Vtuber Reacts to PancreasNoWork - Do or Don't: Adeptus Mechanicus

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all of a sudden some mechanicus adap comes flying on of the battlefield from orbit scream about how Imperial science is the finest in the Galaxy oh man I'd love to see that no sense being koi with the intro you already know what this video is going to be about so for once in this Channel's history how about I just say My ultimate opinion right out of the gate I like the mechanic is a lot are there some grievances I have with them yeah of course but the one of the things I like most about 40K is a setting H well I mean the mechanicus are very very cool I too like them a lot simply because of all their augmentations and the fact that they have a very unique position within the Imperium of man slight curiosity almost borderline heresy but you know nobody can really do anything about it and unlike many many things in Warhammer they aren't directly ripping too many things off sure there's the hatred of AI That's pretty likely inspired by Dune like much of 40K is but if the idea of not trusting computer Dune is a series that I know nothing about I'm so sorry I I haven't gotten into that yet I do know that there's like a movie there's like also an upcoming MMO or game or something I remember seeing something about it during like the game awards of the summer whatever Awards is enough to say they were ripoff then I'm sorry to tell you this but your grandparents are also probably ripping off of Dune their mannerisms and attitudes are from what I can tell not only fairly original but something that embodies not only Humanity in the setting but also 40K as a whole very well very Grim very dark and most of all very very weird but how about instead of just going on about how I like them right away I get into their history a bit more let's get past my own bias just a little bit and see if the Cog boys aren't the Army for you and even if they're not you get to listen to the mechanicus soundtrack for this video that's always a good time before we the mechanicus soundtrack is incredible and what I remember from bicky's video on the mechanicus from like a tabletop perspective they were kind of a a strange is army they had their own weird play style they do pretty good I think they like hit on threes or twos or something like that so they're they're pretty accurate but it's just a different play Style again I'd like to ask you something do you want to cook and eat delicious nutritious food but sometimes you just don't have the time to make it if you're anything like roughly 100% of the people I know in my life the answer to that is yes in which case you'd best listen up because this video was sponsored by hello fresh time of year holid back to student the finals just around the cor a good thing that with hellofresh recipes they're ready to go in 30 minutes or L with whatever's going on in your life be it holiday shopping and preparation or a Mad Dash to get all your classes in order for finals it's quick as can be to get yourself a hell fresh meal cooked right up they've even got step-by-step instructions which is something I cannot emphasize enough level with you here I'm the kind of guy who could set cereal on fire I'm not the best used of you'll have no problem figures makes easy for you E help that's what aside from the fact that they're all good food regardless of what I op ring from vegetarian pescarian as well as F customize as well which Super convenient means you can achieve Peak Fitness with exactly the kind of food you want protein to a vegetarian meal absolute mad hellofresh supports it every step of the way and before you start thinking just for Dinn it's not everything from breakfast to snacks to planned out for you and you don't even have to look atore any time in the process your entire day eating fresh if that's not convenient I don't know what is before I go raid my fridge because the sponsorship has made me hungry if you click on the handy link located in both the pin com and desp the cheeses laak you get 70% off your first order but free shipping as well I know this is an absolute steal start eating better and easier with hellofresh today now then let's get technical get it see what I did there all right fine I'll get on with the video to understand the mechanicus we must first go back in time many Millennia before the year 4,000 the future God emperor of mankind locked a dragon inside of Mars moving on from that surely unimportant plot point during Humanity's golden age now known as the Dark Age of Technology mankind had not only colonized Mars but terraformed it as well like in pretty much every science fiction story then things radically wrong starting when the men of iron AI servants mankind had rebelled and Mars went back to being in a radiated [ __ ] hole all that was happen underr facilities and airtight domes starvation and other problems rapidly set in and it was up to whatever technicians that survived to keep Mars from becoming completely uninhabitable over time Martian culture changed because of all of this technology became an object of worship and those who with a know how to work it became its priests this religion also manifested the belief of an all- knowing god of Technology creatively known as the machine God he likes order technology and replacing genitals with USB ports and or sticks eventually the god Emperor came Anakin and he was worshiped as an aspect of the machine God that was known as the omnis siah the omnissiah is also sometimes just what they call him the machine God and sometimes he's something else entirely and also a lot of the tech priests don't actually believe the emperor is the omnissiah but just roll with it to haveo any problems this vagueness