Vtuber Reacts to PancreasNoWork - Do or Don't: Necrons

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we're currently streaming mechanicus here on the YouTube channel so I thought I'd take this opportunity to learn more about my enemy in the past of almost every fantasy or sci-fi setting there's always some sort of ancient precursor civilization a culture that set the stage for everything that was to come and indirectly or directly guided the civilizations of the modern day to their current form this video is not about those guys this video is about the stone cold bastards that murder the precursors for being dicks and then woke up millions of years later to do it to everyone else a faction of Androids hellbent on conquering in slaving and ing the Lesser races of the Galaxy that dare to trespass on their property which is everything do you like robots wielding enough Firepower to make Sarah Connor cry because if so then this is the Army for [Music] you is it this so the T for just do thing yeah it is 65 million years ago they lived the necron tier and boy did their lives suck short and brutal because they lived on one of those planets in Stellaris with nothing but negative modifiers so they ask the old ones for help with becoming Immortal or at least not having their body mass be 50% cancer cells and the Old One's response suck a fat one necron tier real nice guys those old ones in response the necron here created Gods called the Katan out of space thust they found floating around and those Katan proceeded us semi unwillingly turned them into soulless Egyptian space Terminators and then they murdered the old ones after that the Katan decided to eat each other for more power because a clown told them to as revenge for devouring all of their soul a clown told them to is that one of the Harley quins or maybe it's the god they worship that's what they're called right the specific race of elar the now renamed necron shattered their gods into tiny tiny pieces unfortunately it took a lot of to do this and this was still at the point in the galactic timeline where the Orcs were the size of parking garages and the Elder could politely ask Kane if he wouldn't mind deleting that massive necron Army over there m okay yeah during the war in heaven right I think that's what it was called because back then the Orcs were much more impressive than they currently are so they took a nap for 65 million years now they're back ready to to reclaim the Galaxy maybe get their organic bodies back and definitely beat the [ __ ] out of everyone in a 50,000 Lightyear radius for those of you not vers in astronomy that's the Galaxy because the neck rounds are going to win 40K and there's nothing you can do to stop it there's of course as always plenty more but for the background of the lore that's what you need to know so I go for the Tin Man's murderous extended family if you want a faction that just screams ancient power then more than anything you want the necrons now you might be saying hang on a minute what about the Orcs or the Eldar i s for like a desperate high schooler trying to get laid for the first time or even the Imp with all its stuff being thousands of years old well first of all look at the Orcs I understand they were technically around to fight the nekron when the old ones created the green lands but would you really call the [ __ ] box one of them threw together in 5 minutes an ancient work of Wonder y me neither and while the Elder are just as old as necrons they don't have that ancient feeling the necrons give off I look at the Eldar and I think space elf which certainly carries connotations of being but not in the same way the ancient Egyptian Mecha pyramid that unleashes sleeping Terminator zombies does as for the Imperium well 6,000 years old is pretty old but 65 5 million years old has that beat by a fair margin but just because they're old as [ __ ] doesn't mean they're not going to kick ass along with the Orcs And tyranids if they weren't constantly shown to be losing the nekron are one of the most likely factions to win Warhammer if that would ever happen I mean come on Ancient technology more advanced than anything else uncountable Legions of incredibly strong unyielding Warriors unsurpassed drip I love my elves but man the nekron are sitting pretty I suppose that makes sense because like they're just an unending Force right uh but I mean the tyranid Swarms and and I mean yeah while the Orcs aren't like as technologically impressive they do just kind of keep respawning don't they so like and shut down chaos too sure the pylons on Cadia got destroyed but unlike other factions they can build more of their cool stuff once the right people wake up they made a death star once they have something that can destroy any star in the galaxy at the touch of a fingertip sure they don't use it because it might trigger a Cascade of supernova Galaxy wide but imagine if they start losing sure would be a shame if yeah that's right I learned learned about this from pancreas nok's other video about 40K isn't that overpowered and I think he mentioned this someone's robotic finger slipped on the button that destroys the solar system and Cooks the emperor now what a great way to describe how fighting the nekron goes I can't die it is impossible that about sums it up when a nekron dies it usually doesn't sometimes they just stand right back up after they get filled with lead sometimes they just teleport away sometimes they self-destruct but the thing is their self-destruction looks just like they're teleporting so in the lore no one can ever sa for certain if they've truly been destroyed and on the tabletop