Vtuber Reacts to NOOB'S GUIDE to NAKAI the WANDERER

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work like the hot tubs in the Playboy Mansion teaming with life and overflowing with DNA oh my God seen some of you guys mention nikai The Wanderer as your favorite leader and just from his name I'm going to Hazard a guess and say that he's more of like a a hoorde faction leader welcome to a noobs guide to nikai The Wanderer this is nikai The Wanderer hold on where is he okay there he is this is nikai The Wanderer he travels the world in search of bubble gum and asses to kick and there's no bubble gum and Warhammer this gnarled cagor has spent a millennium Meandering across lustria like dude look at the scars on this man he looks so badass and I think from the cinematic trailers he was in the DLC where they were kind of parodying Jurassic Park that was a fun one p from fist to the North Star punching anybody his way so hard they explode and then probably eating them because you know he's a walk-in crocodile Croc are one of the core species of the lizard men and like the skinks they're the Bottom Rung laborers born to a life of toil in pseudo slavery but apparently Crocs gor of the first spawning had a lower [ __ ] tolerance because after his first battle nikai said balls to all of that and went on the lamb deciding to go on permanent walk because there's only so many times you can tell a giant crocodile to go digy do something before they diger don't in N Kai's case he was told to hold the bridge of stars against an invading chaos Army and like the Viking at Stanford Bridge he proved that numbers don't really count for much it choke points and after 3 days of autoerotic asphixiation the hordes of chaos decided that maybe it was better to go be evil somewhere else preferably far far away from the that's great that's awesome but it's interesting to learn this I guess maybe well it's probably not as bad of a system as like the scaven and like the scaven Slavs who are just literally just Cannon F but yeah depending on the type of Lizardman that you are you're probably going to be put into a particular class within their society looks like man respect to Niki The Wanderer here though for climbing out of that with just brot strength hi then like all good action heroes daai turned his back on the explosion and disappeared into the jungle reappearing from it again only when a scrap of truly epic proportions is brewing sometimes the only warning an isolated Lizardman Temple has of an impending attack is when this absolute unit is seen sunbathing outside the walls naturally armored from head to toe and the 's body is a patchwork of scars and golden trophies little thank yous hammered into his thick scales by grateful skinks for saving them at the 11th Hour like some sort of scaly Gandalf but when you rock balls as big as carnosaur you can only slink off into the background unnoticed so many times and now though he fights alone nikai is saddled with a Flying Circus of followers and Hangers On a literal horde of Woodby worshippers and Copans piling into their hatchbacks to Shadow His tour of CrossCountry destruction pausing only long enough to bathe daily an Axe Body Spray which makes nikai the lizard men's only horde faction in the game and since hord factions in Total War Games have typically fared about as well as the US men's team in the world cup CA decided to mix it up a bit now you'll have one main horde that lets you construct ways to recruit units and any additional armies will then steal from that one using the global recruitment tool I watched mandalore's video on Total War Warhammer 2 about these hord factions and a lot of you guys I've said they fixed a lot of these things I guess when it comes to H factions it can be pretty fun especially if you don't like the more City management or territory management side of the game and you can just focus on the battles so I do see the appeal hopefully in Warhammer 3 they they might have balanced all this out and and it feels much more fun than it was in two cuz personally I haven't touched the game myself so I don't really know what my kind of style would be think about it like to show The Walking dead where your other hordes Fear The Walking Dead and Talking Dead only exist so long as the original hype does so it's a good thing nikai is basically an immortal battering ram but if you want to set a speed record for raw doging lustria you can't be bothered by things like food sleep STDs or building management The Defenders of the great plan sound like a third rate cult but as your personal pocket vassel faction you just hand over any cities you conquer to them and they do the hard oh oh s captured so you just give it to one of the other lizardmen I guess that works out you have different bonuses for doing that too you just wander around and show up at the first of month for your cut of the cash they let you keep on rocking while your skink groupies following your way can clean up your sloppy seconds like those tiny fish that attach to the bottom of sharks that I can't be asked to look up the name of each City can then be refounded to a god of the old ones with the left one giving you bonuses to douchy sarus Warriors the middle one boosting virgin sland Wizards and the right one injecting even more steroids into the already Chad cagor but if you are already smart enough to pick the alpha crocodile thei to play it's really no contest which gods