of what their belief truly is is something they'll to soon see as a running theme with the mechanicus or should I say mechanicum because they weren't the mechanic is quite yet but I'll get to that later for now its influence spread across mankind with the great Crusade and as the Emperor's realm spread so too did the mechanicons knowing that he h there is that point where I think there are some mechanicus who have joined chaos as well uh actually I think you get to fight them if you buy the the DLC for mechanicus called heretic fitting name but that's probably that distinction there right they used to be mechanicum but now they call themselves mechanus because they didn't join the chaos factions been a while since I saw ltin 09's video on the mechanicus so bit hazy here needed the tech priest to help run his Empire he gave them a special exemption from the no religion rule that he created this kept them happy enough and they gave him the industry that he needed then the Horus heresy broke out and half the mechanicum turned to chaos alongside the Space Marine Legions in the Army Mars was actually the center of a civil war that had fighting almost as Fierce as was onara when Horus invaded it but unfortunately that didn't really involve any Primark so it obviously only deserved 12th of the attention Terra got daddy issues are clearly more interesting than science fiction robot priest stoking it out on a Mad Max planet after the Horus heresy and eventual disappearance of all the primar two important things regarding the mechanicum happened one is this a screenshot from um Gladius relics of war is that the name of that game I do own it but I don't have any of the DLC for which seems to contain most of the content or maybe it's that weird tacticus mobile game hope not they at all of the other scientific organizations in the Imperium there were a few kicking around beforehand though of course not as influential as the mechanicum and they were swiftly absorbed into it and made to follow its doctrines two it became the Adept as mechanicus we know and love today it did so for reasons largely bureaucratic in nature as the mechanicum it was technically a client Empire of the Imperium as a whole but with the Imperial governance growing larger and larger and the ecclesi ARA gaining more and more power as worship of the emperor exploded across Humanity they wanted a way to put them on a More Level Playing Field with the rest of the imperium's organizations and as technical Outsiders they wouldn't be able to do nearly what they could do as an official adeptus organization the mechanicum also faced bit of a loyalty conal operating under the system the various vassals the mechanicum itself had weren't sure if they were supposed to be loyal to the mechanicum directly or the larger Imperium first becoming an official adeptus organization resolved both issues now they are a part of the Imperium of man officially so no need to worry about loyalty problems or other politicians doing some [ __ ] that they couldn't deal with technical status as foreigners between this meaning that other Imperial politicians in turn had more direct say in mechanicus Affairs and the mechanicum Ambassador marching a Titan into the Imperial Senate chambers to help negotiate iations proceed the rest of the Imperial Senate was quick to go along with this as well we finally have the adeptus mechanicus proper as it would come to be known also holy [ __ ] how big is the Imperial Senate that you can fit a Titan in their meeting room as for the rest of their history the mechanicus is one simple overarching goal to find and understand technology that has been lost to humanity and boys there a lot of it to find Humanity's scientific prowess was both incredible and widespread across the Galaxy so the mechanicus regularly sends fleets across space to find what mankind is lost they also there was something fun I guess fun you could say from a reader perspective but definitely not for them that I learned from the comment section apparently the mechanicus are kind of scared of any new technological advancement because of how easy it is to accidentally potentially end up summoning Demons of the war by like say if a circuit board happens to create a particular pattern that ends up spelling out something that summons demons it's it's not a good time in the 40K Universe which is why yeah they kind of just stick to their knowledge that they know while also having a little bit of like a few people who are very curious as to like what kind of xenos Technology they could use and adapt into their own we see this split a lot in mechanicus well a lot it's kind of the core mechanic of the game where you either destroy all the xenos technology or you Salvage it and research it preserve what remains and make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands sometimes this means defending a fordold from chaos or Orcs until they're dying breath sometimes this means skipping out and giving a guard regiment the equipment they need because you're a greedy bastard and safeguarding ancient relics is a good excuse to have inventing new stuff is not really officially supported but that just means you have to get creative with it no Mr fabricator General I didn't invent this piece of technology I found it in this laboratory pay no attention to the fact that it's a lab that I just built I can assure you you this is ancient technology granted if you're that BL with it you're probably going to get lobotomized but it's that kind of thing individual Tech priests do to avoid getting in trouble and some of the higher ups are willing to allow this to different degrees as long as you're creative with your justifications or just throw it in a dirt pile for a couple months so it looks