if you lose you can just say nuh-uh they all teleported away how do you know they didn't there's also Untold billions of necrons in the Galaxy so you're not exactly short of numbers to throw at the enemy they're just taking an app asol waiting for a tech Prest to come DD the wrong piece of tech and wake them up as for in my opinion one of the biggest Pros they're the only faction that's 100% no [ __ ] robots not even the mechanic is is that because they have to at least have a little bit of an arm or a brain in their bodies to say it isn't Tech heresy but the nekron's straight up alien robots and they look robotic too as opposed to some of the mechanicus stuff that looks like Leonardo da Vinci got bored and started dueling in his notebook when he was painting a church ceiling and speaking of being robotic they've got the most advanced Tech in the setting you know what I'm just saying it I don't care about little Timmy the Imperium Fanboys insistant at the Dark Age of Technology totally had better stuff than the necrons guys the necrons have the best tech everyone else is lagging behind I mean their quote unquote gods are beings inherently connected to the physical laws of reality how could they not have the best tech so if high-tech robots are your thing you want the necron as simple as that and yet despite all being Killer Robots they still got a lot of variation in their lore the dynastes of the necrons can have some pretty varied motivations do forgive me while I try and pronounce these names you've got the Empire of the Seer necron who's programming got a bit [ __ ] Wy from radiation and now they all fall under the command of the Tomb world's main AI to enslave and kill the living you've got the S Dynasty who are a bunch of pirate space robots which God that's [ __ ] cool you've got the classic proud warrior guys with the Novak Dynasty and their special characters are just as varied as the dynasties are there's tra in the infinite who just wants to make a really big Museum filled with living dioramic from across time and space you guys were telling me about this during one of the streams about tra in the infinite guy seems like a very interesting character for sure neur zandri is a schizophrenic Monty Python character in space who's just determined to have fun with his new status as a mortal soulless robot good for him I say and who could forget good old Illuminator Saras the robot who seeks to become God by performing live Viv sections on people he kidnaps no I don't understand how that's supposed to work and to be honest with you I don't think he does either so all in all a lot of variety but like the design on that guy is incredible I really like it let me take a closer look at this yeah look at that he looks so much different from the other necrons the usual necrons that we see and while they have that like Egyptian type theme going on this guy seems to Branch out from that a little more than the others and if none of that works for you just make your own one up say your dynasty was in an isolated sector of the Galaxy and only just woke up and Presto unlimited room whatever you want relatedly they can be as evil or as good as you want them to be the silent King supposedly respect anguinus and is mainly focused on killing the tyranids it may only be because the necrons can't transplant themselves back into Flesh and Blood bodies if everyone gets vored but that's still pretty good by 40K standards meanwhile the average nekron Warrior unflinchingly murders children because they're not necrons see plenty of options for you to choose from on the 40K morality Spectrum everyone is a bad guy but some are slightly less bad guys funny enough the necrons are the most likely faction to save the Galaxy from chaos they have no souls to feed the gods with and their Tech shuts down the war Humanity had to create a God just to have a chance and the god proceeded to [ __ ] it all up the necrons just flip the chaos begone switch and they're laughing as the demons scream that's not fair before they get sucked back to hell with they're Al nekron models are also absolutely gorgeous sure some like The nightbringer Shard look a little outdated but he's still looking all right and since ninth Edition revamped a lot of the models and brought some new ones with it I don't honestly think there's a single necron model available to buy that looks bad some are resin yeah but most are plastic and overall they look exactly like they should I don't have anything funny to say here they just look good if the model's name ends with maner it's going to look especially cool fin finally the necrons are by far the easiest Army to paint at least in my opinion sorry Space Marines even easier than you you know when you need to paint them you need four paints some primer a metallic color a wash like no noil and green that's it and if you want you can substitute green for another color that looks suitably like an LED light bulb if you really want to get into it add some black or gray to the weapon so it isn't all metal just use those colors and congratulations your nekron army is decently painted now how about the rules what's in their favor first off reanimation protocols how can I describe them I can't die essentially yeah I forget exactly which codex you guys were referencing but it looks like the necrons used to be pretty op or maybe they weren't op and they got fixed something along those lines but the fact that every single time they die you can roll in order to revive them is uh pretty nutty it's impossible I'll use that joke as often as I want thank you very much long story short when you take casualties you roll