you back here but as a hippie dippy wandering horde faction you can't trade with anyone since boxes labeled somewhere on the amaxon river isn't exactly a location that means to gain income you'll need to loot sack eat and teabag anything in your path so I hope you bookmark the answers to the land puzzle boxes because seriously who designed these you need what is that you what I can't make heads are Tales of this do you like try to connect the the blue color lines to the blue ones or the yellow ones to the yellow [Music] ones there's a like a similar system to this in mechanicus which we're streaming here on the YouTube channel like there are different glyphs and some of the glyphs if you like memorize them they're like they give you good things and other ones give you bad effects but eventually like the mechanicus learn and the good ones are highlighted the bad ones are red this one I might not have that kind of mechanic and I feel like it would probably just be best to like look up a guide since this is a a likely a one in four chance unless you're willing to sit here and actually figure this out which I I don't really know how where to start with this Photoshop to find the answer with yet another starting position in lustria you'll get sick these things by the time you finish taking over the continent but with a number of vacant ruins around clearly absolutely not inhabited by rat men your start should be super easy but on a mortal okay well there's the answer I think the scaven have a particular thing with them where whenever they occupy a city it doesn't look like they occupy it on the Overworld map and it just ruins but you know they're they're there in the UND City and whatnot so yeah it looks like if you're going to play the loserman you're going to have to beat down all the rats around you first Empire's campaign the guy typically dies around turn 15 because he starts way across the ocean on the Foggy Island of albon nothing says home to a crocodile like yearr round fog and rain because you know one time the sland wizard mazam Mundi thought it would be funny to zap nikai across the ocean make him fight in a battle royale to control the island and then leave his ass there oh hey look nikai wandered off again I'm starting to think there's a pattern forming here there comes a certain point when you have to accept not all who wander are lost and they might just be avoiding you if you start a Vortex campaign though he's somehow managed to swim all the way back home again and now has an army of conistor to deal with your campaign objective though is refreshingly straightforward these 4 A- holes here are plundering your home go deal with them and then when you've turned them into crocodile dung do the same thing to their boss fuzzy legalis and to help you chew that suspiciously toned backside you'll get a few new units to play play with surprising no one the cagor Lord gets new cagor except now they're sacred which means they stole the gauntlet from doomfist overwat and then put them on both hands and bang them together so that they spark lightning it's about impossible to describe these guys in PG-13 or less with these sacred Crocs you got monsters ready to charge in and put their fists so deep in the enemy nope so they'll take both yeah I was wondering where are we going with that I see Co is a another man of culture hands and spread those you know what forget it you use sacred cagor to charge in and pound the enemy until they can't take it anymore how's that nikai then Buffs the hell out of these guys and is meant to make an already powerful penetrator into the John holes special and with new technology that gives fear and even more stats you can trample whatever comes your way without bothering with things like strategy but they do tend to get kited if you're not careful so if you need to play from range the new Razer Dawn hunting pack look like someone heard a vague description of a porcupine I mean they look cool but they're not exactly Riven in content they're just salamanders with armor piercing the unit everyone is excited about though is this Behemoth The yeah I think this is like the biggest unit in the entire game thus far like even in Warhammer 3 pretty sure like it's just these guys who have the largest mass dread Saran it comes in two flavors feral and oneman army it's big it has teeth it munches things just like a carnosaur except it twice the size the feral dread soran is like someone asked an artist what's cooler than a T-Rex and because that's impossible they just drew a dragon well Drake technically because it doesn't have wings and that's a fandom you do not want rile but the nonf faral dread soran is where it's at it even gets a how on its back that's the word for the tiny house on the back of elephants it comes from the Arabic word for bed carried by a camel which comes from the American word for homeless and living out of your camel but you don't dread Sor have all the teeth plus some skinks with blow pipes on their backs meaning you can stick these suckers in and basically let them go to town and they don't Rampage which is the big drawback to ncai's armies in general everything goes berserk in Rampages so in his campaign it's a matter of pulling a Mike Tyson and biting as many people as possible before they stop you I mean it kind of that doesn't get any Buffs to dread soran but he's meant to elevate cagor out of the suck so you can't really blame him and