really old you know whatever works traing AI is something that's usually never allowed though that doesn't stop some tech from still getting away with it call but usually that gets the insta killed if you found out Humanity already had one AI rebellion in this setting no one wants another one they're the only people around in the Imperium if you want pretty much anything made from weapons of war to more mundane things like Transportation the mechanicus builds at all they don't have a monopoly on technology they have a monopoly in pretty much everything for example maybe they'll subcontract out the shipping to someone else but the mechanicus is the one who builds the truck the shipping company uses if they don't do that they make the parts that the company who builds the truck uses or they maintain the merchant vessels that ship the materials B this gives them not only massive sway in Imperial politics but it means that their worlds can survive on their own if caught off from the pyramid large for at least some amount of time it also means that people like inquisitors and commissars have to be a lot more careful when dealing with the mechanicus if you accuse a locu magos of being a heretic there's pretty decent that the nearest Imperial Guard regimen is going to be losing out on a few shipments of weapons if you're a bit too eager in your accusation they're not withholding equipment from you it's just production errors they'll likely tell you can't be helped for this reason the mechanic is as largely independent in police as itself sure inquisitors will still get involved but they've got to be a lot more polite about it than with other organizations being an Inquisitor tough you can't just go around being an [ __ ] even though well the depictions of inquisitors that we've seen have kind of been that but I'm sure there's varying spectrums of like good and bad when it comes to inquisitors the rest of their lore can be integrated into their pros and cons so how about I just start with that now like I said at the very beginning the mechanic are very unique as far as 40K goes I love my alar but being honest they're just elves in space sure there's a lot of things that make them stand out but at the end of the day there are a race of aliens that are thin and lanky have pointy ears and and do magic real good not hard to see where the inspiration for them comes from Tech priest meanwhile are pretty unique with their worship of technology and almost fetishistic level with which they tear their own organs out to replace with RGB gaming keyboards and water coolers so if you want your army to stand out you can't go wrong with they've also got some of the best technology the setting by far in terms of who's got better Tech than them only the nekron's completely outclass them technically the leagues of oton do now as well but something to take note that both the vuon and the mechanicus both dra from the same source that being equipment from the Dark Age of techn sure the Von have much more wi access to it but the mechanic doubtlessly have some of their own equivalent stored away I basically know nothing about the what did he call them the oton I think there's space dwarves and they're kind of all like clones of certain subset or maybe they're like walking cyborgs kind ofish I just remember these details from like one or two comments from the first time I reacted to Ricky's video and all the factions explained maybe I should check out a lore video covering these guys if there is any somewhere the towel might have better stuff for the average person but the higher end mechanic of stuff would blow away a tow equivalent lar Tech is hard to compare because it's more magic than Tech but the mechanicus can to some extent replicate what the Eldar can do that being said the lar do generally outclass the mechanica still what it may be the mechanic's video but I'm an lar Fanboy what do you want from me something I really appreciate about the mechanic is as well is that they really showcase just how bizarre and downright awful Humanity the setting is people tend to forget that in 40K mankind is supposed to be no better than anyone else including GW itself when they put out artwork that makes Gilman Jesus the Adept is mechanicus though just look at call can you even call him human anymore and while I might be drawing a bit for this point from what I saw on a Mandalore gaming video look at mechanic ship from the Deathwing video game it's powered in part by a human being stra to an engine that's also got two other human beings connected to it and somehow I doubt they're feeling very good about their position in life right about now they don't give a damn about their work workers and they regularly mess with the emotional centers of their brain to be quote unquote morical their mindset is so detach from not only our own morals but that of other Imperials that they're in many ways just as alien as an Eldar or a necron sometimes more so they rabidly throw away their Humanity to become one with technology they regularly the bottom eyes people because it makes for slightly more efficient workforces and if there's even the chance of finding some archotech from the Golden Age they don't care how many people they got to kill to get it if you want a reminder that in 40K humanity is strange and very much not the good guys of the setting then the mechanicus are perfect for you with that being said you can flush your Cog Army to be as good as 40K morals allow Tech priests can be motivated by genuinely altruistic desires namely that of rebuilding Mankind's technological and Industrial base to what it once was it's still Warhammer and Tech Reese regularly screw each other with politicking if it suits them to say nothing of how they treat other