Vox Style Newspaper Animation Customizable | After Effects

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hello everyone today we are going to build this school newspaper animation which is perfect for documentary video news video or facts video my name is Nares and let's Build Together the school newspaper animation let's start so this basically this animation which we are going to create it has all subtle information see you can see like newspaper like engraving and the texture rough edges and the uh like the ink has spread so this kind of subtle information which makes this animation really cool and perfect so which are the assets you will need for this animation first is this uh paper texture which you can download from any free site like pixel or pixabay and then the two or three images basically two images that you are going to use as a newspaper image but that you can download from any free site or you can use your own uh images which you intend to make as a newspaper animation so you can use your own so these are the things so we will start the project by creating new composition we will call it template having this custom size 4,000 by 4,000 pixel 30 frame per second and make it for the 10 second keep the background white so that when we switch up the transparency it will don't it will not turn black all right now we are going to add some text so select your text create this blocks copy the text you want to paste so we have copy pasted this text now we will you can change the F you can change the font whatever you like I'm changing it to aial and I'm keeping it aial bold change the font size I'm keeping around it to 78 or something so change the fun size this is the box and the other thing you can from here and another important thing is just make it aligned as a justify all click on this icon justify all so the text become like a newspaper and you can adjust this pages so this is my one main box that I am putting here newspaper so this is the one box and similarly you can so duplicate this layer controll D or alter D in case of mac and just drag and draw and just adjust this two box again making another copy just for the demonstration purpose adjust it size click on a text and you can adjust the size click on text and you can can adjust the size and you can put it in like like a newspaper all right so now we have now this uh newspaper like text now we will create another heading so here we will create another heading let's call it newspaper increase the size change font to uh some newspaper style font you can use newspaper style font I have downloaded this uh font and I'm using this newspaper style font okay let us write another text here this will be pleas change to Hela all right so we have this text here now let us give some uh look like now let us give this uh news like this look so select your pan tool and you shouldn't be selecting any layer without selecting any layer click on pan Tool uh this remember this field should be no fill uh you can change it from here click on this and you can change it from here it should be no no fill this option should be selected no fill and strock size would be uh strock color would be black so change it to 0 0 0 black and change this to 10 10 pixel and I will be creating two line one is here and one dot is here so I have created this line all right so this is a black line and you can just duplicate this line command D or control D and just drag this line below so now you have a two line you can zoom it to make it more perfect okay so we have this perfect to line and in between line we are going to write the basic newspaper information so again again select the text tool and type Capital volume keep it here volume one and you can duplicate this and can put in the middle select the text and write the newspaper can align your text if it is not open then go to Windows click on align so this will open align it horizontally so it will come in the middle of the uh these two line now again select this again select this and let's duplicate it and [Music] and let us write the price let's make another decorative line here here and here let's uh change its color to Yellow let's change size to right so look nice all right so we have now text we have this nice newspaper template now now what is remaining we have to add our images so let's do that so first time so let's now add image es okay so I have this image so now let's scale it hit s and it will open the scaling you can enlarge it place it here let's take back to the down so enlarge it it would be very difficult to adjust this image here so what I will do I will create this as a precompose label it as image image click okay and then uh by selecting this image pre composition click on this rectangle tool masking tool select mask rectangle mask and select the area where you want to so create this is a rectangle where you want to create exactly the exact place where you want to create so it will mask the rest of the area and keep only that area all right so that's beautiful done so now we have our image now we want another image let's put it at the last It's s scale this image scale this image keep it here that's good all right let's precompose it similarly the way just like we did last time let's call it image let's call it image two again select that image select rectangle tool rectangle mask click on this and done so we have created another image image placeholder so we have now this our template ready let's create another composition and label it as a main or render and let's change this to HD 30 frame rate let's CH to 30 uh frames per second HD and for 10 second click okay let's bring our template here right so we have this newspaper template here okay but it does not have like this uh newspaper kind of filling and it just look like it is copy pasted over the paper let's bring our paper texture so this is our paper texture it just look like we have copy pasted it over