you know you're in a good place when giant man eating crocodiles are your least interesting unit I mean yeah right ah I can just imagine like if you can get to a certain point in the campaign where you just have like an entire stack of these what are they called dread Sans just March straight into the end week like what are they going to do right like what are they going to do they're just going to get eaten oh man that would be so cool to see probably incredibly impractical and not a very good decision well I don't really know how that works but I would assume that having a good balance of units might be better but yeah it just looks cool they're two ton murder machines with a finishing move called the death roll but cagor have always gotten the short end of the lore stick and Warhammer I mean they're described as oversized dimwitted brutes and the new ancient fragor General unit is ruffling feathers online because suddenly people believe you can't just be a strong idiot and Lead an army though somehow this doesn't apply to the likes of luu Achilles Ajax or insert your favorite world leader here the real problem here is that Warhammer lore is sometimes dumb and nobody wants to admit it and I can't really blame ca for wanting to change it the best example I can give is that the Lizardman temples are and I kid you not giant Stone spaceships and the lizard men themselves are are all clones who generate from a BS primordial goop Matrix that they stole from the crappy Superman origin story of the 1980s which basically means that the spawning pools of the lizard men work like the hot tubs in the Playboy Mansion teaming what life and overflowing with DNA oh my God okay well that's actually a great analogy oh man Cody what a great Li but yeah I heard from you guys was it Lord croak or was it Master Mundy that apparently like during the end times they are still there in age of Sigmar because they blasted off in their pyramid like spaceships their Temple spaceships so that line didn't phase me but yeah I would say that Warhammer lore it's fine if it's dumb as long as it's cool and epic like I I I don't really I'm not really looking for the intricacies of a really Incredible World building even though I would say that Warhammer World building is pretty awesome and uh I'm really enjoying myself but like I wouldn't want to sacrifice cool over that like dinosaurs riding on dinosaurs into battle with the literal hand of God on its right hand and shooting laser beams on from its left hand and you know all that stuff right don't need a logical explanation for it if it's cool but I do appreciate it if there is one can only guess the Games Workshop went with this because actual lizard procreation is too graphic for delicate English sensibilities see lizards have not one but two semi wangs meaning they can inflate them from inside their bodies and go from zero to threesome and less time then it takes you to say censored so instead they now spawn fully formed from Magic pools and imp fing otherwise would violate the Great British firewall and threaten to throw Society into such a tizzy not seen since that one time Reginald forgot to offer biscuits at tea and I just know it's because of what Aunt Dedra said about his Timothy last week or maybe lizard men are like trout and they can only breed in their own birthplace I I don't know this is a world where dinosaurs can teleport and chain mail bikinis count as armor but this DLC finally makes cagor the feared Ambush Predator they were always meant to be and nikai himself human incarnation of the Wrath of the Jungle charging out from the green death with perfect Vigor for himself in his army when he gets his golden tributes nikai proves not only that CA doesn't hate lizard men but they are in fact their favorite faction and are shown disgusting amounts of favoritism but should you play as nikai well if you're given a fresh hot apple pie do you want to slam your face into it and go to town if so nikai your Croc yeah okay there he goes again and I feel like that one was my fault that was one pun too many any who thanks for watching and nikai is available as part of the hunter in the Beast DLC for Warhammer 2 releasing on September 11th can somebody put a lowjack on this guy Jesus I was a bit worried about nikai because Mandalore did talk about how the The Horde factions are kind of bad but they have been fixed and I mean nikai just looks awesome and Cody has a lot of positive things to say about him so like yeah i' definitely be down uh got to save up some money first but like with that DLC damn getting those giant dinosaurs and the caragor that can just destroy you absolutely annihilate you with a thunder fist like yeah those are really cool designs I I love this a lot of course if you haven't already go and Sport Cody link is in the description and if you want to see more Warhammer check out the playlist that has magically appeared on screen thanks for watching and catch you in the next one
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 6,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer reaction, warhammer 40k reaction, total war warhammer reaction, cody bonds noobs guide reaction, warhammer, warhammer 40k, total war warhammer, noobs guide to nakai, noobs guide to nakai the wanderer, warhammer vtuber reaction, vtuber, reaction
Id: RaeVg-GTJqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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