people that act you're on the ground but this is your chance now to for someone who's going to be like okay just sell yourself to me why must I vote for you next year looking people need to understand one thing you're not voting for me you're voting for yourselves I am a conduit I am Who You Are I am your issue I understand your issue I've grown up in those issues I've come out of those issues I've been hounded and I'm still standing the story of me as a black person as a young black person in this country is the story of everyone else's issues in this country so you're not voting for me you're voting for yourself you need to place yourself in a position where you're able to make a difference you're looking for an opportunity you need to walk to that opportunity if it's going to be through me being that person who's going to kick that door down I'm happy to do so if there's someone else then go to that someone else I can tell you now they're not there you look around they're not there why are they not there because this is a very treacherous Journey it's a very dangerous Journey not many people are up to that task people like sitting and talking like this is easy and okay no do the song and dance you know do a backflip I'm not here to do backflips with people I've achieved in my life I'll continue to achieve all I'm saying is if we want to get to that point where we're having conversations where we're sitting around the table and we're earning I'm your guy if you want to continue on the track of the same old ish then continue it's all good [Music] then we all have the conversation but the opportunity of a lifetime for the current youth of today the generation of today is next year there's not many weapons you have there's not many tools of making a difference you have at the moment the first one you have is a power of the X simple as that why there's people that have mastered the art of not of not having the popular vote but controlling how this country runs always saying is bro Step Up your ex hasn't meant anything what I'm saying is this time it means everything and you have to do that if it's through me or if it's through someone else all I'm saying is I'm here [Music] let's go let's do it let's get these three majorities to the conversation let's get them to the front line let's get them to a point where it's normal victimhood that's being bosses boss plays building up to a position where I know I'm not going to benefit from what's Happening Now I've I've missed that benefit of what's going to happen next year in the political space this is for the Next Generation this is for my kids who are four five six years old this is for them it's not for me not going to benefit anything now you're not going to benefit the people in this room are not going to benefit but what they're doing is they're saying we're this generation we're going to play our part for the next guys coming up succession hand me down generational we need to create that wealth we're not doing so it needs to start somewhere and if we don't do it next year then for the next 50 100 years we're going to be sitting and having these very same conversations a lot of people sitting around tables and sounding clever and ain't doing anything about it it's a starting point let's start somewhere the solutions we all know what we need to do everybody knows what we need to do we understand the issues you bring anyone into this room they know what the problems are in this country we need to go from thought process we need to go from planning into execution we're going straight into execution mode because that's the one thing that we fail to do as a government in this country is execute make decisions build create wealth open up the space for opportunities and employment we haven't done that it's a lot of talk shop it's a meeting after meeting it's debate after debate it's commission after commission it's tiring it's boring but if you're going to come along this journey with myself you better have your work boots on in your gloves because we're going to be doing back breaking work you're not going to be seeing me sitting in the back pointing and directing traffic I'm on the front line with you we're cleaning up feces in the streets then we're doing that and if it's not your cup of tea then don't come on this journey because if we're not able to do that if you're not able to fix the simple things potholes access to water then we've got no business talking about nationalizing Reserve Bank not going to happen let's perfect the simple things we're here to deal with the simple things and then once we sort out the the structural reforms it's game over but people mustn't say ah he surprised us no this is the aim this is what we're going to do is it going to upset people 100 percent [Music] but for the benefit of the greater good because if we do not bring the majority along this journey the voiceless majority the poorest of the poor well there's going to be no country to speak of that's where it will be thank you thank you very much sir um from the bottom of my heart from when I first met you I'd like to thank you for embracing me as a brother for respecting me as a person everywhere we go together I see how you treat other human beings and initially I thought maybe it was teachings from your dad it's fascinating that you're you're shouting out your mom you know which is very important for me especially as black people to acknowledge our mothers who do so much um I'm looking forward to us having more conversations I'm looking forward to you setting more of an example of work in action while people think it's just PR stunting um and for coming through it means a lot to me and I'm I'm looking forward to our next return to design a Zuma for president 2024 for myself you're not just going to cut out like that I have to say you can't tell I have to shout you out pin all the black pen for pushing as much as you come under a lot of criticism for your views and and how you place your views in the public space you stand your ground you stick to your script which is your script that no one else's you're in your own lane and there's no one that can deviate you from that because it's your lane I respect that because a lot of people any pressure comes they start fumbling wobbling and you know quiet yeah so I respect what it is that you do I appreciate what it is that you do um there needs to be more voices real voices out there uh voices that are not scared to say what on people's minds at the tip of their tongues um and more importantly I appreciate the relationship um that that we are building you know we still have a long way to go but it's taken a very positive step we've you know it's grown in leaps and and Bounds and like I said I'm a hot potato and for you may sing with me I know I know you know what that means um you know which leads me to to the point I'm trying to make You're Not Afraid um you're courageous you're bold and that's why you're gonna get to wherever it is that you're trying to get to and hopefully when you get there you won't forget about some of us get out of here I hope you don't forget about some of us um we need more people like you in the system we need more people that are willing to speak the truths um and everyone needs to play their partner thank you so much bro let's go out thank you
Channel: KONVO
Views: 402,144
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Id: 38dG8sZca6Q
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Length: 151min 17sec (9077 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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