Imperials that don't have a gaming laptop jammed into their brain but that just means that your army can be as good or evil as you want it to be again you know by 40K standards to go I remember this concept being covered in ltin 9's video they're not like know hating the human form I mean the flesh is weak but that I I forget the full quote I know that there's more to that and it kind of changes the meaning when it's provided with that context but I I remember that a lot of their augmentations at first came from necessity with their harsh living environment and like everything going to to absolute [ __ ] over in the world so they had to like survive underground and fight and all that and so this has kind of become a part of their culture I suppose they found a way to make it work and some people are good some people are bad that's just how it is bit more into their Dogma you also have a huge amount of wiggle room for how exactly you want your mechanic's Army to view technology itself they worship it and believe it to be divine that much is said in stone but even within Canada itself the specifics are often vague and left open to interpretation for example machine Spirits these are what the Imperium calls AI and they're in pretty much every piece of technology of course are machine Spirits actual artificial intelligence with sapience and personalities and such or are they merely the fragmented and corrupted remains of AI or are they not even real and the procedures to please them are just the normal maintenance protocols we would have in the real world they just give you more change your car's oil or run an antivirus software just incense being added at every step or or our machine Spirits actual spirits who demand proper praise and adoration otherwise your gun is going to misfire at the worst possible moment and your ban blade is going to go berserk he didn't rub its joystick in just the way it likes it each of these possibilities are equally fair game for building your army and all have their own appeals for how you want to view the 40K Universe likewise you can have an army run by Magus that fully believe the emperor is an aspect of the machine God or once that denies such things and only go along with it to avoid the imperium's Wrath all of these and more are all possible options for how you want to Homebrew your mechanicus army they also have diverse mentalities and beliefs to a point which I will get into in the con section the video game mechanicus is a perfect Showcase of this one Tech priest is fanatical about following the mechanic is his Creeds believing that alien technology truly is evil and that the necron should be destroyed entirely another is fanatical in the complete opposite direction he thinks that nekron Tech should be studied and replicated at all cost to advance humanity and the mechanicus as power both of them are at different times shown to be in the right and the wrong so fluffing your Army in either direction or somewhere in the middle is perfectly valid either way another positive to take note of is the survivability of the mechanicus without the tech priest the Imperium cannot survive it would lose access to pretty much all of its material resources Beyond Manpower from the Imperial Guard you take away its usefulness throwing countless bodies at the tyranid without giving them guns is a great way to feed a High Flea the Imperial Navy would waste away into nothingness and even the Space Marines would find it hard to keep their stuff going except for the salamanders I guess but that's one chapter that would have no problem surviving out of a thousand the mechanicus meanwhile might be able to survive I wonder why the salamanders can just survive without the the tech I guess maybe they make their own Tech cuz I know they mostly use like flamethrowers and well anything heat related independently for the most part they probably wouldn't be able to call upon the guard and Marines to Aid them in battle anymore but they can make all the fancy toys and whatnot to keep themselves safe for at least some amount of time they're also numerically strong enough to endure some pretty severe losses while being tough enough to be able to rely upon more than just numbers in a fight so if you want a faction that's in zero danger of dying out you want the mechanicus this also gives them a lot of sway within the Imperium itself as I've mentioned before no one wants to piss them off any more than necessary because without them you're not getting any weapons this gives them a huge amount of leeway that no one else really has not even the head Priests of the Imperium when you can take your ball and go home at any point you want people will put up with your [ __ ] a bit longer than usual their models are also gorgeous they're a newer Edition as far as Standalone armies goes this does make sense they not only good but distinct on the tabletop and once again they really drive home that feeling that Humanity in 40K is fundamentally screwed up beyond belief look at this model and tell me a morally stable society would ever allow this thing to be created let alone that this would be considered an ideal state of being for a human but I their models are good and that's really all I have to say in the matter for now there's another loaded statement for you to ponder over for the next few minutes oh one last thing they're also all plastic that benefit alone makes them worth collecting more than some other armies no resin for you if you go with the Mech heads hell yeah now time for tabletop positives first off the mechanicus are very mobile most of their army has either an 8 in or 12-in movement which makes sense when you think about how they cut off their legs and replace with motor driven Pistons there's not