VRChat Unity - How To Go Invisible (Cloaking In VRChat)

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hello this is Pinky and this will be a tutorial on how to make your avatar go invisible now to get started what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our main package here we're going to right click and we are going to hit the 3D object and create a cube now what we're going to actually do is we're going to set this to hold just renaming it and we're going to make sure that the scale is zero zero zero and we're going to remove the Box collider from it but keep the mesh renderer this will be very important and I'll explain why later now our next step here will be to create the actual animations so what we're going to do is we're going to go to our Avatar we're going to find our effects layer right here you can find it by clicking it will highlight down here and we are going to drag this FX layer into our controller up here now after this is done if you select your avatar and go to the animation tab then you will now see that you have access to all your animations that are linked with this layer now what we're going to do is we're going to go to bottom and do create new clip and we're going to call this exclamation mark and off meaning that the invisibility will be off meaning the Avatar will be showing so now what we're going to do is we're going to hit record and we're going to make sure that we double tap this for each of them so that it registers each of them as on or otherwise that the invisibility mode is off so after doing this to all of our different meshes as you can see they will be registered down here now if you do not have meshes like here and instead they're in the Armature you will have to open this up and find them I do that you can do the exact same process now the next step will be hitting stop on record and what we're going to do is we're going to highlight these and we're going to hit Ctrl C to copy and then we're going to open this up we're going to scroll down we are going to create a new one and we're going to call this exclamation mark in on and then we're just going to hit Ctrl V to paste them and then we're just going to uncheck each of them so this means that the invisibility is on meaning that it turns off the render on all these making you invisible now the next step will be the parameters so we're going to head over to our main Avatar go to our descriptor and if we see down here parameters we're going to click on it and it will open up this parameter list now we're going to hit add we're going to make sure that it is set to a Boolean and we are going to name it inv and we're going to make sure the default state is off and that we have this as save now if we go over to the animator we're going to do the exact same thing we're going to head over to the parameters make sure that you're selecting your avatar and if you go to animator this will show up so now we hit this plus button we hit Bull and we're going to call this inv and as you can see it is now down here now we're going to go to the layers we're going to create a new layer I'm going to name this infe I and v as well for invisibility we're going to set the weight to one so this animation actually works and now what we're going to do is we're going to create a state we're going to make it an empty and we're going to call this off meaning that it will not we will be visible on default so we're going to go over here click this little button here and as you can see invis off we're going to double tap to select that now we're going to create a new state and empty we're going to turn this and Pull It On and now we're going to click this and make sure we have in on we're going to make a transition here and a transition to the exit State and now what we're going to do for here is we are going to create a condition and we're going to scroll down to inv and we're going to make it so it's true so when the bull invident is on meaning that we want to go invisible it will go to this state and then we're going to create another one and we're going to make it so that when if is false it will go to this state back here now I'm just going to quickly remove my exit time and what not to make this animation instant so it's an instant click invisibility now that that is done we are going to click here and we are going to scroll to our menu here double click we're just going to create a new control I'm going to call this in and then I'm going to make sure it's a toggle I'm going to click on parameter in full and after that is done if we get our gesture manager emulator and we select it and then we enter play mode as you can see our Avatar will load up we will go to our scene and if we go to expressions and in and click it our Avatar completely disappears and if we click it again we will reappear now you may have noticed that I added this from earlier and the reason that this is here is there is a bug in unity 2019.4 that if all mesh renders on your avatar are turned off your avatar will not reload for other players in the world it may reload for you but not other people so that is why we have this hold object here with a single mesh render that is a zero size so it's not actually conflicting with your avatar and this will allow it so that when you re-toggle it will actually turn on all the renders again so others will be able to see you I will actually show an example of this uh next over uh this part is done but anyways I'm going to hop into the VR chat to show that and now as you can see in game when I go over to our invis toggle and I click invis I now disappear now this also shows for both of them as you can see and if I toggle it again I reappear and now this is an example without the box that I showed you originally now if I click invis I will turn off on their screens but if I click it again you can see that I no longer register on their screens they can't see me the only way that they can see me is if I go over and reset my avatar so the reason that we added that box in the beginning was for the mesh render and now as you can see if I go over to the body and I do the hold invis that I created and I click the invis and then I click it again you can now see that I have successfully cloaked and decloged on their screens anyways this has been pinky thank you very much for watching and credit to frostwall and Mr boy the great for helping me with this video thank you very much have a good rest of your day pick you gone
Channel: PxINKY
Views: 11,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9wQnmhpojsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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