some dice equal to the amount of wounds that the units you lost had when you roll a five or a six on a die it's now a a valid die take all your valid dice when you're done rolling that many wounds worth of models are getting back up and giving your enemy the finger so if you roll well you can go from a squad of nekron warriors with one model left to a squad of nekron warriors with all but one model still left and maybe your Elites take a bit of a pounding as well well at least a few of them are going to be standing back up too see you in hell everybody else sure for the most part it's only on a five or a six they're coming back but it's a free way to undo casualties what they're to complain about my free revive option isn't 100% reliable [ __ ] you no one else has is that just because second nekron units are basically unroutable with leadership 10 across the board for reference primara Space Marines generally have a leadership of seven with sometimes up to nine for the real big boys like cap wait there's still still a leadership stat even on like the tabletop game I know that there is for Total War but I thought that was just a total war thing that's interesting the tabletop seems incredibly intricate yeah they shall know no fear my ass so while in theory you can still take casualties for morale penalties and practice Yeah the robots aren't going to be going anywhere reanimation protocols don't work on units lost from aale penalties unfortunately but again you likely won't be taking huge losses from this necron units are also generally very hard to kill as well even ignoring reanimation protocols necron units are still pretty tough nuts to crack they're reasonably powerful same toughness of Space Marines have not higher and honestly in terms of cost efficiency are probably the best troops in the game period at least when it comes to their durability anyway if all you want from your army is something that'll stay in the board and stubbornly refuse to die then they're in the perfect Sweet Spot between cheap and effective they're not as cheap as the humble Guardsmen of course but they're infinitely more powerful on the other end of the spectrum they're not quite as strong as Space Marines but they're also cheaper also did you know they kind of have magic it's weird but necrons do indeed have wizard units called cryptic wizard like Anyway essentially they use super Advanced Tech that's indistinguishable for magic to do their funky [ __ ] they come in several different flavors for they not magic depending on your wants and needs I believe they do their thing in the movement phase if I'm not mistaken and if I am mistaken then undoubtedly someone will let me know in the comments movement phase so okay just from this one video I'm picking up a lot about the tabletop so there's different phases movement probably PL planning whatever strategy attack defense uh I'm just going to throw some of those out there I'm thinking of it as like Yu-Gi-Oh phases but yeah interesting I think we've already run into some of the cryp Texs during our mechanicus streams and they hit really hard from what I remember if they're using Tech though I guess they're not really like channeling warp energy like the psychers would and instead they're just using their own ancient Tech which is probably another reason why like the demons would be at a serious disadvantage against these guys they've got command protocols as well which are cool basically they're Buffs that you pick the order you want them to go in and then as each turn passes you activate another one assuming you weren't gimped immediately into the match the necrons actually can get stronger as the game progresses though what some caveats will get into I mean I guess if half your arm is wiped out turn one including your warlord they're not that helpful but in that case not receiving a buff to your movement speed is far from the biggest of your worries normally you can't change the order they activate in but if you use the silent King once a battle you can switch on one you prefer instead of the one that was slotted to go first the necrons are also solid in both melee and shooting phases a wall of nekron Warriors is going to melt things in front of them if you pick your targets right and as for melee I mean look at the scoree Destroyers would you want to be anywhere near one of these things sure as H at all lastly as with all Warhammer armies that are Undead in one way or another when you ly use your character units your Mainline troops are getting buffed to high heal for making reanimation protocols easier to buffing their movement nekron leaders can turn an already scary force into a goddamn nightmare have you ever seen a unit of 20 nekron Warriors get brought down to five in a single go only to bounce back right to 15 Warriors because some [ __ ] held a Magic Orb near them to let them phone Life Alert to pick them back up that's the kind of [ __ ] real life Leadership checks are made out of but for their cons they have plenty to match the pros for one the necrons are kind of the ultimate proof that GW will switch around Decades of lore at the drop of a hat did you know the necrons were originally chaos Androids isn't that [ __ ] funny to hear about nowadays kadio would have turned out a lot differently if that was the case BL the hell up a lot sooner but beyond that they went from being soulless personality Androids to being tomb Kings in space now personally I like the changes because it gives more room for the necrons to have actual character driven Stories the Mindless robot isn't exactly something I'm going to give a [ __ ] about I yeah for sure I think Ricky