a single skari who's got to slow down because he's got a cramp in his leg and that's not even counting all the with the fly keyword that'll just zoom around the battlefield at will they're also incredibly flexible as an army I say they lean a bit more towards the shooty end of things and the stabby end but you can always surprise your enemy by tossing some Saran at him or F Gite Electro priest aside from that name being awesome they hit pretty damn hard in melee of course ranged is still their strong suit and while they only deal one damage a pop at strength four and hitting on three UPS your Basics skari Ranger is going to be hitting more often than not as well as pretty reliably wounding anything weaker than a Space Marine if you want to lean into the monster side of things throw Castell and robots Into The Fray they aren't as tough as some other enemy monstrous units but they're certainly tougher than most basic infantry combined that with the fact that they can fire in melee combat now due to being monstrous units and they can really put the Herd on while taking a reasonable amount of damage in return plus if you roll a six they explode when they go down so that can always be a nice final middle finger whoever took them out canal and imperatives both help out in this department as well as well as being just some plain old Nifty Buffs canacol affect pretty much every unit there is in as skari while Doctrine imperatives only helps skari each can does this mean that on the tabletop the can operate in pretty much the same way as they would in mechanicus cuz right now I'm imagining something similar to like the protocols for the necrons but for the Imperium of man kind of form maybe you'd be able to use them like once per battle only be used for a single battle round but they go into effect instantly even if the opponent is going first which both helps the flexibility of the mechanicus as well as allows for some surprise tricks that can throw the opponent's game plan off kilter Canal just give straight up Buffs while the imperatives also give a debuff to counteract the buff but to be honest with you the debuff really isn't worth worrying about in most instances for instance the ballar imperative makes a unit move 3 in slower but Buffs their armor save by one if they're already in a position to be opening fire though odds are decent that you don't need to be moving them that much so from my point of view this is pretty much just a buff or the one that improves the unit's ability to hit in melee while debuffing their ability to hit a ranged attack I don't think the flying skari doing swords is going to Care much about he just wants to stab lastly pretty much every mechanicus unit has either a five or six plus and vulnerable save because of this they can take a pretty surprising amount of fire before crumbling though there's a flip side of this that you can probably guess at I'll get to later but first the lcons there's two possibilities for the mechanic their collection of Technology both of which suck for different reasons one is that they're genuinely losing more and more Tech as time goes by and are fighting a losing battle that desperately keep Mankind from going full caveman the other is that they're hoarding all the best stuff and allowing everyone but themselves to go full caveman if the former then even the people in the Imperium with the best shot of fixing this mess can't do anything about it if the L then the entire organization is filled with with selfish [ __ ] that can comprehend the idea of sharing something even if it would help everyone in the long run well yes there are instances where the mechanicus is legitimately in the right for hoarding away dangerous or unstable equipment just as frequently they keep stuff for no other reason than to give themselves an advantage over the rest of the Imperium also I said that the tech priest are diverse and wants and needs up to a point I'm going to describe a tech priest's character to you see if you can guess who it is it thinks that mankind is primitive compared to what it once was and that the imperium's tech is woefully inadequate it will do whatever it needs to in order to acquire lost technology it worships machines and it's generally very robotic in nature even when it does feel emotions can you name the tech priest I'm talking about probably because I just described all of them I just want a single Tech priest that breaks this mold just a little bit because I fear I might not be clear enough on what I want let me just be as blatent as possible I want rud V stroheim the tech PR come on tell me that wouldn't be a sight to see imagine some Guardsman and Tower are on a planet fighting over the latest sphere expansion things are tense and the tower poised to take over with their Advanced weaponry and whatnot all of a sudden some mechanic is add up comes flying onto the battlefield from orbit screaming about how Imperial science is the finest in the Galaxy oh man I'd love to see that salute to Von straw man he was a real one or he starts hip thrusting at the enemy and a Bolter embedded in his chest rips the tow to Pieces tell me that wouldn't be the best goddamn thing to happen to the mechanicus unfortunately very likely to happen because aside from Little quirks or views on things like AI each Tech priest may have they're overarching goals and ideologies are pretty much carbon copies of one another they're also really the protagonist of a story this has changed more and more lately such as with games like mechanicus or call Reviving gilan but a tech ree is generally relegated to The Supporting Cast so as much as the cyborg monks are kickass they don't often get the spotlight in the setting even with call his shining accomplishments have been