some paper so let's have that filling of newspaper like it is engraved on the newspaper so what we can do you can just change the mode to linear burn if it is not visible here then you can just toggle the switches and it will appear so we have this normal mode and you can change it to linear burn but if you closely observe this texture it does not have any newspaper kind of fing select the template hit T and reduce the opacity to something around like uh 60% or 65% okay okay another important thing you you can do it here uh you can change the texture of this uh newspaper so just select the effect C color correction C and just make the s like it is coming through the the texture is coming through the image so you can change it little bit all right but this uh text is very clear and it does not have any ruon edges so what we can do here just select the goian buer and change it to 7 to8 I'm changing it to 7.2 something BL then select another effect that is known as the ruon edges styliz ruon edges all right so select this ruen edges select this two Rusty and change this little bit uh to eight or 8 point or something uh change this complexity to two uh change this scale to minimum value 10 and just try to manipulate it and see how it is looking so 10 to 25 so it is perfect now it is having more like a roughy age kind of filling and age sharpness you can change it to something like 1.2 or something so now we have more uh feeling of like a newspaper kind of feeling so okay good so it is looking cool now all right so now we have this newspaper template and now we want to animate it so let's animate it so select new camera and select the 35 mm camera and click okay so we have created camera and I convert this to 3D layers and just uh hit now transform this camera select point of Interest position and hit C on the keyboard so it will open the camera settings uh basically from here you can change uh you can orbit around uh this is panning tool and this one can zoom so this is how you can do like this and this will move it here and this will zoom in or zoom out so this is the kind of all right so I have set it uh like this and again uh go back to a frame like uh 4 second or 6 second you can also check it from here it's a five 5 Second so move to 5 second or so and again I just bring back this uh this this this sort of thing again ring it to 7 seconds or so then again change all right so we have animated our uh newspaper now let us uh give some depth so what we can do just go to camera options dtop field on and we can change this uh Focus distance so just uh mess with it Focus distance it's good and just change this aperature all right so no this is not good this is good separator all right now now animate this Focus distance so let's bring it here change the focus all right guys so we have set our animation you can tweak around all the settings from here point of Interest position specifically Focus distance and aperture so that you can get this nice uh blurry kind of background and uh the focus change as is it's animated so you can change it or you can just refer it to the project file and you can set it another important thing is select the this uh layers hit U so it will uh show you all the key frames select all the layer hit U on the keyboard so it will shows you all the key frame now select all the key frames and hit F9 so it will just do the easy I I already Chang it to easy is that's why it is not changing but you must change it to easy is then go to your uh this graph editor uh just like select all the key frame and drag it similarly here also this nice animation while selecting this graph editor make sure that it is if it is not so then make sure that you are in edit speed graph close this all right so two final thing I want to demonstrate here one is this uh cool text highlighting effect that you can insert using the pen tool and trim path if effect and second thing is that instead of image you can also use the video so let's first uh this highlight effect so choose the point where you want to highlight uh here then go to your template and exactly at this point uh you can just highlight this using your pen tool and uh after that you can add uh from here you can add trim paths and after adding trim path you can animate the trim path the point uh the point where you want to highlight it so select that point uh click on this animation path stopwatch icon start and end make it both zero and select the point where you want to end this highlight and again change the value to 100% so this will be highlighted so this is getting highlighted another thing is you can replace this image uh with the video so let us replace our uh image one so open image one template and select your project file and would be replacing this with the can scale it all right go to render all right so now it is now we are having this video file and you can also animate your text using their presets animation for the text uh these are the presets text animation that you can use rather than putting simply simple text you can animate them so that also you can do it all right so that's all for today's tutorial thanks for watching and consider subscribing if it has really added some values bye-bye see you in the next Studio really very soon
Channel: TechSetCut
Views: 3,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make video effects, after affects tutorial, adobe after effects, video effects, Adobe, CUSTOMIZABLE Newspaper Animation, Newspaper animation effect, Newspaper animation template, VOX, Vox style animation, Vox animation newspaper highlight, Highlight effect, how to create vox animation, animation, newspaper, newspaper animation, newspaper animation effect, vox style newspaper animation, spinning newspaper effect, how to create @vox style newspaper animation, text animation
Id: _FsiPksGLjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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