also talked about this during his video it's been such a long time since we watched that but yeah they they revamped the lore and I'm glad that they did because it this ties back into basically one of the major events within the timeline of 40K itself that it's really cool to see got to be honest with you but if you like the old necrons well you're probably still bitching about the changes and even if you didn't like them be aware that GW can change everything you like about them as it suits them this goes for every faction in the game of course but the necron seem particularly vulnerable to it we may wake up one day and find out that trason is just metal Sly Cooper as for in Universe flaws well the necrons certainly aren't a small small force and have the backing of all of their old attack unlike literally everyone else believe it or not the amount of them in the galaxy is very much finite they don't make more of cell so everyone destroyed is another permanent loss double forther Katon shards granted destroying one of them is damn near impossible but if it does somehow blow up that's a permanent loss something to keep in mind about the necrons if you imagine them as complete Terminators in space there's no nekron factory making them anywhere now this one might just be a weird personal preference of mine but when I get into a fictional Universe I like to imagine that everyone has a soul even if that sort of thing isn't explicitly part of the setting I'm not getting into theology here so please keep your Reddit atheism to yourself it's just nice to think that the characters I get attached to have a happy ending even in death now with that in mind 40K is a setting where the at life explicitly exists granted usually sucks balls for most people but it is a thing but the necrons don't have souls nothing not a zip when one of them goes kaput that's it nothing after death but sweet sweet nothing arguably given what the necrons go through many of their leaders desperately miss the days of being Flesh and Blood this is a positive but if you like to imagine that your guys get go to the Great PC hard drive in the sky after their death or even the Purgatory vanilla or Soul Stone then I'm sorry but there's nothing for you here with the next yeah for the necrons it's je over he did mention something about like the necrons Longing To once again have flesh and I think that's kind of the lore for the flade ones and some of the other necrons who were just alive for too long kind of got a bit crazy they started skinning their enemies and trying to put their skin on them I I think that's the lore surrounding those guys it's just sad to see while also very terrifying if you're facing off against them on the battlefield the average necron also has zero personality again nothing not a zip you get the idea so if you like to imagine that each of your models has something going on with their lives beyond becoming a casualty in your war game you are once again out of luck only the tyranids have less individual personality than you and yes I'm including the Orcs in this who all love the same things fighting and winning at least individual green skin wants something in their life even if that's something is always just more fighting more winning and more things to fight and win with they also have defeat as part of their backstory which is kind of lame and by defeat I don't mean a massive cataclysm like the Eldar giving birth to slesh or mankind losing other technology they lost the war in heaven you can argue whose fault it was but at the end of the day they had to go to bed for millions of years and the Elder got to have so much kinky sex they created a god of it so yeah defeat is inherently part of the necrons also sometimes they wake up robotic dementia because as it turns out even super Advanced Computers de grade after several thousand Millennia of zero maintenance what other nitpicks do I have for their non Ral stuff ah yes if you don't like metal colors you don't like the necrons you see all this all of this is metal the models themselves are very distinct and creative but the coloration for them not so much you can yeah I I guess that's a point but like as somebody who's not very I guess likes to use a lot of color in their designs yeah I think these look cool and I mean just like the different moving parts that they've got here it just looks I don't know it looks beautiful to me at least the mechanicus also have a a similar thing going on and I really like their design so yeah I guess it just works out varied up a bit with some Rust and different glowy colors but at the end of the day all these guys are going to look like they just marched out of the same Toyota dealership ready to kill I also think they're about middle of the pack price-wise certainly not the cheapest ones on the Block for which you need to make a comprehensive Army but they aren't like the guard of the tyranids where you need to put off a mortgage payment to own one of these guys so he'll be spending a fair amount of money in the NEC rounds but it could be worse I guess and with that lukewarm Point here we go for the rules down sides the necrons are slow buffing their movement with command protocols and leader ores only helps so much at best you're getting brought up to everyone else's average movement speed and if anything happens to the thing buffing your army you're going to go right back to moving at a snail's pace the ne runs may be a wall of death and destruction but the funny thing about walls is that they generally don't move very fast the neck rounds as of late have also had some trouble dealing damage against either armored