working on a project alongside Gillman or bringing the blueberry bastard back to life on a Sim h i mean you can kind of see them as the role of like I guess the blacksmith essentially the one who equips the hero with the weapons that they need but it is a breath of fresh air when those people get to shine as well similar note mechanicus might not be in charge of Technology like even remotely remember that Dragon I said the emperor locked away in Mars yeah it's a Katon or at least a big Shard of one the void Dragon specifically the one who controls machines located on the capital planet of the faction that is obsessed with machines and lost technology if that theory is true was still really just a theory and he gets out of his angry at mechanicus they can guess all their fancy equipment goodbye in fact he might be machine god/ omnis in Disguise the L on this isn't 100% certain just to be totally in the clear but it's a distinct possibility given that the nekron have launched suicide attacks on Mars in the past to get it something under the planet also oh ooh I didn't know about that part with the the necrons all I know was that The Shard had a pretty big impact on the Cults that formed during that time where they had to live underground and were at war with each other which all kind of developed veled into their belief in the AL Messiah and the Machine spirits and whatnot on the topic of the machine God as well as other things like machine Spirits it might not exists there's been pretty much no lore in it doing anything unlike any other Godlike being in the setting even the TOA have that greater good spirit thing kicking around but the machine God hasn't done jack [ __ ] the same thing goes for the vagueness the mechanicus has with spirits and whether or not they're actually ai ai fragments or straight up just spirits on the one hand this does create room for some really interesting debate and interpretations of the lore something like the machine God actually being sum unbelievably powerful AI computer out there that would make voton look pathetic on the other hand if you like having some actual clear-cut answers for your lore then you won't get any here and it also raises the possibility that the mechanicus are the only faction in 40K who are entirely incorrect in their spiritual beliefs which would be lame as hell also if their God is actually just a nekron God that would make them more Hammer 40k is equivalent of pronia and I would have a [ __ ] stroke what else do I have Fus keeps dunking on patonia I need to know why he does I think he does have a video on bratonia is something like why it's like the worst faction or whatever so I'll I'll check it out when I can I need to know he just reference this so much probably just nitpicking at this point oh yeah I kind of wish that there'd be more of an emphasis on human looking mechanic as adepts theoretically you could get your augmentations to be damn near indistinguishable from normal human features and Tech priests generally don't start off their careers completely covered in metal tentacles but all we ever really see in lore are ones at the end of the process where they're more machine than man it'd be really interesting to see a follow over the machine got at the other end of the spectrum at the I've seen plenty of fan art of mechanic who are uh more human although patrias probably can't show any of that on YouTube start of their career as a tech priest the holy human form is something that 40K mankind is obsessed with but the Cog boys wipe their ass with that notion evidently all right tabletop cons what have we got here first off all of that flexibility and potential Buffs that they have comes with a downside in that the mechanicus is comp licated as [ __ ] to play fitting all things told given that they're machine people but still very complicated nonetheless you will have to keep track of an absolute mountain of keywords Buffs and unit statistics to make the most out of this Army it kind of reminds me of the Eldar except instead of getting punished for misplacing a unit you get punished because you didn't memorize an entire AP US History exams worth of rules be sure to look at the rules thoroughly for this Army because you might just straight up not know that you can do something or missing out a buff if you don't those yeah there is that part about it like whenever I play games I enjoy the gameplay of it rather than like the complex nature of like high skill cap units I guess I don't know if I explained that correctly I I'm going to go back to League of Legends terms cuz like there was a time in my life where I played that game way too much thank goodness I don't anymore but I enjoyed playing tanks with simple rule sets that were able to do complex things the more you knew about like just the game plan and map awareness and strategy and whatnot versus like the heavy heavy mechanic Champions where you could do a lot of an animation cancelling and as long as you completely understood the champion and the enemy champion in and out then you'd be able to like win pretty much any fight I feel like the mechanicus are more of that second thing rather than the first more simple thing I still really like their aesthetic I'd probably go for gry Knight still though although I think think they're they're not doing too well on the tabletop I don't remember where I heard that from but I I think that's what's going onal and Doctrine as being a once per game use also limits their effectiveness beyond the obvious drawback of you can only do each of them once you need to make sure you time it right otherwise you might find out that you could have absolutely clowned on your opponent if you just waited to turn or used them a turn earlier and now you're C your pants down you don't need to use either of them on any given turn but that can still give you the problem of missing a major opportunity that you'll never get again giving the remaining scari of a unit plus one under their armor save doesn't really do much when there's only two of them left standing speaking of saves remember how they all have an invulnerable one this is because with few exceptions this Army has absolutely no staying power apart from that save scari for instance are all toughness three so that invulnerable save isn't something that makes them broken it's what they need to not get gunned down by every weapon in the game stronger than a l gun similarly their leadership is bad morale is actually something you need to worry about with the mechanicus especially given their low toughness and if you don't have the CP or right units to buff this problem away you might find your battle line disintegrating after just a few hits you might say that the Imperial Guard or other armies also have this problem and to be fair that's true but the guard are a true horde Army aside from their tanks the mechanicus Can field an appreciable amount of models on the battlefield but not enough like a proper hord Army where you can lose 20 models in a single turn and be able to confidently say that this doesn't affect your game plan in the slightest now this one is a big one no psychers or psychic defense the only real option you have is if you use Forge old gr's Ru set for your army and that requires both a command Point spend and rolling above a for and nullify the psychic power otherwise you have two options you need to take Allied Imperium psycher models or you just need to try and kill any psychers before they can cast anything crucial and depending on who you're up against that may or may not be possible Magnus isn't just going to lay down and let you table him on turn two this is related to two other problems first one being if you take allies you don't get things like the T you don't get any canical even if you take Knights of the Cog which are imperial Knights allowed to benefit from mechanicus Buffs you don't get canical which is a damn shame because they're very helpful the second and much worse problem is that the mechanic is struggle with causing mortal wounds now on many units if you roll a six you're going to cause mortal wounds for days but let me ask you do you really want to rely on rolling a six to carry the day for you that is asking to be let down I don't care I don't know what Mortal wounds are maybe that's like oh this unit is just out of the battle but I guess on the other point like if you field allies you can't use A Canticle that's maybe because they don't like believe in the omiah and so the cacal just don't apply I think it would be nice if it like applied to at least your mechanicus units and maybe not your ally units but they can still do their own thing right but then again maybe this video is just old and uh whatever new R set that's come out I think 10th edition right maybe change some things around but I don't think the mechanicus were really a meta Army I I've never heard any mention of them on the tabletop how many command points you blow on rolls how many dice you roll if you rely on rolling a six you aren't getting one second to last problem with the mechanicus is one that's as predictable as the sun rising in the morning and that's the problem with money well if you double down on cast ones and other vehicles and transports they won't be the worst if you want a varied Andor competitive Army then you'll be shelling out some cash the last problem is entirely to do with their models could you do me a favor and look at call again for a moment tell me where to even begin to start painting this Abomination you know what where do we even start assembling him if your heart set on collecting and playing the mechanicus I'd say that the biggest downside more than anything in the rules as you're going to be assembling and painting so many fiddly bits and Tiny details it looks cool it's very intricate very Advanced but as somebody who's not skilled in art I don't know how I'm going to do this the end product would look hella cool though to like put on your shelf or display anywhere but yeah just to get there that's a journey it's just God even if the assembling isn't that bad painting Basics qari alone is a nightmare you've got your nice flat robe to paint and then congratulations have fun differentiating 50 different varieties of tube someone really needs to tell games work ex sh designers that when creating a model sometimes less is more so there's the mechanic's basics for you if you enjoy fornicating with electrical sockets and being a greedy hoarder there's no better Army for you thank you as always to my wonderful channel members you are the archotech to my mechanic filling me with Wonder and awe at the power of the Ancients if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there all right let's see what pancreas has in store for us I need to continually remind myself that Among Us was not a thing before the castons were designed games workship did not rip off Among Us there's no such thing as an impostor castellan robot they are most certainly not in my walls why did he have to say it I wasn't even thinking about it until he mentioned it
Channel: The Legit Weebs
Views: 3,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k reaction, warhammer 40k reaction vtuber, warhammer reaction, adeptus mechanicus lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer, pancreasnowork reaction, pancreasnowork, pancreasnowork adeptus mechanicus reaction, vtuber, reaction
Id: tRmYSTOKxos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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