targets or ones with a lot of wounds and with the armor of contemp thing that got added it only got worse they used to cut through armor like it was rotten butter now they have some issues you aren't completely defenseless against it so don't have a panic attack the moment someone sets down a Leman Russ under the game board but be aware that you may have a bit of difficulty cutting it down as an undead Army well like I said their leaders buff the [ __ ] out of their units and in general are very good for what you pay for them the problem here is that if you hear characters die your army is going to [ __ ] it's even worse than usual for the necrons because command protocols need a model with a noble keyword to be in charge and a lie for them to actually happen if that model dies you don't get Buffs anymore okay a lot of these words don't really mean much to me but I'm going to try to pick up from the context here that yeah you kind of need your leader or like I guess your priest like unit to buff your units in order for your other regular units to even be effective and earlier on there was like this rule set with directive one directive two he was talking about like different turns and whatnot and getting different Buffs so you kind of have to play around that I I guess maybe I could try to draw a comparison to like a a necromancy Army type deal with like the vampire Lords in Total War maybe something like that but just a little different and obviously more Terminator like and I mean I think it fits thematically if they're just a slow moving Wall of Death cuz yeah that's what they are they don't really care about taking damage cuz they would just come back anyways turns out an army of 99% mindless drones can't do much thinking on their own what a shocker speaking of command protocols just aren't that good they're certainly helpful and they don't hurt you but they aren't exactly stealing the show away from other factions special abilities adding a little bit of armor penetration of your Rolla 6 is nice but I'm not exactly gushing [ __ ] out of every hole I have over it your centerpiece un also aren't as great as you might think they are now don't get me wrong anyone who doesn't have a plan and the ability to defeat a Katon Shard is going to get their [ __ ] pushed so far up their [ __ ] it'll be coming out of their mouth but the thing is just about every arm in the game has something that's able to deal with that Shard even if it's just running away from it because they're faster than it is I'm not an expert at balancing by any means but even to my limited knowledge it seems like the necron Heavy Hitters either need a stat increase or a price decrease to make them truly shine again they aren't bad just not as good as you might hope for what you're paying for them lastly while you do technically have magic powers that's exactly what they are technically magic you don't have any actual magic your psychic phase is essentially going to involve hoping your enemy rolls Perils of the warp and if they don't hoping that the magic Missile they send your way rolls poorly for damage psychic stage I I guess there's literally a particular stage in the tabletop game for you to cast your magic powers whereas since the necrons aren't exactly using that then their Tech magic wouldn't count during that phase maybe turns out the Elder didn't win the war in Heaven by asking the necrons for a timeout they won it by waving their hands and turning the necrons into frogs and other elf [ __ ] and there you go more or less the essentials for the necrons to decide if you want to go for them or not one less positive to end on however is that the necrons have probably the best non- Imperium books in the game I'm adding this at the end instead of near the beginning because there's a lot of didn't cover for the necron that more than any other faction I think deserves attention the infinite of the Divine twice dead King the necrons have a lot of interesting lore that really can't be done Justice in a single video so even if you don't end up purchasing a nekron army grab some of their books you won't regret it thank you of course to my channel members you are the reanimation protocols to my nekron warrior unit ensuring I always come back to Live Another Day consider becoming one or subscribing because I want to reach the funny number and then get the funny silver plaque though perhaps I'm a littleit too hopeful on that second one thank you for watching take care out there my man already has gone to Silver plaque pretty sure [Music] okay now this is completely unrelated to anything about the necrons but here's a scenario for you you're in the climic of some novel or movie or whatever and you're arch nemesis SL Ral SLX lover whatever and you are about to throw down their theme song starts playing what song do you not want to hear personally I'm going to say I don't want to hear Holding Out for a Hero because not only am I about to get my ass kicked I'm not even the good guy in this scenario now also you are now thinking of the Shrek 2 finale what h
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 5,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pancreasnowork reaction, warhammer 40k reaction, warhammer reaction, necrons reaction, pancreas no work reaction, warhammer 40k vtuber, reaction, warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k lore, 40k, vtuber reaction to warhammer 40k, vtuber reacts to warhammer 40k, 40k lore reaction, vtuber reacts to warhammer, vtuber reacts to pancreasnowork
Id: XocjJTgCP28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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